Java tutorial
/* * Created on May 6, 2005 * */ package com.teag.reports; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import com.teag.EstatePlan.EstatePlanTable; import com.teag.analysis.CFCol; import com.teag.analysis.CFRow; import com.teag.bean.ClientBean; import com.teag.webapp.EstatePlanningGlobals; /** * @author Paul Stay * Date - Feb. 28, 2006, added additional functionality for single users. * Description - Generate the cash balance for scenario 2. */ public class EstatePlan extends Page { public final static int MAX_TABLE = 120; private static int MAX_COLS = 18; private DBObject dbObj = new DBObject(); private int clientID; private int spouseID; private EstatePlanningGlobals epg; /** * @param document * @param writer */ public EstatePlan(Document document, PdfWriter writer) { super(document, writer); } private String[] agesList() { String list[] = this.initStringArray(MAX_COLS); String style = "[colspan=4,align=right,ptsize=7][][][]"; if (userInfo.isSingle()) { list[0] = "Ages: (" + userInfo.getClientFirstName() + ")"; } else { list[0] = "Ages: (" + userInfo.getClientFirstName() + "/" + userInfo.getSpouseFirstName() + ")"; } for (int i = 4; i < 16; i++) { int sa = userInfo.getClientAge() + (i - 4) + 1; int ca = userInfo.getSpouseAge() + (i - 4) + 1; if (userInfo.isSingle()) { list[i] = Integer.toString(sa); } else { list[i] = Integer.toString(sa) + "/" + Integer.toString(ca); } } if (userInfo.isSingle()) { list[14] = Integer.toString(userInfo.getClientAge() + userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy()); list[15] = Integer.toString(userInfo.getClientAge() + userInfo.getFinalDeath()); } else { int f1 = (int) Math .floor(Math.min(userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy(), userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy())); int f2 = (int) Math .floor(Math.max(userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy(), userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy())); list[14] = Integer.toString(userInfo.getClientAge() + f1) + "/" + Integer.toString(userInfo.getSpouseAge() + f1 - 1); list[15] = Integer.toString(userInfo.getClientAge() + f2) + "/" + Integer.toString(userInfo.getSpouseAge() + f2); list[16] = Integer.toString(userInfo.getClientAge() + userInfo.getFinalDeath()) + "/" + Integer.toString(userInfo.getSpouseAge() + userInfo.getFinalDeath()); } for (int i = 4; i < 17; i++) { style += "[ptsize=7,align=right]"; } list[17] = style; return list; } private String[] buildRow(CFRow row, int colCount) { int i = 0; row.reset(); CFCol col; String styleList[] = initStringArray(MAX_TABLE); String pdfRow[] = initStringArray(colCount); String tempRow[] = initStringArray(MAX_TABLE); String style; String hdr[] = genHeaderStyle(row); i = 0; while ((col = row.getCol()) != null && i < MAX_TABLE) { styleList[i] = genColStyle(col, row.getFontColor()); tempRow[i++] = col.getStrValue(); } // Copy the row header info. style = hdr[4]; // save the style for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pdfRow[i] = hdr[i]; } int j; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { pdfRow[i++] = tempRow[j]; style += styleList[j]; } if (userInfo.isSingle()) { int cle = userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy(); pdfRow[i++] = tempRow[cle - 1]; pdfRow[i++] = tempRow[userInfo.getFinalDeath() - 1]; style += styleList[cle - 1]; style += styleList[userInfo.getFinalDeath() - 1]; } else { int cle = userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy(); int sle = userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy(); pdfRow[i++] = tempRow[Math.min(cle, sle) - 1]; pdfRow[i++] = tempRow[Math.max(cle, sle) - 1]; pdfRow[i++] = tempRow[userInfo.getFinalDeath() - 1]; style += styleList[Math.min(cle, sle) - 1]; style += styleList[Math.max(cle, sle) - 