Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Tecapro. All rights reserved. * VIETTEL PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.tecapro.inventory.common.action; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts.action.Action; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionRedirect; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import; import; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.FileDeleteIF; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.FileReadIF; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.FileWriteIF; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.InfoValueIF; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.bean.ErrorInfoValue; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.bean.FileInfoValue; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.bean.FormFileValue; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.bean.InfoValue; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.bean.ItemValidationInfoValue; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.bean.PageInfoValue; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.bean.UserInfoValue; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.exception.DBException; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.exception.FileException; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.exception.MSException; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.exception.RequiredCheckException; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.form.BaseForm; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.util.BeanUtil; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.util.CommonUtil; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.util.Constants; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.util.ItemCheckUtil; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.util.ItemPropertyUtil; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.util.LogUtil; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.util.MessageUtil; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.util.RemoteAddressUtil; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.util.RequestUtil; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.util.StreamUtil; import com.tecapro.inventory.common.util.StringUtil; /** * BaseAction class * */ public class BaseAction extends Action implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1152087132313370763L; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BaseAction.class); /** * Error forward name */ private static final String ERROR_FORWARD = "failure"; /** * define action forward of login screen */ private static final String LOGIN = "login"; /** * success forward */ private static final String SUCCESS_FORWARD = "success"; /** * struts action when no session */ private static final String PARAM_NO_SESSION = "no_session"; /** * struts action when create session */ private static final String PARAM_CREATE_SESSION = "create_session"; /** * struts action when session invalidate */ private static final String PARAM_INVALIDATE_SESSION = "invalidate_session"; /** * Post http method */ private static final String GET_METHOD = "GET"; private static final String INDEX_PAGE = ""; /** * defined for list paging */ private static final String LIST_PAGE_ONE = "1"; private static final String LIST_PAGE_TWO = "2"; private static final String LIST_PAGE_THREE = "3"; /** * Parameter window name */ private static final String PARAM_WINDOW_NAME = "wn"; /** * define action forward of error screen */ private static final String SYSTEM_ERROR = "systemError"; /** * key divider filename */ private static final String DIVIDER_KEY = "||"; /** * contain error code to check duplicate */ private Map<String, Integer> errorCheck = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); /** * flag to check reset form data */ private Boolean isResetData = false; /** * defined list name for field upload */ private static final String FIELD_FILE = ".file"; /** instance of StringUtil */ @Autowired private StringUtil strUtil; /** instance of StreamUtil */ @Autowired private StreamUtil streamUtil; /** instance of BeanUtil */ @Autowired private BeanUtil<?