Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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All rights reserved.
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package com.sun.fortress.repository;

import com.sun.fortress.compiler.NamingCzar;
import com.sun.fortress.compiler.index.ApiIndex;
import com.sun.fortress.compiler.index.Function;
import com.sun.fortress.compiler.index.Functional;
import com.sun.fortress.compiler.nativeInterface.FortressTransformer;
import com.sun.fortress.compiler.OverloadSet;
import com.sun.fortress.scala_src.types.TypeAnalyzer;
import com.sun.fortress.exceptions.StaticError;
import com.sun.fortress.nodes.*;
import com.sun.fortress.nodes_util.Modifiers;
import com.sun.fortress.nodes_util.NodeFactory;
import com.sun.fortress.nodes_util.NodeUtil;
import com.sun.fortress.nodes_util.Span;
import com.sun.fortress.repository.graph.ApiGraphNode;
import com.sun.fortress.repository.graph.GraphNode;
import com.sun.fortress.runtimeSystem.Naming;
import com.sun.fortress.scala_src.typechecker.IndexBuilder;
import com.sun.fortress.useful.*;

import edu.rice.cs.plt.tuple.Option;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode;

import java.util.*;

public class ForeignJava {

    public static final ForeignJava only = new ForeignJava();

    private ForeignJava() {


     * given an API Name, what Java classes does it use (include)?  (Existing
     * Java class, not its compiled Fortress wrapper class.)
     * This is a subset of all the classes available in the package
     * corresponding to the API Name.
    MultiMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type> classesIncludedInForeignAPI = new MultiMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type>();

     * given an API Name, what Java classes is it actually importing?
     * This is (potentially) a subset of the API-importing-foreign-API composed
     * with javaImplementedAPIs, because two imports (from different APIs) from
     * the same foreign API might reference different classes.
    MapOfMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long> classesImportedByAPI = new MapOfMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long>();
    MapOfMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long> classesImportedByComp = new MapOfMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long>();

     * This is an in-memory cache of information read from disk (if any).
    Map<APIName, Map<org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long>> classesImportedByAPIOld = new MapOfMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long>();
    Map<APIName, Map<org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long>> classesImportedByCompOld = new MapOfMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long>();

     * Given a foreign API Name, what other (foreign) APIs does it import?
    MapOfMapOfSet<APIName, Pair<APIName, Option<String>>, Id> generatedImports = new MapOfMapOfSet<APIName, Pair<APIName, Option<String>>, Id>();

     * Given an API Name, what are the decls in it?
     * This includes both trait (class) decls and function (static method) decls.
    public MultiMap<APIName, Decl> apiToStaticDecls = new MultiMap<APIName, Decl>();

     * Given a Java class, what items from it were requested?
     * Possibilities are:
     * 1) Non-empty strings; those particular things.
     * 2) Empty string; the entire class.
     * 3) Nothing at all; an opaque import.
    MultiMap<org.objectweb.asm.Type, String> itemsFromClasses = new MultiMap<org.objectweb.asm.Type, String>();

    Map<APIName, ApiIndex> cachedFakeApis = new HashMap<APIName, ApiIndex>();

    Set<APIName> foreignApisNeedingCompilation = new HashSet<APIName>();

     * Stores the FnDecl for a particular method -- also acts as an is-visited
     * marker.
    public Bijection<String, FnDecl> methodToDecl = new HashBijection<String, FnDecl>();

     * Stores the TraitDecl for a trait.
    public Bijection<Type, TraitDecl> classToTraitDecl = new HashBijection<Type, TraitDecl>();

    /* Special cases
     * Boolean
     * Byte
     * Character
     * Short
     * Int
     * Long
     * Float
     * Double
     * all of the above, .TYPE (the primitives)
     * String

    static ClassNode findClass(String s) throws IOException {
        ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(s);
        ClassNode cn = new ClassNode();
        cr.accept(cn, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG | ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES | ClassReader.SKIP_CODE);
        return cn;

    static CheapSerializer<Type> typeSerializer = new CheapSerializer<Type>() {

        public Type read(InputStream i) throws IOException {
            return Type.getType(;

        public void write(OutputStream o, Type data) throws IOException {
            CheapSerializer.STRING.write(o, data.getDescriptor());

        byte[] V = { 'A', 'S', 'M', '.', 'T', 'Y', 'P', 'E', '_', '1', '.', '0', ' ' };

        public void version(OutputStream o) throws IOException {

        public void version(InputStream o) throws IOException, VersionMismatch {
            check(o, V);


    static CheapSerializer<Map<Type, Long>> dependenceSerializer = new CheapSerializer.MAP<Type, Long>(
            typeSerializer, CheapSerializer.LONG);

