Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
 * This class also populate ListOfPOJO_Rows a label-value-section POJO that wilol be used by other classes
package com.swg.parse.docx;

import com.swg.parse.Form213Pojo.ExtractPOJO;
import com.swg.parse.Form213Pojo.MainPOJO;
import com.swg.parse.populate.DynamicPopulatePOJO;
import com.swg.parse.populate.populatePOJOs;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import static java.lang.Character.isDigit;
import static java.lang.Character.isLetter;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFDocument;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFPictureData;

 * Extract all data from the .txt and .docx file, format them nicely and set the values of the first POJO
 * @author KXK3
public class NewExtract {
    //CopyOfContent and CopyOfPOIContent  will be constantly updated
    private static String CopyOfContent, TableTitle;
    private static int begin = 0, end = 0;
    private static int ManualColNum = 0, ManualRowNum = 0;
    private static ArrayList<String> rowLabels = new ArrayList<>();
    private static ArrayList<String> headContent = new ArrayList<>();
    private static ArrayList<String> tempCheckException = new ArrayList<>();
    private static boolean isHeader = false;
    private static int version = 0;
    private static int section = 0;
    private static String TempLab = null;

    private static ArrayList<String> labelBeforePOJO = new ArrayList<>();
    private static ArrayList<String> ValueBeforePOJO = new ArrayList<>();
    private static ArrayList<String> typeBeforePOJO = new ArrayList<>();
    private static ArrayList<Integer> sectionBeforePOJO = new ArrayList<>();
    private static ArrayList<ExtractPOJO> ListOfPOJO_Rows = new ArrayList<>();

     * object that can be used to extract all necessary data from .docx or .txt
     * @param content .txt string content
     * @param POIContent .docx string content
     * @param filePath the path to the file .docx file
     * @param Ver the version of the document
     * @param FileCnt the current value of the counter used specially when there are multiple .docx files in a directory
    public void extract(String content, String filePath, int Ver, int FileCnt) throws ParseException {

        version = Ver;
        //in case we need to use the entire content, we can re-use "content"
        CopyOfContent = content.toLowerCase();
        //in case we need to use the entire POI content, we can re-use "POI content"


        File file = new File(filePath);

        //extractImages(file.toString(), FileCnt);
        try {
            if (version == 0) {
                //always put at least end of the label and start of end string 
                FindTextField("This form is used", "DE Location ID", "");
                FindTextField("DE Location ID", "HCA Name", "");
                FindTextField("HCA Name", "Examination Number", "");
                FindTextField("Examination Number", "Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Work Request No.", "Division", "");
                FindTextField("Division", "District Number", "");
                FindTextField("District Number", "Town or County", "");
                FindTextField("Town or County", "State", "");
                FindTextField("State", "Tile Number", "");
                FindTextField("Tile Number", "Address and/or Location", "");
                FindTextField("Address and/or Location", "Inspection Company", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Company", "Date GPS Synchronized", "");
                FindTextField("Date GPS Synchronized", "Field Location (from Top of Pipe)", "");
                FindTextField("Start: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "End: GPS X", "");
                FindTextField("End: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "GPS File Name", "");
                FindTextField("GPS File Name", "Region", "");
                FindTextField("Region", "Planned Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Planned Examination Length", "Actual Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Actual Examination Length", "Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "Size", "");
                FindTextField("Size", "Material", "");
                FindTextField("Material", "Foreign Current", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Current", "Bond Present", "");
                FindTextField("Bond Present", "If Current Flow", "");
                FindTextField("If Current Flow, To:", "From:", "");
                FindTextField("From:", "CP Present", "");
                FindTextField("CP Present", "Anode Present", "");
                FindTextField("Anode Present", "% consumed", "");
                FindTextField("% consumed", "Environmental Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Temp", "Time 24-hr", "");
                FindTextField("Time 24-hr", "Weather Conditions", "");
                FindTextField("Weather Conditions", "Soil Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Conditions:", "Bedding/Shading Type", "");
                FindTextField("Bedding/Shading Type", "Rockshield Used", "");
                FindTextField("Rockshield Used", "Soil Type:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Type:", "Depth of Cover", "");
                FindTextField("Depth of Cover", "Pipe Data (as found in EMRS):", "");
                FindTextField("Nominal Size", "InDiam", "");
                FindTextField("InDiam", "Wthick", "");
                FindTextField("Wthick", "Grade", "");
                FindTextField("Grade", "Yield", "");
                FindTextField("Yield", "WkReqNo", "");
                FindTextField("WkReqNo", "Installation Month", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Month", "Installation Year", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Year", "OpsSysName", "");
                FindTextField("OpsSysName", "Weld Seam:", "");
                FindTextField("Weld Seam:", "Coating Types:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Types:", "Coating Condition:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Condition:", "Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "");
                FindTextField("Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "Type of Coating Damage", "");
                FindTextField("Type of Coating Damage", "Ground Cover Found:", "exception tableTextHeader");
                FindTextField("Ground Cover Found:", "Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "CheckBoxConflict");
                FindTextField("Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "Blistering Due to Corrosion", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("Blistering Due to Corrosion", "pH of Fluid in Blisters", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("pH of Fluid in Blisters", "I have reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("I have reviewed the procedures performed and have found them:",
                        "*If Inadequate, send comments", "");
                FindTextField("Inspected By", "Inspection Date", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Date", "Print or type name", "");
                FindTextField("Reviewed By", "Date Reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("Date Reviewed", "Print or type name", "");
                FindTextField("Soil pH at Pipe Depth", "(using Antimony half cell)", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Resistivity at Pipe Depth", "cm", ""); //strange charachters ...
                FindTextField("soil chemistry performed", "method used", "");
                FindTextField("method used - ", "results:", "");
                FindTextField("chlorides", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("nitrates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("sulfates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("6 o'clock", "bacterial samples taken", "");
                FindTextField("bacterial samples taken", "if yes, see section 6", "");
                FindTextField("asphalt and/or tar wrap samples taken", "defects:", "");
                FindTextField("defects:", "all external defects shall",
                        "labelException = Anomaly:  Coating Defect,");
                FindTextField("on the field sketch.", "see remediation", "SpecialTableForcing");
                FindTextField("Comments:", "Ultrasonic Thickness Readings", "labelException = defects comments:,");
                FindTextField("Ultrasonic Thickness Readings", "ICDA Scrub #1: Min", "colNum = 6 , vertical");
                FindTextField("ICDA Scrub #1: Min", "Max", "");
                FindTextField("Max", "WT ?%", "");
                FindTextField("WT ?%", "ICDA Scrub #2: Min", "");
                FindTextField("ICDA Scrub #2: Min", "Max", "");
                FindTextField("Max", "WT ?%", "");
                FindTextField("WT ?%", "Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Comments:", "Culture Results", "labelException = ultrasonic comments:,");
                FindTextField("Location of samples", "Collected by", "");
                FindTextField("Collected by", "Date collected", "");
                FindTextField("Date collected", "7th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("7th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "14th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("14th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "Cap Color", "");
                FindTextField("Cap Color", "Low-Nutrient Bacteria (LNB)", "isHeader");
                        "A positive reaction results in a cloudy appearance or the formation of slime, which appears as sheets or clumps.",
                        "Iron Related Bacteria (IRB)", "TableTitle = LNB");
                FindTextField("A cloudy appearance or slime DO NOT constitute a positive reaction.",
                        "Anaerobic or Facultatively Anaerobic (ANA)", "TableTitle = IRB");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction results in cloudy appearance. ", "Acid Producing Bacteria (APB)",
                        "TableTitle = ANA");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction will turn media from red to cloudy orange or cloudy yellow.",
                        "Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)", "TableTitle = APB");
                FindTextField("gray flecks does not constitute a positive reaction.", "In-Process Evaluation",
                        "TableTitle = SRB");
                FindTextField("Severity of Coating Anomaly Suspected", "Severity of Coating Anomaly Found ", "");
                FindTextField("Severity of Coating Anomaly Found", "Severity of DE Defect Found on Pipe", "");
                FindTextField("Severity of DE Defect Found on Pipe",
                        "3. Severity of the coating anomaly found was more", "");
                        "3. Severity of the coating anomaly found was more / less severe than originally prioritized?",
                        "4. Is this the initial assessment of this covered segment?", "");
                FindTextField("4. Is this the initial assessment of this covered segment?",
                        "5. If both 3a & 4b, then should the criteria in the Severity Classification Table be adjusted?",
                        "5. If both 3a & 4b, then should the criteria in the Severity Classification Table be adjusted?",
                        "6. Was corrosion found?", "");
                FindTextField("6. Was corrosion found?",
                        "7. Was this a B or C priority in which the corrosion found was deeper than 20% of the original wall thickness?",
                        "7. Was this a B or C priority in which the corrosion found was deeper than 20% of the original wall thickness?",
                        "8. Was this corrosion deeper or more severe than corrosion found on any A-priority examination in this same region?",
                        "8. Was this corrosion deeper or more severe than corrosion found on any A-priority examination in this same region?",
                        "NOTE:  If 4a, 7 and 8 are all true, then two additional", "");
                FindTextField("  9. Was the Severity Classification Table assessed for adjustments?",
                        "10. Were changes made to the Severity Classification Table?", "");
                FindTextField("10. Were changes made to the Severity Classification Table?",
                        "If Yes, document on MOC.  If No, explain why not.", "");
                FindTextField("If Yes, document on MOC.  If No, explain why not.",
                        "11. Are additional indirect inspection surveys needed on this segment?", "");
                FindTextField("11. Are additional indirect inspection surveys needed on this segment?",
                        "7B ? Root Cause", "");
                FindTextField("1. Is the corrosion considered significant?", "Only if Yes, proceed to 2,", "");
                FindTextField("2. Check the most likely root cause", "Inadequate CP current",
                FindTextField("Inadequate CP current", "Explanation for Other:", "2DimVersion1Expection"); //reserved for table section 7
                FindTextField("Explanation for Other:", "Office Work:", "");
                FindTextField("a. Was the review conducted?", "b. Do alternative methods need to be implemented?",
                FindTextField("b. Do alternative methods need to be implemented?", "Field Work:", "");
                        "4. For this HCA, has corrosion been found and a root cause determined at other locations?",
                        "Only if Yes, proceed.", "");
                        "5. For this HCA, are similar occurrences of the root cause being determined at other locations?",
                        "7C - Remaining Strength Calculation", "");
                FindTextField("Date calculation completed:", "Inspector Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Inspector?s Comments:", "Remediation Action Required?", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Action Required?", "Reference Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Reference Work Request No.", "Check one: Repair was:", "");
                FindTextField("Check one: Repair was:", "Remediation Comments: ", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Comments:", "ANOMALY SKETCH", "");

