Java tutorial
/* * Ultra Hardcore 1.8, a Minecraft survival game mode. * Copyright (C) <2016> Thomaz2Fast * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.thomaztwofast.uhc.commands; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.util.StringUtil; import; import com.thomaztwofast.uhc.Main; import com.thomaztwofast.uhc.custom.Function; import com.thomaztwofast.uhc.custom.Jc; import com.thomaztwofast.uhc.custom.Sc; import; public class CmdUhc extends Function implements CommandExecutor, TabCompleter { private Main cA; private YamlConfiguration cBa; private int cBb = 1; private boolean cBc = false; public CmdUhc(Main a) { cA = a; loadHelpCenter(); } /** * Command - - - - - - - - - - > - Uhc * Enabled Console - - - - - - > - true * Default Permission - - - - > - OP * Args - - - - - - - - - - - > - * ID NAME TAB CONSOLE * 3198785 help false false * 3347807 menu true false * 1434631203 settings true true * -892481550 status true true * -838846263 update false false */ @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender a, Command b, String c, String[] d) { if (!(a instanceof Player)) { if (d.length != 0) { switch (d[0].toLowerCase().hashCode()) { case 1434631203: a.sendMessage(getSettings(true, (d.length == 2 ? d[1] : "1"))); return true; case -892481550: a.sendMessage(getStatus(true)); return true; case 3198785: case 3347807: case -838846263: cA.log(0, "Command '/uhc " + d[0].toLowerCase() + "' can only execute from ingame player."); return true; } } a.sendMessage(getConsolePluginInfo()); return true; } UHCPlayer e = cA.mB.getPlayer(a.getName()); if (d.length != 0) { switch (d[0].toLowerCase().hashCode()) { case 3198785: if (!cBc) { e.sendJsonMessage(getHelpCenter(d)); return true; } e.sendCommandMessage("Help Center", "Disabled!"); return true; case 3347807: if (cA.mC.cCa && cA.mA.i() <= 5) { cA.mE.gB.openMenu(e); if (!e.uB.getInventory().contains(cA.mE.gB.uD)) { e.uB.getInventory().setItem(4, cA.mE.gB.uD); } return true; } Jc f = new Jc(); f.add("Menu> ", new int[] { 1 }, 8, null, null); f.add("Disabled!", new int[] { 1 }, 7, "2|/uhc help page 0", "\u00A76\u00A7lHelp Information\n\u00A77Click here to find out how to\n\u00A77enable this command?"); e.sendJsonMessage(f.o()); return true; case 1434631203: e.uB.sendMessage(getSettings(false, (d.length == 2 ? d[1] : "1"))); return true; case -892481550: e.uB.sendMessage(getStatus(false)); return true; case -838846263: if (cA.mC.cCb && cA.mD.pBb) { e.sendJsonMessage(cA.mD.pBd.o()); } return true; } } e.sendJsonMessage(getPluginInfo()); return true; } @Override public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender a, Command b, String c, String[] d) { if (d.length == 1) { if (a instanceof Player) { return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(d[0], ImmutableList.of("menu", "settings", "status"), new ArrayList<>(3)); } return StringUtil.copyPartialMatches(d[0], ImmutableList.of("settings", "status"), new ArrayList<>(2)); } return null; } // ------:- PRIVATE | COMMAND ARGS -:----------------------------------------------------------- private String getHelpCenter(String[] a) { if (a.length < 3) { return getHelpCenterMessage(new