Java tutorial
// // //Copyright (C) 2012 by Tapjoy Inc. // //This file is part of the Tapjoy SDK. // //By using the Tapjoy SDK in your software, you agree to the terms of the Tapjoy SDK License Agreement. // //The Tapjoy SDK is bound by the Tapjoy SDK License Agreement can be found here: package com.tapjoy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.Vector; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.provider.Settings; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.util.Log; public class TapjoyConnectCore { private static Context context = null; private static TapjoyConnectCore tapjoyConnectCore = null; private static TapjoyURLConnection tapjoyURLConnection = null; // URL parameter variables. private static String androidID = ""; // ANDROID_ID private static String deviceID = ""; // Device ID (IMEI/MEID). private static String sha2DeviceID = ""; // SHA-256 of DeviceID. private static String macAddress = ""; // Mac address. private static String sha1MacAddress = ""; // SHA-1 hash of the mac_address. private static String serialID = ""; // Serial ID. private static String deviceModel = ""; // Device type/model. private static String deviceManufacturer = ""; // Device manufacturer. private static String deviceType = ""; // Platform (iPhone, Android, etc). private static String deviceOSVersion = ""; // Android OS version. private static String deviceCountryCode = ""; // Default country code for this device. private static String deviceLanguage = ""; // Default language for this device. private static String appID = ""; // App ID. private static String appVersion = ""; // App version. private static String libraryVersion = ""; // Tapjoy Library version. private static String deviceScreenDensity = ""; // Screen density. private static String deviceScreenLayoutSize = ""; // Screen size. private static String userID = ""; // Publisher defined userID for this device. private static String platformName = ""; // Platform private static String carrierName = ""; // Carrier network. private static String carrierCountryCode = ""; // Carrier Country Code (ISO) private static String mobileCountryCode = ""; // Mobile Country Code (MCC) private static String mobileNetworkCode = ""; // Mobile Network Code (MNC) private static String connectionType = ""; // Connection type (MOBILE or WIFI) private static String marketName = ""; // Android app/market store to use. private static String secretKey = ""; // Secret key. private static String clientPackage = ""; // App package name. private static String referralURL = ""; // Referral parameter (format is "") private static String plugin = TapjoyConstants.TJC_PLUGIN_NATIVE; // Plugin type, by default this will be "native" private static String sdkType = ""; // SDK type. private static boolean videoEnabled = false; // Whether videos are enabled or not. private static boolean enableVideoCache = true; // Whether video caching is enabled or not. private static String videoIDs = ""; // List of video IDs to pass to the offer wall. //private static int flags = 0; private static float currencyMultiplier = 1.0f; // Currency Multiplier. public static final String TAPJOY_CONNECT = "TapjoyConnect"; // PAID APP private static String paidAppActionID = null; // Pay-Per-Action ID for the paid app. private long elapsed_time = 0; private Timer timer = null; private static Hashtable<String, String> connectFlags = null; private static String matchingPackageNames = ""; /** * Returns the singleton instance of this class. * @return Singleton instance of this class. */ public static TapjoyConnectCore getInstance() { return tapjoyConnectCore; } /** * Connects to the Tapjoy server and sends the Tapjoy Connect call. * @param applicationContext The application context. * @param app_ID The Tapjoy APP ID for this app. * @param secret_Key The Tapjoy SECRET KEY for this app. */ public static void requestTapjoyConnect(Context applicationContext, String app_ID, String secret_Key) { requestTapjoyConnect(applicationContext, app_ID, secret_Key, null); } /** * Connects to the Tapjoy server and sends the Tapjoy Connect call. * @param applicationContext The application context. * @param app_ID The Tapjoy APP ID for this app. * @param secret_Key The Tapjoy SECRET KEY for this app. * @param connectFlags Special flags to use. */ public static void requestTapjoyConnect(Context applicationContext, String app_ID, String secret_Key, Hashtable<String, String> flags) { appID = app_ID; secretKey = secret_Key; connectFlags = flags; tapjoyConnectCore = new TapjoyConnectCore(applicationContext); } /** * Constructor. * @param applicationContext The application context. */ public TapjoyConnectCore(Context applicationContext) { context = applicationContext; tapjoyURLConnection = new TapjoyURLConnection(); init(); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "URL parameters: " + getURLParams()); new Thread(new ConnectThread()).start(); } /** * Calls connect. Helper method. */ public void callConnect() { new Thread(new