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/* Copyright 2004 Tacit Knowledge
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.tacitknowledge.util.migration;

import com.tacitknowledge.util.migration.jdbc.JdbcMigrationContext;
import com.tacitknowledge.util.migration.jdbc.JdbcMigrationLauncher;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

 * Discovers and executes a sequence of system patches from multiple controlled
 * systems, each of which has its own MigrationProcess.
 * @author Mike Hardy (
 * @author Artie Pesh-Imam (
 * @author Hemri Herrera (
 * @author Ulises Pulido (
 * @see com.tacitknowledge.util.migration.MigrationProcess
public class DistributedMigrationProcess extends MigrationProcess {
     * Class logger
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DistributedMigrationProcess.class);

     * The JdbcMigrationLaunchers we are controlling, keyed by system name
    private HashMap controlledSystems = new HashMap();

     * If true, any nodes of the controlled systems that are not at the system's
     * current patch level are patched to bring them in sync with the other
     * nodes. This is not enabled by default because in a distributed system, if
     * there are cross schema dependencies, then the patching of the node may
     * fail since it is being patched 'out of order'.
     * <p/>
     * For example:
     * <p/>
     * system 1 has one node system 2 has one node
     * <p/>
     * patch1 applies to system1 and creates a table patch2 applies to system2
     * and creates a table that references the table in system1 patch3 applies
     * to system2, dropping the reference to the table in system1 patch4 applies
     * to system1, dropping the table.
     * <p/>
     * Later, to add capacity, system2 has a node added. When the second node is
     * forcibly 'synced' patches 2 and 3 are applied to it. The patching fails
     * when patch2 is applied because the table no longer exists in system1.
     * <p/>
     * Therefore, forcing a sync is usually safe for systems that don't contain
     * external references, but should not be used for interdependent systems.
     * <p/>
     * Instead, it would be better to import the schema from a node already at
     * the current patch level using database tools, then the new node can
     * participate in the regular patching process.
    private boolean forceSync = false;

     * Creates a new <code>Migration</code> instance.
    public DistributedMigrationProcess() {

     * Execute a dry run of the rollback process and return a count of the
     * number of tasks which will rollback.
     * @param rollbacks              a <code>List</code> of RollbackableMigrationTasks
     * @param rollbacksWithLaunchers a <code>LinkedHashMap</code> of task to launcher
     * @return count of the number of rollbacks
    protected final int rollbackDryRun(final List rollbacks, final LinkedHashMap rollbacksWithLaunchers) {
        // take the list of rollbacks
        // iterate through the rollbacks
        // log the context in which each rollback will execute

        int taskCount = 0;

        if (isPatchSetRollbackable(rollbacks)) {
            for (Iterator i = rollbacks.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                RollbackableMigrationTask task = (RollbackableMigrationTask);
      "Will execute rollback for task '" + task.getName() + "'");
                JdbcMigrationLauncher launcher = (JdbcMigrationLauncher) rollbacksWithLaunchers.get(task);
                for (Iterator contextIterator = launcher.getContexts().keySet().iterator(); contextIterator
                        .hasNext();) {

                    MigrationContext context = (MigrationContext);
                    log.debug("Task will execute in context '" + context + "'");


        return taskCount;

     * Execute a dry run of the patch process and return a count of the number
     * of patches we would have executed.
     * @param currentPatchInfoStore   The current patch info store
     * @param migrationsWithLaunchers a map of migration task to launcher
     * @return count of the number of patches
    protected final int patchDryRun(final PatchInfoStore currentPatchInfoStore,
            final LinkedHashMap migrationsWithLaunchers) throws MigrationException {
        int taskCount = 0;

        for (Iterator i = migrationsWithLaunchers.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Entry entry = (Entry);
            MigrationTask task = (MigrationTask) entry.getKey();
            JdbcMigrationLauncher launcher = (JdbcMigrationLauncher) entry.getValue();

            if (getMigrationRunnerStrategy().shouldMigrationRun(task.getLevel(), currentPatchInfoStore)) {
      "Will execute patch task '" + getTaskLabel(task) + "'");
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    // Get all the contexts the task will execute in
                    for (Iterator j = launcher.getContexts().keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
                        MigrationContext launcherContext = (MigrationContext);
                        log.debug("Task will execute in context '" + launcherContext + "'");


        return taskCount;

     * Applies the necessary rollbacks to the system.
     * @param currentPatchInfoStore
     * @param rollbackLevels        the level that the system should rollback to
     * @param context               information and resources that are available to the migration tasks
     * @return the number of <code>RollbackableMigrationTasks</code> which have been rolled back
     * @throws MigrationException if a rollback fails
     * @Override
    public final int doRollbacks(final PatchInfoStore currentPatchInfoStore, final int[] rollbackLevels,
            final MigrationContext context, boolean forceRollback) throws MigrationException {
        log.debug("Starting doRollbacks");
        // get all of the allTasks, with launchers, then get the list of just
        // allTasks
        LinkedHashMap rollbacksWithLaunchers = getMigrationTasksWithLaunchers();
        List allTasks = new ArrayList();