    //    private static Span span() {
    //        return NodeFactory.internalSpan;
    //    }

    private static Span span(APIName a) {
        return NodeFactory.makeSpan(a.getText());

    private static Span span(String s) {
        return NodeFactory.makeSpan(s);

    private static Span span(Type t) {
        return NodeFactory.makeSpan(t.getDescriptor());

    static org.objectweb.asm.Type type(ClassNode cl) {
        return org.objectweb.asm.Type.getObjectType(;

    static org.objectweb.asm.Type returnType(MethodNode meth) {
        return org.objectweb.asm.Type.getReturnType(meth.desc);

    static org.objectweb.asm.Type[] argumentTypes(MethodNode meth) {
        return org.objectweb.asm.Type.getArgumentTypes(meth.desc);

    static String getName(MethodNode m) {

    static String getSimpleName(String internal_name) {
        int last_slash = internal_name.lastIndexOf("/");
        String simple_name = internal_name.substring(last_slash + 1);
        return simple_name;

    static String getSimpleName(ClassNode cl) {
        return getSimpleName(;

    static String getPackageName(String internal_name) {
        int last_slash = internal_name.lastIndexOf("/");
        String package_name = internal_name.substring(0, last_slash);
        package_name = Useful.replace(package_name, "/", ".");
        return package_name;

    static String getPackageName(ClassNode cl) {
        return getPackageName(;

    static APIName packageToAPIName(String s) {
        return NodeFactory.makeAPIName(span(s), s);

    void processJavaImport(CompilationUnit comp, Import i, ImportNames ins) {
        // Need to record dependence of importer on the class implied by i.

        APIName pkg_name = ins.getApiName();
        String pkg_name_string = pkg_name.getText();
        List<AliasedSimpleName> names = ins.getAliasedNames();
        for (AliasedSimpleName name : names) {
            IdOrOpOrAnonymousName imported = name.getName();
            String suffix = NodeUtil.nameString(imported);
             * Okay, so this means that the "api" being imported
             * is pkg_name, and the class is specified either as
             * the first part of the prefix (which looks like an
             * APIName) or the suffix.
             * Possible cases:
             * Aclass.AnInnerClass (Map.Entry)
             * Aclass.AStaticFunction
             * Aclass.AField
             * Aclass.AnInner*.{AStaticFunction,AField}

             * More hints.
             * The api part of the name, corresponds to a package name.
             * So, if it is an inner class, that dot has to come
             * in the suffix.
             * Inner classes expect a dollar sign where the dot
             * appears in the Java text.

             * There can be static inner classes,
             * static functions,
             * and static fields,
             * all with the same dotted name.
             * For now, try the static inner class first,
             * then the function,
             * then the fields.

            int last_dot = suffix.length();

            /* Try replacing fewer and fewer dots with $; prefer the
             * "classiest" answer.
            ClassNode imported_class = null;
            Debug.debug(Debug.Type.REPOSITORY, 2, "Hunting for java match for ", pkg_name_string, ".", suffix);
            String candidate_suffix = suffix;
            ArrayList<String> trials = new ArrayList<String>();
            while (last_dot > 0) {
                candidate_suffix = candidate_suffix.substring(0, last_dot);
                String candidate_class = pkg_name_string + "." + Useful.replace(candidate_suffix, ".", "$");
                Debug.debug(Debug.Type.REPOSITORY, 2, "Looking for java class ", candidate_class);
                try {
                    imported_class = findClass(candidate_class);
                    if (imported_class != null)
                    // exit with imported_class and last_dot
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // failed to get this one
                last_dot = candidate_suffix.lastIndexOf('.', last_dot);
            if (imported_class == null) {
                // Could not match a class to any prefix
                throw StaticError.make("Could not find Java entity for foreign import " + pkg_name_string + "."
                        + suffix + ", tried classes " + trials, i);
            /* imported_class specifies the class,
             * the item is the unused portion of the suffix.
            String imported_item = suffix.substring(last_dot);
            if (imported_item.length() == 0) {

