Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 StreamSets Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.streamsets.pipeline.lib.dirspooler; import; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.BatchContext; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.BatchMaker; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.ErrorCode; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.PushSource; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.Record; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.StageException; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.base.OnRecordErrorException; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.el.ELEval; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.el.ELVars; import; import; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.impl.Utils; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.lineage.EndPointType; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.lineage.LineageEvent; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.lineage.LineageEventType; import com.streamsets.pipeline.api.lineage.LineageSpecificAttribute; import; import com.streamsets.pipeline.lib.parser.DataParser; import com.streamsets.pipeline.lib.parser.DataParserException; import com.streamsets.pipeline.lib.parser.DataParserFactory; import com.streamsets.pipeline.lib.parser.RecoverableDataParserException; import com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.common.DefaultErrorRecordHandler; import com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.common.ErrorRecordHandler; import com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.common.HeaderAttributeConstants; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class SpoolDirRunnable implements Runnable { public static final String SPOOL_DIR_METRICS = "Spool Directory Metrics for Thread - "; public static final String CURRENT_FILE = "Current File"; public static final String SPOOL_DIR_THREAD_PREFIX = "Spool Directory Runner - "; public static final String PERMISSIONS = "permissions"; private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpoolDirRunnable.class); private static final String THREAD_NAME = "Thread Name"; private static final String STATUS = "Status"; private static final String OFFSET = "Current Offset"; private static final String MINUS_ONE = "-1"; private static final String ZERO = "0"; private static final String BASE_DIR = "baseDir"; public static final String FILE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("file.separator"); private final PushSource.Context context; private final int threadNumber; private final int batchSize; private final Map<String, Offset> offsets; private final String lastSourceFileName; private final DirectorySpooler spooler; private final Map<String, Object> gaugeMap; private final boolean useLastModified; private final WrappedFileSystem fs; private DataParser parser; private SpoolDirConfigBean conf; private DataParserFactory parserFactory; private ELEval rateLimitElEval; private ELVars rateLimitElVars; private boolean shouldSendNoMoreDataEvent; private long noMoreDataRecordCount; private long noMoreDataErrorCount; private long noMoreDataFileCount; private long perFileRecordCount; private long perFileErrorCount; private long totalFiles; private ErrorRecordHandler errorRecordHandler; private WrappedFile currentFile; public SpoolDirRunnable(PushSource.Context context, int threadNumber, int batchSize, Map<String, Offset> offsets, String lastSourcFileName, DirectorySpooler spooler, SpoolDirConfigBean conf, WrappedFileSystem fs) { this.context = context; this.threadNumber = threadNumber; this.batchSize = batchSize; this.offsets = offsets; this.lastSourceFileName = lastSourcFileName; this.spooler = spooler; this.conf = conf; this.parserFactory = conf.dataFormatConfig.getParserFactory(); this.shouldSendNoMoreDataEvent = false; this.rateLimitElEval = FileRefUtil.createElEvalForRateLimit(context); this.rateLimitElVars = context.createELVars(); this.useLastModified = conf.useLastModified == FileOrdering.TIMESTAMP; this.fs = fs; // Metrics this.gaugeMap = context.createGauge(SPOOL_DIR_METRICS + threadNumber).getValue(); } @Override public void run() { // get the file Thread.currentThread().setName(SPOOL_DIR_THREAD_PREFIX + threadNumber); initGaugeIfNeeded(); Offset offset = offsets.get(lastSourceFileName); while (!context.isStopped()) { BatchContext batchContext = context.startBatch(); this.errorRecordHandler = new