Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author <a>zhangwei/jiwan</a> */ public class FileRepository extends DistributedDataRepositoryBaseOnTable { public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileRepository.class); HashQueue<Long> freeIds = null; int nameMaxLength = File.nameMaxLength; AtomicLong nextIdForFreeId = new AtomicLong(0); AtomicLong nextIdFailCount = new AtomicLong(0); Random random = new Random(); public FileRepository(Configuration conf) throws IOException { super(conf); nameMaxLength = conf.getInt("", File.nameMaxLength); if (nameMaxLength > File.nameMaxLength) { Utilities.logInfo(logger, " is ", nameMaxLength, ", large than ", File.nameMaxLength, ", limit it to be ", File.nameMaxLength); nameMaxLength = File.nameMaxLength; } nextIdForFreeId.set(new Random().nextLong()); } public File findById(long id) throws IOException { File file = (File) findByKeys(new Object[] { id }); if (file != null && file.version >= 0) return file; return null; } public File findByParentIdAndName(long parentId, String name) throws IOException { List<File> files = find("PID_NAME", new Object[] { parentId, name }, Comparator.EQ, 1); if (!files.isEmpty() && files.get(0).version >= 0) return files.get(0); return null; } public List<File> findByParentId(long parentId) throws IOException { List<File> files = find("PID_NAME", new Object[] { parentId }, Comparator.EQ, Integer.MAX_VALUE); removeRootById(files); removeDeletedRows(files); return files; } public List<File> findByLeaseHolder(String leaseHolder) throws IOException { List<File> files = find("LEASE_HOLDER", new Object[] { leaseHolder }, Comparator.EQ, Integer.MAX_VALUE); removeDeletedRows(files); return files; } @Override public Class<? extends DistributedDataRepositoryRow> getRowClass() { return File.class; } @Override public FileCache getCache() throws IOException { if (cache != null) return (FileCache) cache; Utilities.logInfo(logger, "create file cache with capacity=", conf.getInt("file.cache.capacity", 0)); return (FileCache) (cache = new FileCache(conf.getInt("file.cache.capacity", 0), getVersion())); } @Override synchronized protected void createMeta() throws IOException { File file = new File(); file.atime = file.mtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (findByKeys(File.ROOT.getKey()) == null) { =; file = insert(file, true); Utilities.logInfo(logger, "create root=", file); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<File> find(String indexName, Object[] keys, Comparator comparator, int limit) throws IOException { if (indexName.equals("PID_NAME") && keys.length == 2) { String fileName = (String) keys[1]; if (fileName == null) throw new IOException("fail to find file: name is null"); if (fileName.length() > nameMaxLength) throw new IOException("fail to find by parentIdAndName=" + Utilities.deepToString(keys) + ": name length is " + fileName.length() + ", large than " + nameMaxLength); } return (List<File>) super.find(indexName, keys, comparator, limit); } public DistributedDataRepositoryRow findOldRowForInsert(DistributedDataRepositoryRow row) throws IOException { File file = (File) row; List<File> files = find("PID_NAME", new Object[] { file.parentId, }, Comparator.EQ, 1); if (!files.isEmpty()) return files.get(0); else return null; } public File insert(DistributedDataRepositoryRow row, boolean overwrite) throws IOException { return (File) super.insert(row, overwrite); } public File update(DistributedDataRepositoryRow row, int fieldsIndication) throws IOException { return (File) super.update(row, fieldsIndication); } public File delete(DistributedDataRepositoryRow row) throws IOException { return (File) super.delete(row); } public boolean isValid() { try { findInternal("PRIMARY", new Object[] { 0 }, Comparator.EQ, 1); return true; } catch (Throwable t) { return false; } } protected File insertInternal(DistributedDataRepositoryRow row, boolean overwrite) throws IOException { if (row == null) throw new IOException("file is null"); File file = (File) row; if ( == null) throw new IOException("fail to insert " + file + ": null name"); if ( && !file.isRootByParentIdAndName()) throw new IOException("fail to insert " + file + ": empty name"); if ( > nameMaxLength) throw new IOException("fail to insert " + file + ": name length is " + + ", large than " + nameMaxLength); file.atime = file.mtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // check existence of this file for the efficacy List<File> oldFiles = find("PID_NAME", new Object[] { file.parentId, }, Comparator.EQ, 1); File oldFile = oldFiles.isEmpty() ? null : oldFiles.get(0); if (oldFile != null && oldFile.version >= 0 && file.isDir() != oldFile.isDir()) throw