> beanUtil; /** instance of LogUtil */ @Autowired private LogUtil logUtil; /** instance of MessageUtil */ @Autowired private MessageUtil msgUtil; /** instance of CommonUtil */ @Autowired private CommonUtil commonUtil; /** instance of RequestUtil */ @Autowired private RequestUtil requestUtil; /** instance of ItemCheckUtil */ @Autowired private ItemCheckUtil itemCheckUtil; /** * instance of ItemPropertyUtil */ @Autowired private ItemPropertyUtil itemPropUtil; /** instance of UserInfoValue */ @Autowired private UserInfoValue userInfo; /** instance of RemoreAddressUtil */ @Autowired private RemoteAddressUtil remoteAddressUtil; /** * Action start log output */ private long startLog(ActionMapping mapping, BaseForm form) { return logUtil.startLog(LOG, mapping.getPath(), "execute", form.getValue().getInfo()); } /** * Action end log output */ private void endLog(ActionMapping mapping, BaseForm form, long startTime) { logUtil.endLog(LOG, mapping.getPath(), "execute", form.getValue().getInfo(), startTime); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.apache.struts.action.Action#execute(org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping, org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { BaseForm zform = (BaseForm) form; long startTime = startLog(mapping, zform); Object objAction = zform.getObjAction(); InfoValue info = zform.getValue().getInfo(); byte[] serializeData = null; String result = null; boolean hasError = false; String errorCode = ""; HashMap<String, List<HashMap<String, Boolean>>> checkListBak = null; try { /*Detect device*/ request.setAttribute(Constants.Device.IS_TABLET, detectDevice(request).isTablet()); String systemError = request.getParameter("system_error"); if (!strUtil.isNull(systemError) && (Constants.SYSTEM_ERROR_CODE.equals(systemError) || Constants.SESSION_TIMEOUT_CODE.equals(systemError))) { setError(zform, systemError, null, new ArrayList<String>(), request); request.setAttribute(mapping.getName(), zform); return mapping.findForward(SYSTEM_ERROR); } serializeData = (zform.getValueBase64() != null && !"".equals(zform.getValueBase64())) ? zform.getValueBase64().getBytes() : commonUtil.serialize(zform.getValue()); // Initialization for uploading and downloading initFile(zform); // If the session is invalid, I will transition to login screen if (!validSession(zform, request, mapping)) { setError(zform, Constants.SESSION_TIMEOUT_CODE, null, new ArrayList<String>(), request); request.setAttribute(mapping.getName(), zform); // check request ajax if (Constants.REQUEST_AJAX.equals(zform.getType())) { request.setAttribute("type", Constants.REQUEST_AJAX); throw new MSException(Constants.SESSION_TIMEOUT_CODE, new String[] {}); } return mapping.findForward(SYSTEM_ERROR); } else { // check request invalid if (isNotAcceptAction(request)) { response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + INDEX_PAGE); return null; } copyDataToInfoValue(zform, request); } // check login if (!(mapping.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase("/Login_init") || mapping.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase("/Login_login"))) { ActionForward actionForward = null; result = LOGIN; if (info.getUserInfo().getUsername() == null || info.getUserInfo().getUsername().equals("")) { // Create action forward actionForward = createActionForward(result, request, mapping, zform); zform.setPath(actionForward.getPath()); endLog(mapping, zform, startTime); ActionRedirect redirect = new ActionRedirect(actionForward); if (!strUtil.isNull(info.getWinName())) { redirect.addParameter(PARAM_WINDOW_NAME, info.getWinName()); } return redirect; } } // check download request if (checkDownloadRequest(zform, request, response)) { endLog(mapping, zform, startTime); return null; } else { // copy file to work folder copyTempFile(form, zform); // get remote ip address // userInfo.setIpAddress(remoteAddressUtil.getIpddress(request)); // Form validation if (mapping.getValidate()) { result = checkValidate(mapping, form, zform, request, objAction, serializeData); } if (!ERROR_FORWARD.equals(result)) { // set error flag is true zform.setErrorFlag(false); // clear info message info.getInfoMsg().clear(); // process for paging processPagingBeforeAction(info, request); String[] inputs = (String[]) request.getParameterMap().get(PARAM_WINDOW_NAME); if (inputs != null && !strUtil.isNull((String) inputs[0])) { info.setWinName((String) inputs[0]); } // execute method logic result = ((DelegateAction) objAction).execute(info); // process for paging processPagingAfterAction(info, request); // copy info message to