            if (version == 1) {
                //always put at least end of the label and start of end string 
                FindTextField("This form is used", "DE Location ID", "");
                FindTextField("DE Location ID", "HCA#", "");
                FindTextField("HCA#", "Examination Number", "");
                FindTextField("Examination Number", "Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Work Request No.", "Division", "");
                FindTextField("Division", "District Number", "");
                FindTextField("District Number", "Town or County", "");
                FindTextField("Town or County", "State", "");
                FindTextField("State", "Tile Number", "");
                FindTextField("Tile Number", "Address and/or Location", "");
                FindTextField("Address and/or Location", "Inspection Company", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Company", "Date GPS Synchronized", "");
                FindTextField("Date GPS Synchronized", "Field Location (from Top of Pipe)", "");
                FindTextField("Start: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "End: GPS X", "");
                FindTextField("End: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "GPS File Name", "");
                FindTextField("GPS File Name", "ECDA Region", "");
                FindTextField("ECDA Region", "Planned Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Planned Examination Length", "Actual Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Actual Examination Length", "Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "Size", "");
                FindTextField("Size", "Material", "");
                FindTextField("Material", "Foreign Current", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Current", "Bond Present", "");
                FindTextField("Bond Present", "If Current Flow", "");
                FindTextField("If Current Flow, To:", "From:", "");
                FindTextField("From:", "CP Present", "");
                FindTextField("CP Present", "Anode Present", "");
                FindTextField("Anode Present", "% consumed", "");
                FindTextField("% consumed", "Environmental Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Temp", "Time 24-hr", "");
                FindTextField("Time 24-hr", "Weather Conditions", "");
                FindTextField("Weather Conditions", "Soil Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Conditions:", "Bedding/Shading Type", "");
                FindTextField("Bedding/Shading Type", "Rockshield Used", "");
                FindTextField("Rockshield Used", "Soil Type:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Type:", "Pipe Data (as found in EMRS):", "");
                FindTextField("Nominal Size", "InDiam", "");
                FindTextField("InDiam", "Wthick", "");
                FindTextField("Wthick", "Grade", "");
                FindTextField("Grade", "Yield", "");
                FindTextField("Yield", "WkReqNo", "");
                FindTextField("WkReqNo", "Installation Month", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Month", "Installation Year", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Year", "OpsSysName", "");
                FindTextField("OpsSysName", "Weld Seam:", "");
                FindTextField("Weld Seam:", "Coating Types:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Types:", "Coating Condition:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Condition:", "Type of Coating Damage", "");
                FindTextField("Type of Coating Damage", "Holiday Detection Volt Setting",
                        "exception tableTextHeader");
                FindTextField("Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "");
                FindTextField("Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "Blistering Due to Corrosion", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("Blistering Due to Corrosion", "pH of Fluid in Blisters", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("pH of Fluid in Blisters", "I have reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("I have reviewed the procedures performed and have found them:",
                        "*If Inadequate, send comments", "");
                FindTextField("Inspected By", "Inspection Date", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Date", "Print name", "");
                FindTextField("Reviewed By", "Date Reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("Date Reviewed", "Print name", "");
                FindTextField("Soil pH at Pipe Depth", "(using Antimony half cell)", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Resistivity at Pipe Depth", "cm", ""); //strange charachters ...
                FindTextField("soil chemistry performed", "method used", "");
                FindTextField("method used - ", "results:", "");
                FindTextField("chlorides", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("nitrates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("sulfates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("6 o'clock", "bacterial samples taken", "");
                FindTextField("bacterial samples taken", "date of incubation", "");
                FindTextField("date of incubation", "asphalt and/or tar wrap samples taken", "");
                FindTextField("asphalt and/or tar wrap samples taken", "Anomaly:  Coating Defect", "");
                        "Anomaly:  Coating Defect, Pipe Damage, Corrosion and Pitting Measurements and Location (from Grid Sketch)",
                        "Cause of Corrosion:", "labelException = Anomaly:  Coating Defect,");
                FindTextField("Cause of Corrosion:",
                        "All external corrosion anomalies shall be identified and quantified below", "");
                FindTextField("sketch in Section 6 of this inspection report.", "Ultrasonic Thickness Testing",
                        "colNum = 8, manualHeader");
                FindTextField("Ultrasonic Thickness Testing", "Culture Results", "colNum = 5 , vertical");
                FindTextField("Location of samples", "Collected by", "");
                FindTextField("Collected by", "Date collected", "");
                FindTextField("Date collected", "7th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("7th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "14th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("14th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "Cap Color", "");
                FindTextField("Cap Color", "Aerobic Bacteria (AERO)", "isHeader");
                        "A positive reaction indicated by cloudy appearance or formation of slime which appears as sheets or clumps of material.",
                        "Acid Producing Bacteria (APB)", "TableTitle = AERO");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction will turn media from red to cloudy orange or cloudy yellow.",
                        "Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)", "TableTitle = APB");
                FindTextField("gray flecks does not constitute a positive reaction.", "Iron Related Bacteria (IRB)",
                        "TableTitle = SRB");
                        "Deposits may be rust, white, black, or green.  A cloudy appearance or slime DO NOT constitute a positive reaction.",
                        "Low-Nutrient Bacteria (LNB)", "TableTitle = IRB");
                        "A positive reaction results in a cloudy appearance or the formation of slime, which appears as sheets or clumps.",
                        "Inspector's Comments:", "TableTitle = LNB");
                FindTextField("Inspector's Comments:", "Remediation Action Performed", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Action Performed", "Reference Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Reference Work Request No.", "Remediation Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Comments:", "ANOMALY SKETCH", "");


            if (version == 2) {
                //always put at least end of the label and start of end string 
                FindTextField("This form is used", "DE Location ID", "");
                FindTextField("DE Location ID", "HCA#", "");
                FindTextField("HCA#", "Examination Number", "");
                FindTextField("Examination Number", "Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Work Request No.", "Division", "");
                FindTextField("Division", "District Number", "");
                FindTextField("District Number", "Town or County", "");
                FindTextField("Town or County", "State", "");
                FindTextField("State", "Tile Number", "");
                FindTextField("Tile Number", "Address and/or Location", "");
                FindTextField("Address and/or Location", "Inspection Company", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Company", "Date GPS Synchronized", "");
                FindTextField("Date GPS Synchronized", "Field Location (from Top of Pipe)", "");
                FindTextField("Start: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "End: GPS X", "");
                FindTextField("End: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "GPS File Name", "");
                FindTextField("GPS File Name", "ECDA Region", "");
                FindTextField("ECDA Region", "Planned Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Planned Examination Length", "Actual Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Actual Examination Length", "Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "Size", "");
                FindTextField("Size", "Material", "");
                FindTextField("Material", "Foreign Current", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Current", "Bond Present", "");
                FindTextField("Bond Present", "If Current Flow", "");
                FindTextField("If Current Flow, To:", "From:", "");
                FindTextField("From:", "CP Present", "");
                FindTextField("CP Present", "Anode Present", "");
                FindTextField("Anode Present", "% consumed", "");
                FindTextField("% consumed", "Environmental Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Temp", "Time 24-hr", "");
                FindTextField("Time 24-hr", "Weather Conditions", "");
                FindTextField("Weather Conditions", "Soil Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Conditions:", "Bedding/Shading Type", "");
                FindTextField("Bedding/Shading Type", "Rockshield Used", "");
                FindTextField("Rockshield Used", "Soil Type:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Type:", "Pipe Data (as found in EMRS):", "");
                FindTextField("Nominal Size", "InDiam", "");
                FindTextField("InDiam", "Wthick", "");
                FindTextField("Wthick", "Grade", "");
                FindTextField("Grade", "Yield", "");
                FindTextField("Yield", "Coating", "");
                FindTextField("Coating", "WkReqNo", "");
                FindTextField("WkReqNo", "Installation Month", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Month", "Installation Year", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Year", "OpsSysName", "");
                FindTextField("OpsSysName", "Weld Seam:", "");
                FindTextField("Weld Seam:", "Coating Types:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Types:", "Coating Condition:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Condition:", "Type of Coating Damage", "");
                FindTextField("Type of Coating Damage", "Holiday Detection Volt Setting",
                        "exception tableTextHeader");
                FindTextField("Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "");
                FindTextField("Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "Blistering Due to Corrosion", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("Blistering Due to Corrosion", "pH of Fluid in Blisters", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("pH of Fluid in Blisters", "I have reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("I have reviewed the procedures performed and have found them:",
                        "*If Inadequate, send comments", "");
                FindTextField("Inspected By", "Inspection Date", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Date", "Print and sign", "");
                FindTextField("Reviewed By", "Date Reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("Date Reviewed", "Print and sign", "");
                FindTextField("Soil pH at Pipe Depth", "(using Antimony half cell)", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Resistivity at Pipe Depth", "cm", ""); //strange char
                FindTextField("Soil Chemistry Performed", "Method used", "");
                FindTextField("Method used -", "Results:", "");
                FindTextField("Chlorides", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("Nitrates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("Sulfates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("Pipe to Soil from Start of Excavation: 12 O'clock", "3 O'clock", "");
                FindTextField("3 O'clock", "6 O'clock",
                        "labelException = Pipe to Soil from Start of Excavation: 3 o'clock,");
                FindTextField("6 O'clock", "9 O'clock",
                        "labelException = Pipe to Soil from Start of Excavation: 6 o'clock,");
                FindTextField("9 O'clock", "Bacterial Samples Taken",
                        "labelException = Pipe to Soil from Start of Excavation: 9 o'clock,");
                FindTextField("Bacterial Samples Taken", "Date of Incubation", "");
                FindTextField("Date of Incubation", "Bacterial Results:", "");
                        "Anomaly:  Coating Defect, Pipe Damage, Corrosion and Pitting Measurements and Location (from Grid Sketch)",
                        "Cause of Corrosion:", "labelException = Anomaly:  Coating Defect,");
                FindTextField("Cause of Corrosion:",
                        "All external corrosion anomalies shall be identified and quantified below", "");
                FindTextField("sketch in Section 6 of this inspection report.", "Ultrasonic Thickness Testing",
                        "colNum = 8, manualHeader");
                FindTextField("Ultrasonic Thickness Testing", "ANOMALY SKETCH", "colNum = 5 , vertical");
                //FindTextField("", "", "");    //reserved for the table section 6 V2
                FindTextField("Indicate units of measure:", "Inspector's Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Inspector's Comments:",
                        "Take a minimum of two photos and attach or embed in this report.", "");


