Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* Copyright 2010,2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. This distribution may include materials developed by third parties. ******************************************************************************/ package com.sun.fortress.compiler.asmbytecodeoptimizer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.objectweb.asm.*; import org.objectweb.asm.util.*; public class Inlining { private static boolean noisy = false; public static void optimize(ByteCodeVisitor bcv) { Iterator it = bcv.methodVisitors.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry); ByteCodeMethodVisitor bcmv = (ByteCodeMethodVisitor) pairs.getValue(); String className = (String) pairs.getKey(); bcmv.labelDefs = new HashMap(); Inline(bcmv, className); } } public static boolean isCompilerBuiltin(String name) { return name.startsWith("fortress/CompilerBuiltin"); } public static boolean isCompilerLibrary(String name) { return name.startsWith("fortress/CompilerLibrary"); } public static boolean isBuiltinStaticMethod(ByteCodeMethodVisitor bcmv, Insn insn) { if (insn instanceof MethodInsn) { MethodInsn mi = (MethodInsn) insn; if ((mi.opcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC) && (isCompilerBuiltin(mi.owner))) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isLibraryStaticMethod(ByteCodeMethodVisitor bcmv, Insn insn) { if (insn instanceof MethodInsn) { MethodInsn mi = (MethodInsn) insn; if ((mi.opcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC) && (isCompilerLibrary(mi.owner))) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isBuiltinInterfaceMethod(ByteCodeMethodVisitor bcmv, Insn insn) { if (insn instanceof MethodInsn) { MethodInsn mi = (MethodInsn) insn; if ((mi.opcode == Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE) && (isCompilerBuiltin(mi.owner))) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isBuiltinInstanceMethod(ByteCodeMethodVisitor bcmv, Insn insn) { if (insn instanceof MethodInsn) { MethodInsn mi = (MethodInsn) insn; if ((mi.opcode == Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL) && (isCompilerBuiltin(mi.owner))) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isLibraryInstanceMethod(ByteCodeMethodVisitor bcmv, Insn insn) { if (insn instanceof MethodInsn) { MethodInsn mi = (MethodInsn) insn; if ((mi.opcode == Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL) && (isCompilerLibrary(mi.owner))) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isBoxedNativeInterfaceMethod(String methodName) { if (methodName.contains("nativeHelpers") && methodName.startsWith("native")) return true; return false; } public static boolean isUnboxedNativeInterfaceMethod(String methodName) { if (methodName.contains("nativeHelpers") && methodName.startsWith("com")) return true; return false; } public static boolean isGenericMethod(String methodOwner) { if (methodOwner.contains("\u27e6")) return true; return false; } private static void printMethod(ByteCodeMethodVisitor method, String when) { if (noisy) { System.out.println("Printing Method: " + + " " + when + " with maxStack = " + method.maxStack + " and maxLocals = " + method.maxLocals); printInsns(method.insns, " ", 0); System.out.println("End Method: " +; } } private static void printInsns(List<Insn> insns, String header, int counter) { int i = counter; for (Insn inst : insns) { if (inst.isExpanded()) { System.out.println(header + "Replaced Bytecode: " + inst + " ::: " + inst.index); printInsns(inst.inlineExpansionInsns, header + " ", i); } else { System.out.println(header + "[" + i++ + "]" + "Bytecode: " + inst + ":::" + inst.index + ":::" + inst.getStackString() + inst.getLocals()); } } } public static void recalculateLabels(ByteCodeMethodVisitor method) { recalculateLabels(method, method.insns); } public static void recalculateLabels(ByteCodeMethodVisitor method, List<Insn> insns) { int count = 0; for (Insn insn : insns) { if (insn instanceof LabelInsn) { LabelInsn labelInsn = (LabelInsn) insn; method.labelDefs.put(labelInsn.label.toString(), new Integer(count)); } else if (insn.isExpanded()) { throw new RuntimeException("expanded insns shouldn't get here"); // recalculateLabels(method, insn.inlineExpansionInsns); } count++; } } static String newIndex(MethodInsn mi, int index) { return mi.index + "." + index; } public static List<Insn> convertInsns(MethodInsn mi, List<Insn> insns, int[] args, int _index, Label end) { List<Insn> result = new ArrayList<Insn>(); HashMap labels = new HashMap(); int index = _index; for (Insn