Java tutorial
/*(C) 2007-2012 Alibaba Group Holding Limited. *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * Authors: * junyu <> , shenxun <>, * linxuan <> ,qihao <> */ package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * * @author linxuan * */ public class VirtualTable implements VirtualTableRule<String, String> { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(VirtualTable.class); protected String virtualTbName; private Map<String, Set<String>> actualTopology; //private String[] dbIndexes; // protected String dbNamePattern; //item_{0000}_dbkey protected String tbNamePattern; //item_{0000} protected List<Rule<String>> dbShardRules; protected List<Rule<String>> tbShardRules; //add by junyu:package protected static String extraPackagesStr; private Object outerContext; private DBType dbType = null; //Oracle|MySql private boolean allowReverseOutput; // private boolean allowFullTableScan; // private boolean disableFullTableScan = true; // /** * */ protected TableSlotMap tableSlotMap; protected DBTableMap dbTableMap; protected String tableSlotKeyFormat; /** * TDataSourcetrue */ private boolean needRowCopy = false; /** * TDataSource * * List * ListSet * * SQLlistsql */ private List<String> uniqueKeys; public void init() { if (tbShardRules == null || tbShardRules.size() == 0) { if (this.tbNamePattern == null) { //tbKeyPattern this.tbNamePattern = this.virtualTbName; } } initActualTopology(); } protected void initVnodeMap() { if (tableSlotMap != null) { tableSlotMap.setTableSlotKeyFormat(tableSlotKeyFormat); tableSlotMap.setLogicTable(this.virtualTbName); tableSlotMap.init(); } if (dbTableMap != null) { dbTableMap.setTableSlotKeyFormat(tableSlotKeyFormat); dbTableMap.setLogicTable(this.virtualTbName); dbTableMap.init(); } } private static final String tableNameSepInSpring = ","; public void initActualTopology() { if (actualTopology != null) { //Set for (Map.Entry<String/**/, Set<String/**/>> e : this.actualTopology.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue().size() == 1) { // Set<String> tables = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); tables.addAll(Arrays.asList(e.getValue().iterator().next().split(tableNameSepInSpring))); e.setValue(tables); } } showTopology(false); return; // } actualTopology = new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(); if ((dbShardRules == null || dbShardRules.size() == 0) && (tbShardRules == null || tbShardRules.size() == 0)) { Set<String> tbs = new TreeSet<String>(); tbs.add(this.tbNamePattern); actualTopology.put(this.dbNamePattern, tbs); } else if (dbShardRules == null || dbShardRules.size() == 0) { // Set<String> tbs = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Rule<String> tbRule : tbShardRules) { tbs.addAll(vbvRule(tbRule, getEnumerates(tbRule))); } actualTopology.put(this.dbNamePattern, tbs); } else if (tbShardRules == null || tbShardRules.size() == 0) {// Set<String> tbs = new TreeSet<String>(); tbs.add(this.tbNamePattern); for (Rule<String> dbRule : dbShardRules) { for (String dbIndex : vbvRule(dbRule, getEnumerates(dbRule))) { actualTopology.put(dbIndex, tbs); } } } else { // for (Rule<String> dbRule : dbShardRules) { for (Rule<String> tbRule : tbShardRules) { if (this.tableSlotMap != null && this.dbTableMap != null) { valuebyvalue(this.actualTopology, dbRule, tbRule, true); } else { valuebyvalue(this.actualTopology, dbRule, tbRule, false); } } } } showTopology(true); } private static Set<String> vbvRule(Rule<String> rule, Samples samples) { Set<String> tbs = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Map<String, Object> sample : samples) { tbs.add(rule.eval(sample, null)); } return tbs; } private Set<String> vbvRule(Rule<String> rule, Map<String, Set<Object>> enumerates) { Set<String> tbs = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Map<String, Object> sample : new Samples(enumerates)) { tbs.add(rule.eval(sample, null)); } return tbs; } private static Map<String, Samples> vbvTrace(Rule<String> rule, Map<String, Set<Object>> enumerates) { Map<String, Samples> db2Samples = new TreeMap<String, Samples>(); Samples dbSamples = new Samples(enumerates); for (Map<String, Object> sample : dbSamples) { String v = rule.eval(sample, null); Samples s = db2Samples.get(v); if (s == null) { s = new Samples(sample.keySet()); db2Samples.put(v, s); } s.addSample(sample); } return