Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of the GPL, you may * redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre Open Source Software ("FLOSS") * applications as described in Silverpeas's FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the * text describing the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. * If not, see <>. */ package com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin; import com.silverpeas.admin.components.ComponentPasteInterface; import com.silverpeas.admin.components.Instanciateur; import com.silverpeas.admin.components.Parameter; import com.silverpeas.admin.components.PasteDetail; import com.silverpeas.admin.components.Profile; import com.silverpeas.admin.components.WAComponent; import com.silverpeas.admin.notification.AdminNotificationService; import com.silverpeas.admin.spaces.SpaceInstanciator; import com.silverpeas.admin.spaces.SpaceTemplate; import com.silverpeas.util.ArrayUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.StringUtil; import com.silverpeas.util.i18n.I18NHelper; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.containerManager.ContainerManager; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.contentManager.ContentManager; import; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.URLManager; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace; import com.stratelia.webactiv.SilverpeasRole; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.cache.AdminCache; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.cache.DomainCache; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.cache.GroupCache; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.cache.Space; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.cache.TreeCache; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.dao.GroupSearchCriteriaForDAO; import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.dao.UserSearchCriteriaForDAO; import com.stratelia.webactiv.organization.AdminPersistenceException; import com.stratelia.webactiv.organization.OrganizationSchemaPool; import com.stratelia.webactiv.organization.ScheduledDBReset; import com.stratelia.webactiv.organization.UserRow; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.DBUtil; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.DateUtil; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.FileRepositoryManager; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.JNDINames; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.ResourceLocator; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.exception.SilverpeasException; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.pool.ConnectionPool; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateFormat; import; import; import; import org.silverpeas.admin.user.constant.UserAccessLevel; import org.silverpeas.admin.user.constant.UserState; import org.silverpeas.quota.exception.QuotaException; import org.silverpeas.quota.model.Quota; import; import; import; import org.silverpeas.util.ListSlice; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace.MODULE_ADMIN; /** * The class Admin is the main class of the Administrator.<BR/> The role of the administrator is to * create and maintain spaces. */ public final class Admin { /** * Identifier of the administration component in Silverpeas. It identifies any administrative tool * or service belonging to the administration component. It can be then passed where an identifier * of a component or of an application instance (named also component instance) is expected. * </p> * Each administrative tool have the same identifier and this identifier refers the administration * component. */ private static final String PARAM_MSG_KEY = "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE"; private static final String START_SERVER_MSG = "Admin.startServer"; public static final String ADMIN_COMPONENT_ID = "ADMIN"; public static final String SPACE_KEY_PREFIX = "WA"; // Divers private static final Object semaphore = new Object(); private static boolean delUsersOnDiffSynchro = true; private static boolean shouldFallbackGroupNames = true; private static boolean shouldFallbackUserLogins = false; private static String m_groupSynchroCron = ""; private static String m_domainSynchroCron = ""; // Helpers private static final SpaceInstManager spaceManager = new SpaceInstManager(); private static final ComponentInstManager componentManager = new ComponentInstManager(); private static final ProfileInstManager profileManager = new ProfileInstManager(); private static final SpaceProfileInstManager spaceProfileManager = new SpaceProfileInstManager(); private static final GroupManager groupManager = new GroupManager(); private static final UserManager userManager = new UserManager(); private static final ProfiledObjectManager profiledObjectManager = new ProfiledObjectManager(); private static final GroupProfileInstManager groupProfileManager = new GroupProfileInstManager(); // Component instanciator private static Instanciateur componentInstanciator = null; private static SpaceInstanciator spaceInstanciator = null; // Entreprise client space Id private static int m_nEntrepriseClientSpaceId = 0; private static String administratorMail = null; private static String m_sDAPIGeneralAdminId = null; // User Logs private static Map<String, UserLog> loggedUsers = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, UserLog>(100)); private static FastDateFormat formatter = FastDateFormat.getInstance("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss:S"); // Cache management private static final AdminCache cache = new AdminCache(); // DB Connections Scheduled Resets private static final ScheduledDBReset scheduledDBReset; public static final String basketSuffix = " (Restaur)"; private static SynchroGroupScheduler groupSynchroScheduler = null; private static SynchroDomainScheduler domainSynchroScheduler = null; private static ResourceLocator roleMapping = null; private static boolean useProfileInheritance = false; private static transient boolean cacheLoaded = false; @Inject @Named("adminNotificationService") AdminNotificationService adminNotificationService; static { // Load silverpeas admin resources ResourceLocator resources = new ResourceLocator("org.silverpeas.beans.admin.admin", ""); roleMapping = new ResourceLocator("org.silverpeas.admin.roleMapping", ""); useProfileInheritance = resources.getBoolean("UseProfileInheritance", false); m_nEntrepriseClientSpaceId = Integer.parseInt(resources.getString("EntrepriseClientSpaceId")); administratorMail = resources.getString("AdministratorEMail"); m_sDAPIGeneralAdminId = resources.getString("DAPIGeneralAdminId"); scheduledDBReset = new ScheduledDBReset(); scheduledDBReset.initialize(resources.getString("DBConnectionResetScheduler", "")); shouldFallbackGroupNames = resources.getBoolean("FallbackGroupNames", true); shouldFallbackUserLogins = resources.getBoolean("FallbackUserLogins", false); m_domainSynchroCron = resources.getString("DomainSynchroCron", "* 4 * * *"); m_groupSynchroCron = resources.getString("GroupSynchroCron", "* 5 * * *"); delUsersOnDiffSynchro = resources.getBoolean("DelUsersOnThreadedSynchro", true); // Cache management cache.setCacheAvailable(StringUtil.getBooleanValue(resources.getString("UseCache", "1"))); componentInstanciator = new Instanciateur(); } Admin() { if (spaceInstanciator == null) { spaceInstanciator = new SpaceInstanciator(getAllComponents()); } // Init tree cache synchronized (Admin.class) { if (!cacheLoaded) { reloadCache(); } } } public void reloadCache() { cache.resetCache(); TreeCache.clearCache(); GroupCache.clearCache(); try {, START_SERVER_MSG, PARAM_MSG_KEY, "Start filling tree cache..."); List<SpaceInstLight> spaces = spaceManager .getAllSpaces(DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager()); for (SpaceInstLight space : spaces) { addSpaceInTreeCache(space, false); }, START_SERVER_MSG, PARAM_MSG_KEY, "Tree cache filled !"); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Constructor", "ERROR_WHEN_INITIALIZING_ADMIN", e); } cacheLoaded = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start Server actions // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void startServer() { // init synchronization of domains List<String> synchroDomainIds = new ArrayList<String>(); DomainDriverManager ddm = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); Domain[] domains = null; try { domains = ddm.getAllDomains(); } catch (AdminException e) { SilverTrace.error("admin", START_SERVER_MSG, "admin.CANT_LOAD_DOMAINS_DURING_INITIALIZATION", e); } if (domains != null) { for (Domain domain : domains) { DomainDriver synchroDomain; try { synchroDomain = ddm.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(domain.getId())); if (synchroDomain != null && synchroDomain.isSynchroThreaded()) { synchroDomainIds.add(domain.getId()); } } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("admin", START_SERVER_MSG, "admin.CANT_LOAD_DOMAIN_DURING_INITIALIZATION", "domainId = " + domain.getId(), e); } } } domainSynchroScheduler = new SynchroDomainScheduler(); domainSynchroScheduler.initialize(m_domainSynchroCron, synchroDomainIds); // init synchronization of groups Group[] groups = null; try { groups = getSynchronizedGroups(); } catch (AdminException e) { SilverTrace.error("admin", START_SERVER_MSG, "admin.CANT_LOAD_SYNCHRONIZED_GROUPS_DURING_INITIALIZATION", e); } List<String> synchronizedGroupIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (groups != null) { for (Group group : groups) { if (group.isSynchronized()) { synchronizedGroupIds.add(group.getId()); } } } groupSynchroScheduler = new SynchroGroupScheduler(); groupSynchroScheduler.initialize(m_groupSynchroCron, synchronizedGroupIds); } private void addSpaceInTreeCache(SpaceInstLight space, boolean addSpaceToSuperSpace) throws NumberFormatException, AdminException { Space spaceInCache = new Space(); spaceInCache.setSpace(space); List<ComponentInstLight> components = componentManager .getComponentsInSpace(Integer.parseInt(space.getShortId())); spaceInCache.setComponents(components); List<SpaceInstLight> subSpaces = getSubSpaces(space.getShortId()); spaceInCache.setSubspaces(subSpaces); TreeCache.addSpace(space.getShortId(), spaceInCache); for (SpaceInstLight subSpace : subSpaces) { addSpaceInTreeCache(subSpace, false); } if (addSpaceToSuperSpace) { if (!space.isRoot()) { TreeCache.addSubSpace(space.getFatherId(), space); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SPACE RELATED FUNCTIONS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Enterprise space id. * * @return The general space id */ public String getGeneralSpaceId() { return SPACE_KEY_PREFIX + m_nEntrepriseClientSpaceId; } public void createSpaceIndex(int spaceId) { try { SpaceInstLight space = getSpaceInstLight(String.valueOf(spaceId)); createSpaceIndex(space); } catch (AdminException e) { SilverTrace.error(MODULE_ADMIN, "admin.createSpaceIndex", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "spaceId = " + spaceId); } } public void createSpaceIndex(SpaceInstLight spaceInst) {, "admin.createSpaceIndex", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "Space Name : " + spaceInst.getName() + " Space Id : " + spaceInst.getShortId()); // Index the space String spaceId = spaceInst.getFullId(); FullIndexEntry indexEntry = new FullIndexEntry("Spaces", "Space", spaceId); indexEntry.setTitle(spaceInst.getName()); indexEntry.setPreView(spaceInst.getDescription()); indexEntry.setCreationUser(String.valueOf(spaceInst.getCreatedBy())); IndexEngineProxy.addIndexEntry(indexEntry); } public void deleteSpaceIndex(SpaceInst spaceInst) {"admin", "admin.deleteSpaceIndex", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "Space Name : " + spaceInst.getName() + " Space Id : " + spaceInst.getId()); String spaceId = getSpaceId(spaceInst); FullIndexEntry indexEntry = new FullIndexEntry("Spaces", "Space", spaceId); IndexEngineProxy.removeIndexEntry(indexEntry.getPK()); } /** * add a space instance in database * * @param userId Id of user who add the space * @param spaceInst SpaceInst object containing information about the space to be created * @return the created space id */ public String addSpaceInst(String userId, SpaceInst spaceInst) throws AdminException { Connection connectionProd = null; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); try {, "admin.addSpaceInst", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "Space Name : " + spaceInst.getName() + " NbCompo: " + spaceInst.getNumComponentInst()); connectionProd = openConnection(false); // Open the connections with auto-commit to false if (!spaceInst.isRoot()) { // It's a subspace // Convert the client id in driver id spaceInst.setDomainFatherId(getDriverSpaceId(spaceInst.getDomainFatherId())); if (useProfileInheritance && !spaceInst.isInheritanceBlocked()) { // inherits profiles from super space // set super space profiles to new space setSpaceProfilesToSubSpace(spaceInst, null); } } // Create the space instance spaceInst.setCreatorUserId(userId); String sSpaceInstId = spaceManager.createSpaceInst(spaceInst, domainDriverManager); spaceInst.setId(getClientSpaceId(sSpaceInstId)); // put new space in cache cache.opAddSpace(getSpaceInstById(sSpaceInstId, true)); // Instantiate the components ArrayList<ComponentInst> alCompoInst = spaceInst.getAllComponentsInst(); for (ComponentInst componentInst : alCompoInst) { componentInst.setDomainFatherId(spaceInst.getId()); addComponentInst(userId, componentInst, false); } // commit the transactions domainDriverManager.commit(); connectionProd.commit(); SpaceInstLight space = getSpaceInstLight(sSpaceInstId); addSpaceInTreeCache(space, true); // indexation de l'espace, "admin.addSpaceInst", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "Indexation : spaceInst = " + spaceInst.getName()); createSpaceIndex(space); return spaceInst.getId(); } catch (Exception e) { try { // Roll back the transactions domainDriverManager.rollback(); connectionProd.rollback(); cache.resetCache(); } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.addSpaceInst", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } throw new AdminException("Admin.addSpaceInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_ADD_SPACE", "space name : '" + spaceInst.getName() + "'", e); } finally { // close connection domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); DBUtil.close(connectionProd); } } /** * Delete the given space The delete is apply recursively to the sub-spaces * * @param userId Id of user who deletes the space * @param spaceId Id of the space to be deleted * @param definitive * @return the deleted space id * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String deleteSpaceInstById(String userId, String spaceId, boolean definitive) throws AdminException { return deleteSpaceInstById(userId, spaceId, true, definitive); } /** * Delete the given space if it's not the general space The delete is apply recursively to the * sub-spaces * * @param userId Id of user who deletes the space * @param spaceId Id of the space to be deleted * @param startNewTransaction Flag : must be true at first call to initialize transaction, then * false for recurrents calls * @param definitive * @return the deleted space id * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String deleteSpaceInstById(String userId, String spaceId, boolean startNewTransaction, boolean definitive) throws AdminException { SilverTrace.spy(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.deleteSpaceInstById()", spaceId, "ASP", "", userId, SilverTrace.SPY_ACTION_DELETE); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } // Convert the client id in driver id String sDriverSpaceId = getDriverSpaceId(spaceId); // Get the space to delete SpaceInst spaceInst = getSpaceInstById(sDriverSpaceId, true); if (!definitive) { // Update the space in tables spaceManager.sendSpaceToBasket(domainDriverManager, sDriverSpaceId, spaceInst.getName() + Admin.basketSuffix, userId); // delete all profiles (space, components and subspaces) deleteSpaceProfiles(spaceInst); // notify logical deletion notifyOnSpaceLogicalDeletion(spaceId, userId); } else { // Get all the sub-spaces String[] subSpaceIds = getAllSubSpaceIds(spaceId); // Delete subspaces for (String subSpaceid : subSpaceIds) { deleteSpaceInstById(userId, subSpaceid, false, true); } // Delete subspaces already in bin List<SpaceInstLight> removedSpaces = getRemovedSpaces(); for (SpaceInstLight removedSpace : removedSpaces) { if (sDriverSpaceId.equals(removedSpace.getFatherId())) { deleteSpaceInstById(userId, removedSpace.getFullId(), false, true); } } // delete the space profiles instance for (int nI = 0; nI < spaceInst.getNumSpaceProfileInst(); nI++) { deleteSpaceProfileInst(spaceInst.getSpaceProfileInst(nI).getId(), false); } // Delete the components ArrayList<ComponentInst> alCompoInst = spaceInst.getAllComponentsInst(); for (ComponentInst anAlCompoInst : alCompoInst) { deleteComponentInst(userId, getClientComponentId(anAlCompoInst), true, false); } // Delete the components already in bin List<ComponentInstLight> removedComponents = getRemovedComponents(); for (ComponentInstLight removedComponent : removedComponents) { if (spaceId.equals(removedComponent.getDomainFatherId())) { deleteComponentInst(userId, removedComponent.getId(), true, false); } } // Delete the space in tables spaceManager.deleteSpaceInst(spaceInst, domainDriverManager); } if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.commit(); } cache.opRemoveSpace(spaceInst); TreeCache.removeSpace(sDriverSpaceId); // desindexation de l'espace deleteSpaceIndex(spaceInst); return spaceId; } catch (Exception e) { // Roll back the transactions if (startNewTransaction) { rollback(); } throw new AdminException("Admin.deleteSpaceInstById", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_DELETE_SPACE", "user Id : '" + userId + "', space Id : '" + spaceId + "'", e); } finally { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } private void notifyOnSpaceLogicalDeletion(String spaceId, String userId) { // notify of space logical deletion adminNotificationService.notifyOnDeletionOf(getClientSpaceId(spaceId), userId); // notify of direct sub spaces logical deletion too List<SpaceInstLight> spaces = TreeCache.getSubSpaces(getDriverSpaceId(spaceId)); for (SpaceInstLight space : spaces) { notifyOnSpaceLogicalDeletion(space.getFullId(), userId); } } private void deleteSpaceProfiles(SpaceInst spaceInst) throws AdminException { // delete the space profiles for (int nI = 0; nI < spaceInst.getNumSpaceProfileInst(); nI++) { deleteSpaceProfileInst(spaceInst.getSpaceProfileInst(nI).getId(), false); } // delete the components profiles List<ComponentInst> components = spaceInst.getAllComponentsInst(); for (ComponentInst component : components) { for (int p = 0; p < component.getNumProfileInst(); p++) { if (!component.getProfileInst(p).isInherited()) { deleteProfileInst(component.getProfileInst(p).getId(), false); } } } // delete the subspace profiles String[] subSpaceIds = spaceInst.getSubSpaceIds(); for (int i = 0; subSpaceIds != null && i < subSpaceIds.length; i++) { SpaceInst subSpace = getSpaceInstById(subSpaceIds[i]); deleteSpaceProfiles(subSpace); } } /** * @param spaceId * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public void restoreSpaceFromBasket(String spaceId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); try { // Start transaction // Convert the client id in driver id String driverSpaceId = getDriverSpaceId(spaceId); // update data in database spaceManager.removeSpaceFromBasket(domainDriverManager, driverSpaceId); // force caches to be refreshed cache.removeSpaceInst(driverSpaceId); TreeCache.removeSpace(driverSpaceId); // Get the space and put it in the cache SpaceInst spaceInst = getSpaceInstById(driverSpaceId, true); // set superspace profiles to space if (useProfileInheritance && !spaceInst.isInheritanceBlocked() && !spaceInst.isRoot()) { updateSpaceInheritance(spaceInst, false); } domainDriverManager.commit(); // indexation de l'espace, "admin.restoreSpaceFromBasket", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "Indexation : spaceInst = " + spaceInst.getName()); createSpaceIndex(Integer.parseInt(driverSpaceId)); // reset space and eventually subspace cache.opAddSpace(spaceInst); addSpaceInTreeCache(getSpaceInstLight(driverSpaceId), true); } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.restoreSpaceFromBasket", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_RESTORE_SPACE_FROM_BASKET", "spaceId = " + spaceId); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } /** * Get the space instance with the given space id. * * @param spaceId client space id * @return Space information as SpaceInst object. * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public SpaceInst getSpaceInstById(String spaceId) throws AdminException { try { SpaceInst spaceInst = getSpaceInstById(spaceId, false); if (spaceInst == null) { return null; } // Put the client space Id back spaceInst.setId(spaceId); // Put the client component Id back List<ComponentInst> alCompoInst = spaceInst.getAllComponentsInst(); for (ComponentInst component : alCompoInst) { String sClientComponentId = getClientComponentId(component); component.setId(sClientComponentId); } // Put the client sub spaces Id back String[] asSubSpaceIds = spaceInst.getSubSpaceIds(); for (int nI = 0; asSubSpaceIds != null && nI < asSubSpaceIds.length; nI++) { asSubSpaceIds[nI] = getClientSpaceId(asSubSpaceIds[nI]); } spaceInst.setSubSpaceIds(asSubSpaceIds); return spaceInst; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getSpaceInstById", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_SPACE", " space Id : '" + spaceId + "'", e); } } /** * Get the space instance with the given space id * * @param spaceId client space id * @param useDriverSpaceId true is space id is in 'driver' format, false for 'client' format * @return Space information as SpaceInst object */ private SpaceInst getSpaceInstById(String spaceId, boolean useDriverSpaceId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { String driverSpaceId; // Convert the client id in driver id if (useDriverSpaceId) { driverSpaceId = spaceId; } else { driverSpaceId = getDriverSpaceId(spaceId); } SpaceInst spaceInst = cache.getSpaceInst(driverSpaceId); if (spaceInst == null) { // Get space instance spaceInst = spaceManager.getSpaceInstById(domainDriverManager, driverSpaceId); if (spaceInst != null) { // Store the spaceInst in cache cache.putSpaceInst(spaceInst); } } return spaceManager.copy(spaceInst); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getSpaceInstById", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_SPACE", " space Id : '" + spaceId + "'", e); } } /** * @param userId * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public SpaceInst getPersonalSpace(String userId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); return spaceManager.getPersonalSpace(domainDriverManager, userId); } /** * Get all the subspaces Ids available in Silverpeas given a domainFatherId (client id format) * * @param domainFatherId Id of the father space * @return an array of String containing the ids of spaces that are child of given space. * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String[] getAllSubSpaceIds(String domainFatherId) throws AdminException { SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.getAllSubSpaceIds", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "father space id: '" + domainFatherId + "'"); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { // get all sub space ids String[] asDriverSpaceIds = spaceManager.getAllSubSpaceIds(domainDriverManager, getDriverSpaceId(domainFatherId)); // Convert all the driver space ids in client space ids asDriverSpaceIds = getClientSpaceIds(asDriverSpaceIds); return asDriverSpaceIds; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getAllSubSpaceIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_ALL_SUBSPACE_IDS", " father space Id : '" + domainFatherId + "'", e); } } /** * Updates the space (with the given name) with the given space Updates only the node * * @param spaceInstNew SpaceInst object containing new information for space to be updated * @return the updated space id. * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String updateSpaceInst(SpaceInst spaceInstNew) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); try { SpaceInst oldSpace = getSpaceInstById(spaceInstNew.getId()); // Open the connections with auto-commit to false SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.updateSpaceInst", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "Before id: '" + spaceInstNew.getId() + "' after Id: " + getDriverSpaceId(spaceInstNew.getId())); // Convert the client id in driver id spaceInstNew.setId(getDriverSpaceId(spaceInstNew.getId())); // Update the space in tables spaceManager.updateSpaceInst(domainDriverManager, spaceInstNew); if (useProfileInheritance && (oldSpace.isInheritanceBlocked() != spaceInstNew.isInheritanceBlocked())) { updateSpaceInheritance(oldSpace, spaceInstNew.isInheritanceBlocked()); } // commit the transactions domainDriverManager.commit(); cache.opUpdateSpace(spaceInstNew); TreeCache.getSpaceInstLight(spaceInstNew.getId()) .setInheritanceBlocked(spaceInstNew.isInheritanceBlocked()); // Update space in TreeCache SpaceInstLight spaceLight = spaceManager.getSpaceInstLightById(domainDriverManager, getDriverSpaceId(spaceInstNew.getId())); spaceLight.setInheritanceBlocked(spaceInstNew.isInheritanceBlocked()); TreeCache.updateSpace(spaceLight); // indexation de l'espace, "admin.updateSpaceInst", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "Indexation : spaceInst = " + spaceInstNew.getName()); createSpaceIndex(spaceLight); return spaceInstNew.getId(); } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.updateSpaceInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_SPACE", "space Id : '" + spaceInstNew.getId() + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } /** * @param spaceId * @param orderNum * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public void updateSpaceOrderNum(String spaceId, int orderNum) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.updateSpaceOrderNum", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "Space id: '" + spaceId + "' New Order num: " + Integer.toString(orderNum)); String driverSpaceId = getDriverSpaceId(spaceId); // Open the connections with auto-commit to false domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); // Update the space in tables spaceManager.updateSpaceOrder(domainDriverManager, driverSpaceId, orderNum); // commit