            if (version == 3) {
                //always put at least end of the label and start of end string 
                FindTextField("Exam Number", "HCA Name", "");
                FindTextField("Priority", "Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Work Request No.", "Division", "");
                FindTextField("Division", "District Number", "");
                FindTextField("District Number", "Town or County", "");
                FindTextField("Town", "State", "");
                FindTextField("State", "Address and/or Location", "");
                FindTextField("Address and/or Location", "Inspection Company", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Company", "Date GPS Synchronized", "");
                FindTextField("Date GPS Synchronized", "Field Location (from Top of Pipe)", "");
                FindTextField("Start: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "End: GPS X", "");
                FindTextField("End: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "GPS File Name", "");
                FindTextField("GPS File Name", "Tile Number", "");
                FindTextField("Tile Number", "Region", "");
                FindTextField("Region", "Planned Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Planned Examination Length", "Actual Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Actual Examination Length", "Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "Size", "");
                FindTextField("Size", "Material", "");
                FindTextField("Material", "Foreign Current", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Current", "Bond Present", "");
                FindTextField("Bond Present", "If Current Flow", "");
                FindTextField("If Current Flow, To:", "From:", "");
                FindTextField("From:", "CP Present", "");
                FindTextField("CP Present", "Anode Present", "");
                FindTextField("Anode Present", "% consumed", "");
                FindTextField("% consumed", "Environmental Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Temp", "Time 24-hr", "");
                FindTextField("Time 24-hr", "Weather Conditions", "");
                FindTextField("Weather Conditions", "Soil Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Conditions:", "Bedding/Shading Type", "");
                FindTextField("Bedding/Shading Type", "Rockshield Used", "");
                FindTextField("Rockshield Used", "Soil Type:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Type:", "Depth of Cover", "");
                FindTextField("Depth of Cover", "Pipe Data (as found in EMRS):", "");
                FindTextField("Nominal Size", "InDiam", "");
                FindTextField("InDiam", "Wthick", "");
                FindTextField("Wthick", "Grade", "");
                FindTextField("Grade", "Yield", "");
                FindTextField("Yield", "WkReqNo", "");
                FindTextField("WkReqNo", "Installation Month", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Month", "Installation Year", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Year", "OpsSysName", "");
                FindTextField("OpsSysName", "Weld Seam:", "");
                FindTextField("Weld Seam:", "Coating Types:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Types:", "Coating Condition:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Condition:", "Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "");
                FindTextField("Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "Type of Coating Damage", "");
                FindTextField("Type of Coating Damage", "Ground Cover Found:", "exception tableTextHeader");
                FindTextField("Ground Cover Found:", "Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "CheckBoxConflict");
                FindTextField("Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "Blistering Due to Corrosion", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("Blistering Due to Corrosion", "pH of Fluid in Blisters", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("pH of Fluid in Blisters", "I have reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("I have reviewed the procedures performed and have found them:",
                        "*If Inadequate, send comments", "");
                FindTextField("Inspected By", "Inspection Date", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Date", "Print or type name", "");
                FindTextField("Reviewed By", "Date Reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("Date Reviewed", "Print or type name", "");
                FindTextField("Soil pH at Pipe Depth", "(using Antimony half cell)", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Resistivity at Pipe Depth", "cm", ""); //strange charachters ...
                FindTextField("soil chemistry performed", "method used", "");
                FindTextField("method used - ", "results:", "");
                FindTextField("chlorides", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("nitrates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("sulfates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("6 o'clock", "bacterial samples taken", "");
                FindTextField("bacterial samples taken", "if yes, see section 6", "");
                FindTextField("defects:", "All anomalies shall be identified and quantified",
                        "labelException = Anomaly:  Coating Defect,");
                FindTextField("on the field sketch.", "see remediation", "SpecialTableForcing");
                FindTextField("Comments:", "Ultrasonic Thickness Readings", "labelException = defects comments:,");
                FindTextField("Ultrasonic Thickness Readings", "ICDA Scrub #1: Min", "colNum = 6 , vertical");
                FindTextField("ICDA Scrub #1: Min", "Max", "");
                FindTextField("Max", "WT ?%", "");
                FindTextField("WT ?%", "ICDA Scrub #2: Min", "");
                FindTextField("ICDA Scrub #2: Min", "Max", "");
                FindTextField("Max", "WT ?%", "");
                FindTextField("WT ?%", "Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Comments:", "Culture Results", "labelException = ultrasonic comments:,");
                FindTextField("Location of samples", "Collected by", "");
                FindTextField("Collected by", "Date collected", "");
                FindTextField("Date collected", "7th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("7th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "14th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("14th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "Cap Color", "");
                FindTextField("Cap Color", "Low-Nutrient Bacteria (LNB)", "isHeader");
                        "A positive reaction results in a cloudy appearance or the formation of slime, which appears as sheets or clumps.",
                        "Iron Related Bacteria (IRB)", "TableTitle = LNB");
                FindTextField("A cloudy appearance or slime DO NOT constitute a positive reaction.",
                        "Anaerobic or Facultatively Anaerobic (ANA)", "TableTitle = IRB");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction results in cloudy appearance. ", "Acid Producing Bacteria (APB)",
                        "TableTitle = ANA");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction will turn media from red to cloudy orange or cloudy yellow.",
                        "Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)", "TableTitle = APB");
                FindTextField("gray flecks does not constitute a positive reaction.", "In-Process Evaluation",
                        "TableTitle = SRB");
                FindTextField("Severity of Coating Anomaly Suspected", "Severity of Coating Anomaly Found ", "");
                FindTextField("Severity of Coating Anomaly Found",
                        "3. Severity of the coating anomaly found was more", "");
                        "3. Severity of the coating anomaly found was more / less severe than originally prioritized?",
                        "4. Is this the initial assessment of this covered segment?", "");
                FindTextField("4. Is this the initial assessment of this covered segment?",
                        "5. Was corrosion found?", "");
                FindTextField("5. Was corrosion found?",
                        "6. Was this a B or C priority in which the corrosion found was deeper than 20% of the original wall thickness?",
                        "6. Was this a B or C priority in which the corrosion found was deeper than 20% of the original wall thickness?",
                        "7. Was this corrosion deeper or more severe than corrosion found on any A-priority examination in this same region?",
                        "7. Was this corrosion deeper or more severe than corrosion found on any A-priority examination in this same region?",
                        "NOTE:  If 4a, 7 and 8 are all true, then two additional", "");
                FindTextField("  8. Was the Severity Classification Table assessed for adjustments?",
                        "9. If both 3a and 4b are checked, then should the criteria in the Severity Classification Table be adjusted?",
                        "  9. If both 3a and 4b are checked, then should the criteria in the Severity Classification Table be adjusted?",
                        "If Yes, document on MOC.  If No, explain why not.", "");
                FindTextField("If Yes, document on MOC.  If No, explain why not.",
                        "10. Are additional indirect inspection surveys needed on this segment?", "");
                FindTextField("10. Are additional indirect inspection surveys needed on this segment?",
                        "7B ? Root Cause", "");
                FindTextField("1. Was corrosion significant enough to require immediate repair?",
                        "Only if Yes, proceed to 2,", "");
                FindTextField("2. Check the most likely root cause", "Inadequate CP current",
                FindTextField("Inadequate CP current", "Explanation for Other:", "2DimVersion1Expection"); //reserved for table section 7
                FindTextField("Explanation for Other and Unknown:", "Office Work:", "");
                FindTextField("a. Was the review conducted?", "b. Do alternative methods need to be implemented?",
                FindTextField("b. Do alternative methods need to be implemented?", "4. Has corrosion been", "");
                        "4. Has corrosion been determined as a root cause and been found at other locations within this HCA?",
                        "Only if Yes, proceed.", "");
                        "5. Have similar occurrences of the determined root cause been found at other locations within this HCA?",
                        "7C - Remaining Strength Calculation", "");
                FindTextField("Date calculation completed:", "Inspector Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Inspector?s Comments:", "Remediation Action Required?", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Action Required?", "Reference Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Reference Work Request No.", "Check one: Repair was:", "");
                FindTextField("Check one: Repair was:", "Remediation Comments: ", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Comments:", "ANOMALY SKETCH", "");

