Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of the Harmony package. * * (c) Mickael Gaillard <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.Namespace; import org.rauschig.jarchivelib.ArchiveFormat; import; import com.tactfactory.harmony.meta.ApplicationMetadata; import com.tactfactory.harmony.utils.ConsoleUtils; import com.tactfactory.harmony.utils.TactFileUtils; import com.tactfactory.harmony.utils.XMLUtils; import com.tactfactory.harmony.utils.threads.DownloadFileThread; import com.tactfactory.harmony.utils.threads.UnpackThread; import com.tactfactory.harmony.utils.threads.DownloadFileThread.OnDownloadFinishedListener; import com.tactfactory.harmony.utils.threads.UnpackThread.OnUnpackedFinishedListener; /** * Manager class for Android SDK. */ public class AndroidSDKManager implements OnUnpackedFinishedListener, OnDownloadFinishedListener { /** Google SDK download URL. */ public static final String SDK_URL = ""; /** Google SDK download XML repository file. */ public static final String XML_REPO_FILE = "repository-8.xml"; /** Constant for Windows. */ public static final String WINDOWS = "windows"; /** Constant for Linux. */ public static final String LINUX = "linux"; /** Constant for MacOS/X. */ public static final String MAC_OSX = "macosx"; /** * Install the Android SDK for the given OS to the given path. * @param OS The OS * @param path The path (Can be either "windows", "linux" or "macosx") * @return True if installed occurred correctly. */ /*public boolean installSDKTo(String OS, String path) { boolean result = false; String distantSDKUrl = this.findLatestSDKToolsLink(OS); this.downloadAndInstallAndroidSDK(distantSDKUrl, path); result = AndroidSDKManager.checkIfAndroidSDKExists(path); return result; }*/ /** * Download and install Android SDK to destPath. * * @param url The url of the android sdk * @param destPath The path where to install the android sdk. */ public final void downloadAndInstallAndroidSDK(final String url, final String destPath) { String destFileName = url.split("/")[url.split("/").length - 1]; try { File destination = new File(destPath); final String yes = "y"; final String no = "n"; if (!destination.exists()) { String userInput = ConsoleUtils.getValidUserInput("Folder " + destination.getAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exists. " + "Do you want to create it ? [y/n]", yes, no); if (userInput.equals(yes)) { destination.mkdirs(); } else { ConsoleUtils.display("Aborting."); return; } } else { String userInput = ConsoleUtils.getValidUserInput("Folder " + destination.getAbsolutePath() + " already exists. " + "Are you sure you want to install " + "in this folder ?" + " (All existing files will be overwritten)" + " [y/n]", yes, no); if (userInput.equals(no)) { ConsoleUtils.display("Aborting."); return; } } File destFolder = new File(destPath + "/" + destFileName); destFolder.createNewFile(); DownloadFileThread thread = new DownloadFileThread(this, url, destFolder.getAbsolutePath()); thread.start(); } catch (IOException e) { ConsoleUtils.displayError(e); } } /** * Find the latest SDK Tools link. * * @param platform The user platform * @return The latest SDK tools link */ public final String findLatestSDKToolsLink(final String platform) { String result = null; Document document = XMLUtils.getRemoteXML(SDK_URL + XML_REPO_FILE); Element root = document.getRootElement(); Namespace ns = root.getNamespace("sdk"); Element sdkTool = root.getChild("tool", ns); List<Element> sdkArchives = sdkTool.getChild("archives", ns).getChildren(); for (Element sdkArchive : sdkArchives) { if (sdkArchive.getAttribute("os").getValue().equals(platform)) { result = SDK_URL + sdkArchive.getChildText("url", ns); } } return result; } /** * Init SDK List and install dependencies. * @param sdkPath The sdk path */ public final void initSDKList(final String sdkPath) { try { final File f = new File(sdkPath + "tools/android"); // TODO : Set executable permissions for all executable files f.setExecutable(true); final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); final Process process = runtime.exec(sdkPath + "tools/android list sdk --extended"); final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); process.getErrorStream().close(); process.getOutputStream().close(); final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(line); builder.append("\n"); } reader.close(); final String inputString = builder.toString(); final AndroidSDKList list = new AndroidSDKList(); list.parseString(inputString); String id; final ArrayList<String> ids = list.getIdsLikeName("tools"); /*id = list.getIdByName("platform-tools"); if (id != null) { ids.add(id); }*/ id = list.getIdByName("android-17"); if (id != null) { ids.add(id); } id = list.getIdByName("android-10"); if (id != null) { ids.add(id); } ids.add("extra"); this.installSDKDependencies(sdkPath, ids); } catch (IOException e) { ConsoleUtils.displayError(e); } } /** * Install the given list of SDK dependencies. * @param sdkPath The path to the android sdk * @param dependencyList The dependency list (ids) */ public final void installSDKDependencies(final String sdkPath, final ArrayList<String> dependencyList) { //try { final String commandArgs = Joiner.on(',').join(dependencyList); final ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(); command.add("./android"); command.add("update"); command.add("sdk"); command.add("-t"); command.add(commandArgs); command.add("--no-ui"); ConsoleUtils.launchCommand(command, sdkPath + "tools/"); } @Override public final void onDownloadFinished(final File f) { new UnpackThread(this, f.getAbsolutePath(), f.getParent(), ArchiveFormat.ZIP).start(); } @Override public final void onUnpackedFinished(final File unpackedFile, final File folder) { unpackedFile.delete(); ConsoleUtils.display("The Android SDK has been successfuly installed into " + folder.getAbsolutePath()); this.initSDKList(folder.getAbsolutePath() + "/"); } /** * Check if sdk exists at given path. * @param sdkPath The supposed sdk path * @return True if exists. false otherwise */ public static final boolean checkIfAndroidSDKExists(final String sdkPath) { boolean result = false; File file = new File(sdkPath + "/tools/android"); result = file.exists(); if (!result) { file = new File(sdkPath + "/tools/android.bat"); result = file.exists(); } return result; } /** * Copy support v4 jar into the given folder. * @param destFolder The folder where to copy the support v4 library */ public static final void copySupportV4Into(final String destFolder) { // Replace android support v4 with the one from android sdk. final File sdkFolder = new File(ApplicationMetadata.getAndroidSdkPath()); if (sdkFolder.exists()) { final File supportV4SDKOld = new File( sdkFolder.getAbsolutePath() + "/extras/android/compatibility/v4/" + "android-support-v4.jar"); final File supportV4SDKNew = new File( sdkFolder.getAbsolutePath() + "/extras/android/support/v4/" + "android-support-v4.jar"); final File supportV4Menu = new File(destFolder + "android-support-v4.jar"); if (supportV4SDKNew.exists()) { TactFileUtils.copyfile(supportV4SDKNew, supportV4Menu); ConsoleUtils.display("Support V4 copied successfuly."); } else if (supportV4SDKOld.exists()) { TactFileUtils.copyfile(supportV4SDKOld, supportV4Menu); ConsoleUtils.display("Support V4 copied successfuly."); } else { ConsoleUtils.displayWarning("SDK extras : android-support-v4 not found."); } } else { ConsoleUtils.displayWarning("SDK not found."); } } }