the transactions domainDriverManager.commit(); cache.opUpdateSpace(spaceManager.getSpaceInstById(domainDriverManager, driverSpaceId)); // Updating TreeCache SpaceInstLight space = TreeCache.getSpaceInstLight(driverSpaceId); // Update space order space.setOrderNum(orderNum); if (!space.isRoot()) { // Update brothers sort in TreeCache TreeCache.setSubspaces(space.getFatherId(), getSubSpaces(space.getFatherId())); } } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.updateSpaceOrderNum", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_SPACE", "space Id : '" + spaceId + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } /** * Update the inheritance mode between a subSpace and its space. If inheritanceBlocked is true * then all inherited space profiles are removed. If inheritanceBlocked is false then all subSpace * profiles are removed and space profiles are inherited. * * @param space * @param inheritanceBlocked * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ private void updateSpaceInheritance(SpaceInst space, boolean inheritanceBlocked) throws AdminException { try { if (inheritanceBlocked) { // suppression des droits hrits de l'espace List<SpaceProfileInst> inheritedProfiles = space.getInheritedProfiles(); for (SpaceProfileInst profile : inheritedProfiles) { deleteSpaceProfileInst(profile.getId(), false); } } else { // Hritage des droits de l'espace // 1 - suppression des droits spcifiques du sous espace List<SpaceProfileInst> profiles = space.getProfiles(); for (SpaceProfileInst profile : profiles) { if (profile != null && !profile.isManager()) { deleteSpaceProfileInst(profile.getId(), false); } } if (!space.isRoot()) { // 2 - affectation des droits de l'espace au sous espace setSpaceProfilesToSubSpace(space, null, true, false); } } } catch (AdminException e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.updateComponentInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_SPACE", "spaceId = " + space.getId(), e); } } /** * Tests if a space with given space id exists. * * @param spaceId if of space to be tested * @return true if the given space instance name is an existing space */ public boolean isSpaceInstExist(String spaceId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { return spaceManager.isSpaceInstExist(domainDriverManager, getDriverSpaceId(spaceId)); } catch (AdminException e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.isSpaceInstExist", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_IS_SPACE_EXIST", "space Id : '" + spaceId + "'", e); } } /** * Return all the root spaces Ids available in Silverpeas. * * @return all the root spaces Ids available in Silverpeas. * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String[] getAllRootSpaceIds() throws AdminException { SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.getAllSpaceIds", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD"); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { String[] driverSpaceIds = spaceManager.getAllRootSpaceIds(domainDriverManager); // Convert all the driver space ids in client space ids driverSpaceIds = getClientSpaceIds(driverSpaceIds); return driverSpaceIds; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getAllSpaceIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_ALL_SPACE_IDS", e); } } /** * Retrieve spaces from root to component * * @param componentId the target component * @return a List of SpaceInstLight * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public List<SpaceInstLight> getPathToComponent(String componentId) throws AdminException { List<SpaceInstLight> path = new ArrayList<SpaceInstLight>(0); ComponentInstLight component = getComponentInstLight(componentId); if (component != null) { String spaceId = component.getDomainFatherId(); return getPathToSpace(spaceId, true); } return path; } /** * Retrieve spaces from root to space identified by spaceId * * @param spaceId the target space * @param includeTarget * @return a List of SpaceInstLight * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public List<SpaceInstLight> getPathToSpace(String spaceId, boolean includeTarget) throws AdminException { List<SpaceInstLight> path = new ArrayList<SpaceInstLight>(10); SpaceInstLight space = getSpaceInstLight(getDriverSpaceId(spaceId)); if (space != null) { if (includeTarget) { path.add(0, space); } while (!space.isRoot()) { String fatherId = space.getFatherId(); space = getSpaceInstLight(fatherId); path.add(0, space); } } return path; } /** * Return the all the spaces Ids available in Silverpeas. * * @return the all the spaces Ids available in Silverpeas. * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String[] getAllSpaceIds() throws AdminException { SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.getAllSpaceIds", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD"); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { String[] driverSpaceIds = spaceManager.getAllSpaceIds(domainDriverManager); // Convert all the driver space ids in client space ids driverSpaceIds = getClientSpaceIds(driverSpaceIds); return driverSpaceIds; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getAllSpaceIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_ALL_SPACE_IDS", e); } } /** * Returns all spaces which has been removed but not definitely deleted. * * @return a List of SpaceInstLight * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public List<SpaceInstLight> getRemovedSpaces() throws AdminException { SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.getRemovedSpaces", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD"); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { return spaceManager.getRemovedSpaces(domainDriverManager); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getRemovedSpaces", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_REMOVED_SPACES", e); } } /** * Returns all components which has been removed but not definitely deleted. * * @return a List of ComponentInstLight * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public List<ComponentInstLight> getRemovedComponents() throws AdminException { SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.getRemovedComponents", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD"); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { return componentManager.getRemovedComponents(domainDriverManager); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getRemovedComponents", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_REMOVED_COMPONENTS", e); } } /** * Return the the spaces name corresponding to the given space ids * * @param asClientSpaceIds * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String[] getSpaceNames(String[] asClientSpaceIds) throws AdminException { if (asClientSpaceIds == null) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } try { String[] asSpaceNames = new String[asClientSpaceIds.length]; for (int nI = 0; nI < asClientSpaceIds.length; nI++) { SpaceInstLight spaceInst = getSpaceInstLightById(asClientSpaceIds[nI]); asSpaceNames[nI] = spaceInst.getName(); } return asSpaceNames; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getSpaceNames", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_SPACE_NAMES", e); } } public Map<String, SpaceTemplate> getAllSpaceTemplates() { return spaceInstanciator.getAllSpaceTemplates(); } public SpaceInst getSpaceInstFromTemplate(String templateName) { return spaceInstanciator.getSpaceToInstanciate(templateName); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // COMPONENT RELATED FUNCTIONS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return all the components name available in Silverpeas. * * @return all the components name available in Silverpeas * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public Map<String, String> getAllComponentsNames() { SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.getAllComponentsNames", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD"); Map<String, String> components = Instanciateur.getAllComponentsNames(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : components.entrySet()) { SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.getAllComponentsNames", "admin.MSG_INFO_COMPONENT_FOUND", entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue()); } return components; } /** * Return all the components of silverpeas read in the xmlComponent directory. * * @return all the components of silverpeas read in the xmlComponent directory. */ public Map<String, WAComponent> getAllComponents() { return Instanciateur.getWAComponents(); } /** * Return the component Inst corresponding to the given ID * * @param sClientComponentId * @return the component Inst corresponding to the given ID * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public ComponentInst getComponentInst(String sClientComponentId) throws AdminException { try { ComponentInst componentInst = getComponentInst(sClientComponentId, false, null); componentInst.setId(getClientComponentId(componentInst)); componentInst.setDomainFatherId(getClientSpaceId(componentInst.getDomainFatherId())); return componentInst; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getComponentInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_COMPONENT", "component Id: '" + sClientComponentId + "'", e); } } /** * Return the component Inst Light corresponding to the given ID * * @param componentId * @return the component Inst Light corresponding to the given ID * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public ComponentInstLight getComponentInstLight(String componentId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { String driverComponentId = getDriverComponentId(componentId); return componentManager.getComponentInstLight(domainDriverManager, driverComponentId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getComponentInstLight", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_COMPONENT", "component Id: '" + componentId + "'", e); } } /** * Return the component Inst corresponding to the given ID. * * @param componentId * @param isDriverComponentId * @param fatherDriverSpaceId * @return the component Inst corresponding to the given ID. * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ private ComponentInst getComponentInst(String componentId, boolean isDriverComponentId, String fatherDriverSpaceId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); String driverComponentId; try { // Converts space id if necessary if (isDriverComponentId) { driverComponentId = componentId; } else { driverComponentId = getDriverComponentId(componentId); } // Get the component instance ComponentInst componentInst = cache.getComponentInst(driverComponentId);, "Admin.getComponentInst", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "componentInst=" + componentInst + " id=" + driverComponentId); if (componentInst == null) { // Get component instance from database componentInst = componentManager.getComponentInst(domainDriverManager, driverComponentId, fatherDriverSpaceId);, "Admin.getComponentInst", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "componentInst FatherId=" + componentInst.getDomainFatherId()); // Store component instance in cache cache.putComponentInst(componentInst); } return componentManager.copy(componentInst); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getComponentInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_COMPONENT", "component Id: '" + componentId + "'", e); } } /** * Get the parameters for the given component. * * @param componentId * @return the parameters for the given component. */ public List<Parameter> getComponentParameters(String componentId) { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { return componentManager.getParameters(domainDriverManager, getDriverComponentId(componentId)); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.getComponentParameters", "admin.EX_ERR_GET_COMPONENT_PARAMS", "sComponentId: '" + componentId + "'", e); return Collections.emptyList(); } } /** * Return the value of the parameter for the given component and the given name of parameter * * @param componentId * @param parameterName * @return the value of the parameter for the given component and the given name of parameter */ public String getComponentParameterValue(String componentId, String parameterName) { try { ComponentInst component = getComponentInst(componentId); if (component == null) { SilverTrace.error(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.getComponentParameterValue", "admin.EX_ERR_GET_COMPONENT_PARAMS", "Component not found - sComponentId: '" + componentId + "'"); return StringUtil.EMPTY; } return component.getParameterValue(parameterName); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.getComponentParameterValue", "admin.EX_ERR_GET_COMPONENT_PARAMS", "sComponentId: '" + componentId + "'", e); return ""; } } public void restoreComponentFromBasket(String componentId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { // Start transaction domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); // update data in database componentManager.restoreComponentFromBasket(domainDriverManager, getDriverComponentId(componentId)); // Get the component and put it in the cache ComponentInst componentInst = getComponentInst(componentId); if (useProfileInheritance && !componentInst.isInheritanceBlocked()) { // inherits profiles from space setSpaceProfilesToComponent(componentInst, null); } domainDriverManager.commit(); cache.opUpdateComponent(componentInst); ComponentInstLight component = getComponentInstLight(componentId); TreeCache.addComponent(getDriverComponentId(componentId), component, getDriverSpaceId(component.getDomainFatherId())); createComponentIndex(component); } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.restoreComponentFromBasket", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_RESTORE_COMPONENT_FROM_BASKET", "componentId = " + componentId); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } /** * Create the index for the specified component. * * @param componentId */ public void createComponentIndex(String componentId) { try { ComponentInstLight component = getComponentInstLight(componentId); createComponentIndex(component); } catch (AdminException e) { SilverTrace.error(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.createComponentIndex", "admin.EX_ERR_GET_COMPONENT_PARAMS", "componentId: '" + componentId + "'", e); } } /** * Create the index for the specified component. * * @param componentInst */ public void createComponentIndex(ComponentInstLight componentInst) { if (componentInst != null) { // Index the component SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.createComponentIndex", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "componentInst.getName() = " + componentInst.getName() + "' componentInst.getId() = " + componentInst.getId() + " componentInst.getLabel() = " + componentInst.getLabel()); String componentId; if (componentInst.getId().startsWith(componentInst.getName())) { componentId = componentInst.getId(); } else { componentId = componentInst.getName().concat(componentInst.getId()); } FullIndexEntry indexEntry = new FullIndexEntry("Components", "Component", componentId); indexEntry.setTitle(componentInst.getLabel()); indexEntry.setPreView(componentInst.getDescription()); indexEntry.setCreationUser(Integer.toString(componentInst.getCreatedBy())); IndexEngineProxy.addIndexEntry(indexEntry); } } /** * Delete the index for the specified component. * * @param componentInst */ private void deleteComponentIndex(String componentId) { FullIndexEntry indexEntry = new FullIndexEntry("Components", "Component", componentId); IndexEngineProxy.removeIndexEntry(indexEntry.getPK()); } private void deleteComponentData(String componentId) { // deleting all files associated to this component FileRepositoryManager.deleteAbsolutePath(null, componentId, ""); // deleting index files IndexFileManager.deleteComponentIndexFolder(componentId); } public String addComponentInst(String sUserId, ComponentInst componentInst) throws AdminException, QuotaException { return addComponentInst(sUserId, componentInst, true); } /** * Add the given component instance in Silverpeas. * * @param userId * @param componentInst * @param startNewTransaction * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String addComponentInst(String userId, ComponentInst componentInst, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException, QuotaException { Connection connectionProd = null; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { connectionProd = openConnection(false); if (startNewTransaction) { // Open the connections with auto-commit to false domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } // Get the father space inst SpaceInst spaceInstFather = getSpaceInstById(componentInst.getDomainFatherId()); // Verify the component space quota SpaceServiceFactory.getComponentSpaceQuotaService() .verify(ComponentSpaceQuotaKey.from(spaceInstFather)); // Create the component instance String driverComponentId = componentManager.createComponentInst(componentInst, domainDriverManager, getDriverSpaceId(spaceInstFather.getId())); // Add the component to the space spaceInstFather.addComponentInst(componentInst); // Put the new Id for client componentInst.setId(driverComponentId); // Instantiate the component String componentName = componentInst.getName(); String componentId = componentName + componentInst.getId(); String[] asCompoNames = { componentName }; String[] asCompoIds = { componentId }; instantiateComponents(userId, asCompoIds, asCompoNames, spaceInstFather.getId(), connectionProd); if (isContentManagedComponent(componentName)) { // Create the manager objects ContainerManager containerManager = new ContainerManager(); ContentManager contentManager = new ContentManager(); // Call the register functions containerManager.registerNewContainerInstance(connectionProd, componentId, "containerPDC", componentName); contentManager.registerNewContentInstance(connectionProd, componentId, "containerPDC", componentName); } if (useProfileInheritance && !componentInst.isInheritanceBlocked()) { // inherits profiles from space setSpaceProfilesToComponent(componentInst, spaceInstFather); } // commit the transactions if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.commit(); } connectionProd.commit(); cache.opAddComponent(componentInst); ComponentInstLight component = getComponentInstLight(componentId); TreeCache.addComponent(driverComponentId, component, getDriverSpaceId(spaceInstFather.getId())); // indexation du composant createComponentIndex(component); return componentId; } catch (Exception e) { try { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.rollback(); } connectionProd.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.addComponentInst", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } if (e instanceof QuotaException) { throw (QuotaException) e; } throw new AdminException("Admin.addComponentInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_ADD_COMPONENT", "component name: '" + componentInst.getName() + "'", e); } finally { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } DBUtil.close(connectionProd); } } boolean isContentManagedComponent(String componentName) { return "expertLocator".equals(componentName) || "questionReply".equals(componentName) || "whitePages".equals(componentName) || "kmelia".equals(componentName) || "survey".equals(componentName) || "toolbox".equals(componentName) || "quickinfo".equals(componentName) || "almanach".equals(componentName) || "quizz".equals(componentName) || "forums".equals(componentName) || "pollingStation".equals(componentName) || "bookmark".equals(componentName) || "chat".equals(componentName) || "infoLetter".equals(componentName) || "webSites".equals(componentName) || "gallery".equals(componentName) || "blog".equals(componentName); } /** * Delete the specified component. * * @param userId * @param componentId * @param definitive * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String deleteComponentInst(String userId, String componentId, boolean definitive) throws AdminException { return deleteComponentInst(userId, componentId, definitive, true); } /** * Deletes the given component instance in Silverpeas * * @param userId the unique identifier of the user requesting the deletion. * @param componentId the client identifier of the component instance (for a kmelia instance of id * 666, the client identifier of the instance is kmelia666) * @param definitive is the component instance deletion is definitive? If not, the component * instance is moved into the bin. * @param startNewTransaction is the deletion has to occur within a new transaction? * @return the client component instance identifier. * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException if an error occurs while deleting the * component instance. */ public String deleteComponentInst(String userId, String componentId, boolean definitive, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { Connection connectionProd = null; SilverTrace.spy(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.deleteComponentInst()", "ACP", componentId, "", userId, SilverTrace.SPY_ACTION_DELETE); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { if (startNewTransaction) { // Open the connections with auto-commit to false domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } // Convert the client id in driver id String sDriverComponentId = getDriverComponentId(componentId); // Get the component to delete ComponentInst componentInst = getComponentInst(sDriverComponentId, true, null); // Get the father id String sFatherClientId = componentInst.getDomainFatherId(); if (!definitive) { // delete the profiles instance for (int nI = 0; nI < componentInst.getNumProfileInst(); nI++) { deleteProfileInst(componentInst.getProfileInst(nI).getId(), false); } componentManager.sendComponentToBasket(domainDriverManager, sDriverComponentId, componentInst.getLabel() + Admin.basketSuffix, userId); } else { connectionProd = openConnection(false); // Uninstantiate the components String componentName = componentInst.getName(); String[] asCompoName = { componentName }; String[] asCompoId = { componentId }; unInstantiateComponents(userId, asCompoId, asCompoName, getClientSpaceId(sFatherClientId), connectionProd); // delete the profiles instance for (int nI = 0; nI < componentInst.getNumProfileInst(); nI++) { deleteProfileInst(componentInst.getProfileInst(nI).getId(), false); } // Delete the component componentManager.deleteComponentInst(componentInst, domainDriverManager); if (isContentManagedComponent(componentName)) { // Create the manager objects ContainerManager containerManager = new ContainerManager(); ContentManager contentManager = new ContentManager(); // Call the unregister functions containerManager.unregisterNewContainerInstance(connectionProd, componentId, "containerPDC", componentName); contentManager.unregisterNewContentInstance(connectionProd, componentId, "containerPDC", componentName); } // commit the transactions connectionProd.commit(); } if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.commit(); } cache.opRemoveComponent(componentInst); TreeCache.removeComponent(getDriverSpaceId(sFatherClientId), componentId); // unindex component deleteComponentIndex(componentId); deleteComponentData(componentId); return componentId; } catch (Exception e) { try { // Roll back the transactions if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.rollback(); } if (connectionProd != null) { connectionProd.rollback(); } } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.deleteComponentInst", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } throw new AdminException("Admin.deleteComponentInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_DELETE_COMPONENT", "component Id: '" + componentId + "'", e); } finally { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } DBUtil.close(connectionProd); } } /** * @param componentId * @param orderNum * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public void updateComponentOrderNum(String componentId, int orderNum) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { SilverTrace.debug(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.updateComponentOrderNum", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "Component id: '" + componentId + "' New Order num: " + orderNum); String driverComponentId = getDriverComponentId(componentId); // Open the connections with auto-commit to false domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); // Update the Component in tables componentManager.updateComponentOrder(domainDriverManager, driverComponentId, orderNum); domainDriverManager.commit(); cache.opUpdateComponent( componentManager.getComponentInst(domainDriverManager, driverComponentId, null)); } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.updateComponentOrderNum", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_COMPONENT", "Component Id : '" + componentId + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } /** * Update the given component in Silverpeas. * * @param component * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String updateComponentInst(ComponentInst component) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try { ComponentInst oldComponent = getComponentInst(component.getId()); String componentClientId = getClientComponentId(oldComponent); // Open the connections with auto-commit to false domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); // Convert the client space Id in driver space Id String sDriverComponentId = getDriverComponentId(component.getId()); component.setId(sDriverComponentId); // Update the components in tables componentManager.updateComponentInst(domainDriverManager, component); // Update the inherited rights if (useProfileInheritance && (oldComponent.isInheritanceBlocked() != component.isInheritanceBlocked())) { updateComponentInheritance(oldComponent, component.isInheritanceBlocked()); } // commit the transactions domainDriverManager.commit(); adminNotificationService.notifyOfComponentConfigurationChange(componentClientId, component.getUpdaterUserId(), oldComponent.diff(component)); cache.opUpdateComponent(component); TreeCache.getComponent(componentClientId).setInheritanceBlocked(component.isInheritanceBlocked()); // put clientId as Id component.setId(componentClientId); // indexation du composant createComponentIndex(componentClientId); return componentClientId; } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.updateComponentInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_COMPONENT", "component