Java tutorial
package com.tesora.dve.sql; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PESQLStateException; import com.tesora.dve.server.bootstrap.BootstrapHost; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.PEDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Pair; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProjectDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProxyConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.StorageGroupDDL; import com.tesora.dve.standalone.PETest; public class StrictForeignKeyTest extends SchemaTest { private static final StorageGroupDDL checkSG = new StorageGroupDDL("check", 2, "checkg"); private static final ProjectDDL checkDDL = new PEDDL("adb", checkSG, "database"); private static final ProjectDDL otherDDL = new PEDDL("otherdb", new StorageGroupDDL("other", 2, "otherg"), "database"); private static final ProjectDDL checkMateDDL = new PEDDL("icannt", checkSG, "database"); @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { PETest.projectSetup(checkDDL, otherDDL, checkMateDDL); PETest.bootHost = BootstrapHost.startServices(PETest.class); } public static interface TestConnections { public ConnectionResource getRootConnection(); public ConnectionResource getTestConnection(); public ProjectDDL getDDL(); public Class<?> getExceptionClass(); public void assertSchemaException(Throwable t, String message) throws Throwable; public String getDBName(); } private static class LocalTestConnections implements TestConnections { private ConnectionResource conn; public LocalTestConnections(ConnectionResource cr) { conn = cr; } @Override public ConnectionResource getRootConnection() { return conn; } @Override public ConnectionResource getTestConnection() { return conn; } @Override public ProjectDDL getDDL() { return checkDDL; } @Override public Class<?> getExceptionClass() { return SchemaException.class; } @Override public void assertSchemaException(Throwable t, String message) throws Throwable { SchemaTest.assertSchemaException(t, message); } @Override public String getDBName() { return checkDDL.getDatabaseName(); } } public static void testColocation(TestConnections conns, String[] containerDists, Object[] shouldPass) throws Throwable { String[] rhsTabNames = new String[] { "B", "Ra", "Rb", "A" }; String[] rhsDists = new String[] { "broadcast distribute", "range distribute on (`id`) using ra", "range distribute on (`id`) using rb", "random distribute" }; conns.getRootConnection() .execute("create range ra (int) persistent group " + conns.getDDL().getPersistentGroup().getName()); conns.getRootConnection() .execute("create range rb (int) persistent group " + conns.getDDL().getPersistentGroup().getName()); String rbody = "(`id` int, `junk` varchar(32), primary key (`id`)) "; // create the rhs tables for (int i = 0; i < rhsTabNames.length; i++) { String decl = "create table R" + rhsTabNames[i] + rbody + rhsDists[i]; echo(decl); conns.getTestConnection().execute(decl); } // now try the lhs tests // first index is the referring dist, second is the target dist - // assuming the referring table is distributed on the fk - not the pk for (int i = 0; i < rhsTabNames.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rhsDists.length; j++) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("create table L").append(rhsTabNames[j]).append("R").append(rhsTabNames[i]) .append(" (`id` int, `fid` int, "); buf.append("foreign key (`fid`) references R").append(rhsTabNames[i]) .append(" (`id`)) engine=innodb "); buf.append(containerDists[j]); int[] spec = new int[] { j, i }; boolean matches = false; for (int k = 0; k < shouldPass.length; k++) { int[] candidate = (int[]) shouldPass[k]; if (candidate[0] == spec[0] && candidate[1] == spec[1]) { matches = true; break; } } try { echo(matches + " : " + buf.toString()); conns.getTestConnection().execute(buf.toString()); if (!matches) fail("should have failed: " + buf.toString()); } catch (Throwable t) { if (conns.getExceptionClass().isInstance(t)) { if (matches) throw t; } else { throw t; } } } } } public static void testColocated(TestConnections conns) throws Throwable { String[] lhsDists = new String[] { "broadcast distribute", "range distribute on (`fid`) using ra", "range distribute on (`fid`) using rb", "random distribute" }; // now try the lhs tests // first index is the referring dist, second is the target dist - // assuming the referring table is distributed on the fk - not the pk Object[] shouldPass = new Object[] { new int[] { 0, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 0 }, new int[] { 2, 0 }, new int[] { 3, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 1 }, new int[] { 2, 2 } }; testColocation(conns, lhsDists, shouldPass); } @Test