1]; style += styleList[userInfo.getFinalDeath() - 1]; } pdfRow[colCount - 1] = style; return pdfRow; } private String buildStyleDef(String styles[]) { String style = ""; for (int i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { style += "[" + styles[i] + "]"; } return style; } private float[] calcWidths(float baseWidths[], float tableWidth) { float widths[] = new float[baseWidths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) { widths[i] = baseWidths[i] / tableWidth; } return widths; } private Rectangle doRow(String rowInfo[], float widths[], Rectangle rct, int colCount) { String row[][] = new String[1][]; PageTable t = this.getTable(rct, colCount); //int alignments[] = s; this.setTableFontandSize(t); t.setColumnWidths(widths); row[0] = rowInfo; t.buildTableEx(row); t.drawTable(); Rectangle r = t.getResultRect(); return r; } public void draw() { page1(); } private void drawLifeExp() { PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContentUnder(); char c = userInfo.getClientFirstName().charAt(0); char s = ' '; if (!userInfo.isSingle()) { s = userInfo.getSpouseFirstName().charAt(0); } String cText = Character.toString(c).toUpperCase() + ": " + userInfo.getClientFirstName() + " actuarial life expectancy - " + userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy() + " years"; String sText = Character.toString(s).toUpperCase() + ": " + userInfo.getSpouseFirstName() + " actuarial life expectancy - " + userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy() + " years"; try { BaseFont font = BaseFont.createFont(Locations.getFontLocation() + "times.ttf", BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(font, 8); cb.setRGBColorFill(255, 0, 0); cb.setTextMatrix(72 * .5F, .4f * 72); cb.showText(cText); cb.endText(); if (!userInfo.isSingle()) { cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(font, 8); cb.setRGBColorFill(255, 0, 0); cb.setTextMatrix(72 * .5F, .25f * 72); cb.showText(sText); cb.endText(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error printing Life Expectancy"); } } private String[] fiscalYearList() { String list[] = this.initStringArray(MAX_COLS); String style = "[colspan=4,align=right,bold=1][][][]"; list[0] = "End of Fiscal Year #"; for (int i = 4; i < 16; i++) { list[i] = Integer.toString(i - 3); } if (userInfo.isSingle()) { double cAge = userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy(); list[14] = Integer.toString((int) cAge); list[15] = Integer.toString(userInfo.getFinalDeath()); list[16] = ""; } else { double cAge = userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy(); double sAge = userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy(); list[14] = Integer.toString((int) Math.floor(Math.min(cAge, sAge))); list[15] = Integer.toString((int) Math.floor(Math.max(cAge, sAge))); list[16] = Integer.toString(userInfo.getFinalDeath()); } for (int i = 4; i < 17; i++) { style += "[bold=1,align=right,ptsize=9]"; } list[17] = style; return list; } private String genColStyle(CFCol col, Color color) { float basePTSize = 7.5f; float ptSize; Color c; String style = ""; String comma = ""; if (col.getSpan() > 0) { style = "colspan=" + col.getSpan(); comma = ","; } if (col.getFontSize() > 0) { ptSize = ((.1f * col.getFontSize()) + 1) * basePTSize; style += comma + "ptsize=" + ptSize; comma = ","; } if (col.getFontWeight() > 0) { style += comma + "bold=1"; comma = ","; } if (col.getFontColor() != null) { c = col.getFontColor(); style += comma + "color=" + c.getRGB(); comma = ","; } else { style += comma + "color=" + color.getRGB(); comma = ","; } int a = col.getTextFill(); switch (a) { case 1: // left style += comma + "align=left"; comma = ","; break; case 2: // center style += comma + "align=center"; comma = ","; break; case 3: // right style += comma + "align=right"; comma = ","; break; } style = "[" + style + "]"; return style; } private String[] genHeaderStyle(CFRow row) { float basePTSize = 7.5f; float ptSize; Color c; String style = ""; String styleList[] = initStringArray(4); String headerInf[] = { "", "", "", "", "Style" }; String comma = ""; int col = row.getIndentLevel(); if (row.getColNumber() > 0) { if (col < 3) { style = "colspan=" + (4 - col); comma = ","; } } else { style = "colspan=10"; comma = ","; } headerInf[col] = row.getHeader(); if (row.getFontSize() > 0) { ptSize = ((.2f * row.getFontSize()) + 1) * basePTSize; style += comma + "ptsize=" + ptSize; comma = ","; } if (row.getFontWeight() > 0) { style += comma + "bold=1"; comma = ","; } if (row.getFontColor() != null) { c = row.getFontColor(); style += comma + "color=" + c.getRGB(); comma = ","; } if (row.isBarTop()) { style += comma + "border=t"; comma = ","; } styleList[col] = style; // headerInf[4] = buildStyleDef(styleList); return headerInf; } /** * @return Returns the clientID. */ public int getClientID() { return clientID; } /** * @return Returns the dbObj. */ public DBObject getDbObj() { return dbObj; } /** * @return Returns the epg. */ public EstatePlanningGlobals getEpg() { return epg; } /** * @return Returns the spouseID. */ public int getSpouseID() { return spouseID; } private String[] initStringArray(int colCount) { String a[] = new String[colCount]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i] = ""; } return a; } private float[] initWidths(int colCount) { float w[] = new float[colCount]; w[0] = _1_4TH; w[1] = _1_4TH; w[2] = _1_4TH; w[3] = 72; // 1 inch. // total of left is 1.75 inches float colw = (11.0f) / (colCount - 4); for (int i = 4; i < colCount; i++) { w[i] = colw * 72; } return (w); } private String[] leList() { String list[] = initStringArray(18); String style; Color red = Color.RED; int color = red.getRGB(); if (userInfo.isSingle()) { list[13] = Character.toString(userInfo.getClientFirstName().charAt(0)); style = "[colspan=4,align=right,ptsize=7][][][][][][][][][][][][]" + "[ptsize=7,align=right,color=" + Integer.toString(color) + "][][][]"; } else { String p1; String p2; if (userInfo.getClientLifeExpectancy() <= userInfo.getSpouseLifeExpectancy()) { p1 = Character.toString(userInfo.getClientFirstName().charAt(0)); p2 = Character.toString(userInfo.getSpouseFirstName().charAt(0)); } else { p1 = Character.toString(userInfo.getSpouseFirstName().charAt(0)); p2 = Character.toString(userInfo.getClientFirstName().charAt(0)); } list[13] = p1; list[14] = p2; style = "[colspan=4,align=right,ptsize=7][][][][][][][][][][][][]" + "[ptsize=7,align=right,color=" + Integer.toString(color) + "]" + "[ptsize=7,align=right,color=" + Integer.toString(color) + "][][]"; } list[17] = style; return list; } private void page1() { EstatePlanTable ept = new EstatePlanTable(); ClientBean cb = new ClientBean(); CFRow row; float tallest = 0; drawHeader(client, ""); String header = "Estimate Of Cash Flows - Scenario #2 After (in 000's)"; Rectangle agt = placeHeading(header); cb.setPrimaryId(clientID); cb.initialize(); ept.setClient(cb); ept.setScenarioId(epg.getScenarioId()); ept.setEstate(epg); ept.initialize(); ept.resetRows(); int colCount = MAX_COLS; float baseWidths[] = this.initWidths(colCount - 1); float widths[] = this.calcWidths(baseWidths, 11.0f * 72); Rectangle rct = new Rectangle(prctFull); rct.setLeft(_1_4TH); rct.setRight(rct.getLeft() + 756); Rectangle r = doRow(leList(), widths, agt, colCount - 1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(agesList(), widths, rct, colCount - 1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(fiscalYearList(), widths, rct, colCount - 1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); tallest = tallest < r.getHeight() ? r.getHeight() : tallest; boolean nPage = false; while ((row = ept.getRow()) != null) { if (rct.getTop() < (.5f * 72) + tallest) { // need to span to a new page newPage(); drawHeader(client, ""); header = "Estimate Of Net Worth - Scenario #2 After (in 000's)"; agt = placeHeading(header); rct = new Rectangle(prctFull); rct.setLeft(_1_4TH); rct.setRight(rct.getLeft() + 756); r = doRow(leList(), widths, agt, colCount - 1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(agesList(), widths, rct, colCount - 1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(fiscalYearList(), widths, rct, colCount - 1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); tallest = tallest < r.getHeight() ? r.getHeight() : tallest; nPage = true; } String pdfRow[] = buildRow(row, colCount); //Rectangle r = doSimpleRow(pdfRow, rct); if ((row.getHeader().startsWith("III.") || row.getHeader().startsWith("IV.")) || row.getHeader().startsWith("II") && !nPage) { // need to span to a new page newPage(); drawHeader(client, ""); header = "Estimate Of Net Worth - Scenario #2 After (in 000's)"; agt = placeHeading(header); rct = new Rectangle(prctFull); rct.setLeft(_1_4TH); rct.setRight(rct.getLeft() + 756); r = doRow(leList(), widths, agt, colCount - 1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(agesList(), widths, rct, colCount - 1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(fiscalYearList(), widths, rct, colCount - 1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); tallest = tallest < r.getHeight() ? r.getHeight() : tallest; } nPage = false; r = this.doRow(pdfRow, widths, rct, colCount - 1); tallest = tallest < r.getHeight() ? r.getHeight() : tallest; rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); /* if(rct.getTop() < (.5f * 72) + tallest) { // need to span to a new page newPage(); drawHeader(client, ""); header = "Estimate Of Net Worth - Scenario #2 After (in 000's)"; agt = placeHeading(header); rct = new Rectangle(prctFull); rct.setLeft(_1_4TH); rct.setRight(rct.getLeft() + 756); r = doRow(leList(), widths, agt, colCount-1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(agesList(),widths,rct,colCount-1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); r = doRow(fiscalYearList(),widths,rct,colCount-1); rct.setTop(r.getBottom()); tallest = tallest < r.getHeight() ? r.getHeight() : tallest; nPage = true; } */ } } private Rectangle placeHeading(String header) { BaseFont font = PageUtils.LoadFont("GARA.TTF"); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(document.getPageSize()); rect.setBottom(rect.getTop() - (72 * .6f)); HeadingText ht = new HeadingText(this.writer); rect.setBottom(rect.getBottom() - (72 * .33f)); ht.setColor(57, 57, 57); ht.setCapsColor(98, 98, 98); ht.display(rect, 12f, font, 3f, header, HeadingText.DHT_CENTER); rect.setTop(rect.getBottom() - _1_8TH); rect.setBottom(prctFull.getBottom()); rect.setLeft(_1_2TH); rect.setRight(rect.getLeft() + 11.0f * 72); drawHeader(client, ""); PageBorder pb = new PageBorder(writer); pb.setLicense(userInfo.getPlannerFirstName() + " " + userInfo.getPlannerLastName()); pb.drawNoBorder(document, Integer.toString(pageNum)); drawLifeExp(); return (rect); } /** * @param clientID The clientID to set. */ public void setClientID(int clientID) { this.clientID = clientID; } /** * @param epg The epg to set. */ public void setEpg(EstatePlanningGlobals epg) { this.epg = epg; } /** * @param spouseID The spouseID to set. */ public void setSpouseID(int spouseID) { this.spouseID = spouseID; } private void setTableFontandSize(PageTable table) { table.setTableFont("arial.ttf"); table.setTableFontBold("arialbd.ttf"); table.setTableFontItalic("ariali.ttf"); table.setTableFontBoldItalic("arialbi.ttf"); table.setFontSize(7.5f); table.setPaddingBottom(_1_32TH + _1_64TH); } }