Java tutorial
/* * DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 * * Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <> * * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of * this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is * changed. * * DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, * DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION * * 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import android.util.Log; import; /** * This class handles talking to the server <br /> * Many methods in this class return a Map of <String,Object>, this map contains * various different values that were returned from a request as there can be * multiple returns with different return types. The mappings for these are the * ones default from json-simple * * <pre> * JSON Java * string java.lang.String * number java.lang.Number * true|false java.lang.Boolean * null null * array java.util.List * object java.util.Map * </pre> * * These return types should be obvious from their names, but checked type * casting should be done. * * @author Jacob Henkel */ public class RestClient { /** * The root URL of the API */ private URL rootUrl; /** * JSONRPC version string */ private static final String JSON_RPC_VERSION = "2.0"; /** * Creates a rest client for the given parameters * * @param protocol * The protocol to use, can be http or https * @param host * The host to connect to * @param port * The port to connect to * @param apiRoot * The root of the API on the host * @throws MalformedURLException */ public RestClient(String protocol, String host, int port, String apiRoot) throws MalformedURLException { this.rootUrl = new URL(protocol, host, port, apiRoot); Log.d("RestClient", String.format("Rest Client created for %s", this.rootUrl.toExternalForm())); } /** * Sends a JSONRPC request * * @param request * The request to send * @return The response */ private JSONObject sendJSONRPC(JSONObject request) { JSONObject ret = null; try { HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) this.rootUrl.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); conn.setChunkedStreamingMode(0); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setDoOutput(true); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream())); request.writeJSONString(osw); osw.close(); if (conn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream())); ret = (JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(isr); } else { Log.e("RestClient", String.format("Got %d instead of %d for HTTP Response", conn.getResponseCode(), HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK)); return null; } } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("RestClient", "Error in sendJSONRPC", e); } catch (ParseException e) { Log.e("RestClient", "Parse return data error", e); } return ret; } /** * Creates a JSONRPC Object with required fields besides parameters set * * @param method * The method called * @return The object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private JSONObject createJSONRPCObject(String method) { UUID id = UUID.randomUUID(); JSONObject request = new JSONObject(); request.put("jsonrpc", JSON_RPC_VERSION); request.put("method", method); request.put("id", id.toString()); return request; } /** * Checks the response for errors * * @param response * The response * @param request * The request sent for the response * @throws IOException * If an error is encountered */ private void checkJSONResponse(JSONObject response, JSONObject request) throws IOException { if ((response == null) || (response.get("error") != null)) { Log.e("RestClient", String.format("An error was encountered with the code %d with the message %s", response.get("code"), response.get("message"))); throw new IOException("Invalid response from server"); } if (!response.get("id").equals(request.get("id"))) { Log.e("RestClient", "Response ID doesn't match!"); throw new IOException("Got the wrong id on response"); } } /** * Does a SHA-256 hash of the password * * @param password * The password to hash * @return The hashed password * @throws AuthenticationException * If a problem occurs during hashing */ private String hashPassword(String password) throws AuthenticationException { try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); md.update(password.getBytes("UTF-8")); byte[] digest = md.digest(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (byte b : digest) { sb.append(String.format("%02x", b)); } return sb.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("RestClient", "Failed to encode password", e); throw new AuthenticationException("Password Encode failure"); } } /** * Authenticates the user with the server and gives an authentication token * * @param user * The user name to login with * @param password * The password to use * @return An authentication token if successful, null otherwise * @throws IOException * If a connection problem occurs * @throws AuthenticationException * If a problem authenticating occurs */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String login(String user, String password) throws IOException, AuthenticationException { String hashedPassword = hashPassword(password); Map<String, String> params = new JSONObject(); params.put("user", user); params.put("password", hashedPassword); JSONObject