Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 - 2016 Nebula Bay. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.internal.ProfilesIni; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * * @author linsong wang */ public class Firefox extends WebBrowser { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Firefox.class); public static final int FIREBUG_PAGELOADEDTIMEOUT_MILLI = 180000; public static final String SYSPROP_FF_BINARY = ""; public static final String SYSPROP_FF_PROFILE_NAME = ""; public static final String DEFAULT_FF_PROFILE_NAME = "default"; private Firebug firebug = null; public Firefox(boolean enableFirebug) throws Exception { FirefoxProfile profile; ProfilesIni profileIni = new ProfilesIni(); String profileName = sysConfig.getProperty(SYSPROP_FF_PROFILE_NAME); if (profileName != null) { LOG.debug("Load Firefox profile named as {}", profileName); profile = profileIni.getProfile(profileName); } else { LOG.debug("Load Firefox profile named as {}", DEFAULT_FF_PROFILE_NAME); profile = profileIni.getProfile(DEFAULT_FF_PROFILE_NAME); } if (profile == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot find Firefox profile"); } profile.setPreference("app.update.enabled", false); profile.setEnableNativeEvents(false); profile.setAcceptUntrustedCertificates(true); profile.setAssumeUntrustedCertificateIssuer(false); profile.setPreference("dom.max_chrome_script_run_time", 0); profile.setPreference("dom.max_script_run_time", 0); if (enableFirebug) { this.firebug = new Firebug(); this.firebug.updateProfile(profile); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + 180000; while (System.currentTimeMillis() < end) { try { super.setWebDriver(new FirefoxDriver(profile)); break; } catch (org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException ex) { String msg = ex.getMessage(); LOG.warn(msg); if (!msg.contains("Unable to bind to locking port 7054 within 45000 ms")) { throw ex; } } } } public Firebug getFirebug() { return firebug; } @Override public int getPageLoadTimeMillis(String url) throws Exception { return this.firebug.getPageLoadTimeMillis(url); } @Override public int getAjaxLoadTimeMillis(Ajax ajax) throws Exception { return this.firebug.getAjaxLoadTimeMillis(ajax); } public class Firebug implements Extension { private final String tokenNetExport = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); private final Path harPath = sysConfig.getLogPath().resolve(sysConfig.getExecId()) .resolve(SystemConfiguration.CONSTANT_LOG_KEEP_ALIVE_PREFIX + "har-" + System.currentTimeMillis()); public void clearHarDir() throws IOException { File[] hars = this.harPath.toFile().listFiles((File dir, String name) -> name.endsWith(".har")); if (hars != null) { for (File f : hars) { f.delete(); } } } public int getPageLoadTimeMillis(String url) throws IOException, JSONException, InterruptedException, ParseException { Utils.sleep(2000, ""); this.clearHarDir(); Firefox.this.get(url); JSONObject json = this.waitForFirebugNetExport(); return HarLog.parse(json).getOverallLoadTimeMillis(); } public int getAjaxLoadTimeMillis(Ajax ajax) throws Exception { this.doNetClear(); ajax.doRequest(); Utils.sleep(5000, "Wait for ajax to load"); try { if (ajax.getByDisapper() != null) { Firefox.this.waitForNoElement(ajax.getByDisapper(), AJAX_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); } if (ajax.getByAppear() != null) { Firefox.this.waitForElement(ajax.getByAppear(), AJAX_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); } if (ajax.getByDisapper() == null && ajax.getByAppear() == null) { Utils.sleep(5000, "Wait for ajax to load"); } } finally { this.clearHarDir(); this.doNetExport(); } JSONObject json = this.waitForFirebugNetExport(); return HarLog.parse(json).getOverallLoadTimeMillis(); } private void doNetClear() { String js = "window.NetExport.clear(\"" + tokenNetExport + "\")"; Firefox.this.executeScript(Void.class, js); } private void doNetExport() { String js = "window.NetExport.triggerExport(\"" + tokenNetExport + "\")"; Firefox.this.executeScript(Void.class, js); } private JSONObject waitForFirebugNetExport() throws IOException, InterruptedException { long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + FIREBUG_PAGELOADEDTIMEOUT_MILLI; File[] harFiles = {}; while (System.currentTimeMillis() < end) { Utils.sleep(10000, "Wait for netexport http archive file"); try { File[] hars = this.harPath.toFile().listFiles((File dir, String name) -> name.endsWith(".har")); if (hars == null || hars.length == 0) { continue; } if (hars.length != harFiles.length) { harFiles = hars; continue; } this.clearHarDir(); this.doNetExport(); hars = this.harPath.toFile().listFiles((File dir, String name) -> name.endsWith(".har")); File har = hars[0]; LOG.debug("Load data from {}", har.getAbsolutePath()); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(FileUtils.readFileToString(har)); FileUtils.copyFile(har, this.harPath.resolve(har.getName() + ".json").toFile()); this.clearHarDir(); return json; } catch (IOException | JSONException ex) { LOG.warn(ex.getMessage()); } } throw new IOException("Cannot load firebug netexport har file"); } @Override public void updateProfile(FirefoxProfile profile) { String domain = "extensions.firebug."; profile.setPreference(domain + "onByDefault", true); profile.setPreference(domain + "allPagesActivation", "on"); profile.setPreference(domain + "defaultPanelName", "net"); profile.setPreference(domain + "net.enableSites", true); profile.setPreference(domain + "netexport.alwaysEnableAutoExport", true); profile.setPreference(domain + "netexport.autoExportToFile", true); profile.setPreference(domain + "netexport.showPreview", false); profile.setPreference(domain + "netexport.timeout", 180000); // default 60000 profile.setPreference(domain + "netexport.pageLoadedTimeout", 1500); // default 1500 profile.setPreference(domain + "netexport.secretToken", tokenNetExport); profile.setPreference(domain + "netexport.defaultLogDir", harPath.toFile().getAbsolutePath()); } } public static interface Extension { public void updateProfile(FirefoxProfile profile); } } class HarLog { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HarLog.class); public String version; public Creator creator; public Browser browser; public List<Page> pages; public List<Entry> entries; public static HarLog parse(String harJson) throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(harJson); return HarLog.parse(json); } public static HarLog parse(JSONObject harJson) throws JSONException { JSONObject json = harJson.getJSONObject("log"); HarLog har = new HarLog(); har.version = json.getString("version"); har.creator = Creator.parse(json.getJSONObject("creator")); har.browser = Browser.parse(json.getJSONObject("browser")); har.pages = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < json.getJSONArray("pages").length(); i++) { har.pages.add(Page.parse(json.getJSONArray("pages").getJSONObject(i))); } har.entries = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < json.getJSONArray("entries").length(); i++) { har.entries.add(Entry.parse(json.getJSONArray("entries").getJSONObject(i))); } return har; } public static class Creator { public String name; public String version; public static Creator parse(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { Creator o = new Creator(); = json.getString("name"); o.version = json.getString("version"); return o; } } public static class Browser { public String name; public String version; public static Browser parse(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { Browser o = new Browser(); = json.getString("name"); o.version = json.getString("version"); return o; } } public static class Page { public String startedDateTime; public String id; public String title; public PageTimings pageTimings; public static class PageTimings { public int onContentLoad; public int onLoad; public String toString; public static PageTimings parse(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { PageTimings o = new PageTimings(); o.toString = json.toString(); o.onContentLoad = json.getInt("onContentLoad"); o.onLoad = json.getInt("onLoad"); return o; } } public static Page parse(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { Page o = new Page(); o.startedDateTime = json.getString("startedDateTime"); = json.getString("id"); o.title = json.getString("title"); o.pageTimings = PageTimings.parse(json.getJSONObject("pageTimings")); return o; } } public static class Entry { public String pageref; public String startedDateTime; public int time; public Request request; public Response response; public Timings timings; public String serverIPAddress; public int connection; public static class Request { public String method; public String url; public String httpVersion; public static Request parse(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { Request o = new Request(); o.method = json.getString("method"); o.url = json.getString("url"); o.httpVersion = json.getString("httpVersion"); return o; } } public static class Response { public int status; public String statusText; public String httpVersion; public String redirectURL; public static Response parse(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { Response o = new Response(); o.status = json.getInt("status"); o.statusText = json.getString("statusText"); o.httpVersion = json.getString("httpVersion"); o.redirectURL = json.getString("redirectURL"); return o; } } public static class Timings { public int blocked; public int dns; public int connect; public int send; public int wait; public int receive; public static Timings paser(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { Timings o = new Timings(); o.blocked = json.getInt("blocked"); o.dns = json.getInt("dns"); o.send = json.getInt("send"); o.wait = json.getInt("wait"); o.receive = json.getInt("receive"); return o; } } public static Entry parse(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { Entry o = new Entry(); o.pageref = json.getString("pageref"); o.startedDateTime = json.getString("startedDateTime"); o.time = json.getInt("time"); o.request = Request.parse(json.getJSONObject("request")); o.response = Response.parse(json.getJSONObject("response")); o.timings = Timings.paser(json.getJSONObject("timings")); o.serverIPAddress = json.optString("serverIPAddress"); o.connection = json.optInt("connection"); return o; } } int getOverallLoadTimeMillis() throws ParseException { final String format = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"; long start = Long.MAX_VALUE; long end = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (Entry entry : this.entries) { long s = Utils.getTime(entry.startedDateTime, format); start = Math.min(start, s); long e = s + entry.time; end = Math.max(end, e); LOG.debug("{}/{} - {}", entry.request.method, entry.response.status, entry.request.url); } if (end <= start) { return -1; } long time = end - start; LOG.debug("Overall load time {} ms", time); return (int) (time); } int getLatestPageLoadTimeMillis() { Page p = this.pages.get(pages.size() - 1); LOG.debug("{}", p.pageTimings.toString); String id =; for (Entry e : entries) { if (e.pageref.equals( { LOG.debug("Page URL {}", e.request.url); break; } } return Math.max(p.pageTimings.onContentLoad, p.pageTimings.onLoad); } int getLatestEntryLoadTimeMillis(String urlRegex) { for (int i = this.entries.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Entry e = this.entries.get(i); if (e.request.url.matches(urlRegex)) { LOG.debug("Request URL {}", e.request.url); return e.time; } } return -1; } }