Java tutorial
package; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import com.tesora.dve.server.bootstrap.Host; import; import com.tesora.dve.singleton.Singletons; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.tesora.dve.common.DBHelper; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEConstants; import com.tesora.dve.common.PECryptoUtils; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEFileUtils; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEUrl; import com.tesora.dve.common.PEXmlUtils; import com.tesora.dve.common.SiteInstanceStatus; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.DynamicPolicy; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.ExternalService; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.PersistentGroup; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.PersistentSite; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.Provider; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.SiteInstance; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.VariableConfig; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.groupmanager.HazelcastCoordinationServices; import com.tesora.dve.groupmanager.LocalhostCoordinationServices; import com.tesora.dve.siteprovider.onpremise.jaxb.OnPremiseSiteProviderConfig; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.VariableScopeKind; import com.tesora.dve.sql.template.jaxb.Template; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transexec.CatalogHelper; import com.tesora.dve.standalone.Main; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.tesora.dve.upgrade.CatalogSchemaVersion; import com.tesora.dve.upgrade.CatalogVersions; import com.tesora.dve.variable.VariableConstants; public class DVEConfigCLI extends CLIBuilder { private static final String PERSISTENT_SCHEMA = "persistent.xsd"; private static final String POLICY_SCHEMA = "policy.xsd"; private static final String ONPREMISE_SITE_PROVIDER_SCHEMA = "onPremiseSiteProvider.xsd"; private static final String TEMPLATE_SCHEMA = "template.xsd"; private static final String DEFAULT_JMX_HOST = ""; private static final Integer DEFAULT_JMX_PORT = 1234; private static final FilenameFilter TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME_FILTER = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(DVEAnalyzerCLI.TEMPLATE_FILE_EXTENSION); } }; private CatalogHelper catHelper; private DBHelper dbHelper; public DVEConfigCLI(String[] args) throws PEException { super(args, "Configuration Tool"); registerCommand( new CommandType(new String[] { "locate", "catalog" }, "<url> <user> <password> [<database>]", "Specify the location of the DVE catalog and the user / password to use when connecting.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "encrypt" }, "<text>", "Internal - Encrypt the specified text.", true)); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "setup", "catalog" }, "<persistent file> <dynamic file> <policy file>", "Create an initial catalog required to run the server using the specified files for configuration.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "setup", "localhost", "catalog" }, "[<num persistent site>] [<num dynamic sites>]", "Create an initial catalog required to run the server with the specified number of sites on localhost.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "delete", "catalog" }, "Delete the DVE catalog.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "upgrade", "catalog" }, "Upgrade the catalog.")); registerCommand( new CommandType(new String[] { "check", "catalog", "version" }, "Check the catalog version.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "truncate", "servers" }, "Remove all registered servers from the catalog.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "set", "root", "user" }, "<user> <password>", "Set the username and password for the root user")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "set", "default", "pg" }, "<name>", "Set the default persistent group.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "show", "pg" }, "<name>", "Show the contents of the specified persistent group.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "add", "provider" }, "<name> <plugin> [<filename>]", "Add a new provider with the specified plugin and configuration.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "configure", "provider" }, "<name> <filename>", "Configure the specified dynamic site provider using the contents of the file.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "show", "provider" }, "<name>", "Show the configuration for the specified dynamic site provider.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "remove", "provider" }, "<name>", "Remove the specified dynamic site provider.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "add", "policy" }, "<filename>", "Add a new dynamic policy with the specifed configuration.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "configure", "policy" }, "<filename>", "Configure the specified dynamic policy using the contents of the file.