            if (version == 5) {
                //always put at least end of the label and start of end string 
                FindTextField("Exam Number", "HCA Name", "");
                FindTextField("Priority", "Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Work Request No.", "Division", "");
                FindTextField("Division", "District Number", "");
                FindTextField("District Number", "Town or County", "");
                FindTextField("Town", "State", "");
                FindTextField("State", "Address and/or Location", "");
                FindTextField("Address and/or Location", "Inspection Company", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Company", "Date GPS Synchronized", "");
                FindTextField("Date GPS Synchronized", "Field Location (from Top of Pipe)", "");
                FindTextField("Start: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "End: GPS X", "");
                FindTextField("End: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "GPS File Name", "");
                FindTextField("GPS File Name", "Tile Number", "");
                FindTextField("Tile Number", "Region", "");
                FindTextField("Region", "Planned Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Planned Examination Length", "Actual Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Actual Examination Length", "Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "Size", "");
                FindTextField("Size", "Material", "");
                FindTextField("Material", "Foreign Current", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Current", "Bond Present", "");
                FindTextField("Bond Present", "If Current Flow", "");
                FindTextField("If Current Flow, To:", "From:", "");
                FindTextField("From:", "CP Present", "");
                FindTextField("CP Present", "Anode Present", "");
                FindTextField("Anode Present", "% consumed", "");
                FindTextField("% consumed", "Environmental Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Temp", "Time 24-hr", "");
                FindTextField("Time 24-hr", "Weather Conditions", "");
                FindTextField("Weather Conditions", "Soil Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Conditions:", "Bedding/Shading Type", "");
                FindTextField("Bedding/Shading Type", "Rockshield Used", "");
                FindTextField("Rockshield Used", "Soil Type:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Type:", "Depth of Cover", "");
                FindTextField("Depth of Cover", "Pipe Data (as found in EMRS):", "");
                FindTextField("Nominal Size", "InDiam", "");
                FindTextField("InDiam", "Wthick", "");
                FindTextField("Wthick", "Grade", "");
                FindTextField("Grade", "Yield", "");
                FindTextField("Yield", "Install Month", "");
                FindTextField("Install Month", "Install Year", "");
                FindTextField("Install Year", "OpsSysName", "");
                FindTextField("OpsSysName", "Weld Seam:", "");
                FindTextField("Weld Seam:", "Coating Types:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Types:", "Coating Condition:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Condition:", "Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "");
                FindTextField("Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "Type of Coating Damage", "");
                FindTextField("Type of Coating Damage", "Ground Cover Found:", "exception tableTextHeader");
                FindTextField("Ground Cover Found:", "Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "CheckBoxConflict");
                FindTextField("Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "Blistering Due to Corrosion", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("Blistering Due to Corrosion", "pH of Fluid in Blisters", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("pH of Fluid in Blisters", "I have reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("I have reviewed the procedures performed and have found them:",
                        "*If Inadequate, send comments", "");
                FindTextField("Inspected By", "Inspection Date", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Date", "Print or type name", "");
                FindTextField("Reviewed By", "Date Reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("Date Reviewed", "Print or type name", "");
                FindTextField("Soil pH at Pipe Depth", "(using Antimony half cell)", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Resistivity at Pipe Depth", "cm", ""); //strange charachters ...
                FindTextField("soil chemistry performed", "method used", "");
                FindTextField("method used - ", "results:", "");
                FindTextField("chlorides", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("nitrates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("sulfates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("6 o'clock", "bacterial samples taken", "");
                FindTextField("bacterial samples taken", "if yes, see section 6", "");
                FindTextField("defects:", "All anomalies shall be identified and quantified",
                        "labelException = Anomaly:  Coating Defect,");
                FindTextField("on the field sketch.", "see remediation", "SpecialTableForcing");
                FindTextField("Comments:", "Ultrasonic Thickness Readings", "labelException = defects comments:,");
                FindTextField("Ultrasonic Thickness Readings", "ICDA Scrub #1: Min", "colNum = 6 , vertical");
                FindTextField("ICDA Scrub #1: Min", "Max", "");
                FindTextField("Max", "WT ?%", "");
                FindTextField("WT ?%", "ICDA Scrub #2: Min", "");
                FindTextField("ICDA Scrub #2: Min", "Max", "");
                FindTextField("Max", "WT ?%", "");
                FindTextField("WT ?%", "Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Comments:", "Culture Results", "labelException = ultrasonic comments:,");
                FindTextField("Location of samples", "Collected by", "");
                FindTextField("Collected by", "Date collected", "");
                FindTextField("Date collected", "7th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("7th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "14th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("14th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "Cap Color", "");
                FindTextField("Cap Color", "Low-Nutrient Bacteria (LNB)", "isHeader");
                        "A positive reaction results in a cloudy appearance or the formation of slime, which appears as sheets or clumps.",
                        "Iron Related Bacteria (IRB)", "TableTitle = LNB");
                FindTextField("A cloudy appearance or slime DO NOT constitute a positive reaction.",
                        "Anaerobic or Facultatively Anaerobic (ANA)", "TableTitle = IRB");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction results in cloudy appearance. ", "Acid Producing Bacteria (APB)",
                        "TableTitle = ANA");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction will turn media from red to cloudy orange or cloudy yellow.",
                        "Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)", "TableTitle = APB");
                FindTextField("gray flecks does not constitute a positive reaction.", "In-Process Evaluation",
                        "TableTitle = SRB");
                FindTextField("Severity of Coating Anomaly Suspected", "Severity of Coating Anomaly Found ", "");
                FindTextField("Severity of Coating Anomaly Found",
                        "3. Severity of the coating anomaly found was more", "");
                        "3. Severity of the coating anomaly found was more / less severe than originally prioritized?",
                        "4. Is this the initial assessment of this covered segment?", "");
                FindTextField("4. Is this the initial assessment of this covered segment?",
                        "5. Was corrosion found?", "");
                FindTextField("5. Was corrosion found?",
                        "6. Was this a B or C priority in which the corrosion found was deeper than 20% of the original wall thickness?",
                        "6. Was this a B or C priority in which the corrosion found was deeper than 20% of the original wall thickness?",
                        "7. Was this corrosion deeper or more severe than corrosion found on any A-priority examination in this same region?",
                        "7. Was this corrosion deeper or more severe than corrosion found on any A-priority examination in this same region?",
                        "NOTE:  If 4a, 7 and 8 are all true, then two additional", "");
                FindTextField("  8. Was the Severity Classification Table assessed for adjustments?",
                        "9. If both 3a and 4b are checked, then should the criteria in the Severity Classification Table be adjusted?",
                        "  9. If both 3a and 4b are checked, then should the criteria in the Severity Classification Table be adjusted?",
                        "If Yes, document on MOC.  If No, explain why not.", "");
                FindTextField("If Yes, document on MOC.  If No, explain why not.",
                        "10. Are additional indirect inspection surveys needed on this segment?", "");
                FindTextField("10. Are additional indirect inspection surveys needed on this segment?",
                        "7B ? Root Cause", "");
                FindTextField("1. Was corrosion significant enough to require immediate repair?",
                        "Only if Yes, proceed to 2,", "");
                FindTextField("2. Check the most likely root cause", "Inadequate CP current",
                FindTextField("Inadequate CP current", "Explanation for Other:", "2DimVersion1Expection"); //reserved for table section 7
                FindTextField("Explanation for Other and Unknown:", "Office Work:", "");
                FindTextField("a. Was the review conducted?", "b. Do alternative methods need to be implemented?",
                FindTextField("b. Do alternative methods need to be implemented?", "4. Has corrosion been", "");
                        "4. Has corrosion been determined as a root cause and been found at other locations within this HCA?",
                        "Only if Yes, proceed.", "");
                        "5. Have similar occurrences of the determined root cause been found at other locations within this HCA?",
                        "7C - Remaining Strength Calculation", "");
                FindTextField("Date calculation completed:", "Inspector Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Inspector?s Comments:", "Remediation Action Required?", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Action Required?", "Reference Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Reference Work Request No.", "Check one: Repair was:", "");
                FindTextField("Check one: Repair was:", "Remediation Comments: ", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Comments:", "ANOMALY SKETCH", "");

            if (version == 4) {
                //always put at least end of the label and start of end string 
                FindTextField("This form is used", "DE Location ID", "");
                FindTextField("DE Location ID", "HCA Name", "");
                FindTextField("HCA Name", "Examination Number", "");
                FindTextField("Examination Number", "Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Work Request No.", "Division", "");
                FindTextField("Division", "District Number", "");
                FindTextField("District Number", "Town or County", "");
                FindTextField("Town or County", "State", "");
                FindTextField("State", "Tile Number", "");
                FindTextField("Tile Number", "Address and/or Location", "");
                FindTextField("Address and/or Location", "Inspection Company", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Company", "Date GPS Synchronized", "");
                FindTextField("Date GPS Synchronized", "Field Location (from Top of Pipe)", "");
                FindTextField("Start: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "End: GPS X", "");
                FindTextField("End: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "GPS File Name", "");
                FindTextField("GPS File Name", "Region", "");
                FindTextField("Region", "Planned Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Planned Examination Length", "Actual Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Actual Examination Length", "Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "Size", "");
                FindTextField("Size", "Material", "");
                FindTextField("Material", "Foreign Current", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Current", "Bond Present", "");
                FindTextField("Bond Present", "If Current Flow", "");
                FindTextField("If Current Flow, To:", "From:", "");
                FindTextField("From:", "CP Present", "");
                FindTextField("CP Present", "Anode Present", "");
                FindTextField("Anode Present", "% consumed", "");
                FindTextField("% consumed", "Environmental Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Temp", "Time 24-hr", "");
                FindTextField("Time 24-hr", "Weather Conditions", "");
                FindTextField("Weather Conditions", "Soil Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Conditions:", "Bedding/Shading Type", "");
                FindTextField("Bedding/Shading Type", "Rockshield Used", "");
                FindTextField("Rockshield Used", "Soil Type:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Type:", "Pipe Data (as found in EMRS):", "");
                FindTextField("Nominal Size", "InDiam", "");
                FindTextField("InDiam", "Wthick", "");
                FindTextField("Wthick", "Grade", "");
                FindTextField("Grade", "Yield", "");
                FindTextField("Yield", "WkReqNo", "");
                FindTextField("WkReqNo", "Installation Month", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Month", "Installation Year", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Year", "OpsSysName", "");
                FindTextField("OpsSysName", "Weld Seam:", "");
                FindTextField("Weld Seam:", "Coating Types:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Types:", "Coating Condition:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Condition:", "Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "");
                FindTextField("Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "Type of Coating Damage", "");
                FindTextField("Type of Coating Damage", "Ground Cover Found:", "exception tableTextHeader");
                FindTextField("Ground Cover Found:", "Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "CheckBoxConflict");
                FindTextField("Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "Blistering Due to Corrosion", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("Blistering Due to Corrosion", "pH of Fluid in Blisters", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("pH of Fluid in Blisters", "I have reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("I have reviewed the procedures performed and have found them:",
                        "*If Inadequate, send comments", "");
                FindTextField("Inspected By", "Inspection Date", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Date", "Print or type name", "");
                FindTextField("Reviewed By", "Date Reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("Date Reviewed", "Print or type name", "");
                FindTextField("Soil pH at Pipe Depth", "(using Antimony half cell)", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Resistivity at Pipe Depth", "cm", ""); //strange charachters ...
                FindTextField("soil chemistry performed", "method used", "");
                FindTextField("method used - ", "results:", "");
                FindTextField("chlorides", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("nitrates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("sulfates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("6 o'clock", "bacterial samples taken", "");
                FindTextField("bacterial samples taken", "if yes, see section 6", "");
                FindTextField("asphalt and/or tar wrap samples taken", "defects:", "");
                FindTextField("defects:", "all external defects shall",
                        "labelException = Anomaly:  Coating Defect,");
                FindTextField("on the field sketch.", "see remediation", "SpecialTableForcing");
                FindTextField("Comments:", "Ultrasonic Thickness Readings", "labelException = defects comments:,");
                FindTextField("Ultrasonic Thickness Readings", "ICDA Scrub #1: Min", "colNum = 6 , vertical");
                FindTextField("ICDA Scrub #1: Min", "Max", "");
                FindTextField("Max", "WT ?%", "");
                FindTextField("WT ?%", "ICDA Scrub #2: Min", "");
                FindTextField("ICDA Scrub #2: Min", "Max", "");
                FindTextField("Max", "WT ?%", "");
                FindTextField("WT ?%", "Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Comments:", "Culture Results", "labelException = ultrasonic comments:,");
                FindTextField("Location of samples", "Collected by", "");
                FindTextField("Collected by", "Date collected", "");
                FindTextField("Date collected", "7th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("7th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "14th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("14th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "Cap Color", "");
                FindTextField("Cap Color", "Low-Nutrient Bacteria (LNB)", "isHeader");
                        "A positive reaction results in a cloudy appearance or the formation of slime, which appears as sheets or clumps.",
                        "Iron Related Bacteria (IRB)", "TableTitle = LNB");
                FindTextField("A cloudy appearance or slime DO NOT constitute a positive reaction.",
                        "Anaerobic or Facultatively Anaerobic (ANA)", "TableTitle = IRB");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction results in cloudy appearance. ", "Acid Producing Bacteria (APB)",
                        "TableTitle = ANA");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction will turn media from red to cloudy orange or cloudy yellow.",
                        "Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)", "TableTitle = APB");
                FindTextField("gray flecks does not constitute a positive reaction.", "In-Process Evaluation",
                        "TableTitle = SRB");
                FindTextField("Severity of Coating Anomaly Suspected:", "Severity of DE defect found on pipe:", "");
                FindTextField("Severity of Coating Anomaly Found:", "\n    ", "");
                FindTextField("\n    ", "2b. Severity of the coating anomaly found",
                        "labelException = Severity of DE defect found on pipe:,");
                        "2b. Severity of the coating anomaly found was more / less severe than originally prioritized?",
                        "3. Is this the initial assessment of this covered segment?", "");
                FindTextField("3. Is this the initial assessment of this covered segment?",
                        "4. If both 3a & 4b, then should the criteria in the Severity Classification Table be adjusted?",
                        "4. If both 3a & 4b, then should the criteria in the Severity Classification Table be adjusted?",
                        "5. Was corrosion found?", "");
                FindTextField("5. Was corrosion found?",
                        "6. Was this a B or C priority in which the corrosion found was deeper than 20% of the original wall thickness?",
                        "6. Was this a B or C priority in which the corrosion found was deeper than 20% of the original wall thickness?",
                        "7. Was this corrosion deeper or more severe than corrosion found on any A-priority examination in this same region?",
                        "7. Was this corrosion deeper or more severe than corrosion found on any A-priority examination in this same region?",
                        "NOTE:  If 4a, 7 and 8 are all true, then", "");
                FindTextField("8. Was the Severity Classification Table assessed for adjustments?",
                        "9. Were changes made to the Severity Classification Table?", "");
                FindTextField("9. Were changes made to the Severity Classification Table?",
                        "If Yes, document on MOC.  If No, explain why not.", "");
                FindTextField("If Yes, document on MOC.  If No, explain why not.",
                        "10. Are additional indirect inspection surveys needed on this segment?", "");
                FindTextField("10. Are additional indirect inspection surveys needed on this segment?",
                        "7B ? Root Cause", "");
                FindTextField("1. Is the corrosion considered significant?", "Only if Yes, proceed to 2,", "");
                FindTextField("2. Check the most likely root cause", "Inadequate CP current",
                FindTextField("Inadequate CP current", "Explanation for Other:", "2DimVersion1Expection"); //reserved for table section 7
                FindTextField("Explanation for Other:", "Office Work:", "");
                FindTextField("a. Was the review conducted?", "b. Do alternative methods need to be implemented?",
                FindTextField("b. Do alternative methods need to be implemented?", "Field Work:", "");
                        "4. For this HCA, has corrosion been found and a root cause determined at other locations?",
                        "Only if Yes, proceed.", "");
                        "5. For this HCA, are similar occurrences of the root cause being determined at other locations?",
                        "7C - Remaining Strength Calculation", "");
                FindTextField("Date calculation completed:", "Inspector Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Inspector?s Comments:", "Remediation Action Required?", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Action Required?", "Reference Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Reference Work Request No.", "Check one: Repair was:", "");
                FindTextField("Check one: Repair was:", "Remediation Comments: ", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Comments:", "ANOMALY SKETCH", "");