DefaultErrorRecordHandler(context, batchContext); try { offset = produce(offset, batchContext); } catch (StageException ex) { handleStageError(ex.getErrorCode(), ex); } } IOUtils.closeQuietly(parser); } private Offset produce(Offset lastSourceOffset, BatchContext batchContext) throws StageException { // if lastSourceOffset is NULL (beginning of source) it returns NULL String file = lastSourceOffset.getRawFile(); String lastSourceFile = file; String fullPath = (file != null) ? spooler.getSpoolDir() + FILE_SEPARATOR + file : null; // if lastSourceOffset is NULL (beginning of source) it returns 0 String offset = lastSourceOffset.getOffset(); try { if (hasToFetchNextFileFromSpooler(file, offset)) { updateGauge(Status.SPOOLING, null); currentFile = null; try { WrappedFile nextAvailFile = null; do { if (nextAvailFile != null) { LOG.warn("Ignoring file '{}' in spool directory as is lesser than offset file '{}'", nextAvailFile.getAbsolutePath(), fullPath); } nextAvailFile = spooler.poolForFile(conf.poolingTimeoutSecs, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } while (!isFileFromSpoolerEligible(nextAvailFile, fullPath, offset)); if (nextAvailFile == null) { // no file to process LOG.debug("No new file available in spool directory after '{}' secs, producing empty batch", conf.poolingTimeoutSecs); // no-more-data event needs to be sent. shouldSendNoMoreDataEvent = true; } else { // since we have data to process, don't trigger the no-more-data event. shouldSendNoMoreDataEvent = false; // file to process currentFile = nextAvailFile; // if the current offset file is null or the file returned by the dirspooler is greater than the current offset // file we take the file returned by the dirspooler as the new file and set the offset to zero // if not, it means the dirspooler returned us the current file, we just keep processing it from the last // offset we processed (known via offset tracking) boolean pickFileFromSpooler = false; if (file == null) { pickFileFromSpooler = true; } else if (useLastModified) { WrappedFile fileObject = fs.getFile(spooler.getSpoolDir(), file); if (SpoolDirUtil.compareFiles(fs, nextAvailFile, fileObject)) { pickFileFromSpooler = true; } } else if (nextAvailFile.getFileName().compareTo(file) > 0) { pickFileFromSpooler = true; } if (pickFileFromSpooler) { file = currentFile.getAbsolutePath(); if (conf.processSubdirectories) { // Since you are working from the specified path, all the paths MUST be relative to this base // path that's why we are removing the first '/' file = currentFile.toString().replaceFirst(spooler.getSpoolDir() + FILE_SEPARATOR, ""); } if (offsets.containsKey(file)) { offset = offsets.get(file).getOffset(); } else { offset = ZERO; } } } if (currentFile != null && !offset.equals(MINUS_ONE)) { perFileRecordCount = 0; perFileErrorCount = 0; SpoolDirEvents.NEW_FILE.create(context, batchContext) .with("filepath", currentFile.getAbsolutePath()).createAndSend(); noMoreDataFileCount++; totalFiles++; } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // the dirspooler was interrupted while waiting for a file, we log and return, the pipeline agent will invoke us // again to wait for a file again LOG.warn("Pooling interrupted"); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error(ex.toString(), ex); } if (currentFile != null && !offset.equals(MINUS_ONE)) { // we have a file to process (from before or new from dirspooler) try { updateGauge(Status.READING, offset); // we ask for a batch from the currentFile starting at offset offset = generateBatch(currentFile, offset, batchSize, batchContext.getBatchMaker()); if (MINUS_ONE.equals(offset)) { SpoolDirEvents.FINISHED_FILE.create(context, batchContext) .with("filepath", currentFile.getAbsolutePath()).with("error-count", perFileErrorCount) .with("record-count", perFileRecordCount).createAndSend(); LineageEvent event = context.createLineageEvent(LineageEventType.ENTITY_READ); event.setSpecificAttribute(LineageSpecificAttribute.ENTITY_NAME, currentFile.getAbsolutePath()); event.setSpecificAttribute(LineageSpecificAttribute.ENDPOINT_TYPE,; event.setSpecificAttribute(LineageSpecificAttribute.DESCRIPTION, conf.filePattern); Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(); props.put("Record Count", Long.toString(perFileRecordCount)); event.setProperties(props); context.publishLineageEvent(event); } } catch (BadSpoolFileException ex) { LOG.error(Errors.SPOOLDIR_01.getMessage(), ex.getFile(), ex.getPos(), ex.toString(), ex); context.reportError(Errors.SPOOLDIR_01, ex.getFile(), ex.getPos(), ex.toString(), ex); try { // then we ask the dirspooler to error handle the failed file spooler.handleCurrentFileAsError(); } catch (IOException ex1) { throw new StageException(Errors.SPOOLDIR_00, currentFile, ex1.toString(), ex1); } // we set the offset to -1 to indicate we are done with the file and we should fetch a new one from the dirspooler offset = MINUS_ONE; } } if (shouldSendNoMoreDataEvent) {"sending no-more-data event. records {} errors {} files {} ", noMoreDataRecordCount, noMoreDataErrorCount, noMoreDataFileCount); SpoolDirEvents.NO_MORE_DATA.create(context, batchContext).with("record-count", noMoreDataRecordCount) .with("error-count", noMoreDataErrorCount).with("file-count", noMoreDataFileCount) .createAndSend(); shouldSendNoMoreDataEvent = false; noMoreDataRecordCount = 0; noMoreDataErrorCount = 0; noMoreDataFileCount = 0; } Offset newOffset = new Offset(Offset.VERSION_ONE, file, offset); // Process And Commit offsets boolean batchProcessed = context.processBatch(batchContext, newOffset.getFile(), newOffset.getOffsetString()); // Commit offset and perform post-processing only if the batch was properly processed if (batchProcessed && !context.isPreview()) { if (lastSourceFile != null && !lastSourceFile.equals(newOffset.getFile())) { context.commitOffset(lastSourceFile, null); } // if this is the end of the file, do post processing if (currentFile != null && newOffset.getOffset().equals(MINUS_ONE)) { spooler.doPostProcessing(fs.getFile(conf.spoolDir, newOffset.getFile())); } } updateGauge(Status.BATCH_GENERATED, offset); return newOffset; } /** * Processes a batch from the specified file and offset up to a maximum batch size. If the file is fully processed * it must return -1, otherwise it must return the offset to continue from next invocation. */ public String generateBatch(WrappedFile file, String offset, int maxBatchSize, BatchMaker batchMaker) throws StageException, BadSpoolFileException { if (offset == null) { offset = "0"; } String sourceFile = file.getFileName(); try { if (parser == null) { parser = SpoolDirUtil.getParser(fs, file, conf.dataFormat, parserFactory, offset, conf.dataFormatConfig.wholeFileMaxObjectLen, rateLimitElEval, rateLimitElVars, conf.dataFormatConfig.rateLimit); } Map<String, Object> recordHeaderAttr = generateHeaderAttrs(file); for (int i = 0; i < maxBatchSize; i++) { try { Record record; try { record = parser.parse(); } catch (RecoverableDataParserException ex) { // Propagate partially parsed record to error stream record = ex.getUnparsedRecord(); recordHeaderAttr.put(HeaderAttributeConstants.OFFSET, offset); setHeaders(record, recordHeaderAttr); errorRecordHandler .onError(new OnRecordErrorException(record, ex.getErrorCode(), ex.getParams())); perFileErrorCount++; noMoreDataErrorCount++; // We'll simply continue reading once this continue; } if (record != null) { recordHeaderAttr.put(HeaderAttributeConstants.OFFSET, offset); setHeaders(record, recordHeaderAttr); batchMaker.addRecord(record); offset = parser.getOffset(); if (offset == null) { offset = "0"; } noMoreDataRecordCount++; perFileRecordCount++; } else { parser.close(); parser = null; offset = MINUS_ONE; break; } } catch (ObjectLengthException ex) { String exOffset = offset; offset = (parser != null) ? parser.getOffset() : MINUS_ONE; if (offset == null) { offset = "0"; } errorRecordHandler.onError(Errors.SPOOLDIR_02, sourceFile, exOffset, ex); perFileErrorCount++; noMoreDataErrorCount++; } } } catch (IOException | DataParserException ex) { if (ex instanceof ClosedByInterruptException || ex.getCause() instanceof ClosedByInterruptException) { //If the pipeline was stopped, we may get a ClosedByInterruptException while reading avro data. //This is because the thread is interrupted when the pipeline is stopped. //Instead of sending the file to error, publish batch and move one. } else { offset = MINUS_ONE; String exOffset; if (ex instanceof OverrunException) { exOffset = String.valueOf(((OverrunException) ex).getStreamOffset()); } else { try { exOffset = (parser != null) ? parser.getOffset() : MINUS_ONE; } catch (IOException ex1) { LOG.warn("Could not get the file offset to report with error, reason: {}", ex1.toString(), ex); exOffset = MINUS_ONE; } } switch (context.getOnErrorRecord()) { case DISCARD: break; case TO_ERROR: // we failed to produce a record, which leaves the input file in an unknown state. all we can do here is // throw an exception. throw new BadSpoolFileException(file.getAbsolutePath(), exOffset, ex); case