BaseForm zform.setInfoMsg(info.getInfoMsg()); // build error message set from logic String ret = createErrorFromLogic(zform, serializeData, request); if (ret != null && !"".equals(ret) && !SUCCESS_FORWARD.equals(ret)) { result = ret; } } else { // set error flag is true zform.setErrorFlag(true); } if (!ERROR_FORWARD.equals(result)) { changeSession(zform, request, mapping); } // If the file name when download is set from business, the download process FileInfoValue fileDown = info.getFile().get(0); if (!ERROR_FORWARD.equals(result) && fileDown != null && fileDown.getDownloadFileName() != null && !"".equals(fileDown.getDownloadFileName())) { if (!fileDown.getDownloadAfter()) { downloadFile(zform, response); endLog(mapping, zform, startTime); return null; } else { fileDown.setDownloadAfter(false); HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); // set fileName of user into http request String dataFile = fileDown.getDownloadFileName(); dataFile = session.getId() + DIVIDER_KEY + dataFile; request.setAttribute(Constants.DOWNLOAD_KEY, new String(commonUtil.serialize(dataFile))); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { result = ERROR_FORWARD; // set error flag is true zform.setErrorFlag(true); if (ex instanceof MSException || ex.getCause() instanceof MSException) { String message = ""; if (ex instanceof DBException) { errorLog(zform, request, ex, "execute"); message = msgUtil.getMessage(((MSException) ex).getCode(), ((MSException) ex).getParam()); } else if (ex instanceof MSException) { message = msgUtil.getMessage(((MSException) ex).getCode(), ((MSException) ex).getParam()); } else { message = msgUtil.getMessage(((MSException) ex.getCause()).getCode(), ((MSException) ex.getCause()).getParam()); } logUtil.infoLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), "execute", info, message); try { result = createErrorMessage(zform, ex, serializeData, request); } catch (Exception ex2) { hasError = true; } } else { hasError = true; } if (hasError) { errorLog(zform, request, ex, "execute"); if (ex.getCause() instanceof MSException) { errorCode = ((MSException) ex.getCause()).getCode(); } else if (ex instanceof MSException) { errorCode = ((MSException) ex).getCode(); } if ("".equals(errorCode)) { errorCode = Constants.SYSTEM_ERROR_CODE; } } } finally { try { if (Constants.REQUEST_AJAX.equals(zform.getType())) { // backup checklist checkListBak = (HashMap<String, List<HashMap<String, Boolean>>>) info.getItem().getCheckList() .clone(); } info.getItem().getCheckList().clear(); // If the file upload is done, I want to delete the temporary files when uploading if (form.getMultipartRequestHandler() != null) { deleteUploadFile(zform); } // reset data to after submit if (isResetData && info.getResetFlag()) { resetData(zform, serializeData, request); } } catch (Exception ex) { logUtil.infoLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), "execute", info, ex); } info.setResetFlag(true); //if (ex instanceof Exception) { if (hasError) { msgUtil.resetErrorList(); // add message error code if (!strUtil.isNull(errorCode)) { setError(zform, errorCode, null, null, request); } result = SYSTEM_ERROR; } } ActionForward forward = null; // print data JSON for request AJAX if (Constants.REQUEST_AJAX.equals(zform.getType())) { // Set header info response.setContentType(Constants.CONTENT_TYPE_AJAX); response.setCharacterEncoding(Constants.Text.UTF_8); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); // get JSON data Object objValue = zform.getValue(); // set checlist if (checkListBak != null) { ((InfoValueIF) objValue).getInfo().getItem().setCheckList(checkListBak); } Method method = objValue.getClass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredMethod("getJsonData"); Object jsonData = method.invoke(objValue); String jsonString = ""; Gson gson = new Gson(); // create data JSON to response Map<String, Object> mapData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mapData.put("paging", getPaging(zform, request)); mapData.put("valueBase64", new String(commonUtil.serialize((InfoValueIF) objValue))); // check error if (!strUtil.isNull(zform.getError().getErrorId())) { mapData.put("value", zform.getError()); } else if (!strUtil.isNull(jsonData)) { mapData.put("value", jsonData); } jsonString = gson.toJson(mapData); out.print(strUtil.isNull(jsonString) ? "" : jsonString); out.flush(); out.close(); endLog(mapping, zform, startTime); return