            if (version == 6) {
                //always put at least end of the label and start of end string 
                FindTextField("This form is used", "DE Location ID", "");
                FindTextField("DE Location ID", "HCA#", "");
                FindTextField("HCA#", "Examination Number", "");
                FindTextField("Examination Number", "Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Work Request No.", "Division", "");
                FindTextField("Division", "District Number", "");
                FindTextField("District Number", "Town or County", "");
                FindTextField("Town or County", "State", "");
                FindTextField("State", "Tile Number", "");
                FindTextField("Tile Number", "Address and/or Location", "");
                FindTextField("Address and/or Location", "Inspection Company", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Company", "Date GPS Synchronized", "");
                FindTextField("Date GPS Synchronized", "Field Location (from Top of Pipe)", "");
                FindTextField("Start: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "End: GPS X", "");
                FindTextField("End: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "GPS File Name", "");
                FindTextField("GPS File Name", "ECDA Region", "");
                FindTextField("ECDA Region", "Planned Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Planned Examination Length", "Actual Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Actual Examination Length", "Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "Size", "");
                FindTextField("Size", "Material", "");
                FindTextField("Material", "Foreign Current", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Current", "Bond Present", "");
                FindTextField("Bond Present", "If Current Flow", "");
                FindTextField("If Current Flow, To:", "From:", "");
                FindTextField("From:", "CP Present", "");
                FindTextField("CP Present", "Anode Present", "");
                FindTextField("Anode Present", "% consumed", "");
                FindTextField("% consumed", "Environmental Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Temp", "Time 24-hr", "");
                FindTextField("Time 24-hr", "Weather Conditions", "");
                FindTextField("Weather Conditions", "Soil Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Conditions:", "Bedding/Shading Type", "");
                FindTextField("Bedding/Shading Type", "Rockshield Used", "");
                FindTextField("Rockshield Used", "Soil Type:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Type:", "Pipe Data (as found in EMRS):", "");
                FindTextField("Nominal Size", "InDiam", "");
                FindTextField("InDiam", "Wthick", "");
                FindTextField("Wthick", "Grade", "");
                FindTextField("Grade", "Yield", "");
                FindTextField("Yield", "WkReqNo", "");
                FindTextField("WkReqNo", "Installation Month", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Month", "Installation Year", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Year", "OpsSysName", "");
                FindTextField("OpsSysName", "Weld Seam:", "");
                FindTextField("Weld Seam:", "Coating Types:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Types:", "Coating Condition:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Condition:", "Type of Coating Damage", "");
                FindTextField("Type of Coating Damage", "Holiday Detection Volt Setting",
                        "exception tableTextHeader");
                FindTextField("Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "");
                FindTextField("Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "Blistering Due to Corrosion", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("Blistering Due to Corrosion", "pH of Fluid in Blisters", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("pH of Fluid in Blisters", "I have reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("I have reviewed the procedures performed and have found them:",
                        "*If Inadequate, send comments", "");
                FindTextField("Inspected By", "Inspection Date", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Date", "Print name", "");
                FindTextField("Reviewed By", "Date Reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("Date Reviewed", "Print name", "");
                FindTextField("Soil pH at Pipe Depth", "(using Antimony half cell)", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Resistivity at Pipe Depth", "cm", ""); //strange charachters ...
                FindTextField("soil chemistry performed", "method used", "");
                FindTextField("method used - ", "results:", "");
                FindTextField("chlorides", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("nitrates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("sulfates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("6 o'clock", "bacterial samples taken", "");
                FindTextField("bacterial samples taken", "date of incubation", "");
                FindTextField("date of incubation", "asphalt and/or tar wrap samples taken", "");
                FindTextField("asphalt and/or tar wrap samples taken", "Anomaly:  Coating Defect", "");
                        "Anomaly:  Coating Defect, Pipe Damage, Corrosion and Pitting Measurements and Location (from Grid Sketch)",
                        "Cause of Corrosion:", "labelException = Anomaly:  Coating Defect,");
                FindTextField("Cause of Corrosion:",
                        "All external corrosion anomalies shall be identified and quantified below", "");
                FindTextField("sketch in Section 6 of this inspection report.", "Ultrasonic Thickness Testing",
                        "colNum = 8, manualHeader");
                FindTextField("Ultrasonic Thickness Testing", "ANOMALY SKETCH", "colNum = 5 , vertical");
                //reserved for table
                FindTextField("Indicate units of measure:", "Culture Results", "");
                FindTextField("Inspector's Comments:", "Inspector's Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Location of samples", "Collected by", "");
                FindTextField("Collected by", "Date collected", "");
                FindTextField("Date collected", "7th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("7th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "14th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("14th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "Cap Color", "");
                FindTextField("Cap Color", "Aerobic Bacteria (AERO)", "isHeader");
                        "A positive reaction indicated by cloudy appearance or formation of slime which appears as sheets or clumps of material.",
                        "Acid Producing Bacteria (APB)", "TableTitle = AERO");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction will turn media from red to cloudy orange or cloudy yellow.",
                        "Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)", "TableTitle = APB");
                FindTextField("gray flecks does not constitute a positive reaction.", "Iron Related Bacteria (IRB)",
                        "TableTitle = SRB");
                        "Deposits may be rust, white, black, or green.  A cloudy appearance or slime DO NOT constitute a positive reaction.",
                        "Low-Nutrient Bacteria (LNB)", "TableTitle = IRB");
                        "A positive reaction results in a cloudy appearance or the formation of slime, which appears as sheets or clumps.",
                        "Take a minimum of two photos and attach", "TableTitle = LNB");