request = createJSONRPCObject("login"); request.put("params", params); JSONObject response = sendJSONRPC(request); checkJSONResponse(response, request); String auth = (String) response.get("result"); return auth; } /** * Gets all available Minecraft commands on the server * * @return A list of Minecraft commands * @throws IOException * If an error is encountered */ public Map<String, MinecraftCommand> getAllMinecraftCommands() throws IOException { Map<String, MinecraftCommand> cmds = new HashMap<String, MinecraftCommand>(); JSONObject request = createJSONRPCObject("getAllCommands"); JSONObject response = sendJSONRPC(request); checkJSONResponse(response, request); // Parse result @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, JSONObject> commands = (Map<String, JSONObject>) response.get("result"); for (String name : commands.keySet()) { JSONObject paramObj = commands.get(name); JSONArray jparams = (JSONArray) paramObj.get("params"); JSONArray jparamTypes = (JSONArray) paramObj.get("paramTypes"); Map<String, ArgType> params = new HashMap<String, ArgType>(); for (int i = 0; i < jparams.size(); i++) { params.put((String) jparams.get(i), ArgType.getArgTypeFromString((String) jparamTypes.get(i))); } cmds.put(name, new MinecraftCommand(name, params)); } return cmds; } /** * Gets information about the server * * @return A map containing information about the server * @throws IOException * If a connection problem occurs */ public Map<String, Object> getServerInfo() throws IOException { Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // Create request JSONObject request = createJSONRPCObject("systemInfo"); // Send request JSONObject response = sendJSONRPC(request); checkJSONResponse(response, request); // Parse response @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> json = (JSONObject) response.get("result"); ret.putAll(json); return ret; } /** * Executes the given command on the server the RestClient is connected to * * @param cmd * The command to execute * @param params * The parameters to pass into the command * @return A map containing any return values * @throws IOException * If a connection problem occurs */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String executeCommand(MinecraftCommand cmd, Map<String, Object> params) throws IOException { // Create request JSONObject request = createJSONRPCObject("command"); JSONObject command = cmd.createJSONObject(params); request.put("params", command); // Send request JSONObject response = sendJSONRPC(request); checkJSONResponse(response, request); // Parse response String json = (String) response.get("result"); return json; } /** * This method gets a list of all mods and their versions that are currently * on the Minecraft server * * @return A list of mods * @throws IOException * If a connection problem occurs */ public List<MinecraftMod> getServerMods() throws IOException { List<MinecraftMod> mods = new ArrayList<MinecraftMod>(); JSONObject request = createJSONRPCObject("getMods"); JSONObject response = sendJSONRPC(request); checkJSONResponse(response, request); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<JSONObject> modlist = (List<JSONObject>) response.get("result"); for (Map<String, String> m : modlist) { mods.add(new MinecraftMod(m.get("name"), m.get("version"))); } return mods; } /** * Gets console messages since index and appends it to message * * @param index * The last index, set to -1 for all currently on server * @param messages * The list to append to * @return The last index of received messages * @throws IOException * If a connection error occurs */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long getConsoleMessages(long index, List<String> messages) throws IOException { long lastIndex = index; if (messages == null) { Log.e("RestClient", "Passed in List was null!"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("List was null"); } JSONObject request = createJSONRPCObject("consoleMessages"); request.put("params", index); JSONObject response = sendJSONRPC(request); checkJSONResponse(response, request); List<JSONObject> jmessages = (List<JSONObject>) response.get("result"); for (JSONObject message : jmessages) { lastIndex = (Long) message.get("id"); messages.add((String) message.get("message")); } return lastIndex; } /** * Stops the Minecraft server * * @throws IOException * If a connection problem occurs */ public void stopServer() throws IOException { JSONObject request = createJSONRPCObject("stopServer"); JSONObject response = sendJSONRPC(request); checkJSONResponse(response, request); } /** * Gets a list of all methods on the server's JSON-RPC service * * @return A map of methods and their descriptions * @throws IOException * If a connection problem occurs */ public Map<String, String> getAllMethods() throws IOException { Map<String, String> methods = new HashMap<String, String>(); JSONObject request = createJSONRPCObject("getAllMethods"); JSONObject response = sendJSONRPC(request); checkJSONResponse(response, request); // Parse response @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> jmethods = (Map<String, String>) response.get("result"); for (String method : jmethods.keySet()) { methods.put(method, jmethods.get(method)); } return methods; } }