i : insns) { if (i.isExpanded()) { MethodInsn expanded = (MethodInsn) i; // This use of end should be OK because all returns should have been removed when inlined before. // What could go wrong? result.addAll(convertInsns(expanded, expanded.inlineExpansionInsns, args, _index, end)); } else if (i instanceof SingleInsn) { SingleInsn si = (SingleInsn) i; switch (si.opcode) { case Opcodes.IRETURN: case Opcodes.LRETURN: case Opcodes.FRETURN: case Opcodes.DRETURN: case Opcodes.ARETURN: case Opcodes.RETURN: result.add(new JumpInsn("RETURN->GOTO", Opcodes.GOTO, end, newIndex(mi, index++))); break; default: result.add(i.copy(newIndex(mi, index++))); } } else if (i instanceof VarInsn) { VarInsn vi = (VarInsn) i; switch (vi.opcode) { case Opcodes.ILOAD: case Opcodes.LLOAD: case Opcodes.FLOAD: case Opcodes.DLOAD: case Opcodes.ALOAD: case Opcodes.ISTORE: case Opcodes.LSTORE: case Opcodes.FSTORE: case Opcodes.DSTORE: case Opcodes.ASTORE: VarInsn newVarInsn = new VarInsn(, vi.opcode, args[vi.var], newIndex(mi, index++)); result.add(newVarInsn); break; default: result.add(i.copy(newIndex(mi, index++))); } } else if (i instanceof VisitMaxs) { } else if (i instanceof VisitEnd) { } else if (i instanceof VisitCode) { } else if (i instanceof VisitFrame) { } else if (i instanceof LabelInsn) { LabelInsn li = (LabelInsn) i; if (labels.containsKey(li.label)) result.add(new LabelInsn(, (Label) labels.get(li.label), newIndex(mi, index++))); else { Label l = new Label(); labels.put(li.label, l); result.add(new LabelInsn(, l, newIndex(mi, index++))); } } else if (i instanceof JumpInsn) { JumpInsn ji = (JumpInsn) i; if (labels.containsKey(ji.label)) result.add( new JumpInsn(, ji.opcode, (Label) labels.get(ji.label), newIndex(mi, index++))); else { Label l = new Label(); labels.put(ji.label, l); result.add(new JumpInsn(, ji.opcode, l, newIndex(mi, index++))); } } else if (i instanceof VisitLineNumberInsn) { VisitLineNumberInsn vlni = (VisitLineNumberInsn) i; if (labels.containsKey(vlni.start)) result.add(new VisitLineNumberInsn(, vlni.line, (Label) labels.get(vlni.start), newIndex(mi, index++))); else { Label l = new Label(); labels.put(vlni.start, l); result.add(new VisitLineNumberInsn(, vlni.line, l, newIndex(mi, index++))); } } else if (i instanceof LocalVariableInsn) { LocalVariableInsn lvi = (LocalVariableInsn) i; if (labels.containsKey(lvi.start) && labels.containsKey(lvi.end)) { result.add(new LocalVariableInsn(, lvi._name, lvi.desc, lvi.sig, (Label) labels.get(lvi.start), (Label) labels.get(lvi.end), args[lvi._index], newIndex(mi, index++))); } else throw new RuntimeException("NYI"); } else if (i instanceof TryCatchBlock) { TryCatchBlock tcb = (TryCatchBlock) i; if (labels.containsKey(tcb.start) && labels.containsKey(tcb.end) && labels.containsKey(tcb.handler)) { result.add( new TryCatchBlock(, (Label) labels.get(tcb.start), (Label) labels.get(tcb.end), (Label) labels.get(tcb.handler), tcb.type, newIndex(mi, index++))); } else if (!labels.containsKey(tcb.start) && !labels.containsKey(tcb.end) && !labels.containsKey(tcb.handler)) { Label s = new Label(); Label e = new Label(); Label h = new Label(); labels.put(tcb.start, s); labels.put(tcb.end, e); labels.put(tcb.handler, h); result.add(new TryCatchBlock(, s, e, h, tcb.type, newIndex(mi, index++))); } else throw new RuntimeException("NYI"); // Need to add TableSwitch, LookupSwitch } else { result.add(i.copy(newIndex(mi, index++))); } } return result; } public static void inlineMethodCall(String className, ByteCodeMethodVisitor method, MethodInsn mi, ByteCodeMethodVisitor methodToInline, Boolean staticMethod) { List<Insn> insns = new ArrayList<Insn>(); Label start = new Label(); Label end = new Label(); int argsStart = methodToInline.args.size(); int localsStart = methodToInline.maxLocals; int index = 0; insns.add(new LabelInsn("start_" + mi._name, start, newIndex(mi, index++))); int[] offsets = new int[methodToInline.maxLocals + 1]; // Static Method start at args.size() - 1, NonStatic Methods start at args.size() if (staticMethod) argsStart = argsStart - 1; for (int i = argsStart; i >= 0; i--) { insns.add(new VarInsn("ASTORE", Opcodes.ASTORE, method.maxLocals + i, newIndex(mi, index++))); offsets[i] = method.maxLocals + i; } for (int i = localsStart - 1; i > argsStart; i--) offsets[i] = method.maxLocals + i; method.maxStack = method.maxStack + methodToInline.maxStack; method.maxLocals = method.maxLocals + methodToInline.args.size() + methodToInline.maxLocals; insns.addAll(convertInsns(mi, methodToInline.insns, offsets, index, end)); insns.add(new