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "show", "policy" }, "<name>", "Show the configuration for the specified dynamic policy.")); registerCommand( new CommandType(new String[] { "set", "default", "policy" }, "<name>", "Set the default policy")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "set", "groupService" }, "<Hazelcast | Localhost>", "Set the group service.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "add", "es" }, "<name> <plugin> <use data store> [<connect user>] [<filename>]", "Add a new external service with the specified plugin and configuration.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "configure", "es" }, "<name> <filename>", "Configure the specified external service using the contents of the file.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "show", "es" }, "<name>", "Show the configuration for the specified external service.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "remove", "es" }, "<name>", "Remove the specified external service.")); registerCommand( new CommandType(new String[] { "dump" }, "[verbose]", "Display the contents of the catalog.")); registerCommand( new CommandType(new String[] { "action", "list" }, "List all available action modules.", true)); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "action", "report" }, "<name>", "Run the specified action report.", true)); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "action", "run" }, "<name>", "Run the specified action process.", true)); // The following commands require an active connection to the DVE server. registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "connect" }, "[<url> <user> <password>]", "Connect to a DVE server (default=" + PEConstants.MYSQL_URL + " " + PEConstants.ROOT + " " + PEConstants.PASSWORD + ")")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "disconnect" }, "Disconnect from a DVE server.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "add", "template" }, "<template file> [<match>]", "Add a new template to the server using the specified file.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "add", "templates" }, "<templates folder>", "Add a new set of templates to the server from the specified folder.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "update", "template" }, "<template file> [<match>]", "Alter an existing template using the specified file.")); registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "update", "templates" }, "<template folder>", "Alter a set of existing template from the specified folder.")); registerJMXCommands(); try { catHelper = new CatalogHelper(Main.class); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new PEException("Failed to create catalog helper - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } protected CatalogHelper getCatalogHelper() { return catHelper; } @Override public void close() { if (catHelper != null) { catHelper.close(); catHelper = null; } super.close(); } public void cmd_dump(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final boolean verbose = StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("VERBOSE", scan(scanner)); printlnDots("Generating " + (verbose ? "verbose " : "") + "dump of catalog"); try (final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw)) { catHelper.dumpCatalogInfo(pw, verbose); println(sw.toString()); } catch (final PEException e) { throw e; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new PEException("Failed to generate dump - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } public void cmd_locate_catalog(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { if (scanner.hasNext()) { final String url = buildValidCatalogUrlFromLocation(scan(scanner, "url")); final String user = scan(scanner, "user"); final String password = scan(scanner, "password"); final String database = scan(scanner); final DBHelper dbHelper = new DBHelper(url, user, password); try { dbHelper.connect(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new PEException( "Failed to connect to DVE catalog database at '" + url + "' - " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { dbHelper.disconnect(); } try { final Properties serverProps = PEFileUtils.loadPropertiesFromClasspath(Main.class, PEConstants.SERVER_FILE_NAME); serverProps.setProperty(DBHelper.CONN_URL, url); serverProps.setProperty(DBHelper.CONN_USER, user); serverProps.setProperty(DBHelper.CONN_PASSWORD, password); serverProps.setProperty(DBHelper.CONN_DBNAME, (database != null) ? database : PEConstants.CATALOG); PEFileUtils.savePropertiesToClasspath(Main.class, PEConstants.SERVER_FILE_NAME, serverProps); printlnDots("Updating properties file at: " + PEFileUtils .convert(PEFileUtils.getClasspathURL(Main.class, PEConstants.SERVER_FILE_NAME))); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new PEException("Failed to update '" + PEConstants.SERVER_FILE_NAME + "' - " + e.getMessage(), e); } try { catHelper.close(); catHelper = new CatalogHelper(Main.class); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new PEException("Failed to re-create catalog helper - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } final Properties props = catHelper.getProperties(); printlnDots("DVE catalog location settings are:"); printlnIndent("URL = " + props.getProperty(DBHelper.CONN_URL, "")); printlnIndent("User = " + props.getProperty(DBHelper.CONN_USER, "")); printlnIndent("Password = " + props.getProperty(DBHelper.CONN_PASSWORD, "")); printlnIndent("Database = " + props.getProperty(DBHelper.CONN_DBNAME, "")); } private String buildValidCatalogUrlFromLocation(final String catalogLocation) throws PEException { PEUrl.isValidUrlWithPort(catalogLocation); final PEUrl urlBuilder = PEUrl.fromUrlString(catalogLocation); urlBuilder.setQueryOption("useUnicode", "true"); urlBuilder.setQueryOption("characterEncoding", "utf8"); urlBuilder.setQueryOption("connectionCollation", "utf8_general_ci"); return urlBuilder.getURL(); } public void cmd_encrypt(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String value = scan(scanner, "text"); printlnDots("encrypt '" + value + "' as '" + PECryptoUtils.encrypt(value)); } public void cmd_delete_catalog() throws PEException { final Properties props = catHelper.getProperties(); final String catalogLocation = props.getProperty(DBHelper.CONN_URL, ""); if (StringUtils.isBlank(catalogLocation)) { throw new PEException( "Catalog location not set. Use the locate command to specify catalog location first."); } println("You are about to completely remove the DVE catalog located at " + catalogLocation); askQuestion("Do you want to continue [y/N]? ", new QuestionCallback() { @Override public void answer(String line) throws PEException { if ((line != null) && (line.equalsIgnoreCase("y") || line.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))) { catHelper.deleteCatalog(); printlnDots("DVE catalog deleted from '" + catalogLocation + "'"); } } }); } public void cmd_set_root_user(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String user = scan(scanner, "user"); final String password = scan(scanner, "password"); catHelper.setRootCredentials(user, password); } public void cmd_setup_localhost_catalog(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { Integer persistent = scanInteger(scanner); Integer dynamic = scanInteger(scanner); if (persistent == null) { persistent = 1; } if (dynamic == null) { dynamic = 1; } printlnDots("Generating localhost catalog with " + persistent + " persistent site(s) and " + dynamic + " dynamic site(s)"); catHelper.createLocalhostCatalog("OnPremise", PEConstants.DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME, persistent, dynamic); printlnDots("DVE catalog created at '" + catHelper.getCatalogDatabaseLocation() + "'"); } public void cmd_setup_catalog(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final File persistentFile = scanFile(scanner, "persistent sites"); final File dynamicFile = scanFile(scanner, "dynamic sites"); final File policyFile = scanFile(scanner, "policy"); final String persistentContent = PEFileUtils.readToString(persistentFile); final String dynamicContent = PEFileUtils.readToString(dynamicFile); final String policyContent = PEFileUtils.readToString(policyFile); // Unmarshall XML for persistent site configuration. final PersistentConfig persistentConfig = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(persistentContent, PersistentConfig.class, PEFileUtils.getClasspathURL(PersistentConfig.class, PERSISTENT_SCHEMA)); // Create in memory representations of sites and groups. final List<PersistentSite> sites = createPersistentSites(persistentConfig); final List<PersistentGroup> groups = createPersistentGroups(persistentConfig, sites); // Determine default Persistent Group to set. PersistentGroup defaultGroup = null; if ((persistentConfig.getPersistentGroups() != null) && (persistentConfig.getPersistentGroups().getDefaultGroup() != null)) { // Make sure it exists in the group list we created above. for (final PersistentGroup group : groups) { if (persistentConfig.getPersistentGroups().getDefaultGroup().equals(group.getName())) { defaultGroup = group; break; } } if (defaultGroup == null) { throw new PEException("Persistent group specified a default group that doesn't exist"); } } else { defaultGroup = groups.get(0); } // Unmarshall XML for policy configuration. final DynamicPolicy policy = parsePolicyConfig(PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(policyContent, PolicyConfig.class, PEFileUtils.getClasspathURL(PolicyConfig.class, POLICY_SCHEMA))); OnPremiseSiteProviderConfig dynamic = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(dynamicContent, OnPremiseSiteProviderConfig.class, PEFileUtils.getClasspathURL(OnPremiseSiteProviderConfig.class, ONPREMISE_SITE_PROVIDER_SCHEMA)); // Encrypt any passwords. dynamic = CatalogHelper.encryptProviderPasswords(dynamic); printlnDots("Generating DVE catalog"); catHelper.createStandardCatalog(sites, groups, defaultGroup, dynamic, policy); printlnDots("DVE catalog created at '" + catHelper.getCatalogDatabaseLocation() + "'"); } private List<PersistentSite> createPersistentSites(PersistentConfig config) throws PEException { final List<PersistentSite> sites = new ArrayList<PersistentSite>(); if ((config.getPersistentSites() == null) || (config.getPersistentSites().getSite() == null) || config.getPersistentSites().getSite().isEmpty()) { throw new PEException("Persistent site list needs to contain at least one persistent site"); } for (final PersistentSiteCfgList.Site siteCfg : config.getPersistentSites().getSite()) { if (!PersistentSite.isValidHAType(siteCfg.getHaMode())) { throw new PEException("Persistent site contains an invalid haMode '" + siteCfg.getHaMode() + "'"); } final PersistentSite site = new PersistentSite(siteCfg.getName(), siteCfg.getHaMode()); // Create all of the site instances. SiteInstance master = null; for (final PersistentSiteCfgList.Site.SiteInstance inst : siteCfg.getSiteInstance()) { // Initially we will create all site as non-masters. final SiteInstance i = new SiteInstance(inst.getName(), inst.getUrl(), inst.getUser(), inst.getPassword(), false, inst.isEnabled() ? :; site.addInstance(i); // If the configuration specifies a master then remember it. if ((inst.isMaster() != null) && inst.isMaster()) { if (!inst.isEnabled()) { throw new PEException("Can't specify a disabled site instance as master for site '" + site.getName() + "'"); } // Unless we already have a master specified. if (master != null) { throw new PEException( "Multiple instances specified as master for site '" + site.getName() + "'"); } master = i; } } // If we don't have a master defined then simply use the first // available. if (master == null) { for (final SiteInstance inst : site.getSiteInstances()) { if (inst.isEnabled() && inst.isMaster()) { master = inst; break; } } } // If master is still null then we don't have a viable master. if (master == null) { throw new PEException("No master site instance available for site '" + site.getName() + "'"); } site.setMasterInstance(master); if (siteCfg.getHaMode().equalsIgnoreCase("single")) { if (site.getSiteInstances().size() != 1) { throw new PEException( "Persistent site of haMode 'Single' should have exactly one site instance"); } } else if (siteCfg.getHaMode().equalsIgnoreCase("mastermaster")) { if (site.getSiteInstances().size() != 2) { throw new PEException( "Persistent site of haMode 'MasterMaster' should have exactly two site instances"); } } sites.add(site); } return sites; } private List<PersistentGroup> createPersistentGroups(PersistentConfig config, List<PersistentSite> sites) throws PEException { final List<PersistentGroup> groups = new ArrayList<PersistentGroup>(); if ((config.getPersistentGroups() == null) || (config.getPersistentGroups().getGroup() == null) || config.getPersistentGroups().getGroup().isEmpty()) { // We don't have a groups declaration therefore we are going to // create a default group containing all of the sites we know about. final PersistentGroup group = new PersistentGroup(PEConstants.DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME); group.addAllSites(sites); groups.add(group); } else { for (final PersistentGroupCfgList.Group groupCfg : config.getPersistentGroups().getGroup()) { final PersistentGroup group = new PersistentGroup(groupCfg.getName()); if (groupCfg.getSite().isEmpty()) { throw new PEException("Persistent group contains a group with no sites"); } for (final String siteName : groupCfg.getSite()) { // Iterate over available PersistentSites looking for the // one we want to add to the group. boolean found = false; for (final PersistentSite site : sites) { if (siteName.equals(site.getName())) { group.addStorageSite(site); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { throw new PEException( "Persistent group contains site '" + siteName + "' that doesn't exist"); } } groups.add(group); } } return groups; } public void cmd_set_default_pg(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); catHelper.setDefaultStorageGroup(name); printlnDots("Default persistent group set to '" + name + "'"); } public void cmd_show_pg(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); final PersistentGroup pg = catHelper.getStorageGroup(name); final List<PersistentSite> sites = pg.getStorageSites(); printlnDots("Persistent group '" + pg.getName() + "' size=" + sites.size()); println("Sites:"); for (final PersistentSite site : sites) { final StringBuffer siteInstances = new StringBuffer(); for (final SiteInstance siteInstance : site.getSiteInstances()) { if (!siteInstance.isMaster()) { if (siteInstances.length() > 0) { siteInstances.append(", "); } siteInstances.append(siteInstance.getInstanceURL()); if (!siteInstance.isEnabled()) { siteInstances.append("(disabled)"); } } } final String instText = (siteInstances.length() > 0) ? ", [" + siteInstances.toString() + "]" : ""; println(site.getName() + ", " + site.getHAType() + ", " + site.getMasterUrl() + instText); } } public void cmd_add_provider(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); final String plugin = scan(scanner, "plugin"); final File providerFile = scanFile(scanner); final Provider provider = catHelper.createSiteProvider(name, plugin, (providerFile == null) ? null : PEFileUtils.readToString(providerFile)); printlnDots("Site provider '" + provider.getName() + "' created"); } public void