Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2010-present Facebook. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
 * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
 * License.

package com.TagFu.facebook;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;

import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.ServiceConnection;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Messenger;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;

import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import com.wTagFufacebook.internal.NativeProtocol;
import com.woTagFuacebook.internal.SessionAuthorizationType;
import com.wooTagFucebook.internal.Utility;
import com.wootTagFuebook.internal.Validate;
import com.wootaTagFubook.model.GraphMultiResult;
import com.wootagTagFuook.model.GraphObject;
import com.wootag.facebook.model.GraphObjectList;

 * <p>
 * Session is used to authenticate a user and manage the user's session with Facebook.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Sessions must be opened before they can be used to make a Request. When a Session is created, it attempts to
 * initialize itself from a TokenCachingStrategy. Closing the session can optionally clear this cache. The Session
 * lifecycle uses {@link SessionState SessionState} to indicate its state. Once a Session has been closed, it can't be
 * re-opened; a new Session must be created.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Instances of Session provide state change notification via a callback interface, {@link Session.StatusCallback
 * StatusCallback}.
 * </p>
public class Session implements Serializable {

    private static final String RSVP_EVENT = "rsvp_event";

    private static final String CREATE_EVENT = "create_event";

    private static final String ADS_MANAGEMENT = "ads_management";

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * The logging tag used by Session.
    public static final String TAG = Session.class.getCanonicalName();

     * The default activity code used for authorization.
     * @see #openForRead(OpenRequest) open
    public static final int DEFAULT_AUTHORIZE_ACTIVITY_CODE = 0xface;

     * If Session authorization fails and provides a web view error code, the web view error code is stored in the
     * Bundle returned from {@link #getAuthorizationBundle getAuthorizationBundle} under this key.
    public static final String WEB_VIEW_ERROR_CODE_KEY = "com.facebook.sdk.WebViewErrorCode";

     * If Session authorization fails and provides a failing url, the failing url is stored in the Bundle returned from
     * {@link #getAuthorizationBundle getAuthorizationBundle} under this key.
    public static final String WEB_VIEW_FAILING_URL_KEY = "com.facebook.sdk.FailingUrl";

     * The action used to indicate that the active session has been set. This should be used as an action in an
     * IntentFilter and BroadcastReceiver registered with the {@link}.
    public static final String ACTION_ACTIVE_SESSION_SET = "com.facebook.sdk.ACTIVE_SESSION_SET";

     * The action used to indicate that the active session has been set to null. This should be used as an action in an
     * IntentFilter and BroadcastReceiver registered with the {@link}.
    public static final String ACTION_ACTIVE_SESSION_UNSET = "com.facebook.sdk.ACTIVE_SESSION_UNSET";

     * The action used to indicate that the active session has been opened. This should be used as an action in an
     * IntentFilter and BroadcastReceiver registered with the {@link}.
    public static final String ACTION_ACTIVE_SESSION_OPENED = "com.facebook.sdk.ACTIVE_SESSION_OPENED";

     * The action used to indicate that the active session has been closed. This should be used as an action in an
     * IntentFilter and BroadcastReceiver registered with the {@link}.
    public static final String ACTION_ACTIVE_SESSION_CLOSED = "com.facebook.sdk.ACTIVE_SESSION_CLOSED";

    private static final Object STATIC_LOCK = new Object();
    private static Session activeSession;
    protected static volatile Context staticContext;

    // Token extension constants
    private static final int TOKEN_EXTEND_THRESHOLD_SECONDS = 24 * 60 * 60; // 1
    // day
    private static final int TOKEN_EXTEND_RETRY_SECONDS = 60 * 60; // 1 hour

    private static final String SESSION_BUNDLE_SAVE_KEY = "com.facebook.sdk.Session.saveSessionKey";
    private static final String AUTH_BUNDLE_SAVE_KEY = "com.facebook.sdk.Session.authBundleKey";
    private static final String PUBLISH_PERMISSION_PREFIX = "publish";
    private static final String MANAGE_PERMISSION_PREFIX = "manage";

    private static final String BASIC_INFO_PERMISSION = "basic_info";

    private static final Set<String> OTHER_PUBLISH_PERMISSIONS = new HashSet<String>() {


    private final String applicationId;
    protected SessionState state;
    AccessToken tokenInfo;
    private Date lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate = new Date(0);

    private AuthorizationRequest pendingAuthorizationRequest;
    private AuthorizationClient authorizationClient;

    // The following are not serialized with the Session object
    private volatile Bundle authorizationBundle;
    protected final List<StatusCallback> callbacks;
    protected final Handler handler;
    protected AutoPublishAsyncTask autoPublishAsyncTask;
    // This is the object that synchronizes access to state and tokenInfo
    protected final Object lock = new Object();
    private TokenCachingStrategy tokenCachingStrategy;
    protected volatile TokenRefreshRequest currentTokenRefreshRequest;
    private AppEventsLogger appEventsLogger;

     * Initializes a new Session with the specified context.
     * @param currentContext The Activity or Service creating this Session.
    public Session(final Context currentContext) {

        this(currentContext, null, null, true);

     * Used by version 2 of the serialization proxy, do not modify.
    private Session(final String applicationId, final SessionState state, final AccessToken tokenInfo,
            final Date lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate, final boolean shouldAutoPublish,
            final AuthorizationRequest pendingAuthorizationRequest, final Set<String> requestedPermissions) {

        this.applicationId = applicationId;
        this.state = state;
        this.tokenInfo = tokenInfo;
        this.lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate = lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate;
        this.pendingAuthorizationRequest = pendingAuthorizationRequest;
        this.handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
        this.currentTokenRefreshRequest = null;
        this.tokenCachingStrategy = null;
        this.callbacks = new ArrayList<StatusCallback>();

    Session(final Context context, final String applicationId, final TokenCachingStrategy tokenCachingStrategy) {

        this(context, applicationId, tokenCachingStrategy, true);

    Session(final Context context, String applicationId, TokenCachingStrategy tokenCachingStrategy,
            final boolean loadTokenFromCache) {

        // if the application ID passed in is null, try to get it from the
        // meta-data in the manifest.
        if ((context != null) && (applicationId == null)) {
            applicationId = Utility.getMetadataApplicationId(context);

        Validate.notNull(applicationId, "applicationId");


        if (tokenCachingStrategy == null) {
            tokenCachingStrategy = new SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy(staticContext);

        this.applicationId = applicationId;
        this.tokenCachingStrategy = tokenCachingStrategy;
        this.state = SessionState.CREATED;
        this.pendingAuthorizationRequest = null;
        this.callbacks = new ArrayList<StatusCallback>();
        this.handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());

        final Bundle tokenState = loadTokenFromCache ? tokenCachingStrategy.load() : null;
        if (TokenCachingStrategy.hasTokenInformation(tokenState)) {
            final Date cachedExpirationDate = TokenCachingStrategy.getDate(tokenState,
            final Date now = new Date();

            if ((cachedExpirationDate == null) || cachedExpirationDate.before(now)) {
                // If expired or we require new permissions, clear out the
                // current token cache.
                this.tokenInfo = AccessToken.createEmptyToken();
            } else {
                // Otherwise we have a valid token, so use it.
                this.tokenInfo = AccessToken.createFromCache(tokenState);
                this.state = SessionState.CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED;
        } else {
            this.tokenInfo = AccessToken.createEmptyToken();

     * Used by version 1 of the serialization proxy, do not modify.
    Session(final String applicationId, final SessionState state, final AccessToken tokenInfo,
            final Date lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate, final boolean shouldAutoPublish,
            final AuthorizationRequest pendingAuthorizationRequest) {

        this.applicationId = applicationId;
        this.state = state;
        this.tokenInfo = tokenInfo;
        this.lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate = lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate;
        this.pendingAuthorizationRequest = pendingAuthorizationRequest;
        this.handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
        this.currentTokenRefreshRequest = null;
        this.tokenCachingStrategy = null;
        this.callbacks = new ArrayList<StatusCallback>();