public void testColocated() throws Throwable { ConnectionResource conn = new ProxyConnectionResource(); try { checkDDL.create(conn); testColocated(new LocalTestConnections(conn)); } finally { checkDDL.destroy(conn); conn.disconnect(); conn = null; } } public static void testNonColocated(TestConnections conns) throws Throwable { String[] lhsDists = new String[] { "broadcast distribute", "range distribute on (`id`) using ra", "range distribute on (`id`) using rb", "random distribute" }; Object[] shouldPass = new Object[] { new int[] { 0, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 0 }, new int[] { 2, 0 }, new int[] { 3, 0 } }; testColocation(conns, lhsDists, shouldPass); } @Test public void testNonColocated() throws Throwable { ConnectionResource conn = new ProxyConnectionResource(); try { checkDDL.create(conn); testNonColocated(new LocalTestConnections(conn)); } finally { checkDDL.destroy(conn); conn.disconnect(); conn = null; } } public static void testDropTargetTable(final TestConnections conns) throws Throwable { final String[] rhsTabNames = new String[] { "RB", "RRa" }; String[] rhsDists = new String[] { "broadcast distribute", "range distribute on (`id`) using ra" }; String[] lhsTabNames = new String[] { "LB", "LRa", "LA" }; String[] lhsDists = new String[] { "broadcast distribute", "range distribute on (`fid`) using ra", "random distribute" }; conns.getRootConnection() .execute("create range ra (int) persistent group " + conns.getDDL().getPersistentGroup().getName()); String rbody = "(`id` int, `junk` varchar(32), primary key (`id`)) "; // create the rhs tables for (int i = 0; i < rhsTabNames.length; i++) conns.getTestConnection().execute("create table " + rhsTabNames[i] + rbody + rhsDists[i]); // create the lhs tables String lbody = " (`id` int, `fid` int, foreign key (`fid`) references "; for (int li = 0; li < lhsTabNames.length; li++) { if (li == 0) conns.getTestConnection() .execute("create table " + lhsTabNames[li] + lbody + "RB (`id`)) " + lhsDists[li]); // LRa - can target bcast and RRa // LA - can target bcast else if (li == 1) { for (int ri = 0; ri < rhsTabNames.length; ri++) { conns.getTestConnection().execute("create table " + lhsTabNames[li] + rhsTabNames[ri] + lbody + rhsTabNames[ri] + " (`id`)) " + lhsDists[li]); } } else if (li == 2) { conns.getTestConnection() .execute("create table " + lhsTabNames[li] + lbody + "RB (`id`)) " + lhsDists[li]); } } // first off - dropping any of the rhs tables should result in an error for (int i = 0; i < rhsTabNames.length; i++) { final int nameIndex = i; new ExpectedExceptionTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { conns.getTestConnection().execute("drop table " + rhsTabNames[nameIndex]); } }.assertException(PESQLStateException.class, "(1217: 23000) Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails", true); } Object[] cols = br(nr, "LB", "fid", "RB", "id", nr, "LRaRB", "fid", "RB", "id", nr, "LRaRRa", "fid", "RRa", "id", nr, "LA", "fid", "RB", "id"); String consql = "select table_name, column_name, referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name from information_schema.key_column_usage where referenced_column_name is not null and table_schema = '" + conns.getDBName() + "'"; conns.getTestConnection().assertResults(consql, cols); conns.getTestConnection().execute("set foreign_key_checks=0"); for (int i = 0; i < rhsTabNames.length; i++) { conns.getTestConnection().execute("drop table " + rhsTabNames[i]); } conns.getTestConnection().assertResults(consql, cols); } // drop support @Test public void testDropTargetTable() throws Throwable { ProxyConnectionResource conn = new ProxyConnectionResource(); try { checkDDL.create(conn); testDropTargetTable(new LocalTestConnections(conn)); } finally { checkDDL.destroy(conn); conn.disconnect(); conn = null; } } public static void testAlterFKs(TestConnections conns) throws Throwable { String[] rhsTabNames = new String[] { "RB", "RRa" }; String[] rhsDists = new String[] { "broadcast distribute", "range distribute on (`id`) using ra" }; String[] lhsTabNames = new String[] { "LB", "LRa", "LA" }; String[] lhsDists = new String[] { "broadcast distribute", "range distribute on (`fid`) using ra", "random distribute" }; conns.getRootConnection() .execute("create range ra (int) persistent group " + conns.getDDL().getPersistentGroup().getName()); String rbody = "(`id` int, `junk` varchar(32), primary key (`id`)) "; // create the rhs tables for (int i = 0; i < rhsTabNames.length; i++) conns.getTestConnection().execute("create table " + rhsTabNames[i] + rbody + rhsDists[i]); // create the lhs tables - but not the fks yet // create the lhs tables String lbody = " (`id` int, `fid` int)"; LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>> alters = new LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>>(); int counter = 0; for (int li = 0; li < lhsTabNames.length; li++) { if (li == 0) { conns.getTestConnection().execute("create table " + lhsTabNames[li] + lbody + lhsDists[li]); String fkName = "pefkt" + counter++; alters.put(fkName, new Pair<String, String>(lhsTabNames[li], "alter table " + lhsTabNames[li] + " add constraint " + fkName + " foreign key (fid) references RB (`id`)")); } // LRa - can target bcast and RRa // LA - can target bcast else if (li == 1) { for (int ri = 0; ri < rhsTabNames.length; ri++) { conns.getTestConnection() .execute("create table " + lhsTabNames[li] + rhsTabNames[ri] + lbody + lhsDists[li]); String fkName = "pefkt" + counter++; String tn = lhsTabNames[li] + rhsTabNames[ri]; alters.put(fkName, new Pair<String, String>(tn, "alter table " + tn + " add constraint " + fkName + " foreign key (fid) references " + rhsTabNames[ri] + "(id)")); } } else if (li == 2) { conns.getTestConnection().execute("create table " + lhsTabNames[li] + lbody + lhsDists[li]); String fkName = "pefkt" + counter++; alters.put(fkName, new Pair<String, String>(lhsTabNames[li], "alter table " + lhsTabNames[li] + " add constraint " + fkName + " foreign key (fid) references RB (id)")); } } String consql = "select table_name, column_name, referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name from information_schema.key_column_usage where referenced_column_name is not null and table_schema = '" + checkDDL.getDatabaseName() + "'"; conns.getTestConnection().assertResults(consql, br()); // these all should work for (Map.Entry<String, Pair<String, String>> me : alters.entrySet()) { conns.getTestConnection().execute(me.getValue().getSecond()); } Object[] cols = br(nr, "LB", "fid", "RB", "id", nr, "LRaRB", "fid", "RB", "id", nr, "LRaRRa", "fid", "RRa", "id", nr, "LA", "fid", "RB", "id"); conns.getTestConnection().assertResults(consql, cols); for (Map.Entry<String, Pair<String, String>> me : alters.entrySet()) { conns.getTestConnection() .execute("alter table " + me.getValue().getFirst() + " drop foreign key " + me.getKey()); } conns.getTestConnection().assertResults(consql, br()); // test foreign_key_check=0 for (String tn : rhsTabNames) conns.getTestConnection().execute("drop table " + tn); conns.getTestConnection().execute("set foreign_key_checks=0"); // these all should work for (Map.Entry<String, Pair<String, String>> me : alters.entrySet()) { conns.getTestConnection().execute(me.getValue().getSecond()); } conns.getTestConnection().assertResults(consql, cols); // even after we add the tables again for (int i = 0; i < rhsTabNames.length; i++) conns.getTestConnection().execute("create table " + rhsTabNames[i] + rbody + rhsDists[i]); conns.getTestConnection().assertResults(consql, cols); } // alter test @Test public void testAlterFKs() throws Throwable { ProxyConnectionResource conn = new ProxyConnectionResource(); try { checkDDL.create(conn); testAlterFKs(new LocalTestConnections(conn)); } finally { checkDDL.destroy(conn); conn.disconnect(); conn = null; } } public static void testFKActions(TestConnections conns) throws Throwable { String[] rhsTabNames = new String[] { "RB", "RRa" }; String[] rhsDists = new String[] { "broadcast distribute", "range distribute on (`id`) using ra" }; String[] lhsTabNames = new String[] { "LB", "LRa", "LA" }; String[] lhsDists = new String[] { "broadcast distribute", "range distribute on (`fid`) using ra", "random distribute" }; conns.getRootConnection() .execute("create range ra (int) persistent group " + conns.getDDL().getPersistentGroup().getName()); String rbody = "(`id` int, `junk` varchar(32), primary key (`id`)) "; // create the rhs tables for (int i = 0; i < rhsTabNames.length; i++) conns.getTestConnection().execute("create table " + rhsTabNames[i] + rbody + rhsDists[i]); // actions we specifically care about // primitive actions ActionConfig deleteSetNull = new ActionConfig("on delete set null").withTestDelete().allowsBCastDelete(); ActionConfig deleteCascade = new ActionConfig("on delete cascade").withTestDelete().allowsBCastDelete() .allowsRegularDelete(); ActionConfig updateSetNull = new ActionConfig("on update set null").withTestUpdate().allowsBCastUpdate(); ActionConfig updateCascade = new ActionConfig("on update cascade").withTestUpdate().allowsBCastUpdate(); ActionConfig[] actions = new ActionConfig[] { deleteSetNull, deleteCascade, updateSetNull, updateCascade, ActionConfig.combine(deleteSetNull, updateSetNull), ActionConfig.combine(deleteSetNull, updateCascade), ActionConfig.combine(deleteCascade, updateSetNull), ActionConfig.combine(deleteCascade, updateCascade) }; // the kerns include the