Id: '" + component.getId() + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } /** * Update the inheritance mode between a component and its space. If inheritanceBlocked is true * then all inherited space profiles are removed. If inheritanceBlocked is false then all * component profiles are removed and space profiles are inherited. * * @param component * @param inheritanceBlocked * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ private void updateComponentInheritance(ComponentInst component, boolean inheritanceBlocked) throws AdminException { try { if (inheritanceBlocked) { // suppression des droits hrits de l'espace List<ProfileInst> inheritedProfiles = component.getInheritedProfiles(); for (ProfileInst profile : inheritedProfiles) { deleteProfileInst(profile.getId(), false); } } else { // suppression des droits du composant List<ProfileInst> profiles = component.getProfiles(); for (ProfileInst profile : profiles) { deleteProfileInst(profile.getId(), false); } // affectation des droits de l'espace setSpaceProfilesToComponent(component, null); } } catch (AdminException e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.updateComponentInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_COMPONENT", "component Id: '" + component.getId() + "'", e); } } /** * Set space profiles to a subspace. There is no persistance. The subspace object is enriched. * * @param subSpace the object to set profiles * @param space the object to get profiles * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ private void setSpaceProfilesToSubSpace(final SpaceInst subSpace, final SpaceInst space) throws AdminException { setSpaceProfilesToSubSpace(subSpace, space, false, false); } protected void setSpaceProfilesToSubSpace(final SpaceInst subSpace, final SpaceInst space, boolean persist, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { SpaceInst currentSpace = space; if (currentSpace == null) { currentSpace = getSpaceInstById(subSpace.getDomainFatherId(), true); } setSpaceProfileToSubSpace(subSpace, currentSpace, SilverpeasRole.admin); setSpaceProfileToSubSpace(subSpace, currentSpace, SilverpeasRole.publisher); setSpaceProfileToSubSpace(subSpace, currentSpace, SilverpeasRole.writer); setSpaceProfileToSubSpace(subSpace, currentSpace, SilverpeasRole.reader); if (persist) { for (SpaceProfileInst profile : subSpace.getInheritedProfiles()) { if (StringUtil.isDefined(profile.getId())) { updateSpaceProfileInst(profile, null, startNewTransaction); } else { addSpaceProfileInst(profile, null, startNewTransaction); } } } } /** * Set space profile to a subspace. There is no persistance. The subspace object is enriched. * * @param subSpace the object to set profiles * @param space the object to get profiles * @param role the name of the profile * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ private void setSpaceProfileToSubSpace(SpaceInst subSpace, SpaceInst space, SilverpeasRole role) { String profileName = role.toString(); SpaceProfileInst subSpaceProfile = subSpace.getInheritedSpaceProfileInst(profileName); if (subSpaceProfile != null) { subSpaceProfile.removeAllGroups(); subSpaceProfile.removeAllUsers(); } // Retrieve superSpace local profile SpaceProfileInst profile = space.getSpaceProfileInst(profileName); if (profile != null) { if (subSpaceProfile == null) { subSpaceProfile = new SpaceProfileInst(); subSpaceProfile.setName(profileName); subSpaceProfile.setInherited(true); } subSpaceProfile.addGroups(profile.getAllGroups()); subSpaceProfile.addUsers(profile.getAllUsers()); } // Retrieve superSpace inherited profile SpaceProfileInst inheritedProfile = space.getInheritedSpaceProfileInst(profileName); if (inheritedProfile != null) { if (subSpaceProfile == null) { subSpaceProfile = new SpaceProfileInst(); subSpaceProfile.setName(profileName); subSpaceProfile.setInherited(true); } subSpaceProfile.addGroups(inheritedProfile.getAllGroups()); subSpaceProfile.addUsers(inheritedProfile.getAllUsers()); } if (subSpaceProfile != null) { subSpace.addSpaceProfileInst(subSpaceProfile); } } public void setSpaceProfilesToComponent(ComponentInst component, SpaceInst space) throws AdminException { setSpaceProfilesToComponent(component, space, false); } /** * Set space profile to a component. There is persistance. * * @param component the object to set profiles * @param space the object to get profiles * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public void setSpaceProfilesToComponent(ComponentInst component, SpaceInst space, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { WAComponent waComponent = Instanciateur.getWAComponent(component.getName()); List<Profile> componentRoles = waComponent.getProfiles(); if (space == null) { space = getSpaceInstById(component.getDomainFatherId(), false); } DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } for (Profile componentRole : componentRoles) { ProfileInst inheritedProfile = component.getInheritedProfileInst(componentRole.getName()); if (inheritedProfile != null) { inheritedProfile.removeAllGroups(); inheritedProfile.removeAllUsers(); } else { inheritedProfile = new ProfileInst(); inheritedProfile.setComponentFatherId(component.getId()); inheritedProfile.setInherited(true); inheritedProfile.setName(componentRole.getName()); } List<String> spaceRoles = componentRole2SpaceRoles(componentRole.getName(), component.getName()); for (String spaceRole : spaceRoles) { SpaceProfileInst spaceProfile = space.getSpaceProfileInst(spaceRole); if (spaceProfile != null) { inheritedProfile.addGroups(spaceProfile.getAllGroups()); inheritedProfile.addUsers(spaceProfile.getAllUsers()); } spaceProfile = space.getInheritedSpaceProfileInst(spaceRole); if (spaceProfile != null) { inheritedProfile.addGroups(spaceProfile.getAllGroups()); inheritedProfile.addUsers(spaceProfile.getAllUsers()); } } if (StringUtil.isDefined(inheritedProfile.getId())) { updateProfileInst(inheritedProfile, null, false); } else { if (!inheritedProfile.isEmpty()) { addProfileInst(inheritedProfile, null, false); } } } if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.commit(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (startNewTransaction) { rollback(); } throw new AdminException("Admin.setSpaceProfilesToComponent", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_SET_PROFILES", e); } finally { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } public void moveSpace(String spaceId, String fatherId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); if (isParent(spaceId, fatherId)) { // space cannot be moved in one of its descendants return; } String shortSpaceId = getDriverSpaceId(spaceId); String shortFatherId = getDriverSpaceId(fatherId); if (!StringUtil.isDefined(shortFatherId)) { shortFatherId = "-1"; } boolean moveOnTop = "-1".equals(shortFatherId); try { SpaceInst space = getSpaceInstById(shortSpaceId); String shortOldSpaceId = getDriverSpaceId(space.getDomainFatherId()); // Open the connections with auto-commit to false domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); // move space in database spaceManager.moveSpace(domainDriverManager, Integer.parseInt(shortSpaceId), Integer.parseInt(shortFatherId)); // set space in last rank spaceManager.updateSpaceOrder(domainDriverManager, shortSpaceId, getAllSubSpaceIds(shortFatherId).length); if (useProfileInheritance) { space = spaceManager.getSpaceInstById(domainDriverManager, shortSpaceId); // inherited rights must be removed but local rights are preserved List<SpaceProfileInst> inheritedProfiles = space.getInheritedProfiles(); for (SpaceProfileInst profile : inheritedProfiles) { deleteSpaceProfileInst(profile.getId(), false); } if (!moveOnTop) { if (!space.isInheritanceBlocked()) { // space inherits rights from parent SpaceInst father = getSpaceInstById(shortFatherId); setSpaceProfilesToSubSpace(space, father, true, false); } else { // space uses only local rights // let it as it is } } // Merge inherited and specific for each type of profile Map<String, SpaceProfileInst> mergedProfiles = new HashMap<String, SpaceProfileInst>(); List<SpaceProfileInst> allProfiles = new ArrayList<SpaceProfileInst>(); allProfiles.addAll(space.getProfiles()); if (!moveOnTop) { allProfiles.addAll(space.getInheritedProfiles()); } for (SpaceProfileInst profile : allProfiles) { SpaceProfileInst mergedProfile = mergedProfiles.get(profile.getName()); if (mergedProfile == null) { mergedProfile = new SpaceProfileInst(); mergedProfile.setName(profile.getName()); mergedProfile.setInherited(true); mergedProfiles.put(profile.getName(), mergedProfile); } mergedProfile.addGroups(profile.getAllGroups()); mergedProfile.addUsers(profile.getAllUsers()); } // Spread profiles for (SpaceProfileInst profile : mergedProfiles.values()) { spreadSpaceProfile(shortSpaceId, profile); } if (moveOnTop) { // on top level, space inheritance is not applicable space.setInheritanceBlocked(false); spaceManager.updateSpaceInst(domainDriverManager, space); } } // commit transaction domainDriverManager.commit(); // reset caches cache.resetSpaceInst(); TreeCache.removeSpace(shortSpaceId); TreeCache.setSubspaces(shortOldSpaceId, spaceManager.getSubSpaces(domainDriverManager, shortOldSpaceId)); addSpaceInTreeCache(spaceManager.getSpaceInstLightById(domainDriverManager, shortSpaceId), false); if (!moveOnTop) { TreeCache.setSubspaces(shortFatherId, spaceManager.getSubSpaces(domainDriverManager, shortFatherId)); } } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.moveSpace", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_MOVE_Space", "spaceId = " + spaceId + ", fatherId =" + fatherId, e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } /** * Move the given component in Silverpeas. * * @param spaceId * @param componentId * @param idComponentBefore * @param componentInsts * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public void moveComponentInst(String spaceId, String componentId, String idComponentBefore, ComponentInst[] componentInsts) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getFactory().getDomainDriverManager(); try {, "admin.moveComponentInst", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "spaceId= " + spaceId + " componentId=" + componentId); String sDriverComponentId = getDriverComponentId(componentId); // Convert the client space Id in driver space Id String sDriverSpaceId = getDriverSpaceId(spaceId);, "admin.moveComponentInst", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "sDriverSpaceId= " + sDriverSpaceId + " sDriverComponentId=" + sDriverComponentId); ComponentInst componentInst = getComponentInst(componentId); String oldSpaceId = componentInst.getDomainFatherId(); // Open the connections with auto-commit to false domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); // Update the components in tables componentManager.moveComponentInst(domainDriverManager, sDriverSpaceId, sDriverComponentId); componentInst.setDomainFatherId(sDriverSpaceId); // set space profiles to component if it not use its own rights if (!componentInst.isInheritanceBlocked()) { setSpaceProfilesToComponent(componentInst, null); } if (StringUtil.isDefined(idComponentBefore) && componentInsts != null) { // Set component in order, "admin.moveComponentInst", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "Avant setComponentPlace: componentId=" + componentId + " idComponentBefore=" + idComponentBefore); setComponentPlace(componentId, idComponentBefore, componentInsts); } else { // set component in last rank updateComponentOrderNum(sDriverComponentId, getAllComponentIds(spaceId).length); } // Update extraParamPage from Space if necessary SpaceInst fromSpace = getSpaceInstById(getDriverSpaceId(oldSpaceId)); String spaceHomePage = fromSpace.getFirstPageExtraParam();, "admin.moveComponentInst", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "FirstPageExtraParam=" + spaceHomePage + " oldSpaceId=" + oldSpaceId); if (StringUtil.isDefined(spaceHomePage) && spaceHomePage.equals(componentId)) { fromSpace.setFirstPageExtraParam(""); fromSpace.setFirstPageType(0); updateSpaceInst(fromSpace); } // commit the transactions domainDriverManager.commit(); // Remove component from the Cache cache.resetSpaceInst(); cache.resetComponentInst(); TreeCache.setComponents(getDriverSpaceId(oldSpaceId), componentManager.getComponentsInSpace(Integer.parseInt(getDriverSpaceId(oldSpaceId)))); TreeCache.setComponents(getDriverSpaceId(spaceId), componentManager.getComponentsInSpace(Integer.parseInt(getDriverSpaceId(spaceId)))); } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.moveComponentInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_MOVE_COMPONENT", "spaceId = " + spaceId + " component Id: '" + componentId + " ", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } public void setComponentPlace(String componentId, String idComponentBefore, ComponentInst[] m_BrothersComponents) throws AdminException { int orderNum = 0; int i; ComponentInst theComponent = getComponentInst(componentId); for (i = 0; i < m_BrothersComponents.length; i++) { if (idComponentBefore.equals(m_BrothersComponents[i].getId())) { theComponent.setOrderNum(orderNum); updateComponentOrderNum(theComponent.getId(), orderNum); orderNum++; } if (m_BrothersComponents[i].getOrderNum() != orderNum) { m_BrothersComponents[i].setOrderNum(orderNum); updateComponentOrderNum(m_BrothersComponents[i].getId(), orderNum); } orderNum++; } if (orderNum == i) { theComponent.setOrderNum(orderNum); updateComponentOrderNum(theComponent.getId(), orderNum); } } public String getRequestRouter(String sComponentName) { WAComponent wac = Instanciateur.getWAComponent(sComponentName); if (wac == null || !StringUtil.isDefined(wac.getRouter())) { return "R" + sComponentName; } return wac.getRouter(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PROFILE RELATED FUNCTIONS // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get all the profiles name available for the given component. * * @param sComponentName * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String[] getAllProfilesNames(String sComponentName) { String[] asProfiles = null; WAComponent wac = Instanciateur.getWAComponent(sComponentName); if (wac != null) { List<Profile> profiles = wac.getProfiles(); List<String> profileNames = new ArrayList<String>(profiles.size()); for (Profile profile : profiles) { profileNames.add(profile.getName()); } asProfiles = profileNames.toArray(new String[profileNames.size()]); } if (asProfiles != null) { return asProfiles; } return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } /** * Get the profile label from its name. * * @param sComponentName * @param sProfileName * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String getProfileLabelfromName(String sComponentName, String sProfileName, String lang) { WAComponent wac = Instanciateur.getWAComponent(sComponentName); if (wac != null) { List<Profile> profiles = wac.getProfiles(); String sProfileLabel = sProfileName; for (Profile profile : profiles) { if (profile.getName().equals(sProfileName)) { return profile.getLabel().get(lang); } } return sProfileLabel; } return sProfileName; } /** * Get the profile instance corresponding to the given id * * @param sProfileId * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public ProfileInst getProfileInst(String sProfileId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); ProfileInst profileInst = cache.getProfileInst(sProfileId); if (profileInst == null) { profileInst = profileManager.getProfileInst(domainDriverManager, sProfileId, null); cache.putProfileInst(profileInst); } return profileInst; } public List<ProfileInst> getProfilesByObject(String objectId, String objectType, String componentId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return profiledObjectManager.getProfiles(domainDriverManager, Integer.parseInt(objectId), objectType, Integer.parseInt(getDriverComponentId(componentId))); } public String[] getProfilesByObjectAndUserId(int objectId, String objectType, String componentId, String userId) throws AdminException { List<String> groups = getAllGroupsOfUser(userId); return profiledObjectManager.getUserProfileNames(objectId, objectType, Integer.parseInt(getDriverComponentId(componentId)), Integer.parseInt(userId), groups); } public boolean isObjectAvailable(String componentId, int objectId, String objectType, String userId) throws AdminException { return userId == null || getProfilesByObjectAndUserId(objectId, objectType, componentId, userId).length > 0; } public String addProfileInst(ProfileInst profileInst) throws AdminException { return addProfileInst(profileInst, null, true); } public String addProfileInst(ProfileInst profileInst, String userId) throws AdminException { return addProfileInst(profileInst, userId, true); } /** * Get the given profile instance from Silverpeas */ private String addProfileInst(ProfileInst profileInst, String userId, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } String sDriverFatherId = getDriverComponentId(profileInst.getComponentFatherId()); String sProfileId = profileManager.createProfileInst(profileInst, domainDriverManager, sDriverFatherId); profileInst.setId(sProfileId); if (profileInst.getObjectId() == -1 || profileInst.getObjectId() == 0) { ComponentInst componentInstFather = getComponentInst(sDriverFatherId, true, null); componentInstFather.addProfileInst(profileInst); if (StringUtil.isDefined(userId)) { componentInstFather.setUpdaterUserId(userId); updateComponentInst(componentInstFather); } } if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.commit(); } if (profileInst.getObjectId() == -1 || profileInst.getObjectId() == 0) { cache.opAddProfile(profileManager.getProfileInst(domainDriverManager, sProfileId, null)); } return sProfileId; } catch (Exception e) { if (startNewTransaction) { rollback(); } throw new AdminException("Admin.addProfileInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_ADD_PROFILE", "profile name: '" + profileInst.getName() + "'", e); } finally { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } public String deleteProfileInst(String sProfileId, String userId) throws AdminException { return deleteProfileInst(sProfileId, userId, true); } private String deleteProfileInst(String sProfileId, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { return deleteProfileInst(sProfileId, null, startNewTransaction); } /** * Delete the given profile from Silverpeas * * @param profileId * @param userId * @param startNewTransaction * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ private String deleteProfileInst(String profileId, String userId, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); ProfileInst profile = profileManager.getProfileInst(domainDriverManager, profileId, null); try { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } profileManager.deleteProfileInst(profile, domainDriverManager); if (StringUtil.isDefined(userId) && (profile.getObjectId() == -1 || profile.getObjectId() == 0)) { ComponentInst component = getComponentInst(profile.getComponentFatherId(), true, null); component.setUpdaterUserId(userId); updateComponentInst(component); } if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.commit(); } if (profile.getObjectId() == -1 || profile.getObjectId() == 0) { cache.opRemoveProfile(profile); } return profileId; } catch (Exception e) { if (startNewTransaction) { rollback(); } throw new AdminException("Admin.deleteProfileInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_DELETE_PROFILE", "profile Id: '" + profileId + "'", e); } finally { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } public String updateProfileInst(ProfileInst profileInstNew) throws AdminException { return updateProfileInst(profileInstNew, null, true); } public String updateProfileInst(ProfileInst profileInstNew, String userId) throws AdminException { return updateProfileInst(profileInstNew, userId, true); } /** * Update the given profile in Silverpeas. * * @param newProfile * @param userId * @param startNewTransaction * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ private String updateProfileInst(ProfileInst newProfile, String userId, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); if (StringUtil.isDefined(userId)) { SilverTrace.spy(MODULE_ADMIN, "Admin.updateProfileInst", "unknown", newProfile.getComponentFatherId(), newProfile.getName(), userId, SilverTrace.SPY_ACTION_UPDATE); } try { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } profileManager.updateProfileInst(domainDriverManager, newProfile); if (StringUtil.isDefined(userId) && (newProfile.getObjectId() == -1 || newProfile.getObjectId() == 0)) { ComponentInst component = getComponentInst(newProfile.getComponentFatherId(), true, null); component.setUpdaterUserId(userId); updateComponentInst(component); } if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.commit(); } if (newProfile.getObjectId() == -1 || newProfile.getObjectId() == 0) { cache.opUpdateProfile(newProfile); } return newProfile.getId(); } catch (Exception e) { if (startNewTransaction) { rollback(); } throw new AdminException("Admin.updateProfileInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_PROFILE", "profile Id: '" + newProfile.getId() + "'", e); } finally { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SPACE PROFILE RELATED FUNCTIONS // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get the space profile instance corresponding to the given ID * * @param spaceProfileId * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public SpaceProfileInst getSpaceProfileInst(String spaceProfileId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return spaceProfileManager.getSpaceProfileInst(domainDriverManager, spaceProfileId, null); } public String addSpaceProfileInst(SpaceProfileInst spaceProfile, String userId) throws AdminException { return addSpaceProfileInst(spaceProfile, userId, true); } /** * Add the space profile instance from Silverpeas. * * @param spaceProfile * @param userId * @param startNewTransaction * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ private String addSpaceProfileInst(SpaceProfileInst spaceProfile, String userId, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } String spaceId = getDriverComponentId(spaceProfile.getSpaceFatherId()); String sSpaceProfileId = spaceProfileManager.createSpaceProfileInst(spaceProfile, domainDriverManager, spaceId); spaceProfile.setId(sSpaceProfileId); if (StringUtil.isDefined(userId)) { SpaceInst spaceInstFather = getSpaceInstById(spaceId, false); spaceInstFather.setUpdaterUserId(userId); updateSpaceInst(spaceInstFather); } // add new profile in spaces cache SpaceInst spaceInst = cache.getSpaceInst(spaceId); if (spaceInst != null) { spaceInst.addSpaceProfileInst(spaceProfile); } if (!spaceProfile.isInherited()) { SpaceProfileInst inheritedProfile = spaceProfileManager .getInheritedSpaceProfileInstByName(domainDriverManager, spaceId, spaceProfile.getName()); if (inheritedProfile != null) { spaceProfile.addGroups(inheritedProfile.getAllGroups()); spaceProfile.addUsers(inheritedProfile.getAllUsers()); } } spreadSpaceProfile(spaceId, spaceProfile); if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.commit(); } cache.opAddSpaceProfile(spaceProfile); return sSpaceProfileId; } catch (Exception e) { if (startNewTransaction) { rollback(); } throw new AdminException("Admin.addSpaceProfileInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_ADD_SPACE_PROFILE", "space profile name: '" + spaceProfile.getName() + "'", e); } finally { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } public String deleteSpaceProfileInst(String sSpaceProfileId, String userId) throws AdminException { return deleteSpaceProfileInst(sSpaceProfileId, userId, true); } private String deleteSpaceProfileInst(String sSpaceProfileId, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { return deleteSpaceProfileInst(sSpaceProfileId, null, startNewTransaction); } /** * Delete the given space profile from Silverpeas */ private String deleteSpaceProfileInst(String sSpaceProfileId, String userId, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); SpaceProfileInst spaceProfileInst = spaceProfileManager.getSpaceProfileInst(domainDriverManager, sSpaceProfileId, null); try { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } spaceProfileManager.deleteSpaceProfileInst(spaceProfileInst, domainDriverManager); cache.opRemoveSpaceProfile(spaceProfileInst); spaceProfileInst.removeAllGroups(); spaceProfileInst.removeAllUsers(); String spaceId = getDriverComponentId(spaceProfileInst.getSpaceFatherId()); if (StringUtil.isDefined(userId)) { SpaceInst spaceInstFather = getSpaceInstById(spaceId, false); spaceInstFather.setUpdaterUserId(userId); updateSpaceInst(spaceInstFather); } if (!spaceProfileInst.isInherited()) { SpaceProfileInst inheritedProfile = spaceProfileManager.getInheritedSpaceProfileInstByName( domainDriverManager, spaceId, spaceProfileInst.getName()); if (inheritedProfile != null) { spaceProfileInst.addGroups(inheritedProfile.getAllGroups()); spaceProfileInst.addUsers(inheritedProfile.getAllUsers()); } } spreadSpaceProfile(spaceId, spaceProfileInst); if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.commit(); } return sSpaceProfileId; } catch (Exception e) { if (startNewTransaction) { rollback(); } throw new AdminException("Admin.deleteSpaceProfileInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_DELETE_SPACEPROFILE", "space profile Id: '" + sSpaceProfileId + "'", e); } finally { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } /** * Update the given space profile in Silverpeas */ private String updateSpaceProfileInst(SpaceProfileInst newSpaceProfile) throws AdminException { return updateSpaceProfileInst(newSpaceProfile, null); } public String updateSpaceProfileInst(SpaceProfileInst newSpaceProfile, String userId) throws AdminException { return updateSpaceProfileInst(newSpaceProfile, userId, true); } public String updateSpaceProfileInst(SpaceProfileInst newSpaceProfile, String userId, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } SpaceProfileInst oldSpaceProfile = spaceProfileManager.getSpaceProfileInst(domainDriverManager, newSpaceProfile.getId(), null); if (oldSpaceProfile == null) { return null; } String spaceProfileNewId = spaceProfileManager.updateSpaceProfileInst(oldSpaceProfile, domainDriverManager, newSpaceProfile); if (!oldSpaceProfile.isManager()) { String spaceId = getDriverSpaceId(newSpaceProfile.getSpaceFatherId()); if (StringUtil.isDefined(userId)) { SpaceInst spaceInstFather = getSpaceInstById(spaceId, false); spaceInstFather.setUpdaterUserId(userId); updateSpaceInst(spaceInstFather); } // Add inherited users and groups for this role