forward; } else { // Create action forward forward = createActionForward(result, request, mapping, zform); zform.setPath(forward.getPath()); endLog(mapping, zform, startTime); if (!forward.getRedirect()) { return forward; } ActionRedirect redirect = new ActionRedirect(forward); if (!strUtil.isNull(info.getWinName())) { redirect.addParameter(PARAM_WINDOW_NAME, info.getWinName()); } return redirect; } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.apache.struts.action.Action#setServlet(org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet) */ @Override public void setServlet(ActionServlet servlet) { super.setServlet(servlet); } /** * Detect device * * @param request */ private Device detectDevice(HttpServletRequest request) { Device device = DeviceUtils.getCurrentDevice(request); if (device == null) { device = new Device() { @Override public boolean isTablet() { return false; } @Override public boolean isNormal() { return true; } @Override public boolean isMobile() { return false; } }; } return device; } /** * check request * * @param request * @return * @throws IOException */ private Boolean isNotAcceptAction(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { Map<?, ?> actList = requestUtil.loadActList(getServlet().getServletContext().getRealPath("")); return (!actList.containsKey(request.getServletPath()) && GET_METHOD.equals(request.getMethod())); } /** * get download value * @param request * @return * @throws Exception */ private Boolean checkDownloadRequest(BaseForm zform, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { Boolean result = false; String downloadValue = ""; HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); InfoValue info = zform.getValue().getInfo(); // get download key from request String downloadKey = (String) request.getParameter(Constants.DOWNLOAD_KEY); if (downloadKey != null && !"".equals(downloadKey)) { // decode download key downloadValue = (String) commonUtil.deserialize(downloadKey.getBytes()); } // check download value if (downloadValue != null && !"".equals(downloadValue) && downloadValue.contains(session.getId())) { String fileName = downloadValue .substring(downloadValue.lastIndexOf(DIVIDER_KEY) + DIVIDER_KEY.length()); // init download file info.getFile().get(0).setTempFileName(fileName, fileName); info.getFile().get(0).setDownloadFileName(fileName); // start download file downloadFile(zform, response); result = true; } request.removeAttribute(Constants.DOWNLOAD_KEY); info.getFile().set(0, new FileInfoValue()); return result; } /** * Create action forward * * @param forwardName * @param request * @param mapping * @param zform * @return */ private ActionForward createActionForward(String forwardName, HttpServletRequest request, ActionMapping mapping, BaseForm zform) { beanUtil.populate(beanUtil.describe("value", zform.getValue()), zform); request.setAttribute(mapping.getName(), zform); ActionForward forward = mapping.findForward(forwardName); return forward; } /** * Check single item * * @param mapping * @param form * @param zform * @param request * @param delegateFacade * @param serializeData * @return * @throws Exception */ private String checkValidate(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, BaseForm zform, HttpServletRequest request, Object objAction, byte[] serializeData) throws Exception { String result = SUCCESS_FORWARD; HashMap<String, Boolean> item = null; HashMap<String, Boolean> row = null; Iterator<?> iter = null; Iterator<?> it = null; Boolean require = false; Boolean checkFile = false; String[] inputValues = null; String inputValue = null; String property = null; Map<String, Object> paramMap = (Map<String, Object>) zform.getProperties(); InfoValue info = zform.getValue().getInfo(); Map<String, Integer> keyMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); String areaForm = (mapping.getInput() == null || "".equals(mapping.getInput())) ? Constants.COMMON_AREA : mapping.getInput(); List<HashMap<String, Boolean>> areaList = info.getItem().getAreaList(areaForm); // Validate plus String[] vPluss = (String[]) paramMap.get("validatePlus[" + areaForm + "]"); if (!(vPluss == null || vPluss.length == 0)) { String vPlus = vPluss[0]; Gson gson = new Gson(); Type collectionType = new TypeToken<List<HashMap<String, Boolean>>>() { }.getType(); // json to objectb List List<HashMap<String, Boolean>> oList = gson.fromJson(vPlus, collectionType); if (oList != null) { Iterator<HashMap<String, Boolean>> iRow = oList.iterator(); while (iRow.hasNext()) { // get row row =; it = row.