Java tutorial
package com.tesora.dve.db.mysql; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import com.tesora.dve.concurrent.PEDefaultPromise; import com.tesora.dve.db.CommandChannel; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.libmy.*; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.portal.protocol.CanFlowControl; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.portal.protocol.FlowControl; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.portal.protocol.MSPComPrepareStmtRequestMessage; import com.tesora.dve.db.mysql.portal.protocol.MSPComStmtCloseRequestMessage; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PECodingException; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PESQLStateException; import com.tesora.dve.server.messaging.SQLCommand; import; import io.netty.util.ReferenceCountUtil; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * */ public class RedistTargetSite implements AutoCloseable, CanFlowControl { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RedistTargetSite.class); public interface InsertWatcher { void insertOK(RedistTargetSite site, MyOKResponse okPacket); void insertFailed(RedistTargetSite site, MyErrorResponse errorPacket); void insertFailed(RedistTargetSite site, Exception e); } private InsertWatcher watcher; private FlowControl flowControl; private CommandChannel channel; private int pstmtId = -1; private BufferedExecute bufferedExecute = new BufferedExecute(); private BufferedExecute pendingFlush = null; private int totalQueuedBytes = 0; private int totalQueuedRows = 0; private int pstmtTupleCount = 0; private AtomicInteger pendingStatementCount = new AtomicInteger(); private AtomicInteger queuedRowSetCount = new AtomicInteger(); private InsertPolicy policy; private final int maximumRowsToBuffer; private final long maximumBytesToBuffer; private final int columnsPerTuple; public interface InsertPolicy { int getMaximumRowsToBuffer(); long getMaximumBytesToBuffer(); int getColumnsPerTuple(); SQLCommand buildInsertStatement(int tupleCount) throws PEException; } public RedistTargetSite(InsertWatcher watcher, CommandChannel channel, InsertPolicy policy) { this.watcher = watcher; = channel; this.policy = policy; this.maximumRowsToBuffer = policy.getMaximumRowsToBuffer(); this.maximumBytesToBuffer = policy.getMaximumBytesToBuffer(); this.columnsPerTuple = policy.getColumnsPerTuple(); } public void setUpstreamControl(FlowControl flowControl) { this.flowControl = flowControl; } public boolean append(MyBinaryResultRow binRow) { return append(binRow, 1, binRow.sizeInBytes()); } public boolean append(MyBinaryResultRow binRow, int rowsToFlushCount, int bytesToFlushCount) { this.bufferedExecute.add(binRow); this.queuedRowSetCount.incrementAndGet(); this.totalQueuedBytes += bytesToFlushCount; this.totalQueuedRows += rowsToFlushCount; boolean needsFlush = this.getTotalQueuedRows() >= maximumRowsToBuffer || this.getTotalQueuedBytes() >= maximumBytesToBuffer; if (needsFlush) { this.flush(); return true; } else { return false; } } public void flush() { final BufferedExecute buffersToFlush = this.bufferedExecute; if (!buffersToFlush.isEmpty()) { final int rowsToFlush = this.totalQueuedRows; this.pendingFlush = this.bufferedExecute; this.bufferedExecute = new BufferedExecute(); this.totalQueuedRows = 0; this.totalQueuedBytes = 0; if (rowsToFlush > 0) { this.pendingStatementCount.incrementAndGet(); int bufferedRowCount = buffersToFlush.size(); final int flushTupleCount = Math.min(bufferedRowCount, maximumRowsToBuffer); if (flushTupleCount != bufferedRowCount) { throw new PECodingException( String.format("number of buffered rows, %s, exceeded the maximum row count of %s", bufferedRowCount, flushTupleCount)); } if (this.pstmtId >= 0 && flushTupleCount != this.pstmtTupleCount) { //we have a prepared statement, but for the wrong tuple count. this.closeActivePreparedStatement(); } if (RedistTargetSite.this.pstmtId < 0) { //we need a prepared statement. SQLCommand insertCommand = null; try { insertCommand = policy.buildInsertStatement(flushTupleCount); } catch (PEException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } MysqlPrepareStatementCollector prepareCollector1 = new MysqlPrepareStatementCollector() { long stmtID; int paramCount; int columnCount; @Override void consumeHeader(MyPrepareOKResponse prepareOK) { this.stmtID = prepareOK.getStmtId(); this.paramCount = prepareOK.getNumParams(); this.columnCount = prepareOK.getNumColumns(); super.consumeHeader(prepareOK); if (this.paramCount == 0 && this.columnCount == 0) { prepareFinished(stmtID, flushTupleCount); executePendingInsert(); } } @Override void consumeParamDefEOF(MyEOFPktResponse myEof) { super.consumeParamDefEOF(myEof); if (this.columnCount == 0) { prepareFinished(stmtID, flushTupleCount); executePendingInsert(); } } @Override void consumeColDefEOF(MyEOFPktResponse colEof) { super.consumeColDefEOF(colEof); prepareFinished(stmtID, flushTupleCount); executePendingInsert(); } @Override void consumeError(MyErrorResponse error) throws PESQLStateException { prepareFailed(error); } }; MysqlMessage message = MSPComPrepareStmtRequestMessage.newMessage(insertCommand.getSQL(),; PEDefaultPromise<Boolean> promise = new PEDefaultPromise<Boolean>();//TODO: this promise is never inspected, because everything is wired into the collector. Seems wasteful. -sgossard MysqlStmtPrepareCommand prepareCmd = new MysqlStmtPrepareCommand(, insertCommand.getSQL(), prepareCollector1, promise); shouldPauseInput(); //sends the prepare with the callback that will issue the execute., prepareCmd); } else { //we have a valid statementID, so do the work now. executePendingInsert(); } } else { //TODO: If total queued rows <=0, decrease queued row count by buffers to flush? Something about this smells bad. -sgossard this.queuedRowSetCount.addAndGet(-1 * buffersToFlush.size()); } } } private void shouldPauseInput() { flowControl.pauseSourceStreams(); } private void shouldResumeInput() { flowControl.resumeSourceStreams(); } private void executePendingInsert() { BufferedExecute buffersToFlush = pendingFlush; //OK, expectation here is that we always have a prepared statement for the appropriate number of tuples. int currentStatementID = this.pstmtId; buffersToFlush.setStmtID(currentStatementID); buffersToFlush.setNeedsNewParams(true); //TODO:this field can be managed by BufferedExecute. -gossard buffersToFlush.setColumnsPerTuple(columnsPerTuple); int rowsWritten = buffersToFlush.size();, constructInsertHandler()); this.pendingFlush = null; this.queuedRowSetCount.getAndAdd(-rowsWritten); shouldResumeInput(); // ******************** } private MysqlCommandResultsProcessor constructInsertHandler() { return new MysqlCommandResultsProcessor() { @Override public void active(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { } @Override public boolean processPacket(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MyMessage message) throws PEException { if (message instanceof MyOKResponse) { RedistTargetSite.this.pendingStatementCount.decrementAndGet(); watcher.insertOK(RedistTargetSite.this, (MyOKResponse) message); } else if (message instanceof MyErrorResponse) { RedistTargetSite.this.pendingStatementCount.decrementAndGet(); watcher.insertFailed(RedistTargetSite.this, (MyErrorResponse) message); } else { Exception weirdPacket = new PEException("Received unexpected packet," + (message == null ? "null" : message.getClass().getSimpleName())); watcher.insertFailed(RedistTargetSite.this, weirdPacket); } return false; } @Override public void packetStall(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws PEException { } @Override public void failure(Exception e) { shouldResumeInput(); watcher.insertFailed(RedistTargetSite.this, e); } @Override public void end(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { } }; } public int getTotalQueuedRows() { return totalQueuedRows; } public int getTotalQueuedBytes() { return totalQueuedBytes; } public boolean hasPendingRows() { return pendingStatementCount.get() > 0 || queuedRowSetCount.get() > 0; } @Override public void close() { try { this.closeActivePreparedStatement(); } finally { ReferenceCountUtil.release(this.bufferedExecute); this.bufferedExecute = null; this.queuedRowSetCount.set(0); } } private void closeActivePreparedStatement() { if (this.pstmtId >= 0) { // Close statement commands have no results from mysql, so we can just send the command directly on the channel context MSPComStmtCloseRequestMessage closeRequestMessage = MSPComStmtCloseRequestMessage .newMessage(this.pstmtId);, NoopResponseProcessor.NOOP); this.pstmtId = -1; this.pstmtTupleCount = -1; } } protected void prepareFinished(long stmtID, int tupleCount) { this.pstmtId = (int) stmtID; this.pstmtTupleCount = tupleCount; shouldResumeInput(); } protected void prepareFailed(MyErrorResponse error) { watcher.insertFailed(this, error); shouldResumeInput(); } }