     * Returns the current active Session, or null if there is none.
     * @return the current active Session, or null if there is none.
    public static final Session getActiveSession() {

        synchronized (Session.STATIC_LOCK) {
            return Session.activeSession;

    public static boolean isPublishPermission(final String permission) {

        return (permission != null) && (permission.startsWith(PUBLISH_PERMISSION_PREFIX)
                || permission.startsWith(MANAGE_PERMISSION_PREFIX)
                || OTHER_PUBLISH_PERMISSIONS.contains(permission));


     * If allowLoginUI is true, this will create a new Session, make it active, and open it. If the default token cache
     * is not available, then this will request the permissions provided (and basic permissions of no permissions are
     * provided). If the default token cache is available and cached tokens are loaded, this will use the cached token
     * and associated permissions.
     * <p/>
     * If allowedLoginUI is false, this will only create the active session and open it if it requires no user
     * interaction (i.e. the token cache is available and there are cached tokens).
     * @param activity The Activity that is opening the new Session.
     * @param allowLoginUI if false, only sets the active session and opens it if it does not require user interaction
     * @param permissions The permissions to request for this Session
     * @param callback The {@link StatusCallback SessionStatusCallback} to notify regarding Session state changes. May
     *            be null.
     * @return The new Session or null if one could not be created
    public static Session openActiveSession(final Activity activity, final boolean allowLoginUI,
            final List<String> permissions, final StatusCallback callback) {

        return openActiveSession(activity, allowLoginUI,
                new OpenRequest(activity).setCallback(callback).setPermissions(permissions));

     * If allowLoginUI is true, this will create a new Session, make it active, and open it. If the default token cache
     * is not available, then this will request basic permissions. If the default token cache is available and cached
     * tokens are loaded, this will use the cached token and associated permissions.
     * <p/>
     * If allowedLoginUI is false, this will only create the active session and open it if it requires no user
     * interaction (i.e. the token cache is available and there are cached tokens).
     * @param activity The Activity that is opening the new Session.
     * @param allowLoginUI if false, only sets the active session and opens it if it does not require user interaction
     * @param callback The {@link StatusCallback SessionStatusCallback} to notify regarding Session state changes. May
     *            be null.
     * @return The new Session or null if one could not be created
    public static Session openActiveSession(final Activity activity, final boolean allowLoginUI,
            final StatusCallback callback) {

        return openActiveSession(activity, allowLoginUI, new OpenRequest(activity).setCallback(callback));

     * If allowLoginUI is true, this will create a new Session, make it active, and open it. If the default token cache
     * is not available, then this will request the permissions provided (and basic permissions of no permissions are
     * provided). If the default token cache is available and cached tokens are loaded, this will use the cached token
     * and associated permissions.
     * <p/>
     * If allowedLoginUI is false, this will only create the active session and open it if it requires no user
     * interaction (i.e. the token cache is available and there are cached tokens).
     * @param context The Activity or Service creating this Session
     * @param fragment The Fragment that is opening the new Session.
     * @param allowLoginUI if false, only sets the active session and opens it if it does not require user interaction
     * @param permissions The permissions to request for this Session
     * @param callback The {@link StatusCallback SessionStatusCallback} to notify regarding Session state changes.
     * @return The new Session or null if one could not be created
    public static Session openActiveSession(final Context context, final Fragment fragment,
            final boolean allowLoginUI, final List<String> permissions, final StatusCallback callback) {

        return openActiveSession(context, allowLoginUI,
                new OpenRequest(fragment).setCallback(callback).setPermissions(permissions));

     * If allowLoginUI is true, this will create a new Session, make it active, and open it. If the default token cache
     * is not available, then this will request basic permissions. If the default token cache is available and cached
     * tokens are loaded, this will use the cached token and associated permissions.
     * <p/>
     * If allowedLoginUI is false, this will only create the active session and open it if it requires no user
     * interaction (i.e. the token cache is available and there are cached tokens).
     * @param context The Activity or Service creating this Session
     * @param fragment The Fragment that is opening the new Session.
     * @param allowLoginUI if false, only sets the active session and opens it if it does not require user interaction
     * @param callback The {@link StatusCallback SessionStatusCallback} to notify regarding Session state changes.
     * @return The new Session or null if one could not be created
    public static Session openActiveSession(final Context context, final Fragment fragment,
            final boolean allowLoginUI, final StatusCallback callback) {

        return openActiveSession(context, allowLoginUI, new OpenRequest(fragment).setCallback(callback));

     * If a cached token is available, creates and opens the session and makes it active without any user interaction,
     * otherwise this does nothing.
     * @param context The Context creating this session
     * @return The new session or null if one could not be created
    public static Session openActiveSessionFromCache(final Context context) {

        return openActiveSession(context, false, null);

     * Opens a session based on an existing Facebook access token, and also makes this session the currently active
     * session. This method should be used only in instances where an application has previously obtained an access
     * token and wishes to import it into the Session/TokenCachingStrategy-based session-management system. A primary
     * example would be an application which previously did not use the Facebook SDK for Android and implemented its own
     * session-management scheme, but wishes to implement an upgrade path for existing users so they do not need to log
     * in again when upgrading to a version of the app that uses the SDK. In general, this method will be called only
     * once, when the app detects that it has been upgraded -- after that, the usual Session lifecycle methods should be
     * used to manage the session and its associated token.
     * <p/>
     * No validation is done that the token, token source, or permissions are actually valid. It is the caller's
     * responsibility to ensure that these accurately reflect the state of the token that has been passed in, or calls
     * to the Facebook API may fail.
     * @param context the Context to use for creation the session
     * @param accessToken the access token obtained from Facebook
     * @param callback a callback that will be called when the session status changes; may be null
     * @return The new Session or null if one could not be created
    public static Session openActiveSessionWithAccessToken(final Context context, final AccessToken accessToken,
            final StatusCallback callback) {

        final Session session = new Session(context, null, null, false);

        setActiveSession(session);, callback);

        return session;

     * Restores the saved session from a Bundle, if any. Returns the restored Session or null if it could not be
     * restored. This method is intended to be called from an Activity or Fragment's onCreate method when a Session has
     * previously been saved into a Bundle via saveState to preserve a Session across Activity lifecycle events.
     * @param context the Activity or Service creating the Session, must not be null
     * @param cachingStrategy the TokenCachingStrategy to use to load and store the token. If this is null, a default
     *            token cachingStrategy that stores data in SharedPreferences will be used
     * @param callback the callback to notify for Session state changes, can be null
     * @param bundle the bundle to restore the Session from
     * @return the restored Session, or null
    public static final Session restoreSession(final Context context, final TokenCachingStrategy cachingStrategy,
            final StatusCallback callback, final Bundle bundle) {

        if (bundle == null) {
            return null;
        final byte[] data = bundle.getByteArray(SESSION_BUNDLE_SAVE_KEY);
        if (data != null) {
            final ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
            try {
                final Session session = (Session) (new ObjectInputStream(is)).readObject();
                if (cachingStrategy != null) {
                    session.tokenCachingStrategy = cachingStrategy;
                } else {
                    session.tokenCachingStrategy = new SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy(context);
                if (callback != null) {
                session.authorizationBundle = bundle.getBundle(AUTH_BUNDLE_SAVE_KEY);
                return session;
            } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Unable to restore session", e);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Unable to restore session.", e);
        return null;

     * Save the Session object into the supplied Bundle. This method is intended to be called from an Activity or
     * Fragment's onSaveInstanceState method in order to preserve Sessions across Activity lifecycle events.
     * @param session the Session to save
     * @param bundle the Bundle to save the Session to
    public static final void saveSession(final Session session, final Bundle bundle) {

        if ((bundle != null) && (session != null) && !bundle.containsKey(SESSION_BUNDLE_SAVE_KEY)) {
            final ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            try {
                new ObjectOutputStream(outputStream).writeObject(session);
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                throw new FacebookException("Unable to save session.", e);
            bundle.putByteArray(SESSION_BUNDLE_SAVE_KEY, outputStream.toByteArray());
            bundle.putBundle(AUTH_BUNDLE_SAVE_KEY, session.authorizationBundle);