cmd_configure_provider(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); final File providerFile = scanFile(scanner, "filename"); final Provider provider = catHelper.setSiteProviderConfig(name, PEFileUtils.readToString(providerFile)); printlnDots("Site provider '" + provider.getName() + "' configuration complete"); } public void cmd_show_provider(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); final Provider provider = catHelper.getSiteProvider(name); printlnDots("Site provider '" + provider.getName() + "' plugin='" + provider.getPlugin() + "' enabled=" + provider.isEnabled()); println("Configuration:"); println(provider.getConfig()); } public void cmd_remove_provider(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); catHelper.removeSiteProvider(name); printlnDots("Site provider '" + name + "' removed"); } public void cmd_add_policy(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final File policyFile = scanFile(scanner, "filename"); final String policyContent = PEFileUtils.readToString(policyFile); final PolicyConfig policyConfig = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(policyContent, PolicyConfig.class, PEFileUtils.getClasspathURL(PolicyConfig.class, POLICY_SCHEMA)); final DynamicPolicy policy = parsePolicyConfig(policyConfig); catHelper.createDynamicPolicy(policy); printlnDots("Dynamic policy '" + policy.getName() + "' created"); } public void cmd_configure_policy(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final File policyFile = scanFile(scanner, "filename"); final String policyContent = PEFileUtils.readToString(policyFile); final PolicyConfig policyConfig = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(policyContent, PolicyConfig.class, PEFileUtils.getClasspathURL(PolicyConfig.class, POLICY_SCHEMA)); final DynamicPolicy policy = parsePolicyConfig(policyConfig); catHelper.setDynamicPolicyConfig(policy); printlnDots("Dynamic policy '" + policy.getName() + "' configuration complete"); } public void cmd_show_policy(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); final DynamicPolicy policy = catHelper.getDynamicPolicy(name); printlnDots("Dynamic policy '" + policy.getName() + "'"); println("Configuration:"); println("Aggregation : " + policy.getAggregationClass().toString()); println("Small : " + policy.getSmallClass().toString()); println("Medium : " + policy.getMediumClass().toString()); println("Large : " + policy.getLargeClass().toString()); } public void cmd_set_default_policy(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); catHelper.setDefaultDynamicPolicy(name); printlnDots("Default dynamic policy set to '" + name + "'"); } public void cmd_set_groupService(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "groupService"); String type = null; if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(LocalhostCoordinationServices.TYPE)) { type = LocalhostCoordinationServices.TYPE; } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(HazelcastCoordinationServices.TYPE)) { type = HazelcastCoordinationServices.TYPE; } if (type == null) { throw new PEException("'" + name + "' isn't a recognized type for group service"); } catHelper.setVariable(VariableConstants.GROUP_SERVICE_NAME, type, true); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void cmd_show_variables(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final List<VariableConfig> variables = catHelper.getAllVariables(); printlnDots("Variables size: " + variables.size()); for (final VariableConfig variable : variables) { if (variable.getScopes().indexOf( > -1) println(variable.getName() + " = " + variable.getValue()); } } public void cmd_set_variable(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String variable = scan(scanner, "variable"); final int index = variable.indexOf('='); if (index == -1) { throw new PEException("Variable should be in the form <key>=<value>"); } final String key = variable.substring(0, index); final String value = variable.substring(index + 1); catHelper.setVariable(key, value, true); printlnDots("Successfully set variable '" + key + "' to value '" + value + "'"); } public void cmd_add_es(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); final String plugin = scan(scanner, "plugin"); final boolean usesDataStore = scanBoolean(scanner, "use data source"); String connectUser = scan(scanner); if ((connectUser != null) && connectUser.equals("null")) { connectUser = null; } final File esFile = scanFile(scanner); final ExternalService externalService = catHelper.createExternalService(name, plugin, connectUser, usesDataStore, (esFile == null) ? null : PEFileUtils.readToString(esFile)); printlnDots("External service '" + externalService.getName() + "' created"); } public void cmd_configure_es(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); final File esFile = scanFile(scanner, "filename"); final ExternalService externalService = catHelper.setExternalServiceConfig(name, PEFileUtils.readToString(esFile)); printlnDots("External service '" + externalService.getName() + "' configuration complete"); } public void cmd_show_es(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); final