new IOException(oldFile + "->" + file + " :change type of oldFile=" + oldFile); if (oldFile != null && oldFile.version >= 0 && !overwrite && !file.isDir()) throw new IOException("fail to insert " + file + ": overwrite=" + overwrite + ", oldFile=" + oldFile); if (oldFile != null && oldFile.version >= 0 && !overwrite && file.isDir()) return oldFile; // lock and check existence of this file again locker.lock(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE, file.parentId,; // to avoid concurrent insert try { oldFiles = find("PID_NAME", new Object[] { file.parentId, }, Comparator.EQ, 1); oldFile = oldFiles.isEmpty() ? null : oldFiles.get(0); if (oldFile != null && oldFile.version >= 0 && file.isDir() != oldFile.isDir()) throw new IOException(oldFile + "->" + file + " :change type of oldFile=" + oldFile); if (oldFile != null && oldFile.version >= 0 && !overwrite && !file.isDir()) throw new IOException( "fail to insert " + file + ": overwrite=" + overwrite + ", oldFile=" + oldFile); if (oldFile != null && oldFile.version >= 0 && !overwrite && file.isDir()) { locker.unlock(null, file.parentId,; return oldFile; } } catch (Throwable t) { locker.unlock(null, file.parentId,; throw new IOException(t); } // lock existed file id or generate and lock new id try { file = (File) file.clone(); if (oldFile != null) { =; locker.lock(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE,; if (find("PID_NAME", new Object[] { file.parentId, }, Comparator.EQ, 1).isEmpty()) { locker.unlock(null,; oldFile = null; } } if (oldFile == null) getUniqueIdAndLock(file); } catch (Throwable t) { locker.unlock(null, file.parentId,; throw new IOException(t); } // lock parent file with readLock; try { if (!file.isRootById()) { File parentFile = (File) findByKeys(new Object[] { file.parentId }); if (parentFile == null || parentFile.version < 0) throw new IOException(file + ": parent not existed, parent=" + parentFile); if (!parentFile.isDir()) throw new IOException(file + ": parent is file, parent=" + parentFile); } // create or update this file file.version = getVersion().increaseAndGet(); file.setIdentifier(); if (oldFile == null) file = (File) insertPhysically(file); else file = (File) updatePhysically(oldFile, file); return file; } finally { readWriteLocker.unread(file.parentId); locker.unlock(null,; locker.unlock(null, file.parentId,; } } protected File updateInternal(DistributedDataRepositoryRow row, int fieldsIndication) throws IOException { if (row == null) throw new IOException("file is null"); File file = (File) row; if ((fieldsIndication & 0x0002) != 0) { if ( == null) throw new IOException("fail to update " + file + ": null name"); if ( && !file.isRootById()) throw new IOException("fail to update " + file + ": empty name"); if ( > nameMaxLength) throw new IOException("fail to update " + file + ": name length is " + + ", large than " + nameMaxLength); } if ((fieldsIndication & 0x0001) != 0 && == file.parentId && != throw new IOException("fail to update " + file + ": parent is self"); // lock this file locker.lock(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE,; File oldFile = null; try { oldFile = (File) findByKeys(new Object[] { }); if (oldFile == null || oldFile.version < 0) throw new IOException(file + ": not existed, oldFile=" + oldFile); if ((fieldsIndication & 0x0004) != 0 && oldFile.isDir() != file.isDir()) throw new IOException(oldFile + "->" + file + ": change type, oldFile=" + oldFile); if ((fieldsIndication & 0x0001) != 0 && == && oldFile.parentId != file.parentId) throw new IOException(oldFile + "->" + file + ": move root, oldFile=" + oldFile); if ((fieldsIndication & 0x0002) != 0 && == && ! throw new IOException(oldFile + "->" + file + ": rename root, oldFile=" + oldFile); file = (File) oldFile.clone().update(file, fieldsIndication); } catch (Throwable t) { locker.unlock(null,; throw new IOException(t); }; File newFile = null; try { if (!file.isRootById()) { // lock parent file with readLock File newParentFile = (File) findByKeys(new Object[] { file.parentId }); if ((newParentFile == null || newParentFile.version < 0)) throw new IOException(file + ": parent not existed, newParent=" + newParentFile); if (!newParentFile.isDir()) throw new IOException(file + ": parent is file, newParent=" + newParentFile); } // update this file file.version = getVersion().increaseAndGet(); file.setIdentifier(); newFile = (File) updatePhysically(oldFile, file); } finally { readWriteLocker.unread(file.parentId); locker.unlock(null,; } // update modify time of parent file if (file.parentId != newFile.parentId) { File parentFile = new File(); parentFile.mtime = newFile.mtime; = file.parentId; update(parentFile, File.MTIME); = newFile.parentId; update(parentFile, File.MTIME); } return