Java tutorial
package com.supaham.commons.bukkit.area; import; import; import; import com.supaham.commons.bukkit.serializers.CBSerializers.ListVectorSerializer; import com.supaham.commons.bukkit.utils.LocationUtils; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import pluginbase.config.annotation.SerializableAs; import pluginbase.config.annotation.SerializeWith; /** * Represents a serializable 2D polygonal object using a collection of points to define the region * followed by a min & max y coordinate to define height. * * @see #fromLocations(Collection, int, int) * @see #Poly2DRegion(Collection, int, int) * @since 0.2.3 */ @SerializableAs("Poly2DRegion") public class Poly2DRegion implements Region { @SerializeWith(ListVectorSerializer.class) private Collection<Vector> points; private Vector min = new Vector(0, 0, 0); private Vector max = new Vector(0, 0, 0); /** * Constructs a 2D polygonal region out of a collection of {@link Location}s and a min & max y * coordinate. This is equivalent to calling {@link #Poly2DRegion(Collection, int, int)} with * the collection transformed to {@link LocationUtils#toVectorFunction()}. * * @param points points to define the polygonal region * @param minY minimum level on the y axis * @param maxY maximum level on the y axis * * @return 2D polygonal region * * @see #Poly2DRegion(Collection, int, int) */ public static Poly2DRegion fromLocations(@Nonnull Collection<Location> points, int minY, int maxY) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(points, "first point cannot be null."); Preconditions.checkArgument(minY >= 0, "minY cannot be smaller than 0."); Preconditions.checkArgument(maxY >= 0, "maxY cannot be smaller than 0."); return new Poly2DRegion(Collections2.transform(points, LocationUtils.toVectorFunction()), minY, maxY); } protected Poly2DRegion() { } /** * Constructs a 2D polygonal region out of a collection of {@link Vector}s and a min & max y * coordinate. * * @param points points to define the polygonal region * @param minY minimum level on the y axis * @param maxY maximum level on the y axis * * @see #fromLocations(Collection, int, int) */ public Poly2DRegion(@Nonnull Collection<Vector> points, int minY, int maxY) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(points, "points cannot be null."); Preconditions.checkArgument(minY >= 0, "minY cannot be smaller than 0."); Preconditions.checkArgument(maxY >= 0, "maxY cannot be smaller than 0."); this.points = points; Iterator<Vector> it = points.iterator(); int minX = Iterables.get(points, 0).getBlockX(); int minZ = Iterables.get(points, 0).getBlockZ(); int maxX = minX; int maxZ = minZ; while (it.hasNext()) { Vector next =; int x = next.getBlockX(); int z = next.getBlockZ(); if (x < minX) { minX = x; } else if (x > maxX) { maxX = x; } if (z < minZ) { minZ = z; } else if (z > maxZ) { maxZ = z; } } } @Override public Vector getMinimumPoint() { return this.min; } @Override public Vector getMaximumPoint() { return this.max; } /* * This piece of code was taken from Sk89q's WorldEdit project licensed under GNU GPL v3, and * slightly modified. * */ @Override public boolean contains(@Nonnull Vector vector) { if (this.points.size() < 3) { return false; } int targetX = vector.getBlockX(); //wide int targetY = vector.getBlockY(); //height int targetZ = vector.getBlockZ(); //depth if (targetY < this.min.getBlockY() || targetY > this.max.getBlockY()) { return false; } boolean inside = false; int npoints = this.points.size(); int xNew, zNew; int xOld, zOld; int x1, z1; int x2, z2; long crossproduct; int i; xOld = Iterables.get(this.points, npoints - 1).getBlockX(); zOld = Iterables.get(this.points, npoints - 1).getBlockZ(); for (Vector point : this.points) { xNew = point.getBlockX(); zNew = point.getBlockZ(); //Check for corner if (xNew == targetX && zNew == targetZ) { return true; } if (xNew > xOld) { x1 = xOld; x2 = xNew; z1 = zOld; z2 = zNew; } else { x1 = xNew; x2 = xOld; z1 = zNew; z2 = zOld; } if (x1 <= targetX && targetX <= x2) { crossproduct = ((long) targetZ - (long) z1) * (long) (x2 - x1) - ((long) z2 - (long) z1) * (long) (targetX - x1); if (crossproduct == 0) { if ((z1 <= targetZ) == (targetZ <= z2)) { return true; //on edge } } else if (crossproduct < 0 && (x1 != targetX)) { inside = !inside; } } xOld = xNew; zOld = zNew; } return inside; } @Override public Iterator<Vector> iterator() { return null; // TODO implement } }