        List<MigrationTask> rollbackCandidates = getMigrationRunnerStrategy().getRollbackCandidates(allTasks,
                rollbackLevels, currentPatchInfoStore);

        rollbackDryRun(rollbackCandidates, rollbacksWithLaunchers);

        if (rollbackCandidates.size() > 0) {
  "A total of " + rollbackCandidates.size() + " rollback patch tasks will execute.");
        } else {
  "System up-to-date.  No patch tasks will rollback.");

        if (isPatchSetRollbackable(rollbackCandidates) || forceRollback) {
            if (isReadOnly()) {
                throw new MigrationException("Unapplied rollbacks exist, but read-only flag is set");

            for (Iterator rollbackIterator = rollbackCandidates.iterator(); rollbackIterator.hasNext();) {
                RollbackableMigrationTask task = (RollbackableMigrationTask);
                // Execute the task in the context it was loaded from
                JdbcMigrationLauncher launcher = (JdbcMigrationLauncher) rollbacksWithLaunchers.get(task);

                // iterate through all the contexts
                for (Iterator j = launcher.getContexts().keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
                    MigrationContext launcherContext = (MigrationContext);
                    applyRollback(launcherContext, task, true);

        } else {
  "Could not complete rollback because one or more of the tasks is not rollbackable.");

        List<MigrationTask> rollbacksNotApplied = getMigrationRunnerStrategy()
                .getRollbackCandidates(rollbackCandidates, rollbackLevels, currentPatchInfoStore);

        if (rollbacksNotApplied.isEmpty()) {
  "Rollback complete (" + rollbackCandidates.size() + " patch tasks rolledback)");
        } else {
  "The system could not rollback the tasks");
        return rollbackCandidates.size() - rollbacksNotApplied.size();

     * Applies necessary patches to the system.
     * @param patchInfoStore of the system to run
     * @param context        information and resources that are available to the migration tasks
     * @return the number of <code>MigrationTask</code>s that have executed
     * @throws MigrationException if a migration fails
     * @Override
    public final int doMigrations(final PatchInfoStore patchInfoStore, final MigrationContext context)
            throws MigrationException {
        log.debug("Starting doMigrations");
        // Get all the migrations, with their launchers, then get the list of
        // just the migrations
        LinkedHashMap migrationsWithLaunchers = getMigrationTasksWithLaunchers();
        List migrations = new ArrayList();

        // make sure the migrations are okay, then sort them


        // determine how many tasks we're going to execute
        int taskCount = patchDryRun(patchInfoStore, migrationsWithLaunchers);

        if (taskCount > 0) {
  "A total of " + taskCount + " patch tasks will execute.");
        } else {
  "System up-to-date.  No patch tasks will execute.");

        // See if we should execute
        if (isReadOnly()) {
            if (taskCount > 0) {
                throw new MigrationException("Unapplied patches exist, but read-only flag is set");

  "In read-only mode - skipping patch application");
            return 0;

        // Roll through each migration, applying it if necessary
        taskCount = 0;
        for (Iterator i = migrations.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            MigrationTask task = (MigrationTask);
            int migrationLevel = task.getLevel().intValue();
            boolean shouldApplyPatch = getMigrationRunnerStrategy().shouldMigrationRun(migrationLevel,

            if (shouldApplyPatch && !forceSync) {
                // Execute the task in the context it was loaded from
                JdbcMigrationLauncher launcher = (JdbcMigrationLauncher) migrationsWithLaunchers.get(task);
                // Get all the contexts the task will execute in
                for (Iterator j = launcher.getContexts().keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
                    MigrationContext launcherContext = (MigrationContext);
                    applyPatch(launcherContext, task, true);
            } else if (forceSync)// if a sync is forced, need to check all
            // the contexts to identify the ones out of
            // sync
                boolean patchesApplied = false;
                ArrayList outOfSyncContexts = new ArrayList();

                // first need to iterate over all the contexts and determined
                // which one's are out of sync.
                // can't sync yet because if there are multiple contexts that
                // are out of sync, after the
                // first one is synced, the remaining one's have their patch
                // level updated via the
                // MigrationListener.migrationSuccessful event.
                JdbcMigrationLauncher launcher = (JdbcMigrationLauncher) migrationsWithLaunchers.get(task);
                for (Iterator j = launcher.getContexts().keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
                    MigrationContext launcherContext = (MigrationContext);
                    PatchInfoStore patchInfoStoreOfContext = (PatchInfoStore) launcher.getContexts()

                    if (!getMigrationRunnerStrategy().isSynchronized(patchInfoStore, patchInfoStoreOfContext)) {