String[] { "help", "index", "1" }); } return getHelpCenterMessage(a); } private String getPluginInfo() { Jc a = new Jc(); a.add("--------------------------------------------\n", new int[] { 3 }, 8, null, null); a.add(" ULTRA HARDCORE 1.8\n \n", new int[] { 0 }, 15, null, null); a.add(" Commands\n", null, 6, null, null); a.add(" /UHC Help: ", null, 10, "2|/uhc help", "\u00A7e\u00A7l>\u00A7r\u00A7a /UHC Help"); a.add("UHC help center. ", null, 7, null, null); a.add("(Beta)\n", null, 8, null, null); if (cA.mC.cCa) { if (cA.mC.cGa && !cA.mC.cFa) { a.add(" /AutoTeam: ", null, 10, "2|/autoteam", "\u00A7e\u00A7l>\u00A7r\u00A7a /AutoTeam"); a.add(cA.getCommand("autoteam").getDescription() + "\n", null, 7, null, null); a.add(" /SelectTeam: ", null, 10, "2|/selectteam", "\u00A7e\u00A7l>\u00A7r\u00A7a /SelectTeam"); a.add(cA.getCommand("selectteam").getDescription() + "\n", null, 7, null, null); } a.add(" /Start: ", null, 10, "2|/start", "\u00A7e\u00A7l>\u00A7r\u00A7a /Start"); a.add(cA.getCommand("start").getDescription() + "\n", null, 7, null, null); } else { a.add(" /ChunkLoader: ", null, 10, "2|/chunkloader", "\u00A7e\u00A7l>\u00A7r\u00A7a /ChunkLoader"); a.add(cA.getCommand("chunkloader").getDescription().substring(0, 37) + "...\n", null, 7, null, null); } a.add(" \n Plugin\n", null, 6, null, null); a.add(" Version: ", null, 10, null, null); a.add(cA.getDescription().getVersion(), null, 14, null, null); if (cA.mC.cCb && cA.mD.pBb) { a.add(" | ", null, 8, null, null); a.add("New update ", null, 10, "2|/uhc update", "\u00a76\u00a7lNew Update available.\u00a7r\n\u00a77Click here for more info."); a.add("[", null, 8, null, null); a.add(cA.mD.pBa, null, 14, null, null); a.add("]", null, 8, null, null); } a.add("\n Author: ", null, 10, null, null); a.add(cA.getDescription().getAuthors().get(0) + "\n", null, 14, null, "\u00A78\u00A7oPN7913.P6WP9M"); a.add("--------------------------------------------", new int[] { 3 }, 8, null, null); return a.o(); } private String getConsolePluginInfo() { Sc a = new Sc(); a.setConsole(); a.setTitle("ULTRA HARDCORE 1.8"); a.addHeader("Commands"); a.addListLn("UHC Settings", "Show game settings."); a.addListLn("UHC Status", "Plugin status / Game Status."); a.addHeader("Plugin"); a.addListLn("Version", "\u00a7e" + cA.getDescription().getVersion() + (cA.mC.cCb && cA.mD.pBb ? "\u00a78|\u00a7a New Version \u00a78[\u00a7e" + cA.mD.pBa + "\u00a78]" : "")); a.addListLn("Author", "\u00a7e" + cA.getDescription().getAuthors().get(0)); return a.o(); } private String getSettings(boolean a, String b) { Sc c = new Sc(); if (a) { c.setConsole(); } switch (b.hashCode()) { case 50: c.setTitle("ULTRA HARDCORE 1.8 - SETTINGS \u00a78\u00a7l[\u00a7a\u00a7l2 - 5\u00a78\u00a7l]"); c.addHeader("Game"); c.addListLn("Mode", (cA.mC.cGa ? "Team" : "Solo")); if (cA.mC.cGa) { c.addListLn("Max Team Player", "" + cA.mC.cGb); c.addListLn("Friendly Fire", stat(cA.mC.cGd)); c.addListLn("See Friendly Invisibles", stat(cA.mC.cGd)); c.addListLn("Name Tag Visibility", teamTag(cA.mC.cGf)); c.addListLn("Player Collision", teamCol(cA.mC.cGg)); } c.addHeader("Server"); if (cA.mC.cFa) { c.addListLn("Server ID", "" + cA.mC.cFc); if (cA.mC.cGa) { c.addListLn("Minimum