Java tutorial
/** * (C) 2010-2011 Alibaba Group Holding Limited. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * */ package; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.sql.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import*; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import parquet.column.ParquetProperties; import; import; import parquet.hadoop.ParquetFileReader; import parquet.hadoop.ParquetWriter; import parquet.hadoop.example.GroupWriteSupport; import parquet.hadoop.metadata.CompressionCodecName; import parquet.hadoop.metadata.ParquetMetadata; import parquet.schema.MessageType; import parquet.schema.MessageTypeParser; import parquet.schema.Type; public class HdfsWriter extends Writer { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HdfsWriter.class); private FileSystem fs; private Path p = null; private char FIELD_SPLIT = '\u0001'; private char LINE_SPLIT = '\n'; private int BUFFER_SIZE = 8 * 1024; private String ENCODING = "UTF-8"; private String delMode = "3"; private String hadoop_conf = ""; private Configuration configuration; private int concurrency = 10; private char[] nullChars = null; private boolean isSwith2HiveTable = false; private static char[] searchChars = new char[2]; private DfsWriterStrategy dfsWriterStrategy = null; static { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(HdfsWriter.class.getClassLoader()); } /* * NOTE: if user set parameter 'splitnum' to 1, which means no-split in * hdfswriter, we use dir + prefixname as the fixed hdfs-file name for * example: dir = hdfs://taobao/dw prefixname = bazhen.csy splitname = 1 we * use hdfs://taobao/dw/bazhen.csy as the target filename which hdfswriter * dump file to * * for other cases, we use prefixname as just prefix filename, for example * dir = hdfs://taobao/dw prefixname = bazhen.csy splitname = 2 at last, the * generated filename will be hdfs://taobao/dw/bazhen.csy-0 * hdfs://taobao/dw/bazhen.csy-1 the suffix is thread number */ @Override public int prepare(PluginParam param) { String dir = param.getValue(ParamKey.dir); String ugi = param.getValue(ParamKey.ugi, null); String prefixname = param.getValue(ParamKey.prefixname, "prefix"); delMode = param.getValue(ParamKey.delMode, this.delMode); concurrency = param.getIntValue(ParamKey.concurrency, 1); hadoop_conf = param.getValue(ParamKey.hadoop_conf, ""); if (dir.endsWith("*")) { dir = dir.substring(0, dir.lastIndexOf("*")); } if (dir.endsWith("/")) { dir = dir.substring(0, dir.lastIndexOf("/")); } Path rootpath = new Path(dir); try { configuration = DFSUtils.getConf(dir, ugi, hadoop_conf); fs = DFSUtils.createFileSystem(new URI(dir), configuration); /* No split to dump file, use dir as absolute filename . */ if (concurrency == 1) { DFSUtils.deleteFile(fs, new Path(dir + "/" + prefixname), true); } /* use dir as directory path . */ else { if ("4".equals(delMode)) DFSUtils.deleteFiles(fs, rootpath, true, true); else if ("3".equals(delMode)) DFSUtils.deleteFiles(fs, new Path(dir + "/" + prefixname + "-*"), true, true); } if (isSwith2HiveTable) { switch2HiveTablePre(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(ExceptionTracker.trace(e)); throw new DataExchangeException( String.format("HdfsWriter Init file system failed:%s,%s", e.getMessage(), e.getCause())); } finally { closeAll(); } return PluginStatus.SUCCESS.value(); } @Override public List<PluginParam> split(PluginParam param) { HdfsFileSplitter spliter = new HdfsFileSplitter(); spliter.setParam(param); spliter.init(); return spliter.split(); } @Override public int init() { FIELD_SPLIT = param.getCharValue(ParamKey.fieldSplit, FIELD_SPLIT); ENCODING = param.getValue(ParamKey.encoding, ENCODING); LINE_SPLIT = param.getCharValue(ParamKey.lineSplit, LINE_SPLIT); searchChars[0] = FIELD_SPLIT; searchChars[1] = LINE_SPLIT; BUFFER_SIZE = param.getIntValue(ParamKey.bufferSize, BUFFER_SIZE); delMode = param.getValue(ParamKey.delMode, this.delMode); nullChars = param.getValue(ParamKey.nullChar, "").toCharArray(); hadoop_conf = param.getValue(ParamKey.hadoop_conf, ""); String ugi = param.getValue(ParamKey.ugi, null); String dir = param.getValue(ParamKey.dir); isSwith2HiveTable = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(param.getValue(ParamKey.hiveTableSwitch, "false")); try { configuration = DFSUtils.getConf(dir, ugi, hadoop_conf); fs = DFSUtils.createFileSystem(new URI(dir), configuration); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(ExceptionTracker.trace(e)); closeAll(); throw new DataExchangeException( String.format("HdfsWriter Initialize file system