            } else if (imported_item.startsWith(".", 0)) {
                imported_item = imported_item.substring(1);
            } else {
                throw StaticError.make("Internal error processing imported item " + imported_item, i);
            /* Record import of (part of) pkg_name_string.
             * Class imported_class
             * item imported_item -- entire class if "".
            // TODO
            recurOnClass(comp, pkg_name, imported_class, imported_item);

        } /* for name : names */

        //        System.err.println("classesIncludedInForeignAPI="+classesIncludedInForeignAPI);
        //        System.err.println("classesImportedByAPI="+classesImportedByAPI);
        //        System.err.println("itemsFromClasses="+itemsFromClasses);


    * @param imported_type
    private com.sun.fortress.nodes.Type recurOnOpaqueClass(APIName importing_package,
            org.objectweb.asm.Type imported_type, String simpleMethodName, boolean isResultType) {
        // Need to special-case for primitives, String, Object, void.
        // Also, not a bijection.
        com.sun.fortress.nodes.Type t = NamingCzar.fortressTypeForForeignJavaType(imported_type, simpleMethodName,
        if (t != null)
            return t;

        String internal_name = imported_type.getInternalName();
        String package_name = getPackageName(internal_name);
        String simple_name = getSimpleName(internal_name);

        APIName api_name = packageToAPIName(package_name);
        Id name = NodeFactory.makeId(span(package_name), simple_name);

        /* Though the class may have been previously referenced, the import
         * may still need to be recorded.  Re-recording an existing import
         * is harmless.
        generatedImports.putItem(importing_package, Pair.make(api_name, Option.some("java")), name);

         * Ensure that the API and class appear.
        classesIncludedInForeignAPI.putItem(api_name, imported_type);

         *  Has there (not) been any reference to this class previously?
         *  If no reference, then record that it is needed (opaquely) and
         *  create a trivial declaration for it, and enter the declaration
         *  into the appropriate places.
        if (!itemsFromClasses.containsKey(imported_type)) {
            // Construct a minimal trait declaration for this class.
            classToTraitType(imported_type, api_name, name, Collections.<Decl>emptyList());

        // LOSE THE DOTTED REFERENCE, at least for now.
        // name = NodeFactory.makeId(api_name, name);
        // Note: a TraitType is a reference to a trait.
        return NodeFactory.makeTraitType(span(imported_type), false, name);

    private void classToTraitType(Type imported_class, APIName api_name, Id name, List<Decl> decls) {
        List<StaticParam> sparams = Collections.emptyList();
        List<TraitTypeWhere> extendsC = Collections.emptyList();
        Modifiers mods = Modifiers.None;
        Option<WhereClause> whereC = Option.none();
        List<BaseType> excludesC = Collections.emptyList();
        Option<List<NamedType>> comprisesC = Option.none();
        TraitDecl td = NodeFactory.makeTraitDecl(span(imported_class), mods, name, sparams,
                Option.<List<Param>>none(), extendsC, whereC, decls, excludesC, comprisesC, false,
        // Need to fake up an API for this class, too.
        classToTraitDecl.put(imported_class, td);
        apiToStaticDecls.putItem(api_name, td);
        classesIncludedInForeignAPI.putItem(api_name, imported_class);

        /* Invalidate any old entry.
         * Let's hope this does not cause problems down the line.