Teams To Start", "" + cA.mC.cFe); } else { c.addListLn("Minimum Players To Start", "" + cA.mC.cFd); } c.addListLn("Countdown", "" + cA.mC.cFf); c.addListLn("BungeeCord", stat(cA.mC.cFv)); if (cA.mC.cFv) { c.addListLn("Fallback Server", cA.mC.cFw); } break; } c.addListLn("Status", "Off"); break; case 51: c.setTitle("ULTRA HARDCORE 1.8 - SETTINGS \u00a78\u00a7l[\u00a7a\u00a7l3 - 5\u00a78\u00a7l]"); c.addHeader("Marker"); if (cA.mC.cNa.length() != 0 || cA.mC.cNb != 0) { c.addListLn("Message", cA.mC.cNa); c.addListLn("Delay", asClock(cA.mC.cNb * 60)); } else { c.addListLn("Status", "Off"); } c.addHeader("Freezing Starting Players"); c.addListLn("Status", stat(cA.mC.cMa)); if (cA.mC.cMa) { c.addListLn("Size", "" + cA.mC.cMb); } c.addHeader("Disconnected Ingame Players"); c.addListLn("Max Timeout", asClock(cA.mC.cPa * 60)); c.addListLn("Message", cA.mC.cPb); break; case 52: c.setTitle("ULTRA HARDCORE 1.8 - SETTINGS \u00a78\u00a7l[\u00a7a\u00a7l4 - 5\u00a78\u00a7l]"); c.addHeader("Golden Head"); if (cA.mC.cLa) { c.addListLn("Default Apple", stat(cA.mC.cLb)); c.addListLn("Golden Head Apple", stat(cA.mC.cLc)); } else { c.addListLn("Status", "Off"); } c.addHeader("Global Chat"); if (cA.mC.cQa) { c.addListLn("Default Chat", stat(cA.mC.cQb.length() != 0)); if (cA.mC.cGa) { c.addListLn("Team Chat", stat(cA.mC.cQd.length() != 0)); c.addListLn("Private Team Chat", stat(cA.mC.cQe.length() != 0)); } c.addListLn("Spectator Chat", stat(cA.mC.cQc.length() != 0)); } else { c.addListLn("Status", "Off"); } c.addHeader("Other"); c.addListLn("Damage Logger", stat(cA.mC.cOa)); c.addListLn("UHC Book", stat(cA.mC.cKa)); break; case 53: c.setTitle("ULTRA HARDCORE 1.8 - SETTINGS \u00a78\u00a7l[\u00a7a\u00a7l5 - 5\u00a78\u00a7l]"); c.addHeader("Minecraft Gamerules"); c.addListLn("Daylight Cycle", stat(cA.mC.cEa)); c.addListLn("Entity Drops", stat(cA.mC.cEb)); c.addListLn("Fire Tick", stat(cA.mC.cEc)); c.addListLn("Mob Loot", stat(cA.mC.cEd)); c.addListLn("Mob Spawning", stat(cA.mC.cEe)); c.addListLn("Tile Dropse", stat(cA.mC.cEf)); c.addListLn("Max Entity Cramming", "" + cA.mC.cEh); c.addListLn("Mob Griefing", stat(cA.mC.cEi)); c.addListLn("Random Tick Speed", "" + cA.mC.cEj); c.addListLn("Reduced Debug Info", stat(cA.mC.cEk)); c.addListLn("Spectators Generate Chunks", stat(cA.mC.cEl)); c.addListLn("Spawn Radius", "" + cA.mC.cEm); c.addListLn("Weather Cycle", "" + cA.mC.cEg); break; default: c.setTitle("ULTRA HARDCORE 1.8 - SETTINGS \u00a78\u00a7l[\u00a7a\u00a7l1 - 5\u00a78\u00a7l]"); c.addHeader("World"); c.addListLn("Sun Time", asRealClock(cA.mC.cIc)); c.addListLn("Difficulty", wDif(cA.mC.cIa)); c.addListLn("Arena Radius Size", "" + cA.mC.cIb); c.addHeader("WorldBorder"); if (cA.mC.cJd != 0) { if (cA.mC.cJa != 0) { c.addListLn("Start Delay", "" + cA.mC.cJa); } c.addListLn("Start Position", "" + cA.mC.cJb); c.addListLn("Stop Position", "" + cA.mC.cJc); c.addListLn("Shrinks Time", asClock(cA.mC.cJd)); break; } c.addListLn("Start Position", "" + cA.mC.cJb); break; } return c.o(); } private String getStatus(boolean a) { Sc b = new Sc(); if (a) { b.setConsole(); } b.setTitle("ULTRA HARDCORE 1.8 - STATUS"); b.addHeader("Plugin"); b.addListLn("Status", stat(cA.mC.cCa)); b.addListLn("Update