            if (version == 7) {
                //always put at least end of the label and start of end string 
                FindTextField("This form is used", "DE Location ID", "");
                FindTextField("DE Location ID", "HCA Name", "");
                FindTextField("HCA Name", "Examination Number", "");
                FindTextField("Examination Number", "Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Work Request No.", "Division", "");
                FindTextField("Division", "District Number", "");
                FindTextField("District Number", "Town or County", "");
                FindTextField("Town or County", "State", "");
                FindTextField("State", "Tile Number", "");
                FindTextField("Tile Number", "Address and/or Location", "");
                FindTextField("Address and/or Location", "Inspection Company", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Company", "Date GPS Synchronized", "");
                FindTextField("Date GPS Synchronized", "Field Location (from Top of Pipe)", "");
                FindTextField("Start: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "End: GPS X", "");
                FindTextField("End: GPS X", "Y", "");
                FindTextField("Y", "GPS File Name", "");
                FindTextField("GPS File Name", "ECDA Region", "");
                FindTextField("ECDA Region", "Planned Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Planned Examination Length", "Actual Examination Length", "");
                FindTextField("Actual Examination Length", "Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Pipe in Excavation", "Size", "");
                FindTextField("Size", "Material", "");
                FindTextField("Material", "Foreign Current", "");
                FindTextField("Foreign Current", "Bond Present", "");
                FindTextField("Bond Present", "If Current Flow", "");
                FindTextField("If Current Flow, To:", "From:", "");
                FindTextField("From:", "CP Present", "");
                FindTextField("CP Present", "Anode Present", "");
                FindTextField("Anode Present", "% consumed", "");
                FindTextField("% consumed", "Environmental Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Temp", "Time 24-hr", "");
                FindTextField("Time 24-hr", "Weather Conditions", "");
                FindTextField("Weather Conditions", "Soil Conditions:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Conditions:", "Bedding/Shading Type", "");
                FindTextField("Bedding/Shading Type", "Rockshield Used", "");
                FindTextField("Rockshield Used", "Soil Type:", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Type:", "Pipe Data (as found in EMRS):", "");
                FindTextField("Nominal Size", "InDiam", "");
                FindTextField("InDiam", "Wthick", "");
                FindTextField("Wthick", "Grade", "");
                FindTextField("Grade", "Yield", "");
                FindTextField("Yield", "WkReqNo", "");
                FindTextField("WkReqNo", "Installation Month", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Month", "Installation Year", "");
                FindTextField("Installation Year", "OpsSysName", "");
                FindTextField("OpsSysName", "Weld Seam:", "");
                FindTextField("Weld Seam:", "Coating Types:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Types:", "Coating Condition:", "");
                FindTextField("Coating Condition:", "Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "");
                FindTextField("Holiday Detection Volt Setting", "Type of Coating Damage", "");
                FindTextField("Type of Coating Damage", "Ground Cover Found:", "exception tableTextHeader");
                FindTextField("Ground Cover Found:", "Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "CheckBoxConflict");
                FindTextField("Non-Corrosive Disbondment", "Blistering Due to Corrosion", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("Blistering Due to Corrosion", "pH of Fluid in Blisters", "tableTexBody");
                FindTextField("pH of Fluid in Blisters", "I have reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("I have reviewed the procedures performed and have found them:",
                        "*If Inadequate, send comments", "");
                FindTextField("Inspected By", "Inspection Date", "");
                FindTextField("Inspection Date", "Print or type name", "");
                FindTextField("Reviewed By", "Date Reviewed", "");
                FindTextField("Date Reviewed", "Print or type name", "");
                FindTextField("Soil pH at Pipe Depth", "(using Antimony half cell)", "");
                FindTextField("Soil Resistivity at Pipe Depth", "cm", ""); //strange charachters ...
                FindTextField("soil chemistry performed", "method used", "");
                FindTextField("method used - ", "results:", "");
                FindTextField("chlorides", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("nitrates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("sulfates", "ppm", "");
                FindTextField("6 o'clock", "bacterial samples taken", "");
                FindTextField("bacterial samples taken", "date of incubation", "");
                FindTextField("date of incubation", "asphalt and/or tar wrap samples taken", "");
                FindTextField("asphalt and/or tar wrap samples taken", "Anomaly:  Coating Defect", "");
                        "Anomaly:  Coating Defect, Pipe Damage, Corrosion and Pitting Measurements and Location (from Grid Sketch)",
                        "Cause of Corrosion:", "labelException = Anomaly:  Coating Defect,");
                FindTextField("Cause of Corrosion:",
                        "All external corrosion anomalies shall be identified and quantified below", "");
                FindTextField("sketch in Section 9 of this inspection report.", "Ultrasonic Thickness Testing",
                        "colNum = 8, manualHeader");
                FindTextField("Ultrasonic Thickness Testing", "Culture Results", "colNum = 5 , vertical");
                FindTextField("Location of samples", "Collected by", "");
                FindTextField("Collected by", "Date collected", "");
                FindTextField("Date collected", "7th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("7th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "14th day Interpreted by", "");
                FindTextField("14th day Interpreted by", "Date of reading", "");
                FindTextField("Date of reading", "Cap Color", "");
                FindTextField("Cap Color", "Low-Nutrient Bacteria (LNB)", "isHeader");
                        "A positive reaction results in a cloudy appearance or the formation of slime, which appears as sheets or clumps.",
                        "Iron Related Bacteria (IRB)", "TableTitle = LNB");
                FindTextField("A cloudy appearance or slime DO NOT constitute a positive reaction.",
                        "Anaerobic or Facultatively Anaerobic (ANA)", "TableTitle = IRB");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction results in cloudy appearance.", "Acid Producing Bacteria (APB)",
                        "TableTitle = ANA");
                FindTextField("A positive reaction will turn media from red to cloudy orange or cloudy yellow.",
                        "Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)", "TableTitle = APB");
                FindTextField("gray flecks does not constitute a positive reaction.", "In-Process Evaluation",
                        "TableTitle = SRB");
                FindTextField("1. Severity of Coating Anomaly Suspected:", "2. Severity of DE Anomaly Found:", "");
                FindTextField("2. Severity of Coating Anomaly Found:", " \n  ", "");
                FindTextField("NI \n    ", "3. Severity of the coating anomaly found",
                        "labelException = Severity of DE defect found on pipe:,");
                        "3. Severity of the coating anomaly found was more / less severe than originally prioritized?",
                        "4. Is this the initial assessment of this covered segment?", "");
                FindTextField("4. Is this the initial assessment of this covered segment?",
                        "5. If both 3a & 4b, then should the criteria in the Severity Classification Table be adjusted?",
                        "5. If both 3a & 4b, then should the criteria in the Severity Classification Table be adjusted?",
                        "6. Was corrosion found?", "");
                FindTextField("6. Was corrosion found?",
                        "7. Was this a B or C priority in which the corrosion found was deeper than 20% of the original wall thickness?",
                        "7. Was this a B or C priority in which the corrosion found was deeper than 20% of the original wall thickness?",
                        "8. Was this corrosion deeper or more severe than corrosion found on any A-priority examination in this same region?",
                        "8. Was this corrosion deeper or more severe than corrosion found on any A-priority examination in this same region?",
                        "NOTE:  If 4a, 7 and 8 are all true, then two additional", "");
                FindTextField("9. Was the Severity Classification Table assessed for adjustments?",
                        "10. Were changes made to the Severity Classification Table?", "");
                FindTextField("10. Were changes made to the Severity Classification Table?",
                        "If Yes, document on MOC.  If No, explain why not.", "");
                FindTextField("If Yes, document on MOC.  If No, explain why not.",
                        "11. Are additional indirect inspection surveys needed on this segment?", "");
                FindTextField("11. Are additional indirect inspection surveys needed on this segment?",
                        "7B ? Root Cause", "");
                FindTextField("1. Is the corrosion considered significant?", "Only if Yes, proceed to 2,", "");
                FindTextField("2. Check the most likely root cause", "Inadequate CP current",
                FindTextField("Inadequate CP current", "Explanation for Other:", "2DimVersion1Expection"); //reserved for table section 7
                FindTextField("Explanation for Other:", "Office Work:", "");
                FindTextField("a. Was the review conducted?", "b. Do alternative methods need to be implemented?",
                FindTextField("b. Do alternative methods need to be implemented?", "Field Work:", "");
                        "4. For this HCA, has corrosion been found and a root cause determined at other locations?",
                        "Only if Yes, proceed.", "");
                        "5. For this HCA, are similar occurrences of the root cause being determined at other locations?",
                        "7C - Remaining Strength Calculation", "");
                FindTextField("Date calculation completed:", "Inspector Comments:", "");
                FindTextField("Inspector?s Comments:", "Remediation Action Required?", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Action Required?", "Reference Work Request No.", "");
                FindTextField("Reference Work Request No.", "Check one: Repair was:", "");
                FindTextField("Check one: Repair was:", "Remediation Comments: ", "");
                FindTextField("Remediation Comments:", "ANOMALY SKETCH", "");
        } catch (Exception e) {

        //FindTextField("", "", "");
        DynamicPopulatePOJO pojoPop = new DynamicPopulatePOJO(ListOfPOJO_Rows, ValueBeforePOJO, version);


     * trap the data between the 2 strings. the comment can be used to handle the exceptions
     * a list of them can be given as the following:
     * comments include: "colNum = x" (x is a int),  "rolNum = x" (x is a int),
     * "headContent = [x], [y], [z], .... (x,y,z are strings), "isHeader", "TableTitle = x (x is a string)
     * "manualHeader", "labelException = x" (x is a string), "tableTexBody", "CheckBoxConflict", "exception tableTextHeader"
     * @param StartString from this word
     * @param StopString to this other word
     * @param comment or exception
     * @return 
    private int FindTextField(String StartString, String StopString, String comment) {
        StartString = StartString.toLowerCase();
        StopString = StopString.toLowerCase();
        begin = 0;
        end = 0;
        String value, label;
        String TableType;

        label = StartString;

        value = FindValue(StartString, StopString);

        //process the value type determination, formating, parsing and display
        if (end != 0 && begin != 0) {


            if (comment.contains("labelException")) {
                label = TempLab;

            String ValType = DetermineTypeOfValue(value, comment).toLowerCase();

            //this first if is a huge exception only for the first version ...
            if (comment.equals("2DimVersion1Expection")) {
                process2DimVersion1Expection(StartString, value);
            } else if (comment.equals("CheckBoxConflict")) {
                String temp = FindCheckValue(value);
            } else if (comment.equals("exception tableTextHeader")) {
            } else if (comment.contains("tableTexBody")) {
                processInTextBody(value, StartString);
            } else if (comment.equals("SkipFirstTableHeader")) {
            } else if (ValType.contains("table header")) {
                setHeadOfTable(value, StartString);
            } else if (ValType.contains("checkbox")) {
                value = FindCheckValue(value);
            } else if (ValType.contains("table")) {

                TableType = DetermineTypeOfTable(value).toLowerCase();
                if (comment.equals("SpecialTableForcing")) {
                    TableType = "Special!";

                if (TableType.equals("Special!")) {
                } else if (TableType.contains("horizontal")) {
                } else if (TableType.contains("vertical") || comment.contains("vertical")) {
                    processVerticalTable(value, comment);
                } else if (TableType.contains("no label")) {
            if (!ValType.contains("table") && !isHeader && !comment.contains("tableText") //simplify this
                    && !comment.contains("tableTexBody") && !comment.equals("CheckBoxConflict")
                    && !comment.equals("SkipFirstTableHeader") && !comment.equals("2DimVersion1Expection")) {

                value = displayCleanUp(value, ValType);

                DisplayInfo(label, value);
            return 1;

        return 0;

    private void DisplayInfo(String label, String value) {

        System.out.print(label + " = " + value);


    private void SectionMarker(int sectionNum) {
        System.out.println("Section" + sectionNum + "-----------------------------------------------");
        section = sectionNum;

    private String DetermineTypeOfValue(String value, String comment) {

        boolean IsCheckBox = false;
        boolean IsTable = false;
        //by default the type is either text field or drop down
        //the reason why we don't make the difference between drop down and textfield
        //is that they are both processed the exact same way
        String Type = "text field or drop down";