                // next patch the contexts that have been determined to be out
                // of sync
                for (Iterator iter = outOfSyncContexts.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    MigrationContext launcherContext = (MigrationContext);
                    applyPatch(launcherContext, task, true);
                    patchesApplied = true;

                if (patchesApplied) {
            } // else if forceSync

        if (taskCount > 0) {
  "Patching complete (" + taskCount + " patch tasks executed)");
        } else {
  "System up-to-date.  No patch tasks have been run.");

        return taskCount;

     * Validates that the controlled systems are all at the current patch level.
     * @param currentPatchInfoStore
     * @throws MigrationException if all the controlled systems are not at the current patch level.
    protected final void validateControlledSystems(final PatchInfoStore currentPatchInfoStore)
            throws MigrationException {
        for (Iterator it = getControlledSystems().keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            String systemName = (String);
            JdbcMigrationLauncher launcher = (JdbcMigrationLauncher) getControlledSystems().get(systemName);
            for (Iterator contextIt = launcher.getContexts().keySet().iterator(); contextIt.hasNext();) {
                JdbcMigrationContext ctx = (JdbcMigrationContext);
                PatchInfoStore patchInfoStore = (PatchInfoStore) launcher.getContexts().get(ctx);
                if (!getMigrationRunnerStrategy().isSynchronized(currentPatchInfoStore, patchInfoStore)) {
                    String message = "Database " + ctx.getDatabaseName() + " is out of sync with system: "
                            + systemName + ".  " + ctx.getDatabaseName() + " is at patch level "
                            + Integer.toString(patchInfoStore.getPatchLevel())
                            + " and the System is at patch level "
                            + Integer.toString(currentPatchInfoStore.getPatchLevel()) + ".";
                    if (getForceSync()) {
               + "  Continuing since 'forcesync' was specified.");
                    } else {
                        throw new MigrationException(message);

     * Returns a LinkedHashMap of task/launcher pairings, regardless of patch
     * level.
     * @return LinkedHashMap containing MigrationTask / JdbcMigrationLauncher
     *         pairings
     * @throws MigrationException if one or more migration tasks could not be created
    public final LinkedHashMap getMigrationTasksWithLaunchers() throws MigrationException {
        LinkedHashMap tasks = new LinkedHashMap();

        // Roll through all our controlled system names
        for (Iterator controlledSystemIter = getControlledSystems().keySet().iterator(); controlledSystemIter
                .hasNext();) {
            // Get the sub launcher that runs patches for the current name
            String controlledSystemName = (String);
            JdbcMigrationLauncher subLauncher = (JdbcMigrationLauncher) getControlledSystems()

            // Get all the tasks for that sub launcher
            List subTasks = subLauncher.getMigrationProcess().getMigrationTasks();
  "Found " + subTasks.size() + " for system " + controlledSystemName);
            for (Iterator subTaskIter = subTasks.iterator(); subTaskIter.hasNext();) {
                MigrationTask task = (MigrationTask);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    Iterator launchers = subLauncher.getContexts().keySet().iterator();
                    String systemName = ((JdbcMigrationContext);
                    log.debug("\tMigration+Launcher binder found subtask " + task.getName()
                            + " for launcher context " + systemName);

                // store the task, related to its launcher
                tasks.put(task, subLauncher);

        return tasks;

     * Returns a List of MigrationTasks, regardless of patch level.
     * @return List containing MigrationTask objects
     * @throws MigrationException if one or more migration tasks could not be created
    public final List getMigrationTasks() throws MigrationException {
        List tasks = new ArrayList();

        for (Iterator controlledSystemIter = getControlledSystems().keySet().iterator(); controlledSystemIter
                .hasNext();) {
            String controlledSystemName = (String);
            JdbcMigrationLauncher launcher = (JdbcMigrationLauncher) getControlledSystems()
            List subTasks = launcher.getMigrationProcess().getMigrationTasks();
  "Found " + subTasks.size() + " for system " + controlledSystemName);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                for (Iterator subTaskIter = subTasks.iterator(); subTaskIter.hasNext();) {
                    log.debug("\tFound subtask " + ((MigrationTask);

        // Its difficult to tell what's going on when you don't see any patches.
        // This will help people realize they don't have patches, and perhaps
        // help them discover why.
        if (tasks.size() == 0) {
  "No patch tasks were discovered in your classpath. "
                    + "Run with DEBUG logging enabled for patch search details.");

        return tasks;

     * Get the list of systems we are controlling
     * @return HashMap of JdbcMigrationLauncher objects keyed by String system
     *         names
    public final HashMap getControlledSystems() {
        return controlledSystems;

     * Set the list of systems to control
     * @param controlledSystems HashMap of system name / JdbcMigrationLauncher pairs
    public final void setControlledSystems(final HashMap controlledSystems) {
        this.controlledSystems = controlledSystems;

    public final boolean getForceSync() {
        return forceSync;

    public final void setForceSync(final boolean forceSync) {
        this.forceSync = forceSync;