Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package com.theserverlabs.maven.utplsq;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

 * Copyright 2009 The Server Labs.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Utility class that splits the utPLSQL test outcome description into 
 * the various constituent elements using the JDK String.split() method. 
 * This is not the ideal solution but it is better than having to change
 * the utPLSQL schema which seems to be the alternative. 
public class ResultSplitter {

    private static final String RESULT_BLOCK_1 = "\" Result";
    private static final String RESULT_BLOCK_2 = "\" Expected \"";
    private static final String UNABLE_TO_RUN = "Unable to run \"";
    private static final String ASSERT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = "Assert Type Unknown";

     * Takes a description and splits it into its various constituent elements. The 
     * description should be in the following format (without the square brackets):
     * [packagename.procedureName]:[Assert type] [test description]:[results/debug 1]
     * Unfortunately utplsql output does not always conform to this format 
     * making precise interpretation impossible!
     * Other formats that occur are 
     * [packagename.procedureName]:[Assert type] [test description]+[results]
     * [packagename.procedureName]:[Assert type] [test description]: [debug/results 1] 
     * [packagename.procedureName]:[test description]
     * [packagename.procedureName].[Unable to run testName]:[error description]
     * [.]:[Unable to run] [packagename.procedureName]:[error description]
     * @param description the description input 
     * @return a DescContainer object that contains the description info 
     * @throws SplitterException if the description wasn't in the expected format. 
    public static DescContainer split(String description) throws SplitterException {

        DescContainer dc = new DescContainer();

        String[] descComponents = description.split(":");

        // first part is the package and function name or suite
        String[] nameComponents = descComponents[0].split("\\.");

        switch (nameComponents.length) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
            // single value suggest suite itself or setup/tear down tests

            int errorMsgIndex = descComponents[1].indexOf(UNABLE_TO_RUN);

            if (errorMsgIndex < 0) {
                dc.setProcedureName(descComponents[0] + "ut_setup");
                String postAssertStr = extractAndSetAssertTest(dc, descComponents[1]);

                String postTestDesc = extractAndSetTestName(dc, postAssertStr);

                dc.setResults(getResults(postTestDesc, descComponents, 2));
            } else // This message follows its own unique form!
                int lastDot = descComponents[1].lastIndexOf('.');
                dc.setProcedureName(descComponents[1].substring(errorMsgIndex + UNABLE_TO_RUN.length(), lastDot));
                dc.setTestName(descComponents[1].substring(lastDot + 1));
                dc.setResults(fetchDesc(descComponents, 2));


        case 2:
            // Add the method name to the package so we can use the name for the test assert description 
            dc.setProcedureName(nameComponents[0] + "." + nameComponents[1]);

            // Lets start after where we removed the Assert type
            String postAssertStr2 = extractAndSetAssertTest(dc, descComponents[1]);

            String postTestDesc2 = extractAndSetTestName(dc, postAssertStr2);

            dc.setResults(getResults(postTestDesc2, descComponents, 2));


            throw new SplitterException(
                    "utPLSQL results not in the expected format! Please check the utPLSQL outcome table.");

        return dc;

     * Merge Description's together starting with given index
     * @param desc
     * @return a merged description array
    private static String fetchDesc(String desc[], int startIndex) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = startIndex; i < desc.length; i++) {


        return sb.toString().trim();

     * Sets the Assert Test type  
     * @param typeStr and string containing the Assert Test
     * @return typeStr with Assert Type removed or the typeStr String if not found
    private static String extractAndSetAssertTest(DescContainer dc, String typeStr) {
        // Lets extract the assert test string which shall be added to the failure reports.
        int quotePos = typeStr.indexOf('"');

        if (quotePos > 0) {
            dc.setType(typeStr.substring(0, quotePos).trim());
            return typeStr.substring(quotePos + 1);
        } else {
            return typeStr;


     * Separates Assert Test description from attached results and setTestName
     * in dc.
     * @param dc the unscrambled results object
     * @param testStr typically the 2nd colon string from UTR_OUTCOME table 
     * @return the results that were appended to testStr or null 
    private static String extractAndSetTestName(DescContainer dc, String testStr) {
        int resultPos = testStr.indexOf(RESULT_BLOCK_1);

        String testName, resultsStr = null;

        if (resultPos > 0) {
            testName = testStr.substring(0, resultPos);
        } else // Unable to identify a results section, maybe its the EQ form?
            int expectedPos = testStr.indexOf(RESULT_BLOCK_2);

            if (expectedPos > 0) {
                testName = testStr.substring(0, expectedPos);
                resultsStr = StringUtils.remove(testStr.substring(expectedPos + 1).trim(), '"');
            } else {
                testName = testStr;


        return resultsStr;


     * Determines the results/debug output of the utPLSQL test
     * @param testStr if none null this forms the results
     * @param desc the utPLSQL desc split by :
     * @param startIndex the start merge index for desc
     * @return the results/debug output from an utPLSQL test
    private static String getResults(String testStr, String desc[], int startIndex) {
        String resultsStr = testStr;

        // If the results were not appended to the test name they are in the remaining descriptions
        if (resultsStr == null) {
            resultsStr = fetchDesc(desc, startIndex);

        return resultsStr;
