Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.stratelia.webactiv.util.fileFolder; /** * * @author cbonin * @version */ import com.silverpeas.util.FileUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.ImageUtil; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.exception.UtilException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class FileFolderManager { /** * retourne une Collection d'objets File qui representent les repertoires (et seulement les * repertoires, pas les fichiers) contenus dans le repertoire passe en parametre * @param chemin le chemin du repertoire * @return une Collection d'objets File qui representent les repertoires (et seulement les * repertoires, pas les fichiers) contenus dans le repertoire passe en parametre * @throws UtilException */ public static Collection<File> getAllSubFolder(String chemin) throws UtilException { List<File> resultat = new ArrayList<File>(); File directory = new File(chemin); if (directory.isDirectory()) { File[] list = directory.listFiles(); for (File file : list) { if (file.isDirectory()) { resultat.add(file); } } } else { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.getAllSubFolder", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", chemin); throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.getAllSubFolder", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", chemin); } return resultat; } /** * Returns all the files (and only the files, no directory) inside the given directory. * @param chemin * @return * @throws UtilException */ public static Collection<File> getAllFile(String chemin) throws UtilException { List<File> resultat = new ArrayList<File>(); File directory = new File(chemin); if (directory.isDirectory()) { resultat = new ArrayList<File>(FileUtils.listFiles(directory, null, false)); Collections.sort(resultat, new NameFileComparator(IOCase.INSENSITIVE)); } else { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.getAllFile", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", chemin); throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.getAllFile", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", chemin); } return resultat; } /** * Returns all the image files (and only the files, no directory) inside the given directory. * @param chemin * @return * @throws UtilException */ public static Collection<File> getAllImages(String chemin) throws UtilException { File directory = new File(chemin); if (directory.isDirectory()) { return FileUtil.listFiles(directory, ImageUtil.IMAGE_EXTENTIONS, false, true); } else { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.getAllImages", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", chemin); throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.getAllImages", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", chemin); } } /** * Retourne une Collection d'objets File qui representent les fichiers du site web contenus dans * le repertoire passe en parametre et ses sous repertoires * @param chemin le chemin du repertoire du site * @return une Collection d'objets File qui representent les fichiers du site web contenus dans le * repertoire passe en parametre et ses sous repertoires * @throws UtilException */ public static Collection<File> getAllWebPages(String chemin) throws UtilException { List<File> resultat = new ArrayList<File>(); File directory = new File(chemin); if (directory.isDirectory()) { File[] list = directory.listFiles(); for (File file : list) { if (file.isFile()) { resultat.add(file); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { String cheminRep = file.getAbsolutePath(); Collection<File> fich = getAllWebPages(cheminRep); for (File page : fich) { resultat.add(page); } } } } else { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.getAllWebPages", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", chemin); throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.getAllWebPages", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", chemin); } return resultat; } /** * getAllWebPages2 : retourne une Collection d'objets File qui representent les fichiers web (type * HTML) contenus dans le repertoire passe en parametre et seulement dans ce repertoire Param = * chemin du repertoire du site */ public static Collection<File> getAllWebPages2(String chemin) throws Exception { List<File> resultat = new ArrayList<File>(); File directory = new File(chemin); if (directory.isDirectory()) { File[] list = directory.listFiles(); for (File file : list) { if (file.isFile()) { String fichier = file.getName(); int indexPoint = fichier.lastIndexOf("."); String type = fichier.substring(indexPoint + 1); if ("htm".equals(type.toLowerCase()) || "html".equals(type.toLowerCase())) { resultat.add(file); } } } } else { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.getAllWebPages2", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", chemin); throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.getAllWebPages2", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", chemin); } return resultat; } /** * creation d'un repertoire * @param chemin le chemin du repertoire * @throws UtilException */ public static void createFolder(String chemin) throws UtilException {"util", "FileFolderManager.createFolder", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "chemin=" + chemin); File directory = new File(chemin); if (directory == null || !directory.exists() || directory.isDirectory()) { createFolder(directory); } } public