db2Samples; } private static void valuebyvalue(Map<String, Set<String>> topology, Rule<String> dbRule, Rule<String> tbRule, boolean isVnode) { Map<String/**/, Set<Object>> dbEnumerates = getEnumerates(dbRule); Map<String/**/, Set<Object>> tbEnumerates = getEnumerates(tbRule); //Samples dbSamples = new Samples(dbEnumerates); //Samples tbSamples = new Samples(tbEnumerates); Set<AdvancedParameter> params = cast(tbRule.getRuleColumnSet()); for (AdvancedParameter tbap : params) { if (dbEnumerates.containsKey(tbap.key)) { //= =! Set<Object> tbValuesBasedONdbValue = new HashSet<Object>(); for (Object dbValue : dbEnumerates.get(tbap.key)) { tbValuesBasedONdbValue.addAll(tbap.enumerateRange(dbValue)); } dbEnumerates.get(tbap.key).addAll(tbValuesBasedONdbValue); } else { dbEnumerates.put(tbap.key, tbEnumerates.get(tbap.key)); } } // if (isVnode) { Samples tabSamples = new Samples(tbEnumerates); Set<String> tbs = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Map<String, Object> sample : tabSamples) { String value = tbRule.eval(sample, null); tbs.add(value); } for (String table : tbs) { Map<String, Object> sample = new HashMap<String, Object>(1); sample.put(EnumerativeRule.REAL_TABLE_NAME_KEY, table); String db = dbRule.eval(sample, null); if (topology.get(db) == null) { Set<String> tabs = new HashSet<String>(); tabs.add(table); topology.put(db, tabs); } else { topology.get(db).add(table); } } return; } // Map<String, Samples> dbs = vbvTrace(dbRule, dbEnumerates);// for (Map.Entry<String/**/, Samples> e : dbs.entrySet()) { Set<String> tbs = topology.get(e.getKey()); if (tbs == null) { tbs = vbvRule(tbRule, e.getValue()); topology.put(e.getKey(), tbs); } else { tbs.addAll(vbvRule(tbRule, e.getValue())); } } } /** * #id,1,32|512_64# */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static Map<String/**/, Set<Object>/**/> getEnumerates(Rule rule) { Set<AdvancedParameter> params = cast(rule.getRuleColumnSet()); Map<String/**/, Set<Object>/**/> enumerates = new HashMap<String, Set<Object>>(params.size()); for (AdvancedParameter ap : params) { enumerates.put(ap.key, ap.enumerateRange()); } return enumerates; } private static final int showColsPerRow = 5; private void showTopology(boolean showMap) { int crossIndex, endIndex, maxcolsPerRow = showColsPerRow, maxtbnlen = 1, maxdbnlen = 1; for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> e : this.actualTopology.entrySet()) { int colsPerRow = colsPerRow(e.getValue(), showColsPerRow); if (colsPerRow > maxcolsPerRow) { maxcolsPerRow = colsPerRow; } if (e.getKey().length() > maxdbnlen) { maxdbnlen = e.getKey().length(); //dbIndex } for (String tbn : e.getValue()) { if (tbn.length() > maxtbnlen) { maxtbnlen = tbn.length(); //tableName } } } crossIndex = maxdbnlen + 1; endIndex = crossIndex + (maxtbnlen + 1) * maxcolsPerRow + 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("The topology of the virtual table " + this.virtualTbName); addLine(sb, crossIndex, endIndex); for (Map.Entry<String/**/, Set<String/**/>> e : this.actualTopology.entrySet()) { sb.append("\n|"); sb.append(fillAfter(e.getKey(), maxdbnlen)).append("|"); int i = 0, n = e.getValue().size(); for (String tb : e.getValue()) { sb.append(fillAfter(tb, maxtbnlen)).append(","); i++; if (i % maxcolsPerRow == 0 && i < n) { sb.append("|\n|").append(fillAfter(" ", maxdbnlen)).append("|");// } } if (i % maxcolsPerRow != 0) { int taillen = (maxcolsPerRow - (i % maxcolsPerRow)) * (maxtbnlen + 1) + 1; sb.append(fillBefore("|", taillen)); } else { sb.append("|"); } addLine(sb, crossIndex, endIndex); } sb.append("\n"); logger.warn(sb); if (!showMap) { return; } sb = new StringBuilder("\nYou could add below segement as the actualTopology property to "); sb.append(this.virtualTbName + "'s TableRule bean in the rule file\n\n"); sb.append(" <property name=\"actualTopology\">\n"); sb.append(" <map>\n"); for (Map.Entry<String/**/, Set<String/**/>> e : this.actualTopology.entrySet()) { sb.append(" <entry key=\"").append(e.getKey()).append("\" value=\""); for (String table : e.getValue()) { sb.append(table).append(tableNameSepInSpring); } if (sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == tableNameSepInSpring.charAt(0)) { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); } sb.append("\" />\n"); } sb.append(" </map>\n"); sb.append(" </property>\n"); logger.warn(sb); } private