ConnectThread()).start(); } /** * Constructs the generic URL parameters for the connect call. Includes the verifier/timestamp parameter. * Does NOT include: * publisher_user_id (publisher user ID) * referrer (for referral tracking) * @return Generic URL parameters used in the connect call. */ public static String getURLParams() { String urlParams = getGenericURLParams() + "&"; String verifier = ""; // Convert to seconds. long time = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; verifier = getVerifier(time); urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_TIMESTAMP + "=" + time + "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_VERIFIER + "=" + verifier; return urlParams; } /** * Constructs the generic URL parameters. * Does NOT include: * publisher_user_id (publisher user ID) * referrer (for referral tracking) * verifier/timestamp * @return Generic URL parameters used in the connect call. */ public static String getGenericURLParams() { String urlParams = ""; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_APP_ID_NAME + "=" + Uri.encode(appID) + "&"; urlParams += getParamsWithoutAppID(); return urlParams; } /** * Constructs the generic URL parameters without an App ID. * This is the base method for generating the URL parameters. * Does NOT include: * app_id (App ID) * publisher_user_id (publisher user ID) * referrer (for referral tracking) * verifier/timestamp * @return Generic URL parameters without app ID. */ private static String getParamsWithoutAppID() { String urlParams = ""; // Construct the url parameters. urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_ANDROID_ID + "=" + androidID + "&"; // If this flag is set, then send sha2_udid instead of udid. if (getFlagValue(TapjoyConnectFlag.SHA_2_UDID) != null && getFlagValue(TapjoyConnectFlag.SHA_2_UDID).equals("true")) { urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_SHA2_DEVICE_ID_NAME + "=" + Uri.encode(sha2DeviceID) + "&"; } else { urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_ID_NAME + "=" + Uri.encode(deviceID) + "&"; } // Mac address. if (macAddress != null && macAddress.length() > 0) { // Only send SHA-1 mac_address. //urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_MAC_ADDRESS + "=" + Uri.encode(macAddress) + "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_SHA1_MAC_ADDRESS + "=" + Uri.encode(sha1MacAddress) + "&"; } // Serial ID. if (serialID != null && serialID.length() > 0) { urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_SERIAL_ID + "=" + Uri.encode(serialID) + "&"; } urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_NAME + "=" + Uri.encode(deviceModel) + "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER + "=" + Uri.encode(deviceManufacturer) + "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_TYPE_NAME + "=" + Uri.encode(deviceType) + "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_OS_VERSION_NAME + "=" + Uri.encode(deviceOSVersion) + "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_COUNTRY_CODE + "=" + Uri.encode(deviceCountryCode) + "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_LANGUAGE + "=" + Uri.encode(deviceLanguage) + "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_APP_VERSION_NAME + "=" + Uri.encode(appVersion) + "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_CONNECT_LIBRARY_VERSION_NAME + "=" + Uri.encode(libraryVersion) + "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_PLATFORM + "=" + Uri.encode(platformName) + "&"; // Virtual Currency Multiplier urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_CURRENCY_MULTIPLIER + "=" + Uri.encode(Float.toString(currencyMultiplier)); // Add carrier name. if (carrierName.length() > 0) { urlParams += "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_CARRIER_NAME + "=" + Uri.encode(carrierName); } // Carrier country code. if (carrierCountryCode.length() > 0) { urlParams += "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_CARRIER_COUNTRY_CODE + "=" + Uri.encode(carrierCountryCode); } // MCC if (mobileCountryCode.length() > 0) { urlParams += "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_MOBILE_COUNTRY_CODE + "=" + Uri.encode(mobileCountryCode); } // MNC if (mobileNetworkCode.length() > 0) { urlParams += "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_MOBILE_NETWORK_CODE + "=" + Uri.encode(mobileNetworkCode); } // Add device density and screen layout size. if (deviceScreenDensity.length() > 0 && deviceScreenLayoutSize.length() > 0) { urlParams += "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_SCREEN_DENSITY + "=" + Uri.encode(deviceScreenDensity) + "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_SCREEN_LAYOUT_SIZE + "=" + Uri.encode(deviceScreenLayoutSize); } // Connection type connectionType = getConnectionType(); if (connectionType.length() > 0) { urlParams += "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_CONNECTION_TYPE + "=" + Uri.encode(connectionType); } // Plugin if (plugin.length() > 0) { urlParams += "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_PLUGIN + "=" + Uri.encode(plugin); } // SDK type. if (sdkType.length() > 0) { urlParams += "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_SDK_TYPE + "=" + Uri.encode(sdkType); } // App store/market name. if (marketName.length() > 0) { urlParams += "&"; urlParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_MARKET_NAME + "=" + Uri.encode(marketName); } return urlParams; } /** * Initialize data from the device information and application info. * This data is used in our URL connection to the Tapjoy server. */ private void init() { PackageManager manager = context.getPackageManager(); try { // ANDROID_ID androidID = Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); // Get app version. PackageInfo packageInfo = manager.getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0); appVersion = packageInfo.versionName; // Device platform. Same as device type. deviceType = TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_PLATFORM_TYPE; platformName = TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_PLATFORM_TYPE; // Get the device model. deviceModel = android.os.Build.MODEL; deviceManufacturer = android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER; // Get the Android OS Version. deviceOSVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE; // Get the device country and language code. deviceCountryCode = Locale.getDefault().getCountry(); deviceLanguage = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); // Tapjoy SDK Library version. libraryVersion = TapjoyConstants.TJC_LIBRARY_VERSION_NUMBER; SharedPreferences settings = context.getSharedPreferences(TapjoyConstants.TJC_PREFERENCE, 0); try { TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) context .getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); if (telephonyManager != null) { deviceID = telephonyManager.getDeviceId(); carrierName = telephonyManager.getNetworkOperatorName(); carrierCountryCode = telephonyManager.getNetworkCountryIso(); // getNetworkOperator() returns MCC + MNC, so make sure it's 5 or 6 digits total. // MCC is 3 digits // MNC is 2 or 3 digits if (telephonyManager.getNetworkOperator() != null && (telephonyManager.getNetworkOperator().length() == 5 || telephonyManager.getNetworkOperator().length() == 6)) { mobileCountryCode = telephonyManager.getNetworkOperator().substring(0, 3); mobileNetworkCode = telephonyManager.getNetworkOperator().substring(3); } } TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "deviceID: " + deviceID); boolean invalidDeviceID = false; //---------------------------------------- // Is the device ID null or empty? //---------------------------------------- if (deviceID == null) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Device id is null."); invalidDeviceID = true; } else //---------------------------------------- // Is this an emulator device ID? //---------------------------------------- if (deviceID.length() == 0 || deviceID.equals("000000000000000") || deviceID.equals("0")) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Device id is empty or an emulator."); invalidDeviceID = true; } //---------------------------------------- // Valid device ID. //---------------------------------------- else { // Lower case the device ID. deviceID = deviceID.toLowerCase(); } TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "ANDROID SDK VERSION: " + android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK); // Is this at least Android 2.3+? // Then let's get the serial. if (Integer.parseInt(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) >= 9) { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "TRYING TO GET SERIAL OF 2.3+ DEVICE..."); // THIS CLASS IS ONLY LOADED FOR ANDROID 2.3+ TapjoyHardwareUtil hardware = new TapjoyHardwareUtil(); serialID = hardware.getSerial(); // Is there no IMEI or MEID? if (invalidDeviceID) { deviceID = serialID; } TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "===================="); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "SERIAL: deviceID: [" + deviceID + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "===================="); //---------------------------------------- // Is the device ID null or empty? //---------------------------------------- if (deviceID == null) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "SERIAL: Device id is null."); invalidDeviceID = true; } else //---------------------------------------- // Is this an emulator device ID? //---------------------------------------- if (deviceID.length() == 0 || deviceID.equals("000000000000000") || deviceID.equals("0") || deviceID.equals("unknown")) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "SERIAL: Device id is empty or an emulator."); invalidDeviceID = true; } //---------------------------------------- // Valid device ID. //---------------------------------------- else { // Lower case the device ID. deviceID = deviceID.toLowerCase(); invalidDeviceID = false; } } // Is the device ID invalid? This