Source code

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 * Copyright 2017 StreamSets Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.streamsets.pipeline.lib.jdbc.multithread;

import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.StageException;
import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.impl.Utils;
import com.streamsets.pipeline.lib.jdbc.multithread.util.OffsetQueryUtil;
import com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.origin.jdbc.table.PartitioningMode;
import com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.origin.jdbc.table.TableJdbcSource;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

 * Helper class for maintaining and organizing workable tables to threads
public final class MultithreadedTableProvider {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MultithreadedTableProvider.class);

     * The factor by which the sum of the max number of active partitions of all tables is multiplied by to determine
     * the overall size of the shared partition queue.  It exists to ensure there is always enough capacity to offer
     * partitions to the queue as needed.
    private static final int SHARED_QUEUE_SIZE_FUDGE_FACTOR = 2;

    private Map<String, TableContext> tableContextMap;

    private final Multimap<String, TableContext> remainingSchemasToTableContexts = HashMultimap.create();
    private final Multimap<String, TableContext> completedSchemasToTableContexts = HashMultimap.create();
    private final BlockingQueue<TableRuntimeContext> sharedAvailableTablesQueue;
    private final Set<TableContext> tablesWithNoMoreData;
    private Map<Integer, Integer> threadNumToMaxTableSlots;
    private final int numThreads;
    private final BatchTableStrategy batchTableStrategy;

    private Queue<String> sortedTableOrder;

    private final ThreadLocal<Deque<TableRuntimeContext>> ownedTablesQueue = ThreadLocal
    private final ConcurrentMap<TableContext, Integer> maxPartitionWithDataPerTable = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

    private final SortedSetMultimap<TableContext, TableRuntimeContext> activeRuntimeContexts = TableRuntimeContext
    private final Object partitionStateLock = activeRuntimeContexts;

    private final Set<TableRuntimeContext> removedPartitions = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet();

    private volatile boolean isNoMoreDataEventGeneratedAlready = false;

    public MultithreadedTableProvider(Map<String, TableContext> tableContextMap, Queue<String> sortedTableOrder,
            Map<Integer, Integer> threadNumToMaxTableSlots, int numThreads, BatchTableStrategy batchTableStrategy) {
        this.tableContextMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(tableContextMap);
        this.numThreads = numThreads;
        this.batchTableStrategy = batchTableStrategy;

        final Map<String, Integer> tableNameToOrder = new HashMap<>();
        int order = 1;
        for (String tableName : sortedTableOrder) {
            tableNameToOrder.put(tableName, order++);

        int sharedPartitionQueueSize = 0;
        for (TableContext tableContext : tableContextMap.values()) {
            sharedPartitionQueueSize += maxNumActivePartitions(tableContext);
        sharedAvailableTablesQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<TableRuntimeContext>(
                sharedPartitionQueueSize * SHARED_QUEUE_SIZE_FUDGE_FACTOR, true);

        this.sortedTableOrder = new ArrayDeque<>(sortedTableOrder);

        // always construct initial values for partition queue based on table contexts
        // if stored offsets come into play, those will be handled by a subsequent invocation
        generateInitialPartitionsInSharedQueue(false, null, null);

        this.tablesWithNoMoreData = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet();
        this.threadNumToMaxTableSlots = threadNumToMaxTableSlots;

    private void initializeRemainingSchemasToTableContexts() {
        for (final TableContext tableContext : this.tableContextMap.values()) {
            remainingSchemasToTableContexts.put(tableContext.getSchema(), tableContext);

    public void setTableContextMap(Map<String, TableContext> tableContextMap, Queue<String> sortedTableOrder) {
        if (!tableContextMap.equals(this.tableContextMap)) {
            this.tableContextMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(tableContextMap);

            final Map<String, Integer> tableNameToOrder = new HashMap<>();
            int order = 1;
            for (String tableName : sortedTableOrder) {
                tableNameToOrder.put(tableName, order++);

            this.sortedTableOrder = new ArrayDeque<>(sortedTableOrder);

