Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2019 ThoughtWorks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.thoughtworks.go.config; import com.thoughtworks.go.config.exceptions.BadRequestException; import com.thoughtworks.go.domain.BaseCollection; import com.thoughtworks.go.domain.ConfigErrors; import com.thoughtworks.go.domain.config.Admin; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.util.*; import; import static com.thoughtworks.go.util.ExceptionUtils.bombIf; import static com.thoughtworks.go.util.ExceptionUtils.bombIfNull; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank; @ConfigTag("roles") @ConfigCollection(Role.class) public class RolesConfig extends BaseCollection<Role> implements Validatable { private final ConfigErrors configErrors = new ConfigErrors(); public RolesConfig() { } public RolesConfig(Collection<Role> roles) { super(roles); } public RolesConfig(Role... roles) { super(roles); } public void validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { if (new HashSet<>(roleNames()).size() != roleNames().size()) { this.configErrors.add("name", "Role names should be unique. Duplicate names found."); } } public ConfigErrors errors() { return configErrors; } public void addError(String fieldName, String message) { configErrors.add(fieldName, message); } public boolean add(CaseInsensitiveString roleName) { return add(new RoleConfig(roleName)); } public boolean remove(Role role) { bombIf(!this.contains(role), "Role '" + CaseInsensitiveString.str(role.getName()) + "' does not exist."); return super.remove(role); } public void removeIfExists(Role role) { super.remove(role); } public List<Role> memberRoles(Admin admin) { List<Role> memberRoles = new ArrayList<>(); for (Role role : this) { if (admin.belongsTo(role)) { memberRoles.add(role); } } return memberRoles; } public boolean isRoleExist(final CaseInsensitiveString role) { for (Role r : this) { if (r.getName().equals(role)) { return true; } } return false; } public Role findByName(final CaseInsensitiveString roleName) { for (Role role : this) { if (role.getName().equals(roleName)) { return role; } } return null; } public <T extends Role> T findByNameAndType(final CaseInsensitiveString roleName, Class<T> cls) { for (Role role : this) { if (role.getName().equals(roleName) && (role.getClass().getCanonicalName().equals(cls.getCanonicalName()))) { return (T) role; } } return null; } public boolean isUniqueRoleName(final CaseInsensitiveString roleName) { return Collections.frequency(roleNames(), roleName) <= 1; } public PluginRoleConfig findPluginRoleByName(CaseInsensitiveString pluginRoleName) { for (PluginRoleConfig pluginRoleConfig : getPluginRoleConfigs()) { if (pluginRoleConfig.getName().equals(pluginRoleName)) { return pluginRoleConfig; } } return null; } public boolean isUserMemberOfRole(final CaseInsensitiveString userName, final CaseInsensitiveString roleName) { Role role = findByName(roleName); bombIfNull(role, String.format("Role \"%s\" does not exist!", roleName)); return role.hasMember(userName); } private List<CaseInsensitiveString> roleNames() { List<CaseInsensitiveString> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Role role : this) { result.add(role.getName()); } return result; } public List<PluginRoleConfig> getPluginRoleConfigs() { return filterRolesBy(PluginRoleConfig.class); } public List<PluginRoleConfig> pluginRoleConfigsFor(String authConfigId) { List<PluginRoleConfig> rolesConfig = new ArrayList<>(); for (Role role : this) { if (role instanceof PluginRoleConfig) { if (((PluginRoleConfig) role).getAuthConfigId().equals(authConfigId)) { rolesConfig.add((PluginRoleConfig) role); } } } return rolesConfig; } public List<RoleConfig> getRoleConfigs() { return filterRolesBy(RoleConfig.class); } public RolesConfig allRoles() { return new RolesConfig(this.toArray(new Role[0])); } public void setRoles(List<Role> roles) { this.clear(); this.addAll(roles); } public List<Role> getRoles() { return this; } private <T> List<T> filterRolesBy(Class<T> type) { List<T> rolesConfig = new ArrayList<>(); for (Role role : this) { if (role.getClass() == type) { rolesConfig.add(type.cast(role)); } } return rolesConfig; } private static Map<String, Class<? extends Role>> ROLE_FILTER_MAP = new LinkedHashMap<>(); static { ROLE_FILTER_MAP.put("gocd", RoleConfig.class); ROLE_FILTER_MAP.put("plugin", PluginRoleConfig.class); } public RolesConfig ofType(String pluginType) { if (isBlank(pluginType)) { return this; } Class<? extends Role> roleClass = ROLE_FILTER_MAP.get(pluginType); if (roleClass == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Bad role type `" + pluginType + "`. Valid values are " + StringUtils.join(ROLE_FILTER_MAP.keySet(), ", ")); } return -> role.getClass().isAssignableFrom(roleClass)) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(RolesConfig::new)); } }