Java tutorial
/* * PROJECT: TaxiCop * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Antonio Vanegas hpsaturn(at) * Camilo Soto cmsvalenzuela(at) * Javier Buitrago javierbuitrago123(at) * Website: * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * For further information please contact. * devel(at) * */ package com.taxicop.sync; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter; import android.content.ContentProviderClient; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SyncResult; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import com.taxicop.client.NetworkUtilities; import; import; import; import; import; public class SyncAdapter extends AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter { public static final String TAG = "SyncAdapter"; private final AccountManager mAccountManager; private final Context mContext; public DataBase dba; private Date mLastUpdated; ArrayList<ContentValues> insert; String USER; int FROM; public SyncAdapter(Context context, boolean autoInitialize) { super(context, autoInitialize); mContext = context; dba = new DataBase(context); mAccountManager = AccountManager.get(context); insert = new ArrayList<ContentValues>(); FROM = 0; } String username; String password; SharedPreferences myprefs; String server = NetworkUtilities.URL; @Override public void onPerformSync(Account account, Bundle extras, String authority, ContentProviderClient provider, SyncResult syncResult) { USER = queryUser(provider); Log.i(TAG, "onPerformSync: Start"); NetworkUtilities.reset(); FROM = queryLastId(provider); Log.d(TAG, "data from= " + FROM); ArrayList<Complaint> queries = query(provider, FROM); NetworkUtilities.add(USER); for (Complaint c : queries) { NetworkUtilities.add(c.RANKING, c.CAR_PLATE, c.DESCRIPTION, c.USER, c.DATE); } Log.d(TAG, "from= " + FROM + " size del query= " + queries.size()); String response = null; if (NetworkUtilities.adapter.size() > 0) { response = ":" + NetworkUtilities.process_upload(); Log.i(TAG, "response: " + response); } else Log.i(TAG, "no data"); if (USER != null) { NetworkUtilities.reset(); NetworkUtilities.add(USER); NetworkUtilities.add(FROM); response = null; if (NetworkUtilities.adapter.size() > 0) { response = NetworkUtilities.process_download(); Log.d(TAG, "" + response); } else Log.e(TAG, "no data"); try { if (response != null) { final JSONArray cars = new JSONArray(response); provider.delete(PlateContentProvider.URI_REPORT, null, null); Log.i(TAG, "" + response); for (int i = 0; i < cars.length(); i++) { JSONObject COMPLETE = cars.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject e1 = COMPLETE.getJSONObject("fields"); float rank = (float) e1.getDouble(Fields.RANKING); String car = e1.getString(Fields.CAR_PLATE); String desc = e1.getString(Fields.DESCRIPTION); String date = e1.getString(Fields.DATE_REPORT); ContentValues in = new ContentValues(); in.put(Fields.ID_KEY, i); in.put(Fields.CAR_PLATE, car); in.put(Fields.RANKING, rank); in.put(Fields.DATE_REPORT, date); in.put(Fields.DESCRIPTION, desc); insert.add(in); } Log.d(TAG, "current ammount to insert= " + insert.size() + ", FROM=" + FROM); ContentValues upd = new ContentValues(); upd.put(Fields.ITH, insert.size()); upd.put(Fields.ID_USR, USER); provider.update(PlateContentProvider.URI_USERS, upd, "" + Fields.ID_USR + " = '" + USER + "'", null); //if(insert.size()>FROM) provider.applyBatch(insertData()); insert.clear(); } else { Log.e(TAG, "null response"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "inserting .... fucked => message: " + e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void onSyncCanceled() { Log.i(TAG, "OnSyncCanceled"); // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onSyncCanceled(); } private static ContentProviderOperation insert(ContentValues buff) { final ContentProviderOperation.Builder builder = ContentProviderOperation .newInsert(PlateContentProvider.URI_REPORT); builder.withValue(Fields.RANKING, buff.get(Fields.RANKING)); builder.withValue(Fields.DESCRIPTION, buff.get(Fields.DESCRIPTION)); builder.withValue(Fields.DATE_REPORT, buff.get(Fields.DATE_REPORT)); builder.withValue(Fields.CAR_PLATE, buff.get(Fields.CAR_PLATE)); return; } public ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> insertData() { final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> batch = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ContentValues val : insert) { batch.add(insert(val)); } return batch; } public int queryLastId(ContentProviderClient provider) { Cursor c = null; int id = 0; try { c = provider.query(PlateContentProvider.URI_USERS, null, null, null, null); if (c.moveToFirst()) id = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(Fields.ITH)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "lastId= " + e.getMessage()); } c.close(); return id; } public int count(ContentProviderClient provider) { try { Cursor c = provider.query(PlateContentProvider.URI_REPORT, null, null, null, null); int ret = c.getCount(); c.close(); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Log.e(TAG, "" + e.getMessage()); } return 0; } public ArrayList<Complaint> query(ContentProviderClient provider, int FROM) { ArrayList<Complaint> reports = new ArrayList<Complaint>(); try { Cursor c = provider.query(PlateContentProvider.URI_REPORT, null, Fields.ID_KEY + " > " + FROM + "", null, null); if (c.moveToFirst()) { do { float rank = c.getFloat(c.getColumnIndex(Fields.RANKING)); String plate = "" + (c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Fields.CAR_PLATE))); String desc = "" + (c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Fields.DESCRIPTION))); String date = "" + (c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Fields.DATE_REPORT))); Log.d(TAG, "plate=" + plate); reports.add(new Complaint(rank, plate, desc, USER, date)); } while (c.moveToNext()); } c.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "query= " + e.getMessage()); } return reports; } public String queryUser(ContentProviderClient provider) { Cursor c = null; String usr = null; try { c = provider.query(PlateContentProvider.URI_USERS, null, null, null, null); if (c.moveToFirst()) { usr = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Fields.ID_USR)); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "queryuser= " + e.getMessage()); } c.close(); return usr; } }