    static Comparator<MethodNode> methodNodeComparator = new Comparator<MethodNode>() {

        public int compare(MethodNode o1, MethodNode o2) {
            return justMethodName(o1).compareTo(justMethodName(o2));


    private long subsetHash(org.objectweb.asm.Type t, ClassNode cn) {
        long h = t.hashCode();
        BASet<MethodNode> methods = new BASet<MethodNode>(methodNodeComparator, cn.methods);
        for (MethodNode m : methods) {
            int access = m.access;
            if (isPublic(access)) {
                if (isStatic(access)) {
                    h = h * MagicNumbers.s;
                Type rt = returnType(m);
                h = MagicNumbers.hashStepLong(h, MagicNumbers.M, rt.hashCode());
                Type[] pts = argumentTypes(m);
                h = MagicNumbers.hashArrayLong(pts, h);
        return h;

    private void recurOnClass(CompilationUnit comp, APIName pkg_name, ClassNode imported_class,
            String imported_item) {
        org.objectweb.asm.Type t = type(imported_class);
        APIName importer = comp.getName();

        if (comp instanceof Api)
            classesImportedByAPI.putItem(importer, t, subsetHash(t, imported_class));
            classesImportedByComp.putItem(importer, t, subsetHash(t, imported_class));

        Set<String> old = itemsFromClasses.get(t);

         * Import of a class, non-opaquely.
         * Keep track of which items, specifically, are imported.
         * Note that the empty string is a valid item, it means "the class itself".
        if (old != null && old.size() > 0) {
            itemsFromClasses.putItem(t, imported_item);

         * Class not seen before (except perhaps as an opaque import)
         * Recursively visit all of its parts.
        itemsFromClasses.putItem(t, imported_item);

        List<MethodNode> methods = imported_class.methods;
        //        Field[] fields = imported_class.getDeclaredFields();
        //        Class[] interfaces = imported_class.getInterfaces();
        //        Class super_class = imported_class.getSuperclass();

        ArrayList<Decl> trait_decls = new ArrayList<Decl>();

        for (MethodNode m : methods) {
            int access = m.access;
            if (isPublic(access)) {
                if (isStatic(access)) {
                    // static goes to api-indexed set
                    FnDecl decl = recurOnMethod(pkg_name, imported_class, m, true);
                    apiToStaticDecls.putItem(pkg_name, decl);
                } else {
                    // non static goes to declaration pile for class
                    FnDecl decl = recurOnMethod(pkg_name, imported_class, m, false);

        Id name = NodeFactory.makeId(
                span("Internally generated ast node, compiler method ForeignJava.recurOnClass"),
        classToTraitType(t, pkg_name, name, trait_decls);


    private FnDecl recurOnMethod(APIName importing_package, ClassNode cl, MethodNode m, boolean is_static) {
        String methodKey = methodName(cl, m);
        String simpleMethodName = getName(m);
        if (methodToDecl.containsKey(methodKey))
            return methodToDecl.get(methodKey);

        Type rt = returnType(m);
        Type[] pts = argumentTypes(m);
        // To construct a FnDecl, need to get names for all the other types
        com.sun.fortress.nodes.Type return_type = recurOnOpaqueClass(importing_package, rt, simpleMethodName, true);

        List<Param> params = new ArrayList<Param>(pts.length);
        int i = 0;
        for (Type pt : pts) {
            com.sun.fortress.nodes.Type type = recurOnOpaqueClass(importing_package, pt, simpleMethodName, false);
            Span param_span = NodeFactory.makeSpan(span(methodKey) + " p#" + i);
            Id id = NodeFactory.makeId(param_span, "p" + (i++));
            Param p = NodeFactory.makeParam(id, type);

        Span fn_span = span(methodKey);
        Id id = is_static ? NodeFactory.makeId(fn_span, getSimpleName(cl) + "." + getName(m))
                : NodeFactory.makeId(fn_span, getName(m));

        String uan = Naming.FOREIGN_TAG + methodKey;

        FnDecl fndecl = NodeFactory.makeFnDecl(fn_span, Modifiers.None, (IdOrOpOrAnonymousName) id,
                Collections.<StaticParam>emptyList(), params, Option.some(return_type),
                Option.<List<com.sun.fortress.nodes.Type>>none(), Option.<WhereClause>none(),
                Option.<Contract>none(), (IdOrOp) NodeFactory.makeId(fn_span, uan), Option.<Expr>none(),

        methodToDecl.put(methodKey, fndecl);
        return fndecl;

