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 * Copyright 2012 Kevan Dunsmore.  All rights reserved.
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.

package com.sunsprinter.diffunit.core.translators;

import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

 * Abstract base for translators that convert objects to strings by examining property values.
 * @author Kevan Dunsmore
 * @created 2011/11/10
public abstract class AbstractPropertyDrivenTranslator<T> extends AbstractDelegatingTranslator<T> {
    private Collection<String> _propertiesToTranslate = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    private final Set<String> _propertiesToSkip = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("class"));

    public <I extends AbstractPropertyDrivenTranslator<T>> I translateProperties(
            final String... propertiesToTranslate) {
        if (getPropertiesToTranslate() == null) {
            setPropertiesToTranslate(new LinkedList<String>());


        return (I) this;

    public <I extends AbstractPropertyDrivenTranslator<T>> I skipProperties(final String... propertiesToSkip) {

        return (I) this;

    protected Collection<String> getPropertiesToTranslate() {
        return _propertiesToTranslate;

    protected void setPropertiesToTranslate(final Collection<String> propertiesToTranslate) {
        _propertiesToTranslate = propertiesToTranslate;

    protected Set<String> getPropertiesToSkip() {
        return _propertiesToSkip;

    protected Collection<PropertyDescriptor> determinePropertiesEligibleForTranslation(final T object)
            throws TranslationException {
        // We don't have a map of property names to properties.  We create one now.  We use a linked hash map to
        // preserve the order of the properties.  After all, we've gone to a lot of bother to order our properties
        // so the look nice in our test output.
        final Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> allPropertiesMap = buildAllPropertiesMap(object);

        final Collection<PropertyDescriptor> properties;
        if (getPropertiesToTranslate().isEmpty()) {
            // The client hasn't specified the properties to translate so we do all of them.
            properties = allPropertiesMap.values();
        } else {
            properties = new LinkedList<PropertyDescriptor>();

            // The client has specified the properties we have to translate.
            for (final String propertyName : getPropertiesToTranslate()) {
                final PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = allPropertiesMap.get(propertyName);
                if (propertyDescriptor == null) {
                    // Oops.  The client specified a property that doesn't exist.
                    throw new TranslationException(object,
                                    "Property '%s' does not exist on object '%s'.  "
                                            + "Available properties are '%s'.",
                                    propertyName, getInstanceTracker().getObjectId(object),
                                    StringUtils.join(allPropertiesMap.keySet(), "', '")));

                // Skip write-only properties.  Seriously, who does write-only properties?  You'd be surprised.
                if (propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod() != null) {

        // Now build up our eligible properties collection by adding everything except the things we've been told to skip.
        final Collection<PropertyDescriptor> eligibleProperties = createEligiblePropertiesCollection();
        for (final PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : properties) {
            if (!getPropertiesToSkip().contains(propertyDescriptor.getName())) {

        return eligibleProperties;

    protected Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> buildAllPropertiesMap(final T object) throws TranslationException {
        final Map<String, PropertyDescriptor> allPropertiesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, PropertyDescriptor>();

        for (final PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : retrieveAllProperties(object)) {
            // Skip write-only properties.
            if (propertyDescriptor.getReadMethod() != null) {
                allPropertiesMap.put(propertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor);


        return allPropertiesMap;

    protected Collection<PropertyDescriptor> retrieveAllProperties(final T object) throws TranslationException {
        try {
            final Collection<PropertyDescriptor> properties = new TreeSet<PropertyDescriptor>(
            return properties;
        } catch (final IntrospectionException e) {
            throw new TranslationException(object, String.format("Unable to retrieve properties for object '%s'.",

     * Factory method to create a comparator for {@link PropertyDescriptor} objects.  By default creates an instance of
     * {@link PropertyDescriptorComparator}.
     * @return A comparator for {@link PropertyDescriptor} objects.
    protected Comparator<PropertyDescriptor> createPropertyDescriptorComparator() {
        return new PropertyDescriptorComparator();

     * Comparator implementation that sorts {@link PropertyDescriptor} objects by declaring class (of write method) then
     * by name. Properties declared by superclasses are considered less than those of a subclass.  If both classes are
     * the same, properties are sorted alphabetically by name.
    protected class PropertyDescriptorComparator implements Comparator<PropertyDescriptor> {
        public int compare(final PropertyDescriptor left, final PropertyDescriptor right) {
            // Short-circuit for the same instances passed as both params.
            if (left == right) {
                return 0;

            final Class<?> leftReadMethodDeclarer = left.getReadMethod() == null ? null
                    : left.getReadMethod().getDeclaringClass();
            final Class<?> leftWriteMethodDeclarer = left.getWriteMethod() == null ? null
                    : left.getWriteMethod().getDeclaringClass();

            final Class<?> rightReadMethodDeclarer = right.getReadMethod() == null ? null
                    : right.getReadMethod().getDeclaringClass();
            final Class<?> rightWriteMethodDeclarer = right.getWriteMethod() == null ? null
                    : right.getWriteMethod().getDeclaringClass();

            final Class<?> leftClass = determineMostSpecific(leftReadMethodDeclarer, leftWriteMethodDeclarer);
            final Class<?> rightClass = determineMostSpecific(rightReadMethodDeclarer, rightWriteMethodDeclarer);

            if (leftClass == rightClass) {
                // Both properties are from the same class.  We compare by name.
                return left.getName().compareTo(right.getName());

            // The properties were declared by different classes.  More-specific is higher than less-specific.  The
            // previous check means that the two classes at this point are different.
            if (leftClass.isAssignableFrom(rightClass)) {
                // The left class is a superclass of the right so it is smaller.
                return -1;

            // The left class is a subclass of the right, so it is higher.
            return 1;

    protected Class<?> determineMostSpecific(final Class<?> left, final Class<?> right) {
        Class<?> mostSpecific;

        if (left == null) {
            mostSpecific = right;
        } else if (right == null) {
            mostSpecific = left;
        } else {
            mostSpecific = left.isAssignableFrom(right) ? right : left;

        return mostSpecific;

    protected Collection<PropertyDescriptor> createEligiblePropertiesCollection() {
        return new LinkedList<PropertyDescriptor>();