Java tutorial
/** * Copyright: (c) Syncleus, Inc. * * You may redistribute and modify this source code under the terms and * conditions of the Open Source Community License - Type C version 1.0 * or any later version as published by Syncleus, Inc. at * There should be a copy of the license included with this file. If a copy * of the license is not included you are granted no right to distribute or * otherwise use this file except through a legal and valid license. You * should also contact Syncleus, Inc. at the information below if you cannot * find a license: * * Syncleus, Inc. * 2604 South 12th Street * Philadelphia, PA 19148 */ package com.syncleus.maven.plugins.mongodb; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import java.util.HashMap; public class ReplSetInitiateConfig { private String _id; private Integer version; private MembersConfig[] members; private SettingsConfig settings; public ReplSetInitiateConfig() { } public ReplSetInitiateConfig(String _id, Integer version, MembersConfig[] members, SettingsConfig settings) { this._id = _id; this.version = version; this.members = members; this.settings = settings; } public String get_id() { return _id; } public Integer getVersion() { return version; } public MembersConfig[] getMembers() { return members; } public SettingsConfig getSettings() { return settings; } public BasicDBObject makeCommand() { final BasicDBObject cmd = new BasicDBObject(); if (_id != null && !_id.isEmpty()) cmd.put("_id", _id); if (version != null) cmd.put("version", version); if (members != null && members.length > 0) { final BasicDBList dbMembers = new BasicDBList(); for (final MembersConfig member : members) dbMembers.add(member.makeCommand()); cmd.put("members", dbMembers); } if (settings != null) cmd.put("settings", settings.makeCommand()); return cmd; } public static class MembersConfig { private Integer _id; private String host; private Boolean arbiterOnly; private Boolean buildIndexes; private Boolean hidden; private Integer priority; private HashMap<String, String> tags; private Integer slaveDelay; private Integer votes; public MembersConfig() { } public MembersConfig(Integer _id, String host, Boolean arbiterOnly, Boolean buildIndexes, Boolean hidden, Integer priority, HashMap<String, String> tags, Integer slaveDelay, Integer votes) { this._id = _id; = host; this.arbiterOnly = arbiterOnly; this.buildIndexes = buildIndexes; this.hidden = hidden; this.priority = priority; this.tags = tags; this.slaveDelay = slaveDelay; this.votes = votes; } public Integer get_id() { return _id; } public String getHost() { return host; } public Boolean getArbiterOnly() { return arbiterOnly; } public Boolean getBuildIndexes() { return buildIndexes; } public Boolean getHidden() { return hidden; } public Integer getPriority() { return priority; } public HashMap<String, String> getTags() { return tags; } public Integer getSlaveDelay() { return slaveDelay; } public Integer getVotes() { return votes; } public BasicDBObject makeCommand() { final BasicDBObject cmd = new BasicDBObject(); if (_id != null) cmd.put("_id", _id); if (host != null && !host.isEmpty()) cmd.put("host", host); if (arbiterOnly != null) cmd.put("arbiterOnly", arbiterOnly); if (hidden != null) cmd.put("hidden", arbiterOnly); if (priority != null) cmd.put("priority", priority); if (tags != null && tags.size() > 0) cmd.put("tags", new BasicDBObject(tags)); if (slaveDelay != null) cmd.put("slaveDelay", slaveDelay); if (votes != null) cmd.put("votes", votes); return cmd; } } public static class SettingsConfig { private Boolean chainingAllowed; private Integer heartbeatTimeoutSecs; private GetLastErrorModesConfig[] getLastErrorModes; //TODO: implement getLastErrorDefaults public SettingsConfig() { } public SettingsConfig(Boolean chainingAllowed, Integer heartbeatTimeoutSecs, GetLastErrorModesConfig[] getLastErrorModes) { this.chainingAllowed = chainingAllowed; this.heartbeatTimeoutSecs = heartbeatTimeoutSecs; this.getLastErrorModes = getLastErrorModes; } public Boolean getChainingAllowed() { return chainingAllowed; } public Integer getHeartbeatTimeoutSecs() { return heartbeatTimeoutSecs; } public GetLastErrorModesConfig[] getGetLastErrorModes() { return getLastErrorModes; } public BasicDBObject makeCommand() { final BasicDBObject cmd = new BasicDBObject(); if (chainingAllowed != null) cmd.put("chainingAllowed", chainingAllowed); if (heartbeatTimeoutSecs != null) cmd.put("heartbeatTimeoutSecs", heartbeatTimeoutSecs); if (getLastErrorModes != null && getLastErrorModes.length > 0) { final BasicDBObject dbGetLastErrorModes = new BasicDBObject(); for (final GetLastErrorModesConfig getLastErrorMode : getLastErrorModes) { getLastErrorMode.makeCommand(dbGetLastErrorModes); } cmd.put("getLastErrorModes", dbGetLastErrorModes); } return cmd; } public static class GetLastErrorModesConfig { private String writeConcern; private HashMap<String, String> tags; public GetLastErrorModesConfig() { } public GetLastErrorModesConfig(String writeConcern, HashMap<String, String> tags) { this.writeConcern = writeConcern; this.tags = tags; } public String getWriteConcern() { return writeConcern; } public HashMap<String, String> getTags() { return tags; } public void makeCommand(final BasicDBObject cmd) { if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { final BasicDBObject dbTags = new BasicDBObject(); dbTags.putAll(tags); cmd.put(writeConcern, dbTags); } else cmd.put(writeConcern, new BasicDBObject()); } } } }