failed:%s,%s", e.getMessage(), e.getCause())); } if (dir != null) { p = new Path(dir); } else { closeAll(); throw new DataExchangeException("Can't find the param [" + ParamKey.dir + "] in hdfs-writer-param."); } String fileType = param.getValue(ParamKey.fileType, "TXT"); if ("SEQ".equalsIgnoreCase(fileType) || "SEQ_COMP".equalsIgnoreCase(fileType)) dfsWriterStrategy = new DfsWriterSequeueFileStrategy(); else if ("TXT_COMP".equalsIgnoreCase(fileType)) dfsWriterStrategy = new DfsWriterTextFileStrategy(true); else if ("TXT".equalsIgnoreCase(fileType)) dfsWriterStrategy = new DfsWriterTextFileStrategy(false); else if ("PARQUET".equalsIgnoreCase(fileType)) dfsWriterStrategy = new DfsWriterParquetFileStrategy(); else { closeAll(); throw new DataExchangeException("HdfsWriter cannot recognize filetype: " + fileType); } return PluginStatus.SUCCESS.value(); } @Override public int connect() { if (p == null) { closeAll(); throw new DataExchangeException("HdfsWriter Can't initialize file system ."); } try { if ("2".equals(delMode)) DFSUtils.deleteFile(fs, p, true);; getMonitor().setStatus(PluginStatus.CONNECT); return PluginStatus.SUCCESS.value(); } catch (Exception ex) { closeAll(); logger.error(ExceptionTracker.trace(ex)); throw new DataExchangeException(String.format("HdfsWriter initialize file system failed: %s, %s", ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause())); } } @Override public int startWrite(LineReceiver receiver) { getMonitor().setStatus(PluginStatus.WRITE); try { dfsWriterStrategy.write(receiver); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataExchangeException( String.format("Some errors occurs on starting writing: %s,%s", ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause())); } finally { dfsWriterStrategy.close(); closeAll(); } return PluginStatus.SUCCESS.value(); } @Override public int commit() { return PluginStatus.SUCCESS.value(); } @Override public int finish() { closeAll(); getMonitor().setStatus(PluginStatus.WRITE_OVER); return PluginStatus.SUCCESS.value(); } private void closeAll() { try { IOUtils.closeStream(fs); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataExchangeException( String.format("HdfsWriter closing filesystem failed: %s,%s", e.getMessage(), e.getCause())); } } @Override public int cleanup() { closeAll(); return PluginStatus.SUCCESS.value(); } public interface DfsWriterStrategy { void open(); void write(LineReceiver receiver); void close(); } class DfsWriterSequeueFileStrategy implements DfsWriterStrategy { private Configuration conf = null; private SequenceFile.Writer writer = null; private Writable key = null; private Writable value = null; private boolean compressed = false; private String keyClassName = null; private String valueClassName = null; private Class<?> keyClass = null; private Class<?> valueClass = null; private Method keySetMethod = null; private Method valueSetMethod = null; // modified by bazhen.csy private int keyFieldIndex = -1; private SequenceFile.CompressionType compressioType = SequenceFile.CompressionType.BLOCK; public DfsWriterSequeueFileStrategy() { super(); String cType = getParam().getValue(ParamKey.compressionType, "NONE"); if ("BLOCK".equalsIgnoreCase(cType)) { compressioType = SequenceFile.CompressionType.BLOCK; compressed = true; } else if ("RECORD".equalsIgnoreCase(cType)) { compressioType = SequenceFile.CompressionType.RECORD; compressed = true; } else { compressioType = SequenceFile.CompressionType.NONE; } this.conf = DFSUtils.newConf(); } @Override public void close() { IOUtils.closeStream(writer); } @Override public void write(LineReceiver resultHandler) { Line line = null; try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10240); while ((line = resultHandler.getFromReader()) != null) { int len = line.getFieldNum(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i == keyFieldIndex) { if (keySetMethod != null) keySetMethod.invoke(key, new Object[] { adapterType(line.getField(i), keyClassName) }); } else { sb.append(replaceChars(line.getField(i), searchChars)).append(FIELD_SPLIT); } } sb.delete(sb.length() - 1, sb.length()); if (valueSetMethod != null) valueSetMethod.invoke(value, new Object[] { adapterType(sb.toString(), valueClassName) }); writer.append(key, value); sb.setLength(0); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(ExceptionTracker.trace(e)); throw new DataExchangeException(e); } } @Override public void open() { try { if ("1".equals(delMode) && fs.exists(p)) throw new DataExchangeException("the file [" + p.getName() + "] already exists. "); String codecClassName = getParam().getValue(ParamKey.codecClass, ""); keyClassName = getParam().getValue(ParamKey.keyClass, ""); valueClassName = getParam().getValue(ParamKey.valueClass, ""); keyClass = Class.forName(keyClassName); valueClass = Class.forName(valueClassName); key = (Writable) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(keyClass, conf); value = (Writable) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(valueClass, conf); keyFieldIndex = param.getIntValue(ParamKey.keyFieldIndex, this.keyFieldIndex); if (!keyClassName.toLowerCase().contains("null") && (keyFieldIndex >= 0)) keySetMethod = keyClass.getMethod("set", new Class[] { DFSUtils.getTypeMap().get(keyClassName) }); if (!valueClassName.toLowerCase().contains("null")) valueSetMethod = valueClass.getMethod("set", new Class[] { DFSUtils.getTypeMap().get(valueClassName) }); if (compressed) { Class<?> codecClass = Class.forName(codecClassName); CompressionCodec codec = (CompressionCodec) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(codecClass, conf); writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, conf, p, keyClass, valueClass, compressioType, codec); } else writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, conf, p, keyClass, valueClass); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataExchangeException(e); } } private Object adapterType(String field, String typename) { Object target = null; if (typename.toLowerCase().contains("null")) { target = null; } else if (typename.toLowerCase().contains("text")) { target = field; } else if (typename.toLowerCase().contains("long")) { target = Long.parseLong(field); } else if (typename.toLowerCase().contains("integer")) { target = Integer.parseInt(field); } else if (typename.toLowerCase().contains("double")) { target = Double.parseDouble(field); } else if (typename.toLowerCase().contains("float")) { target = Float.parseFloat(field); } else { target = field; } return target; } } class DfsWriterTextFileStrategy implements DfsWriterStrategy { private FSDataOutputStream out = null; private BufferedWriter bw = null; private CompressionOutputStream co = null; private boolean compressed = false; public DfsWriterTextFileStrategy(boolean compressed) { super(); this.compressed = compressed; } @Override public void close() { IOUtils.cleanup(null, bw, out, co); } @Override public void open() { try { boolean flag = false; if ("0".equals(delMode)) flag = true; if (compressed) { String codecClassName = param.getValue(ParamKey.codecClass, ""); Class<?> codecClass = Class.forName(codecClassName); Configuration conf = DFSUtils.newConf(); CompressionCodec codec = (CompressionCodec) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(codecClass, conf); out = fs.create(p, flag, BUFFER_SIZE); co = codec.createOutputStream(out); bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(co, ENCODING), BUFFER_SIZE); } else { out = fs.create(p, flag, BUFFER_SIZE); bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, ENCODING), BUFFER_SIZE); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(ExceptionTracker.trace(e)); throw new DataExchangeException(e); } } @Override public void write(LineReceiver receiver) { Line line; try { while ((line = receiver.getFromReader()) != null) { int len = line.getFieldNum(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { // bw.write(line.getField(i)); bw.write(replaceChars(line.getField(i), searchChars)); if (i < len - 1) bw.write(FIELD_SPLIT); } bw.write(LINE_SPLIT); } bw.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(ExceptionTracker.trace(e)); throw new DataExchangeException(e); } } } class DfsWriterParquetFileStrategy implements DfsWriterStrategy { private ParquetWriter<Group> writer; public DfsWriterParquetFileStrategy() { } private ParquetWriter<Group> initWriter(Path filePath, Configuration conf, MessageType schema) throws IOException { GroupWriteSupport.setSchema(schema, conf); ParquetWriter<Group> writer = new ParquetWriter<Group>(filePath, new GroupWriteSupport(), CompressionCodecName.UNCOMPRESSED, 1024, 1024, 512, true, false, // ParquetProperties.WriterVersion.PARQUET_1_0, conf); return writer; } @Override public void close() { if (writer != null) { IOUtils.closeStream(writer); } } @Override public void open() { try { /*boolean flag = false; if ("0".equals(delMode)) flag = true;*/ } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(ExceptionTracker.trace(e)); throw new DataExchangeException(e); } } @Override public void write(LineReceiver receiver) { Line line; MessageType schema = null; SimpleGroupFactory sfg = null; MetaData metaData = null; try { while ((line = receiver.getFromReader()) != null) { int