     * <p>
     * Sets the current active Session.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The active Session is used implicitly by predefined Request factory methods as well as optionally by UI controls
     * in the sdk.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * It is legal to set this to null, or to a Session that is not yet open.
     * </p>
     * @param session A Session to use as the active Session, or null to indicate that there is no active Session.
    public static final void setActiveSession(final Session session) {

        synchronized (Session.STATIC_LOCK) {
            if (session != Session.activeSession) {
                final Session oldSession = Session.activeSession;

                if (oldSession != null) {

                Session.activeSession = session;

                if (oldSession != null) {

                if (session != null) {

                    if (session.isOpened()) {

    private static boolean areEqual(final Object a, final Object b) {

        if (a == null) {
            return b == null;
        return a.equals(b);

    private static Session openActiveSession(final Context context, final boolean allowLoginUI,
            final OpenRequest openRequest) {

        final Session session = new Builder(context).build();
        if (SessionState.CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED.equals(session.getState()) || allowLoginUI) {
            return session;
        return null;

    static Context getStaticContext() {

        return staticContext;

     * This parses a server response to a call to me/permissions. It will return the list of granted permissions. It
     * will optionally update a session with the requested permissions. It also handles the distinction between 1.0 and
     * 2.0 calls to the endpoint.
     * @param response The server response
     * @return A list of granted permissions or null if an error
    static PermissionsPair handlePermissionResponse(final Response response) {

        if (response.getError() != null) {
            return null;

        final GraphMultiResult result = response.getGraphObjectAs(GraphMultiResult.class);
        if (result == null) {
            return null;

        final GraphObjectList<GraphObject> data = result.getData();
        if ((data == null) || (data.size() == 0)) {
            return null;
        final List<String> grantedPermissions = new ArrayList<String>(data.size());
        final List<String> declinedPermissions = new ArrayList<String>(data.size());

        // Check if we are dealing with v2.0 or v1.0 behavior until the server is updated
        final GraphObject firstObject = data.get(0);
        if (firstObject.getProperty("permission") != null) { // v2.0
            for (final GraphObject graphObject : data) {
                final String permission = (String) graphObject.getProperty("permission");
                if (permission.equals("installed")) {
                final String status = (String) graphObject.getProperty("status");
                if (status.equals("granted")) {
                } else if (status.equals("declined")) {
        } else { // v1.0
            final Map<String, Object> permissionsMap = firstObject.asMap();
            for (final Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : permissionsMap.entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getKey().equals("installed")) {
                if ((Integer) entry.getValue() == 1) {

        return new PermissionsPair(grantedPermissions, declinedPermissions);

    static void initializeStaticContext(final Context currentContext) {

        if ((currentContext != null) && (staticContext == null)) {
            final Context applicationContext = currentContext.getApplicationContext();
            staticContext = (applicationContext != null) ? applicationContext : currentContext;

    static void postActiveSessionAction(final String action) {

        final Intent intent = new Intent(action);


    static void runWithHandlerOrExecutor(final Handler handler, final Runnable runnable) {

        if (handler != null) {
        } else {

     * Adds a callback that will be called when the state of this Session changes.
     * @param callback the callback
    public final void addCallback(final StatusCallback callback) {

        synchronized (this.callbacks) {
            if ((callback != null) && !this.callbacks.contains(callback)) {

     * Closes the local in-memory Session object, but does not clear the persisted token cache.
    public final void close() {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            final SessionState oldState = this.state;

            switch (this.state) {
            case CREATED:
            case OPENING:
                this.state = SessionState.CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED;
                this.postStateChange(oldState, this.state, new FacebookException("Log in attempt aborted."));

            case CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED:
            case OPENED:
            case OPENED_TOKEN_UPDATED:
                this.state = SessionState.CLOSED;
                this.postStateChange(oldState, this.state, null);

            case CLOSED:
            case CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED:

     * Closes the local in-memory Session object and clears any persisted token cache related to the Session.
    public final void closeAndClearTokenInformation() {

        if (this.tokenCachingStrategy != null) {

    public boolean equals(final Object otherObj) {

        if (!(otherObj instanceof Session)) {
            return false;
        final Session other = (Session) otherObj;

        return areEqual(other.applicationId, this.applicationId)
                && areEqual(other.authorizationBundle, this.authorizationBundle)
                && areEqual(other.state, this.state)
                && areEqual(other.getExpirationDate(), this.getExpirationDate());

     * Returns the access token String.
     * @return the access token String, or null if there is no access token
    public final String getAccessToken() {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            return (this.tokenInfo == null) ? null : this.tokenInfo.getToken();

     * Returns the application id associated with this Session.
     * @return the application id associated with this Session.
    public final String getApplicationId() {

        return this.applicationId;

     * Returns a Bundle containing data that was returned from Facebook during authorization.
     * @return a Bundle containing data that was returned from Facebook during authorization.
    public final Bundle getAuthorizationBundle() {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            return this.authorizationBundle;

     * <p>
     * Returns the list of permissions that have been requested in this session but not granted
     * </p>
     * @return the list of requested permissions that have been declined
    public final List<String> getDeclinedPermissions() {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            return (this.tokenInfo == null) ? null : this.tokenInfo.getDeclinedPermissions();

     * <p>
     * Returns the Date at which the current token will expire.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Note that Session automatically attempts to extend the lifetime of Tokens as needed when Facebook requests are
     * made.
     * </p>
     * @return the Date at which the current token will expire, or null if there is no access token
    public final Date getExpirationDate() {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            return (this.tokenInfo == null) ? null : this.tokenInfo.getExpires();

     * <p>
     * Returns the list of permissions associated with the session.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If there is a valid token, this represents the permissions granted by that token. This can change during calls to
     * {@link #requestNewReadPermissions} or {@link #requestNewPublishPermissions}.
     * </p>
     * @return the list of permissions associated with the session, or null if there is no access token
    public final List<String> getPermissions() {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            return (this.tokenInfo == null) ? null : this.tokenInfo.getPermissions();

     * Returns the current state of the Session. See {@link SessionState} for details.
     * @return the current state of the Session.
    public final SessionState getState() {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            return this.state;

    public int hashCode() {

        return 0;

    public final boolean isClosed() {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            return this.state.isClosed();

     * Returns a boolean indicating whether the session is opened.
     * @return a boolean indicating whether the session is opened.
    public final boolean isOpened() {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            return this.state.isOpened();

     * <p>
     * Returns whether a particular permission has been granted
     * </p>
     * @param permission The permission to check for
     * @return true if the permission is granted, false otherwise
    public boolean isPermissionGranted(final String permission) {

        final List<String> grantedPermissions = this.getPermissions();
        if (grantedPermissions != null) {
            return grantedPermissions.contains(permission);
        return false;

     * Provides an implementation for {@link Activity#onActivityResult onActivityResult} that updates the Session based
     * on information returned during the authorization flow. The Activity that calls open or requestNewPermissions
     * should forward the resulting onActivityResult call here to update the Session state based on the contents of the
     * resultCode and data.
     * @param currentActivity The Activity that is forwarding the onActivityResult call.
     * @param requestCode The requestCode parameter from the forwarded call. When this onActivityResult occurs as part
     *            of Facebook authorization flow, this value is the activityCode passed to open or authorize.
     * @param resultCode An int containing the resultCode parameter from the forwarded call.
     * @param data The Intent passed as the data parameter from the forwarded call.
     * @return A boolean indicating whether the requestCode matched a pending authorization request for this Session.
    public final boolean onActivityResult(final Activity currentActivity, final int requestCode,
            final int resultCode, final Intent data) {

        Validate.notNull(currentActivity, "currentActivity");


        synchronized (this.lock) {
            if ((this.pendingAuthorizationRequest == null)
                    || (requestCode != this.pendingAuthorizationRequest.getRequestCode())) {
                return false;