List<SpaceProfileInst> allProfileSources = new ArrayList<SpaceProfileInst>(); allProfileSources.add(newSpaceProfile); if (newSpaceProfile.isInherited()) { allProfileSources.add(spaceProfileManager.getSpaceProfileInstByName(domainDriverManager, spaceId, oldSpaceProfile.getName())); } else { allProfileSources.add(spaceProfileManager.getInheritedSpaceProfileInstByName( domainDriverManager, spaceId, oldSpaceProfile.getName())); } SpaceProfileInst profileToSpread = new SpaceProfileInst(); profileToSpread.setName(oldSpaceProfile.getName()); profileToSpread.setInherited(true); allProfileSources.remove(null); for (SpaceProfileInst spaceProfile : allProfileSources) { profileToSpread.addGroups(spaceProfile.getAllGroups()); profileToSpread.addUsers(spaceProfile.getAllUsers()); } spreadSpaceProfile(spaceId, profileToSpread); } if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.commit(); } cache.opUpdateSpaceProfile( spaceProfileManager.getSpaceProfileInst(domainDriverManager, newSpaceProfile.getId(), null)); return spaceProfileNewId; } catch (Exception e) { if (startNewTransaction) { rollback(); } throw new AdminException("Admin.updateSpaceProfileInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_SPACEPROFILE", "space profile Id: '" + newSpaceProfile.getId() + "'", e); } finally { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } private String spaceRole2ComponentRole(String spaceRole, String componentName) { return roleMapping.getString(componentName + "_" + spaceRole, spaceRole); } private List<String> componentRole2SpaceRoles(String componentRole, String componentName) { List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>(); String role = spaceRole2ComponentRole(SilverpeasRole.admin.toString(), componentName); if (role != null && role.equalsIgnoreCase(componentRole)) { roles.add(SilverpeasRole.admin.toString()); } role = spaceRole2ComponentRole(SilverpeasRole.publisher.toString(), componentName); if (role != null && role.equalsIgnoreCase(componentRole)) { roles.add(SilverpeasRole.publisher.toString()); } role = spaceRole2ComponentRole(SilverpeasRole.writer.toString(), componentName); if (role != null && role.equalsIgnoreCase(componentRole)) { roles.add(SilverpeasRole.writer.toString()); } role = spaceRole2ComponentRole(SilverpeasRole.reader.toString(), componentName); if (role != null && role.equalsIgnoreCase(componentRole)) { roles.add(SilverpeasRole.reader.toString()); } return roles; } private void spreadSpaceProfile(String spaceId, SpaceProfileInst spaceProfile) throws AdminException {"admin", "Admin.spreadSpaceProfile", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "spaceId = " + spaceId + ", profile = " + spaceProfile.getName()); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); // update profile in components List<ComponentInstLight> components = TreeCache.getComponents(spaceId); for (ComponentInstLight component : components) { if (component != null && !component.isInheritanceBlocked()) { String componentRole = spaceRole2ComponentRole(spaceProfile.getName(), component.getName()); if (componentRole != null) { ProfileInst inheritedProfile = profileManager.getInheritedProfileInst(domainDriverManager, getDriverComponentId(component.getId()), componentRole); if (inheritedProfile != null) { inheritedProfile.removeAllGroups(); inheritedProfile.removeAllUsers(); inheritedProfile.addGroups(spaceProfile.getAllGroups()); inheritedProfile.addUsers(spaceProfile.getAllUsers()); List<String> profilesToCheck = componentRole2SpaceRoles(componentRole, component.getName()); profilesToCheck.remove(spaceProfile.getName()); // exclude current space profile for (String profileToCheck : profilesToCheck) { SpaceProfileInst spi = spaceProfileManager .getSpaceProfileInstByName(domainDriverManager, spaceId, profileToCheck); if (spi != null) { inheritedProfile.addGroups(spi.getAllGroups()); inheritedProfile.addUsers(spi.getAllUsers()); } } updateProfileInst(inheritedProfile); } else { inheritedProfile = new ProfileInst(); inheritedProfile.setComponentFatherId(component.getId()); inheritedProfile.setName(componentRole); inheritedProfile.setInherited(true); inheritedProfile.addGroups(spaceProfile.getAllGroups()); inheritedProfile.addUsers(spaceProfile.getAllUsers()); if (inheritedProfile.getNumGroup() > 0 || inheritedProfile.getNumUser() > 0) { addProfileInst(inheritedProfile); } } } } } // update profile in subspaces List<SpaceInstLight> subSpaces = TreeCache.getSubSpaces(spaceId); for (SpaceInstLight subSpace : subSpaces) { if (!subSpace.isInheritanceBlocked()) { SpaceProfileInst subSpaceProfile = spaceProfileManager.getInheritedSpaceProfileInstByName( domainDriverManager, subSpace.getShortId(), spaceProfile.getName()); if (subSpaceProfile != null) { subSpaceProfile.setGroups(spaceProfile.getAllGroups()); subSpaceProfile.setUsers(spaceProfile.getAllUsers()); updateSpaceProfileInst(subSpaceProfile); } else { subSpaceProfile = new SpaceProfileInst(); subSpaceProfile.setName(spaceProfile.getName()); subSpaceProfile.setInherited(true); subSpaceProfile.setSpaceFatherId(subSpace.getShortId()); subSpaceProfile.addGroups(spaceProfile.getAllGroups()); subSpaceProfile.addUsers(spaceProfile.getAllUsers()); if (!subSpaceProfile.getAllGroups().isEmpty() || !subSpaceProfile.getAllUsers().isEmpty()) { addSpaceProfileInst(subSpaceProfile, null); } } } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GROUP RELATED FUNCTIONS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get the group names corresponding to the given group ids. * * @param groupIds * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String[] getGroupNames(String[] groupIds) throws AdminException { if (groupIds == null) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } String[] asGroupNames = new String[groupIds.length]; for (int nI = 0; nI < groupIds.length; nI++) { asGroupNames[nI] = getGroupName(groupIds[nI]); } return asGroupNames; } /** * Get the group name corresponding to the given group id. * * @param sGroupId * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String getGroupName(String sGroupId) throws AdminException { return getGroup(sGroupId).getName(); } /** * Get the all the groups ids available in Silverpeas. * * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String[] getAllGroupIds() throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return groupManager.getAllGroupIds(domainDriverManager); } /** * Tests if group exists in Silverpeas. * * @param groupName * @return true if a group with the given name * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public boolean isGroupExist(String groupName) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return groupManager.isGroupExist(domainDriverManager, groupName); } /** * Get group information with the given id * * @param groupId * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public Group getGroup(String groupId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return groupManager.getGroup(domainDriverManager, groupId); } public List<String> getPathToGroup(String groupId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return groupManager.getPathToGroup(domainDriverManager, groupId); } /** * Get group information with the given group name. * * @param groupName * @param domainFatherId * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public Group getGroupByNameInDomain(String groupName, String domainFatherId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return groupManager.getGroupByNameInDomain(domainDriverManager, groupName, domainFatherId); } /** * Get groups information with the given ids. * * @param asGroupId * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public Group[] getGroups(String[] asGroupId) throws AdminException { if (asGroupId == null) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_GROUP_ARRAY; } Group[] aGroup = new Group[asGroupId.length]; for (int nI = 0; nI < asGroupId.length; nI++) { aGroup[nI] = getGroup(asGroupId[nI]); } return aGroup; } /** * Add the given group in Silverpeas. * * @param group * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String addGroup(Group group) throws AdminException { try { return addGroup(group, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.addGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_ADD_GROUP", "group name: '" + group.getName() + "'", e); } } /** * Add the given group in Silverpeas. * * @param group * @param onlyInSilverpeas * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String addGroup(Group group, boolean onlyInSilverpeas) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); if (group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(group.getDomainId(), false); } String sGroupId = groupManager.addGroup(domainDriverManager, group, onlyInSilverpeas); group.setId(sGroupId); domainDriverManager.commit(); if (group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.commit(group.getDomainId()); } if (group.isSynchronized()) { groupSynchroScheduler.addGroup(sGroupId); } cache.opAddGroup(group); return sGroupId; } catch (Exception e) { try { domainDriverManager.rollback(); if (group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.rollback(group.getDomainId()); } } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.addGroup", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } throw new AdminException("Admin.addGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_ADD_GROUP", "group name: '" + group.getName() + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); if (group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } /** * Delete the group with the given Id The delete is apply recursively to the sub-groups. * * @param sGroupId * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String deleteGroupById(String sGroupId) throws AdminException { try { return deleteGroupById(sGroupId, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.deleteGroupById", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_DELETE_GROUP", "group Id: '" + sGroupId + "'", e); } } /** * Delete the group with the given Id The delete is apply recursively to the sub-groups. * * @param sGroupId * @param onlyInSilverpeas * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String deleteGroupById(String sGroupId, boolean onlyInSilverpeas) throws AdminException { Group group = null; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Get group information group = getGroup(sGroupId); if (group == null) { throw new AdminException("Admin.deleteGroupById", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND", "group Id: '" + sGroupId + "'"); } domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); if (group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(group.getDomainId(), false); } String sReturnGroupId = groupManager.deleteGroupById(domainDriverManager, group, onlyInSilverpeas); domainDriverManager.commit(); if (group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.commit(group.getDomainId()); } if (group.isSynchronized()) { groupSynchroScheduler.removeGroup(sGroupId); } cache.opRemoveGroup(group); return sReturnGroupId; } catch (Exception e) { try { domainDriverManager.rollback(); if (group != null && group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.rollback(group.getDomainId()); } } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.deleteGroupById", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } throw new AdminException("Admin.deleteGroupById", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND", "group Id: '" + sGroupId + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); if (group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } /** * Update the given group in Silverpeas and specific. * * @param group * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String updateGroup(Group group) throws AdminException { try { return updateGroup(group, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.updateGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_GROUP", "group name: '" + group.getName() + "'", e); } } /** * Update the given group in Silverpeas and specific * * @param group * @param onlyInSilverpeas * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String updateGroup(Group group, boolean onlyInSilverpeas) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); if (group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(group.getDomainId(), false); } String sGroupId = groupManager.updateGroup(domainDriverManager, group, onlyInSilverpeas); domainDriverManager.commit(); if (group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.commit(group.getDomainId()); } cache.opUpdateGroup(getGroup(sGroupId)); return sGroupId; } catch (Exception e) { try { domainDriverManager.rollback(); if (group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.rollback(group.getDomainId()); } } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.updateGroup", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } throw new AdminException("Admin.updateGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_GROUP", "group name: '" + group.getName() + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); if (group.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } public void removeUserFromGroup(String sUserId, String sGroupId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Start transaction domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); // Update group groupManager.removeUserFromGroup(domainDriverManager, sUserId, sGroupId); // Commit the transaction domainDriverManager.commit(); cache.opUpdateGroup(getGroup(sGroupId)); } catch (Exception e) { try { // Roll back the transactions domainDriverManager.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.removeUserFromGroup", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } throw new AdminException("Admin.removeUserFromGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_GROUP", "groupId = " + sGroupId + ", userId = " + sUserId, e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } public void addUserInGroup(String sUserId, String sGroupId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Start transaction domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); // Update group groupManager.addUserInGroup(domainDriverManager, sUserId, sGroupId); // Commit the transaction domainDriverManager.commit(); cache.opUpdateGroup(getGroup(sGroupId)); } catch (Exception e) { try { // Roll back the transactions domainDriverManager.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.addUserInGroup", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } throw new AdminException("Admin.addUserInGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_GROUP", "groupId = " + sGroupId + ", userId = " + sUserId, e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } /** * Get Silverpeas organization */ public AdminGroupInst[] getAdminOrganization() throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return groupManager.getAdminOrganization(domainDriverManager); } /** * Gets the set of Ids denoting the direct subgroups of a given group * * @param groupId The ID of the parent group * @return the Ids as an array of <code>String</code>. */ public String[] getAllSubGroupIds(String groupId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return groupManager.getAllSubGroupIds(domainDriverManager, groupId); } public String[] getAllSubGroupIdsRecursively(String groupId) throws AdminException { List<String> groupIds = groupManager.getAllSubGroupIdsRecursively(groupId); return groupIds.toArray(new String[groupIds.size()]); } /** * Gets the set of Ids denoting the groups without any parent. * * @return the Ids as an array of <code>String</code>. */ public String[] getAllRootGroupIds() throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return groupManager.getAllRootGroupIds(domainDriverManager); } /** * Gets all root user groups in Silverpeas. A root group is the group of users without any other * parent group. * * @return an array of user groups. * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException if an error occurs whil getting the * root user groups. */ public Group[] getAllRootGroups() throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return groupManager.getAllRootGroups(domainDriverManager); } // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GROUP PROFILE RELATED FUNCTIONS // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get the group profile instance corresponding to the given ID */ public GroupProfileInst getGroupProfileInst(String groupId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return groupProfileManager.getGroupProfileInst(domainDriverManager, null, groupId); } public String addGroupProfileInst(GroupProfileInst spaceProfileInst) throws AdminException { return addGroupProfileInst(spaceProfileInst, true); } /** * Add the space profile instance from Silverpeas */ public String addGroupProfileInst(GroupProfileInst groupProfileInst, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { if (startNewTransaction) { // Open the connections with auto-commit to false domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } // Create the space profile instance Group group = getGroup(groupProfileInst.getGroupId()); String sProfileId = groupProfileManager.createGroupProfileInst(groupProfileInst, domainDriverManager, group.getId()); groupProfileInst.setId(sProfileId); if (startNewTransaction) { // commit the transactions domainDriverManager.commit(); } // m_Cache.opAddSpaceProfile(m_GroupProfileInstManager.getGroupProfileInst(m_DDManager, // sSpaceProfileId, null)); return sProfileId; } catch (Exception e) { if (startNewTransaction) { rollback(); } throw new AdminException("Admin.addGroupProfileInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_ADD_SPACE_PROFILE", "group roleName = " + groupProfileInst.getName(), e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } public String deleteGroupProfileInst(String groupId) throws AdminException { return deleteGroupProfileInst(groupId, true); } /** * Delete the given space profile from Silverpeas */ public String deleteGroupProfileInst(String groupId, boolean startNewTransaction) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); // Get the SpaceProfile to delete GroupProfileInst groupProfileInst = groupProfileManager.getGroupProfileInst(domainDriverManager, null, groupId); try { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); } // Delete the Profile in tables groupProfileManager.deleteGroupProfileInst(groupProfileInst, domainDriverManager); if (startNewTransaction) { // commit the transactions domainDriverManager.commit(); } return groupId; } catch (Exception e) { if (startNewTransaction) { rollback(); } throw new AdminException("Admin.deleteGroupProfileInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_DELETE_GROUPPROFILE", "groupId = " + groupId, e); } finally { if (startNewTransaction) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } /** * Update the given space profile in Silverpeas */ public String updateGroupProfileInst(GroupProfileInst groupProfileInstNew) throws AdminException { String sSpaceProfileNewId = groupProfileInstNew.getId(); if (!StringUtil.isDefined(sSpaceProfileNewId)) { sSpaceProfileNewId = addGroupProfileInst(groupProfileInstNew); } else { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); GroupProfileInst oldSpaceProfile = groupProfileManager.getGroupProfileInst(domainDriverManager, null, groupProfileInstNew.getGroupId()); // Update the group profile in tables groupProfileManager.updateGroupProfileInst(oldSpaceProfile, domainDriverManager, groupProfileInstNew); domainDriverManager.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.updateGroupProfileInst", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_SPACEPROFILE", "space profile Id: '" + groupProfileInstNew.getId() + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } return sSpaceProfileNewId; } /** * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public void indexAllGroups() throws AdminException { Domain[] domains = getAllDomains(); //All domains except Mixt Domain (id -1) for (Domain domain : domains) { try { indexGroups(domain.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.indexAllGroups", "admin.CANT_INDEX_GROUPS", "domainId = " + domain.getId(), e); } } //Mixt Domain (id -1) try { indexGroups("-1"); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.indexAllGroups", "admin.CANT_INDEX_GROUPS", "domainId = -1", e); } } /** * @param domainId * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public void indexGroups(String domainId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { domainDriverManager.indexAllGroups(domainId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.indexGroups", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.CANT_INDEX_GROUPS", "domainId = " + domainId, e); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // USER RELATED FUNCTIONS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get all the users Ids available in Silverpeas */ public String[] getAllUsersIds() throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return userManager.getAllUsersIds(domainDriverManager); } /** * Get the user detail corresponding to the given user Id * * @param sUserId the user id. * @return the user detail corresponding to the given user Id * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public UserDetail getUserDetail(String sUserId) throws AdminException { if (!StringUtil.isDefined(sUserId) || "-1".equals(sUserId)) { return null; } DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); UserDetail ud = cache.getUserDetail(sUserId); if (ud == null) { ud = userManager.getUserDetail(domainDriverManager, sUserId); if (ud != null) { cache.putUserDetail(sUserId, ud); } } return ud; } /** * Get the user details corresponding to the given user Ids. * * @param userIds * @return the user details corresponding to the given user Ids. * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public UserDetail[] getUserDetails(String[] userIds) { if (userIds == null) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_USER_DETAIL_ARRAY; } List<UserDetail> users = new ArrayList<UserDetail>(userIds.length); for (String userId : userIds) { try { users.add(getUserDetail(userId)); } catch (AdminException e) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.getUserDetails", "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_DETAILS", "user id: '" + userId + "'", e); } } return users.toArray(new UserDetail[users.size()]); } /** * Get all users (except delete ones) from all domains. * * @return the user details from all domains sort by alphabetical order * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public List<UserDetail> getAllUsers() throws AdminException { return userManager.getAllUsers(); } /** * Get all users (except delete ones) from all domains. * * @return the user details from all domains sort by reverse creation order * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public List<UserDetail> getAllUsersFromNewestToOldest() throws AdminException { return userManager.getAllUsersFromNewestToOldest(); } /** * Checks if an existing user already have the given email * * @param email email to check * * @return true if at least one user with given email is found * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public boolean isEmailExisting(String email) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return userManager.isEmailExisting(domainDriverManager, email); } /** * Get the user Id corresponding to Domain/Login * * @param sLogin * @param sDomainId * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String getUserIdByLoginAndDomain(String sLogin, String sDomainId) throws AdminException { Domain[] theDomains; String valret = null; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); if (!StringUtil.isDefined(sDomainId)) { try { theDomains = domainDriverManager.getAllDomains(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUserIdByLoginAndDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_BY_LOGIN_DOMAIN", "login: '" + sLogin + "', domain id: '" + sDomainId + "'", e); } for (int i = 0; i < theDomains.length && valret == null; i++) { try { valret = userManager.getUserIdByLoginAndDomain(domainDriverManager, sLogin, theDomains[i].getId()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUserIdByLoginAndDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_BY_LOGIN_DOMAIN", "login: '" + sLogin + "', domain id: '" + sDomainId + "'", e); } } if (valret == null) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUserIdByLoginAndDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND", "login: '" + sLogin + "', in all domains"); } } else { valret = userManager.getUserIdByLoginAndDomain(domainDriverManager, sLogin, sDomainId); } return valret; } /** * @param authenticationKey The authentication key. * @return The user id corresponding to the authentication key. * @throws Exception */ public String getUserIdByAuthenticationKey(String authenticationKey) throws Exception { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); Map<String, String> userParameters = domainDriverManager.authenticate(authenticationKey); String login = userParameters.get("login"); String domainId = userParameters.get("domainId"); return userManager.getUserIdByLoginAndDomain(domainDriverManager, login, domainId); } /** * Get the user corresponding to the given user Id (only infos in cache table) * * @param sUserId * @return * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public UserFull getUserFull(String sUserId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return userManager.getUserFull(domainDriverManager, sUserId); } public UserFull getUserFull(String domainId, String specificId) throws Exception {"admin", "admin.getUserFull", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "domainId=" + domainId); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(domainId)); return synchroDomain.getUserFull(specificId); } /** * Add the given user in Silverpeas and specific domain. * * @param userDetail * @return the new user id. * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String addUser(UserDetail userDetail) throws AdminException { try { return addUser(userDetail, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.addUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_ADD_USER", userDetail.getFirstName() + " " + userDetail.getLastName(), e); } } /** * Add the given user in Silverpeas and specific domain * * @param userDetail user to add * @param addOnlyInSilverpeas true if user must not be added in distant datasource (used by * synchronization tools) * @return id of created user */ public String addUser(UserDetail userDetail, boolean addOnlyInSilverpeas) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Start transaction domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); if (userDetail.getDomainId() != null && !addOnlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(userDetail.getDomainId(), false); } // add user String sUserId = userManager.addUser(domainDriverManager, userDetail, addOnlyInSilverpeas); // Commit the transaction domainDriverManager.commit(); if (userDetail.getDomainId() != null && !addOnlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.commit(userDetail.getDomainId()); } cache.opAddUser(userManager.getUserDetail(domainDriverManager, sUserId)); // return group id return sUserId; } catch (Exception e) { try { // Roll back the transactions domainDriverManager.rollback(); if (userDetail.getDomainId() != null && !addOnlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.rollback(userDetail.getDomainId()); } } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.addUser", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } throw new AdminException("Admin.addUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_ADD_USER", userDetail.getFirstName() + " " + userDetail.getLastName(), e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); if (userDetail.getDomainId() != null && !addOnlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } public void migrateUser(UserDetail userDetail, String targetDomainId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Start transaction domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); domainDriverManager.startTransaction(targetDomainId, false); // migrate user userManager.migrateUser(domainDriverManager, userDetail, targetDomainId); // Commit the transaction domainDriverManager.commit(); domainDriverManager.commit(targetDomainId); cache.opUpdateUser(userDetail); } catch (Exception e) { try { // Roll back the transactions domainDriverManager.rollback(); domainDriverManager.rollback(targetDomainId); } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.migrateUserFromSilverpeasToAnotherDomain", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } throw new AdminException("Admin.migrateUserFromSilverpeasToAnotherDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_M_USER", userDetail.getFirstName() + " " + userDetail.getLastName(), e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } /** * Blocks the user represented by the given identifier. * * @param userId * @throws AdminException */ public void blockUser(String userId) throws AdminException { updateUserState(userId, UserState.BLOCKED); } /** * Unblock the user represented by the given identifier. * * @param userId * @throws AdminException */ public void unblockUser(String userId) throws AdminException { updateUserState(userId, UserState.VALID); } /** * Updates the user state from a user id. * * @param userId * @param state * @throws AdminException */ private void updateUserState(String userId, UserState state) throws AdminException { try { UserDetail user = UserDetail.getById(userId); user.setState(state); user.setStateSaveDate(new Date()); updateUser(user); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.updateUserState", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_USER_STATE", "user id : '" + userId + "', state : '" + + "'", e); } } /** * Updates the acceptance date of a user from its id. * * @param userId * @throws AdminException */ public void userAcceptsTermsOfService(String userId) throws AdminException { try { UserDetail user = UserDetail.getById(userId); user.setTosAcceptanceDate(DateUtil.getNow()); updateUser(user); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.updateTermsOfServiceAcceptanceDate", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_USER_TOS_ACCEPTANCE_DATE", "user id : '" + userId + "'", e); } } /** * Delete the given user from silverpeas and specific domain */ public String deleteUser(String sUserId) throws AdminException { try { if (m_sDAPIGeneralAdminId.equals(sUserId)) { SilverTrace.warn("admin", "Admin.deleteUser", "admin.MSG_WARN_TRY_TO_DELETE_GENERALADMIN"); return null; } return deleteUser(sUserId, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.deleteUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_DELETE_USER", "user id : '" + sUserId + "'", e); } } /** * Delete the given user from silverpeas and specific domain */ public String deleteUser(String sUserId, boolean onlyInSilverpeas) throws AdminException { UserDetail user = null; boolean transactionStarted = false; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // removes all social network external account associated to this user account // TODO: use based JMS system notification instead of explicit call // SocialNetworkService.getInstance().removeAllExternalAccount(sUserId); user = getUserDetail(sUserId); if (user == null) { throw new AdminException("Admin.deleteUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND", "user id : '" + sUserId + "'"); } // Start transaction domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); if (user.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { transactionStarted = true; domainDriverManager.startTransaction(user.getDomainId(), false); } // Delete the user String sReturnUserId = userManager.deleteUser(domainDriverManager, user, onlyInSilverpeas); // Commit the transaction domainDriverManager.commit(); if (user.getDomainId() != null && !onlyInSilverpeas) { domainDriverManager.commit(user.getDomainId()); } cache.opRemoveUser(user); return sReturnUserId; } catch (Exception e) { try { // Roll back the transactions domainDriverManager.rollback(); if (transactionStarted) { domainDriverManager.rollback(user.getDomainId()); } } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.deleteUser", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } throw new AdminException("Admin.deleteUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_DELETE_USER", "user id : '" + sUserId + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); if (transactionStarted) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } /** * Update the given user (ONLY IN SILVERPEAS) */ public String updateUser(UserDetail user) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Start transaction domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); // Update user String sUserId = userManager.updateUser(domainDriverManager, user); // Commit the transaction domainDriverManager.commit(); cache.opUpdateUser(userManager.getUserDetail(domainDriverManager, sUserId)); return sUserId; } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.updateUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_USER", "user id : '" + user.getId() + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } /** * Update the given user in Silverpeas and specific domain */ public String updateUserFull(UserFull user) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Start transaction domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); if (user.getDomainId() != null) { domainDriverManager.startTransaction(user.getDomainId(), false); } // Update user String sUserId = userManager.updateUserFull(domainDriverManager, user); // Commit the transaction domainDriverManager.commit(); if (user.getDomainId() != null) { domainDriverManager.commit(user.getDomainId()); } cache.opUpdateUser(userManager.getUserDetail(domainDriverManager, sUserId)); return sUserId; } catch (Exception e) { try { // Roll back the transactions domainDriverManager.rollback(); if (user.getDomainId() != null) { domainDriverManager.rollback(user.getDomainId()); } } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.updateUserFull", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } throw new AdminException("Admin.updateUserFull", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_USER", "user id : '" + user.getId() + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); if (user.getDomainId() != null) { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // COMPONENT RELATED FUNCTIONS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Instantiate the space Components */ private void instantiateComponents(String userId, String[] asComponentIds, String[] asComponentNames, String sSpaceId, Connection connectionProd) throws AdminException { try { for (int nI = 0; nI < asComponentIds.length; nI++) { SilverTrace.debug("admin", "Admin.instantiateComponents", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "spaceid: " + sSpaceId + " and component " + asComponentIds[nI]); componentInstanciator.setConnection(connectionProd); componentInstanciator.setSpaceId(sSpaceId); componentInstanciator.setComponentId(asComponentIds[nI]); componentInstanciator.setUserId(userId); componentInstanciator.instantiateComponentName(asComponentNames[nI]); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.instantiateComponents", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_INSTANTIATE_COMPONENTS", e); } } /** * Uninstantiate the space Components */ private void unInstantiateComponents(String userId, String[] asComponentIds, String[] asComponentNames, String sSpaceId, Connection connectionProd) { for (int nI = 0; nI < asComponentIds.length; nI++) { try { SilverTrace.debug("admin", "Admin.instantiateComponents", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "spaceid: " + sSpaceId + " and component " + asComponentIds[nI]); componentInstanciator.setConnection(connectionProd); componentInstanciator.setSpaceId(sSpaceId); componentInstanciator.setComponentId(asComponentIds[nI]); componentInstanciator.setUserId(userId); componentInstanciator.unInstantiateComponentName(asComponentNames[nI]); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn("admin", "Admin.unInstantiateComponents", "admin.EX_ERR_UNINSTANTIATE_COMPONENTS", "Deleting data from component '" + asComponentNames[nI] + "' failed", e); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CONVERSION CLIENT <--> DRIVER SPACE ID // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Converts client space id to driver space id */ private String getDriverSpaceId(String sClientSpaceId) { if (sClientSpaceId != null && sClientSpaceId.startsWith(SPACE_KEY_PREFIX)) { return sClientSpaceId.substring(SPACE_KEY_PREFIX.length()); } return sClientSpaceId; } /** * Converts driver space id to client space id */ public String getClientSpaceId(String sDriverSpaceId) { if (sDriverSpaceId != null && !sDriverSpaceId.startsWith(SPACE_KEY_PREFIX)) { return SPACE_KEY_PREFIX + sDriverSpaceId; } return sDriverSpaceId; } /** * Converts driver space ids to client space ids */ public String[] getClientSpaceIds(String[] asDriverSpaceIds) throws Exception { String[] asClientSpaceIds = new String[asDriverSpaceIds.length]; for (int nI = 0; nI < asDriverSpaceIds.length; nI++) { asClientSpaceIds[nI] = getClientSpaceId(asDriverSpaceIds[nI]); } return asClientSpaceIds; } private String getDriverComponentId(String sClientComponentId) { SilverTrace.debug("admin", "Admin.getDriverComponentId", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "component id: " + sClientComponentId); if (sClientComponentId == null) { return ""; } return getTableClientComponentIdFromClientComponentId(sClientComponentId); } /** * Return 23 for parameter kmelia23 */ private String getTableClientComponentIdFromClientComponentId(String sClientComponentId) { String sTableClientId = ""; // Remove the component name to get the table client id char[] cBuf = sClientComponentId.toCharArray(); for (int nI = 0; nI < cBuf.length && sTableClientId.length() == 0; nI++) { if (cBuf[nI] == '0' || cBuf[nI] == '1' || cBuf[nI] == '2' || cBuf[nI] == '3' || cBuf[nI] == '4' || cBuf[nI] == '5' || cBuf[nI] == '6' || cBuf[nI] == '7' || cBuf[nI] == '8' || cBuf[nI] == '9') { sTableClientId = sClientComponentId.substring(nI); } } return sTableClientId; } /** * Return kmelia23 for parameter 23 */ private String getClientComponentId(ComponentInst component) { return getClientComponentId(component.getName(), component.getId()); } private String getClientComponentId(String componentName, String sDriverComponentId) { if (StringUtil.isInteger(sDriverComponentId)) { return componentName + sDriverComponentId; } // id is already in client format return sDriverComponentId; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DOMAIN QUERY // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Create a new domain */ public String getNextDomainId() throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { return domainDriverManager.getNextDomainId(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getNextDomainId", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_ADD_DOMAIN", e); } } /** * Create a new domain */ public String addDomain(Domain theDomain) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { String id = domainDriverManager.createDomain(theDomain); // Update the synchro scheduler DomainDriver domainDriver = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(id)); if (domainDriver.isSynchroThreaded()) { domainSynchroScheduler.addDomain(id); } return id; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.addDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_ADD_DOMAIN", "domain name : '" + theDomain.getName() + "'", e); } } /** * Update a domain */ public String updateDomain(Domain domain) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { DomainCache.removeDomain(domain.getId()); return domainDriverManager.updateDomain(domain); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.updateDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_DOMAIN", "domain name : '" + domain.getName() + "'", e); } } /** * Remove a domain */ public String removeDomain(String domainId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Remove all users UserDetail[] toRemoveUDs = userManager.getUsersOfDomain(domainDriverManager, domainId); if (toRemoveUDs != null) { for (UserDetail user : toRemoveUDs) { try { deleteUser(user.getId(), false); } catch (Exception e) { deleteUser(user.getId(), true); } } } // Remove all groups Group[] toRemoveGroups = groupManager.getGroupsOfDomain(domainDriverManager, domainId); if (toRemoveGroups != null) { for (Group group : toRemoveGroups) { try { deleteGroupById(group.getId(), false); } catch (Exception e) { deleteGroupById(group.getId(), true); } } } // Remove the domain domainDriverManager.removeDomain(domainId); // Update the synchro scheduler domainSynchroScheduler.removeDomain(domainId); DomainCache.removeDomain(domainId); return domainId; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.removeDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.MSG_ERR_DELETE_DOMAIN", "domain Id : '" + domainId + "'", e); } } /** * Get all domains */ public Domain[] getAllDomains() throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { return domainDriverManager.getAllDomains(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getAllDomains", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_ALL_DOMAINS", e); } } /** * Get all domain ids for the specified login. */ public List<String> getAllDomainIdsForLogin(String login) throws AdminException { return userManager.getDomainsOfUser(login); } /** * Get a domain with given id */ public Domain getDomain(String domainId) throws AdminException { try { if (!StringUtil.isDefined(domainId) || !StringUtil.isInteger(domainId)) { domainId = "-1"; } DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); Domain domain = DomainCache.getDomain(domainId); if (domain == null) { domain = domainDriverManager.getDomain(domainId); DomainCache.addDomain(domain); } return domain; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_DOMAIN", "domain Id : '" + domainId + "'", e); } } /** * Get a domain with given id */ public long getDomainActions(String domainId) throws AdminException { try { if (domainId != null && domainId.equals("-1")) { return DomainDriver.ACTION_MASK_MIXED_GROUPS; } return DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager().getDomainActions(domainId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getDomainActions", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_DOMAIN", "domain Id : '" + domainId + "'", e); } } public Group[] getRootGroupsOfDomain(String domainId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { return groupManager.getRootGroupsOfDomain(domainDriverManager, domainId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getGroupsOfDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_DOMAIN", "domain Id : '" + domainId + "'", e); } } public Group[] getSynchronizedGroups() throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { return groupManager.getSynchronizedGroups(domainDriverManager); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getGroupsOfDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_DOMAIN", e); } } public String[] getRootGroupIdsOfDomain(String domainId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { return groupManager.getRootGroupIdsOfDomain(domainDriverManager, domainId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getRootGroupIdsOfDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_DOMAIN", "domain Id : '" + domainId + "'", e); } } public UserDetail[] getAllUsersOfGroup(String groupId) throws AdminException { try { List<String> groupIds = new ArrayList<String>(); groupIds.add(groupId); groupIds.addAll(groupManager.getAllSubGroupIdsRecursively(groupId)); return userManager.getAllUsersOfGroups(groupIds); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getAllUsersOfGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_DOMAIN", "Group Id : '" + groupId + "'", e); } } public UserDetail[] getUsersOfDomain(String domainId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { if (domainId != null && "-1".equals(domainId)) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_USER_DETAIL_ARRAY; } return userManager.getUsersOfDomain(domainDriverManager, domainId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUsersOfDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_DOMAIN", "domain Id : '" + domainId + "'", e); } } /** * Get all users (except delete ones) from specified domains. * * @return the user details from specified domains sort by alphabetical order * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public List<UserDetail> getUsersOfDomains(List<String> domainIds) throws AdminException { return userManager.getUsersOfDomains(domainIds); } /** * Get all users (except delete ones) from specified domains. * * @return the user details from specified domains sort by reverse creation order * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public List<UserDetail> getUsersOfDomainsFromNewestToOldest(List<String> domainIds) throws AdminException { return userManager.getUsersOfDomainsFromNewestToOldest(domainIds); } public String[] getUserIdsOfDomain(String domainId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { if (domainId != null && "-1".equals(domainId)) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } return userManager.getUserIdsOfDomain(domainDriverManager, domainId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUserIdsOfDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_DOMAIN", "domain Id : '" + domainId + "'", e); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // USERS QUERY // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get the user id for the given login password */ public String identify(String sKey, String sSessionId, boolean isAppInMaintenance) throws AdminException { return identify(sKey, sSessionId, isAppInMaintenance, true); } /** * Get the user id for the given login password */ public String identify(String sKey, String sSessionId, boolean isAppInMaintenance, boolean removeKey) throws AdminException { String sUserId; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Authenticate the given user Map<String, String> loginDomain = domainDriverManager.authenticate(sKey, removeKey); if ((!loginDomain.containsKey("login")) || (!loginDomain.containsKey("domainId"))) { throw new AdminException("Admin.authenticate", SilverpeasException.WARNING, "admin.MSG_ERR_AUTHENTICATE_USER", "key : '" + sKey + "'"); } // Get the Silverpeas userId String sLogin = loginDomain.get("login"); String sDomainId = loginDomain.get("domainId"); DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(sDomainId)); // Get the user Id or import it if the domain accept it try { sUserId = userManager.getUserIdByLoginAndDomain(domainDriverManager, sLogin, sDomainId); } catch (Exception ex) { if (synchroDomain.isSynchroOnLoginEnabled() && !isAppInMaintenance) {//Try to import new user SilverTrace.warn("admin", "Admin.authenticate", "admin.EX_ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND", "Login: '" + sLogin + "', Domain: " + sDomainId, ex); sUserId = synchronizeImportUserByLogin(sDomainId, sLogin, synchroDomain.isSynchroOnLoginRecursToGroups()); } else { throw ex; } } // Synchronize the user if the domain needs it if (synchroDomain.isSynchroOnLoginEnabled() && !isAppInMaintenance) { try { synchronizeUser(sUserId, synchroDomain.isSynchroOnLoginRecursToGroups()); } catch (Exception ex) { SilverTrace.warn("admin", "Admin.authenticate", "admin.MSG_ERR_SYNCHRONIZE_USER", "UserId=" + sUserId + " Login: '" + sLogin + "', Domain: " + sDomainId, ex); } } // Check that the user is not already in the pool UserLog userLog = loggedUsers.get(sUserId); if (userLog != null) { // The user is already logged, remove it loggedUsers.remove(sUserId);"admin", "Admin.authenticate", "admin.MSG_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED", "user id: '" + sUserId + "', log time: " + formatter.format(userLog.getLogDate())); } // Add the user in the pool of UserLog userLog = new UserLog(); userLog.setSessionId(sSessionId); userLog.setUserId(sUserId); userLog.setUserLogin(sLogin); userLog.setLogDate(new Date()); loggedUsers.put(sUserId, userLog); return sUserId; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.authenticate", SilverpeasException.WARNING, "admin.MSG_ERR_AUTHENTICATE_USER", "key : '" + sKey + "'", e); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QUERY FUNCTIONS // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public String[] getDirectGroupsIdsOfUser(String userId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { return groupManager.getDirectGroupsOfUser(domainDriverManager, userId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getDirectGroupsIdsOfUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND", "user Id : '" + userId + "'", e); } } public UserDetail[] searchUsers(UserDetail modelUser, boolean isAnd) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { return userManager.searchUsers(domainDriverManager, modelUser, isAnd); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.searchUsers", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND", e); } } public Group[] searchGroups(Group modelGroup, boolean isAnd) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { return groupManager.searchGroups(domainDriverManager, modelGroup, isAnd); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.searchGroups", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND", e); } } /** * Get the spaces ids allowed for the given user Id */ public String[] getUserSpaceIds(String sUserId) throws AdminException { List<String> spaceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); // getting all components availables List<String> componentIds = getAllowedComponentIds(sUserId); for (String componentId : componentIds) { List<SpaceInstLight> spaces = TreeCache.getComponentPath(componentId); for (SpaceInstLight space : spaces) { if (!spaceIds.contains(space.getFullId())) { spaceIds.add(space.getFullId()); } } } return spaceIds.toArray(new String[spaceIds.size()]); } private List<String> getAllGroupsOfUser(String userId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); List<String> allGroupsOfUser = GroupCache.getAllGroupIdsOfUser(userId); if (allGroupsOfUser == null) { // group ids of user is not yet processed // process it and store it in cache allGroupsOfUser = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] directGroupIds = groupManager.getDirectGroupsOfUser(domainDriverManager, userId); for (String directGroupId : directGroupIds) { Group group = groupManager.getGroup(directGroupId); if (group != null) { allGroupsOfUser.add(group.getId()); while (group != null && StringUtil.isDefined(group.getSuperGroupId())) { group = groupManager.getGroup(group.getSuperGroupId()); if (group != null) { allGroupsOfUser.add(group.getId()); } } } } // store groupIds of user in cache GroupCache.setAllGroupIdsOfUser(userId, allGroupsOfUser); } return allGroupsOfUser; } private List<String> getAllowedComponentIds(String userId) throws AdminException { return getAllowedComponentIds(userId, null); } private List<String> getAllowedComponentIds(String userId, String componentName) throws AdminException { // getting all groups of users List<String> allGroupsOfUser = getAllGroupsOfUser(userId); return componentManager.getAllowedComponentIds(Integer.parseInt(userId), allGroupsOfUser, null, componentName); } /** * Get the root spaces ids allowed for the given user Id */ public String[] getUserRootSpaceIds(String sUserId) throws AdminException { try { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); // getting all components availables List<String> componentIds = getAllowedComponentIds(sUserId); // getting all root spaces (sorted) String[] rootSpaceIds = getAllRootSpaceIds(); // retain only allowed root spaces for (String rootSpaceId : rootSpaceIds) { if (isSpaceContainsOneComponent(componentIds, getDriverSpaceId(rootSpaceId), true)) { result.add(rootSpaceId); } } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUserRootSpaceIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_ALLOWED_ROOTSPACE_IDS", "user Id : '" + sUserId + "'", e); } } public String[] getUserSubSpaceIds(String sUserId, String spaceId) throws AdminException { try { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); // getting all components availables List<String> componentIds = getAllowedComponentIds(sUserId); // getting all subspaces List<SpaceInstLight> subspaces = TreeCache.getSubSpaces(getDriverSpaceId(spaceId)); for (SpaceInstLight subspace : subspaces) { if (isSpaceContainsOneComponent(componentIds, subspace.getShortId(), true)) { result.add(subspace.getShortId()); } } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUserRootSpaceIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_ALLOWED_ROOTSPACE_IDS", "user Id : '" + sUserId + "'", e); } } /** * This method permit to know if given space is allowed