STOP_PIPELINE: context.reportError(Errors.SPOOLDIR_04, sourceFile, exOffset, ex.toString(), ex); throw new StageException(Errors.SPOOLDIR_04, sourceFile, exOffset, ex.toString()); default: throw new IllegalStateException( Utils.format("Unknown OnError value '{}'", context.getOnErrorRecord(), ex)); } } } finally { if (MINUS_ONE.equals(offset)) { if (parser != null) { try { parser.close(); parser = null; } catch (IOException ex) { //NOP } } } } return offset; } private boolean hasToFetchNextFileFromSpooler(String file, String offset) throws IOException { return // we don't have a current file half way processed in the current agent execution currentFile == null || // we don't have a file half way processed from a previous agent execution via offset tracking file == null || (useLastModified && SpoolDirUtil.compareFiles(fs, fs.getFile(spooler.getSpoolDir(), file), currentFile)) || // the current file is lexicographically lesser than the one reported via offset tracking // this can happen if somebody drop (!useLastModified && currentFile.getFileName().compareTo(file) < 0) || // the current file has been fully processed MINUS_ONE.equals(offset); } private boolean isFileFromSpoolerEligible(WrappedFile spoolerFile, String offsetFile, String offsetInFile) { if (spoolerFile == null) { // there is no new file from dirspooler, we return yes to break the loop return true; } if (offsetFile == null) { // file reported by offset tracking is NULL, means we are starting from zero return true; } String fileName = spoolerFile.toString().replaceFirst(spooler.getSpoolDir() + FILE_SEPARATOR, ""); if (offsets.containsKey(fileName)) { offsetInFile = offsets.get(fileName).getOffset(); if (offsetInFile.equals(MINUS_ONE)) { return false; } } else { // check is newer then any other files in the offset for (String offsetFileName : offsets.keySet()) { if (useLastModified) { if (fs.exists(fs.getFile(spooler.getSpoolDir(), offsetFileName)) && SpoolDirUtil .compareFiles(fs, fs.getFile(spooler.getSpoolDir(), offsetFileName), spoolerFile)) { LOG.debug("File '{}' is less then offset file {}, ignoring", fileName, offsetFileName); return false; } } else { if (!offsetFileName.equals(Offset.NULL_FILE) && offsetFileName.compareTo(fileName) > 0) { LOG.debug("File '{}' is less then offset file {}, ignoring", fileName, offsetFileName); return false; } } } } if (spoolerFile.getAbsolutePath().compareTo(offsetFile) == 0 && !MINUS_ONE.equals(offsetInFile)) { // file reported by dirspooler is equal than current offset file // and we didn't fully process (not -1) the current file return true; } if (useLastModified) { if (SpoolDirUtil.compareFiles(fs, spoolerFile, fs.getFile(offsetFile))) { return true; } } else { if (spoolerFile.getAbsolutePath().compareTo(offsetFile) > 0) { // file reported by dirspooler is newer than current offset file return true; } } return false; } private Map<String, Object> generateHeaderAttrs(WrappedFile file) throws IOException { Map<String, Object> recordHeaderAttr = new HashMap<>(); recordHeaderAttr.put(HeaderAttributeConstants.FILE, file.getAbsolutePath()); recordHeaderAttr.put(HeaderAttributeConstants.FILE_NAME, file.getFileName()); recordHeaderAttr.put(HeaderAttributeConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_TIME, String.valueOf(fs.getLastModifiedTime(file))); recordHeaderAttr.put(BASE_DIR, conf.spoolDir); return recordHeaderAttr; } private void setHeaders(Record record, Map<String, Object> recordHeaderAttr) throws IOException { recordHeaderAttr.forEach((k, v) -> record.getHeader().setAttribute(k, v.toString())); } private enum Status { SPOOLING, READING, GENERATING_BATCH, BATCH_GENERATED,; } /** * Initialize the gauge with needed information */ private void initGaugeIfNeeded() { gaugeMap.put(THREAD_NAME, Thread.currentThread().getName()); gaugeMap.put(STATUS, ""); gaugeMap.put(CURRENT_FILE, ""); } private void updateGauge(Status status, String offset) { gaugeMap.put(STATUS,; gaugeMap.put(CURRENT_FILE, currentFile == null ? "" : currentFile.getFileName()); gaugeMap.put(OFFSET, offset == null ? "" : offset); } /** * Handle Exception */ private void handleStageError(ErrorCode errorCode, Exception e) { final String errorMessage = "Failure Happened"; LOG.error(errorMessage, e); try { errorRecordHandler.onError(errorCode, e); } catch (StageException se) { LOG.error("Error when routing to stage error", se); //Way to throw stage exception from runnable to main source thread Throwables.propagate(se); } } }