        Exception exception = null;
        AuthorizationClient.Result.Code code = AuthorizationClient.Result.Code.ERROR;

        if (data != null) {
            final AuthorizationClient.Result result = (AuthorizationClient.Result) data
            if (result != null) {
                // This came from LoginActivity.
                this.handleAuthorizationResult(resultCode, result);
                return true;
            } else if (this.authorizationClient != null) {
                // Delegate to the auth client.
                this.authorizationClient.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
                return true;
        } else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {
            exception = new FacebookOperationCanceledException("User canceled operation.");
            code = AuthorizationClient.Result.Code.CANCEL;

        if (exception == null) {
            exception = new FacebookException("Unexpected call to Session.onActivityResult");

        this.logAuthorizationComplete(code, null, exception);
        this.finishAuthOrReauth(null, exception);

        return true;

     * Opens a session based on an existing Facebook access token. This method should be used only in instances where an
     * application has previously obtained an access token and wishes to import it into the
     * Session/TokenCachingStrategy-based session-management system. An example would be an application which previously
     * did not use the Facebook SDK for Android and implemented its own session-management scheme, but wishes to
     * implement an upgrade path for existing users so they do not need to log in again when upgrading to a version of
     * the app that uses the SDK.
     * <p/>
     * No validation is done that the token, token source, or permissions are actually valid. It is the caller's
     * responsibility to ensure that these accurately reflect the state of the token that has been passed in, or calls
     * to the Facebook API may fail.
     * @param accessToken the access token obtained from Facebook
     * @param callback a callback that will be called when the session status changes; may be null
    public final void open(final AccessToken accessToken, final StatusCallback callback) {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            if (this.pendingAuthorizationRequest != null) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        "Session: an attempt was made to open a session that has a pending request.");

            if (this.state.isClosed()) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        "Session: an attempt was made to open a previously-closed session.");
            } else if ((this.state != SessionState.CREATED) && (this.state != SessionState.CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED)) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        "Session: an attempt was made to open an already opened session.");

            if (callback != null) {

            this.tokenInfo = accessToken;

            if (this.tokenCachingStrategy != null) {

            final SessionState oldState = this.state;
            this.state = SessionState.OPENED;
            this.postStateChange(oldState, this.state, null);


     * <p>
     * Logs a user in to Facebook.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A session may not be used with {@link Request Request} and other classes in the SDK until it is open. If, prior
     * to calling open, the session is in the {@link SessionState#CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED} state, and
     * the requested permissions are a subset of the previously authorized permissions, then the Session becomes usable
     * immediately with no user interaction.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The permissions associated with the openRequest passed to this method must be publish or manage permissions only
     * and must be non-empty. Any read permissions will result in a warning, and may fail during server-side
     * authorization. Also, an application must have at least basic read permissions prior to requesting publish
     * permissions, so this method should only be used if the application knows that the user has already granted read
     * permissions to the application; otherwise, openForRead should be used, followed by a call to
     * requestNewPublishPermissions. For more information on this flow, see
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Any open method must be called at most once, and cannot be called after the Session is closed. Calling the method
     * at an invalid time will result in UnsuportedOperationException.
     * </p>
     * @param openRequest the open request, can be null only if the Session is in the
     *            {@link SessionState#CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED} state
     * @throws FacebookException if the passed in request is null or has no permissions set.
    public final void openForPublish(final OpenRequest openRequest) {, SessionAuthorizationType.PUBLISH);

     * <p>
     * Logs a user in to Facebook.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * A session may not be used with {@link Request Request} and other classes in the SDK until it is open. If, prior
     * to calling open, the session is in the {@link SessionState#CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED} state, and
     * the requested permissions are a subset of the previously authorized permissions, then the Session becomes usable
     * immediately with no user interaction.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The permissions associated with the openRequest passed to this method must be read permissions only (or
     * null/empty). It is not allowed to pass publish permissions to this method and will result in an exception being
     * thrown.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Any open method must be called at most once, and cannot be called after the Session is closed. Calling the method
     * at an invalid time will result in UnsuportedOperationException.
     * </p>
     * @param openRequest the open request, can be null only if the Session is in the
     *            {@link SessionState#CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED} state
     * @throws FacebookException if any publish or manage permissions are requested
    public final void openForRead(final OpenRequest openRequest) {, SessionAuthorizationType.READ);

     * <p>
     * Issues a request to refresh the permissions on the session.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If successful, this will update the permissions and call the app back with
     * {@link SessionState#OPENED_TOKEN_UPDATED}. The session can then be queried to see the granted and declined
     * permissions. If this fails because the user has removed the app, the session will close.
     * </p>
    public final void refreshPermissions() {

        final Request request = new Request(this, "me/permissions");
        request.setCallback(new Request.Callback() {

            public void onCompleted(final Response response) {

                final PermissionsPair permissionsPair = handlePermissionResponse(response);
                if (permissionsPair != null) {
                    // Update our token with the refreshed permissions
                    synchronized (Session.this.lock) {
                        Session.this.tokenInfo = AccessToken.createFromTokenWithRefreshedPermissions(
                                Session.this.tokenInfo, permissionsPair.getGrantedPermissions(),
                        Session.this.postStateChange(Session.this.state, SessionState.OPENED_TOKEN_UPDATED, null);

     * Removes a StatusCallback from this Session.
     * @param callback the callback
    public final void removeCallback(final StatusCallback callback) {

        synchronized (this.callbacks) {

     * <p>
     * Issues a request to add new publish or manage permissions to the Session.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If successful, this will update the set of permissions on this session to match the newPermissions. If this
     * fails, the Session remains unchanged.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The permissions associated with the newPermissionsRequest passed to this method must be publish or manage
     * permissions only and must be non-empty. Any read permissions will result in a warning, and may fail during
     * server-side authorization.
     * </p>
     * @param newPermissionsRequest the new permissions request
    public final void requestNewPublishPermissions(final NewPermissionsRequest newPermissionsRequest) {

        this.requestNewPermissions(newPermissionsRequest, SessionAuthorizationType.PUBLISH);

     * <p>
     * Issues a request to add new read permissions to the Session.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If successful, this will update the set of permissions on this session to match the newPermissions. If this
     * fails, the Session remains unchanged.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The permissions associated with the newPermissionsRequest passed to this method must be read permissions only (or
     * null/empty). It is not allowed to pass publish permissions to this method and will result in an exception being
     * thrown.
     * </p>
     * @param newPermissionsRequest the new permissions request
    public final void requestNewReadPermissions(final NewPermissionsRequest newPermissionsRequest) {

        this.requestNewPermissions(newPermissionsRequest, SessionAuthorizationType.READ);

    public String toString() {

        return new StringBuilder().append("{Session").append(" state:").append(this.state).append(", token:")
                .append((this.tokenInfo == null) ? "null" : this.tokenInfo).append(", appId:")
                .append((this.applicationId == null) ? "null" : this.applicationId).append("}").toString();

    private void autoPublishAsync() {

        AutoPublishAsyncTask asyncTask = null;
        synchronized (this) {
            if ((this.autoPublishAsyncTask == null) && Settings.getShouldAutoPublishInstall()) {
                // copy the application id to guarantee thread safety against our container.
                final String applicationId = Session.this.applicationId;

                // skip publish if we don't have an application id.
                if (applicationId != null) {
                    asyncTask = this.autoPublishAsyncTask = new AutoPublishAsyncTask(applicationId, staticContext);

        if (asyncTask != null) {

    private void finishAuthorization(final AccessToken newToken, final Exception exception) {

        final SessionState oldState = this.state;
        if (newToken != null) {
            this.tokenInfo = newToken;

            this.state = SessionState.OPENED;
        } else if (exception != null) {
            this.state = SessionState.CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED;
        this.pendingAuthorizationRequest = null;
        this.postStateChange(oldState, this.state, exception);

    private void finishReauthorization(final AccessToken newToken, final Exception exception) {

        final SessionState oldState = this.state;

        if (newToken != null) {
            this.tokenInfo = newToken;

            this.state = SessionState.OPENED_TOKEN_UPDATED;

        this.pendingAuthorizationRequest = null;
        this.postStateChange(oldState, this.state, exception);

    private AppEventsLogger getAppEventsLogger() {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            if (this.appEventsLogger == null) {
                this.appEventsLogger = AppEventsLogger.newLogger(staticContext, this.applicationId);
            return this.appEventsLogger;

    private Intent getLoginActivityIntent(final AuthorizationRequest request) {

        final Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.setClass(getStaticContext(), LoginActivity.class);