len = line.getFieldNum(); if (writer == null) {"parquet writer init begin"); metaData = HdfsWriterUtil.getHiveTableMetaData(param); schema = initSchema(param, metaData); GroupWriteSupport.setSchema(schema, configuration); sfg = new SimpleGroupFactory(schema); writer = initWriter(p, configuration, schema);"parquet writer init end"); } List<MetaData.Column> columns = metaData.getColInfo(); int schemaFieldCount = columns.size(); len = Math.min(len, schemaFieldCount); Group group = sfg.newGroup(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String value = String.valueOf(replaceChars(line.getField(i), searchChars)); MetaData.Column col = columns.get(i); append2Group(group, schema.getFieldName(i), value, col.getDataType()); } writer.write(group); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(ExceptionTracker.trace(e)); throw new DataExchangeException(e); } } private MessageType initSchema(PluginParam param, MetaData metaData) { return HdfsWriterUtil.createParquetSchema(param, metaData); } private void append2Group(Group group, String name, String value, String columnType) { String parquetType = HdfsWriterUtil.hiveFieldType2ParquetType(columnType); boolean isNull = value == null || "".equals(value); if (isNull) { return; } try { if ("binary".equals(parquetType)) { group.append(name, value); } else if ("int32".equals(parquetType)) { group.append(name, Integer.valueOf(value)); } else if ("int64".equals(parquetType)) { group.append(name, Long.valueOf(parquetType)); } else if ("float".equals(parquetType)) { group.append(name, Float.valueOf(value)); } else if ("double".equals(parquetType)) { group.append(name, Double.valueOf(value)); } else {"cast unsupported parquetType:" + parquetType); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("cast value error:", ex); group.append(name, value); } } } private char[] replaceChars(String str, char[] searchChars) { if (null == str) { return this.nullChars; } char[] newchars = str.toCharArray(); int strLength = str.length(); for (int i = 0; i < strLength; i++) { if (searchChars[0] == newchars[i] || 13 == newchars[i] || 10 == newchars[i]) { newchars[i] = ' '; } } return newchars; } // TODO : hive @Override public int post(PluginParam param) { if (!isSwith2HiveTable) return 0; /* MetaData md = param.getOppositeMetaData(); // Vector<Column> cloInfo = md.getColInfo(); if (md == null) { logger.error("md is null"); throw new DataExchangeException("md is null"); }*/ String tableName = getTableName(param); String fileType = getHiveStorageFileType(param); String dataLocal = param.getValue(ParamKey.dir, null); //hive??"tableName: " + tableName); Connection con = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet res = null; try { //switch2HiveTablePre(); // hive server con = getHiveConnection(param); /*SessionState ss = new SessionState(new HiveConf(SessionState.class)); SessionState.start(ss);*/ stmt = con.createStatement(); boolean tableExsit = tableExist(stmt, tableName); String origParNameInfo = param.getValue(ParamKey.partitionNames, "").trim(); String origParValueInfo = param.getValue(ParamKey.partitionValues, "").trim();"orgiParNameInfo:" + origParNameInfo);"orgiParValueInfo:" + origParValueInfo); String[] partitionNames = null; String[] partitionValues = null; boolean isPartitionTable = false; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(origParNameInfo) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(origParValueInfo)) { partitionNames = StringUtils.split(origParNameInfo, ','); partitionValues = StringUtils.split(origParValueInfo, ','); if (partitionNames == null || partitionNames.length != partitionValues.length) { logger.error("ERROR: the number of partition name not equals to partition value"); throw new DataExchangeException(); } isPartitionTable = true; } /* if (tableExsit) partitionNames = getPartitionNames(stmt, tableName);*/ //setPartitionInfo(partitionNames, partitionValues, param, dataLocal); String partitionName = ""; String partitionInfo = ""; if (isPartitionTable) { int partitionNameSize = partitionNames.length; for (int i = 0; i < partitionNameSize; i++) { if (i != 0) { partitionName += ","; partitionInfo += ","; } partitionName += partitionNames[i] + " STRING"; partitionInfo += partitionNames[i] + "='" + partitionValues[i] + "'"; } } if (!tableExsit) { String columnInfo = getColumnInfo(param.getOppositeMetaData()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String field_split = param.getValue(ParamKey.fieldSplit, "\\t"); String line_split = param.getValue(ParamKey.lineSplit, "\\n"); sb.append("CREATE TABLE " + tableName + "(" + columnInfo + ") "); if (isPartitionTable) { sb.append("PARTITIONED BY (" + partitionName + ") "); } sb.append("ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '" + field_split + "' LINES TERMINATED BY '" + line_split + "' STORED AS " + fileType);"create table sql:" + sb.toString());"create external table begin"); stmt.execute(sb.toString());"create external table end"); } //load data from hdfs"dataLocal:" + dataLocal); String loadSql = String.format("load data inpath '%s' into table %s", dataLocal, tableName); if (isPartitionTable) { loadSql += " PARTITION (" + partitionInfo + ")"; }"load data sql:" + loadSql);"load data begin"); stmt.execute(loadSql);"load data end"); /*boolean partitionExist = false; String partitionPath = ""; int partitionNameSize = partitionNames.size(); for (int i = 0; i < partitionNameSize; i++) { partitionPath += partitionNames.get(i) + "=" + partitionValues.get(i); if(partitionNameSize != i+1) { partitionPath += "/"; } } partitionExist = partitionExist(stmt, tableName, partitionPath); String partitionInfo = ""; for (int i = 0; i < partitionNameSize; i++) { partitionInfo += partitionNames.get(i) + "='" + partitionValues.get(i) + "'"; if(i+1 != partitionNameSize) { partitionInfo += ","; } } */ // add partition /*if (!partitionExist) { String execution = "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " ADD PARTITION (" + partitionInfo + ") LOCATION '" + dataLocal + "'";"alter table sql:" + execution);"alter table begin"); stmt.execute(execution);"alter table end"); }*/ switch2HiveTablePost(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Hive Driver Not Found:", e); throw new DataExchangeException("Hive Driver Not Found"); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("sql failed:", e); throw new DataExchangeException("sql failed"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("ERROR:", e); throw new DataExchangeException(); } finally { try { if (res != null) res.close(); if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); if (con != null) con.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.warn("SQLException:", e); } } return 0; } private void setPartitionInfo(List<String> partitionNames, List<String> partitionValues, PluginParam param, String hdfsLoc) { String orgiParNameInfo = param.getValue(ParamKey.partitionNames, "").trim(); String origParValueInfo = param.getValue(ParamKey.partitionValues, "").trim(); boolean partitionAssigned = true; boolean partitionNameAssigned = true; boolean defaultName = false; boolean partitionNameExists = partitionNames.size() > 0 ? true : false; if ("".equals(origParValueInfo)) partitionAssigned = false; if ("".equals(orgiParNameInfo)) partitionNameAssigned = false; else if ("pt".equals(orgiParNameInfo) || "ds".equals(orgiParNameInfo)) defaultName = true; // ??17?????17 if (partitionNameAssigned && !defaultName) { if (!partitionAssigned) { logger.error("ERRORpartition value must be specified while partition name is assigned"); throw new DataExchangeException(); } } if (defaultName && partitionNames.size() == 0) { partitionNames.add(orgiParNameInfo); } if (partitionNames.size() == 1) { if ("pt".equals(partitionNames.get(0)) || "ds".equals(partitionNames.get(0))) defaultName = true; } if (defaultName) { Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); String partitionValue = df.format(date); if ("pt".equals(partitionNames.get(0))) partitionValues.add(partitionValue + "000000"); else if ("ds".equals(partitionNames.get(0))) partitionValues.add(partitionValue); return; } int len = partitionNames.size(); List<String> assignedValues = splitPartitionInfo(origParValueInfo); List<String> assignedNames = splitPartitionInfo(orgiParNameInfo); if (len > 0) { // ?? if (partitionNameAssigned) { // ??1717 // ?partition?sql exception if (assignedNames.size() != assignedValues.size()) { logger.error("ERROR: the number of partition name not equals to partition value"); throw new DataExchangeException(); } else if (assignedNames.size() > len) { logger.error("ERROR: the number of partition names assigned is larger than the ones exist"); throw new DataExchangeException(); } if (!adjustValueOrder(partitionNames, assignedNames, partitionValues, assignedValues)) { logger.error("ERRORNeed assign value to each partition name"); throw new DataExchangeException(); } for (int i = 0; i < assignedValues.size(); i++) { partitionValues.add(""); } //?????17 for (int i = len - 1, j = assignedValues.