            // always construct initial values for partition queue based on table contexts
            // if stored offsets come into play, those will be handled by a subsequent invocation
            generateInitialPartitionsInSharedQueue(false, null, null);

    public Set<String> initializeFromV1Offsets(Map<String, String> offsets) throws StageException {
        // v1 offsets map qualified table names to offset column positions"Upgrading offsets from v1 to v2; logging current offsets now");
        offsets.forEach((t, v) ->"{} -> {}", t, v));

        final Set<String> offsetKeysToRemove = new HashSet<>();
        SortedSetMultimap<TableContext, TableRuntimeContext> v1Offsets = TableRuntimeContext
                .initializeAndUpgradeFromV1Offsets(tableContextMap, offsets, offsetKeysToRemove);
        generateInitialPartitionsInSharedQueue(true, v1Offsets, null);

        return offsetKeysToRemove;

    public void initializeFromV2Offsets(Map<String, String> offsets, Map<String, String> newCommitOffsets)
            throws StageException {
        final Set<TableContext> excludeTables = new HashSet<>();
        SortedSetMultimap<TableContext, TableRuntimeContext> v2Offsets = TableRuntimeContext
                .buildPartitionsFromStoredV2Offsets(tableContextMap, offsets, excludeTables, newCommitOffsets);
        generateInitialPartitionsInSharedQueue(true, v2Offsets, excludeTables);

     * Checks whether any tables have had partitioning turned off or not, and updates the partition map appropriately
     * @param reconstructedPartitions the reconstructed partitions (may be modified)
    private void handlePartitioningTurnedOffOrOn(
            SortedSetMultimap<TableContext, TableRuntimeContext> reconstructedPartitions) {

        for (TableContext tableContext : reconstructedPartitions.keySet()) {
            final SortedSet<TableRuntimeContext> partitions = reconstructedPartitions.get(tableContext);
            final TableRuntimeContext lastPartition = partitions.last();
            final TableContext sourceTableContext = lastPartition.getSourceTableContext();
                    String.format("Source table context for %s should match TableContext map key of %s",
                            lastPartition.getDescription(), tableContext.getQualifiedName()));

            final boolean partitioningTurnedOff = lastPartition.isPartitioned()
                    && sourceTableContext.getPartitioningMode() == PartitioningMode.DISABLED;
            final boolean partitioningTurnedOn = !lastPartition.isPartitioned()
                    && sourceTableContext.isPartitionable()
                    && sourceTableContext.getPartitioningMode() != PartitioningMode.DISABLED;

            if (!partitioningTurnedOff && !partitioningTurnedOn) {

            final Map<String, String> nextStartingOffsets = new HashMap<>();
            final Map<String, String> nextMaxOffsets = new HashMap<>();

            final int newPartitionSequence = lastPartition.getPartitionSequence() > 0
                    ? lastPartition.getPartitionSequence() + 1
                    : 1;
            if (partitioningTurnedOff) {
                        "Table {} has switched from partitioned to non-partitioned; partition sequence {} will be the last (with"
                                + " no max offsets)",
                        sourceTableContext.getQualifiedName(), newPartitionSequence);

                lastPartition.getStartingPartitionOffsets().forEach((col, off) -> {
                    String basedOnStartOffset = lastPartition.generateNextPartitionOffset(col, off);
                    nextStartingOffsets.put(col, basedOnStartOffset);

            } else if (partitioningTurnedOn) {

                lastPartition.getStartingPartitionOffsets().forEach((col, off) -> {
                    String basedOnStoredOffset = lastPartition.getInitialStoredOffsets().get(col);
                    nextStartingOffsets.put(col, basedOnStoredOffset);

                        (col, off) -> nextMaxOffsets.put(col, lastPartition.generateNextPartitionOffset(col, off)));

                if (!reconstructedPartitions.remove(sourceTableContext, lastPartition)) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
                            "Failed to remove partition %s for table %s in switching partitioning from off to on",
                            lastPartition.getDescription(), sourceTableContext.getQualifiedName()));

                        "Table {} has switched from non-partitioned to partitioned; using last stored offsets as the starting"
                                + " offsets for the new partition",
                        sourceTableContext.getQualifiedName(), newPartitionSequence);

            final TableRuntimeContext nextPartition = new TableRuntimeContext(sourceTableContext,
                    (lastPartition.isPartitioned() && !partitioningTurnedOff) || partitioningTurnedOn,
                    newPartitionSequence, nextStartingOffsets, nextMaxOffsets);

            reconstructedPartitions.put(sourceTableContext, nextPartition);

    void generateInitialPartitionsInSharedQueue(boolean fromStoredOffsets,
            Multimap<TableContext, TableRuntimeContext> reconstructedPartitions, Set<TableContext> excludeTables) {
        for (String qualifiedTableName : sortedTableOrder) {
            //create the initial partition for each table
            final TableContext tableContext = tableContextMap.get(qualifiedTableName);