static void createFolder(File directory) throws UtilException { try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(directory); } catch (IOException ioex) { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.createFolder", "util.EX_REPOSITORY_CREATION", directory.getPath(), ioex); throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.createFolder", "util.EX_REPOSITORY_CREATION", directory.getPath(), ioex); } } /** * renameFolder : modification du nom d'un repertoire Param = chemin du repertoire */ public static void renameFolder(String cheminRep, String newCheminRep) throws UtilException { /* ex chemin = c:\\j2sdk\\public_html\\WAUploads\\WA0webSite10\\nomSite */ File directory = new File(cheminRep); if (directory.isDirectory()) { File newDirectory = new File(newCheminRep); if (!directory.renameTo(newDirectory)) { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.renameFolder", "util.EX_REPOSITORY_RENAME", cheminRep + " en " + newCheminRep); throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.renameFolder", "util.EX_REPOSITORY_RENAME", cheminRep + " en " + newCheminRep); } } else { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.renameFolder", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", cheminRep); throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.renameFolder", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_REPOS", cheminRep); } } /** * Deletes the specified directory recursively and quietly. * @param chemin the specified directory */ public static void deleteFolder(String chemin) { File directory = new File(chemin); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(directory); } /** * Deletes the specified directory recursively. * @param chemin the specified directory * @param throwException set to false if you want to delete quietly - false otherwise. * @throws UtilException */ public static void deleteFolder(String chemin, boolean throwException) throws UtilException { File directory = new File(chemin); boolean result = FileUtils.deleteQuietly(directory); if (!result) {"util", "FileFolderManager.deleteFolder", "util.EX_REPOSITORY_DELETE", chemin); if (throwException) { throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.deleteFolder", "util.EX_REPOSITORY_DELETE", chemin); } } } /** * createFile : creation d'un fichier Param = cheminFichier = * c:\\j2sdk\\public_html\\WAUploads\\WA0webSite10\\nomSite\\rep1\\rep2 nomFichier = index.html * contenuFichier = code du fichier : "<HTML><TITLE>...." */ public static void createFile(String cheminFichier, String nomFichier, String contenuFichier) throws UtilException { File directory = new File(cheminFichier); if (directory.isDirectory()) { try { /* Cration d'un nouveau fichier sous la bonne arborescence */ File file = new File(directory, nomFichier); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, contenuFichier, "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.createFile", "util.EX_CREATE_FILE_ERROR", e); } } else { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.createFile", "util.EX_CREATE_FILE_ERROR", cheminFichier); throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.createFile", "util.EX_CREATE_FILE_ERROR"); } } /** * renameFile : modification du nom d'un fichier Param = chemin du fichier */ public static void renameFile(String cheminRep, String name, String newName) throws UtilException { /* ex chemin = c:\\j2sdk\\public_html\\WAUploads\\WA0webSite10\\nomSite */ File file = new File(cheminRep, name); if (file.isFile()) { File newFile = new File(cheminRep, newName); if (!file.renameTo(newFile)) { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.renameFile", "util.EX_RENAME_FILE_ERROR", name + " en " + cheminRep + "\\" + newName); throw new UtilException("FileFolderManager.renameFile", "util.EX_RENAME_FILE_ERROR", name + " en " + cheminRep + "\\" + newName); } } else { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.renameFile", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_FINCHER", cheminRep + "\\" + name); throw new UtilException("fileFolderManager.renameFile", "util.EX_NO_CHEMIN_FINCHER", cheminRep + "\\" + name); } } /** * Deletes a file. * @Param chemin : path to the file */ public static void deleteFile(String chemin) throws UtilException { File directory = new File(chemin); boolean result = FileUtils.deleteQuietly(directory); if (!result) { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.deleteFile", "util.EX_DELETE_FILE_ERROR", chemin); throw new UtilException("fileFolderManager.deleteFile", "util.EX_DELETE_FILE_ERROR", chemin); } } /** * getCode : Rcupration du contenu d'un fichier Param = cheminFichier = * c:\\j2sdk\\public_html\\WAUploads\\WA0webSite10\\nomSite\\rep1\\rep2 nomFichier = index.html */ public static String getCode(String cheminFichier, String nomFichier) throws UtilException { File directory = new File(cheminFichier); if (directory.isDirectory()) { try { File file = new File(directory, nomFichier); return FileUtils.readFileToString(file, "UTF-8"); } catch (IOException e) { SilverTrace.debug("util", "FileFolderManager.getCode", "result = null, fichier absent", e); return null; } } else { SilverTrace.error("util", "FileFolderManager.deleteFile", "util.util.EX_WRONG_CHEMLIN_SPEC", cheminFichier); throw new UtilException("fileFolderManager.getCode", "util.util.EX_WRONG_CHEMLIN_SPEC", cheminFichier); } } private FileFolderManager() { } }