Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* Copyright 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. This distribution may include materials developed by third parties. ******************************************************************************/ package com.sun.fortress.compiler.asmbytecodeoptimizer; import org.objectweb.asm.*; import org.objectweb.asm.util.*; import com.sun.fortress.compiler.NamingCzar; public class MethodInsn extends Insn { int opcode; String owner; String _name; String desc; int id; static int counter = 0; MethodInsn(String name, int opcode, String owner, String _name, String desc, String index) { super(name, index); this.opcode = opcode; this.owner = owner; this._name = _name; this.desc = desc; = counter++; } public MethodInsn copy(String newIndex) { return new MethodInsn(name, opcode, owner, _name, desc, newIndex); } public String toString() { return "MethodInsn: " + id + " " + index + " " + opcode + " " + owner + " " + _name + " " + desc; } // if (def != null && def.needed) { // return "MethodInsn:" + id + " " + index + " " + opcode + " " + owner + " " + _name + " " + desc + " is used in a definition and is needed"; // } else if (def != null) { // return "MethodInsn:" + id + " " + index + " " + opcode + " " + owner + " " + _name + " " + desc + " is used in a definition, but the definition isn't needed"; // } else return "MethodInsn:" + id + " " + index + " " + opcode + " " + owner + " " + _name + " " + desc + " is not used in a definition"; // } public void toAsm(MethodVisitor mv) { mv.visitMethodInsn(opcode, owner, _name, desc); } public boolean matches(int opcode, String owner, String _name, String desc) { return ((this.opcode == opcode) && (this.owner.equals(owner)) && (this._name.equals(_name)) && (this.desc.equals(desc))); } public boolean matches(MethodInsn mi) { return matches(mi.opcode, mi.owner, mi._name, mi.desc); } public boolean isBoxingMethod() { return _name.equals("make") & NamingCzar.typeIsFortressSpecialType(owner); } public boolean isFVoidBoxingMethod() { return this.owner.equals("com/sun/fortress/compiler/runtimeValues/FVoid") && _name.equals("make"); } public boolean isUnBoxingMethod() { if (_name.equals("getValue") & NamingCzar.typeIsFortressSpecialType(owner)) return true; return false; } private boolean needed() { boolean result = false; for (AbstractInterpretationValue def : getDefs()) if (def.isNeeded()) result = true; return result; } public boolean isUnNeededBoxingMethod() { if (isBoxingMethod()) { if (!needed()) return true; } return false; } public boolean isUnNeededUnBoxingMethod() { if (isUnBoxingMethod()) { if (!needed()) return true; } return false; } public boolean isStaticMethod() { return this.opcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC; } public boolean isInterfaceMethod() { return this.opcode == Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE; } public void interpret(ByteCodeMethodVisitor bcmv) { } }