LabelInsn("end_" + mi._name, end, newIndex(mi, insns.size()))); for (Insn insn : insns) { insn.setParentInsn(mi); } mi.inlineExpansionInsns.addAll(insns); } public static ArrayList<Insn> flatten(ArrayList<Insn> insns) { ArrayList<Insn> fi = new ArrayList<Insn>(); for (Insn i : insns) { if (i.isExpanded()) { MethodInsn mi = (MethodInsn) i; fi.addAll(flatten(mi.inlineExpansionInsns)); } else { fi.add(i); } } return fi; } public static void Inline(ByteCodeMethodVisitor bcmv, String className) { ByteCodeOptimizer builtin = new ByteCodeOptimizer(); builtin.readInJarFile("default_repository/caches/bytecode_cache/fortress.CompilerBuiltin.jar"); ByteCodeOptimizer library = new ByteCodeOptimizer(); library.readInJarFile("default_repository/caches/bytecode_cache/fortress.CompilerLibrary.jar"); ByteCodeOptimizer nativeHelpers = new ByteCodeOptimizer(); nativeHelpers.readInNativeClassFiles(); IterateOverInsns(bcmv, className, builtin, library, nativeHelpers, bcmv.insns, ""); bcmv.insns = flatten(bcmv.insns); recalculateLabels(bcmv); } public static boolean isNotInParentSet(MethodInsn mi) { MethodInsn current = (MethodInsn) mi.getParentInsn(); while (current != null) { if ((mi._name.equals(current._name) && (mi.desc.equals(current.desc)))) { return false; } current = (MethodInsn) current.getParentInsn(); } return true; } public static void IterateOverInsns(ByteCodeMethodVisitor bcmv, String className, ByteCodeOptimizer builtin, ByteCodeOptimizer library, ByteCodeOptimizer nativeHelpers, ArrayList<Insn> insns, String preamble) { for (Insn insn : insns) { // We have an issue with inlining methods which have already inlined methods with labels. // By walking over all of the bytecodes we end up fixing up all of the labels // For now, throw out other expansions. if (insn instanceof MethodInsn) { MethodInsn mi = (MethodInsn) insn; if (isGenericMethod(mi.owner)) { // We can't do anything here } else if (isBuiltinInterfaceMethod(bcmv, insn)) { ByteCodeVisitor bcv = (ByteCodeVisitor) builtin.classes .get(mi.owner + "$DefaultTraitMethods.class"); // Revisit this to see how kosher it is. Encoding knowledge of how default methods work. ByteCodeMethodVisitor methodToInline = (ByteCodeMethodVisitor) bcv.methodVisitors .get(mi._name + mi.desc); if (methodToInline != null && isNotInParentSet(mi)) { inlineMethodCall(className, bcmv, mi, methodToInline, false); IterateOverInsns(bcmv, className, builtin, library, nativeHelpers, mi.inlineExpansionInsns, preamble + " "); } } else if (isCompilerBuiltin(mi.owner)) { if (isBuiltinStaticMethod(bcmv, insn)) { ByteCodeVisitor bcv = (ByteCodeVisitor) builtin.classes.get(mi.owner + ".class"); ByteCodeMethodVisitor methodToInline = (ByteCodeMethodVisitor) bcv.methodVisitors .get(mi._name + mi.desc); if (methodToInline != null && isNotInParentSet(mi)) { inlineMethodCall(className, bcmv, mi, methodToInline, true); IterateOverInsns(bcmv, className, builtin, library, nativeHelpers, mi.inlineExpansionInsns, preamble + " "); } } else if (isBuiltinInstanceMethod(bcmv, insn)) { } } else if (isCompilerLibrary(mi.owner)) { if (isLibraryStaticMethod(bcmv, insn)) { ByteCodeVisitor bcv = (ByteCodeVisitor) library.classes.get(mi.owner + ".class"); ByteCodeMethodVisitor methodToInline = (ByteCodeMethodVisitor) bcv.methodVisitors .get(mi._name + mi.desc); if (methodToInline != null && isNotInParentSet(mi)) { inlineMethodCall(className, bcmv, mi, methodToInline, true); IterateOverInsns(bcmv, className, builtin, library, nativeHelpers, mi.inlineExpansionInsns, preamble + " "); } } else if (isBuiltinInstanceMethod(bcmv, insn)) { } } else if (isBoxedNativeInterfaceMethod(mi.owner)) { String key = mi.owner + ".class"; ByteCodeVisitor bcv = (ByteCodeVisitor) nativeHelpers.classes.get(key); ByteCodeMethodVisitor methodToInline = (ByteCodeMethodVisitor) bcv.methodVisitors .get(mi._name + mi.desc); if (methodToInline != null) { inlineMethodCall(className, bcmv, mi, methodToInline, true); IterateOverInsns(bcmv, className, builtin, library, nativeHelpers, mi.inlineExpansionInsns, preamble + " "); } } else if (isUnboxedNativeInterfaceMethod(mi.owner)) { String key = "native/" + mi.owner + ".class"; ByteCodeVisitor bcv = (ByteCodeVisitor) nativeHelpers.classes.get(key); ByteCodeMethodVisitor methodToInline = (ByteCodeMethodVisitor) bcv.methodVisitors .get(mi._name + mi.desc); if (methodToInline != null) { inlineMethodCall(className, bcmv, mi, methodToInline, true); IterateOverInsns(bcmv, className, builtin, library, nativeHelpers, mi.inlineExpansionInsns, preamble + " "); } } } } } }