Java tutorial
package com.thinkbiganalytics.servicemonitor.model; /*- * #%L * thinkbig-service-monitor-core * %% * Copyright (C) 2017 ThinkBig Analytics * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * The default response and builder for {@link ServiceStatusResponse} objects. * This class includes a builder to help build the response object. * This is used by the Kylo user interface */ @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) public class DefaultServiceStatusResponse implements ServiceStatusResponse { List<ServiceComponent> components; List<ServiceComponent> healthyComponents; List<ServiceComponent> unhealthyComponents; private String serviceName; private Date checkDate; private Date latestAlertTimestamp; private Date earliestAlertTimestamp; private List<ServiceAlert> alerts; private STATE state; private List<ServiceAlert> alertsWithoutComponent; public DefaultServiceStatusResponse(String serviceName, List<ServiceComponent> components) { this.serviceName = serviceName; this.components = components; this.healthyComponents = new ArrayList<>(); this.unhealthyComponents = new ArrayList<>();; } public DefaultServiceStatusResponse(String serviceName, List<ServiceComponent> components, List<ServiceAlert> alerts) { this.serviceName = serviceName; this.components = components; this.healthyComponents = new ArrayList<>(); this.unhealthyComponents = new ArrayList<>(); this.alerts = alerts;; } private void updateServiceState() { List<ServiceComponent.STATE> states = new ArrayList<ServiceComponent.STATE>(); boolean hasErrorAlerts = false; Date latestAlertTimestamp = null; Date earliestAlertTimestamp = null; if (components != null && !components.isEmpty()) { for (ServiceComponent component : this.getComponents()) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(component.getServiceName())) { component.setServiceName(serviceName); } states.add(component.getState()); if (component.isContainsErrorAlerts()) { hasErrorAlerts = true; } if (!component.isHealthy()) { this.unhealthyComponents.add(component); } else { this.healthyComponents.add(component); } Date latest = component.getLatestAlertTimestamp(); Date earliest = component.getEarliestAlertTimestamp(); if (latestAlertTimestamp == null || (latestAlertTimestamp != null && latest != null && latest.after(latestAlertTimestamp))) { latestAlertTimestamp = component.getLatestAlertTimestamp(); } if (earliestAlertTimestamp == null || (earliestAlertTimestamp != null && earliest != null && earliest.after(earliestAlertTimestamp))) { earliestAlertTimestamp = component.getEarliestAlertTimestamp(); } } } if (latestAlertTimestamp == null) { latestAlertTimestamp = new Date(); } if (earliestAlertTimestamp == null) { earliestAlertTimestamp = new Date(); } this.latestAlertTimestamp = latestAlertTimestamp; this.earliestAlertTimestamp = earliestAlertTimestamp; if (states.contains(ServiceComponent.STATE.DOWN)) { this.state = STATE.DOWN; } else if ((states.contains(ServiceComponent.STATE.UP) && hasErrorAlerts) || states.contains(ServiceComponent.STATE.UNKNOWN)) { this.state = STATE.WARNING; } else { this.state = STATE.UP; } } public void build() { //Change the State of the overall Service updateServiceState(); this.checkDate = new Date(); this.alertsWithoutComponent = getAlertsWithoutComponent(this.alerts); } /** * return a matching List of ServiceAlerts based upon the incoming component name */ private List<ServiceAlert> getAlertsWithoutComponent(List<ServiceAlert> alerts) { if (alerts != null) { Predicate<ServiceAlert> predicate = new Predicate<ServiceAlert>() { @Override public boolean apply(ServiceAlert alert) { return StringUtils.isBlank(alert.getComponentName()) && alert.getState().isError(); } }; Collection<ServiceAlert> matchingAlerts = Collections2.filter(alerts, predicate); if (matchingAlerts != null && !matchingAlerts.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayList<ServiceAlert>(matchingAlerts); } else { return null; } } return null; } public String getServiceName() { return serviceName; } public List<ServiceComponent> getComponents() { return components; } public List<ServiceComponent> getHealthyComponents() { return healthyComponents; } public List<ServiceComponent> getUnhealthyComponents() { return unhealthyComponents; } public Date getCheckDate() { return checkDate; } public List<ServiceAlert> getAlerts() { return alerts; } public List<ServiceAlert> getAlertsWithoutComponent() { return alertsWithoutComponent; } public STATE getState() { return state; } public Date getLatestAlertTimestamp() { return latestAlertTimestamp; } public Date getEarliestAlertTimestamp() { return earliestAlertTimestamp; } }