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //17?????? if (!assignedNames.contains(partitionNames.get(i))) { partitionNames.remove(i); // ??17 } else { // 1717 int idx = assignedNames.indexOf(partitionNames.get(i)); partitionValues.set(j, assignedValues.get(idx)); j--; } } return; } else if (partitionAssigned) { // ??17 if (len != assignedValues.size()) {// ???????17 logger.error( "ERROR: the number of partition values not equals to the number of existing partitions"); throw new DataExchangeException(); } partitionValues.addAll(assignedValues); return; } } else { // ?17 if (partitionNameAssigned && partitionAssigned) { if (assignedNames.size() != assignedValues.size()) { logger.error("ERROR: the number of partition name not equals to partition value"); throw new DataExchangeException(); } partitionNames.addAll(assignedNames); partitionValues.addAll(assignedValues); return; } } String[] paths = hdfsLoc.split("/"); boolean pathLegal = false; assignedNames = new ArrayList<String>(); assignedValues = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int subPathIndex = 0; subPathIndex < paths.length; subPathIndex++) { String path = paths[subPathIndex]; int partIndex = path.indexOf("="); if (partIndex > 0) { if (!partitionNameExists) { partitionNames.add(path.substring(0, partIndex)); partitionValues.add(path.substring(partIndex + 1, path.length())); } else { assignedNames.add(path.substring(0, partIndex)); assignedValues.add(path.substring(partIndex + 1, path.length())); } pathLegal = true; } } if (!pathLegal) { logger.error("ERRORNeed Legal Profile or Legal Path : For example : .../pt=20101101/..."); throw new DataExchangeException(); } if (partitionNameExists) { if (!adjustValueOrder(partitionNames, assignedNames, partitionValues, assignedValues)) { logger.error("ERRORNeed assign value to each partition name"); throw new DataExchangeException(); } } return; } private boolean adjustValueOrder(List<String> partitionNames, List<String> assignedNames, List<String> partitionValues, List<String> assignedValues) { if (partitionNames.size() > assignedValues.size()) return false; // ?????17 for (int i = 0; i < partitionNames.size(); i++) { if (!assignedNames.contains(partitionNames.get(i))) { return false; // ??17 } else {// 1717 int idx = assignedNames.indexOf(partitionNames.get(i)); partitionValues.add(assignedValues.get(idx)); } } return true; } private List<String> splitPartitionInfo(String info) { String[] infos = info.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) infos[i] = infos[i].toLowerCase().trim(); return Arrays.asList(infos); } private List<String> getPartitionNames(Statement stmt, String tableName) throws SQLException { List<String> partitionNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("SHOW PARTITIONS " + tableName + ""); int maxLen = -1; String[] partitionInfos = null; while ( { String[] maxPar = res.getString(1).split("/"); if (maxPar.length > maxLen) { maxLen = maxPar.length; partitionInfos = maxPar; } } if (partitionInfos != null) { for (int i = 0; i < partitionInfos.length; i++) { int partIndex = partitionInfos[i].indexOf("="); partitionNames.add(partitionInfos[i].substring(0, partIndex).toLowerCase()); } } return partitionNames; } private Connection getHiveConnection(PluginParam param) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { return HdfsWriterUtil.getHiveConnection(param); } private String getColumnInfo(MetaData md) { return HdfsWriterUtil.getHiveColumnInfo(md); } private String getHiveStorageFileType(PluginParam param) { return HdfsWriterUtil.getHiveStorageFileType(param); } private String getTableName(PluginParam param) { return HdfsWriterUtil.getTableName(param); } private boolean tableExist(Statement stmt, String tableName) throws SQLException { return HdfsWriterUtil.tableExist(stmt, tableName); } private boolean partitionExist(Statement stmt, String tableName, String partitionPath) throws SQLException { ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("SHOW PARTITIONS " + tableName); while ( { if (partitionPath.equals(res.getString(1))) { return true; } } return false; } private void switch2HiveTablePre() {"execute hive pre begin"); String hivePre = param.getValue(ParamKey.hivePre, ""); exeHiveCmd(hivePre);"execute hive pre end"); } private void switch2HiveTablePost() {"execute hive post begin"); String hivePost = param.getValue(ParamKey.hivePost, ""); exeHiveCmd(hivePost);"execute hive post end"); } private void exeHiveCmd(String cmds) { HdfsWriterUtil.exeHiveCmd(cmds, param); } public static void main(String args[]) { String[] names = StringUtils.split("aa,,ss", ','); String[] names2 = "aa,,ss".split(","); System.out.println(names.length);//2 System.out.println(names2.length);//3 } }