Java tutorial
/* * Ultra Hardcore 1.8, a Minecraft survival game mode. * Copyright (C) <2016> Thomaz2Fast * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.thomaztwofast.uhc; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Random; import; import org.bukkit.Difficulty; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.Sound; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.Recipe; import org.bukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.SkullMeta; import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.DisplaySlot; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard; import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import com.thomaztwofast.uhc.custom.Function; import com.thomaztwofast.uhc.custom.Sc; import com.thomaztwofast.uhc.custom.UhcBook; import com.thomaztwofast.uhc.custom.UhcDmg; import com.thomaztwofast.uhc.custom.UhcMenu; import com.thomaztwofast.uhc.custom.UhcServer; import com.thomaztwofast.uhc.custom.UhcTeams; import; import; import; public class GameManager extends Function { private Main gA; public UhcMenu gB; public UhcServer gC; public UhcTeams gD; public UhcBook gE; public UhcDmg gF; private List<ShapedRecipe> gG = new ArrayList<>(); private HashMap<String, Location> gHa = new HashMap<>(); private List<String> gHb = new ArrayList<>(); private HashMap<String, BukkitTask> gHc = new HashMap<>(); private List<String> gHd = new ArrayList<>(); private Random gI = new Random(); private int[] gJ = { 120, 30, 0 }; private BukkitTask gK[] = { null, null }; public long gL; private int[] gM = { 1, 0 }; // ------:- PUBLIC | LOADER -:------------------------------------------------------------------ public GameManager(Main a) { gA = a; gB = new UhcMenu(a); gC = new UhcServer(a); gD = new UhcTeams(a); gE = new UhcBook(a); gF = new UhcDmg(a); } // LOW: REMOVE / REPLACEMENT FOR {MaterialData} (deprecation) @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void loadGame() { gA.mA = GameStatus.LOADING; gA.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new EvGame(gA), gA); gB.load(); Scoreboard a = gA.getServer().getScoreboardManager().getMainScoreboard(); if (a.getObjective("hp") == null) { a.registerNewObjective("hp", "health").setDisplaySlot(DisplaySlot.PLAYER_LIST); } if (gA.mC.cGa) { gD.load(); } if (gA.mC.cKa) { gE.load(); } ItemStack b = new ItemStack(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE); ItemMeta c = b.getItemMeta(); c.setDisplayName("\u00A7bDefault Head Apple"); b.setItemMeta(c); ShapedRecipe d = new ShapedRecipe(b); d.shape("xxx", "xhx", "xxx").setIngredient('x', Material.GOLD_NUGGET); d.setIngredient('h', new MaterialData(Material.SKULL_ITEM, (byte) 3)); gG.add(d); c.setDisplayName("\u00A7dGolden Head Apple"); b.setItemMeta(c); d = new ShapedRecipe(b); d.shape("xxx", "xhx", "xxx").setIngredient('x', Material.GOLD_INGOT); d.setIngredient('h', new MaterialData(Material.SKULL_ITEM, (byte) 3)); gG.add(d); updateGoldenHead(); for (World e : gA.getServer().getWorlds()) { if (!e.getName().equals("uhc_lobby")) { e.setDifficulty(Difficulty.PEACEFUL); e.setPVP(false); e.setTime(gA.mC.cIc); e.setGameRuleValue("doDaylightCycle", "" + false); e.setGameRuleValue("doEntityDrops", "" + gA.mC.cEb); e.setGameRuleValue("doFireTick", "" + gA.mC.cEc); e.setGameRuleValue("doMobLoot", "" + gA.mC.cEd); e.setGameRuleValue("doMobSpawning", "" + gA.mC.cEe); e.setGameRuleValue("doTileDrops", "" + gA.mC.cEf); e.setGameRuleValue("mobGriefing", "" + gA.mC.cEi); e.setGameRuleValue("randomTickSpeed", "" + gA.mC.cEj); e.setGameRuleValue("reducedDebugInfo", "" + gA.mC.cEk); e.setGameRuleValue("spectatorsGenerateChunks", "" + gA.mC.cEl); e.setGameRuleValue("spawnRadius", "" + gA.mC.cEm); e.setGameRuleValue("naturalRegeneration", "true"); e.setGameRuleValue("keepInventory", "true"); } } if (gA.mC.cFa) { gC.load(); return; } getAllPlayers(); gA.mA = GameStatus.WAITING; } public void unloadGame() { if (gA.mC.cFa) { gC.unLoad(); } Scoreboard a = gA.getServer().getScoreboardManager().getMainScoreboard(); if (a.getObjective("hp") != null) { a.getObjective("hp").unregister(); } if (gA.mC.cGa) { gD.unload(); } for (World b : gA.getServer().getWorlds()) { b.setPVP(true); b.getWorldBorder().setSize(Integer.MAX_VALUE); b.setGameRuleValue("doDaylightCycle", "true"); b.setGameRuleValue("naturalRegeneration", "true"); b.setGameRuleValue("keepInventory", "false"); } if (new File(gA.getDataFolder(), "data").exists()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(gA.getDataFolder(), "data")); } catch (IOException e) { gA.log(1, "Error, Directory 'data' could not deleted! " + e.getMessage()); } } } // ------:- PUBLIC | INGAME DATA -:------------------------------------------------------------- public boolean isOffline(String a) { return gHc.containsKey(a); } public List<String> getIngamePlayers() { return gHb; } public int getIngameSize() { return gHa.size(); } public int getOfflineSize() { return gHc.size(); } public Location getSpawnLoc(Player a) { return gHa.get((gA.mC.cGa ? a.getScoreboard().getEntryTeam(a.getName()).getName() : a.getName())); } // ------:- PUBLIC | UPDATE / PLAYER SETTINGS -:------------------------------------------------ public void getAllPlayers() { for (UHCPlayer a : gA.mB.getAllPlayers()) { a.resetPlayer(true); a.hubItems(); } } public void updateGamerule() { for (World a : gA.getServer().getWorlds()) { if (!a.getName().equals("uhc_lobby")) { a.setGameRuleValue("doEntityDrops", "" + gA.mC.cEb); a.setGameRuleValue("doFireTick", "" + gA.mC.cEc); a.setGameRuleValue("doMobLoot", "" + gA.mC.cEd); a.setGameRuleValue("doMobSpawning", "" + gA.mC.cEe); a.setGameRuleValue("doTileDrops", "" + gA.mC.cEf); a.setGameRuleValue("doWeatherCycle", "" + gA.mC.cEg); a.setGameRuleValue("maxEntityCramming", "" + gA.mC.cEh); a.setGameRuleValue("mobGriefing", "" + gA.mC.cEi); a.setGameRuleValue("randomTickSpeed", "" + gA.mC.cEj); a.setGameRuleValue("reducedDebugInfo", "" + gA.mC.cEk); a.setGameRuleValue("spectatorsGenerateChunks", "" + gA.mC.cEl); a.setGameRuleValue("spawnRadius", "" + gA.mC.cEm); } } for (UHCPlayer a : gA.mB.getAllPlayers()) { a.updateEntityStatus(gA.mC.cEk); } } // ------:- PUBLIC | GAME -:-------------------------------------------------------------------- public void gmOfflineNewTimer(String a) { BukkitTask b = gA.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(gA, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (gA.mC.cGa) { Team c = gA.getServer().getScoreboardManager().getMainScoreboard().getEntryTeam(a); gmBroadcastMsg(gA.mC.cPb.replace("{0}", c.getPrefix() + a + "\u00A7r")); c.removeEntry(a); if (c.getSize() == 0) { gHa.remove(c.getName()); c.unregister(); } } else { gmBroadcastMsg(gA.mC.cPb.replace("{0}", a)); } gHb.remove(a); gHc.remove(a); gmStatusCheck(); } }, ((60 * gA.mC.cPa) * 20) + (gA.mA.i() == 7 ? 0 : gJ[0])); gHc.put(a, b); } public void gmOfflineEndTimer(String a) { UHCPlayer b = gA.mB.getPlayer(a); if (gHd.contains(a)) { b.resetPlayer(true); b.uB.teleport( gHa.get((gA.mC.cGa ? b.uB.getScoreboard().getEntryTeam(a).getName() : a)).add(0.5, 1.5, 0.5)); gHd.remove(a); } if (gA.mA.equals(GameStatus.STARTING) && gA.mC.cMa) { gA.