ExternalService externalService = catHelper.getExternalService(name); printlnDots("External service '" + externalService.getName() + "' plugin='" + externalService.getPlugin() + "' auto start=" + externalService.isAutoStart() + "' uses datastore=" + externalService.usesDataStore() + " 'connect user='" + externalService.getConnectUser()); println("Configuration:"); println(externalService.getConfig()); } public void cmd_remove_es(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); catHelper.removeExternalService(name); printlnDots("External service '" + name + "' removed"); } public void cmd_upgrade_catalog() throws PEException { catHelper.checkURLAvailable(); final Properties props = catHelper.getProperties(); final String catalogLocation = props.getProperty(DBHelper.CONN_URL, ""); boolean upgradeRequired = false; try { CatalogVersions.catalogVersionCheck(props); } catch (final PEException e) { upgradeRequired = true; } if (!upgradeRequired) { throw new PEException( "DVE catalog at '" + catalogLocation + "' is latest version. Upgrade not required."); } println("You are about to upgrade your DVE catalog located at '" + catalogLocation + "'"); askQuestion("Do you want to continue [y/N]? ", new QuestionCallback() { @Override public void answer(String line) throws PEException { if ((line != null) && (line.equalsIgnoreCase("y") || line.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))) { printlnDots("Starting DVE catalog upgrade at '" + catalogLocation + "'"); //this Host initialization was pulled out of CatalogVersions to break a dependency cycle between Host and CatalogVersions. if (Singletons.lookup(HostService.class) == null) { props.put(DBHelper.CONN_DRIVER_CLASS, PEConstants.MYSQL_DRIVER_CLASS); // we can't start the catalog here - otherwise we would modify it while sitting on it new Host(props, false /* startCatalog */); //TODO: the startCatalog flag has a bad smell. HostService needs further decomposition. -sgossard } CatalogVersions.upgradeToLatest(props, DVEConfigCLI.this); printlnDots("Catalog upgrade complete"); } } }); } public void cmd_check_catalog_version() throws PEException { catHelper.checkURLAvailable(); final Properties props = catHelper.getProperties(); final String catalogLocation = props.getProperty(DBHelper.CONN_URL, ""); printlnDots("Checking version of DVE catalog at '" + catalogLocation + "'"); final CatalogSchemaVersion version = CatalogVersions.catalogVersionCheck(props); printlnDots( "DVE catalog at " + catalogLocation + " is at latest version (" + version.getSchemaVersion() + ")"); } public void cmd_truncate_servers() { println("You are about to completely remove all registered servers from the DVE catalog"); askQuestion("Do you want to continue [y/N]? ", new QuestionCallback() { @Override public void answer(String line) throws PEException { if ((line != null) && (line.equalsIgnoreCase("y") || line.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))) { catHelper.deleteAllServerRegistration(); printlnDots("All registered servers removed from the DVE catalog"); } } }); } public void cmd_action_list() { printlnDots("Available actions are:"); for (final FieldAction action : FieldActionManager.getAllActions()) { println(action.getName() + " - " + action.getDescription()); } } public void cmd_action_report(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); final FieldAction action = getActionOnCurrentCatalog(name);, getPrintStream()); } public void cmd_action_run(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final String name = scan(scanner, "name"); final FieldAction action = getActionOnCurrentCatalog(name); action.execute(catHelper.getProperties(), getPrintStream()); } private FieldAction getActionOnCurrentCatalog(final String name) throws PEException { final FieldAction action = FieldActionManager.getAction(name); if (!action.isValid(CatalogVersions.getCurrentVersion())) { throw new PEException("Action '" + name + "' isn't available for the current catalog version"); } return action; } private DynamicPolicy parsePolicyConfig(PolicyConfig config) { return new DynamicPolicy(config.getName(), config.isStrict(), config.getAggregation().getProvider(), config.getAggregation().getPool(), config.getAggregation().getCount(), config.getSmall().getProvider(), config.getSmall().getPool(), config.getSmall().getCount(), config.getMedium().getProvider(), config.getMedium().getPool(), config.getMedium().getCount(), config.getLarge().getProvider(), config.getLarge().getPool(), config.getLarge().getCount()); } public void cmd_connect(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { cmd_disconnect(); String url = PEConstants.MYSQL_URL; String user = PEConstants.ROOT; String password = PEConstants.PASSWORD; if (scanner.hasNext()) { url = scan(scanner, "url"); user = scan(scanner, "user"); password = scan(scanner, "password"); } url = PEUrl.fromUrlString(url).getURL(); dbHelper = new DBHelper(url, user, password).connect(); printlnDots("You are now connected to the DVE server at '" + url + "'"); } public void cmd_disconnect() { if (dbHelper != null) { dbHelper.disconnect(); printlnDots("You