        // Let LoginActivity populate extras appropriately
        final AuthorizationClient.AuthorizationRequest authClientRequest = request.getAuthorizationClientRequest();
        final Bundle extras = LoginActivity.populateIntentExtras(authClientRequest);

        return intent;

    private void logAuthorizationComplete(final AuthorizationClient.Result.Code result,
            final Map<String, String> resultExtras, final Exception exception) {

        Bundle bundle = null;
        if (this.pendingAuthorizationRequest == null) {
            // We don't expect this to happen, but if it does, log an event for diagnostic purposes.
            bundle = AuthorizationClient.newAuthorizationLoggingBundle("");
                    "Unexpected call to logAuthorizationComplete with null pendingAuthorizationRequest.");
        } else {
            bundle = AuthorizationClient
            if (result != null) {
                bundle.putString(AuthorizationClient.EVENT_PARAM_LOGIN_RESULT, result.getLoggingValue());
            if ((exception != null) && (exception.getMessage() != null)) {
                bundle.putString(AuthorizationClient.EVENT_PARAM_ERROR_MESSAGE, exception.getMessage());

            // Combine extras from the request and from the result.
            JSONObject jsonObject = null;
            if (this.pendingAuthorizationRequest.loggingExtras.isEmpty() == false) {
                jsonObject = new JSONObject(this.pendingAuthorizationRequest.loggingExtras);
            if (resultExtras != null) {
                if (jsonObject == null) {
                    jsonObject = new JSONObject();
                try {
                    for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : resultExtras.entrySet()) {
                        jsonObject.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                } catch (final JSONException e) {
            if (jsonObject != null) {
                bundle.putString(AuthorizationClient.EVENT_PARAM_EXTRAS, jsonObject.toString());
        bundle.putLong(AuthorizationClient.EVENT_PARAM_TIMESTAMP, System.currentTimeMillis());

        final AppEventsLogger logger = this.getAppEventsLogger();
        logger.logSdkEvent(AuthorizationClient.EVENT_NAME_LOGIN_COMPLETE, null, bundle);

    private void logAuthorizationStart() {

        final Bundle bundle = AuthorizationClient
        bundle.putLong(AuthorizationClient.EVENT_PARAM_TIMESTAMP, System.currentTimeMillis());

        // Log what we already know about the call in start event
        try {
            final JSONObject extras = new JSONObject();
            extras.put(AuthorizationClient.EVENT_EXTRAS_REQUEST_CODE, this.pendingAuthorizationRequest.requestCode);
            extras.put(AuthorizationClient.EVENT_EXTRAS_IS_LEGACY, this.pendingAuthorizationRequest.legacy);
                    TextUtils.join(",", this.pendingAuthorizationRequest.permissions));
            bundle.putString(AuthorizationClient.EVENT_PARAM_EXTRAS, extras.toString());
        } catch (final JSONException e) {

        final AppEventsLogger logger = this.getAppEventsLogger();
        logger.logSdkEvent(AuthorizationClient.EVENT_NAME_LOGIN_START, null, bundle);

    private void open(final OpenRequest openRequest, final SessionAuthorizationType authType) {

        this.validatePermissions(openRequest, authType);

        SessionState newState;
        synchronized (this.lock) {
            if (this.pendingAuthorizationRequest != null) {
                this.postStateChange(this.state, this.state, new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        "Session: an attempt was made to open a session that has a pending request."));
            final SessionState oldState = this.state;

            switch (this.state) {
            case CREATED:
                this.state = newState = SessionState.OPENING;
                if (openRequest == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("openRequest cannot be null when opening a new Session");
                this.pendingAuthorizationRequest = openRequest;
            case CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED:
                if ((openRequest != null) && !Utility.isNullOrEmpty(openRequest.getPermissions())) {
                    if (!Utility.isSubset(openRequest.getPermissions(), this.getPermissions())) {
                        this.pendingAuthorizationRequest = openRequest;
                if (this.pendingAuthorizationRequest == null) {
                    this.state = newState = SessionState.OPENED;
                } else {
                    this.state = newState = SessionState.OPENING;
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                        "Session: an attempt was made to open an already opened session.");
            if (openRequest != null) {
            this.postStateChange(oldState, newState, null);

        if (newState == SessionState.OPENING) {

    // have a readObject that throws to prevent spoofing
    private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream stream) throws InvalidObjectException {

        throw new InvalidObjectException("Cannot readObject, serialization proxy required");

    private void requestNewPermissions(final NewPermissionsRequest newPermissionsRequest,
            final SessionAuthorizationType authType) {

        this.validatePermissions(newPermissionsRequest, authType);

        if (newPermissionsRequest != null) {
            synchronized (this.lock) {
                if (this.pendingAuthorizationRequest != null) {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                            "Session: an attempt was made to request new permissions for a session that has a pending request.");
                if (this.state.isOpened()) {
                    this.pendingAuthorizationRequest = newPermissionsRequest;
                } else if (this.state.isClosed()) {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                            "Session: an attempt was made to request new permissions for a session that has been closed.");
                } else {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                            "Session: an attempt was made to request new permissions for a session that is not currently open.");


    private boolean resolveIntent(final Intent intent) {

        final ResolveInfo resolveInfo = getStaticContext().getPackageManager().resolveActivity(intent, 0);
        if (resolveInfo == null) {
            return false;
        return true;

    private void saveTokenToCache(final AccessToken newToken) {

        if ((newToken != null) && (this.tokenCachingStrategy != null)) {

    private void tryLegacyAuth(final AuthorizationRequest request) {

        this.authorizationClient = new AuthorizationClient();
        this.authorizationClient.setOnCompletedListener(new AuthorizationClient.OnCompletedListener() {

            public void onCompleted(final AuthorizationClient.Result result) {

                int activityResult;
                if (result.code == AuthorizationClient.Result.Code.CANCEL) {
                    activityResult = Activity.RESULT_CANCELED;
                } else {
                    activityResult = Activity.RESULT_OK;
                Session.this.handleAuthorizationResult(activityResult, result);

    private boolean tryLoginActivity(final AuthorizationRequest request) {

        final Intent intent = this.getLoginActivityIntent(request);

        if (!this.resolveIntent(intent)) {
            return false;

        try {
            request.getStartActivityDelegate().startActivityForResult(intent, request.getRequestCode());
        } catch (final ActivityNotFoundException e) {
            return false;

        return true;

    private void validateLoginBehavior(final AuthorizationRequest request) {

        if ((request != null) && !request.legacy) {
            final Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.setClass(getStaticContext(), LoginActivity.class);
            if (!this.resolveIntent(intent)) {
                throw new FacebookException(String.format(
                        "Cannot use SessionLoginBehavior %s when %s is not declared as an activity in AndroidManifest.xml",
                        request.getLoginBehavior(), LoginActivity.class.getName()));

    private void validatePermissions(final AuthorizationRequest request, final SessionAuthorizationType authType) {

        if ((request == null) || Utility.isNullOrEmpty(request.getPermissions())) {
            if (SessionAuthorizationType.PUBLISH.equals(authType)) {
                throw new FacebookException("Cannot request publish or manage authorization with no permissions.");
            return; // nothing to check
        for (final String permission : request.getPermissions()) {
            if (isPublishPermission(permission)) {
                if (SessionAuthorizationType.READ.equals(authType)) {
                    throw new FacebookException(String.format(
                            "Cannot pass a publish or manage permission (%s) to a request for read authorization",
            } else {
                if (SessionAuthorizationType.PUBLISH.equals(authType)) {
                    Log.w(TAG, String.format(
                            "Should not pass a read permission (%s) to a request for publish or manage authorization",

    private Object writeReplace() {

        return new SerializationProxyV1(this.applicationId, this.state, this.tokenInfo,
                this.lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate, false, this.pendingAuthorizationRequest);

    void authorize(final AuthorizationRequest request) {

        boolean started = false;