            if (excludeTables != null && excludeTables.contains(tableContext)) {
                LOG.debug("Not adding table {} to table provider since it was excluded", qualifiedTableName);
            Collection<TableRuntimeContext> partitions = null;
            if (fromStoredOffsets) {
                partitions = reconstructedPartitions.get(tableContext);
            if (partitions == null || partitions.isEmpty()) {
                partitions = Collections.singletonList(TableRuntimeContext.createInitialPartition(tableContext));

            activeRuntimeContexts.putAll(tableContext, partitions);

    void initializeMaxPartitionWithDataPerTable(Map<String, String> offsets) {

        Map<TableContext, Integer> maxWithData = new HashMap<>();
        for (TableContext table : activeRuntimeContexts.keySet()) {
            final SortedSet<TableRuntimeContext> partitions = activeRuntimeContexts.get(table);
            TableRuntimeContext firstPartition = partitions.first();
            // as a baseline, the partition sequence one lower than the minimum reconstructed partition has had data
            // since otherwise, it would still be part of the stored data
            if (firstPartition.isPartitioned()) {
                maxWithData.put(table, firstPartition.getPartitionSequence() - 1);
            for (TableRuntimeContext partition : partitions) {
                if (offsets.containsKey(partition.getOffsetKey())) {

                    final Map<String, String> storedOffsets = OffsetQueryUtil

                    final Map<String, String> startOffsets = partition.getStartingPartitionOffsets();
                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> storedOffsetEntry : storedOffsets.entrySet()) {
                        String offsetCol = storedOffsetEntry.getKey();
                        String storedOffsetVal = storedOffsetEntry.getValue();
                        if (startOffsets.get(offsetCol) != null
                                && !startOffsets.get(offsetCol).equals(storedOffsetVal)) {
                            // if the stored offset value is not equal to the starting offset value, it must necessarily be greater
                            // (since records are processed in increasing order w.r.t. the offset column)
                            // therefore, we know that progress has been made in this partition in a previous run

                            if (maxWithData.containsKey(table)) {
                                int partitionSequence = partition.getPartitionSequence();
                                if (maxWithData.get(table) < partitionSequence) {
                                    maxWithData.put(table, partitionSequence);


    Deque<TableRuntimeContext> getOwnedTablesQueue() {
        return ownedTablesQueue.get();

    private String getCurrentThreadName() {
        return Thread.currentThread().getName();

    Multimap<String, TableContext> getRemainingSchemasToTableContexts() {
        return remainingSchemasToTableContexts;

    public Multimap<String, TableContext> getCompletedSchemasToTableContexts() {
        return completedSchemasToTableContexts;

    void offerToOwnedTablesQueue(TableRuntimeContext acquiredTableName, int threadNumber) {
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("Thread '{}' has acquired table '{}'", getCurrentThreadName(),

     * Basically acquires more tables for the current thread to work on.
     * The maximum a thread can hold is upper bounded to the
     * value the thread number was allocated in {@link #threadNumToMaxTableSlots}
     * If there are no tables currently owned make a blocking call to {@link #sharedAvailableTablesQueue}
     * else simply poll {@link #sharedAvailableTablesQueue} and it to the {@link #ownedTablesQueue}
    void acquireTableAsNeeded(int threadNumber) throws InterruptedException {
        if (!getOwnedTablesQueue().isEmpty() && batchTableStrategy == BatchTableStrategy.SWITCH_TABLES) {
            final TableRuntimeContext lastOwnedPartition = getOwnedTablesQueue().pollLast();

            if (getTableContextMap().containsValue(lastOwnedPartition.getSourceTableContext())) {

            TableContext lastOwnedTable = lastOwnedPartition.getSourceTableContext();
            // need to cycle off all partitions from the same table to the end of the queue
            TableRuntimeContext first = sharedAvailableTablesQueue.peek();
            while (first != null && first.getSourceTableContext().equals(lastOwnedTable)
                    && !first.equals(lastOwnedPartition)) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("Moving partition {} to end of shared queue to comply with BatchTableStrategy of {}",
                            first.getDescription(), batchTableStrategy.getLabel());
                TableRuntimeContext toMove = sharedAvailableTablesQueue.poll();
                first = sharedAvailableTablesQueue.peek();

        if (getOwnedTablesQueue().isEmpty()) {
            TableRuntimeContext head = sharedAvailableTablesQueue.poll();
            if (head != null) {
                offerToOwnedTablesQueue(head, threadNumber);