are now disconnected from the DVE server"); } dbHelper = null; } public void cmd_add_template(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final File templateFile = scanFile(scanner, "filename"); final String match = scan(scanner); addTemplate(templateFile, false, match); printlnDots("Template '" + templateFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' added to catalog"); } public void cmd_add_templates(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final File folder = scanFile(scanner, "folder"); pushTemplatesToCatalog(folder, false); } public void cmd_update_template(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final File templateFile = scanFile(scanner, "filename"); final String match = scan(scanner); addTemplate(templateFile, true, match); printlnDots("Template '" + templateFile + "' updated in catalog"); } public void cmd_update_templates(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { final File folder = scanFile(scanner, "folder"); pushTemplatesToCatalog(folder, true); } private void pushTemplatesToCatalog(final File folder, final boolean updateExisting) throws PEException { if (!folder.isDirectory()) { throw new PEException("'" + folder + "' isn't a valid directory"); } final File[] files = folder.listFiles(TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME_FILTER); for (final File file : files) { try { addTemplate(file, updateExisting, null); printlnDots("Template '" + file.getPath() + "' added to catalog"); } catch (final Exception e) { printlnDots("Could not add template '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' - " + e.getMessage()); } } } private String addTemplate(File templateFile, boolean update, String match) throws PEException { final String templateStr = PEFileUtils.readToString(templateFile); final Template template = PEXmlUtils.unmarshalJAXB(templateStr, Template.class, PEFileUtils.getClasspathURL(Template.class, TEMPLATE_SCHEMA)); final String useName = template.getName(); final String useComment = template.getComment(); final String useMatch = StringUtils.isBlank(match) ? template.getMatch() : match; try { if (dbHelper != null) { addTemplateToServer(useName, templateStr, update, useMatch, useComment); } else { addTemplateToCatalog(useName, templateStr, update, useMatch, useComment); } return useName; } catch (final Exception e) { if (update) { throw new PEException("Failed to update template '" + template + "' in catalog - " + e.getMessage(), e); } else { throw new PEException("Failed to add template '" + template + "' to catalog - " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } private void addTemplateToServer(String name, String templateStr, boolean update, String match, String comment) throws Exception { final StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); if (update) { query.append("ALTER TEMPLATE `").append(name).append("` SET XML='") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(templateStr)).append("'"); } else { query.append("CREATE TEMPLATE `").append(name).append("` XML='") .append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(templateStr)).append("'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(match)) { query.append(" MATCH='").append(match).append("'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(comment)) { query.append(" COMMENT='").append(comment).append("'"); } dbHelper.executeQuery(query.toString()); } private void addTemplateToCatalog(String name, String templateStr, boolean update, String match, String comment) throws Exception { if (update) { catHelper.updateTemplate(name, templateStr, match, comment); } else { catHelper.createTemplate(name, templateStr, match, comment); } } private JMXMBeanConnector jmxConnector = null; private String jmxDomain = null; private ObjectName jmxMBean = null; private MBeanInfo jmxMBeanInfo = null; public void registerJMXCommands() { // The following commands are for JMX mode final CommandMapType map = createCommandMap("jmx"); map.registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "connect" }, "[<host> <port>]")); map.registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "list", "domains" }, "")); map.registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "domain" }, "<domain>")); map.registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "list", "mbeans" }, "")); map.registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "mbean" }, "<mbean>")); map.registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "get", "attribute" }, "<attribute>")); map.registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "get", "attributes" }, "")); map.registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "list", "operations" }, "")); map.registerCommand(new CommandType(new String[] { "invoke" }, "[<arg 1> ... <arg n>]")); } public void cmd_jmx_connect(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { String host = scan(scanner); Integer port = scanInteger(scanner); if (host == null) { host = DEFAULT_JMX_HOST; } if (port == null) { port = DEFAULT_JMX_PORT; } jmxConnector = new JMXMBeanConnector(host, port); printlnDots("You