lhs tab name, the rhs tab name, the lhs dist // (we'll reuse the rhs tabs) List<String[]> kerns = new ArrayList<String[]>(); kerns.add(new String[] { lhsTabNames[0], lhsDists[0], rhsTabNames[0] }); kerns.add(new String[] { lhsTabNames[2], lhsDists[2], rhsTabNames[0] }); for (int ri = 0; ri < rhsTabNames.length; ri++) { kerns.add(new String[] { lhsTabNames[1] + rhsTabNames[ri], lhsDists[1], rhsTabNames[ri] }); } String lbody = " (`id` int, `fid` int, foreign key (`fid`) references "; for (ActionConfig ac : actions) { // declare the tables for (String[] k : kerns) { String decl = "create table " + k[0] + lbody + k[2] + " (id) " + ac.getDecl() + ") " + k[1]; conns.getTestConnection().execute(decl); // do the tests boolean childIsBCast = (k[0] == lhsTabNames[0]); if (ac.isTestUpdate()) try { String sql = "update " + k[2] + " set id = 1001 where junk = 'garbage'"; conns.getTestConnection().execute(sql); // if we get here - test to see whether we should have if ((childIsBCast && ac.allowBCastUpdate()) || (!childIsBCast && ac.allowRegularUpdate())) { // ok } else { fail("should have thrown an exception on " + sql + ", referring " + decl); } } catch (Throwable t) { if ((childIsBCast && !ac.allowBCastUpdate()) || (!childIsBCast && !ac.allowRegularUpdate())) { // ok String message = "Unable to update table `" + k[2] + "` due to cascade/set null action on foreign key " + k[0] + "_ibfk_1 in table `" + k[0] + "`"; conns.assertSchemaException(t, message); } else { throw t; } } if (ac.isTestDelete()) try { String sql = "delete from " + k[2] + " where junk = 'garbage'"; conns.getTestConnection().execute(sql); if ((childIsBCast && ac.allowBCastDelete()) || (!childIsBCast && ac.allowRegularDelete())) { // ok } else { fail("should have thrown an exception on " + sql + ", referring " + decl); } } catch (Throwable t) { if ((childIsBCast && !ac.allowBCastDelete()) || (!childIsBCast && !ac.allowRegularDelete())) { // ok String message = "Unable to delete from `" + k[2] + "` due to set null action on foreign key " + k[0] + "_ibfk_1 in table `" + k[0] + "`"; conns.assertSchemaException(t, message); } else { throw t; } } // drop the table conns.getTestConnection().execute("drop table " + k[0]); } } } @Test public void testFKActions() throws Throwable { ProxyConnectionResource conn = new ProxyConnectionResource(); try { checkDDL.create(conn); testFKActions(new LocalTestConnections(conn)); } finally { checkDDL.destroy(conn); conn.disconnect(); conn = null; } } private static class ActionConfig { private String decl; private boolean testDelete; private boolean testUpdate; private boolean bcastDelete; private boolean regularDelete; private boolean bcastUpdate; private boolean regularUpdate; public ActionConfig(String decl) { this.decl = decl; testDelete = false; testUpdate = false; bcastDelete = false; regularDelete = false; bcastUpdate = false; regularUpdate = false; } public String getDecl() { return decl; } public boolean isTestDelete() { return testDelete; } public boolean isTestUpdate() { return testUpdate; } public boolean allowBCastDelete() { return bcastDelete; } public boolean allowRegularDelete() { return regularDelete; } public boolean allowBCastUpdate() { return bcastUpdate; } public boolean allowRegularUpdate() { return regularUpdate; } public static ActionConfig combine(ActionConfig left, ActionConfig right) { ActionConfig out = new ActionConfig(left.getDecl() + " " + right.getDecl()); out.testDelete = left.testDelete || right.testDelete; out.testUpdate = left.testUpdate || right.testUpdate; out.bcastDelete = left.bcastDelete || right.bcastDelete; out.regularDelete = left.regularDelete || right.regularDelete; out.bcastUpdate = left.bcastUpdate || right.bcastUpdate; out.regularUpdate = left.regularUpdate || right.regularUpdate; return out; } public ActionConfig withTestDelete() { testDelete = true; return this; } public ActionConfig withTestUpdate() { testUpdate = true; return this; } public ActionConfig allowsBCastDelete() { bcastDelete = true; return this; } public ActionConfig allowsRegularDelete() { regularDelete = true; return this; } public ActionConfig allowsBCastUpdate() { bcastUpdate = true; return this; } } @Test public void testWeirdFKRules() throws Throwable { ProxyConnectionResource conn = new ProxyConnectionResource(); try { checkDDL.create(conn); // just going to use a couple of bcast tables for this conn.execute("create table target (`id` int, `fid` int, primary key (`id`)) broadcast distribute"); conn.assertResults("show keys in target", br(nr, "target", I_ZERO, "PRIMARY", I_ONE, "id", "A", getIgnore(), null, null, "", "BTREE", "", "")); conn.execute("create table ref (`id` int, `fid` int, foreign key (`fid`) references `target` (`id`))"); // System.out.println(conn.printResults("show keys in ref")); conn.assertResults("show keys in ref", br(nr, "ref", I_ONE, "fid", I_ONE, "fid", "A", getIgnore(), null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "")); // make sure we named the foreign key correctly conn.assertResults( "select constraint_name, constraint_type from information_schema.table_constraints where table_schema = '" + checkDDL.getDatabaseName() + "' and table_name = 'ref'", br(nr, "ref_ibfk_1", "FOREIGN KEY")); // dropping the constraint should leave the key in place conn.execute("alter table ref drop foreign key `ref_ibfk_1`"); conn.assertResults( "select constraint_name, constraint_type from information_schema.table_constraints where table_schema = '" + checkDDL.getDatabaseName() + "' and table_name = 'ref'", br()); conn.assertResults("show keys in ref", br(nr, "ref", I_ONE, "fid", I_ONE, "fid", "A", getIgnore(), null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "")); // adding the key again should use the existing synthetic key conn.execute("alter table ref add foreign key (`fid`) references `target` (`id`)"); conn.assertResults( "select constraint_name, constraint_type from information_schema.table_constraints where table_schema = '" + checkDDL.getDatabaseName() + "' and table_name = 'ref'", br(nr, "ref_ibfk_1", "FOREIGN KEY")); conn.assertResults("show keys in ref", br(nr, "ref", I_ONE, "fid", I_ONE, "fid", "A", getIgnore(), null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "")); // adding a new key should cause the synthetic key to go away conn.execute("alter table ref add key `exp_key` (`fid`) using hash"); conn.assertResults("show keys in ref", br(nr, "ref", I_ONE, "exp_key", I_ONE, "fid", "A", getIgnore(), null, null, "YES", "HASH", "", "")); } finally { checkDDL.destroy(conn); conn.disconnect(); conn = null; } } @Test public void testConstraintName() throws Throwable { ProxyConnectionResource conn = new ProxyConnectionResource(); try { otherDDL.create(conn); checkDDL.create(conn); // just going to use a couple of bcast tables for this conn.execute("create table a (`id` int, primary key (`id`)) broadcast distribute"); conn.execute("create table b (`id` int, primary key (`id`)) broadcast distribute"); // expect this to fail try { conn.execute( "create table c (`id` int, `aid` int, `bid` int, `uid1` int, `uid2` int, `kid1` int, `kid2` int, " + "primary key (`id`), " + "key sameindexname (kid1), " + "key sameindexname (kid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname (uid1), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname (uid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname foreign key sameindexname (aid) references a (id), " + "constraint sameconstraintname foreign key sameindexname (bid) references b (id) " + ") broadcast distribute"); fail("Expected exception statement 1"); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(e.getMessage(), "Duplicate key name: sameindexname")); } try { conn.execute( "create table c (`id` int, `aid` int, `bid` int, `uid1` int, `uid2` int, `kid1` int, `kid2` int, " + "primary key (`id`), " + "key sameindexname (kid1), " + "key sameindexname2 (kid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname (uid1), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname (uid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname foreign key sameindexname (aid) references a (id), " + "constraint sameconstraintname foreign key sameindexname (bid) references b (id) " + ") broadcast distribute"); fail("Expected exception statement 2"); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(e.getMessage(), "Duplicate key name: sameindexname")); } try { conn.execute( "create table c (`id` int, `aid` int, `bid` int, `uid1` int, `uid2` int, `kid1` int, `kid2` int, " + "primary key (`id`), " + "key sameindexname (kid1), " + "key sameindexname2 (kid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname (uid1), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname4 (uid2) " + ") broadcast distribute"); fail("Expected exception statement 3"); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(e.getMessage(), "Duplicate key name: sameindexname")); } try { conn.execute( "create table c (`id` int, `aid` int, `bid` int, `uid1` int, `uid2` int, `kid1` int, `kid2` int, " + "primary key (`id`), " + "key sameindexname (kid1), " + "key sameindexname2 (kid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname3 (uid1), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname4 (uid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname foreign key sameindexname (aid) references a (id), " + "constraint sameconstraintname foreign key sameindexname (bid) references b (id) " + ") broadcast