Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011 Darien Hager * * This code is part of the "PackBSP" project, and is licensed under * a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. For * either a summary of conditions or the full legal text, please visit: * * * * Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available * at . */ package com.technofovea.packbsp; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.vdf.SteamMetaReader; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.ParseUtil; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.fgd.DefaultLoader; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.fgd.FgdSpec; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.registry.BlobFolder; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.registry.BlobParseFailure; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.registry.CdrParser; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.registry.ClientRegistry; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.registry.RegParser; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.vdf.GameInfoReader; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.vdf.SloppyParser; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.vdf.ValveTokenLexer; import com.technofovea.hl2parse.vdf.VdfRoot; import com.technofovea.hllib.HlLib; import com.technofovea.hllib.methods.ManagedLibrary; import com.technofovea.packbsp.assets.AssetHit; import com.technofovea.packbsp.assets.AssetLocator; import com.technofovea.packbsp.assets.AssetLocatorImpl; import com.technofovea.packbsp.assets.AssetSource.Type; import com.technofovea.packbsp.conf.IncludeItem; import com.technofovea.packbsp.conf.MapIncludes; import com.technofovea.packbsp.crawling.CachingLocatorWrap; import com.technofovea.packbsp.crawling.CrawlListener; import com.technofovea.packbsp.crawling.DependencyExpander; import com.technofovea.packbsp.crawling.DependencyGraph; import com.technofovea.packbsp.crawling.Edge; import com.technofovea.packbsp.crawling.EmptyCrawlListener; import com.technofovea.packbsp.crawling.Node; import com.technofovea.packbsp.crawling.TraversalException; import com.technofovea.packbsp.crawling.nodes.MapNode; import com.technofovea.packbsp.devkits.Devkit; import com.technofovea.packbsp.devkits.Game; import com.technofovea.packbsp.devkits.SourceSDK; import com.technofovea.packbsp.packaging.BspZipController; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRFileStream; import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRInputStream; import org.antlr.runtime.CharStream; import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException; import org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This class is really just a wrapper around some reusable procedural code. * It is expected that the GUI and controller will be set up in such a way that * the various phases are called in order, or else an IllegalStateException-- * which represents programmer error--may be thrown by any method. * * @author Darien Hager */ public class AppModel { static final String BSLASH = "\\"; final static String CR_BLOB = "clientregistry.blob"; final static int SDK_APPID = 211; final static String STEAM_APPS_FOLDER = "steamapps"; static final String ENGINE_BIN = "bin"; static final String GAMEDATA_PATH = "bin" + BSLASH + "gameconfig.txt"; static final String BSPZIP_FILENAME = "bspzip.exe"; static final String STEAM_APP_DATA = "config/SteamAppData.vdf"; public enum Phase { /** * Done: Nothing. * Require: Steam directory path */ STEAM, /** * Done: Parsed steam settings, found current user and SDK dir, parsed gameconfig * Require: Engine and Game choice */ GAME, /** * Done: Loaded FGD data and game-specific paths * Require: Source BSP */ SOURCE, /** * Done: Set up for pre-crawling phase * Require: Callback for crawling effort */ CRAWL, /** * Done: Done: Crawling and dependency detection, packing listt finalized * Require: Destination BSP or list output */ PACK, /** * Done: Packed new BSP or exported list * Require: Exit or return to either GAME or SOURCE step */ FINAL,; private boolean isAfter(Phase phase) { //TODO make this not dependent on declaration order return (this.ordinal() > phase.ordinal()); } } private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppModel.class); Phase currentPhase = Phase.STEAM; File _steamDirectory; CdrParser _cdr; MapIncludes _includeConf; Set<IncludeItem> _includes; ClientRegistry _reg; File _sourceBsp; File _sourceCopy; List<Devkit> _kits; Game _chosenGame; GameInfoReader _gameInfoData; DependencyGraph _graph; Map<String, DependencyItem> _deps; public Phase getCurrentPhase() { return currentPhase; } protected void assertPhase(Phase val) { if (currentPhase != val) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Model was in phase " + currentPhase + " but the function called is only valid for " + val); } } protected void assertPhaseAfter(Phase val) { if (!currentPhase.isAfter(val)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Model was in phase " + currentPhase + " but the function called is only valid for states following " + val); } } protected void assertPhaseSameOrAfter(Phase val) { if ((currentPhase != val) && (!currentPhase.isAfter(val))) { throw new IllegalStateException("Model was in phase " + currentPhase + " but the function called is only valid for states including or following " + val); } } /** * * @param dir * @throws IllegalArgumentException If arguments are incorrect * @throws IllegalStateException If called during the wrong phase * @throws PackbspException If another error occurs. May or may no be related to bad input. */ public void acceptSteamDirectory(final File steamDir) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, PackbspException { assertPhaseSameOrAfter(Phase.STEAM); if (!steamDir.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given directory does not exist"); } final File originalBlob = new File(steamDir, CR_BLOB); if (!originalBlob.isFile()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required file " + CR_BLOB + " could not be found."); }"Creating temporary copy of registry blob to avoid read/write conflicts."); final File blobfile; try { blobfile = PackbspUtil.createTempCopy(originalBlob); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new PackbspException( "Could not create temporary copy of client registry blob. Pause any game-downloads or wait for Steam to finish updating and try again.", ex); }"Attempting to parse client registry blob at: {}", blobfile); final ClientRegistry reg; try { BlobFolder bf = RegParser.parseClientRegistry(ParseUtil.mapFile(blobfile)); reg = new ClientRegistry(bf); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Could not access client registry blob (" + ex.getMessage() + ")", ex); } catch (BlobParseFailure ex) { throw new PackbspException("Could not parse the data within client registry blob", ex); } final CdrParser cdr = reg.getContentDescriptionRecord(); File steamAppData = new File(steamDir, STEAM_APP_DATA); final String currentUser; try { CharStream ais = new ANTLRFileStream(steamAppData.getAbsolutePath()); ValveTokenLexer lexer = new ValveTokenLexer(ais); SloppyParser parser = new SloppyParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer)); VdfRoot metaData = parser.main(); SteamMetaReader smr = new SteamMetaReader(metaData); currentUser = smr.getAutoLogon(); if ("".equals(currentUser)) { throw new PackbspException("Is Steam running? Could not read current Steam username from: " + steamAppData.getAbsolutePath()); }"Username detected as: {}", currentUser); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Is Steam running? Could not read current Steam username from: " + steamAppData.getAbsolutePath(), ex); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Is Steam running? Could not determine current Steam username from: " + steamAppData.getAbsolutePath(), ex); } /** * Init supported development kits */ List<Devkit> kits = new ArrayList<Devkit>(); try { Devkit basic = SourceSDK.createKit(steamDir, cdr, currentUser); kits.add(basic); } catch (BlobParseFailure ex) { logger.warn("A problem occurred checking for the Source SDK", ex); } currentPhase = Phase.GAME; // On success, save everything _kits = kits; _reg = reg; _cdr = cdr; _steamDirectory = steamDir; } public List<Devkit> getKits() { List<Devkit> copy = new ArrayList<Devkit>(); copy.addAll(_kits); return copy; } public void acceptGame(final Game chosen) throws PackbspException, IllegalArgumentException { assertPhaseSameOrAfter(Phase.GAME); if (chosen == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No game was selected"); } else if (!chosen.isPresent()) { throw new PackbspException( "The chosen game doesn't appear to be present or has a configuration problem."); } // Find and load gameinfo file final File gameInfoPath = new File(chosen.getGameDir(), GameInfoReader.DEFAULT_FILENAME);"Gameinfo file at: {}", gameInfoPath.getAbsolutePath()); if (!gameInfoPath.isFile()) { throw new PackbspException("Game info not found at: " + gameInfoPath.getAbsolutePath()); } final GameInfoReader gameInfoData; try { ANTLRInputStream ais = new ANTLRInputStream(new FileInputStream(gameInfoPath)); ValveTokenLexer lexer = new ValveTokenLexer(ais); SloppyParser parser = new SloppyParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer)); VdfRoot n = parser.main(); gameInfoData = new GameInfoReader(n, gameInfoPath); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Could not parse Gameinfo file", ex); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Could not read Gameinfo file", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Could not read Gameinfo file", ex); } _includeConf = null; _includes = new HashSet<IncludeItem>(); try { _includeConf = MapIncludes.fromXml(new File("conf/map_includes.xml")); _includes = _includeConf.getItems(chosen); } catch (JAXBException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Could not read map-includes configuration file", ex); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Could not read map-includes configuration file", ex); } currentPhase = Phase.SOURCE; _chosenGame = chosen; _gameInfoData = gameInfoData; } public File getSourceDir() { assertPhaseAfter(Phase.GAME); return _chosenGame.getVmfDir(); } public File getBspDir() { assertPhaseAfter(Phase.GAME); return _chosenGame.getBspDir(); } public File getGameDir() { assertPhaseAfter(Phase.GAME); return _chosenGame.getGameDir(); } public void acceptSourceFile(final File source) throws PackbspException { assertPhaseSameOrAfter(Phase.SOURCE); if (!source.isFile()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specified source file does not exist"); }"Source BSP specified as: {}", source.getAbsolutePath()); File tempCopy; try { tempCopy = PackbspUtil.createTempCopy(source); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Unable to create a temporary copy of the source file for secure reading", ex); } _sourceBsp = source; _sourceCopy = tempCopy; currentPhase = Phase.CRAWL; } public File getSourceFile() { assertPhaseAfter(Phase.SOURCE); return _sourceBsp; } public void acceptCrawling(final CrawlListener crawlingListener, final GraphListener graphListener) throws PackbspException { assertPhaseSameOrAfter(Phase.CRAWL); final ManagedLibrary hllib; final AssetLocator locator; final DependencyGraph graph; final FgdSpec spec; final MapNode startMapNode; final DependencyExpander expander; final DependencyManager depManager = new DependencyManager(); // We keep this mapping because we need to transfer "required or optional" // status from the GraphContext--which has no concept of paths--to the // Dependencies, which have no concept of nodes. final Map<String, Node> nodeMapping = new HashMap<String, Node>(); // Load HlLib DLL try { hllib = HlLib.getLibrary(); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ule) { throw new PackbspException("Unable to load HlLib.dll", ule); } // Make locator AssetLocator realLocator = new AssetLocatorImpl(_gameInfoData, new File(_steamDirectory, "steamapps"), _reg, hllib, _sourceCopy); locator = new CachingLocatorWrap(realLocator); // Make FGD spec //TODO determine if gamedata0 overrides gamedata1 or vice-versa in gameconfig. Assuming later entries override former spec = new FgdSpec(); try { for (File fgd : _chosenGame.getFgdFiles()) {"Parsing FGD at: {}", fgd.getAbsolutePath()); DefaultLoader.fillSpec(fgd, spec); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Could not access FGD data", ex); } catch (RecognitionException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Could not interpret FGD data", ex); } // This object will listen to crawling activity and handle the storage // of which items are optional/required/present/missing/skipped final EmptyCrawlListener mainListener = new EmptyCrawlListener() { @Override public void nodeContentMissing(Edge edge, Node node, String filePath) { depManager.setMissing(filePath); nodeMapping.put(filePath, node); } @Override public void nodeContentSkipped(Edge edge, Node node, String filePath) { //Query locator and figure out if it's in the BSP or just stock boolean inBsp = false; List<AssetHit> hits = locator.locate(filePath); for (AssetHit h : hits) { if (Type.BSP.equals(h.getSource().getType())) { inBsp = true; break; } } if (inBsp) { depManager.setPrePacked(filePath); } else { depManager.setStock(filePath); } nodeMapping.put(filePath, node); } @Override