     * <p>Examines the first item ("head") im the shared partition queue, and adds a new partition if appropriate</p>
     * <p>A new partition will be created if the number of partitions for the head item's table is still less
     * than the maximum, and that table itself is partitionable</p>
    void partitionFirstSharedQueueItemIfNeeded() {
        final TableRuntimeContext headPartition = getOwnedTablesQueue().peek();
        if (headPartition != null) {
            synchronized (partitionStateLock) {
        } else if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("No item at head of shared partition queue");

    void keepPartitioningIfNeeded(TableRuntimeContext partition) {
        TableRuntimeContext current = partition;
        while (current != null && isNewPartitionAllowed(current)) {
            TableRuntimeContext newPartition = createNextPartition(current);
            if (newPartition != null) {
      "Adding new partition to shared queue: {}", newPartition.getDescription());
                activeRuntimeContexts.put(newPartition.getSourceTableContext(), newPartition);
                if (!sharedAvailableTablesQueue.offer(newPartition)) {
                current = newPartition;
            } else {
                current = null;

    boolean isNewPartitionAllowed(TableRuntimeContext partition) {
        final TableContext tableContext = partition.getSourceTableContext();
        if (!partition.isPartitioned() && (tableContext.getPartitioningMode() == PartitioningMode.DISABLED
                || !tableContext.isPartitionable())) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "Cannot create new partition for ({}) because it is not partitionable, and the underlying table is"
                                + "not partitionable, or it has been disabled",
            return false;
        if (tablesWithNoMoreData.contains(tableContext)) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "Cannot create new partition for ({}) because the table has already been marked exhausted in this iteration",
            return false;

        final int maxPartitionWithData = getMaxPartitionWithData(tableContext);
        if (partition.getPartitionSequence() - maxPartitionWithData > maxNumActivePartitions(tableContext)) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "Cannot create new partition for ({}) because there has been no data seen since partition {}",
                        partition.getDescription(), maxPartitionWithData);
            return false;

        // check whether this particular table already has the maximum number of allowed partitions
        final SortedSet<TableRuntimeContext> runtimeContexts = activeRuntimeContexts.get(tableContext);
        final int maxNumActivePartitions = maxNumActivePartitions(tableContext);
        if (runtimeContexts.size() >= maxNumActivePartitions) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "Cannot create new partition for ({}) because the table has already reached the maximum allowed number of"
                                + " active partitions ({})",
                        partition.getDescription(), maxNumActivePartitions);
            return false;

        if (runtimeContexts.size() > 0 && !runtimeContexts.last().equals(partition)) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "Can only create new partition for ({}) if it is the last currently active partition for the table",
            return false;

        return true;

    int getMaxPartitionWithData(TableContext tableContext) {
        final Integer maxPartitionWithDataObj = maxPartitionWithDataPerTable.get(tableContext);
        return maxPartitionWithDataObj != null ? maxPartitionWithDataObj : 0;

    int maxNumActivePartitions(TableContext tableContext) {
        if (tableContext.getMaxNumActivePartitions() > 0) {
            return tableContext.getMaxNumActivePartitions();
        } else {
            // numThreads * 2 gives enough of a cushion such that enough new partitions can be created so that threads
            // always have something to work on, while also maintaining previous partitions that may not yet have
            // finished and been removed from the active ontext
            return numThreads * 2;

    boolean removePartitionIfNeeded(TableRuntimeContext partition) {
        final TableContext sourceTableContext = partition.getSourceTableContext();
        synchronized (partitionStateLock) {
            boolean tableExhausted = false;
            final TableContext sourceContext = sourceTableContext;

            final SortedSet<TableRuntimeContext> activeContexts = activeRuntimeContexts.get(sourceContext);

            final Iterator<TableRuntimeContext> activeContextIter = activeContexts.iterator();
            int numActivePartitions = 0;
            int positionsFromEnd = activeContexts.size();
            while (activeContextIter.hasNext()) {
                final TableRuntimeContext thisPartition =;