        started = this.tryLoginActivity(request);

                started ? AppEventsConstants.EVENT_PARAM_VALUE_YES : AppEventsConstants.EVENT_PARAM_VALUE_NO);

        if (!started && request.legacy) {

            started = true;

        if (!started) {
            synchronized (this.lock) {
                final SessionState oldState = this.state;

                switch (this.state) {
                case CLOSED:
                case CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED:

                    this.state = SessionState.CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED;

                    final Exception exception = new FacebookException(
                            "Log in attempt failed: LoginActivity could not be started, and not legacy request");
                    this.logAuthorizationComplete(AuthorizationClient.Result.Code.ERROR, null, exception);
                    this.postStateChange(oldState, this.state, exception);

    void extendAccessToken() {

        TokenRefreshRequest newTokenRefreshRequest = null;
        synchronized (this.lock) {
            if (this.currentTokenRefreshRequest == null) {
                newTokenRefreshRequest = new TokenRefreshRequest();
                this.currentTokenRefreshRequest = newTokenRefreshRequest;

        if (newTokenRefreshRequest != null) {

    void extendAccessTokenIfNeeded() {

        if (this.shouldExtendAccessToken()) {

    void extendTokenCompleted(final Bundle bundle) {

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            final SessionState oldState = this.state;

            switch (this.state) {
            case OPENED:
                this.state = SessionState.OPENED_TOKEN_UPDATED;
                this.postStateChange(oldState, this.state, null);
            case OPENED_TOKEN_UPDATED:
                // Silently ignore attempts to refresh token if we are not open
                Log.d(TAG, "refreshToken ignored in state " + this.state);
            this.tokenInfo = AccessToken.createFromRefresh(this.tokenInfo, bundle);
            if (this.tokenCachingStrategy != null) {

    void finishAuthOrReauth(AccessToken newToken, Exception exception) {

        // If the token we came up with is expired/invalid, then auth failed.
        if ((newToken != null) && newToken.isInvalid()) {
            newToken = null;
            exception = new FacebookException("Invalid access token.");

        synchronized (this.lock) {
            switch (this.state) {
            case OPENING:
                // This means we are authorizing for the first time in this Session.
                this.finishAuthorization(newToken, exception);

            case OPENED:
            case OPENED_TOKEN_UPDATED:
                // This means we are reauthorizing.
                this.finishReauthorization(newToken, exception);

            case CREATED:
            case CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED:
            case CLOSED:
            case CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED:
                Log.d(TAG, "Unexpected call to finishAuthOrReauth in state " + this.state);

    Date getLastAttemptedTokenExtendDate() {

        return this.lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate;

    AccessToken getTokenInfo() {

        return this.tokenInfo;

    void handleAuthorizationResult(final int resultCode, final AuthorizationClient.Result result) {

        AccessToken newToken = null;
        Exception exception = null;
        if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
            if (result.code == AuthorizationClient.Result.Code.SUCCESS) {
                newToken = result.token;
            } else {
                exception = new FacebookAuthorizationException(result.errorMessage);
        } else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {
            exception = new FacebookOperationCanceledException(result.errorMessage);

        this.logAuthorizationComplete(result.code, result.loggingExtras, exception);

        this.authorizationClient = null;
        this.finishAuthOrReauth(newToken, exception);

    void postStateChange(final SessionState oldState, final SessionState newState, final Exception exception) {

        // When we request new permissions, we stay in SessionState.OPENED_TOKEN_UPDATED,
        // but we still want notifications of the state change since permissions are
        // different now.
        if ((oldState == newState) && (oldState != SessionState.OPENED_TOKEN_UPDATED) && (exception == null)) {

        if (newState.isClosed()) {
            this.tokenInfo = AccessToken.createEmptyToken();

        // Need to schedule the callbacks inside the same queue to preserve ordering.
        // Otherwise these callbacks could have been added to the queue before the SessionTracker
        // gets the ACTIVE_SESSION_SET action.
        final Runnable runCallbacks = new Runnable() {

            public void run() {

                synchronized (Session.this.callbacks) {
                    for (final StatusCallback callback : Session.this.callbacks) {
                        final Runnable closure = new Runnable() {

                            public void run() {

                                // This can be called inside a synchronized block.
                      , newState, exception);

                        runWithHandlerOrExecutor(Session.this.handler, closure);
        runWithHandlerOrExecutor(this.handler, runCallbacks);

        if (this == Session.activeSession) {
            if (oldState.isOpened() != newState.isOpened()) {
                if (newState.isOpened()) {
                } else {

    void setCurrentTokenRefreshRequest(final TokenRefreshRequest request) {

        this.currentTokenRefreshRequest = request;

    void setLastAttemptedTokenExtendDate(final Date lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate) {

        this.lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate = lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate;

    void setTokenInfo(final AccessToken tokenInfo) {

        this.tokenInfo = tokenInfo;

    boolean shouldExtendAccessToken() {

        if (this.currentTokenRefreshRequest != null) {
            return false;

        boolean result = false;

        final Date now = new Date();

        if (this.state.isOpened() && this.tokenInfo.getSource().canExtendToken()
                && ((now.getTime() - this.lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate.getTime()) > (TOKEN_EXTEND_RETRY_SECONDS
                        * 1000))
                && ((now.getTime() - this.tokenInfo.getLastRefresh().getTime()) > (TOKEN_EXTEND_THRESHOLD_SECONDS
                        * 1000))) {
            result = true;

        return result;

     * Base class for authorization requests {@link OpenRequest} and {@link NewPermissionsRequest}.
    public static class AuthorizationRequest implements Serializable {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        protected final StartActivityDelegate startActivityDelegate;
        protected SessionLoginBehavior loginBehavior = SessionLoginBehavior.SSO_WITH_FALLBACK;
        protected int requestCode = DEFAULT_AUTHORIZE_ACTIVITY_CODE;
        private StatusCallback statusCallback;
        protected boolean legacy;
        protected List<String> permissions = Collections.emptyList();
        protected SessionDefaultAudience defaultAudience = SessionDefaultAudience.FRIENDS;
        private String applicationId;
        private String validateSameFbidAsToken;
        private final String authId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        protected final Map<String, String> loggingExtras = new HashMap<String, String>();

         * Constructor to be used for V1 serialization only, DO NOT CHANGE.
        private AuthorizationRequest(final SessionLoginBehavior loginBehavior, final int requestCode,
                final List<String> permissions, final String defaultAudience, final boolean isLegacy,
                final String applicationId, final String validateSameFbidAsToken) {

            this.startActivityDelegate = new StartActivityDelegate() {

                public Activity getActivityContext() {

                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                            "Cannot create an AuthorizationRequest without a valid Activity or Fragment");

                public void startActivityForResult(final Intent intent, final int requestCode) {

                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                            "Cannot create an AuthorizationRequest without a valid Activity or Fragment");
            this.loginBehavior = loginBehavior;
            this.requestCode = requestCode;
            this.permissions = permissions;
            this.defaultAudience = SessionDefaultAudience.valueOf(defaultAudience);
            this.legacy = isLegacy;
            this.applicationId = applicationId;
            this.validateSameFbidAsToken = validateSameFbidAsToken;

        AuthorizationRequest(final Activity activity) {

            this.startActivityDelegate = new StartActivityDelegate() {

                public Activity getActivityContext() {

                    return activity;

                public void startActivityForResult(final Intent intent, final int requestCode) {

                    activity.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);

        AuthorizationRequest(final Fragment fragment) {

            this.startActivityDelegate = new StartActivityDelegate() {

                public Activity getActivityContext() {

                    return fragment.getActivity();

                public void startActivityForResult(final Intent intent, final int requestCode) {

                    fragment.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);

         * Used for backwards compatibility with only, DO NOT USE.
         * @param isLegacy
        public void setIsLegacy(final boolean isLegacy) {

            this.legacy = isLegacy;

        // have a readObject that throws to prevent spoofing; must be private so serializer will call it (will be
        // called automatically prior to any base class)
        private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream stream) throws InvalidObjectException {

            throw new InvalidObjectException("Cannot readObject, serialization proxy required");