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { // get item and put to Area list Map.Entry<?, ?> mEntry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>); HashMap<String, Boolean> mItem = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); mItem.put((String) mEntry.getKey(), (Boolean) mEntry.getValue()); areaList.add(mItem); } } } } Iterator<HashMap<String, Boolean>> ite = areaList.iterator(); // When sent in multipart, determines that the file upload if (form.getMultipartRequestHandler() != null) { checkFile = true; } int idxFile = 0; int idx = 0; FormFileValue formFile = null; while (ite.hasNext()) { inputValues = null; formFile = null; item =; iter = item.entrySet().iterator(); property = null; require = false; if (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<?, ?> mEntry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>); property = (String) mEntry.getKey(); require = (Boolean) mEntry.getValue(); } else { continue; } if (keyMap.containsKey(property)) { keyMap.put(property, keyMap.get(property) + 1); } else { keyMap.put(property, 0); } if (!property.endsWith(FIELD_FILE)) { inputValues = (String[]) paramMap.get(property); // check item not existed to continue if (inputValues == null) { continue; } } else if (property.lastIndexOf("[") != -1 && property.lastIndexOf("]") != -1) { idxFile = Integer .parseInt(property.substring(property.lastIndexOf("[") + 1, property.lastIndexOf("]"))); formFile = zform.getFiles().get(idxFile); } // Input value inputValue = null; if (!(inputValues == null || inputValues.length == 0)) { inputValue = inputValues[keyMap.get(property)]; } try { // Check require if (require) { if (!property.endsWith(FIELD_FILE)) { itemCheckUtil.checkRequired(inputValue, property); } else if (checkFile && formFile != null && Constants.BLANK.equals(formFile.getFormFileName())) { RequiredCheckException ex = new RequiredCheckException(Constants.FILE_BLANK_CODE, new String[] { property }); ex.setErrorId(property); throw ex; } } if (checkFile && property.endsWith(FIELD_FILE) && formFile != null && !strUtil.isNull(formFile.getFormFileName())) { if (formFile.getFile() == null || formFile.getFile().getFileSize() == 0) { FileException ex = new FileException(Constants.FILE_SIZE_ZERO_CODE, new String[] { property }); ex.setErrorId(property); throw ex; } } if (!(inputValues == null || inputValues.length == 0)) { // Check not permit character /*itemCheckUtil.checkPermitCharacter(inputValue, property);*/ String key = null; int index = property.lastIndexOf("."); if (index < 0) { key = property; } else { key = property.substring(property.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); } // get item info ItemValidationInfoValue itemInfo = itemPropUtil.getItemInfo(key); if (itemInfo == null) { LOG.warn("Item ID is not registered. id=" + key); } else { // Single item check processing if (inputValue != null && !Constants.BLANK.equals(inputValue)) { itemCheckUtil.checkItem(itemInfo, inputValue, property); } } } inputValue = (inputValue == null) ? "" : inputValue; // Check custom validate if (property.lastIndexOf("[") != -1 && property.lastIndexOf("]") != -1) { idx = Integer .parseInt(property.substring(property.lastIndexOf("[") + 1, property.lastIndexOf("]"))); } ((DelegateAction) objAction).validate(inputValue, property, idx); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof MSException || e.getCause() instanceof MSException) { String message = ""; if (e instanceof MSException) { message = msgUtil.getMessage(((MSException) e).getCode(), ((MSException) e).getParam()); } else { message = msgUtil.getMessage(((MSException) e.getCause()).getCode(), ((MSException) e.getCause()).getParam()); } logUtil.infoLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), "checkValidate", info, message); } else { errorLog(zform, request, e, "checkValidate"); } try { String ret = createErrorMessage(zform, e, serializeData, request); if (ret != null && !"".equals(ret) && !SUCCESS_FORWARD.equals(ret)) { result = ret; } } catch (Exception ex) { errorLog(zform, request, ex, "checkValidate"); throw ex; } // validate item one by one return result; } } return result; } /** * Error when log output * * @param zform * @param request * @param e * @param method */ private void