                if (thisPartition.equals(partition)) {
                    final int maxPartitionWithData = getMaxPartitionWithData(partition.getSourceTableContext());
                    final boolean lastPartition =
                            // no currently active partitions for the table
                            numActivePartitions == 0
                                    // and the number of partitions since we last saw data
                                    && partition.getPartitionSequence() - maxPartitionWithData
                                    // is greater than or equal to the max number of active partitions minus 1
                                    >= (maxNumActivePartitions(partition.getSourceTableContext()) - 1);
                    if (!activeContextIter.hasNext() && thisPartition.isMarkedNoMoreData()
                            && (!partition.isPartitioned() || lastPartition)) {
                        // this is the last partition, and was already marked no more data once
                        // now, it's being marked no more data again, so we can safely assume that the table is now exhausted
                        tableExhausted = true;
                } else if (thisPartition.isMarkedNoMoreData() && activeContextIter.hasNext()) {
                    // this partition has already been marked as no more data once, so it can be removed now
                    // but only if there is at least one more after it, since we want to keep at least one for every table

                    if (positionsFromEnd > maxNumActivePartitions(partition.getSourceTableContext())
                            || thisPartition.getPartitionSequence() < getMaxPartitionWithData(
                                    thisPartition.getSourceTableContext())) {

                        if (!sharedAvailableTablesQueue.remove(thisPartition)) {
                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                        "Failed to remove partition {} from sharedAvailableTablesQueue; it may be owned by another thread",
                    // else this partition will simply NOT be re-added to the shared queue in the releaseOwnedTable method
                } else {
            return tableExhausted;

     * Return the next table to work on for the current thread (Will not return null)
     * Deque the current element from head of the queue and put it back at the tail to queue.
    public TableRuntimeContext nextTable(int threadNumber) throws InterruptedException {
        synchronized (partitionStateLock) {

            final TableRuntimeContext partition = getOwnedTablesQueue().pollFirst();
            if (partition != null) {
                offerToOwnedTablesQueue(partition, threadNumber);
            return partition;

    TableRuntimeContext createNextPartition(TableRuntimeContext lastContext) {
        TableRuntimeContext runtimeContext = TableRuntimeContext.createNextPartition(lastContext);
        TableContext tableContext = lastContext.getSourceTableContext();

        if (runtimeContext != null) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Creating next partition (number {}) for thread '{}' to work on table '{}'",
                        runtimeContext.getPartitionSequence(), getCurrentThreadName(),
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("Offsets for table '{}' partition {}: start=({}), max=({})",
                        tableContext.getQualifiedName(), runtimeContext.getPartitionSequence(),
                        runtimeContext.getStartingPartitionOffsets(), runtimeContext.getMaxPartitionOffsets());
        } else {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "Could not create next partition (after number {}) for thread '{}' to work on for table '{}' because"
                                + " offsets ({}) have not yet been captured for every offset column ({})",
                        lastContext.getPartitionSequence(), getCurrentThreadName(), tableContext.getQualifiedName(),
                        lastContext.getStartingPartitionOffsets(), tableContext.getOffsetColumns());
        return runtimeContext;

    void releaseOwnedTable(TableRuntimeContext tableRuntimeContext, int threadNumber) {
        final TableContext sourceContext = tableRuntimeContext.getSourceTableContext();

        String tableName = sourceContext.getQualifiedName();
        LOG.trace("Thread '{}' has released ownership for table '{}'", getCurrentThreadName(),

        //Remove the last element (because we put the current processing element at the tail of dequeue)
        TableRuntimeContext removedPartition = getOwnedTablesQueue().pollLast();
                Utils.format("Expected table to be remove '{}', Found '{}' at the last of the queue", tableName,
        synchronized (partitionStateLock) {
            boolean containsActiveEntry = activeRuntimeContexts.containsEntry(sourceContext, removedPartition);
            if (containsActiveEntry || sharedAvailableTablesQueue.isEmpty()) {
                if (tableRuntimeContext.isUsingNonIncrementalLoad()) {
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("Not re-adding table {} because it is non-incremental",
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    LOG.error("InterruptedException trying to put partition {} back on shared queue",
                            removedPartition.getDescription(), e);
                if (!containsActiveEntry) {
                    activeRuntimeContexts.put(sourceContext, removedPartition);
            } else {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "Not adding partition '{}' back to the shared queue because it was already removed as an active"
                                    + " context, and the queue is not empty",

    void reportDataOrNoMoreData(TableRuntimeContext tableRuntimeContext, int recordCount, int batchSize,
            boolean resultSetEndReached) {
        reportDataOrNoMoreData(tableRuntimeContext, recordCount, batchSize, resultSetEndReached, null, null, null);