        IsCheckBox = DetermineCheck(value);
        IsTable = DetermineTable(value, comment);

        if (comment.equals("SkipFirstTableHeader")) {
            Type = "table header(skip 1)";
        if (IsCheckBox) {
            Type = "CHECKBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!";
        } else if (IsTable) {
            Type = "Table";
        } else if (isHeader) {
            Type = "table header";


        return Type;

    private String FindValue(String StartString, String StopString) {

        String[] StartStringTok = StartString.split("\\s+");
        String[] StopStringTok = StopString.split("\\s+");
        String value = "ERROR";

        for (String str : StartStringTok) {
            if (CopyOfContent.contains(str)) {
                begin = CopyOfContent.indexOf(str) + str.length();
                CopyOfContent = CopyOfContent.substring(begin);
        if (begin == 0) {
            System.out.println("Unable to find the labls");
            return value;
        } else {

            for (String str : StopStringTok) {
                if (CopyOfContent.contains(str)) {
                    end = CopyOfContent.indexOf(str);
        if (end == 0) {
            System.out.println("Unable to find the labls");
            return value;
        } else {
            value = CopyOfContent.substring(0, end);
            CopyOfContent = CopyOfContent.substring(end);
            return value;


    private boolean DetermineCheck(String value) {

        boolean IsCheckBox = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
            if (value.charAt(i) == ' ' || value.charAt(i) == '\n') {
            } else if ((value.charAt(i) == '1' || value.charAt(i) == '0') && value.charAt(i + 1) == ' ') {
                IsCheckBox = true;
            } else {
        return IsCheckBox;

    //find 1
    //temp = find whatever between that 1 and (" 0 " || " 1 ")
    //val = val + temp + ","
    //find next 1 and repeat
    private String FindCheckValue(String valueOrig) {

        String value = valueOrig;
        String val = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
            if (value.charAt(i) == '1') {
                //found 1
                if (i < value.length()) {
                    while (true) {
                        //find between that 1 and (" 0 " || " 1 ")
                        val = val + value.charAt(i);
                        if (value.charAt(i) == '1' || value.charAt(i) == '0' || i == value.length() - 1) {
                    val = val + ",";
        value = val;
        return value;

    private boolean DetermineTable(String value, String comment) {

        boolean IsTable = false;

        int cnt = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < value.length() - 1; i++) {
            if (value.charAt(i) == '\n' && value.charAt(i + 1) != '\n') {
        if (cnt > 17) {
            IsTable = true;

        return IsTable;

    private String FindValueForTables(String StartString, String StopString, String SpecificValue) {

        String[] StartStringTok = StartString.split("\\s+");
        String[] StopStringTok = StopString.split("\\s+");
        String value = "ERROR";
        String CopyOfContent = SpecificValue;
        int begin = 0, end = 0;

        for (String str : StartStringTok) {
            if (CopyOfContent.contains(str)) {
                begin = CopyOfContent.indexOf(str) + str.length();
                CopyOfContent = CopyOfContent.substring(begin);
        if (begin == 0) {
            System.out.println("Unable to find the labls");
            return value;
        } else {

            for (String str : StopStringTok) {
                if (CopyOfContent.contains(str)) {
                    end = CopyOfContent.indexOf(str);
        if (end == 0) {
            System.out.println("Unable to find the labls");
            return value;
        } else {
            value = CopyOfContent.substring(0, end);
            CopyOfContent = CopyOfContent.substring(end);
            return value;


    //if "no label" then the labels are in headContent: you need to empty it to reuse it
    private String DetermineTypeOfTable(String value) {

        boolean isVertical = false;
        String type = "no label"; //by default

        int rowNum = 0;
        String temp = "";
        int j = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < value.length() - 1; i++) {
            if (value.charAt(i) == '\n' && isLetter(value.charAt(i + 1))) {
                while (value.charAt(i + 1) != '\t' && value.charAt(i + 1) != ' ' && value.charAt(i + 2) != ' ') {
                    if (i > value.length() - 4) {
                    temp = temp + value.charAt(i + 1);
                    j = 0;
                rowLabels.add(temp); //has all the labels
                temp = "";
                if (!temp.equals("") && !temp.equals(" "))
            } else if (value.charAt(i) != '\n') {
                if (j > 200) {
                    isVertical = true;


        if (rowNum > 5) {
            type = "Horizontal";
        } else if (isVertical) {
            type = "Vertical";

        return type;

    private void processHorizontalTable(String value) {

        String temp = "";
        int colNum = 0, cntTemp = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < rowLabels.size() - 1; i++) {
            String TableRowVal = FindValueForTables(rowLabels.get(i), rowLabels.get(i + 1), value);
            for (int j = 0; j < TableRowVal.length(); j++) {
                if (TableRowVal.charAt(j) == '\n') {
                    if (cntTemp > 0) {
                        System.out.println(rowLabels.get(i) + cntTemp + " = " + temp);
                        labelBeforePOJO.add(rowLabels.get(i) + cntTemp);
                        temp = "";
                } else {
                    temp = temp + TableRowVal.charAt(j);
            colNum = cntTemp;
            cntTemp = 0;


    private void processVerticalTable(String value, String comment) {

        ArrayList<String> VerticalLabels = new ArrayList<>();
        String temp = "";
        int index = 0, j = 0, dataCnt = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
            if (index < ManualColNum && comment.contains("manualHeader")) {
                if (value.charAt(i) != '\n') {
                    temp = temp + value.charAt(i);

                //include the content between ('s in the label
                else if (value.charAt(i + 1) == '(') {
                    while (value.charAt(i) != ')') {
                        if (value.charAt(i) != '\n')
                            temp = temp + value.charAt(i);
                    temp = temp + ')';
                } else if (temp.equals("distance from ") || temp.equals("o'clock ") || temp.equals("longitudinal ")
                        || temp.equals("maximum ") || temp.equals("remaining wall ")) {
                    //skip it
                } else if (!temp.equals(" ") && !temp.equals("") && !temp.equals("  ")) {
                    temp = "";
            } else if (index < ManualColNum) {
                if (value.charAt(i) != '\n') {
                    temp = temp + value.charAt(i);

                } else if (temp.contains("(inch")) {
                    temp = "";
                //include the content between ('s in the label
                else if (value.charAt(i + 1) == '(') {
                    while (value.charAt(i) != ')') {
                        if (value.charAt(i) != '\n')
                            temp = temp + value.charAt(i);
                    temp = temp + ')';
                } else if (!temp.equals(" ") && !temp.equals("") && !temp.equals("  ")) {
                    temp = "";
            } else {
                if (value.charAt(i) != '\n') {
                    temp = temp + value.charAt(i);

                } else if (temp != " " && temp != "" && temp != "  ") {
                    try {
                        System.out.println(VerticalLabels.get(j) + dataCnt + " = " + temp);
                        labelBeforePOJO.add(VerticalLabels.get(j) + dataCnt);
                        temp = "";
                        if (j == ManualColNum) {
                            j = 0;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        System.out.println("VerticalLebels is Empty");



    private void commentHandeler(String comment) {
        isHeader = false;
        if (comment == "") {
            //do nothing
        } else if (comment.contains("labelException")) {
            TempLab = comment.substring(comment.indexOf(" = ") + 3, comment.indexOf(","));
        } else if (comment.contains("colNum")) {
            for (int i = 0; i < comment.length(); i++) {
                if (comment.charAt(i) == '=' && comment.charAt(i + 1) == ' ' && isDigit(comment.charAt(i + 2))) {
                    char c = comment.charAt(i + 2);
                    ManualColNum = Character.getNumericValue(c);
        } else if (comment.contains("rowNum")) {
            for (int i = 0; i < comment.length(); i++) {
                if (comment.charAt(i) == '=' && comment.charAt(i + 1) == ' ' && isDigit(comment.charAt(i + 2))) {
                    char c = comment.charAt(i + 2);
                    ManualRowNum = Character.getNumericValue(c);
        } else if (comment.contains("isHeader")) {
            isHeader = true;
        } else if (comment.contains("TableTitle")) {
            TableTitle = "";
            boolean keepGoing = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < comment.length() - 2; i++) {
                if (comment.charAt(i) == '=' && comment.charAt(i + 1) == ' ' && isLetter(comment.charAt(i + 2))) {
                    keepGoing = true;
                if (keepGoing)
                    TableTitle = TableTitle + comment.charAt(i + 2);

    private void setHeadOfTable(String value, String StartString) {
        String temp = "";
        for (int i = 1; i < value.length(); i++) {
            if (value.charAt(i) != '\n') {
                temp = temp + value.charAt(i);
                if (temp.equals("results")) { //exception ... a better way?
                    temp = temp + " ";
                if (temp.equals("a") || temp.equals(" ")) { //exceptions
                    temp = "";
            } else if (!temp.equals(" ") && !temp.equals("")) {
                temp = "";



    private void setHeadOfTable(String value) {

        String temp = "";
        for (int i = 1; i < value.length(); i++) {
            if (value.charAt(i) != '\n') {
                temp = temp + value.charAt(i);
                if (temp.equals("results")) { //exception ... a better way?
                    temp = temp + " ";
                if (temp.equals("a") || temp.equals(" ")) { //exceptions
                    temp = "";
            } else if (!temp.equals(" ") && !temp.equals("") && value.charAt(i + 1) != '(') {
                temp = "";


    private void processNoLabTable(String value) {

        String temp = "";
        int j = 0, index = 0;
        System.out.println("tile = " + TableTitle);
        int k = 0;

        try {
            for (int i = 1; i < value.length(); i++) {
                if (value.charAt(i) != '\n') {
                    temp = temp + value.charAt(i);
                } else if (value.charAt(i) == '\n' && headContent.get(k).contains("cap color")
                        && TableTitle.equals("ANA")) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    System.out.println(headContent.get(j) + "(" + index + ")" + " = " + temp);
                    labelBeforePOJO.add(headContent.get(j) + "(" + index + ")");
                    temp = "";

                    if (j == headContent.size() - 1) {
                        j = 0;
                    } else {
                    //a better way to do this?
                    if (index > 3) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("HEAD CONTENT IS EMPTY");


    private void extractImages(String src, int cnt) {

        try {

            FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(src);
            XWPFDocument docx = new XWPFDocument(fs);
            List<XWPFPictureData> piclist = docx.getAllPictures();
            Iterator<XWPFPictureData> iterator = piclist.iterator();
            int i = 0;
            new File(
                            + cnt).mkdir();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                XWPFPictureData pic =;
                byte[] bytepic = pic.getData();
                BufferedImage imag = ByteArrayInputStream(bytepic));
                File CreatedImageFile = new File(
                                + cnt + "\\imagefromword" + i + ".jpg");
                ImageIO.write(imag, "jpg", new File(
                                + cnt + "\\imagefromword" + i + ".jpg"));
                System.out.println("path to image " + i + " = " + CreatedImageFile.getAbsolutePath());
                labelBeforePOJO.add("path to image " + i);
        } catch (Exception e) {//I can handle the image advance conversion here?