int colsPerRow(Collection<String> c, int maxColPerRow) { int n = c.size(); if (n <= maxColPerRow) { return n; } int maxfiti = maxColPerRow; //i int minblank = maxColPerRow; // for (int i = maxColPerRow; i > 0; i--) { int mod = n % i; if (mod == 0) { if (n / i <= i) { return i; // } else { break; } } else { if (i - mod < minblank) { minblank = i - mod; maxfiti = i; } } } return maxfiti; } private String fillAfter(String str, int len) { if (str.length() < len) { for (int i = 0, n = len - str.length(); i < n; i++) { str = str + " "; } } return str; } private String fillBefore(String str, int len) { if (str.length() < len) { for (int i = 0, n = len - str.length(); i < n; i++) { str = " " + str; } } return str; } private void addLine(StringBuilder sb, int crossIndex, int endIndex) { sb.append("\n+"); for (int i = 1; i <= endIndex; i++) { if (i == crossIndex || i == endIndex) { sb.append("+"); } else { sb.append("-"); } } } /* @Override public String mapDbKey(String value) { return mapValue(dbKeyPrefix, dbKeySuffix, dbKeyAlignLen, value); } @Override public String mapTbKey(String value) { return mapValue(tbKeyPrefix, tbKeySuffix, tbKeyAlignLen, value); } */ public VirtualTable clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return (VirtualTable) super.clone(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T> T cast(Object obj) { return (T) obj; } /** * getter/setter */ public void setDbNamePattern(String dbKeyPattern) { this.dbNamePattern = dbKeyPattern; } public String getTbNamePattern() { return tbNamePattern; } public void setTbNamePattern(String tbKeyPattern) { this.tbNamePattern = tbKeyPattern; } public List<Rule<String>> getDbShardRules() { return dbShardRules; } public void setDbShardRules(List<Rule<String>> dbShardRules) { this.dbShardRules = dbShardRules; } public List<Rule<String>> getTbShardRules() { return tbShardRules; } public void setTbShardRules(List<Rule<String>> tbShardRules) { this.tbShardRules = tbShardRules; } public DBType getDbType() { return dbType; } public void setDbType(DBType dbType) { this.dbType = dbType; } public boolean isAllowReverseOutput() { return allowReverseOutput; } public void setAllowReverseOutput(boolean allowReverseOutput) { this.allowReverseOutput = allowReverseOutput; } public boolean isDisableFullTableScan() { return disableFullTableScan; } public void setDisableFullTableScan(boolean disableFullTableScan) { this.disableFullTableScan = disableFullTableScan; } public boolean isNeedRowCopy() { return needRowCopy; } public void setNeedRowCopy(boolean needRowCopy) { this.needRowCopy = needRowCopy; } public List<String> getUniqueKeys() { return uniqueKeys; } public void setUniqueKeys(List<String> uniqueKeys) { this.uniqueKeys = uniqueKeys; } public boolean isAllowFullTableScan() { return allowFullTableScan; } public void setAllowFullTableScan(boolean allowFullTableScan) { this.allowFullTableScan = allowFullTableScan; } public Map<String, Set<String>> getActualTopology() { return actualTopology; } public void setActualTopology(Map<String, Set<String>> actualTopology) { this.actualTopology = actualTopology; } public String getVirtualTbName() { return virtualTbName; } public void setVirtualTbName(String virtualTbName) { this.virtualTbName = virtualTbName; } public void setExtraPackagesStr(List<String> extraPackages) { StringBuilder ep = new StringBuilder(""); if (extraPackages != null) { int packNum = extraPackages.size(); for (int i = 0; i < packNum; i++) { ep.append("import "); ep.append(extraPackages.get(i)); ep.append(";"); } } extraPackagesStr = ep.toString(); } /*public String getVirtualDbName() { return virtualDbName; } public void setVirtualDbName(String virtualDbName) { this.virtualDbName = virtualDbName; }*/ public Object getOuterContext() { return outerContext; } public void setOuterContext(Map<Object, Object> outerContext) { this.outerContext = outerContext; } public void setTableSlotMap(TableSlotMap tableSlotMap) { this.tableSlotMap = tableSlotMap; } public void setDbTableMap(DBTableMap dbTableMap) { this.dbTableMap = dbTableMap; } public TableSlotMap getTableSlotMap() { return tableSlotMap; } public DBTableMap getDbTableMap() { return dbTableMap; } public void setTableSlotKeyFormat(String tableSlotKeyFormat) { this.tableSlotKeyFormat = tableSlotKeyFormat; } }