        String getApplicationId() {

            return this.applicationId;

        String getAuthId() {

            return this.authId;

        AuthorizationClient.AuthorizationRequest getAuthorizationClientRequest() {

            final AuthorizationClient.StartActivityDelegate delegate = new AuthorizationClient.StartActivityDelegate() {

                public Activity getActivityContext() {

                    return AuthorizationRequest.this.startActivityDelegate.getActivityContext();

                public void startActivityForResult(final Intent intent, final int requestCode) {

                    AuthorizationRequest.this.startActivityDelegate.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);
            return new AuthorizationClient.AuthorizationRequest(this.loginBehavior, this.requestCode, this.legacy,
                    this.permissions, this.defaultAudience, this.applicationId, this.validateSameFbidAsToken,
                    delegate, this.authId);

        StatusCallback getCallback() {

            return this.statusCallback;

        SessionDefaultAudience getDefaultAudience() {

            return this.defaultAudience;

        SessionLoginBehavior getLoginBehavior() {

            return this.loginBehavior;

        List<String> getPermissions() {

            return this.permissions;

        int getRequestCode() {

            return this.requestCode;

        StartActivityDelegate getStartActivityDelegate() {

            return this.startActivityDelegate;

        String getValidateSameFbidAsToken() {

            return this.validateSameFbidAsToken;

        boolean isLegacy() {

            return this.legacy;

        void setApplicationId(final String applicationId) {

            this.applicationId = applicationId;

        AuthorizationRequest setCallback(final StatusCallback statusCallback) {

            this.statusCallback = statusCallback;
            return this;

        AuthorizationRequest setDefaultAudience(final SessionDefaultAudience defaultAudience) {

            if (defaultAudience != null) {
                this.defaultAudience = defaultAudience;
            return this;

        AuthorizationRequest setLoginBehavior(final SessionLoginBehavior loginBehavior) {

            if (loginBehavior != null) {
                this.loginBehavior = loginBehavior;
            return this;

        AuthorizationRequest setPermissions(final List<String> permissions) {

            if (permissions != null) {
                this.permissions = permissions;
            return this;

        AuthorizationRequest setPermissions(final String... permissions) {

            return this.setPermissions(Arrays.asList(permissions));

        AuthorizationRequest setRequestCode(final int requestCode) {

            if (requestCode >= 0) {
                this.requestCode = requestCode;
            return this;

        void setValidateSameFbidAsToken(final String validateSameFbidAsToken) {

            this.validateSameFbidAsToken = validateSameFbidAsToken;

        // package private so subclasses can use it
        Object writeReplace() {

            return new AuthRequestSerializationProxyV1(this.loginBehavior, this.requestCode, this.permissions,
          , this.legacy, this.applicationId, this.validateSameFbidAsToken);

        private static class AuthRequestSerializationProxyV1 implements Serializable {

            private static final long serialVersionUID = -8748347685113614927L;
            private final SessionLoginBehavior loginBehavior;
            private final int requestCode;
            private final boolean isLegacy;
            private final List<String> permissions;
            private final String defaultAudience;
            private final String applicationId;
            private final String validateSameFbidAsToken;

            private AuthRequestSerializationProxyV1(final SessionLoginBehavior loginBehavior, final int requestCode,
                    final List<String> permissions, final String defaultAudience, final boolean isLegacy,
                    final String applicationId, final String validateSameFbidAsToken) {

                this.loginBehavior = loginBehavior;
                this.requestCode = requestCode;
                this.permissions = permissions;
                this.defaultAudience = defaultAudience;
                this.isLegacy = isLegacy;
                this.applicationId = applicationId;
                this.validateSameFbidAsToken = validateSameFbidAsToken;

            private Object readResolve() {

                return new AuthorizationRequest(this.loginBehavior, this.requestCode, this.permissions,
                        this.defaultAudience, this.isLegacy, this.applicationId, this.validateSameFbidAsToken);

     * Builder class used to create a Session.
    public static final class Builder {

        private final Context context;
        private String applicationId;
        private TokenCachingStrategy tokenCachingStrategy;

         * Constructs a new Builder associated with the context.
         * @param context the Activity or Service starting the Session
        public Builder(final Context context) {

            this.context = context;

         * Build the Session.
         * @return a new Session
        public Session build() {

            return new Session(this.context, this.applicationId, this.tokenCachingStrategy);

         * Sets the application id for the Session.
         * @param applicationId the application id
         * @return the Builder instance
        public Builder setApplicationId(final String applicationId) {

            this.applicationId = applicationId;
            return this;

         * Sets the TokenCachingStrategy for the Session.
         * @param tokenCachingStrategy the token cache to use
         * @return the Builder instance
        public Builder setTokenCachingStrategy(final TokenCachingStrategy tokenCachingStrategy) {

            this.tokenCachingStrategy = tokenCachingStrategy;
            return this;

     * A request to be used to request new permissions for a Session.
    public static final class NewPermissionsRequest extends AuthorizationRequest {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

         * Constructs a NewPermissionsRequest.
         * @param activity the Activity used to issue the request
         * @param permissions additional permissions to request
        public NewPermissionsRequest(final Activity activity, final List<String> permissions) {


         * Constructs a NewPermissionsRequest.
         * @param activity the Activity used to issue the request
         * @param permissions additional permissions to request
        public NewPermissionsRequest(final Activity activity, final String... permissions) {


         * Constructs a NewPermissionsRequest.
         * @param fragment the Fragment used to issue the request
         * @param permissions additional permissions to request
        public NewPermissionsRequest(final Fragment fragment, final List<String> permissions) {


         * Constructs a NewPermissionsRequest.
         * @param fragment the Fragment used to issue the request
         * @param permissions additional permissions to request
        public NewPermissionsRequest(final Fragment fragment, final String... permissions) {


         * Sets the StatusCallback for the NewPermissionsRequest. Note that once the request is made, this callback will
         * be added to the session, and will receive all future state changes on the session.
         * @param statusCallback The {@link StatusCallback SessionStatusCallback} to notify regarding Session state
         *            changes.
         * @return the NewPermissionsRequest object to allow for chaining
        public final NewPermissionsRequest setCallback(final StatusCallback statusCallback) {

            return this;

         * Sets the defaultAudience for the OpenRequest.
         * @param defaultAudience A SessionDefaultAudience representing the default audience setting to request.
         * @return the NewPermissionsRequest object to allow for chaining
        public final NewPermissionsRequest setDefaultAudience(final SessionDefaultAudience defaultAudience) {

            return this;

         * Sets the login behavior for the NewPermissionsRequest.
         * @param loginBehavior The {@link SessionLoginBehavior SessionLoginBehavior} that specifies what behaviors
         *            should be attempted during authorization.
         * @return the NewPermissionsRequest object to allow for chaining
        public final NewPermissionsRequest setLoginBehavior(final SessionLoginBehavior loginBehavior) {

            return this;

         * Sets the request code for the NewPermissionsRequest.
         * @param requestCode An integer that identifies this request. This integer will be used as the request code in
         *            {@link Activity#onActivityResult onActivityResult}. This integer should be >= 0. If a value < 0 is
         *            passed in, then a default value will be used.
         * @return the NewPermissionsRequest object to allow for chaining
        public final NewPermissionsRequest setRequestCode(final int requestCode) {

            return this;

        AuthorizationClient.AuthorizationRequest getAuthorizationClientRequest() {

            final AuthorizationClient.AuthorizationRequest request = super.getAuthorizationClientRequest();
            return request;

     * A request used to open a Session.
    public static final class OpenRequest extends AuthorizationRequest {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

         * Constructs an OpenRequest.
         * @param activity the Activity to use to open the Session
        public OpenRequest(final Activity activity) {


         * Constructs an OpenRequest.
         * @param fragment the Fragment to use to open the Session
        public OpenRequest(final Fragment fragment) {


         * Sets the StatusCallback for the OpenRequest.
         * @param statusCallback The {@link StatusCallback SessionStatusCallback} to notify regarding Session state
         *            changes.
         * @return the OpenRequest object to allow for chaining
        public final OpenRequest setCallback(final StatusCallback statusCallback) {

            return this;