     * @param m
     * @return
    private static String methodName(ClassNode cl, MethodNode m) {
        String s =;
        int i = s.lastIndexOf("/");
        s = s.substring(i + 1);
        return s + Naming.FOREIGN_TAG + + m.desc;

    private static String justMethodName(MethodNode m) {
        return + m.desc;

    private boolean isPublic(int modifiers) {
        return 0 != (modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC);

    private boolean isStatic(int modifiers) {
        return 0 != (modifiers & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC);

    public boolean definesApi(APIName name) {
        return classesIncludedInForeignAPI.containsKey(name);

    public boolean definesApi(GraphNode node) {
        return definesApi(node.getName());

    public ApiIndex fakeApi(APIName name) {
        ApiIndex result = cachedFakeApis.get(name);
        if (result == null) {

            /* Doing this seems to cause other problems.
            Span my_span = NodeFactory.makeSpan("Internally generated import added to synthesized API for a foreign import; compiler source code is ForeignJava.fakeApi");
            generatedImports.putItem(name, Pair.make(NodeFactory.makeAPIName(my_span, "AnyType"), Option.<String>none()),
                NodeFactory.makeId(my_span, "Any"));

            // This looks wrong -- it seems to depend on the generateWrappersForApi call that is commented out.
            List<Import> imports = new ArrayList<Import>();
            IMultiMap<Pair<APIName, Option<String>>, Id> gi = generatedImports.get(name);
            if (gi != null)
                for (Map.Entry<Pair<APIName, Option<String>>, Set<Id>> a : gi.entrySet()) {
                    importAnApi(imports, a.getKey(), a.getValue());

            List<Decl> decls = new ArrayList<Decl>();
            for (Decl d : apiToStaticDecls.get(name)) {
            Api a = NodeFactory.makeApi(span(name), name, imports, decls);

            result = (ApiIndex) IndexBuilder.buildCompilationUnitIndex(a, Long.MIN_VALUE + 2, true);
            cachedFakeApis.put(name, result);
        return result;


    private void importAnApi(List<Import> imports, Pair<APIName, Option<String>> a, Set<Id> items) {

        List<AliasedSimpleName> lasn = new ArrayList<AliasedSimpleName>();
        lasn = Useful.applyToAllAppending(items, new F<Id, AliasedSimpleName>() {
            public AliasedSimpleName apply(Id x) {
                return NodeFactory.makeAliasedSimpleName(x);
        }, lasn);

        ImportNames imp_names = NodeFactory.makeImportNames(
                span("Internally generated import for a native import, compiler method ForeignJava.importAnApi"),
                a.getB(), a.getA(), lasn);


    public Map<APIName, ApiIndex> augmentApiMap(Map<APIName, ApiIndex> map) {
        for (APIName a : classesIncludedInForeignAPI.keySet()) {
            map.put(a, fakeApi(a));

        // dumpGenerated();

        return map;

    public void dumpGenerated() {
        for (APIName a : classesIncludedInForeignAPI.keySet()) {
            CompilationUnit cu = fakeApi(a).ast();

     * Node depends on next.  Compares the on-disk record of the dependence
     * with the current version of the dependence, and return true iff there
     * is any change or missing data.
     * @param node A thing (component or api) importing a Java package.
     * @param next The api generated for the Java package.
     * @return
    public boolean dependenceChanged(GraphNode node, GraphNode next) {
        APIName node_name = node.getName();
        //APIName next_name = next.getName();

        Map<APIName, Map<org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long>> classesImportedByOld = (node instanceof ApiGraphNode)
                ? classesImportedByAPIOld
                : classesImportedByCompOld;

        MapOfMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long> classesImportedByNew = classImportedByCurrent(node);

        if (!classesImportedByOld.containsKey(node_name)) {
            // read the data from disk.
            readDependenceDataForAST(classesImportedByOld, node);

        Map<Type, Long> oldmap = classesImportedByOld.get(node_name);
        Map<Type, Long> newmap = classesImportedByNew.get(node_name);

        boolean result;
        if (oldmap == null || newmap == null) {
            result = true;
        } else {
            Debug.debug(Debug.Type.REPOSITORY, 1, "dependence changed?, ", oldmap, newmap);
            result = !oldmap.equals(newmap);