to given user. * * @param userId * @param spaceId * @return true if user is allowed to access to one component (at least) in given space, false * otherwise. * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public boolean isSpaceAvailable(String userId, String spaceId) throws AdminException { List<String> componentIds = getAllowedComponentIds(userId); return isSpaceContainsOneComponent(componentIds, getDriverSpaceId(spaceId), true); } private boolean isSpaceContainsOneComponent(List<String> componentIds, String spaceId, boolean checkInSubspaces) { boolean find = false; List<ComponentInstLight> components = new ArrayList<ComponentInstLight>(TreeCache.getComponents(spaceId)); // Is there at least one component available ? for (int c = 0; !find && c < components.size(); c++) { find = componentIds.contains(components.get(c).getId()); } if (find) { return true; } else { if (checkInSubspaces) { // check in subspaces List<SpaceInstLight> subspaces = new ArrayList<SpaceInstLight>(TreeCache.getSubSpaces(spaceId)); for (int s = 0; !find && s < subspaces.size(); s++) { find = isSpaceContainsOneComponent(componentIds, subspaces.get(s).getShortId(), checkInSubspaces); } } } return find; } /** * Get subspaces of a given space available to a user. * * @param userId * @param spaceId * @return a list of SpaceInstLight * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException * @author neysseri */ public List<SpaceInstLight> getSubSpacesOfUser(String userId, String spaceId) throws AdminException {"admin", "Admin.getSubSpacesOfUser", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "userId = " + userId + ", spaceId = " + spaceId); try { List<SpaceInstLight> result = new ArrayList<SpaceInstLight>(); // getting all components availables List<String> componentIds = getAllowedComponentIds(userId); // getting all subspaces List<SpaceInstLight> subspaces = TreeCache.getSubSpaces(getDriverSpaceId(spaceId)); for (SpaceInstLight subspace : subspaces) { if (isSpaceContainsOneComponent(componentIds, subspace.getShortId(), true)) { result.add(subspace); } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getSubSpacesOfUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_ALLOWED_SUBSPACES", "userId = " + userId + ", spaceId = " + spaceId, e); } } public List<SpaceInstLight> getSubSpaces(String spaceId) throws AdminException {"admin", "Admin.getSubSpaces", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "spaceId = " + spaceId); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return spaceManager.getSubSpaces(domainDriverManager, getDriverSpaceId(spaceId)); } /** * Get components of a given space (and subspaces) available to a user. * * @param userId * @param spaceId * @return a list of ComponentInstLight * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException * @author neysseri */ public List<ComponentInstLight> getAvailCompoInSpace(String userId, String spaceId) throws AdminException {"admin", "Admin.getAvailCompoInSpace", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "userId = " + userId + ", spaceId = " + spaceId); try { List<String> allowedComponentIds = getAllowedComponentIds(userId); List<ComponentInstLight> allowedComponents = new ArrayList<ComponentInstLight>(); List<ComponentInstLight> allComponents = TreeCache .getComponentsInSpaceAndSubspaces(getDriverSpaceId(spaceId)); for (ComponentInstLight component : allComponents) { if (allowedComponentIds.contains(component.getId())) { allowedComponents.add(component); } } return allowedComponents; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getAvailCompoInSpace", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_ALLOWED_COMPONENTS", "userId = " + userId + ", spaceId = " + spaceId, e); } } public Map<String, SpaceAndChildren> getTreeView(String userId, String spaceId) throws AdminException {"admin", "Admin.getTreeView", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "userId = " + userId + ", spaceId = " + spaceId); spaceId = getDriverSpaceId(spaceId); // Step 1 - get all availables spaces and components Collection<SpaceInstLight> spacesLight = getSubSpacesOfUser(userId, spaceId); Collection<ComponentInstLight> componentsLight = getAvailCompoInSpace(userId, spaceId);"admin", "Admin.getTreeView", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "SQL Queries done !"); // Step 2 - build HashTable Map<String, SpaceAndChildren> spaceTrees = new HashMap<String, SpaceAndChildren>(); Iterator<SpaceInstLight> it = spacesLight.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SpaceInstLight space =; spaceTrees.put(space.getFullId(), new SpaceAndChildren(space)); } // Step 3 - add root space to hashtable SpaceInstLight rootSpace = getSpaceInstLight(spaceId); spaceTrees.put(rootSpace.getFullId(), new SpaceAndChildren(rootSpace)); // Step 4 - build dependances it = spacesLight.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { SpaceInstLight child =; String fatherId = SPACE_KEY_PREFIX + child.getFatherId(); SpaceAndChildren father = spaceTrees.get(fatherId); if (father != null) { father.addSubSpace(child); } } for (ComponentInstLight child : componentsLight) { String fatherId = SPACE_KEY_PREFIX + child.getDomainFatherId(); SpaceAndChildren father = spaceTrees.get(fatherId); if (father != null) { father.addComponent(child); } }"admin", "Admin.getTreeView", "root.MSG_GEN_EXIT_METHOD", "userId = " + userId + ", spaceId = " + spaceId); return spaceTrees; } /** * Get all spaces available to a user. N levels compliant. Infos of each space are in * SpaceInstLight object. * * @param userId * @return an ordered list of SpaceInstLight. Built according a depth-first algorithm. * @throws Exception * @author neysseri */ public List<SpaceInstLight> getUserSpaceTreeview(String userId) throws Exception {"admin", "Admin.getUserSpaceTreeview", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "user id = " + userId); Set<String> componentsId = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(getAvailCompoIds(userId))); Set<String> authorizedIds = new HashSet<String>(100); if (!componentsId.isEmpty()) { String componentId = componentsId.iterator().next(); componentsId.remove(componentId); filterSpaceFromComponents(authorizedIds, componentsId, componentId); } String[] rootSpaceIds = getAllRootSpaceIds(userId); List<SpaceInstLight> treeview = new ArrayList<SpaceInstLight>(authorizedIds.size()); for (String spaceId : rootSpaceIds) { String currentSpaceId = getDriverSpaceId(spaceId); if (authorizedIds.contains(currentSpaceId)) { treeview.add(TreeCache.getSpaceInstLight(currentSpaceId)); addAuthorizedSpaceToTree(treeview, authorizedIds, currentSpaceId, 1); } } return treeview; } void addAuthorizedSpaceToTree(List<SpaceInstLight> treeview, Set<String> authorizedIds, String spaceId, int level) { SilverTrace.debug("admin", "Admin.addAuthorizedSpaceToTree", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "size of treeview = " + treeview.size()); List<SpaceInstLight> subSpaces = TreeCache.getSubSpaces(spaceId); for (SpaceInstLight space : subSpaces) { String subSpaceId = getDriverSpaceId(space.getFullId()); if (authorizedIds.contains(subSpaceId)) { space.setLevel(level); treeview.add(space); addAuthorizedSpaceToTree(treeview, authorizedIds, subSpaceId, level + 1); } } } /** * @param spaces list of authorized spaces built by this method * @param componentsId list of components' id (base to get authorized spaces) * @param space a space candidate to be in authorized spaces list */ void addAuthorizedSpace(Set<String> spaces, Set<String> componentsId, SpaceInstLight space) { SilverTrace.debug("admin", "Admin.addAuthorizedSpace", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "#componentIds = " + componentsId.size()); if (space != null && !SpaceInst.STATUS_REMOVED.equals(space.getStatus()) && !spaces.contains(space.getShortId())) { SilverTrace.debug("admin", "Admin.addAuthorizedSpace", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "space = " + space.getFullId()); String spaceId = getDriverSpaceId(space.getFullId()); spaces.add(spaceId); componentsId.removeAll(TreeCache.getComponentIds(spaceId)); if (!space.isRoot()) { String fatherId = getDriverSpaceId(space.getFatherId()); if (!spaces.contains(fatherId)) { SpaceInstLight parent = TreeCache.getSpaceInstLight(fatherId); addAuthorizedSpace(spaces, componentsId, parent); } } } } void filterSpaceFromComponents(Set<String> spaces, Set<String> componentsId, String componentId) { SilverTrace.debug("admin", "Admin.filterSpaceFromComponents", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "#componentIds = " + componentsId.size() + ", componentId = " + componentId); SpaceInstLight space = TreeCache.getSpaceContainingComponent(componentId); addAuthorizedSpace(spaces, componentsId, space); if (!componentsId.isEmpty()) { String newComponentId = componentsId.iterator().next(); componentsId.remove(newComponentId); filterSpaceFromComponents(spaces, componentsId, newComponentId); } } public String[] getAllowedSubSpaceIds(String userId, String spaceFatherId) throws AdminException { return getUserSubSpaceIds(userId, spaceFatherId); } private SpaceInstLight getSpaceInstLight(String spaceId) throws AdminException {"admin", "Admin.getSpaceInstLight", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "spaceId = " + spaceId); return getSpaceInstLight(spaceId, -1); } private SpaceInstLight getSpaceInstLight(String spaceId, int level) throws AdminException {"admin", "Admin.getSpaceInstLight", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "spaceId = " + spaceId + ", level = " + level); SpaceInstLight sil = TreeCache.getSpaceInstLight(spaceId); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); if (sil == null) { sil = spaceManager.getSpaceInstLightById(domainDriverManager, spaceId); } if (sil != null) { if (level != -1) { sil.setLevel(level); } if (sil.getLevel() == -1) { sil.setLevel(TreeCache.getSpaceLevel(spaceId)); } } return sil; } /** * Get the space instance light (only spaceid, fatherId and name) with the given space id * * @param sClientSpaceId client space id (as WAxx) * @return Space information as SpaceInstLight object */ public SpaceInstLight getSpaceInstLightById(String sClientSpaceId) throws AdminException { try { return getSpaceInstLight(getDriverSpaceId(sClientSpaceId)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getSpaceInstLightById", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_SPACE", " space Id : '" + sClientSpaceId + "'", e); } } /** * Return the higher space according to a subspace (N level compliant) * * @param spaceId the subspace id * @return a SpaceInstLight object * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public SpaceInstLight getRootSpace(String spaceId) throws AdminException { SpaceInstLight sil = getSpaceInstLight(getDriverSpaceId(spaceId)); while (sil != null && !sil.isRoot()) { sil = getSpaceInstLight(sil.getFatherId()); } return sil; } /** * Get the spaces ids manageable by given group Id */ public String[] getGroupManageableSpaceIds(String sGroupId) throws AdminException { String[] asManageableSpaceIds; ArrayList<String> alManageableSpaceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Get user manageable space ids from database List<String> groupIds = new ArrayList<String>(); groupIds.add(sGroupId); List<String> manageableSpaceIds = spaceManager.getManageableSpaceIds(null, groupIds); asManageableSpaceIds = manageableSpaceIds.toArray(new String[manageableSpaceIds.size()]); // Inherits manageability rights for space children String[] childSpaceIds; for (String asManageableSpaceId : asManageableSpaceIds) { // add manageable space id in result if (!alManageableSpaceIds.contains(asManageableSpaceId)) { alManageableSpaceIds.add(asManageableSpaceId); } // calculate manageable space's childs childSpaceIds = spaceManager.getAllSubSpaceIds(domainDriverManager, asManageableSpaceId); // add them in result for (String childSpaceId : childSpaceIds) { if (!alManageableSpaceIds.contains(childSpaceId)) { alManageableSpaceIds.add(childSpaceId); } } } // Put user manageable space ids in cache asManageableSpaceIds = alManageableSpaceIds.toArray(new String[alManageableSpaceIds.size()]); return asManageableSpaceIds; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getGroupManageableSpaceIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_MANAGEABLE_SPACE_IDS", "group Id : '" + sGroupId + "'", e); } } /** * Get the spaces ids manageable by given user Id */ public String[] getUserManageableSpaceIds(String sUserId) throws AdminException { String[] asManageableSpaceIds; ArrayList<String> alManageableSpaceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Get user manageable space ids from cache asManageableSpaceIds = cache.getManageableSpaceIds(sUserId); if (asManageableSpaceIds == null) { // Get user manageable space ids from database List<String> groupIds = getAllGroupsOfUser(sUserId); asManageableSpaceIds = userManager.getManageableSpaceIds(sUserId, groupIds); // Inherits manageability rights for space children String[] childSpaceIds; for (String asManageableSpaceId : asManageableSpaceIds) { // add manageable space id in result if (!alManageableSpaceIds.contains(asManageableSpaceId)) { alManageableSpaceIds.add(asManageableSpaceId); } // calculate manageable space's childs childSpaceIds = spaceManager.getAllSubSpaceIds(domainDriverManager, asManageableSpaceId); // add them in result for (String childSpaceId : childSpaceIds) { if (!alManageableSpaceIds.contains(childSpaceId)) { alManageableSpaceIds.add(childSpaceId); } } } // Put user manageable space ids in cache asManageableSpaceIds = alManageableSpaceIds.toArray(new String[alManageableSpaceIds.size()]); cache.putManageableSpaceIds(sUserId, asManageableSpaceIds); } return asManageableSpaceIds; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUserManageableSpaceIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_MANAGEABLE_SPACE_IDS", "user Id : '" + sUserId + "'", e); } } /** * Get the spaces roots ids manageable by given user Id */ public String[] getUserManageableSpaceRootIds(String sUserId) throws AdminException { try { // Get user manageable space ids from database List<String> groupIds = getAllGroupsOfUser(sUserId); String[] asManageableSpaceIds = userManager.getManageableSpaceIds(sUserId, groupIds); // retain only root spaces List<String> manageableRootSpaceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String asManageableSpaceId : asManageableSpaceIds) { SpaceInstLight space = TreeCache.getSpaceInstLight(asManageableSpaceId); if (space != null && space.isRoot()) { manageableRootSpaceIds.add(asManageableSpaceId); } } return manageableRootSpaceIds.toArray(new String[manageableRootSpaceIds.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUserManageableSpaceRootIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_MANAGEABLE_SPACE_IDS", "user Id : '" + sUserId + "'", e); } } /** * Get the sub space ids manageable by given user Id in given space */ public String[] getUserManageableSubSpaceIds(String sUserId, String sParentSpaceId) throws AdminException { try { // Get user manageable space ids from database List<String> groupIds = getAllGroupsOfUser(sUserId); String[] asManageableSpaceIds = userManager.getManageableSpaceIds(sUserId, groupIds); String parentSpaceId = getDriverSpaceId(sParentSpaceId); // retain only sub spaces boolean find; List<String> manageableRootSpaceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String manageableSpaceId : asManageableSpaceIds) { find = false; SpaceInstLight space = TreeCache.getSpaceInstLight(manageableSpaceId); while (space != null && !space.isRoot() && !find) { if (parentSpaceId.equals(space.getFatherId())) { manageableRootSpaceIds.add(manageableSpaceId); find = true; } else { space = TreeCache.getSpaceInstLight(space.getFatherId()); } } } return manageableRootSpaceIds.toArray(new String[manageableRootSpaceIds.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getManageableSubSpaceIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_MANAGEABLE_SPACE_IDS", "user Id : '" + sUserId + "' Space = " + sParentSpaceId, e); } } public List<String> getUserManageableGroupIds(String sUserId) throws AdminException { try { // get all groups of user List<String> groupIds = getAllGroupsOfUser(sUserId); return groupManager.getManageableGroupIds(sUserId, groupIds); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUserManageableGroupIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_MANAGEABLE_GROUP_IDS", "userId + " + sUserId, e); } } /** * Get the component ids allowed for the given user Id in the given space */ public String[] getAvailCompoIds(String sClientSpaceId, String sUserId) throws AdminException { String[] asAvailCompoIds; try { // Converts client space id to driver space id String spaceId = getDriverSpaceId(sClientSpaceId); // Get available component ids from cache asAvailCompoIds = cache.getAvailCompoIds(spaceId, sUserId); if (asAvailCompoIds == null) { // Get available component ids from database List<ComponentInstLight> components = getAvailCompoInSpace(sUserId, sClientSpaceId); List<String> componentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ComponentInstLight component : components) { componentIds.add(component.getId()); } asAvailCompoIds = componentIds.toArray(new String[componentIds.size()]); // Store available component ids in cache cache.putAvailCompoIds(spaceId, sUserId, asAvailCompoIds); } return asAvailCompoIds; // return getClientComponentIds(asAvailCompoIds); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getAvailCompoIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_AVAILABLE_COMPONENT_IDS", "user Id : '" + sUserId + "'", e); } } /** * Is the specified tool belongs to the administration component? * </p> * The administration component (or administrive console) forms a particular component made up of * several tools, each of them providing an administrative feature. Each tool in the * administration component have the same identifier that refers in fact the administration * console. * * @param toolId the unique identifier of the tool. * @return true if the tool belongs to the administration component. */ public boolean isAnAdminTool(String toolId) { return ADMIN_COMPONENT_ID.equals(toolId); } /** * Is the specified component instance available among the components instances accessibles by the * specified user? * </p> * A component is an application in Silverpeas to perform some tasks and to manage some resources. * Each component in Silverpeas can be instanciated several times, each of them corresponding then * to a running application in Silverpeas and it is uniquely identified from others instances by a * given identifier. * * @param componentId the unique identifier of a component instance. * @param userId the unique identifier of a user. * @return true if the component instance is available, false otherwise. */ public boolean isComponentAvailable(String componentId, String userId) throws AdminException { try { return getAllowedComponentIds(userId).contains(componentId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.isComponentAvailable", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_IS_COMPONENT_AVAILABLE", "user Id : '" + userId + "'" + " , component Id : '" + componentId + "'", e); } } public boolean isComponentManageable(String componentId, String userId) throws AdminException { boolean manageable = getUserDetail(userId).isAccessAdmin(); if (!manageable) { // check if user is manager of at least one space parent String[] spaceIds = getUserManageableSpaceIds(userId); ComponentInstLight component = getComponentInstLight(componentId); if (component != null) { List<String> toCheck = Arrays.asList(spaceIds); manageable = toCheck.contains(getDriverSpaceId(component.getDomainFatherId())); } } return manageable; } /** * Get ids of components allowed to user in given space (not in subspaces) * * @return an array of componentId (kmelia12, hyperlink145...) * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public String[] getAvailCompoIdsAtRoot(String sClientSpaceId, String sUserId) throws AdminException { try { // Converts client space id to driver space id String spaceId = getDriverSpaceId(sClientSpaceId); List<String> groupIds = getAllGroupsOfUser(sUserId); List<String> asAvailCompoIds = componentManager.getAllowedComponentIds(Integer.parseInt(sUserId), groupIds, spaceId); return asAvailCompoIds.toArray(new String[asAvailCompoIds.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getAvailCompoIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_AVAILABLE_COMPONENT_IDS", "user Id : '" + sUserId + "'", e); } } /** * Get the componentIds allowed for the given user Id in the given space and the componentNameRoot * * @param sClientSpaceId * @param sUserId * @param componentNameRoot * @return ArrayList of componentIds * @author dlesimple */ public List<String> getAvailCompoIdsAtRoot(String sClientSpaceId, String sUserId, String componentNameRoot) throws AdminException { try { // Converts client space id to driver space id String spaceId = getDriverSpaceId(sClientSpaceId); // Get available component ids from database List<ComponentInstLight> components = TreeCache.getComponents(spaceId); List<String> allowedComponentIds = getAllowedComponentIds(sUserId); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ComponentInstLight component : components) { if (allowedComponentIds.contains(component.getId()) && component.getName().startsWith(componentNameRoot)) { result.add(component.getId()); } } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getAvailCompoIdsAtRoot", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_AVAILABLE_COMPONENT_IDS", "user Id : '" + sUserId + "'", e); } } /** * Get the component ids allowed for the given user Id. * * @param userId */ public String[] getAvailCompoIds(String userId) throws AdminException { try { List<String> componentIds = getAllowedComponentIds(userId); return componentIds.toArray(new String[componentIds.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getAvailCompoIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_AVAILABLE_COMPONENT_IDS", "user Id : '" + userId + "'", e); } } /** * Get the driver component ids allowed for the given user Id in the given space */ public String[] getAvailDriverCompoIds(String sClientSpaceId, String sUserId) throws AdminException { try { // Get available component ids List<ComponentInstLight> components = getAvailCompoInSpace(sUserId, sClientSpaceId); List<String> componentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ComponentInstLight component : components) { componentIds.add(component.getId()); } return componentIds.toArray(new String[componentIds.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getAvailDriverCompoIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_AVAILABLE_COMPONENT_IDS", "user Id : '" + sUserId + "'", e); } } public String[] getComponentIdsByNameAndUserId(String sUserId, String sComponentName) throws AdminException { List<String> allowedComponentIds = getAllowedComponentIds(sUserId, sComponentName); return allowedComponentIds.toArray(new String[allowedComponentIds.size()]); } /** * gets the available component for a given user * * @param userId user identifier used to get component * @param componentName type of component to retrieve ( for example : kmelia, forums, blog) * @return a list of ComponentInstLight object * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public List<ComponentInstLight> getAvailComponentInstLights(String userId, String componentName) throws AdminException { List<ComponentInstLight> components = new ArrayList<ComponentInstLight>(); List<String> allowedComponentIds = getAllowedComponentIds(userId, componentName); for (String allowedComponentId : allowedComponentIds) { ComponentInstLight componentInst = getComponentInstLight(allowedComponentId); if (componentInst.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(componentName)) { components.add(componentInst); } } return components; } /** * This method returns all root spaces which contains at least one allowed component of type * componentName in this space or subspaces. * * @param userId * @param componentName the component type (kmelia, gallery...) * @return a list of root spaces * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public List<SpaceInstLight> getRootSpacesContainingComponent(String userId, String componentName) throws AdminException { List<SpaceInstLight> spaces = new ArrayList<SpaceInstLight>(); List<ComponentInstLight> components = getAvailComponentInstLights(userId, componentName); for (ComponentInstLight component : components) { List<SpaceInstLight> path = TreeCache.getComponentPath(component.getId()); if (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) { SpaceInstLight root = path.get(0); if (!spaces.contains(root)) { spaces.add(root); } } } return spaces; } /** * This method returns all sub spaces which contains at least one allowed component of type * componentName in this space or subspaces. * * @param userId * @param componentName the component type (kmelia, gallery...) * @return a list of root spaces * @throws com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.AdminException */ public List<SpaceInstLight> getSubSpacesContainingComponent(String spaceId, String userId, String componentName) throws AdminException { List<SpaceInstLight> spaces = new ArrayList<SpaceInstLight>(); spaceId = getDriverSpaceId(spaceId); List<ComponentInstLight> components = getAvailComponentInstLights(userId, componentName); for (ComponentInstLight component : components) { List<SpaceInstLight> path = TreeCache.getComponentPath(component.getId()); for (SpaceInstLight space : path) { if (space.getFatherId().equals(spaceId)) { if (!spaces.contains(space)) { spaces.add(space); } } } } return spaces; } /** * Get the tuples (space id, compo id) allowed for the given user and given component name */ public CompoSpace[] getCompoForUser(String sUserId, String sComponentName) throws AdminException { ArrayList<CompoSpace> alCompoSpace = new ArrayList<CompoSpace>(); try { List<ComponentInstLight> components = getAvailComponentInstLights(sUserId, sComponentName); for (ComponentInstLight componentInst : components) { // Create new instance of CompoSpace CompoSpace compoSpace = new CompoSpace(); // Set the component Id compoSpace.setComponentId(componentInst.getId()); // Set the component label if (StringUtil.isDefined(componentInst.getLabel())) { compoSpace.setComponentLabel(componentInst.getLabel()); } else { compoSpace.setComponentLabel(componentInst.getName()); } // Set the space label compoSpace.setSpaceId(getClientSpaceId(componentInst.getDomainFatherId())); SpaceInstLight spaceInst = getSpaceInstLightById(componentInst.getDomainFatherId()); compoSpace.setSpaceLabel(spaceInst.getName()); alCompoSpace.add(compoSpace); } return alCompoSpace.toArray(new CompoSpace[alCompoSpace.