is probably an emulator or pre-production device. if (invalidDeviceID) { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append("EMULATOR"); String deviceId = settings.getString(TapjoyConstants.PREF_EMULATOR_DEVICE_ID, null); // Do we already have an emulator device id stored for this device? if (deviceId != null && !deviceId.equals("")) { deviceID = deviceId; } // Otherwise generate a deviceID for emulator testing. else { String constantChars = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw"; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { int randomChar = (int) (Math.random() * 100); int ch = randomChar % 30; buff.append(constantChars.charAt(ch)); } deviceID = buff.toString().toLowerCase(); // Save the emulator device ID in the prefs so we can reuse it. SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putString(TapjoyConstants.PREF_EMULATOR_DEVICE_ID, deviceID); editor.commit(); } } } catch (Exception e) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Error getting deviceID. e: " + e.toString()); deviceID = null; } // Set the userID to the deviceID as the initial value. if (userID.length() == 0) userID = deviceID; // Save the SHA-2 hash of the device id. sha2DeviceID = TapjoyUtil.SHA256(deviceID); // Get screen density, dimensions and layout. try { // This is a backwards compatibility fix for Android 1.5 which has no display metric API. // If this is 1.6 or higher, then load the class, otherwise the class never loads and // no crash occurs. if (Integer.parseInt(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK) > 3) { TapjoyDisplayMetricsUtil displayMetricsUtil = new TapjoyDisplayMetricsUtil(context); deviceScreenDensity = "" + displayMetricsUtil.getScreenDensity(); deviceScreenLayoutSize = "" + displayMetricsUtil.getScreenLayoutSize(); } } catch (Exception e) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Error getting screen density/dimensions/layout: " + e.toString()); } // Get mac address. try { WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); if (wifiManager != null) { WifiInfo wifiInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo(); if (wifiInfo != null) { macAddress = wifiInfo.getMacAddress(); if (macAddress != null && macAddress.length() > 0) { macAddress = macAddress.toUpperCase(); sha1MacAddress = TapjoyUtil.SHA1(macAddress); } } } } catch (Exception e) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Error getting device mac address: " + e.toString()); } // Alternate market. if (getFlagValue(TapjoyConnectFlag.ALTERNATE_MARKET) != null) { marketName = getFlagValue(TapjoyConnectFlag.ALTERNATE_MARKET); // Check for existing/supported market names. ArrayList<String> supportedMarketNames = new ArrayList<String>(); supportedMarketNames.add(TapjoyConnectFlag.MARKET_GFAN); // Warning for undefined market names. if (!supportedMarketNames.contains(marketName)) { Log.w(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Warning -- undefined ALTERNATE_MARKET: " + marketName); } } // Get the referral URL String tempReferralURL = settings.getString(TapjoyConstants.PREF_REFERRAL_URL, null); if (tempReferralURL != null && !tempReferralURL.equals("")) referralURL = tempReferralURL; // Get the client package name. clientPackage = context.getPackageName(); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Metadata successfully loaded"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "APP_ID = [" + appID + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "ANDROID_ID: [" + androidID + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "CLIENT_PACKAGE = [" + clientPackage + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "deviceID: [" + deviceID + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "sha2DeviceID: [" + sha2DeviceID + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "" + TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_SERIAL_ID + ": [" + serialID + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "" + TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_MAC_ADDRESS + ": [" + macAddress + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "" + TapjoyConstants.TJC_DEVICE_SHA1_MAC_ADDRESS + ": [" + sha1MacAddress + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "deviceName: [" + deviceModel + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "deviceManufacturer: [" + deviceManufacturer + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "deviceType: [" + deviceType + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "libraryVersion: [" + libraryVersion + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "deviceOSVersion: [" + deviceOSVersion + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "COUNTRY_CODE: [" + deviceCountryCode + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "LANGUAGE_CODE: [" + deviceLanguage + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "density: [" + deviceScreenDensity + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "screen_layout: [" + deviceScreenLayoutSize + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "carrier_name: [" + carrierName + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "carrier_country_code: [" + carrierCountryCode + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "" + TapjoyConstants.TJC_MOBILE_COUNTRY_CODE + ": [" + mobileCountryCode + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "" + TapjoyConstants.TJC_MOBILE_NETWORK_CODE + ": [" + mobileNetworkCode + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "" + TapjoyConstants.TJC_MARKET_NAME + ": [" + marketName + "]"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "referralURL: [" + referralURL + "]"); if (connectFlags != null) { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Connect Flags:"); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "--------------------"); Set<Entry<String, String>> entries = connectFlags.entrySet(); Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iterator = entries.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry<String, String> item =; TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "key: " + item.getKey() + ", value: " + Uri.encode(item.getValue())); } } } catch (Exception e) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Error initializing Tapjoy parameters. e=" + e.toString()); } } /** * Timer which executes the actionComplete with paid app actionID once completed. */ private class PaidAppTimerTask extends TimerTask { public void run() { elapsed_time += TapjoyConstants.TIMER_INCREMENT; TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "elapsed_time: " + elapsed_time + " (" + elapsed_time / 1000 / 60 + "m " + (elapsed_time / 1000 % 60) + "s)"); SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(TapjoyConstants.TJC_PREFERENCE, 0); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putLong(TapjoyConstants.PREF_ELAPSED_TIME, elapsed_time); editor.commit(); // Have 15 minutes passed? if (elapsed_time >= TapjoyConstants.PAID_APP_TIME) { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "timer done..."); // If there is a valid paid app action ID, then trigger the PPA. if (paidAppActionID != null && paidAppActionID.length() > 0) { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Calling PPA actionComplete..."); actionComplete(paidAppActionID); } cancel(); } } } /** * Handles the response from calling Connect. * @param response HTTP response from the server. * @return TRUE if the response is handled and notifier has been called, FALSE otherwise. */ private static boolean handleConnectResponse(String response) { // Create a document so we can parse the XML easily. Document document = TapjoyUtil.buildDocument(response); if (document != null) { String nodeValue = TapjoyUtil.getNodeTrimValue(document.getElementsByTagName("PackageNames")); // Parse package names. if (nodeValue != null && nodeValue.length() > 0) { String data = nodeValue; Vector<String> allPackageNames = new Vector<String>(); int current = 0; int index = -1; while (true) { index = data.indexOf(',', current); // No commas left, grab the rest of the string. if (index == -1) { // Trim whitespace. TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "parse: " + data.substring(current).trim()); allPackageNames.add(data.substring(current).trim()); break; } // Comma found, so get the substring. else { // Trim whitespace. TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "parse: " + data.substring(current, index).trim()); allPackageNames.add(data.substring(current, index).trim()); current = index + 1; } } matchingPackageNames = ""; List<ApplicationInfo> applications = context.getPackageManager().getInstalledApplications(0); for (ApplicationInfo appInfo : applications) { // System app. if ((appInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 1) { //android.util.Log.i(TAPJOY, "system: " + appInfo.packageName); } // User installed app. else { if (allPackageNames.contains(appInfo.packageName)) { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "MATCH: installed packageName: " + appInfo.packageName); // Comma separate if there are previous entries. if (matchingPackageNames.length() > 0) matchingPackageNames += ","; matchingPackageNames += appInfo.packageName; } } } } nodeValue = TapjoyUtil.getNodeTrimValue(document.getElementsByTagName("Success")); // The Tapjoy Connect call was successful. if (nodeValue != null && nodeValue.equals("true")) { //TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Successfully connected to tapjoy site."); return true; } // else // { // TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Tapjoy Connect call failed."); // } } return true; } /** * Handles the response from a completed Pay-Per-Action. * @param response HTTP response from the server. * @return TRUE if the response is handled and notifier has been called, FALSE otherwise. */ private boolean handlePayPerActionResponse(String response) { // Create a document so we can parse the XML easily. Document document = TapjoyUtil.buildDocument(response); if (document != null) { String nodeValue = TapjoyUtil.getNodeTrimValue(document.getElementsByTagName("Success")); // The Tapjoy Connect call was successful. if (nodeValue != null && nodeValue.equals("true")) { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Successfully sent completed Pay-Per-Action to Tapjoy server."); return true; } else { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Completed Pay-Per-Action call failed."); } } return false; } /** * Releases the TapjoyConnectInstance object. This must be called whenever the application exits. */ public void release() { tapjoyConnectCore = null; tapjoyURLConnection = null; TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Releasing core static instance."); } //================================================================================ // HELPER Methods //================================================================================ /** * Gets the Tapjoy App ID. * @return The Tapjoy App ID. */ public static String getAppID() { return appID; } /** * Gets the unique identifier for this device. * @return The device ID. */ public static String getDeviceID() { return deviceID; } /** * Gets the user ID for this device. * @return The user ID for this device. */ public static String getUserID() { return userID; } /** * Returns the video IDs to pass to the offer wall. * @return The video IDs that are cached. */ public static String getVideoIDs() { return videoIDs; } /** * Gets carrier name for this device. * @return The carrier name for this device. */ public static String getCarrierName() { return carrierName; } /** * Gets the connection type used by this device ("mobile" or "wifi"). * @return Connection type the device is using. */ public static String getConnectionType() { String type = ""; // Adding this try/catch for weird nullPointerException issue which rarely occurs on certain hardware ? try { // Get connection type. ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); // Might be null on airplane mode. if (connectivityManager != null && connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo() != null) { switch (connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo().getType()) { case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI: case 0x6: //case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIMAX is 0x6 type = "wifi"; break; default: type = "mobile"; break; } TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "connectivity: " + connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo().getType()); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "connection_type: " + type); } } catch (Exception e) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "getConnectionType error: " + e.toString()); } return type; } /** * Gets the app package name. * @return The app package name. */ public static String getClientPackage() { return clientPackage; } /** * Gets The application context. * @return The application context. */ public static Context getContext() { return context; } /** * Returns the verifier hash. * The format is: * appID:deviceID:timestamp:secretKey * @param time Time in seconds since 1/1/1970 * @return The verifier hash. */ public static String getVerifier(long time) { String verifier = ""; try { // Verifier format: // "app_id:device_id:time_stamp:secret_key" verifier = TapjoyUtil.SHA256(appID + ":" + deviceID + ":" + time + ":" + secretKey); } catch (Exception e) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "getVerifier ERROR: " + e.toString()); } return verifier; } /** * Returns the verifier hash for awardTapPoints * The format is: * appID:deviceID:timestamp:secretKey:amount:guid * @param time Time in seconds since 1/1/1970 * @return The verifier hash. */ public static String getAwardPointsVerifier(long time, int amount, String guid) { String verifier = ""; try { // Verifier format: // "app_id:udid:time_stamp:secret_key:tap_points:guid" verifier = TapjoyUtil .SHA256(appID + ":" + deviceID + ":" + time + ":" + secretKey + ":" + amount + ":" + guid); } catch (Exception e) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "getAwardPointsVerifier ERROR: " + e.toString()); } return verifier; } /** * Returns the verifier hash for event tracking * The format is: * appID:deviceID:ecretKey:eventData * @param eventData Event tracking data. * @return The verifier hash. */ public static String getEventVerifier(String eventData) { String verifier = ""; try { // Verifier format: // "appID:deviceID:ecretKey:eventData" verifier = TapjoyUtil.SHA256(appID + ":" + deviceID + ":" + secretKey + ":" + eventData); } catch (Exception e) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "getEventVerifier ERROR: " + e.toString()); } return verifier; } /** * Returns the verifier hash. * The format is: * appID:deviceID:timestamp:secretKey:<comma separated package names> * @param time Time in seconds since 1/1/1970 * @return The verifier hash. */ public static String getPackageNamesVerifier(long time, String packageNames) { String verifier = ""; try { // Verifier