Notifies", stat(cA.mC.cCb)); if (cA.mC.cCa) { if (cA.mC.cFa) { b.addHeader("Server"); b.addListLn("Server ID", "" + cA.mC.cFc); b.addListLn("BungeeCord", stat(cA.mC.cFv)); if (cA.mC.cFv) { b.addListLn("Fallback Server", cA.mC.cFw); } } b.addHeader("Game"); b.addListLn("Mode", (cA.mC.cGa ? "Team" : "Solo")); b.addListLn("Status", cA.mA.toString()); if (cA.mA.i() > 5 && cA.mA.i() < 8) { b.addHeader("InGame"); if (cA.mC.cGa) { b.addListLn("Alive Teams", cA.mE.getIngameSize() + ""); } b.addListLn("Alive Players", cA.mE.getIngamePlayers().size() + ""); if (cA.mE.getOfflineSize() != 0) { b.addListLn("Offline Player" + (cA.mE.getOfflineSize() > 1 ? "s" : ""), cA.mE.getOfflineSize() + ""); } } } return b.o(); } // ------:- PRIVATE | HELP CENTER -:------------------------------------------------------------ private void loadHelpCenter() { try { cBa = YamlConfiguration .loadConfiguration(new StringReader(IOUtils.toString(cA.getResource("help.yml")))); cBb = cBa.getConfigurationSection("I.P").getKeys(false).size(); } catch (IOException e) { cA.log(1, "Error, Could not load 'Help Center' information."); cBc = true; } } private String getHelpCenterMessage(String[] a) { Jc b = new Jc(); b.add("--------------------------------------------\n", new int[] { 3 }, 8, null, null); switch (a[1].toLowerCase().hashCode()) { case 3433103: if (cBa.isConfigurationSection("H." + a[2])) { b.add(" " + cBa.getString("H." + a[2] + ".T") + "\n \n", new int[] { 0 }, 15, null, null); for (int c = 0; c < cBa.getStringList("H." + a[2] + ".D").size(); c++) { b.add(" " + (c + 1) + ": ", null, 6, null, null); String d = cBa.getStringList("H." + a[2] + ".D").get(c); for (int e = 0; e < StringUtils.countMatches(d, "++") / 2; e++) { d = d.replaceFirst("\\++", "\u00a7e").replaceFirst("\\++", "\u00a77"); } b.add(d + "\n", null, 7, null, null); } b.add(" \n <<\n", new int[] { 0 }, 14, "2|/uhc help", "\u00a7aBack to help center"); break; } case 100346066: if (cBa.isList("I.P." + a[2])) { b.add(" " + cBa.getString("I.T") + " ", new int[] { 0 }, 15, null, null); b.add("[", new int[] { 0 }, 8, null, null); b.add(a[2] + " - " + cBb, new int[] { 0 }, 10, null, null); b.add("] \n \n", new int[] { 0 }, 8, null, null); for (int c = 0; c < cBa.getStringList("I.P." + a[2]).size(); c++) { String[] d = cBa.getStringList("I.P." + a[2]).get(c).split("\\|"); b.add(" " + d[1] + "\n", null, 10, "2|/uhc help page " + d[0], "\u00A7eOpen?"); } int e = Integer.valueOf(a[2]); if (e != 1) { b.add(" \n <<", null, 14, "2|/uhc help " + (e - 1), "Previous page"); } if (e != cBb) { b.add(" \n >>", null, 14, "2|/uhc help " + (e + 1), "Next page"); } break; } default: b.add(" UHC - Help Center\n \n", new int[] { 0 }, 15, null, null); b.add(" Error\n", null, 12, null, null); b.add(" Oh no, something went wrong here.\n The help page you are looking for do not exist.\n \n", null, 7, null, null); b.add(" Use '", null, 7, null, null); b.add("/UHC Help", null, 10, "2|/uhc help", "\u00A7e\u00A7l>\u00A7r\u00A7a /UHC Help"); b.add("' for help.", null, 7, null, null); break; } b.add("--------------------------------------------", new int[] { 3 }, 8, null, null); return b.o(); } }