are now connected to the MBean server at '" + jmxConnector.serviceUrl + "'"); cmd_jmx_list_domains(); } public void cmd_jmx_disconnect() throws PEException { checkJMXConnected(); jmxConnector.close(); this.jmxConnector = null; this.jmxDomain = null; this.jmxMBean = null; this.jmxMBeanInfo = null; } public void cmd_jmx_list_domains() throws PEException { checkJMXConnected(); final String[] domains = jmxConnector.getBeanDomains(); printlnDots("Available MBean domain names are:"); for (final String domain : domains) { println(domain); } } public void cmd_jmx_domain(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { checkJMXConnected(); final String domain = scan(scanner, "domain"); jmxConnector.getBeanNames(domain); jmxDomain = domain; jmxMBean = null; jmxMBeanInfo = null; printlnDots("Domain '" + jmxDomain + "' selected"); cmd_jmx_list_mbeans(); } public void cmd_jmx_list_mbeans() throws PEException { checkJMXConnected(); checkJMXDomain(); final Set<ObjectName> beans = jmxConnector.getBeanNames(jmxDomain); printlnDots("Available MBean(s) in domain '" + jmxDomain + "' are:"); for (final ObjectName bean : beans) { println(bean.getCanonicalKeyPropertyListString()); } } public void cmd_jmx_mbean(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { checkJMXConnected(); checkJMXDomain(); final String mbean = scan(scanner, "mbean"); final ObjectName on = jmxConnector.makeObjectName(jmxDomain, mbean); final MBeanInfo info = jmxConnector.getBeanInfo(on); jmxMBean = on; jmxMBeanInfo = info; printlnDots("MBean '" + jmxMBean + "' selected"); println("Attributes = " + (info.getAttributes() == null ? "N/A" : info.getAttributes().length)); println("Operations = " + (info.getOperations() == null ? "N/A" : info.getOperations().length)); } public void cmd_jmx_get_attribute(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { checkJMXConnected(); checkJMXDomain(); checkJMXMBean(); final String attribute = scan(scanner, "attribute"); printlnDots("Attribute value for '" + attribute + "' in mbean '" + jmxMBean + "' is:"); println(attribute + " = " + jmxConnector.getAttribute(jmxMBean, attribute)); } public void cmd_jmx_get_attributes() throws PEException { checkJMXConnected(); checkJMXDomain(); checkJMXMBean(); for (final MBeanAttributeInfo attrib : jmxMBeanInfo.getAttributes()) { if (attrib.isReadable()) { println(attrib.getName() + " = " + jmxConnector.getAttribute(jmxMBean, attrib.getName())); } } } public void cmd_jmx_list_operations() throws PEException { checkJMXConnected(); checkJMXDomain(); checkJMXMBean(); for (final MBeanOperationInfo operation : jmxMBeanInfo.getOperations()) { final String name = operation.getName(); final StringBuilder sParam = new StringBuilder(); for (final MBeanParameterInfo param : operation.getSignature()) { if (sParam.length() > 0) { sParam.append(", "); } sParam.append(formatType(param.getType())).append(" ").append(param.getName()); } final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); println(builder.append(name).append("(").append(sParam.toString()).append(")").toString()); } } public void cmd_jmx_invoke(Scanner scanner) throws PEException { checkJMXConnected(); checkJMXDomain(); checkJMXMBean(); final String opName = scan(scanner, "operation"); // First lookup the operation to ensure it exists MBeanOperationInfo found = null; for (final MBeanOperationInfo operation : jmxMBeanInfo.getOperations()) { if (operation.getName().equals(opName)) { found = operation; break; } } if (found == null) { throw new PEException("'" + opName + "' isn't a valid operation on '" + jmxMBean + "'"); } final MBeanParameterInfo[] params = found.getSignature(); final Object[] paramO = params.length == 0 ? null : new Object[params.length]; final String[] paramT = params.length == 0 ? null : new String[params.length]; for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { // For each parameter we expect to have a matching item in the // scanner final String val = scan(scanner, params[i].getName()); paramO[i] = jmxConnector.stringToObject(val, params[i].getType()); paramT[i] = params[i].getType(); } jmxConnector.invokeOperation(jmxMBean, found, paramO, paramT); } private String formatType(String type) { if (type.startsWith("[")) { switch (type.charAt(1)) { case 'C': return "char[]"; case 'D': return "double[]"; case 'F': return "float[]"; case 'I': return "int[]"; case 'J': return "long[]"; case 'S': return "short[]"; case 'Z': return "boolean[]"; case 'L': return type.substring(2, type.indexOf(";")); } } return type; } private void checkJMXConnected() throws PEException { if (jmxConnector == null) { throw new PEException("Your aren't connected to a JMX MBean server"); } } private void checkJMXDomain() throws PEException { if (jmxDomain == null) { throw new PEException("Your haven't selected a JMX MBean domain"); } } private void checkJMXMBean() throws PEException { if ((jmxMBean == null) || (jmxMBeanInfo == null)) { throw new PEException("Your haven't selected a JMX MBean"); } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { new DVEConfigCLI(args).start(); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }