Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2015 Telefonica Investigacin y Desarrollo, S.A.U
 * This file is part of fiware-cygnus (FI-WARE project).
 * fiware-cygnus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero
 * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * fiware-cygnus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
 * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with fiware-cygnus. If not, see
 * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License please contact with iot_support at tid dot es

import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
import com.mongodb.ServerAddress;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.bson.Document;

 * @author frb
public class MongoBackend {

     * Available resolutions for aggregated data.
    public enum Resolution {

    private MongoClient client;
    private final String mongoHosts;
    private final String mongoUsername;
    private final String mongoPassword;
    private final DataModel dataModel;
    private static final CygnusLogger LOGGER = new CygnusLogger(MySQLBackend.class);

     * Constructor.
     * @param mongoHosts
     * @param mongoUsername
     * @param mongoPassword
     * @param dataModel
    public MongoBackend(String mongoHosts, String mongoUsername, String mongoPassword, DataModel dataModel) {
        client = null;
        this.mongoHosts = mongoHosts;
        this.mongoUsername = mongoUsername;
        this.mongoPassword = mongoPassword;
        this.dataModel = dataModel;
    } // MongoBackend

     * Creates a database, given its name, if not exists.
     * @param dbName
     * @throws Exception
    public void createDatabase(String dbName) throws Exception {
        LOGGER.debug("Creating Mongo database=" + dbName);
        getDatabase(dbName); // getting a non existent database automatically creates it
    } // createDatabase

     * Creates a collection, given its name, if not exists in the given database.
     * @param dbName
     * @param collectionName
     * @throws Exception
    public void createCollection(String dbName, String collectionName) throws Exception {
        LOGGER.debug("Creating Mongo collection=" + collectionName + " at database=" + dbName);
        MongoDatabase db = getDatabase(dbName);

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e.getMessage().contains("collection already exists")) {
                LOGGER.debug("Collection already exists, nothing to create");
            } else {
                throw e;
            } // if else
        } // try catch
    } // createCollection

     * Inserts a new document in the given raw collection within the given database (row-like mode).
     * @param dbName
     * @param collectionName
     * @param recvTimeTs
     * @param recvTime
     * @param entityId
     * @param entityType
     * @param attrName
     * @param attrType
     * @param attrValue
     * @param attrMd
     * @throws Exception
    public void insertContextDataRaw(String dbName, String collectionName, long recvTimeTs, String recvTime,
            String entityId, String entityType, String attrName, String attrType, String attrValue, String attrMd)
            throws Exception {
        MongoDatabase db = getDatabase(dbName);
        MongoCollection collection = db.getCollection(collectionName);
        Document doc = new Document("recvTime", new Date(recvTimeTs * 1000));

        switch (dataModel) {
            doc.append("entityId", entityId).append("entityType", entityType).append("attrName", attrName)
                    .append("attrType", attrType).append("attrValue", attrValue);
            doc.append("attrName", attrName).append("attrType", attrType).append("attrValue", attrValue);
            doc.append("attrType", attrType).append("attrValue", attrValue);
            // this will never be reached
        } // switch

        LOGGER.debug("Inserting data=" + doc.toString() + " within collection=" + collectionName);
    } // insertContextDataRaw

     * Inserts a new document in the given aggregated collection within the given database (row-like mode).
     * @param dbName
     * @param collectionName
     * @param recvTimeTs
     * @param recvTime
     * @param entityId
     * @param entityType
     * @param attrName
     * @param attrType
     * @param attrValue
     * @param attrMd
     * @throws Exception
    public void insertContextDataAggregated(String dbName, String collectionName, long recvTimeTs, String recvTime,
            String entityId, String entityType, String attrName, String attrType, String attrValue, String attrMd)
            throws Exception {
        // preprocess some values
        double value = new Double(attrValue);
        GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
        calendar.setTimeInMillis(recvTimeTs * 1000);

        // insert the data in an aggregated fashion for each resolution type
        insertContextDataAggregatedForResoultion(dbName, collectionName, calendar, entityId, entityType, attrName,
                attrType, value, Resolution.SECOND);
        insertContextDataAggregatedForResoultion(dbName, collectionName, calendar, entityId, entityType, attrName,
                attrType, value, Resolution.MINUTE);
        insertContextDataAggregatedForResoultion(dbName, collectionName, calendar, entityId, entityType, attrName,
                attrType, value, Resolution.HOUR);
        insertContextDataAggregatedForResoultion(dbName, collectionName, calendar, entityId, entityType, attrName,
                attrType, value, Resolution.DAY);
        insertContextDataAggregatedForResoultion(dbName, collectionName, calendar, entityId, entityType, attrName,
                attrType, value, Resolution.MONTH);
    } // insertContextDataAggregated

     * Inserts a new document with given resolution in the given aggregated collection within the given database
     * (row-like mode).
     * @param dbName
     * @param collectionName
     * @param recvTimeTs
     * @param entityId
     * @param entityType
     * @param attrName
     * @param attrType
     * @param attrValue
     * @param resolution
    private void insertContextDataAggregatedForResoultion(String dbName, String collectionName,
            GregorianCalendar calendar, String entityId, String entityType, String attrName, String attrType,
            double attrValue, Resolution resolution) {
        // get database and collection
        MongoDatabase db = getDatabase(dbName);
        MongoCollection collection = db.getCollection(collectionName);

        // build the query
        BasicDBObject query = buildQueryForInsertAggregated(calendar, entityId, entityType, attrName, resolution);

        // prepopulate if needed
        BasicDBObject insert = buildInsertForPrepopulate(attrType, resolution);
        UpdateResult res = collection.updateOne(query, insert, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));

        if (res.getMatchedCount() == 0) {
            LOGGER.debug("Prepopulating data, database=" + dbName + ", collection=" + collectionName + ", query="
                    + query.toString() + ", insert=" + insert.toString());
        } // if

        // do the update
        BasicDBObject update = buildUpdateForUpdate(attrType, attrValue);
        LOGGER.debug("Updating data, database=" + dbName + ", collection=" + collectionName + ", query="
                + query.toString() + ", update=" + update.toString());
        collection.updateOne(query, update);
    } // insertContextDataAggregated

     * Builds the Json query used both to prepopulate and update an aggregated collection.
     * @param recvTimeTs
     * @param entityId
     * @param entityType
     * @param attrName
     * @param attrType
     * @param resolution
     * @return
    private BasicDBObject buildQueryForInsertAggregated(GregorianCalendar calendar, String entityId,
            String entityType, String attrName, Resolution resolution) {
        int offset = 0;

        switch (resolution) {
        case SECOND:
            offset = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        case MINUTE:
            offset = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        case HOUR:
            offset = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        case DAY:
            offset = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        case MONTH:
            offset = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
            // this should never be reached;
        } // switch

        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();

        switch (dataModel) {
                    new BasicDBObject("entityId", entityId).append("entityType", entityType)
                            .append("attrName", attrName).append("origin", getOrigin(calendar, resolution))
                            .append("resolution", resolution.toString().toLowerCase())
                            .append("range", getRange(resolution)))
                    .append("points.offset", offset);
                    new BasicDBObject("attrName", attrName).append("origin", getOrigin(calendar, resolution))
                            .append("resolution", resolution.toString().toLowerCase())
                            .append("range", getRange(resolution)))
                    .append("points.offset", offset);
                    new BasicDBObject("origin", getOrigin(calendar, resolution))
                            .append("resolution", resolution.toString().toLowerCase())
                            .append("range", getRange(resolution)))
                    .append("points.offset", offset);
            // this will never be reached
        } // switch

        return query;
    } // buildQueryForInsertAggregated

     * Builds the Json update used when updating an aggregated collection.
     * @param attrType
     * @param attrValue
     * @return
    private BasicDBObject buildUpdateForUpdate(String attrType, double attrValue) {
        BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
        update.append("$set", new BasicDBObject("attrType", attrType))
                        new BasicDBObject("points.$.samples", 1).append("points.$.sum", attrValue)
                                .append("points.$.sum2", Math.pow(attrValue, 2)))
                .append("$min", new BasicDBObject("points.$.min", attrValue))
                .append("$max", new BasicDBObject("points.$.max", attrValue));
        return update;
    } // buildUpdateForUpdate

     * Builds the Json used to prepopulate an aggregated collection.
     * @param attrType
     * @param resolution
     * @return
    private BasicDBObject buildInsertForPrepopulate(String attrType, Resolution resolution) {
        BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
                new BasicDBObject("attrType", attrType).append("points", buildPrepopulatedPoints(resolution)));
        return update;
    } // buildInsertForPrepopulate

     * Builds the points part for the Json used to prepopulate.
     * @param resolution
    private BasicDBList buildPrepopulatedPoints(Resolution resolution) {
        BasicDBList prepopulatedData = new BasicDBList();
        int offsetOrigin = 0;
        int numValues = 0;

        switch (resolution) {
        case SECOND:
            numValues = 60;
        case MINUTE:
            numValues = 60;
        case HOUR:
            numValues = 24;
        case DAY:
            numValues = 32;
            offsetOrigin = 1;
        case MONTH:
            numValues = 13;
            offsetOrigin = 1;
            // should never be reached
        } // switch

        for (int i = offsetOrigin; i < numValues; i++) {
                    .add(new BasicDBObject("offset", i).append("samples", 0).append("sum", 0).append("sum2", 0)
                            .append("min", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY).append("max", Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
        } // for

        return prepopulatedData;
    } // buildPrepopulatedPoints

     * Inserts a new document in the given raw collection within the given database (column-like mode).
     * changes.
     * @param dbName
     * @param collectionName
     * @param recvTime
     * @param attrs
     * @param mds
     * @throws Exception
    public void insertContextDataRaw(String dbName, String collectionName, String recvTime,
            Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, String> mds) throws Exception {
        // FIXME: the row-like column insertion mode is not currently available for Mongo
    } // insertContextDataRaw

     * Gets a Mongo database.
     * @param dbName
     * @return
    private MongoDatabase getDatabase(String dbName) {
        // create a ServerAddress object for each configured URI
        List<ServerAddress> servers = new ArrayList<ServerAddress>();
        String[] uris = mongoHosts.split(",");

        for (String uri : uris) {
            String[] uriParts = uri.split(":");
            servers.add(new ServerAddress(uriParts[0], new Integer(uriParts[1])));
        } // for

        // create a Mongo client

        if (client == null) {
            if (mongoUsername.length() != 0) {
                MongoCredential credential = MongoCredential.createCredential(mongoUsername, dbName,
                client = new MongoClient(servers, Arrays.asList(credential));
            } else {
                client = new MongoClient(servers);
            } // if else
        } // if

        // get the database
        return client.getDatabase(dbName);
    } // getDatabase

     * Gets the range related to a resolution.
     * @param resolution
     * @return
    private String getRange(Resolution resolution) {
        switch (resolution) {
        case SECOND:
            return "minute";
        case MINUTE:
            return "hour";
        case HOUR:
            return "day";
        case DAY:
            return "month";
        case MONTH:
            return "year";
            return null; // this should never be returned
        } // switch
    } // getDataModel

     * Gets the origin date for the aggregated collection.
     * @param calendar
     * @param resolution
     * @return
    private Date getOrigin(GregorianCalendar calendar, Resolution resolution) {
        int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
        int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
        int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        int second;

        switch (resolution) {
        case MONTH:
            month = 0;
            // falls through
        case DAY:
            day = 1;
            // falls through
        case HOUR:
            hour = 0;
            // falls through
        case MINUTE:
            minute = 0;
            // falls through
        case SECOND:
            second = 0;
            // should never be reached
            return null;
        } // switch

        GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
        return new Date(gc.getTimeInMillis());
    } // getOrigin

     * Stores in per-service/database "collection_names" collection the matching between a hash and the fields used to
     * build it.
     * FIXME: destination is under study
     * @param dbName
     * @param hash
     * @param isAggregated
     * @param fiwareService
     * @param fiwareServicePath
     * @param entityId
     * @param entityType
     * @param attrName
     * @param destination
     * @throws java.lang.Exception
    public void storeCollectionHash(String dbName, String hash, boolean isAggregated, String fiwareService,
            String fiwareServicePath, String entityId, String entityType, String attrName, String destination)
            throws Exception {
        // get the database and the collection; the collection is created if not existing
        MongoDatabase db = getDatabase(dbName);
        MongoCollection collection;

        try {
            LOGGER.debug("Creating Mongo collection=collection_names at database=" + dbName);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e.getMessage().contains("collection already exists")) {
                LOGGER.debug("Collection already exists, nothing to create");
            } else {
                throw e;
            } // if else
        } finally {
            collection = db.getCollection("collection_names");
        } // try catch finally

        // Two updates operations are needed since MongoDB currently does not support the possibility to address the
        // same field in a $set operation as a $setOnInsert operation. More details:
        // \
        //     findandmodify-fails-with-error-cannot-update-field1-and-field1-at-the-same

        // build the query
        BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject().append("_id", hash + (isAggregated ? ".aggr" : ""));

        // do the first update
        BasicDBObject update = buildUpdateForCollectionHash("$setOnInsert", isAggregated, fiwareService,
                fiwareServicePath, entityId, entityType, attrName, destination);
        LOGGER.debug("Updating data, database=" + dbName + ", collection=collection_names, query="
                + query.toString() + ", update=" + update.toString());
        UpdateResult res = collection.updateOne(query, update, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));
                if (res.getMatchedCount() == 0) {
        LOGGER.error("There was an error when storing the collecion hash, database=" + dbName
                + ", collection=collection_names, query=" + query.toString() + ", update=" + update.toString());
                } // if
                // do the second update
                update = buildUpdateForCollectionHash("$set", isAggregated, fiwareService, fiwareServicePath, entityId,
            entityType, attrName, destination);
                LOGGER.debug("Updating data, database=" + dbName + ", collection=collection_names, query="
            + query.toString() + ", update=" + update.toString());
                res = collection.updateOne(query, update);
                if (res.getMatchedCount() == 0) {
        LOGGER.error("There was an error when storing the collecion hash, database=" + dbName
                + ", collection=collection_names, query=" + query.toString() + ", update=" + update.toString());
                } // if
    } // storeCollectionHash

    // FIXME: destination is under study
    private BasicDBObject buildUpdateForCollectionHash(String operation, boolean isAggregated, String fiwareService,
            String fiwareServicePath, String entityId, String entityType, String attrName, String destination) {
        BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject();
        update.append(operation, new BasicDBObject("dataModel", OrionMongoBaseSink.getStrDataModel(dataModel))
                .append("isAggregated", isAggregated).append("service", fiwareService)
                .append("servicePath", fiwareServicePath).append("entityId", entityId)
                .append("entityType", entityType).append("attrName", attrName).append("destination", destination));
        return update;
    } // buildUpdateForCollectionHash

} // MongoBackend