distribute"); fail("Expected exception statement 4"); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(e.getMessage(), "Duplicate foreign key name: sameconstraintname")); } try { conn.execute( "create table c (`id` int, `aid` int, `bid` int, `uid1` int, `uid2` int, `kid1` int, `kid2` int, " + "primary key (`id`), " + "key sameindexname (kid1), " + "key sameindexname2 (kid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname3 (uid1), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname4 (uid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname foreign key sameindexname5 (aid) references a (id), " + "constraint sameconstraintname foreign key sameindexname6 (bid) references b (id) " + ") broadcast distribute"); fail("Expected exception statement 5"); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(e.getMessage(), "Duplicate foreign key name: sameconstraintname")); } // this should succeed! conn.execute( "create table c (`id` int, `aid` int, `bid` int, `uid1` int, `uid2` int, `kid1` int, `kid2` int, " + "primary key (`id`), " + "key sameindexname (kid1), " + "key sameindexname2 (kid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname3 (uid1), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname4 (uid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname foreign key sameindexname (aid) references a (id), " + "constraint sameconstraintname2 foreign key sameindexname (bid) references b (id) " + ") broadcast distribute"); // this is hilarious. on native this is: /* * mysql> select constraint_name, constraint_type from information_schema.table_constraints where table_schema = 'foo' and table_name = 'c' order by constraint_name, constraint_type; +---------------------+-----------------+ | constraint_name | constraint_type | +---------------------+-----------------+ | PRIMARY | PRIMARY KEY | | sameconstraintname | FOREIGN KEY | | sameconstraintname2 | FOREIGN KEY | | sameindexname3 | UNIQUE | | sameindexname4 | UNIQUE | +---------------------+-----------------+ 5 rows in set (0.01 sec) */ conn.assertResults( "select constraint_name, constraint_type from information_schema.table_constraints where table_schema = 'adb' and table_name = 'c' order by constraint_name, constraint_type", br(nr, "PRIMARY", "PRIMARY KEY", nr, "sameconstraintname", "FOREIGN KEY", nr, "sameconstraintname", "UNIQUE", nr, "sameconstraintname", "UNIQUE", nr, "sameconstraintname2", "FOREIGN KEY")); /* * continuing with the hilarity: * mysql> show keys in c; +-------+------------+---------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+ | Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | +-------+------------+---------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+ | c | 0 | PRIMARY | 1 | id | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | | | | c | 0 | sameindexname3 | 1 | uid1 | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | | c | 0 | sameindexname4 | 1 | uid2 | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | | c | 1 | sameindexname | 1 | kid1 | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | | c | 1 | sameindexname2 | 1 | kid2 | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | | c | 1 | sameconstraintname | 1 | aid | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | | c | 1 | sameconstraintname2 | 1 | bid | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | +-------+------------+---------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+ 7 rows in set (0.00 sec) */ conn.assertResults("show keys in c", br(nr, "c", 0, "PRIMARY", 1, "id", "A", -1L, null, null, "", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "c", 0, "sameindexname3", 1, "uid1", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "c", 0, "sameindexname4", 1, "uid2", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "c", 1, "sameindexname", 1, "kid1", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "c", 1, "sameindexname2", 1, "kid2", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "c", 1, "aid", 1, "aid", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "c", 1, "bid", 1, "bid", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "")); // make sure FK constraint names are unique across the database try { conn.execute( "create table d (`id` int, `aid` int, `bid` int, `uid1` int, `uid2` int, `kid1` int, `kid2` int, " + "primary key (`id`), " + "key sameindexname (kid1), " + "key sameindexname2 (kid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname3 (uid1), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname4 (uid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname2 foreign key sameindexname (aid) references a (id), " + "constraint sameconstraintname4 foreign key sameindexname (bid) references