        // need to implement proper test.
        return result;

    public void writeDependenceDataForAST(GraphNode node) {
        try {
            if (!hasForeignDependence(node))
            String s = dependsFileName(node);
            OutputStream o = new FileOutputStream(s);
            MapOfMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long> classesImportedByNew = classImportedByCurrent(node);

            dependenceSerializer.write(o, classesImportedByNew.get(node.getName()));


            // Update local copy, too, in case we are running tests.
            Map<APIName, Map<org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long>> classesImportedByOld = (node instanceof ApiGraphNode)
                    ? classesImportedByAPIOld
                    : classesImportedByCompOld;

            classesImportedByOld.put(node.getName(), classesImportedByNew.get(node.getName()));
        } catch (IOException ex) {


    static private void readDependenceDataForAST(
            Map<APIName, Map<org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long>> classesImportedByOld, GraphNode node) throws Error {
        InputStream i;
        String s = dependsFileName(node);
        boolean found = false;
        try {
            i = new FileInputStream(s);
            try {
                Map<Type, Long> object =;

                classesImportedByOld.put(node.getName(), object);
            } finally {
            found = true;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (VersionMismatch e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        if (!found)
            classesImportedByOld.put(node.getName(), Collections.<Type, Long>emptyMap());


    boolean hasForeignDependence(GraphNode node) {
        MapOfMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long> classesImportedByNew = classImportedByCurrent(node);

        return classesImportedByNew.containsKey(node.getName());

    private MapOfMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long> classImportedByCurrent(GraphNode node) {
        MapOfMap<APIName, org.objectweb.asm.Type, Long> classesImportedByNew = (node instanceof ApiGraphNode)
                ? classesImportedByAPI
                : classesImportedByComp;
        return classesImportedByNew;

    static private String dependsFileName(GraphNode node) {
        if (node instanceof ApiGraphNode) {
            return NamingCzar.dependenceFileNameForApiAst(node.getName(), node.getSourcePath());
        } else {
            return NamingCzar.dependenceFileNameForCompAst(node.getName(), node.getSourcePath());

    public boolean foreignApiNeedingCompilation(APIName name) {
        return foreignApisNeedingCompilation.contains(name);

     * @param name
     * @param overloads
    public void generateWrappersForApi(APIName name, Set<OverloadSet> overloads,
            Map<IdOrOpOrAnonymousName, MultiMap<Integer, Functional>> size_partitioned_overloads, TypeAnalyzer ta) {

        Set<Type> classes = classesIncludedInForeignAPI.get(name);

        MapOfMap<String, IdOrOpOrAnonymousName, MultiMap<Integer, Functional>> class_size_partitioned_overloads = new MapOfMap<String, IdOrOpOrAnonymousName, MultiMap<Integer, Functional>>();

        for (Map.Entry<IdOrOpOrAnonymousName, MultiMap<Integer, Functional>> entry : size_partitioned_overloads
                .entrySet()) {
            String n = entry.getKey().stringName();
            int i = n.indexOf('.');
            if (i == -1)
                throw new Error("Cannot happen; all foreign names should contain a dot: " + n);
            String pfx = n.substring(0, i + 1);

            class_size_partitioned_overloads.putItem(pfx, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

        // Need to generate wrappers for all these classes,
        // if they do not already exist.
        for (Type t : classes) {
            String s = t.getClassName();
            int i = s.lastIndexOf(".");
            if (i == -1) {
                s = Useful.substring(s, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
            } else {
                s = Useful.substring(s, i + 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
            final String starts_with = s + ".";
            //            Set<OverloadSet> some_overloads = Useful.matchingSubset(overloads,
            //                                                                    new com.sun.fortress.useful.F<OverloadSet, Boolean>() {
            //                                                                        @Override
            //                                                                        public Boolean apply(OverloadSet x) {
            //                                                                            String name = x.getName().stringName();
            //                                                                            return name.startsWith(startswith);
            //                                                                        }
            //                                                                    });

            size_partitioned_overloads = class_size_partitioned_overloads.get(starts_with);
            if (size_partitioned_overloads == null)
                size_partitioned_overloads = Collections.emptyMap();
            FortressTransformer.transform(t.getClassName(), name, size_partitioned_overloads, ta);