newFile; } protected File deleteInternal(DistributedDataRepositoryRow row) throws IOException { if (row == null) throw new IOException("file is null"); if (((File) row).id == throw new IOException("fail to delete " + row + ": delete root"); locker.lock(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE, row.getKey()); readWriteLocker.write(row.getKey()); try { File oldFile = (File) findByKeys(row.getKey()); if (oldFile == null) return null; if (oldFile.isDir() && !findByParentId( throw new IOException("fail to delete " + row + ": find child"); File newFile = (File) oldFile.clone(); newFile.version = -getVersion().increaseAndGet(); return (File) deletePhysically(newFile); } finally { readWriteLocker.unwrite(row.getKey()); locker.unlock(null, row.getKey()); } } File getUniqueIdAndLock(File file) { if (file.isRootByParentIdAndName()) { =; locker.lock(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE,; } else { while (true) { if (conf.getBoolean("", true)) { long id = random.nextLong(); if (id == 0) continue; if (locker.tryLock(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, id) == null) continue; try { if (findByKeys(new Object[] { id }, false) != null) { locker.unlock(null, id); continue; } // got a unique id = id; Utilities.logTrace(logger, "getUniqueIdAndLockBySelf|newId=", id); return file; } catch (Throwable t) { locker.unlock(null, id); continue; } } else { if (freeIds.isEmpty()) { // generate a id long id = nextIdForFreeId.getAndAdd(nextIdFailCount.get() << 2); // root id is fixed, ignore it if (id == File.rootId) continue; ; if (locker.tryLock(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, id) == null) continue; try { if (findByKeys(new Object[] { id }, false) != null) { nextIdFailCount.getAndDecrement(); locker.unlock(null, id); continue; } if (freeIds.contains(id)) { nextIdFailCount.getAndDecrement(); locker.unlock(null, id); continue; } nextIdFailCount.set(0); // got a unique id = id; Utilities.logTrace(logger, "getUniqueIdAndLockBySelf|newId=", id); return file; } catch (Throwable t) { locker.unlock(null, id); continue; } } else { synchronized (freeIds) { Long freeId = freeIds.peek(); if (freeId != null) { = freeId; locker.lock(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE,; freeIds.poll(); break; } } // wait check thread to generate freeIds Utilities.sleepAndProcessInterruptedException(1, getLogger()); } } } } return file; } synchronized public void open(DistributedDataBaseOnDatabase distributedData) throws IOException { freeIds = new HashQueue<Long>();; } synchronized public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); freeIds = null; } void prepareFreeIds() { int capacity = conf.getInt("", 0); if (capacity <= 0) { Utilities.sleepAndProcessInterruptedException(10, getLogger()); return; } if (!ServerType.MASTER.toString().equals(conf.get("distributed.server.type"))) { freeIds.clear(); DistributedMetrics.intValueaSet("dataRepository.prepareFileIdNumber", freeIds.size()); DistributedMetrics.intValueaSet("dataRepository.prepareFileIdCapacity", capacity); Utilities.logTrace(logger, "freeIds|size=", freeIds.size(), " serverType=", conf.get("distributed.server.type")); Utilities.sleepAndProcessInterruptedException(1000, getLogger()); return; } HashQueue<Long> freeIds = this.freeIds; DistributedLocker locker =; if (freeIds == null || locker == null) return; Utilities.sleepAndProcessInterruptedException(10, getLogger()); if (freeIds.size() >= capacity) return; // generate a random id long id = nextIdForFreeId.getAndAdd(nextIdFailCount.get() << 2); // root id is fixed, ignore it if (id == File.rootId) return; // consumer has locked this id and ready to poll it if (locker.tryLock(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, id) == null) return; try { // duplicated id if (freeIds.contains(id)) { nextIdFailCount.getAndDecrement(); return; } if (findByKeys(new Object[] { id }, false) != null) { nextIdFailCount.getAndDecrement(); return; } nextIdFailCount.set(0); // got a unique id and add it to freeIds freeIds.add(id); DistributedMetrics.intValueaSet("dataRepository.prepareFileIdNumber", freeIds.size()); DistributedMetrics.intValueaSet("dataRepository.prepareFileIdCapacity", capacity); Utilities.logTrace(logger, "freeIds|size=", freeIds.size(), "|newId=", id); } catch (Throwable t) { Utilities.logWarn(getLogger(), t); } finally { locker.unlock(null, id); } } protected void checkThreadTasks() { prepareFreeIds(); } List<File> removeRootById(List<File> files) { if (files == null) return null; for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { if (files.get(i).id == { files.remove(i); break; } } return files; } }