b (id) " + ") broadcast distribute"); fail("Expected exception statement 6"); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(e.getMessage(), "Duplicate foreign key name: sameconstraintname2")); } conn.execute( "create table d (`id` int, `aid` int, `bid` int, `uid1` int, `uid2` int, `kid1` int, `kid2` int, " + "primary key (`id`), " + "key sameindexname (kid1), " + "key sameindexname2 (kid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname3 (uid1), " + "constraint sameconstraintname unique sameindexname4 (uid2), " + "constraint sameconstraintname3 foreign key sameindexname (aid) references a (id), " + "constraint sameconstraintname4 foreign key sameindexname (bid) references b (id) " + ") broadcast distribute"); /* * continuing the fun: * mysql> select constraint_name, constraint_type from information_schema.table_constraints where table_Schema = 'foo' and table_name = 'd' order by constraint_name, constraint_type; +---------------------+-----------------+ | constraint_name | constraint_type | +---------------------+-----------------+ | PRIMARY | PRIMARY KEY | | sameconstraintname3 | FOREIGN KEY | | sameconstraintname4 | FOREIGN KEY | | sameindexname3 | UNIQUE | | sameindexname4 | UNIQUE | +---------------------+-----------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec) */ conn.assertResults( "select constraint_name, constraint_type from information_schema.table_constraints where table_schema = 'adb' and table_name = 'd' order by constraint_name, constraint_type", br(nr, "PRIMARY", "PRIMARY KEY", nr, "sameconstraintname", "UNIQUE", nr, "sameconstraintname", "UNIQUE", nr, "sameconstraintname3", "FOREIGN KEY", nr, "sameconstraintname4", "FOREIGN KEY")); /* still incorrect: * mysql> show keys in d; +-------+------------+---------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+ | Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | +-------+------------+---------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+ | d | 0 | PRIMARY | 1 | id | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | | | | d | 0 | sameindexname3 | 1 | uid1 | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | | d | 0 | sameindexname4 | 1 | uid2 | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | | d | 1 | sameindexname | 1 | kid1 | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | | d | 1 | sameindexname2 | 1 | kid2 | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | | d | 1 | sameconstraintname3 | 1 | aid | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | | d | 1 | sameconstraintname4 | 1 | bid | A | 0 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | +-------+------------+---------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+ 7 rows in set (0.00 sec) */ conn.assertResults("show keys in d", br(nr, "d", 0, "PRIMARY", 1, "id", "A", -1L, null, null, "", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "d", 0, "sameindexname3", 1, "uid1", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "d", 0, "sameindexname4", 1, "uid2", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "d", 1, "sameindexname", 1, "kid1", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "d", 1, "sameindexname2", 1, "kid2", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "d", 1, "aid", 1, "aid", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "d", 1, "bid", 1, "bid", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "")); // make sure the "standard" way still works conn.execute( "create table e (`id` int, `aid` int, `bid` int, `uid1` int, `uid2` int, `kid1` int, `kid2` int, " + "primary key (`id`), " + "key (kid1), " + "key (kid2), " + "unique (uid1), " + "unique (uid2), " + "foreign key (aid) references a (id), " + "foreign key (bid) references b (id) " + ") broadcast distribute"); // test the case that started it all conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE `cs` (`sid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`sid`)) BROADCAST DISTRIBUTE"); conn.execute("CREATE TABLE `tg` ( " + "`tid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " + "`nm` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, " + "`st` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', " + "`fci` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, " + "`fsi` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (`tid`) USING BTREE, " + "KEY `FK_TG_FCICEEI` (`fci`), " + "KEY `FK_TG_FSICSSI` (`fsi`), " + "CONSTRAINT `FK_TG_FSICSSI` FOREIGN KEY (`fsi`) REFERENCES `cs` (`sid`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION " + ") ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=199 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC BROADCAST DISTRIBUTE"); conn.assertResults( "select