format: // "app_id:device_id:time_stamp:secret_key" verifier = TapjoyUtil .SHA256(appID + ":" + deviceID + ":" + time + ":" + secretKey + ":" + packageNames); } catch (Exception e) { TapjoyLog.e(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "getVerifier ERROR: " + e.toString()); } return verifier; } /** * Sets the plugin type. * @param name Name of the plugin. */ public static void setPlugin(String name) { plugin = name; } /** * Sets the sdk type. * @param name Type of sdk. */ public static void setSDKType(String name) { sdkType = name; } /** * Sets the user ID for this device. This is used by the publisher to identify the user for their app. * This needs to be called before any call to Offers, Full Screen Ad, etc. * If this method is not called, the device ID will be used by default. * @param id User ID which is used to identify this user for this device. */ public static void setUserID(String id) { userID = id; TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "URL parameters: " + getURLParams()); // Send request to server. new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "setUserID..."); String connectURLParams = getURLParams(); connectURLParams += "&" + TapjoyConstants.TJC_USER_ID + "=" + getUserID(); // The referralURL contains both referrer parameter and its value e.g. referralURL="referrer=com.tapjoy.tapX" if (!referralURL.equals("")) { // Pass referral parameters to connect call to Tapjoy server connectURLParams += "&" + referralURL; } // Get the result of the http request. String result = tapjoyURLConnection.connectToURL( TapjoyConstants.TJC_SERVICE_URL + TapjoyConstants.TJC_USER_ID_URL_PATH, connectURLParams); // Handle the response for a connect call. if (result != null) { if (handleConnectResponse(result)) ; TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "setUserID successful..."); } } }).start(); } /** * Sets the video IDs to pass to the offer wall. * @param ids Video/Offer IDs. */ public static void setVideoIDs(String ids) { videoIDs = ids; } /** * Sets a flag that video ads are enabled. * @param enabled Whether videos are enabled or not. */ public static void setVideoEnabled(boolean enabled) { videoEnabled = enabled; } /** * Sets whether to enable caching for videos. By default this is enabled. * @param enable TRUE to enable video caching, FALSE to disable video caching. */ public static void enableVideoCache(boolean enable) { enableVideoCache = enable; } /** * Whether video caching is enabled or not. * @return Whether video caching is enabled or not. */ public static boolean isVideoCacheEnabled() { return enableVideoCache; } /** * Returns true or false depending on whether videos are enabled. * @return Boolean indicating whether videos are enabled or not. */ public static boolean isVideoEnabled() { return videoEnabled; } /** * Sets the device ID for debugging purposes. This only works when the deviceID is invalid for this device (simulator/emulator). * @param id String to use as the deviceID. */ public static void setDebugDeviceID(String id) { deviceID = id; SharedPreferences settings = context.getSharedPreferences(TapjoyConstants.TJC_PREFERENCE, 0); // Save the emulator device ID in the prefs so we can reuse it. SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putString(TapjoyConstants.PREF_EMULATOR_DEVICE_ID, deviceID); editor.commit(); } /** * Saves the current tap points total to be stored locally. * @param total Amount of tap points the user has. */ public static void saveTapPointsTotal(int total) { SharedPreferences settings = context.getSharedPreferences(TapjoyConstants.TJC_PREFERENCE, 0); // Save the tap points total. SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putInt(TapjoyConstants.PREF_LAST_TAP_POINTS, total); editor.commit(); } /** * Gets the tap points total from that was locally stored by saveTapPointsTotal. If -9999 is returned, * then no data was previously stored. * @return Amount of tap points the user has. */ public static int getLocalTapPointsTotal() { SharedPreferences settings = context.getSharedPreferences(TapjoyConstants.TJC_PREFERENCE, 0); int total = settings.getInt(TapjoyConstants.PREF_LAST_TAP_POINTS, -9999); return total; } //================================================================================ // Core TapjoyConnect Methods //================================================================================ /** * Informs the Tapjoy server that the specified Pay-Per-Action was completed. * @param actionID The action ID of the completed action. */ public void actionComplete(String actionID) { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "actionComplete: " + actionID); // The PPA call is identical to Connect except the PPA ID is passed as the app_id parameter. String actionURLParams = TapjoyConstants.TJC_APP_ID_NAME + "=" + actionID + "&"; actionURLParams += getParamsWithoutAppID(); // Only send publisher_user_id if this flag is NOT set. if (getFlagValue(TapjoyConnectFlag.SHA_2_UDID) == null || !getFlagValue(TapjoyConnectFlag.SHA_2_UDID).equals("true")) { actionURLParams += "&" + TapjoyConstants.TJC_USER_ID + "=" + TapjoyConnectCore.getUserID(); } // Add verifier. actionURLParams += "&"; // Convert to seconds. long time = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; actionURLParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_TIMESTAMP + "=" + time + "&"; actionURLParams += TapjoyConstants.TJC_VERIFIER + "=" + getVerifier(time); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "PPA URL parameters: " + actionURLParams); new Thread(new PPAThread(actionURLParams)).start(); } /** * ONLY USE FOR PAID APP INSTALLS.