         * Sets the defaultAudience for the OpenRequest.
         * <p/>
         * This is only used during Native login using a sufficiently recent facebook app.
         * @param defaultAudience A SessionDefaultAudience representing the default audience setting to request.
         * @return the OpenRequest object to allow for chaining
        public final OpenRequest setDefaultAudience(final SessionDefaultAudience defaultAudience) {

            return this;

         * Sets the login behavior for the OpenRequest.
         * @param loginBehavior The {@link SessionLoginBehavior SessionLoginBehavior} that specifies what behaviors
         *            should be attempted during authorization.
         * @return the OpenRequest object to allow for chaining
        public final OpenRequest setLoginBehavior(final SessionLoginBehavior loginBehavior) {

            return this;

         * Sets the permissions for the OpenRequest.
         * @param permissions A List&lt;String&gt; representing the permissions to request during the authentication
         *            flow. A null or empty List represents basic permissions.
         * @return the OpenRequest object to allow for chaining
        public final OpenRequest setPermissions(final List<String> permissions) {

            return this;

         * Sets the permissions for the OpenRequest.
         * @param permissions the permissions to request during the authentication flow.
         * @return the OpenRequest object to allow for chaining
        public final OpenRequest setPermissions(final String... permissions) {

            return this;

         * Sets the request code for the OpenRequest.
         * @param requestCode An integer that identifies this request. This integer will be used as the request code in
         *            {@link Activity#onActivityResult onActivityResult}. This integer should be >= 0. If a value < 0 is
         *            passed in, then a default value will be used.
         * @return the OpenRequest object to allow for chaining
        public final OpenRequest setRequestCode(final int requestCode) {

            return this;

     * Provides asynchronous notification of Session state changes.
     * @see Session#open open
    public interface StatusCallback {

        void call(Session session, SessionState state, Exception exception);

     * Async implementation to allow auto publishing to not block the ui thread.
    private class AutoPublishAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {

        private final String mApplicationId;
        private final Context mApplicationContext;

        public AutoPublishAsyncTask(final String applicationId, final Context context) {

            this.mApplicationId = applicationId;
            this.mApplicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();

        protected Void doInBackground(final Void... voids) {

            try {
                Settings.publishInstallAndWaitForResponse(this.mApplicationContext, this.mApplicationId, true);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                // Utility.logd("Facebook-publish", e);
            return null;

        protected void onPostExecute(final Void result) {

            // always clear out the publisher to allow other invocations.
            synchronized (Session.this) {
                Session.this.autoPublishAsyncTask = null;

     * Serialization proxy for the Session class. This is version 1 of serialization. Future serializations may differ
     * in format. This class should not be modified. If serializations formats change, create a new class
     * SerializationProxyVx.
    private static class SerializationProxyV1 implements Serializable {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 7663436173185080063L;
        private final String applicationId;
        private final SessionState state;
        private final AccessToken tokenInfo;
        private final Date lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate;
        private final boolean shouldAutoPublish;
        private final AuthorizationRequest pendingAuthorizationRequest;

        SerializationProxyV1(final String applicationId, final SessionState state, final AccessToken tokenInfo,
                final Date lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate, final boolean shouldAutoPublish,
                final AuthorizationRequest pendingAuthorizationRequest) {

            this.applicationId = applicationId;
            this.state = state;
            this.tokenInfo = tokenInfo;
            this.lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate = lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate;
            this.shouldAutoPublish = shouldAutoPublish;
            this.pendingAuthorizationRequest = pendingAuthorizationRequest;

        private Object readResolve() {

            return new Session(this.applicationId, this.state, this.tokenInfo, this.lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate,
                    this.shouldAutoPublish, this.pendingAuthorizationRequest);

     * Serialization proxy for the Session class. This is version 2 of serialization. Future serializations may differ
     * in format. This class should not be modified. If serializations formats change, create a new class
     * SerializationProxyVx.
    private static class SerializationProxyV2 implements Serializable {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 7663436173185080064L;
        private final String applicationId;
        private final SessionState state;
        private final AccessToken tokenInfo;
        private final Date lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate;
        private final boolean shouldAutoPublish;
        private final AuthorizationRequest pendingAuthorizationRequest;
        private final Set<String> requestedPermissions;

        SerializationProxyV2(final String applicationId, final SessionState state, final AccessToken tokenInfo,
                final Date lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate, final boolean shouldAutoPublish,
                final AuthorizationRequest pendingAuthorizationRequest, final Set<String> requestedPermissions) {

            this.applicationId = applicationId;
            this.state = state;
            this.tokenInfo = tokenInfo;
            this.lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate = lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate;
            this.shouldAutoPublish = shouldAutoPublish;
            this.pendingAuthorizationRequest = pendingAuthorizationRequest;
            this.requestedPermissions = requestedPermissions;

        private Object readResolve() {

            return new Session(this.applicationId, this.state, this.tokenInfo, this.lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate,
                    this.shouldAutoPublish, this.pendingAuthorizationRequest, this.requestedPermissions);

     * Internal helper class that is used to hold two different permission lists (granted and declined)
    static class PermissionsPair {

        List<String> grantedPermissions;
        List<String> declinedPermissions;

        public PermissionsPair(final List<String> grantedPermissions, final List<String> declinedPermissions) {

            this.grantedPermissions = grantedPermissions;
            this.declinedPermissions = declinedPermissions;

        public List<String> getDeclinedPermissions() {

            return this.declinedPermissions;

        public List<String> getGrantedPermissions() {

            return this.grantedPermissions;

    interface StartActivityDelegate {

        Activity getActivityContext();

        void startActivityForResult(Intent intent, int requestCode);

    class TokenRefreshRequest implements ServiceConnection {

        final Messenger messageReceiver = new Messenger(new TokenRefreshRequestHandler(Session.this, this));

        Messenger messageSender;

        public void bind() {

            final Intent intent = NativeProtocol.createTokenRefreshIntent(getStaticContext());
            if ((intent != null) && staticContext.bindService(intent, this, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE)) {
                Session.this.setLastAttemptedTokenExtendDate(new Date());
            } else {

        public void onServiceConnected(final ComponentName className, final IBinder service) {

            this.messageSender = new Messenger(service);

        public void onServiceDisconnected(final ComponentName arg) {


            // We returned an error so there's no point in
            // keeping the binding open.

        private void refreshToken() {

            final Bundle requestData = new Bundle();
            requestData.putString(AccessToken.ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY, Session.this.getTokenInfo().getToken());

            final Message request = Message.obtain();
            request.replyTo = this.messageReceiver;

            try {
            } catch (final RemoteException e) {

        protected void cleanup() {

            if (Session.this.currentTokenRefreshRequest == this) {
                Session.this.currentTokenRefreshRequest = null;


    // Creating a static Handler class to reduce the possibility of a memory leak.
    // Handler objects for the same thread all share a common Looper object, which they post messages
    // to and read from. As messages contain target Handler, as long as there are messages with target
    // handler in the message queue, the handler cannot be garbage collected. If handler is not static,
    // the instance of the containing class also cannot be garbage collected even if it is destroyed.
    static class TokenRefreshRequestHandler extends Handler {

        private final WeakReference<Session> sessionWeakReference;
        private final WeakReference<TokenRefreshRequest> refreshRequestWeakReference;

        TokenRefreshRequestHandler(final Session session, final TokenRefreshRequest refreshRequest) {

            this.sessionWeakReference = new WeakReference<Session>(session);
            this.refreshRequestWeakReference = new WeakReference<TokenRefreshRequest>(refreshRequest);

        public void handleMessage(final Message msg) {

            final String token = msg.getData().getString(AccessToken.ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY);
            final Session session = this.sessionWeakReference.get();

            if ((session != null) && (token != null)) {

            final TokenRefreshRequest request = this.refreshRequestWeakReference.get();
            if (request != null) {
                // The refreshToken function should be called rarely,
                // so there is no point in keeping the binding open.