constraint_name, constraint_type from information_schema.table_constraints where table_schema = 'adb' and table_name = 'tg' order by constraint_name, constraint_type", br(nr, "FK_TG_FSICSSI", "FOREIGN KEY", nr, "PRIMARY", "PRIMARY KEY")); conn.assertResults("show keys in tg", br(nr, "tg", 0, "PRIMARY", 1, "tid", "A", -1L, null, null, "", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "tg", 1, "FK_TG_FCICEEI", 1, "fci", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "tg", 1, "FK_TG_FSICSSI", 1, "fsi", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "")); // make sure we can create the same table and constraint names in another database conn.execute("use otherdb"); conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE `cs` (`sid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`sid`)) BROADCAST DISTRIBUTE"); conn.execute("CREATE TABLE `tg` ( " + "`tid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " + "`nm` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, " + "`st` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', " + "`fci` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, " + "`fsi` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (`tid`) USING BTREE, " + "KEY `FK_TAG_FSICSSI` (`fsi`), " + "CONSTRAINT `FK_TAG_FSICSSI` FOREIGN KEY (`fsi`) REFERENCES `cs` (`sid`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION " + ") ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=199 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC BROADCAST DISTRIBUTE"); conn.assertResults( "select constraint_name, constraint_type from information_schema.table_constraints where table_schema = 'otherdb' and table_name = 'tg' order by constraint_name, constraint_type", br(nr, "FK_TAG_FSICSSI", "FOREIGN KEY", nr, "PRIMARY", "PRIMARY KEY")); conn.assertResults("show keys in tg", br(nr, "tg", 0, "PRIMARY", 1, "tid", "A", -1L, null, null, "", "BTREE", "", "", nr, "tg", 1, "FK_TAG_FSICSSI", 1, "fsi", "A", -1L, null, null, "YES", "BTREE", "", "")); } finally { checkDDL.destroy(conn); otherDDL.destroy(conn); conn.disconnect(); conn = null; } } @Test public void testPE1292() throws Throwable { String cn = checkDDL.getDatabaseName(); String on = checkMateDDL.getDatabaseName(); String ucn = "use " + cn; String uon = "use " + on; String refFmt = "select constraint_schema, table_name, unique_constraint_schema, referenced_table_name from information_schema.referential_constraints where constraint_schema = '%s' and table_name = '%s'"; String colFmt = "select table_schema, table_name, column_name, referenced_table_schema, referenced_table_name, referenced_column_name from information_schema.key_column_usage where column_name = '%s'"; ProxyConnectionResource conn = new ProxyConnectionResource(); try { checkDDL.create(conn); checkMateDDL.create(conn); conn.execute(uon); conn.execute("create table targ (id int, primary key (id)) broadcast distribute"); conn.execute(ucn); conn.execute("create table ref (id int, fid int, primary key (id), foreign key (fid) references " + on + ".targ (id)) broadcast distribute"); conn.assertResults(String.format(refFmt, cn, "ref"), br(nr, cn, "ref", on, "targ")); conn.assertResults(String.format(colFmt, "fid"), br(nr, cn, "ref", "fid", on, "targ", "id")); String cts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(conn, "ref"); conn.execute("set foreign_key_checks=0"); conn.execute("drop table " + on + ".targ"); conn.assertResults(String.format(refFmt, cn, "ref"), br(nr, cn, "ref", on, "targ")); conn.assertResults(String.format(colFmt, "fid"), br(nr, cn, "ref", "fid", on, "targ", "id")); conn.execute("create table " + on + ".targ (id int, primary key (id)) broadcast distribute"); String ncts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(conn, "ref"); assertEquals(cts, ncts); // now drop both and create in the other order conn.execute("drop table " + on + ".targ"); conn.execute("drop table " + cn + ".ref"); conn.execute(uon); conn.execute("create table " + cn + ".ref (id int, fid int, primary key (id), foreign key (fid) references targ (id)) broadcast distribute"); conn.execute("create table targ (id int, primary key (id)) broadcast distribute"); conn.assertResults(String.format(refFmt, cn, "ref"), br(nr, cn, "ref", on, "targ")); conn.assertResults(String.format(colFmt, "fid"), br(nr, cn, "ref", "fid", on, "targ", "id")); ncts = AlterTest.getCreateTable(conn, cn + ".ref"); assertEquals(cts, ncts); conn.execute("drop table if exists " + cn + ".ref"); conn.execute("drop table if exists " + on + ".targ"); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); throw t; } finally { conn.execute("drop database " + on); checkDDL.destroy(conn); checkMateDDL.destroy(conn); conn.disconnect(); conn = null; } } }