errorLog(BaseForm zform, HttpServletRequest request, Throwable e, String method) { InfoValue info = zform.getValue().getInfo(); logUtil.errorLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), method, info, "------ Error information ------"); logUtil.errorLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), method, info, e); logUtil.errorLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), method, info, "------ Input information ------"); logUtil.errorLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), method, info, logUtil.dump(request.getParameterMap())); logUtil.errorLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), method, info, "------ Output information ------"); logUtil.errorLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), method, info, logUtil.dump(zform)); } /** * Initial for upload file * * @param zform * @throws Exception */ private void initFile(BaseForm zform) throws Exception { InfoValue info = zform.getValue().getInfo(); info.setFile(new ArrayList<FileInfoValue>()); info.getFile().add(new FileInfoValue()); FileWriteIF write = zform.getWriteTemp(); FileReadIF read = zform.getReadTemp(); FileDeleteIF delete = zform.getDeleteTemp(); if (write != null) { write.setInfo(info); } if (read != null) { read.setInfo(info); } if (delete != null) { delete.setInfo(info); } } /** * Copy file to work folder * * @param form * @param zform * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ private void copyTempFile(ActionForm form, BaseForm zform) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if (form.getMultipartRequestHandler() != null) { InfoValue info = zform.getValue().getInfo(); int index = 0; for (FormFileValue formFile : zform.getFiles()) { if (!(formFile.getFile() == null || formFile.getFile().getFileSize() == 0 || Constants.BLANK.equals(formFile.getFormFileName()))) { FileInfoValue fInfo = new FileInfoValue(); if (info.getFile().size() <= index) { info.getFile().add(fInfo); } else { info.getFile().set(index, fInfo); } OutputStream ostream = zform.getWriteTemp().write(formFile.getFile().getFileName(), index); streamUtil.copyStream(formFile.getFile().getInputStream(), ostream); fInfo.setUploadFileName(formFile.getFile().getFileName()); index++; } } } } /** * get data from session set to object info * @param zform * @param request */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void copyDataToInfoValue(BaseForm zform, HttpServletRequest request) { // set userInfo to object info InfoValue info = zform.getValue().getInfo(); info.setUserInfo(userInfo); // get session info HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); if (session != null) { // get session info set to Object Info Map<String, Object> sessInfo = (Map<String, Object>) session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_INFO); if (sessInfo == null) { sessInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } info.setMainSessInfo(sessInfo); } } /** * Return file to client * * @param zform * @param response * @throws Exception */ private void downloadFile(BaseForm zform, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { InfoValue info = zform.getValue().getInfo(); String downloadFileName = info.getFile().get(0).getDownloadFileName(); FileReadIF read = zform.getReadTemp(); try { InputStream istream =, 0); createResponseHeader(zform, response); OutputStream ostream = response.getOutputStream(); streamUtil.copyStream(istream, ostream); } catch (IOException e) { logUtil.infoLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), "dowloadFile", info, "Download of the dialog is canceled or communication error" + downloadFileName); logUtil.infoLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), "dowloadFile", info, e); } finally { zform.getDeleteTemp().delete(downloadFileName, 0); } } /** * Set the Response header at the time of download. * * @param zform * @param response * @throws Exception */ private void createResponseHeader(BaseForm zform, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { InfoValue info = zform.getValue().getInfo(); String downloadFileName = info.getFile().get(0).getDownloadFileName(); FileReadIF read = zform.getReadTemp(); if (downloadFileName.toUpperCase().endsWith("HTML") || downloadFileName.toUpperCase().endsWith("HTM")) { response.setContentType("text/html"); addResponseHeaderNoCache(response); } else if (downloadFileName.toUpperCase().endsWith("XML")) { response.setContentType("text/xml"); addResponseHeaderNoCache(response); } else { response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); response.setContentLength((int) read.getFileSize(info.getFile().get(0).getDownloadFileName(), 0)); response.addHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + new String(downloadFileName.getBytes(Constants.Text.WINDOWS_31J), "ISO-8859-1") + "\""); } } /** * Set nocache to response * * @param response */ private void addResponseHeaderNoCache(HttpServletResponse response) { response.addHeader("Expires", "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT, -1"); response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store"); response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate"); response.addHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); } /** * Delete upload file * * @param zform */ private void deleteUploadFile(BaseForm zform) { InfoValue info = zform.getValue().getInfo(); String fileName; try { int index = 0; for (FileInfoValue fileInfo : info.getFile()) { fileName = fileInfo.getUploadFileName(); if (fileName != null) { zform.getDeleteTemp().delete(fileName, index); } index++; } } finally { for (FormFileValue formFile : zform.getFiles()) { if (formFile != null) { formFile.getFile().destroy(); } } } } /** * Delete download file * * @param zform * @param response * @throws Exception */ protected void deleteDownloadFile(BaseForm zform) throws Exception { InfoValue info = zform.getValue().getInfo(); String fileName; try { int index = 0; for (FileInfoValue fileInfo : info.getFile()) { fileName = fileInfo.getDownloadFileName(); if (fileName != null) { zform.getDeleteTemp().delete(fileName, index); } index++; } } finally { for (FormFileValue formFile : zform.getFiles()) { if (formFile != null) { formFile.getFile().destroy(); } } } } /** * build error message set from logic * * @param zform * @param serializeData * @param request */ private String createErrorFromLogic(BaseForm zform, byte[] serializeData, HttpServletRequest request) { List<Throwable> errorList = msgUtil.getErrorList(); Iterator<Throwable> ite = errorList.iterator(); Throwable ex = null; String result = SUCCESS_FORWARD; String ret = null; while (ite.hasNext()) { ex =; ret = createErrorMessage(zform, ex, serializeData, request); if (ret != null && !"".equals(ret) && !SUCCESS_FORWARD.equals(ret)) { result = ret; } } msgUtil.resetErrorList(); return result; } /** * init error message * * @param zform * @param e * @param serializeData * @param request * @return */ private String createErrorMessage(BaseForm zform, Throwable e, byte[] serializeData, HttpServletRequest request) { String result = ERROR_FORWARD; Throwable ex = e; while (true) { if (!(ex instanceof InvocationTargetException)) { break; } if (ex == e.getCause()) { break; } if (e.getCause() != null) { ex = e.getCause(); } } if (ex instanceof Exception) { MSException exc = (MSException) ex; setError(zform, exc.getCode(), exc.getParam(), exc.getIdList(), request); isResetData = exc.isResetData(); if (exc.getResult() != null) { result = exc.getResult(); } if (SUCCESS_FORWARD.equals(result)) { isResetData = false; } } else { setError(zform, Constants.SYSTEM_ERROR_CODE, null, new ArrayList<String>(), request); isResetData = true; } return result; } /** * reset data input * * @param zform * @param serializeData * @param request */ private void resetData(BaseForm zform, byte[] serializeData, HttpServletRequest request) { try { InfoValueIF value = (InfoValueIF) commonUtil.deserialize(serializeData); value.getInfo().getItem().getCheckList().clear(); zform.setValue(value); beanUtil.populate(zform.getInputData(), zform); } catch (Exception err) { errorLog(zform, request, err, "resetData"); } } /** * * Valid struts session * * @param form * @param request * @param mapping * @return true: valid, false: invalid, display login screen */ private boolean validSession(BaseForm form, HttpServletRequest request, ActionMapping mapping) { String param = mapping.getParameter(); boolean result = false; if (param != null && param.contains(PARAM_NO_SESSION)) { result = true; } else if (param != null && param.contains(PARAM_CREATE_SESSION)) { result = true; } else if (param != null && param.contains(PARAM_INVALIDATE_SESSION)) { result = true; } else { HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); if (session != null) { result = true; } } return result; } /** * set error code to BaseForm * * @param form * @param code * @param params * @param idList * @param request */ private void setError(BaseForm form, String code, String[] params, List<String> idList, HttpServletRequest request) { String strTmp = code; if (params != null && params.