     * Each {@link TableJdbcRunnable} worker thread can call this api to update
     * if there is data/no more data on the current table
    public void reportDataOrNoMoreData(TableRuntimeContext tableRuntimeContext, int recordCount, int batchSize,
            boolean resultSetEndReached, AtomicBoolean tableFinished, AtomicBoolean schemaFinished,
            List<String> schemaFinishedTables) {

        final TableContext sourceContext = tableRuntimeContext.getSourceTableContext();

        // we need to account for the activeRuntimeContexts here
        // if there are still other active contexts in process, then this should do "nothing"
        // if there are not other contexts, we need to figure out what the highest offset completed by the last batch was

        final boolean noMoreData = recordCount == 0 || resultSetEndReached;

        if (noMoreData) {

        if (recordCount > 0) {
            maxPartitionWithDataPerTable.put(sourceContext, tableRuntimeContext.getPartitionSequence());

        boolean tableExhausted = removePartitionIfNeeded(tableRuntimeContext);

        if (noMoreData) {
            if (tableExhausted) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("Table {} exhausted", sourceContext.getQualifiedName());

                    final boolean newlyFinished = tablesWithNoMoreData.add(sourceContext);

                    if (newlyFinished && tableFinished != null) {

                    final boolean remainingSchemaChanged = remainingSchemasToTableContexts
                            .remove(sourceContext.getSchema(), sourceContext);
                    completedSchemasToTableContexts.put(sourceContext.getSchema(), sourceContext);

                    if (remainingSchemaChanged
                            && remainingSchemasToTableContexts.get(sourceContext.getSchema()).isEmpty()
                            && schemaFinished != null) {
                        if (schemaFinishedTables != null) {
                                    .forEach(t -> schemaFinishedTables.add(t.getTableName()));
        } else {
            //When we see a table with data, we mark isNoMoreDataEventGeneratedAlready to false
            //so we can generate event again if we don't see data from all tables.
            isNoMoreDataEventGeneratedAlready = false;
        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("Just released table {}; Number of Tables With No More Data {}",
                    tableRuntimeContext.getDescription(), tablesWithNoMoreData.size());

     * Used by the main thread {@link TableJdbcSource} to check whether all
     * tables have marked no more data
     * Generate event only if we haven't generate no more data event already
     * or we have seen a table with records after we generated an event before
    public synchronized boolean shouldGenerateNoMoreDataEvent() {
        boolean noMoreData = (!isNoMoreDataEventGeneratedAlready
                && tablesWithNoMoreData.size() == tableContextMap.size());
        if (noMoreData) {
            isNoMoreDataEventGeneratedAlready = true;
        return noMoreData;

    public List<TableRuntimeContext> getAndClearRemovedPartitions() {
        synchronized (partitionStateLock) {
            final LinkedList<TableRuntimeContext> returnPartitions = new LinkedList<>(removedPartitions);
            return returnPartitions;

    public Map<String, TableContext> getTableContextMap() {
        return tableContextMap;

    BlockingQueue<TableRuntimeContext> getSharedAvailableTablesQueue() {
        return sharedAvailableTablesQueue;

    Set<TableContext> getTablesWithNoMoreData() {
        return tablesWithNoMoreData;

    Map<Integer, Integer> getThreadNumToMaxTableSlots() {
        return threadNumToMaxTableSlots;

    int getNumThreads() {
        return numThreads;

    public ConcurrentMap<TableContext, Integer> getMaxPartitionWithDataPerTable() {
        return maxPartitionWithDataPerTable;

    public SortedSetMultimap<TableContext, TableRuntimeContext> getActiveRuntimeContexts() {
        return activeRuntimeContexts;

    String getAllState() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("owned: ");
        sb.append("\nshared: ");
        sb.append("\nactive: ");
        return sb.toString();

    String getOwnedQueueState() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (TableRuntimeContext item : getOwnedTablesQueue()) {
            if (sb.length() > 0) {
        return sb.toString();

    String getSharedQueueState() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (TableRuntimeContext item : sharedAvailableTablesQueue) {
            if (sb.length() > 0) {
        return sb.toString();

    String getActiveContextsState() {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (TableContext table : activeRuntimeContexts.keySet()) {
            if (sb.length() > 0) {
            sb.append(": [");
            boolean seen = false;
            for (TableRuntimeContext partition : activeRuntimeContexts.get(table)) {
                if (seen) {
                if (partition.isMarkedNoMoreData()) {
                seen = true;
            sb.append(": ]");
        return sb.toString();