public void nodePackingFound(Edge edge, Node node, String filePath, File dataSource) { depManager.setFound(filePath, dataSource); nodeMapping.put(filePath, node); } }; graph = new DependencyGraph(); startMapNode = new MapNode(_sourceCopy, _sourceBsp.getName(), spec, _includes); graph.addVertex(startMapNode); if (graphListener != null) { graphListener.graphCreated(graph); } expander = new DependencyExpander(graph, startMapNode, locator); expander.addListener(mainListener); if (crawlingListener != null) { expander.addListener(crawlingListener); }"Beginning dependency graph traversal"); while (!expander.isDone()) { try { expander.step(); } catch (TraversalException ex) { if (ex.isRecoverable()) { logger.warn("Recoverable traversal error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } else { throw new PackbspException("An error occurred while exploring the dependency graph", ex); } } }"Dependency graph traversal complete"); // Determine required-vs-optional items and set status appropriately assert (expander.isDone()); Collection<String> paths = depManager.getPaths(); for (String path : paths) { Node n = nodeMapping.get(path); if ((n != null) && expander.wasRequired(n)) { depManager.setRequired(path, true); } else { depManager.setRequired(path, false); } } currentPhase = Phase.PACK; // On success, save everything _graph = graph; _deps = depManager.items; } public DependencyGraph getGraph() { assertPhaseAfter(Phase.CRAWL); return _graph; } public Map<String, DependencyItem> getDependencies() { assertPhaseAfter(Phase.CRAWL); return _deps; } public static void savePackList(final Map<String, File> items, final File packListFile) throws IOException {"Packing list will be written to: {}", packListFile.getAbsolutePath()); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(packListFile, false); BspZipController.writePackingList(items, fw); fw.close(); } public void acceptPacking(final File packListFile, final File destination) throws PackbspException { assertPhaseSameOrAfter(Phase.PACK);"Packing list file at: {}", packListFile.getAbsolutePath());"Final destination path: {}", destination.getAbsolutePath()); boolean alreadyExists; if (destination.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Destination file is a directory"); } try { alreadyExists = !destination.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new PackbspException("Unable to create destination BSP file", ex); }"Does destination file already exist: {}", alreadyExists); // If it already exists, move it to a name with a backup if (alreadyExists) { // If foo.bak exists, try foo.bak1, if foo.bak1 exists, try foo.bak2, etc. int n = 1; String baseBakName = destination.getAbsolutePath(); File bakCandidate = new File(baseBakName + ".bak"); while (bakCandidate.exists()) { n += 1; bakCandidate = new File(baseBakName + ".bak" + n); assert (n < 1000000); // Should never happen in normal use, but quickly hit on logic error }"Renaming existing destination file to a backup: {}", bakCandidate.getAbsolutePath()); boolean success = destination.renameTo(bakCandidate); if (!success) { throw new PackbspException("Could not rename target file to a backup."); } } final File sdkToolsDir = _chosenGame.getParent().getBinDir(); final File bspzipExe = new File(sdkToolsDir, "bin/" + BSPZIP_FILENAME); final BspZipController bspzip = new BspZipController(bspzipExe); ByteArrayOutputStream resultStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try {"Running bspzip at:", bspzipExe.getAbsolutePath()); int exitval = bspzip.packAssets(packListFile, _sourceCopy, destination, getGameDir(), resultStream); String text = resultStream.toString(); text = "\t" + text.replace("\n", "\n\t"); logger.debug("BSPZIP output:\n{}", text); if (!text.contains("Writing new bsp file")) { if (text.toLowerCase().contains("local steam service is not running")) { throw new PackbspException("BspZip cannot execute: Steam is not running."); } throw new PackbspException("BspZip does not have expected success text:\n" + text); } } catch (ExecuteException ex) { logger.error("BSPZIP failed with exception.", ex); String text = resultStream.toString(); text = "\t" + text.replace("\n", "\n\t"); if (text.trim().length() > 0) { logger.error("BSPZIP failed with text:\n{}", text); } throw new PackbspException( "An error occured while creating a copy of the map with packed content. Please see logs for more details.", ex); }"Packing completed"); currentPhase = Phase.FINAL; } }