Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of the Harmony package. * * (c) Mickael Gaillard <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ package; import; import; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.Namespace; import; import com.tactfactory.harmony.updater.IUpdaterFile; import com.tactfactory.harmony.utils.ConsoleUtils; import com.tactfactory.harmony.utils.TactFileUtils; import com.tactfactory.harmony.utils.XMLUtils; public final class HomeActivityUpdaterAndroid implements IUpdaterFile { private final AndroidAdapter adapter; private final String activity; private final String buttonId; public HomeActivityUpdaterAndroid(AndroidAdapter adapter, String activity, String buttonId) { this.adapter = adapter; this.activity = activity; this.buttonId = buttonId; } /** * Update Class : HomeActivity. * HomeActivity : add new Map button to Entity activity * @param activity Activity without Entity name (GMapsActivity, OSMActivity) * @param entity Entity to add */ protected final void addLaunchActivityButton() { // Update HomeActivity File file = new File(this.adapter.getHomeActivityPathFile()); if (file != null && file.isFile()) { try { String activityName = activity.substring(activity.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); String listenerTpl = String.format("\t\tthis.findViewById(;", buttonId); String caseTpl = String.format( "\t\t\tcase\n\t\t\t\tintent = new Intent(this, %s.class);\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n", buttonId, activityName); // Import Activity this.updateFileAdd(file, "import", "import", "import " + activity + ";", true); this.addButtonToMainXML(activityName, buttonId); // If Listener not set this.updateFileAdd(file, "private void initButtons() {", "private void initButtons() {", listenerTpl, false); // If case not set this.updateFileAdd(file, "public void onClick(View v) {", "switch (v.getId()) {", caseTpl, false); } catch (IOException e) { ConsoleUtils.displayError(e); } } } /** * Insert the given string into another string at given position. * @param initialString The initial string * @param insert The string to insert * @param position The position where to insert * @return The new forged string */ private String insertAtPosition(String initialString, String insert, int position) { String result = null; String begin = initialString.substring(0, position); String end = initialString.substring(position); result = begin + insert + end; return result; } /** * Add a button to main.xml. * @param text The displayed text * @param buttonId The button id */ private void addButtonToMainXML(final String text, final String buttonId) { String xmlFileName = this.adapter.getRessourceLayoutPath() + "main.xml"; Document doc = XMLUtils.openXML(xmlFileName); Namespace androidNs = doc.getRootElement().getNamespace("android"); Element linearL = doc.getRootElement().getChild("LinearLayout"); boolean alreadyExists = false; for (Element element : linearL.getChildren("Button")) { if (element.getAttributeValue("id", androidNs).equals("@+id/" + buttonId)) { alreadyExists = true; } } if (!alreadyExists) { Element newButton = new Element("Button"); newButton.setAttribute("id", "@+id/" + buttonId, androidNs); newButton.setAttribute("layout_width", "match_parent", androidNs); newButton.setAttribute("layout_height", "wrap_content", androidNs); newButton.setAttribute("text", text, androidNs); linearL.addContent(newButton); } XMLUtils.writeXMLToFile(doc, xmlFileName); } private void updateFileAdd(File file, String find, String replace, String add, boolean addBefore) throws IOException { if (file != null && file.isFile()) { String strFile = TactFileUtils.fileToString(file); if (!strFile.contains(add)) { if (strFile.contains(find)) { if (addBefore) { strFile = strFile.replaceFirst(find, add + "\n" + find); } else { strFile = strFile.replace(replace, replace + "\n" + add); } } else { int lastBracketIndex = strFile.lastIndexOf('}'); strFile = insertAtPosition(strFile, add, lastBracketIndex); } TactFileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, strFile); } } } @Override public void execute() { this.addLaunchActivityButton(); } }