    private void processInTextTableHeader(String value) {

        String valueTok[] = value.split("\n");
        for (String str : valueTok) {
            if (!str.equals("")) {


    private void processInTextBody(String value, String StartString) {

        String valueTok[] = value.split("\n");
        int i = 0;
        boolean IsCheckBox = false;
        for (String str : valueTok) {
            //see if there is a checkbox value to save it for checkboxConflict
            IsCheckBox = DetermineCheck(str);
            if (IsCheckBox) {
                String temp = FindCheckValue(str);

            if (!str.equals("") && i < headContent.size()) {
                System.out.println(StartString + " " + headContent.get(i) + " = " + str);
                labelBeforePOJO.add(StartString + " " + headContent.get(i));


    private void DisplayCheckException() {

        String temp = tempCheckException.get(0) + " = ";
        String temp2 = "";
        for (int i = 1; i < tempCheckException.size(); i++) {
            temp += tempCheckException.get(i);
        String valueTok[] = temp.split("\\s+");

        for (String str : valueTok) {
            System.out.print(str + " ");
            if (tempCheckException.get(0).contains(str) || str.contains("=")) {
                //do nothing
            } else {
                temp2 += (str + " ");

        labelBeforePOJO.add(tempCheckException.get(0)); //flag


    private void process2DimVersion1Expection(String StartString, String value) {

        String temp = "a\n";
        temp += StartString;
        temp += value;

        String lab0 = null, lab1 = null, lab2 = null;
        String val1 = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
            val1 = "";
            if (i == 0) {
                lab0 = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("a"),
                        temp.indexOf("inadequate cp current") + "inadequate cp current".length());
                lab0 = lab0.replace("\n", " ");
                temp = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("inadequate cp current") + "inadequate cp current".length());
            } else if (i == 1) {
                lab0 = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("b"), temp.indexOf("no cp for a known period of time")
                        + "no cp for a known period of time".length());
                lab0 = lab0.replace("\n", " ");
                temp = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("no cp for a known period of time")
                        + "no cp for a known period of time".length());

            } else if (i == 2) {
                lab0 = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("c"), temp.indexOf("no cp with dissimilar metal couplings")
                        + "no cp with dissimilar metal couplings".length());
                lab0 = lab0.replace("\n", " ");
                temp = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("no cp with dissimilar metal couplings")
                        + "no cp with dissimilar metal couplings".length());
            } else if (i == 3) {
                lab0 = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("d"),
                        temp.indexOf("previously unidentified source of interference")
                                + "previously unidentified source of interference".length());
                lab0 = lab0.replace("\n", " ");
                temp = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("previously unidentified source of interference")
                        + "previously unidentified source of interference".length());
            } else if (i == 4) {
                lab0 = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("e"), temp.indexOf("shielding occurred by disbonded coating")
                        + "shielding occurred by disbonded coating".length());
                lab0 = lab0.replace("\n", " ");
                temp = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("shielding occurred by disbonded coating")
                        + "shielding occurred by disbonded coating".length());
            } else if (i == 5) {
                lab0 = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("f"),
                        temp.indexOf("mic or biological corrosion") + "mic or biological corrosion".length());
                lab0 = lab0.replace("\n", " ");
                temp = temp.substring(
                        temp.indexOf("mic or biological corrosion") + "mic or biological corrosion".length());
            } else if (i == 6) {
                lab0 = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("g"),
                        temp.indexOf("other (specify):") + "other (specify):".length());
                lab0 = lab0.replace("\n", " ");
                temp = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("other (specify):") + "other (specify):".length());

            lab1 = lab0 + headContent.get(1);
            lab2 = lab0 + headContent.get(2);
            temp = temp.substring(temp.indexOf("\n") + 1);
            while (!temp.startsWith("\n")) {
                val1 += temp.charAt(0);
                temp = temp.substring(1);
            val1 = val1.replace("null", "");
            System.out.println(lab1 + " = " + val1);
            temp = temp.substring(1);
            val1 = "";
            while (!temp.startsWith("\n")) {
                val1 += temp.charAt(0);
                temp = temp.substring(1);
            if (val1.contains("null"))
                val1 = val1.replace("null", "");
            System.out.println(lab2 + " = " + val1);


     * Populate the first POJO, this includes only the label, the value associated to the label
     * the section of label and version of the document 
    private void PopulatePOJOAlpha() {
        for (int i = 0; i < ValueBeforePOJO.size(); i++) {
            ListOfPOJO_Rows.add(new ExtractPOJO());
        } //looks like it is working !!!!!!

    private void processSpecialTable(String value) {

        String first = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

            int j = 0;
            if (value.indexOf("type of defect") < 0) {
                first = value.substring(value.indexOf("number") + "number".length(),
                        value.indexOf("type of anomaly"));
            } else {
                first = value.substring(value.indexOf("number") + "number".length(),
                        value.indexOf("type of defect"));
            value = value.substring(value.indexOf("number") + "number".length());
            String[] tok1 = first.split("\n");
            for (String str : tok1) {
                if (str.equals("")) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    System.out.println("number(" + j + "- " + i + ") = " + str);
                    labelBeforePOJO.add("number(" + j + ")");
            j = 0;
            String second = value.substring(value.indexOf("coating)") + "coating)".length(),
                    value.indexOf("distance from zero point"));
            value = value.substring(value.indexOf("coating") + "coating".length());
            String[] tok2 = second.split("\n");
            for (String str : tok2) {
                if (str.equals("")) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    System.out.println("type of defect(" + j + "- " + i + ") = " + str);
                    labelBeforePOJO.add("type of defect(" + j + ")");
            j = 0;
            String third = value.substring(
                    value.indexOf("distance from zero point (feet)") + "distance from zero point (feet)".length(),
                    value.indexOf("o'clock position"));
            value = value.substring(
                    value.indexOf("distance from zero point (feet)") + "distance from zero point (feet)".length());
            String[] tok3 = third.split("\n");
            for (String str : tok3) {
                if (str.equals("")) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    System.out.println("distance from zero point defect(" + j + "- " + i + ") = " + str);
                    labelBeforePOJO.add("distance from zero point defect(" + j + ")");
            j = 0;
            String fourth = value.substring(value.indexOf("o'clock position") + "o'clock position".length(),
                    value.indexOf("length (axial) (inch)"));
            value = value.substring(value.indexOf("o'clock position") + "o'clock position".length());
            String[] tok4 = fourth.split("\n");
            for (String str : tok4) {
                if (str.equals("")) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    System.out.println("o'clock position defect(" + j + "- " + i + ") = " + str);
                    labelBeforePOJO.add("o'clock position defect(" + j + ")");
            j = 0;
            String fifth = value.substring(
                    value.indexOf("length (axial) (inch)") + "length (axial) (inch)".length(),
                    value.indexOf("length (circumferential) (inch)"));
            value = value.substring(value.indexOf("length (axial) (inch)") + "length (axial) (inch)".length());
            String[] tok5 = fifth.split("\n");
            for (String str : tok5) {
                if (str.equals("")) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    System.out.println("length axe defect(" + j + "- " + i + ") = " + str);
                    labelBeforePOJO.add("length axe defect(" + j + ")");
            j = 0;
            String six = value.substring(
                    value.indexOf("length (circumferential) (inch)") + "length (circumferential) (inch)".length(),
                    value.indexOf("maximum depth (inch)"));
            value = value.substring(
                    value.indexOf("length (circumferential) (inch)") + "length (circumferential) (inch)".length());
            String[] tok6 = six.split("\n");
            for (String str : tok6) {
                if (str.equals("")) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    System.out.println("length circ defect(" + j + "- " + i + ") = " + str);
                    labelBeforePOJO.add("length circ defect(" + j + ")");
            j = 0;
            String seven = value.substring(value.indexOf("maximum depth (inch)") + "maximum depth (inch)".length(),
                    value.indexOf("repair category *".toLowerCase()));
            value = value.substring(value.indexOf("maximum depth (inch)") + "maximum depth (inch)".length());
            String[] tok7 = seven.split("\n");
            for (String str : tok7) {
                if (str.equals("")) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    System.out.println("maximum depth(" + j + "- " + i + ") = " + str);
                    labelBeforePOJO.add("maximum depth(" + j + ")");
            j = 0;
            String eight = value.substring(value.indexOf("repair category *") + "repair category *".length(),
                    value.indexOf("Corrosion Interactivity".toLowerCase()));
            value = value.substring(value.indexOf("repair category *") + "repair category *".length());
            String[] tok8 = eight.split("\n");
            for (String str : tok8) {
                if (str.equals("")) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    System.out.println("repair category(" + j + "- " + i + ") = " + str);
                    labelBeforePOJO.add("repair category(" + j + ")");
            j = 0;
            String nine = null;
            if (i == 0) {
                nine = value.substring(
                        value.indexOf("corrosion interactivity") + "corrosion interactivity".length(),
            } else if (i == 1) {
                nine = value.substring(
                        value.indexOf("corrosion interactivity") + "corrosion interactivity".length(),
            value = value.substring(value.indexOf("corrosion interactivity") + "corrosion interactivity".length());

            String[] tok9 = nine.split("\n");
            for (String str : tok9) {
                if (str.equals("")) {
                    //do nothing
                } else {
                    System.out.println("corrosion interactivity(" + j + "- " + i + ") = " + str);
                    labelBeforePOJO.add("corrosion interactivity(" + j + ")");


    private String displayCleanUp(String value, String ValType) {

        if (value.contains("0  n/a") && ValType.contains("text field")) {
            value = value.replace("0  n/a", "");
        if (value.contains("1  n/a") && ValType.contains("text field")) {
            value = value.replace("1  n/a", "");
        String valueTok[] = value.split("\\s+");
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        for (String str : valueTok) {
            builder.append(str).append(" ");
        value = builder.toString();
        if (value.contains("section") && value.length() > value.indexOf("section") + "section".length() + 2) {
            value = value.replace(
                    value.subSequence(value.indexOf("section"), value.indexOf("section") + "section".length() + 2),
        return value;