<br> * This method should be called in the onCreate() method of your first activity after calling * {@link #requestTapjoyConnect(Context context, String appID, String secretKey)}.<br> * Must enable a paid app Pay-Per-Action on the Tapjoy dashboard. * Starts a 15 minute timer. After which, will send an actionComplete call with the paid app PPA to * inform the Tapjoy server that the paid install PPA has been completed. * @param paidAppPayPerActionID The Pay-Per-Action ID for this paid app download action. */ public void enablePaidAppWithActionID(String paidAppPayPerActionID) { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "enablePaidAppWithActionID: " + paidAppPayPerActionID); paidAppActionID = paidAppPayPerActionID; SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(TapjoyConstants.TJC_PREFERENCE, 0); // Load the stored elapsed time from the prefs. elapsed_time = prefs.getLong(TapjoyConstants.PREF_ELAPSED_TIME, 0); TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "paidApp elapsed: " + elapsed_time); // If elapsed time is enough, then call the paid app PPA. if (elapsed_time >= TapjoyConstants.PAID_APP_TIME) { // If there is a valid paid app action ID, then trigger the PPA. if (paidAppActionID != null && paidAppActionID.length() > 0) { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Calling PPA actionComplete..."); actionComplete(paidAppActionID); } } else // Only have 1 timer running at a time. if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new PaidAppTimerTask(), TapjoyConstants.TIMER_INCREMENT, TapjoyConstants.TIMER_INCREMENT); } } /** * Thread to run connect and do sdkless verification. */ public class ConnectThread implements Runnable { public void run() { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "starting connect call..."); String connectURLParams = getURLParams(); // Get the result of the http request. TapjoyHttpURLResponse httpResponse = tapjoyURLConnection.getResponseFromURL( TapjoyConstants.TJC_SERVICE_URL + TapjoyConstants.TJC_CONNECT_URL_PATH, connectURLParams); // Handle the response for a connect call. if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.statusCode == org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_OK) { if (handleConnectResponse(httpResponse.response)) TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Successfully connected to tapjoy site."); // Valid data. if (matchingPackageNames.length() > 0) { String params = getGenericURLParams() + "&" + TapjoyConstants.TJC_PACKAGE_NAMES + "=" + matchingPackageNames + "&"; String verifier = ""; // Convert to seconds. long time = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; verifier = getPackageNamesVerifier(time, matchingPackageNames); params += TapjoyConstants.TJC_TIMESTAMP + "=" + time + "&"; params += TapjoyConstants.TJC_VERIFIER + "=" + verifier; httpResponse = tapjoyURLConnection.getResponseFromURL( TapjoyConstants.TJC_SERVICE_URL + TapjoyConstants.TJC_SDK_LESS_CONNECT, params); // Handle the response for a connect call. if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.statusCode == org.apache.http.HttpStatus.SC_OK) TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "Successfully pinged sdkless api."); } } } } /** * Thread to run PPA request. * */ public class PPAThread implements Runnable { private String params; public PPAThread(String urlParams) { params = urlParams; } public void run() { // Get the result of the http request. String result = tapjoyURLConnection .connectToURL(TapjoyConstants.TJC_SERVICE_URL + TapjoyConstants.TJC_CONNECT_URL_PATH, params); // Handle the response for a connect call. if (result != null) handlePayPerActionResponse(result); } } /** * ONLY USE FOR NON-MANAGED (by TAPJOY) CURRENCY.<br> * Sets the multiplier for the virtual currency displayed in Offers, Banner Ads, etc. The default is 1.0 * @param multiplier */ public void setCurrencyMultiplier(float multiplier) { TapjoyLog.i(TAPJOY_CONNECT, "setVirtualCurrencyMultiplier: " + multiplier); currencyMultiplier = multiplier; } /** * Gets the multiplier for the virtual currency display. * @return */ public float getCurrencyMultiplier() { return currencyMultiplier; } /** * Gets the flag value from the connectFlags table. * @param key Key to search for. * @return Value of the key. */ private static String getFlagValue(String key) { if (connectFlags != null) { return connectFlags.get(key); } return null; } }