Java tutorial
/***************************************************************************** * This source file is part of SBS (Screen Build System), * * which is a component of Screen Framework * * * * Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Ratouit Thomas * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * * your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser * * General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, or go to * * * *****************************************************************************/ package com.thoratou.exact.processors; import com.thoratou.exact.annotations.ExactExtension; import com.thoratou.exact.annotations.ExactNode; import com.thoratou.exact.annotations.ExactPath; import com.thoratou.exact.exception.ExactException; import com.thoratou.exact.exception.ExactXPathNotSupportedException; import com.thoratou.exact.xpath.XPathParser; import com.thoratou.exact.xpath.ast.XPathPathExpr; import com.thoratou.exact.xpath.ast.XPathStep; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.functors.EqualPredicate; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import; import org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeConstants; import javax.annotation.processing.*; import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.element.Name; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter; import; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; @SupportedAnnotationTypes("com.thoratou.exact.annotations.ExactNode") @SupportedSourceVersion(SourceVersion.RELEASE_7) public class ExactProcessor extends AbstractProcessor { private static Logger logger = CustomLogger.getLogger(); private ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv; public static HashMap<String, TypeElement> classMap = new HashMap<String, TypeElement>(); public static HashMap<Pair<String, String>, ExecutableElement> methodMap = new HashMap<Pair<String, String>, ExecutableElement>(); @Override public synchronized void init(ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv) { this.processingEnv = processingEnv; super.init(processingEnv); } @Override public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) { if (!roundEnv.processingOver()) { try { HashMap<String, ArrayList<Item>> itemMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Item>>(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<ExtensionItem>> extItemMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<ExtensionItem>>(); readAnnotations(roundEnv, itemMap, extItemMap); HashMap<String, List<PathStep>> mergedMap = new HashMap<String, List<PathStep>>(); mergeClassPaths(itemMap, extItemMap, mergedMap); writeSources(mergedMap); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return false; } private void readAnnotations(RoundEnvironment roundEnv, HashMap<String, ArrayList<Item>> itemMap, HashMap<String, ArrayList<ExtensionItem>> extItemMap) throws Exception { //retrieve all classes with @ExactNode annotation for (TypeElement typeElement : ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(ExactNode.class))) { Name qualifiedName = typeElement.getQualifiedName(); String className = qualifiedName.toString();"Exact class : " + className); classMap.put(className, typeElement); for (ExecutableElement methodElement : ElementFilter.methodsIn(typeElement.getEnclosedElements())) { { ExactPath annotation = methodElement.getAnnotation(ExactPath.class); if (annotation != null) { String methodName = methodElement.getSimpleName().toString(); String returnType = methodElement.getReturnType().toString(); String xPathString = annotation.value(); "Exact method : " + methodName + " , " + annotation.value() + " , " + returnType); XPathParser parser = new XPathParser(xPathString); XPathPathExpr xPathPathExpr = parser.parse();"XPath value = " + xPathPathExpr.toString()); Item item = new Item(); item.setxPathPathExpr(xPathPathExpr); item.setMethodName(methodName); item.setReturnType(returnType); if (itemMap.containsKey(className)) { ArrayList<Item> items = itemMap.get(className); items.add(item); } else { ArrayList<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(); items.add(item); itemMap.put(className, items); } methodMap.put(new Pair<String, String>(className, methodName), methodElement); } } { ExactExtension annotation = methodElement.getAnnotation(ExactExtension.class); if (annotation != null) { String methodName = methodElement.getSimpleName().toString(); String returnType = methodElement.getReturnType().toString(); String name =; String element = annotation.element(); String filter = annotation.filter();"Exact extension : " + methodName + " , " + returnType + " , " + name + " , " + element + " , " + filter); XPathParser elementParser = new XPathParser(element); XPathPathExpr elementXPathPathExpr = elementParser.parse();"XPath element = " + elementXPathPathExpr.toString()); XPathParser filterParser = new XPathParser(filter); XPathPathExpr filterXPathPathExpr = filterParser.parse();"XPath filter = " + filterXPathPathExpr.toString()); ExtensionItem item = new ExtensionItem(); item.setName(name); item.setElement(elementXPathPathExpr); item.setFilter(filterXPathPathExpr); item.setMethodName(methodName); item.setReturnType(returnType); if (extItemMap.containsKey(className)) { ArrayList<ExtensionItem> items = extItemMap.get(className); items.add(item); } else { ArrayList<ExtensionItem> items = new ArrayList<ExtensionItem>(); items.add(item); extItemMap.put(className, items); } } } } } } private void mergeClassPaths(HashMap<String, ArrayList<Item>> itemMap, HashMap<String, ArrayList<ExtensionItem>> extItemMap, HashMap<String, List<PathStep>> mergedMap) throws ExactException, ClassNotFoundException { /* convert Xpath path map into step-by-step merged representation example : input : Boms : { 'com.thoratou.example.SimpleBom' -> [ {'toto/titi/text()', 'getTiti()', 'FieldString'}, {'toto/tata/@value', 'getTata()', 'FieldString'} {'toto/tata/child', 'getChild()', 'com.thoratou.example.ChildBom'} ] } Extensions { 'com.thoratou.example.SimpleBom' -> [ {'ext', 'toto/tata/ext', '@filter', 'getExtension()', 'com.thoratou.example.ExtensionBom'} ] } output : { 'com.thoratou.example.SimpleBom', -> [ {CHILD_ELEMENT, 'toto'} -> [ {CHILD_ELEMENT, 'titi'} -> [ {TEXT, 'getTiti()', 'FieldString'} ], {CHILD_ELEMENT, 'tata'} -> [ {ATTRIBUTE, 'value', 'getTata()', 'FieldString'} {CHILD_ELEMENT, 'child'} -> [ {BOM, 'getChild()', 'com.thoratou.example.ChildBom'} ] {CHILD_ELEMENT, 'ext'} -> [ {EXTENSION, 'getExtension()', 'com.thoratou.example.ExtensionBom'} -> [ {ATTRIBUTE, 'filter', '', 'FieldString'} ] ] ] ] ] } */ for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Item>> itemEntry : itemMap.entrySet()) { //retrieve bom basic data String baseClassName = itemEntry.getKey(); ArrayList<Item> itemList = itemEntry.getValue(); //initialize new representation for this bom List<PathStep> newPathStepList = getPathStepList(mergedMap, baseClassName); for (Item item : itemList) { XPathPathExpr xPathPathExpr = item.getxPathPathExpr(); String methodName = item.getMethodName(); String returnType = item.getReturnType(); convertXPathExpr(xPathPathExpr, methodName, returnType, newPathStepList, false); } } for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<ExtensionItem>> extItemEntry : extItemMap.entrySet()) { //retrieve bom basic data String baseClassName = extItemEntry.getKey(); ArrayList<ExtensionItem> extItemList = extItemEntry.getValue(); //initialize new representation for this bom List<PathStep> newPathStepList = getPathStepList(mergedMap, baseClassName); for (ExtensionItem extItem : extItemList) { XPathPathExpr xPathPathExpr = extItem.getElement(); String methodName = extItem.getMethodName(); String returnType = extItem.getReturnType(); PathStep lastPathStep = convertXPathExpr(xPathPathExpr, methodName, returnType, newPathStepList, true); lastPathStep.setExtensionName(extItem.getName()); //add filter steps convertXPathSteps(extItem.getFilter().steps, "", //method name (value doesn't matter for filters) PathStep.getTypeParameterList(extItem.getReturnType()).get(0), lastPathStep.getChildSteps(), false); } } } private List<PathStep> getPathStepList(HashMap<String, List<PathStep>> mergedMap, String baseClassName) { if (mergedMap.containsKey(baseClassName)) { return mergedMap.get(baseClassName); } else { List<PathStep> newPathStepList = new ArrayList<PathStep>(); mergedMap.put(baseClassName, newPathStepList); return newPathStepList; } } private PathStep convertXPathExpr(XPathPathExpr xPathPathExpr, String methodName, String returnType, List<PathStep> newPathStepList, boolean isExtension) throws ExactException, ClassNotFoundException { PathStep rootStep = new PathStep(); rootStep.setStepKind(PathStep.Kind.START); switch (xPathPathExpr.context) { case ABS: //rootStep.setStartKind(PathStep.StartKind.ABSOLUTE); throw new ExactXPathNotSupportedException(xPathPathExpr); case REL: rootStep.setStartKind(PathStep.StartKind.RELATIVE); break; } PathStep targetStep = addOrMergePathStep(rootStep, newPathStepList); return convertXPathSteps(xPathPathExpr.steps, methodName, returnType, targetStep.getChildSteps(), isExtension); } private PathStep convertXPathSteps(XPathStep[] steps, String methodName, String returnType, List<PathStep> newPathStepList, boolean isExtension) throws ExactException, ClassNotFoundException { List<PathStep> currentList = newPathStepList; PathStep lastPathStep = null; for (XPathStep step : steps) { PathStep pathStep = new PathStep(); switch (step.axis) { case CHILD: switch (step.test) { case NAME: pathStep.setStepKind(PathStep.Kind.CHILD_ELEMENT); pathStep.setStepValue(step.testStr()); //"step : child, "+pathStep.getStepValue()); break; case TYPE_TEXT: pathStep.setStepKind(PathStep.Kind.TEXT); pathStep.setMethodName(methodName); pathStep.setReturnType(returnType); //"step : text, "+pathStep.getStepValue()); break; case NAME_WILDCARD: case NAMESPACE_WILDCARD: case TYPE_NODE: case TYPE_COMMENT: case TYPE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: throw new ExactXPathNotSupportedException(step); } break; case ATTRIBUTE: pathStep.setStepKind(PathStep.Kind.ATTRIBUTE); pathStep.setStepValue(step.testStr()); pathStep.setMethodName(methodName); pathStep.setReturnType(returnType); //"step : attribute, "+pathStep.getStepValue()); break; case DESCENDANT: case PARENT: case ANCESTOR: case FOLLOWING_SIBLING: case PRECEDING_SIBLING: case FOLLOWING: case PRECEDING: case NAMESPACE: case SELF: case DESCENDANT_OR_SELF: case ANCESTOR_OR_SELF: throw new ExactXPathNotSupportedException(step); } PathStep targetStep = addOrMergePathStep(pathStep, currentList); //save last target step lastPathStep = targetStep; //move to sub list currentList = targetStep.getChildSteps(); } PathStep bomStep = new PathStep(); bomStep.setMethodName(methodName); bomStep.setReturnType(returnType); PathStep.TypeKind returnTypeKind = bomStep.getReturnTypeKind(); switch (returnTypeKind) { case UNKNOWN: break; case FIELD: break; case LIST: PathStep.ListTypeKind returnListTypeKind = bomStep.getReturnListTypeKind(); switch (returnListTypeKind) { case UNKNOWN: break; case FIELD: if (isExtension) { //extension list with field filter bomStep.setStepKind(PathStep.Kind.EXTENSION); lastPathStep.getChildSteps().add(bomStep); lastPathStep = bomStep; } break; case BOM: //add a specific bom step //if extension, extension list with bom filter bomStep.setStepKind(isExtension ? PathStep.Kind.EXTENSION : PathStep.Kind.BOM); lastPathStep.getChildSteps().add(bomStep); lastPathStep = bomStep; break; } break; case BOM: if (isExtension) { throw new ExactException("not supported standalone extension, step" + bomStep); } //add a specific bom step bomStep.setStepKind(PathStep.Kind.BOM); lastPathStep.getChildSteps().add(bomStep); lastPathStep = bomStep; break; } return lastPathStep; } private PathStep addOrMergePathStep(PathStep pathStep, Collection currentList) { PathStep returnStep = null; /*final PathStep finalPathStep = pathStep; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<PathStep> select =, new Predicate(){ @Override public boolean evaluate(Object o) { PathStep ps = (PathStep) o;"compare : "+ps+" * "+finalPathStep); return finalPathStep.equals(ps); //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } });*/ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<PathStep> select =, new EqualPredicate(pathStep)); if (select.isEmpty()) { //"new path step : "+pathStep); //new step => add new one in tree currentList.add(pathStep); returnStep = pathStep; } else if (select.size() == 1) { //existing step => merge with existing one returnStep = select.iterator().next(); //"existing path step : "+pathStep); } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "internal error, more than one data for the same path step"); //TODO : exception handling } return returnStep; } private void writeSources(HashMap<String, List<PathStep>> mergedMap) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, ExactException { //use all annotation data to generate parsing files for (Map.Entry<String, List<PathStep>> entryList : mergedMap.entrySet()) { VelocityEngine engine = new VelocityEngine(); //needed it avoid global instead of local variable modification engine.