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(gA, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { b.setCustomWorldborder( gHa.get((gA.mC.cGa ? b.uB.getScoreboard().getEntryTeam(a).getName() : a)), gA.mC.cMb); } }, 0); } if (gA.mA.equals(GameStatus.INGAME) && !b.uB.getGameMode().equals(GameMode.SURVIVAL)) { b.uB.setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL); } gHc.get(a).cancel(); gHc.remove(a); } public void gmRemoveIgPlayer(UHCPlayer a) { gHb.remove(a.uB.getName()); if (gA.mC.cGa) { Team b = a.uB.getScoreboard().getEntryTeam(a.uB.getName()); b.removeEntry(a.uB.getName()); if (b.getSize() == 0) { gHa.remove(b.getName()); b.unregister(); } } else { gHa.remove(a.uB.getName()); } gA.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(gA, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (a.uB.isOnline()) { a.uB.setGameMode(GameMode.SPECTATOR); } } }, 25); gmStatusCheck(); } public void gmStart(int a) { gA.mA = GameStatus.STARTING; List<Location> b = gmSetSpawnList(a); int c = 0; for (UHCPlayer d : gA.mB.getAllPlayers()) { if (gA.mC.cGa) { if (d.uB.getScoreboard().getEntryTeam(d.uB.getName()) == null) { gmJoinSpectatorMode(d); } else { d.resetPlayer(true); } } else { if (d.uB.getGameMode().equals(GameMode.ADVENTURE)) { d.resetPlayer(true); gHb.add(d.uB.getName()); gHa.put(d.uB.getName(), b.get(c)); gmTpPlayerToArena(d.uB.getName()); gJ[0] += 60; c++; } else { gmJoinSpectatorMode(d); } } } if (gA.mC.cGa) { Scoreboard d = gA.getServer().getScoreboardManager().getMainScoreboard(); List<Team> e = new ArrayList<>(); for (String f : gD.uCa) { if (d.getTeam(f) != null && d.getTeam(f).getSize() != 0) { e.add(d.getTeam(f)); gHa.put(f, b.get(c)); for (String h : d.getTeam(f).getEntries()) { gHb.add(h); gmTpPlayerToArena(h); } gJ[0] += 60; c++; } else { d.getTeam(f).unregister(); } } } Sc d = new Sc(); d.setTitle("\u00A7c\u00A7lULTRA HARDCORE 1.8 - " + (gA.mC.cGa ? "TEAM" : "SOLO")); d.addTextLn(""); d.addTextLn("\u00A79>\u00A7a You will be teleported in a few seconds."); d.addTextLn( "\u00A79>\u00A76 This game will start in \u00A7c" + (gJ[1] + (gJ[0] / 20)) + "\u00A76 seconds."); d.addTextLn(""); d.addTextLn("\u00A76\u00A7lGood Luck!"); for (String e : gHb) { if (gA.mB.getPlayer(e) != null) { UHCPlayer f = gA.mB.getPlayer(e); f.uB.sendMessage(d.o()); f.sendTitleMessage("\u00A7a\u00A7lTeleported " + (gA.mC.cGa ? "teams" : "players"), "\u00A77Please wait", 10, 200, 0); if (!gA.mC.cFa) { f.uB.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, 2400, 1)); } } } gmStartCountdown(); } // ------:- PRIVATE | GAME -:------------------------------------------------------------------- private void gmBroadcastMsg(String a) { for (UHCPlayer b : gA.mB.getAllPlayers()) { b.uB.sendMessage(a); } } private void gmEndResult() { gA.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(gA, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String a = getWinner(); Sc b = new Sc(); b.setTitle("ULTRA HARDCORE 1.8"); b.addTextLn(""); b.addTextLn(a + "\u00A77 has won the game."); for (UHCPlayer c : gA.mB.getAllPlayers()) { c.uB.sendMessage(b.o()); c.sendTitleMessage(a, "\u00A7rwon the game", 10, 60, 10); c.playLocalSound(Sound.ENTITY_FIREWORK_LAUNCH, 0f); } for (World c : gA.getServer().getWorlds()) { c.getWorldBorder().setSize(c.getWorldBorder().getSize()); c.setGameRuleValue("keepInventory", "true"); } if (gHc.size() != 0) { for (BukkitTask c : gHc.values()) { c.cancel(); } gHc.clear(); } if (gA.mC.cFa) { gC.serverRestart(); } } private String getWinner() { if (gA.mC.cGa) { Team a = gA.getServer().getScoreboardManager().getMainScoreboard() .getTeam(gHa.keySet().iterator().next()); for (String b : a.getEntries()) { gA.mE.gF.givePlayerItem(b); } return "\u00A7r\u00A7lTeam " + a.getPrefix() + "\u00A7l" + a.getName().replace("_", " ") + a.getSuffix(); } else { gA.mE.gF.givePlayerItem(gHb.get(0)); return "\u00A7r\u00A7l" + gHb.get(0) + "\u00A7r"; } } }, 20); } private void gmJoinSpectatorMode(UHCPlayer a) { a.resetPlayer(false); a.sendCommandMessage("UHC", "You have been move to spectator mode."); if (gA.mC.cFa) { a.uB.teleport(gA.getServer().getWorlds().get(0).getSpawnLocation()); if (gA.mC.cFv) { a.uB.getInventory().setItem(gA.mC.cFy, gA.mE.gC.uG); } } } private void gmMarkTimer() { gK[1] = gA.