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (params[i] != null) { strTmp += (params[i].indexOf("value.") != -1) ? params[i].substring(params[i].lastIndexOf(".") + 1) : params[i]; } } } ErrorInfoValue errorValue = form.getError(); if (errorValue == null || errorValue.getErrorId() == null) { errorValue = new ErrorInfoValue(); } if (!errorCheck.containsKey(strTmp)) { errorCheck.put(strTmp, 0); errorValue.setErrorMessage(msgUtil.getMessage(code, params)); } if (idList == null) { idList = new ArrayList<String>(); } if (idList.size() <= 0) { idList.add(code); } errorValue.setIdList(idList); form.setError(errorValue); request.setAttribute(Constants.ERRORINFO, errorValue); logUtil.infoLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), "setError", form.getValue().getInfo(), errorValue.getErrorMessage()); if (idList != null) { for (int i = 0, n = idList.size(); i < n; i++) { logUtil.infoLog(LOG, BaseAction.class.getSimpleName(), "setError", form.getValue().getInfo(), new StringBuffer().append(idList.get(i)).append(",") .append(request.getParameter(idList.get(i))).toString()); } } } /** * Check action with session * * @param form * @param request * @param mapping */ private void changeSession(BaseForm form, HttpServletRequest request, ActionMapping mapping) { String param = mapping.getParameter(); if (param != null && param.contains(PARAM_CREATE_SESSION)) { // new HTTPSession HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_INFO, form.getValue().getInfo().getMainSessInfo()); userInfo = new UserInfoValue(); } else if (param != null && (param.contains(PARAM_INVALIDATE_SESSION) || param.contains(PARAM_NO_SESSION))) { HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); if (session != null) { session.removeAttribute(Constants.SESSION_INFO); session.invalidate(); } userInfo = new UserInfoValue(); } else { HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); if (session != null) { session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_INFO, form.getValue().getInfo().getMainSessInfo()); } } } /** * process paging before action */ private void processPagingBeforeAction(InfoValue info, HttpServletRequest request) { String listNumRecord = commonUtil.getValue(Constants.LIST_RECORD_ON_PAGE); String recordOnPage = commonUtil.getValue(Constants.DEFAULT_RECORD_ON_PAGE); // init page if (info.getPage().getListNumRecord().size() <= 0) { info.getPage().setListNumRecord(listNumRecord); } if (info.getPage1().getListNumRecord().size() <= 0) { info.getPage1().setListNumRecord(listNumRecord); } if (info.getPage2().getListNumRecord().size() <= 0) { info.getPage2().setListNumRecord(listNumRecord); } if (info.getPage3().getListNumRecord().size() <= 0) { info.getPage3().setListNumRecord(listNumRecord); } info.getPage().setHyojiKensu(info.getPage().getHyojiKensu() <= 0 ? Integer.parseInt(recordOnPage) : info.getPage().getHyojiKensu()); info.getPage1().setHyojiKensu(info.getPage1().getHyojiKensu() <= 0 ? Integer.parseInt(recordOnPage) : info.getPage1().getHyojiKensu()); info.getPage2().setHyojiKensu(info.getPage2().getHyojiKensu() <= 0 ? Integer.parseInt(recordOnPage) : info.getPage2().getHyojiKensu()); info.getPage3().setHyojiKensu(info.getPage3().getHyojiKensu() <= 0 ? Integer.parseInt(recordOnPage) : info.getPage3().getHyojiKensu()); } /** * process paging after action */ private void processPagingAfterAction(InfoValue info, HttpServletRequest request) { } /** * get paging object * * @param zForm * @param request * @return */ private PageInfoValue getPaging(BaseForm zForm, HttpServletRequest request) { String page = ""; PageInfoValue paging = new PageInfoValue(); if (!strUtil.isNull(request.getParameter("paging"))) { page = request.getParameter("paging"); } switch (page) { case LIST_PAGE_ONE: paging = ((InfoValueIF) zForm.getValue()).getInfo().getPage1(); break; case LIST_PAGE_TWO: paging = ((InfoValueIF) zForm.getValue()).getInfo().getPage2(); break; case LIST_PAGE_THREE: paging = ((InfoValueIF) zForm.getValue()).getInfo().getPage3(); break; default: paging = ((InfoValueIF) zForm.getValue()).getInfo().getPage(); break; } return paging; } }