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.VM_CONTEXT_LOCALSCOPE, true); //read file into JAR InputStream configStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/xmlreader.vm"); BufferedReader configReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(configStream, "UTF-8")); String className = entryList.getKey(); List<PathStep> steps = entryList.getValue(); VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("class", className); //"class : "+className); //ugly temp code String[] split = className.split("\\."); StringBuffer packageBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < split.length - 1; i++) { packageBuffer.append(split[i]); if (i != split.length - 2) { packageBuffer.append("."); } } String packageName = packageBuffer.toString(); //"package : "+packageName); context.put("package", packageName); String simpleName = split[split.length - 1]; //"simpleclass : "+simpleName); context.put("simpleclass", simpleName); context.put("steps", steps); context.put("kindmap", PathStep.ReverseKindMap); context.put("startmap", PathStep.ReverseStartMap); context.put("typemap", PathStep.ReverseTypeMap); context.put("listtypemap", PathStep.ReverseListTypeMap); context.put("indentutil", new IndentUtil()); context.put("processingutil", new ProcessingUtil()); Set<String> bomList = new HashSet<String>(); registerBomListFromSteps(steps, bomList); context.put("bomlist", bomList); Set<String> extensionList = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, ExtensionVelocityData> extensionMap = new HashMap<String, ExtensionVelocityData>(); registerExtensionListFromSteps(steps, extensionList, extensionMap); context.put("extensionlist", extensionList); context.put("extensionmap", extensionMap);"input velocity data : " + className + " , " + steps.toString()); //StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); //String packagePath = packageName.replace(".","/"); //String fullFile = packagePath+"/"+simpleName+""; //; Filer filer = processingEnv.getFiler(); JavaFileObject sourceFile = filer.createSourceFile(className + "XmlReader"); Writer sourceWriter = sourceFile.openWriter(); engine.evaluate(context, sourceWriter, "", configReader); sourceWriter.close(); sourceFile.delete(); //"final velocity data : "+writer.getBuffer().toString()); } } private void registerBomListFromSteps(List<PathStep> steps, Set<String> bomList) throws ClassNotFoundException { for (PathStep step : steps) { if (step.getStepKind() == PathStep.Kind.BOM) { PathStep.TypeKind returnTypeKind = step.getReturnTypeKind(); switch (returnTypeKind) { case UNKNOWN: break; case FIELD: break; case LIST: PathStep.ListTypeKind returnListTypeKind = step.getReturnListTypeKind(); switch (returnListTypeKind) { case UNKNOWN: break; case FIELD: break; case BOM: String returnType = step.getReturnType(); List<String> typeParameterList = PathStep.getTypeParameterList(returnType); String bomName = typeParameterList.get(0); bomList.add(bomName); break; } break; case BOM: String bomName = step.getReturnType(); bomList.add(bomName); break; } } registerBomListFromSteps(step.getChildSteps(), bomList); } } private void registerExtensionListFromSteps(List<PathStep> steps, Set<String> extensionList, Map<String, ExtensionVelocityData> extensionMap) throws ClassNotFoundException, ExactException { for (PathStep step : steps) { if (step.getStepKind() == PathStep.Kind.EXTENSION) { ExtensionVelocityData extensionVelocityData = new ExtensionVelocityData(); extensionVelocityData.setExtensionStep(step); extensionVelocityData.setFilterKind(retrieveExtensionFilterKind(step)); extensionMap.put(step.getExtensionName(), extensionVelocityData); extensionList.add(step.getExtensionName()); } registerExtensionListFromSteps(step.getChildSteps(), extensionList, extensionMap); } } private PathStep.Kind retrieveExtensionFilterKind(PathStep step) throws ExactException { for (PathStep child : step.getChildSteps()) { switch (child.getStepKind()) { case UNKNOWN: throw new ExactException(""); case CHILD_ELEMENT: return retrieveExtensionFilterKind(child); case TEXT: case ATTRIBUTE: return child.getStepKind(); case BOM: return child.getStepKind(); case EXTENSION: throw new ExactException(""); case START: throw new ExactException(""); } } return PathStep.Kind.UNKNOWN; } }