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(gA, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { gM[0]++; gM[1] += gA.mC.cNb; gmBroadcastMsg(gA.mC.cNa.replaceFirst("\\{0}", "" + gM[1]).replaceFirst("\\{1}", "" + (gM[0] - 1)) .replaceFirst("\\{2}", "" + gM[0])); } }, (20 * (gA.mC.cNb * 60)), (20 * (gA.mC.cNb * 60))); } private void gmStartCountdown() { gK[0] = gA.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(gA, new Runnable() { public void run() { if (gJ[1] == 0) { gA.mA = GameStatus.INGAME; gK[0].cancel(); gL = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (World b : gA.getServer().getWorlds()) { if (!b.getName().equals("uhc_lobby")) { b.setPVP(true); b.setGameRuleValue("doDaylightCycle", "" + gA.mC.cEa); b.setGameRuleValue("naturalRegeneration", "false"); b.setGameRuleValue("keepInventory", "false"); b.setDifficulty((gA.mC.cIa == 1 ? Difficulty.EASY : gA.mC.cIa == 2 ? Difficulty.NORMAL : Difficulty.HARD)); b.getWorldBorder().setCenter(0d, 0d); if (gA.mC.cJb < gA.mC.cIb) { b.getWorldBorder().setSize((gA.mC.cIb * 2)); } else { b.getWorldBorder().setSize((gA.mC.cJb * 2)); } } } if (gA.mC.cJa != 0) { gK[0] = gA.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(gA, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { gmWorldBorderShrink(); } }, (gA.mC.cJa * 20)); } else { gmWorldBorderShrink(); } if (gA.mC.cNa.length() != 0 && gA.mC.cNb != 0) { gmMarkTimer(); } } for (String a : gHb) { if (gA.mB.getPlayer(a) != null) { UHCPlayer b = gA.mB.getPlayer(a); if (gJ[1] == 0) { b.sendTitleMessage("", "\u00A7a\u00A7lBEGIN!", 0, 21, 10); b.playLocalSound(Sound.ENTITY_ARROW_HIT_PLAYER, 1f); b.uB.setFoodLevel(20); b.uB.setHealth(b.uB.getMaxHealth()); b.uB.setSaturation(20f); b.uB.setNoDamageTicks(0); b.uB.setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL); } else if (gJ[1] < 6) { b.sendTitleMessage("", "\u00A76Starting in \u00A7c\u00A7l" + gJ[1] + "\u00A76 second" + (gJ[1] == 1 ? "" : "s"), 0, 21, 5); b.playLocalSound(Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_PLING, 1f); } else if (gJ[1] < 10) { b.sendTitleMessage("", "\u00A77" + gJ[1], 0, 21, 5); } else if (gJ[1] == 10) { b.sendActionMessage(""); b.sendTitleMessage("", "\u00A7c" + gJ[1], 0, 21, 5); b.playLocalSound(Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_HAT, 1.8f); } else { if (gJ[1] % 10 == 0) { b.sendActionMessage("\u00A7c" + gJ[1]); b.playLocalSound(Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_HAT, 1.8f); } else { b.sendActionMessage("\u00A77" + gJ[1]); } } } } gJ[1]--; } }, gJ[0], 20); } private void gmStatusCheck() { if (gHa.size() > 1) { return; } gA.mA = GameStatus.FINISHED; gK[0].cancel(); gK[1].cancel(); gmEndResult(); } private void gmTpPlayerToArena(String a) { gA.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(gA, new Runnable() { public void run() { if (gA.mB.getPlayer(a) != null) { UHCPlayer b = gA.mB.getPlayer(a); if (gA.mC.cGa) { b.uB.teleport(gHa.get(b.uB.getScoreboard().getEntryTeam(a).getName()).add(0.5, 1.5, 0.5)); } else { b.uB.teleport(gHa.get(b.uB.getName()).add(0.5, 1.5, 0.5)); } b.uB.setVelocity(new Vector()); b.uB.setNoDamageTicks(0); b.uB.damage(2d); b.uB.setNoDamageTicks((60 * gJ[0])); if (b.uB.hasPotionEffect(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS)) { b.uB.removePotionEffect(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS); } b.uB.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, 60, 1)); if (gA.mC.cMa) { b.setCustomWorldborder(b.uB.getLocation(), gA.mC.cMb); } } else { gHd.add(a); gmOfflineNewTimer(a); } gJ[2]++; for (String b : gHb) { if (gA.mB.getPlayer(b) != null) { gA.mB.getPlayer(b).sendTitleMessage( "\u00A7a\u00A7lTeleported " + (gA.mC.cGa ? "teams" : "players"), "\u00A77" + gJ[2] + " / " + gHa.size(), 0, (gJ[2] == gHa.size() ? 40 : 200), (gJ[2] == gHa.size() ? 10 : 0)); } } } }, gJ[0]); } private void gmWorldBorderShrink() { if (gA.mC.cJd != 0) { for (World a : gA.getServer().getWorlds()) { if (!a.getName().equals("uhc_lobby")) { a.getWorldBorder().setSize((gA.mC.cJc * 2), gA.mC.cJd); } } } } // ------:- PRIVATE | GAME SETTINGS -:---------------------------------------------------------- private int gmSetPlayerDistance(int a) { double b = 308 - (a * 3.636363636); if (b < 50) { return 0; } return (int) b; } private Location gmSetNewLoc(int a) { Location b = new Location(gA.getServer().getWorlds().get(0), (-a + gI.nextInt(a * 2)), 64, (-a + gI.nextInt(a * 2))); return new Location(b.getWorld(), b.getX(), b.getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(b), b.getZ()); } private List<Location> gmSetSpawnList(int a) { List<Location> b = new ArrayList<>(); int[] c = { (gA.mC.cIb - 10), gmSetPlayerDistance(a), 1, 0, 0 }; if (c[1] == 0) { for (int d = 0; d < a; d++) { b.add(gmSetNewLoc(c[0])); } return b; } while (c[2] <= a) { Location d = gmSetNewLoc(c[0]); if (b.size() != 0) { for (Location e : b) { if (d.distance(e) < c[1]) { c[3]++; c[4] = 1; break; } } } Block e = d.add(0, -1, 0).getBlock(); if (e.getType().equals(Material.STATIONARY_LAVA) || e.getType().equals(Material.STATIONARY_WATER)) { c[4] = 1; } if (c[4] == 0 || c[3] > 49) { b.add(d); c[2]++; c[3] = 0; c[4] = 0; } else { c[3]++; } } return b; } // ------:- PUBLIC | GOLDEN HEAD -:------------------------------------------------------------- public ItemStack getPlayerHead(String a) { ItemStack b = new ItemStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, (byte) 3); SkullMeta c = (SkullMeta) b.getItemMeta(); c.setOwner(a); b.setItemMeta(c); return b; } public void goldenAppleRegen(UHCPlayer a, boolean b) { gA.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(gA, new Runnable() { public void run() { if (a.uB.hasPotionEffect(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION)) { a.uB.removePotionEffect(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION); a.uB.addPotionEffect( new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION, (b ? 110 : 140), (b ? 2 : 1))); } } }, 0); } public ItemMeta setSkullOwner(ItemStack a, ItemStack b) { String c = "Unknown"; SkullMeta d = (SkullMeta) b.getItemMeta(); if (d.getOwner() != null) { c = d.getOwner(); } ItemMeta e = a.getItemMeta(); e.setLore(Arrays.asList("\u00A77Head of \u00A7a" + c)); return e; } public void updateGoldenHead() { if (gA.mC.cLa) { List<ShapedRecipe> a = new ArrayList<>(); if (gA.mC.cLb) { if (!isRecipeEx(gG.get(0).getResult())) { gA.getServer().addRecipe(gG.get(0)); } } else { a.add(gG.get(0)); } if (gA.mC.cLc) { if (!isRecipeEx(gG.get(1).getResult())) { gA.getServer().addRecipe(gG.get(1)); } } else { a.add(gG.get(1)); } if (a.size() != 0) { removeGoldenHead(a); } } else { removeGoldenHead(gG); } } // ------:- PRIVATE | GOLDEN HEAD -:------------------------------------------------------------ private boolean isRecipeEx(ItemStack a) { ListIterator<Recipe> b = gA.getServer().getRecipesFor(a).listIterator(); while (b.hasNext()) { if ( { return true; } } return false; } private void removeGoldenHead(List<ShapedRecipe> a) { for (ShapedRecipe b : a) { Iterator<Recipe> c = gA.getServer().recipeIterator(); while (c.hasNext()) { if ( { c.remove(); break; } } } } }