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getCompoForUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_AVAILABLE_INSTANCES_OF_COMPONENT", "user Id : '" + sUserId + "', component name: '" + sComponentName + "'", e); } } /** * Return the compo id for the given component name */ public String[] getCompoId(String sComponentName) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Build the list of instanciated components with given componentName String[] matchingComponentIds = componentManager.getAllCompoIdsByComponentName(domainDriverManager, sComponentName); // check TreeCache to know if component is not removed neither into a removed space List<String> shortIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String componentId : matchingComponentIds) { ComponentInstLight component = TreeCache.getComponent(sComponentName + componentId); if (component != null) { shortIds.add(componentId); } } return shortIds.toArray(new String[shortIds.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getCompoId", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_AVAILABLE_INSTANCES_OF_COMPONENT", "component name: '" + sComponentName + "'", e); } } /** * Get all the profiles Id for the given user */ public String[] getProfileIds(String sUserId) throws AdminException { try { // Get the component instance from cache String[] asProfilesIds = cache.getProfileIds(sUserId); if (asProfilesIds == null) { // retrieve value from database asProfilesIds = profileManager.getProfileIdsOfUser(sUserId, getAllGroupsOfUser(sUserId)); // store values in cache if (asProfilesIds != null) { cache.putProfileIds(sUserId, asProfilesIds); } } return asProfilesIds; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getProfiles", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USER_PROFILES", "user Id : '" + sUserId + "'", e); } } /** * Get all the profiles Id for the given group */ public String[] getProfileIdsOfGroup(String sGroupId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // retrieve value from database return profileManager.getProfileIdsOfGroup(domainDriverManager, sGroupId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getProfileIdsOfGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_GROUP_PROFILES", "group Id : '" + sGroupId + "'", e); } } /** * Get the profile names of the given user for the given component */ public String[] getCurrentProfiles(String sUserId, ComponentInst componentInst) { ArrayList<String> alProfiles = new ArrayList<String>(); try { // Build the list of profiles containing the given user String[] asProfileIds = getProfileIds(sUserId); for (String asProfileId : asProfileIds) { for (int nJ = 0; nJ < componentInst.getNumProfileInst(); nJ++) { if (componentInst.getProfileInst(nJ).getId().equals(asProfileId)) { alProfiles.add(componentInst.getProfileInst(nJ).getName()); } } } return arrayListToString(removeTuples(alProfiles)); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.getCurrentProfiles", "admin.MSG_ERR_GET_CURRENT_PROFILE", e); return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } } /** * Get the profile names of the given user for the given component */ public String[] getCurrentProfiles(String sUserId, String componentId) throws AdminException { return profileManager.getProfileNamesOfUser(sUserId, getAllGroupsOfUser(sUserId), Integer.parseInt(getDriverComponentId(componentId))); } /** * if bAllProfiles = true, return all the user details for the given space and given component if * bAllProfiles = false, return the user details only for the given profile for the given space * and given component */ public UserDetail[] getUsers(boolean bAllProfiles, String sProfile, String sClientSpaceId, String sClientComponentId) throws AdminException { ArrayList<String> alUserIds = new ArrayList<String>(); try { ComponentInst componentInst = getComponentInst(getDriverComponentId(sClientComponentId), true, getDriverSpaceId(sClientSpaceId)); for (ProfileInst profile : componentInst.getAllProfilesInst()) { if (profile != null) { if (profile.getName().equals(sProfile) || bAllProfiles) { // add direct users alUserIds.addAll(profile.getAllUsers()); // add users of groups List<String> groupIds = profile.getAllGroups(); for (String groupId : groupIds) { List<String> subGroupIds = groupManager.getAllSubGroupIdsRecursively(groupId); // add current group subGroupIds.add(groupId); if (subGroupIds != null && subGroupIds.size() > 0) { UserDetail[] users = userManager.getAllUsersOfGroups(subGroupIds); for (UserDetail user : users) { alUserIds.add(user.getId()); } } } } } } removeTuples(alUserIds); // Get the users details UserDetail[] userDetails = new UserDetail[alUserIds.size()]; for (int nI = 0; nI < userDetails.length; nI++) { userDetails[nI] = getUserDetail(alUserIds.get(nI)); } return userDetails; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUsers", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_USERS_FOR_PROFILE_AND_COMPONENT", "profile : '" + sProfile + "', space Id: '" + sClientSpaceId + "' component Id: '" + sClientComponentId, e); } } /** * For use in userPanel : return the direct sub-groups */ public Group[] getAllSubGroups(String parentGroupId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); String[] theIds = groupManager.getAllSubGroupIds(domainDriverManager, parentGroupId); return getGroups(theIds); } /** * For use in userPanel : return the users that are direct child of a given group */ public UserDetail[] getFiltredDirectUsers(String sGroupId, String sUserLastNameFilter) throws AdminException { Group theGroup = getGroup(sGroupId); if (theGroup == null) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_USER_DETAIL_ARRAY; } String[] usersIds = theGroup.getUserIds(); if (usersIds == null || usersIds.length <= 0) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_USER_DETAIL_ARRAY; } if (sUserLastNameFilter == null || sUserLastNameFilter.length() <= 0) { return getUserDetails(usersIds); } String upperFilter = sUserLastNameFilter.toUpperCase(); ArrayList<UserDetail> matchedUsers = new ArrayList<UserDetail>(); for (final String usersId : usersIds) { UserDetail currentUser = getUserDetail(usersId); if (currentUser != null && currentUser.getLastName().toUpperCase().startsWith(upperFilter)) { matchedUsers.add(currentUser); } } return matchedUsers.toArray(new UserDetail[matchedUsers.size()]); } /** * For use in userPanel : return the total number of users recursivly contained in a group */ public int getAllSubUsersNumber(String sGroupId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); if (!StringUtil.isDefined(sGroupId)) { return userManager.getUserNumber(domainDriverManager); } else { // add users directly in this group int nb = groupManager.getNBUsersDirectlyInGroup(sGroupId); // add users in sub groups List<String> groupIds = groupManager.getAllSubGroupIdsRecursively(sGroupId); for (String groupId : groupIds) { nb += groupManager.getNBUsersDirectlyInGroup(groupId); } return nb; } } /** * this method gets number user in domain. If domain id is null, it returns number user of all * domain */ public int getUsersNumberOfDomain(String domainId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { if (!StringUtil.isDefined(domainId)) { return userManager.getUserNumber(domainDriverManager); } if ("-1".equals(domainId)) { return 0; } return userManager.getUsersNumberOfDomain(domainDriverManager, domainId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.getUsersOfDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GET_DOMAIN", "domain Id : '" + domainId + "'", e); } } /** * Get the Ids of the administrators */ public String[] getAdministratorUserIds(String fromUserId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); return userManager.getAllAdminIds(domainDriverManager, getUserDetail(fromUserId)); } /** * Get administrator Email * * @return String */ public String getAdministratorEmail() { return administratorMail; } /** * Get the administrator email */ public String getDAPIGeneralAdminId() { return "0"; } /** * Get the list of connected users */ public UserLog[] getUserConnected() { UserLog[] userLogs = new UserLog[loggedUsers.size()]; int nI = 0; for (String user : loggedUsers.keySet()) { userLogs[nI++] = loggedUsers.get(user); } return userLogs; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CONNECTION TOOLS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Open a connection */ private Connection openConnection(boolean bAutoCommit) throws AdminException { try { // Get the connection to the DB Connection connection = DBUtil.makeConnection(JNDINames.ADMIN_DATASOURCE); connection.setAutoCommit(bAutoCommit); return connection; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.openConnection", SilverpeasException.FATAL, "root.EX_CONNECTION_OPEN_FAILED", e); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UTILS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- private String[] arrayListToString(ArrayList<String> al) { if (al == null) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } String[] as = new String[al.size()]; for (int nI = 0; nI < al.size(); nI++) { as[nI] = al.get(nI); } return as; } private ArrayList<String> removeTuples(ArrayList<String> al) { if (al == null) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } for (int nI = 0; nI < al.size(); nI++) { while (al.lastIndexOf(al.get(nI)) != al.indexOf(al.get(nI))) { al.remove(al.lastIndexOf(al.get(nI))); } } return al; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // RE-INDEXATION // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public String[] getAllSpaceIds(String sUserId) throws Exception { return getClientSpaceIds(getUserSpaceIds(sUserId)); } /** * Return all the root spaces Id available in webactiv */ public String[] getAllRootSpaceIds(String sUserId) throws Exception { return getClientSpaceIds(getUserRootSpaceIds(sUserId)); } /** * Return all the subSpaces Id available in webactiv given a space id (driver format) */ public String[] getAllSubSpaceIds(String sSpaceId, String sUserId) throws Exception { return getClientSpaceIds(getUserSubSpaceIds(sUserId, sSpaceId)); } /** * Return all the components Id in the subspaces available in webactiv given a space id */ public String[] getAllComponentIds(String sSpaceId) throws Exception { List<String> alCompoIds = new ArrayList<String>(); // Get the compo of this space SpaceInst spaceInst = getSpaceInstById(sSpaceId); List<ComponentInst> alCompoInst = spaceInst.getAllComponentsInst(); if (alCompoInst != null) { for (ComponentInst anAlCompoInst : alCompoInst) { alCompoIds.add(anAlCompoInst.getId()); } } return alCompoIds.toArray(new String[alCompoIds.size()]); } /** * Return all the componentIds recursively in the subspaces available in webactiv given a space id */ public String[] getAllComponentIdsRecur(String sSpaceId) throws Exception { List<ComponentInstLight> components = TreeCache .getComponentsInSpaceAndSubspaces(getDriverSpaceId(sSpaceId)); List<String> componentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ComponentInstLight component : components) { componentIds.add(component.getId()); } return componentIds.toArray(new String[componentIds.size()]); } /** * Return all the components Id recursively in (Space+subspaces, or only subspaces or in * Silverpeas) available in silverpeas given a userId and a componentNameRoot * * @param sSpaceId * @param sUserId * @param componentNameRoot * @param inCurrentSpace * @param inAllSpaces * @return Array of componentsIds * @author dlesimple */ public String[] getAllComponentIdsRecur(String sSpaceId, String sUserId, String componentNameRoot, boolean inCurrentSpace, boolean inAllSpaces) throws Exception {"admin", "Admin.getAllComponentIdsRecur", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "inCurrentSpace=" + inCurrentSpace + " inAllSpaces=" + inAllSpaces); ArrayList<String> alCompoIds = new ArrayList<String>(); // In All silverpeas if (inAllSpaces) { CompoSpace[] cs = getCompoForUser(sUserId, componentNameRoot); for (CompoSpace c : cs) { alCompoIds.add(c.getComponentId()); } } else { alCompoIds = getAllComponentIdsRecur(sSpaceId, sUserId, componentNameRoot, inCurrentSpace); } return arrayListToString(alCompoIds); } /** * Return all the components Id recursively in (Space+subspaces, or only subspaces) available in * webactiv given a userId and a componentNameRoot * * @param sSpaceId * @param sUserId * @param componentNameRoot * @param inCurrentSpace * @return ArrayList of componentsIds * @author dlesimple */ private ArrayList<String> getAllComponentIdsRecur(String sSpaceId, String sUserId, String componentNameRoot, boolean inCurrentSpace) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> alCompoIds = new ArrayList<String>(); getComponentIdsByNameAndUserId(sUserId, componentNameRoot); // Get components in the root of the space if (inCurrentSpace) { String[] componentIds = getAvailCompoIdsAtRoot(sSpaceId, sUserId); if (componentIds != null) { for (String componentId : componentIds) { ComponentInstLight compo = getComponentInstLight(componentId); if (compo.getName().equals(componentNameRoot)) { alCompoIds.add(compo.getId()); } } } } // Get components in sub spaces String[] asSubSpaceIds = getAllSubSpaceIds(sSpaceId); for (int nI = 0; asSubSpaceIds != null && nI < asSubSpaceIds.length; nI++) {"admin", "Admin.getAllComponentIdsRecur", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM.VALUE", "Sub spaceId=" + asSubSpaceIds[nI]); SpaceInst spaceInst = getSpaceInstById(asSubSpaceIds[nI]); String[] componentIds = getAvailCompoIds(spaceInst.getId(), sUserId); if (componentIds != null) { for (String componentId : componentIds) { ComponentInstLight compo = getComponentInstLight(componentId); if (compo.getName().equals(componentNameRoot)) {"admin", "Admin.getAllComponentIdsRecur", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM.VALUE", "componentId in subspace=" + compo.getId()); alCompoIds.add(compo.getId()); } } } } return alCompoIds; } public void synchronizeGroupByRule(String groupId, boolean scheduledMode) throws AdminException {"admin", "Admin.synchronizeGroup", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "groupId = " + groupId); Group group = getGroup(groupId); String rule = group.getRule(); String domainId = group.getDomainId(); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); if (StringUtil.isDefined(rule)) { try { if (!scheduledMode) { SynchroGroupReport.setTraceLevel(SynchroGroupReport.TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG); SynchroGroupReport.startSynchro(); } SynchroGroupReport.warn("admin.synchronizeGroup", "Synchronisation du groupe '" + group.getName() + "' - Regle de synchronisation = \"" + rule + "\"", null); List<String> actualUserIds = Arrays.asList(group.getUserIds()); domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); // Getting users according to rule List<String> userIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (rule.toLowerCase().startsWith("ds_")) { if (rule.toLowerCase().startsWith("ds_accesslevel")) { userIds = synchronizeGroupByAccessRoleRule(rule, domainId); } else if (rule.toLowerCase().startsWith("ds_domain")) { userIds = synchronizeGroupByDomainRule(rule, domainId); } } else if (rule.toLowerCase().startsWith("dc_")) { // Extracting property name and searching property value String propertyName = rule.substring(rule.indexOf("_") + 1, rule.indexOf("=")).trim(); String propertyValue = rule.substring(rule.indexOf("=") + 1).trim(); if (domainId == null) { // All users by extra information Domain[] domains = getAllDomains(); for (Domain domain : domains) { userIds.addAll( getUserIdsBySpecificProperty(domain.getId(), propertyName, propertyValue)); } } else { userIds = getUserIdsBySpecificProperty(domainId, propertyName, propertyValue); } } else { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.synchronizeGroup", "admin.MSG_ERR_SYNCHRONIZE_GROUP", "rule '" + rule + "' for groupId '" + groupId + "' is not correct !"); } // Add users List<String> newUsers = new ArrayList<String>(); if (userIds != null) { for (String userId : userIds) { if (!actualUserIds.contains(userId)) { newUsers.add(userId);"admin.synchronizeGroup", "Ajout de l'utilisateur " + userId, null); } } } SynchroGroupReport.warn("admin.synchronizeGroup", "Ajout de " + newUsers.size() + " utilisateur(s)", null); if (!newUsers.isEmpty()) { domainDriverManager.getOrganization().group.addUsersInGroup( newUsers.toArray(new String[newUsers.size()]), Integer.parseInt(groupId), false); } // Remove users List<String> removedUsers = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String actualUserId : actualUserIds) { if (userIds == null || !userIds.contains(actualUserId)) { removedUsers.add(actualUserId);"admin.synchronizeGroup", "Suppression de l'utilisateur " + actualUserId, null); } } SynchroGroupReport.warn("admin.synchronizeGroup", "Suppression de " + removedUsers.size() + " utilisateur(s)", null); if (removedUsers.size() > 0) { domainDriverManager.getOrganization().group.removeUsersFromGroup( removedUsers.toArray(new String[removedUsers.size()]), Integer.parseInt(groupId), false); } domainDriverManager.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { try { // Roll back the transactions domainDriverManager.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.synchronizeGroup", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } SynchroGroupReport.error("admin.synchronizeGroup", "Problme lors de la synchronisation : " + e.getMessage(), null); throw new AdminException("Admin.synchronizeGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.MSG_ERR_SYNCHRONIZE_GROUP", "groupId : '" + groupId + "'", e); } finally { if (!scheduledMode) { SynchroGroupReport.stopSynchro(); } domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } private List<String> synchronizeGroupByDomainRule(String rule, String domainId) throws AdminPersistenceException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); List<String> userIds = Collections.emptyList(); // Extracting domain id String dId = rule.substring(rule.indexOf("=") + 1).trim(); // Available only for "domaine mixte" if (domainId == null || "-1".equals(domainId)) { userIds = Arrays .asList(domainDriverManager.getOrganization().user.getUserIdsOfDomain(Integer.parseInt(dId))); } return userIds; } private List<String> synchronizeGroupByAccessRoleRule(String rule, String domainId) throws AdminException { List<String> userIds;// Extracting access level String accessLevel = rule.substring(rule.indexOf("=") + 1).trim(); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); if ("*".equalsIgnoreCase(accessLevel)) { // All users In case of "Domaine mixte", we retrieve all users of all domains // Else we get only users of group's domain if (domainId == null) { userIds = Arrays.asList(userManager.getAllUsersIds(domainDriverManager)); } else { userIds = Arrays.asList(userManager.getUserIdsOfDomain(domainDriverManager, domainId)); } } else { // All users by access level if (domainId == null) { userIds = Arrays.asList(domainDriverManager.getOrganization().user .getUserIdsByAccessLevel(UserAccessLevel.fromCode(accessLevel))); } else { userIds = Arrays.asList(userManager.getUserIdsOfDomainAndAccessLevel(domainDriverManager, domainId, UserAccessLevel.fromCode(accessLevel))); } } return userIds; } private List<String> getUserIdsBySpecificProperty(String domainId, String propertyName, String propertyValue) throws AdminException { int iDomainId = Integer.parseInt(domainId); UserDetail[] users = ArrayUtil.EMPTY_USER_DETAIL_ARRAY; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); DomainDriver domainDriver = null; try { domainDriver = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(iDomainId); } catch (Exception e) {"admin.getUserIdsBySpecificProperty", "Erreur ! Domaine " + iDomainId + " inaccessible !", null); } if (domainDriver != null) { try { users = domainDriver.getUsersBySpecificProperty(propertyName, propertyValue); if (users == null) {"admin.getUserIdsBySpecificProperty", "La proprit '" + propertyName + "' n'est pas dfinie dans le domaine " + iDomainId, null); } } catch (Exception e) {"admin.getUserIdsBySpecificProperty", "Domain " + domainId + " ne supporte pas les groupes synchroniss", null); } } List<String> specificIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (users != null) { for (UserDetail user : users) { specificIds.add(user.getSpecificId()); } } // We have to find users according to theirs specificIds UserRow[] usersInDomain = domainDriverManager.getOrganization().user.getUsersBySpecificIds(iDomainId, specificIds); List<String> userIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (usersInDomain != null) { for (UserRow userInDomain : usersInDomain) { userIds.add(Integer.toString(; } } return userIds; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Synchronization tools // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private List<String> translateGroupIds(String sDomainId, String[] groupSpecificIds, boolean recursGroups) throws Exception { List<String> convertedGroupIds = new ArrayList<String>(); String groupId; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); for (String groupSpecificId : groupSpecificIds) { try { groupId = groupManager.getGroupIdBySpecificIdAndDomainId(domainDriverManager, groupSpecificId, sDomainId); } catch (AdminException e) { // The group doesn't exist -> Synchronize him groupId = null; SilverTrace.warn("admin", "Admin.translateGroupIds", "admin.EX_ERR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND", "SpecId=" + groupSpecificId, e); if (recursGroups) { try { groupId = synchronizeImportGroup(sDomainId, groupSpecificId, null, true, true); } catch (AdminException ex) { // The group's synchro failed -> ignore him SilverTrace.warn("admin", "Admin.translateGroupIds", "admin.MSG_ERR_SYNCHRONIZE_GROUP", "SpecId=" + groupSpecificId, ex); groupId = null; } } } if (groupId != null) { convertedGroupIds.add(groupId); } } return convertedGroupIds; } private String[] translateUserIds(String sDomainId, String[] userSpecificIds) throws Exception { List<String> convertedUserIds = new ArrayList<String>(); String userId; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); for (String userSpecificId : userSpecificIds) { try { userId = userManager.getUserIdBySpecificIdAndDomainId(domainDriverManager, userSpecificId, sDomainId); } catch (AdminException e) { // The user doesn't exist -> Synchronize him SilverTrace.warn("admin", "Admin.translateUserIds", "admin.EX_ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND", "SpecId=" + userSpecificId, e); try { userId = synchronizeImportUser(sDomainId, userSpecificId, false); } catch (AdminException ex) { // The user's synchro failed -> Ignore him SilverTrace.warn("admin", "Admin.translateUserIds", "admin.MSG_ERR_SYNCHRONIZE_USER", "SpecId=" + userSpecificId, ex); userId = null; } } if (userId != null) { convertedUserIds.add(userId); } } return convertedUserIds.toArray(new String[convertedUserIds.size()]); } /** * */ public String synchronizeGroup(String groupId, boolean recurs) throws Exception {"admin", "admin.synchronizeGroup", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "GroupId=" + groupId); Group theGroup = getGroup(groupId); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); if (theGroup.isSynchronized()) { synchronizeGroupByRule(groupId, false); } else { DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager .getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(theGroup.getDomainId())); Group gr = synchroDomain.synchroGroup(theGroup.getSpecificId()); gr.setId(groupId); gr.setDomainId(theGroup.getDomainId()); gr.setSuperGroupId(theGroup.getSuperGroupId()); internalSynchronizeGroup(synchroDomain, gr, recurs); } return groupId; } /** * */ public String synchronizeImportGroup(String domainId, String groupKey, String askedParentId, boolean recurs, boolean isIdKey) throws Exception {"admin", "admin.synchronizeImportGroup", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "groupKey=" + groupKey); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(domainId)); Group gr; if (isIdKey) { gr = synchroDomain.synchroGroup(groupKey); } else { gr = synchroDomain.importGroup(groupKey); } gr.setDomainId(domainId); // We now search for the parent of this group // ------------------------------------------ // First, we get the parents of the group String[] parentSpecificIds = synchroDomain.getGroupMemberGroupIds(gr.getSpecificId()); String parentId = null; for (int i = 0; i < parentSpecificIds.length && parentId == null; i++) { try { parentId = groupManager.getGroupIdBySpecificIdAndDomainId(domainDriverManager, parentSpecificIds[i], domainId); if (askedParentId != null && !askedParentId.isEmpty() && !askedParentId.equals(parentId)) { // It is not the matching parent parentId = null; } } catch (AdminException e) { // The user doesn't exist -> Synchronize him parentId = null; } } if (parentId == null && (parentSpecificIds.length > 0 || (askedParentId != null && askedParentId.length() > 0))) {// We // can't // add // the // group // (just // the // same // restriction as for the directories...) throw new AdminException("Admin.synchronizeImportGroup", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GROUP_PARENT_NOT_PRESENT", "group name : '" + groupKey + "'"); } // The group is a root group or have a known parent gr.setSuperGroupId(parentId); // We must first add the group with no child. Then, the childs will be added // during the internal synchronization function call String[] specificIds = gr.getUserIds(); gr.setUserIds(ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); String groupId = addGroup(gr, true); gr.setId(groupId); gr.setUserIds(specificIds); internalSynchronizeGroup(synchroDomain, gr, recurs); return groupId; } /** * */ public String synchronizeRemoveGroup(String groupId) throws Exception {"admin", "admin.synchronizeRemoveGroup", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "GroupId=" + groupId); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); Group theGroup = getGroup(groupId); DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(theGroup.getDomainId())); synchroDomain.removeGroup(theGroup.getSpecificId()); return deleteGroupById(groupId, true); } protected void internalSynchronizeGroup(DomainDriver synchroDomain, Group latestGroup, boolean recurs) throws Exception { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); latestGroup.setUserIds(translateUserIds(latestGroup.getDomainId(), latestGroup.getUserIds())); updateGroup(latestGroup, true); if (recurs) { Group[] childs = synchroDomain.getGroups(latestGroup.getSpecificId()); for (final Group child : childs) { String existingGroupId = null; try { existingGroupId = groupManager.getGroupIdBySpecificIdAndDomainId(domainDriverManager, child.getSpecificId(), latestGroup.getDomainId()); Group existingGroup = getGroup(existingGroupId); if (existingGroup.getSuperGroupId().equals(latestGroup.getId())) { // Only synchronize the group if latestGroup is his true parent synchronizeGroup(existingGroupId, recurs); } } catch (AdminException e) { // The group doesn't exist -> Import him if (existingGroupId == null) { // Import the new group synchronizeImportGroup(latestGroup.getDomainId(), child.getSpecificId(), latestGroup.getId(), recurs, true); } } } } } /** * Synchronize Users and groups between cache and domain's datastore */ public String synchronizeUser(String userId, boolean recurs) throws Exception { Collection<UserDetail> listUsersUpdate = new ArrayList<UserDetail>(); DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager();"admin", "admin.synchronizeUser", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "userId=" + userId); try { // Start transaction domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); UserDetail theUserDetail = getUserDetail(userId); DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager .getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(theUserDetail.getDomainId())); // Synchronize the user's infos UserDetail ud = synchroDomain.synchroUser(theUserDetail.getSpecificId()); ud.setId(userId); ud.setAccessLevel(theUserDetail.getAccessLevel()); ud.setDomainId(theUserDetail.getDomainId()); if (!ud.equals(theUserDetail)) { copyDistantUserIntoSilverpeasUser(ud, theUserDetail); userManager.updateUser(domainDriverManager, theUserDetail); cache.opUpdateUser(userManager.getUserDetail(domainDriverManager, userId)); } // Synchro manuelle : Ajoute ou Met jour l'utilisateur listUsersUpdate.add(ud); // Synchronize the user's groups String[] incGroupsSpecificId = synchroDomain.getUserMemberGroupIds(theUserDetail.getSpecificId()); List<String> incGroupsId = translateGroupIds(theUserDetail.getDomainId(), incGroupsSpecificId, recurs); String[] oldGroupsId = groupManager.getDirectGroupsOfUser(domainDriverManager, userId); for (String oldGroupId : oldGroupsId) { if (incGroupsId.contains(oldGroupId)) { // No changes have to be // performed to the group -> Remove it incGroupsId.remove(oldGroupId); } else { Group grpToRemove = groupManager.getGroup(domainDriverManager, oldGroupId); if (theUserDetail.getDomainId().equals(grpToRemove.getDomainId())) { // Remove the user from this group groupManager.removeUserFromGroup(domainDriverManager, userId, oldGroupId); cache.opRemoveUserFromGroup(userId, oldGroupId); } } } // Now the remaining groups of the vector are the groups where the user is // newly added for (String includedGroupId : incGroupsId) { groupManager.addUserInGroup(domainDriverManager, userId, includedGroupId); cache.opAddUserInGroup(userId, includedGroupId); } // traitement spcifique des users selon l'interface implmente processSpecificSynchronization(theUserDetail.getDomainId(), null, listUsersUpdate, null); // Commit the transaction domainDriverManager.commit(); // return user id return userId; } catch (Exception e) { rollback(); throw new AdminException("Admin.synchronizeUser", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_UPDATE_USER", "user id : '" + userId + "'", e); } finally { domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } /** * Synchronize Users and groups between cache and domain's datastore */ public String synchronizeImportUserByLogin(String domainId, String userLogin, boolean recurs) throws Exception { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager();"admin", "admin.synchronizeImportUserByLogin", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "userLogin=" + userLogin); DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(domainId)); UserDetail ud = synchroDomain.importUser(userLogin); ud.setDomainId(domainId); String userId = addUser(ud, true); // Synchronizes the user to add it to the groups and recursivaly add the groups synchronizeUser(userId, recurs); return userId; } /** * Synchronize Users and groups between cache and domain's datastore */ public String synchronizeImportUser(String domainId, String specificId, boolean recurs) throws Exception { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager();"admin", "admin.synchronizeImportUser", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "specificId=" + specificId); DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(domainId)); UserDetail ud = synchroDomain.getUser(specificId); ud.setDomainId(domainId); String userId = addUser(ud, true); // Synchronizes the user to add it to the groups and recursivaly add the groups synchronizeUser(userId, recurs); return userId; } public List<DomainProperty> getSpecificPropertiesToImportUsers(String domainId, String language) throws Exception { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager();"admin", "admin.getSpecificPropertiesToImportUsers", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "domainId=" + domainId); DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(domainId)); return synchroDomain.getPropertiesToImport(language); } public UserDetail[] searchUsers(String domainId, Map<String, String> query) throws Exception { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager();"admin", "admin.searchUsers", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "domainId=" + domainId); DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(domainId)); return synchroDomain.getUsersByQuery(query); } /** * Synchronize Users and groups between cache and domain's datastore. * * @param userId * @return * @throws Exception */ public String synchronizeRemoveUser(String userId) throws Exception { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager();"admin", "admin.synchronizeRemoveUser", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "userId=" + userId); UserDetail theUserDetail = getUserDetail(userId); DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager .getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(theUserDetail.getDomainId())); synchroDomain.removeUser(theUserDetail.getSpecificId()); deleteUser(userId, true); List<UserDetail> listUsersRemove = new ArrayList<UserDetail>(); listUsersRemove.add(theUserDetail); processSpecificSynchronization(theUserDetail.getDomainId(), null, null, listUsersRemove); return userId; } public String synchronizeSilverpeasWithDomain(String sDomainId) throws Exception { return synchronizeSilverpeasWithDomain(sDomainId, false); } /** * Synchronize Users and groups between cache and domain's datastore */ public String synchronizeSilverpeasWithDomain(String sDomainId, boolean threaded) throws AdminException { String sReport = "Starting synchronization...\n\n"; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); synchronized (semaphore) {"admin", "admin.synchronizeSilverpeasWithDomain", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "domainID=" + sDomainId); // Dmarrage de la synchro avec la Popup d'affichage if (threaded) { SynchroReport.setTraceLevel(SynchroReport.TRACE_LEVEL_WARN); } SynchroReport.startSynchro(); try { SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeSilverpeasWithDomain", "Domain '" + domainDriverManager.getDomain(sDomainId).getName() + "', Id : " + sDomainId, null); // Start synchronization domainDriverManager.beginSynchronization(sDomainId); DomainDriver synchroDomain = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(sDomainId)); Domain theDomain = domainDriverManager.getDomain(sDomainId); String fromTimeStamp = theDomain.getTheTimeStamp(); String toTimeStamp = synchroDomain.getTimeStamp(fromTimeStamp);"admin", "admin.synchronizeSilverpeasWithDomain", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "TimeStamps from " + fromTimeStamp + " to " + toTimeStamp); // Start transaction domainDriverManager.startTransaction(false); domainDriverManager.startTransaction(sDomainId, false); // Synchronize users boolean importUsers = synchroDomain.mustImportUsers() || threaded; sReport += synchronizeUsers(sDomainId, fromTimeStamp, toTimeStamp, threaded, importUsers); // Synchronize groups // Get all users of the domain from Silverpeas UserDetail[] silverpeasUDs = userManager.getUsersOfDomain(domainDriverManager, sDomainId); HashMap<String, String> userIdsMapping = getUserIdsMapping(silverpeasUDs); sReport += "\n" + synchronizeGroups(sDomainId, userIdsMapping, fromTimeStamp, toTimeStamp); // All the synchro is finished -> set the new timestamp // ---------------------------------------------------- theDomain.setTheTimeStamp(toTimeStamp); updateDomain(theDomain); // Commit the transaction domainDriverManager.commit(); domainDriverManager.commit(sDomainId); // End synchronization String sDomainSpecificErrors = domainDriverManager.endSynchronization(sDomainId, false); SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeSilverpeasWithDomain", "----------------" + sDomainSpecificErrors, null); return sReport + "\n----------------\n" + sDomainSpecificErrors; } catch (Exception e) { try { // End synchronization domainDriverManager.endSynchronization(sDomainId, true); // Roll back the transactions domainDriverManager.rollback(); domainDriverManager.rollback(sDomainId); } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.synchronizeSilverpeasWithDomain", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } SynchroReport.error("admin.synchronizeSilverpeasWithDomain", "Problme lors de la synchronisation : " + e.getMessage(), null); throw new AdminException("Admin.synchronizeSilverpeasWithDomain", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_SYNCHRONIZE_DOMAIN", "domain id : '" + sDomainId + "'\nReport:" + sReport, e); } finally { SynchroReport.stopSynchro();// Fin de synchro avec la Popup d'affichage // Reset the cache cache.resetCache(); domainDriverManager.releaseOrganizationSchema(); } } } /** * Merge the data of a distant user into the data of a silverpeas user : - user identifier (the * distant one) - first name - last name - e-mail - login * * @param distantUser * @param silverpeasUser */ private void copyDistantUserIntoSilverpeasUser(UserDetail distantUser, UserDetail silverpeasUser) { silverpeasUser.setSpecificId(distantUser.getSpecificId()); silverpeasUser.setFirstName(distantUser.getFirstName()); silverpeasUser.setLastName(distantUser.getLastName()); silverpeasUser.seteMail(distantUser.geteMail()); silverpeasUser.setLogin(distantUser.getLogin()); } /** * Synchronize users between cache and domain's datastore */ private String synchronizeUsers(String domainId, String fromTimeStamp, String toTimeStamp, boolean threaded, boolean importUsers) throws AdminException { String specificId; String sReport = "User synchronization : \n"; String message; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); Collection<UserDetail> addedUsers = new ArrayList<UserDetail>(); Collection<UserDetail> updateUsers = new ArrayList<UserDetail>(); Collection<UserDetail> removedUsers = new ArrayList<UserDetail>(); SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeUsers", "Starting users synchronization...", null); try { // Get all users of the domain from distant datasource DomainDriver domainDriver = domainDriverManager.getDomainDriver(Integer.parseInt(domainId)); UserDetail[] distantUDs = domainDriver.getAllChangedUsers(fromTimeStamp, toTimeStamp); message = distantUDs.length + " user(s) have been changed in LDAP since the last synchronization"; sReport += message + "\n";"admin.synchronizeUsers", message, null); // Get all users of the domain from Silverpeas UserDetail[] silverpeasUDs = userManager.getUsersOfDomain(domainDriverManager, domainId);"admin.synchronizeUsers", "Adding or updating users in database...", null); // Add new users or update existing ones from distant datasource for (UserDetail distantUD : distantUDs) { UserDetail userToUpdateFromDistantUser = null; specificId = distantUD.getSpecificId();"admin", "admin.synchronizeUsers", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>Deal with user : " + specificId); // search for user in Silverpeas database for (final UserDetail silverpeasUD : silverpeasUDs) { if (silverpeasUD.getSpecificId().equals(specificId) || (shouldFallbackUserLogins && silverpeasUD.getLogin().equals(distantUD.getLogin()))) { userToUpdateFromDistantUser = silverpeasUD; copyDistantUserIntoSilverpeasUser(distantUD, userToUpdateFromDistantUser); break; } } if (userToUpdateFromDistantUser != null) { // update user updateUserDuringSynchronization(domainDriverManager, userToUpdateFromDistantUser, updateUsers, sReport); } else if (importUsers) { // add user distantUD.setDomainId(domainId); addUserDuringSynchronization(domainDriverManager, distantUD, addedUsers, sReport); } } if (!threaded || (threaded && delUsersOnDiffSynchro)) { // Delete obsolete users from Silverpeas"admin.synchronizeUsers", "Removing users from database...", null); distantUDs = domainDriverManager.getAllUsers(domainId); for (UserDetail silverpeasUD : silverpeasUDs) { boolean bFound = false; specificId = silverpeasUD.getSpecificId(); // search for user in distant datasource for (final UserDetail distantUD : distantUDs) { if (distantUD.getSpecificId().equals(specificId) || (shouldFallbackUserLogins && silverpeasUD.getLogin().equals(distantUD.getLogin()))) { bFound = true; break; } } // if found, do nothing, else delete if (!bFound) { deleteUserDuringSynchronization(domainDriverManager, silverpeasUD, removedUsers, sReport); } } } // traitement spcifique des users selon l'interface implmente processSpecificSynchronization(domainId, addedUsers, updateUsers, removedUsers); message = "Users synchronization terminated"; sReport += message + "\n"; SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeUsers", message, null); message = "# of updated users : " + updateUsers.size() + ", added : " + addedUsers.size() + ", removed : " + removedUsers.size(); sReport += message + "\n"; SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeUsers", message, null); return sReport; } catch (Exception e) { SynchroReport.error("admin.synchronizeUsers", "Problem during synchronization of users : " + e.getMessage(), null); throw new AdminException("admin.synchronizeUsers", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_SYNCHRONIZE_DOMAIN_USERS", "domainId : '" + domainId + "'\nReport:" + sReport, e); } } /** * @param silverpeasUDs existing users after synchronization * @return a Map <specificId, userId> */ private HashMap<String, String> getUserIdsMapping(UserDetail[] silverpeasUDs) { HashMap<String, String> ids = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (UserDetail user : silverpeasUDs) { ids.put(user.getSpecificId(), user.getId()); } return ids; } private void updateUserDuringSynchronization(DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager, UserDetail distantUD, Collection<UserDetail> updatedUsers, String sReport) { String specificId = distantUD.getSpecificId(); try {"admin", "admin.updateUserDuringSynchronization", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>Update User : " + distantUD.getId()); String silverpeasId = userManager.updateUser(domainDriverManager, distantUD); updatedUsers.add(distantUD); String message = "user " + distantUD.getDisplayedName() + " updated (id:" + silverpeasId + " / specificId:" + specificId + ")"; SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeUsers", message, null); sReport += message + "\n"; } catch (AdminException aeMaj) {"admin", "admin.updateUserDuringSynchronization", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>PB Updating User ! " + specificId, aeMaj); String message = "problem updating user " + distantUD.getDisplayedName() + " (specificId:" + specificId + ") - " + aeMaj.getMessage(); SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeUsers", message, null); sReport += message + "\n"; sReport += "user has not been updated\n"; } } private void addUserDuringSynchronization(DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager, UserDetail distantUD, Collection<UserDetail> addedUsers, String sReport) { String specificId = distantUD.getSpecificId(); try { String silverpeasId = userManager.addUser(domainDriverManager, distantUD, true); if (silverpeasId.equals("")) {"admin", "admin.addUserDuringSynchronization", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>PB Adding User ! " + specificId); String message = "problem adding user " + distantUD.getDisplayedName() + "(specificId:" + specificId + ") - Login and LastName must be set !!!"; sReport += message + "\n"; SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeUsers", message, null); sReport += "user has not been added\n"; } else {"admin", "admin.addUserDuringSynchronization", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>Add User : " + silverpeasId); addedUsers.add(distantUD); String message = "user " + distantUD.getDisplayedName() + " added (id:" + silverpeasId + " / specificId:" + specificId + ")"; sReport += message + "\n"; SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeUsers", message, null); } } catch (AdminException ae) {"admin", "admin.addUserDuringSynchronization", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>PB Adding User ! " + specificId, ae); String message = "problem adding user " + distantUD.getDisplayedName() + "(specificId:" + specificId + ") - " + ae.getMessage(); SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeUsers", message, null); sReport += message + "\n"; sReport += "user has not been added\n"; } } private void deleteUserDuringSynchronization(DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager, UserDetail silverpeasUD, Collection<UserDetail> deletedUsers, String sReport) { String specificId = silverpeasUD.getSpecificId(); try {"admin", "admin.deleteUserDuringSynchronization", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>Delete User : " + silverpeasUD); userManager.deleteUser(domainDriverManager, silverpeasUD, true); deletedUsers.add(silverpeasUD); String message = "user " + silverpeasUD.getDisplayedName() + " deleted (id:" + specificId + ")"; sReport += message + "\n"; SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeUsers", message, null); } catch (AdminException aeDel) {"admin", "admin.deleteUserDuringSynchronization", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>PB deleting User ! " + specificId, aeDel); String message = "problem deleting user " + silverpeasUD.getDisplayedName() + " (specificId:" + specificId + ") - " + aeDel.getMessage(); sReport += message + "\n"; SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeUsers", message, null); sReport += "user has not been deleted\n"; } } private void processSpecificSynchronization(String domainId, Collection<UserDetail> usersAdded, Collection<UserDetail> usersUpdated, Collection<UserDetail> usersRemoved) throws Exception { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); Domain theDomain = domainDriverManager.getDomain(domainId); String propDomainFileName = theDomain.getPropFileName(); ResourceLocator propDomainLdap = new ResourceLocator(propDomainFileName, ""); String nomClasseSynchro = propDomainLdap.getString("synchro.Class"); if (StringUtil.isDefined(nomClasseSynchro)) { Collection<UserDetail> added = usersAdded; Collection<UserDetail> updated = usersUpdated; Collection<UserDetail> removed = usersRemoved; if (added == null) { added = new ArrayList<UserDetail>(); } if (updated == null) { updated = new ArrayList<UserDetail>(); } if (removed == null) { removed = new ArrayList<UserDetail>(); } try { LDAPSynchroUserItf synchroUser = (LDAPSynchroUserItf) Class.forName(nomClasseSynchro).newInstance(); if (synchroUser != null) { synchroUser.processUsers(added, updated, removed); } } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn("admin", "admin.synchronizeOnlyExistingUsers", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "Pb Loading class traitement Users ! ", e); } } } /** * Synchronize groups between cache and domain's datastore */ private String synchronizeGroups(String domainId, Map<String, String> userIds, String fromTimeStamp, String toTimeStamp) throws Exception { boolean bFound; String specificId; String sReport = "Group synchronization : \n"; Map<String, Group> allDistantGroups = new HashMap<String, Group>(); int iNbGroupsAdded = 0; int iNbGroupsMaj = 0; int iNbGroupsDeleted = 0; DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeGroups", "Starting groups synchronization...", null); try { // Get all root groups of the domain from distant datasource Group[] distantRootGroups = domainDriverManager.getAllRootGroups(domainId); // Get all groups of the domain from Silverpeas Group[] silverpeasGroups = groupManager.getGroupsOfDomain(domainDriverManager, domainId);"admin.synchronizeGroups", "Adding or updating groups in database...", null); // Check for new groups resursively sReport += checkOutGroups(domainId, silverpeasGroups, distantRootGroups, allDistantGroups, userIds, null, iNbGroupsAdded, iNbGroupsMaj, iNbGroupsDeleted); // Delete obsolete groups"admin.synchronizeGroups", "Removing groups from database...", null); Group[] distantGroups = allDistantGroups.values().toArray(new Group[allDistantGroups.size()]); for (Group silverpeasGroup : silverpeasGroups) { bFound = false; specificId = silverpeasGroup.getSpecificId(); // search for group in distant datasource for (int nJ = 0; nJ < distantGroups.length && !bFound; nJ++) { if (distantGroups[nJ].getSpecificId().equals(specificId)) { bFound = true; } else if (shouldFallbackGroupNames && distantGroups[nJ].getName().equals(specificId)) { bFound = true; } } // if found, do nothing, else delete if (!bFound) { try {"admin", "admin.synchronizeGroups", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>Delete group : " + silverpeasGroup.getId() + " - " + specificId); groupManager.deleteGroupById(domainDriverManager, silverpeasGroup, true); iNbGroupsDeleted++; sReport += "deleting group " + silverpeasGroup.getName() + "(id:" + specificId + ")\n"; SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeGroups", "Group " + silverpeasGroup.getName() + " deleted (SpecificId:" + specificId + ")", null); } catch (AdminException aeDel) {"admin", "admin.synchronizeGroups", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>PB deleting group ! " + specificId, aeDel); sReport += "problem deleting group " + silverpeasGroup.getName() + " (specificId:" + specificId + ") - " + aeDel.getMessage() + "\n"; sReport += "group has not been deleted\n"; } } } sReport += "Groups synchronization terminated\n";"admin.synchronizeGroups", "# of groups updated : " + iNbGroupsMaj + ", added : " + iNbGroupsAdded + ", deleted : " + iNbGroupsDeleted, null); SynchroReport.warn("admin.synchronizeGroups", "Groups synchronization terminated", null); return sReport; } catch (Exception e) { SynchroReport.error("admin.synchronizeGroups", "Problme lors de la synchronisation des groupes : " + e.getMessage(), null); throw new AdminException("admin.synchronizeGroups", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_SYNCHRONIZE_DOMAIN_GROUPS", "domain id : '" + domainId + "'\nReport:" + sReport, e); } } /** * Checks for new groups resursively */ // Au 1er appel : (domainId,silverpeasGroups,distantRootGroups, // allDistantGroups(vide), userIds, null) // No need to refresh cache : the cache is reseted at the end of the // synchronization private String checkOutGroups(String domainId, Group[] existingGroups, Group[] testedGroups, Map<String, Group> allIncluededGroups, Map<String, String> userIds, String superGroupId, int iNbGroupsAdded, int iNbGroupsMaj, int iNbGroupsDeleted) throws Exception { boolean bFound; String specificId; String silverpeasId = null; String report = ""; String result; for (Group testedGroup : testedGroups) { allIncluededGroups.put(testedGroup.getSpecificId(), testedGroup); } DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); // Add new groups or update existing ones from distant datasource for (Group testedGroup : testedGroups) { bFound = false; specificId = testedGroup.getSpecificId();"admin", "admin.checkOutGroups", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>Deal with group : " + specificId); // search for group in Silverpeas database for (int nJ = 0; nJ < existingGroups.length && !bFound; nJ++) { if (existingGroups[nJ].getSpecificId().equals(specificId)) { bFound = true; testedGroup.setId(existingGroups[nJ].getId()); } else if (shouldFallbackGroupNames && existingGroups[nJ].getSpecificId().equals(testedGroup.getName())) { bFound = true; testedGroup.setId(existingGroups[nJ].getId()); } } // Prepare Group to be at Silverpeas format testedGroup.setDomainId(domainId); // Set the Parent Id if (bFound) { SynchroReport.debug("admin.checkOutGroups", "avant maj du groupe " + specificId + ", recherche de ses groupes parents", null); } else { SynchroReport.debug("admin.checkOutGroups", "avant ajout du groupe " + specificId + ", recherche de ses groupes parents", null); } String[] groupParentsIds = domainDriverManager.getGroupMemberGroupIds(domainId, testedGroup.getSpecificId()); if ((groupParentsIds == null) || (groupParentsIds.length == 0)) { testedGroup.setSuperGroupId(null); SynchroReport.debug("admin.checkOutGroups", "le groupe " + specificId + " n'a pas de pre", null); } else { testedGroup.setSuperGroupId(superGroupId); if (superGroupId != null)// scurit { SynchroReport.debug("admin.checkOutGroups", "le groupe " + specificId + " a pour pre le groupe " + domainDriverManager.getGroup(superGroupId).getSpecificId() + " d'Id base " + superGroupId, null); } } String[] userSpecificIds = testedGroup.getUserIds(); List<String> convertedUserIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String userSpecificId : userSpecificIds) { if (userIds.get(userSpecificId) != null) { convertedUserIds.add(userIds.get(userSpecificId)); } } // Le groupe contiendra une liste d'IDs de users existant ds la base et // non + une liste de logins rcuprs via LDAP testedGroup.setUserIds(convertedUserIds.toArray(new String[convertedUserIds.size()])); // if found, update, else create if (bFound)// MAJ { try {"admin", "admin.checkOutGroups", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>Update group : " + testedGroup.getId()); result = groupManager.updateGroup(domainDriverManager, testedGroup, true); if (StringUtil.isDefined(result)) { iNbGroupsMaj++; silverpeasId = testedGroup.getId(); report += "updating group " + testedGroup.getName() + "(id:" + specificId + ")\n"; SynchroReport.warn("admin.checkOutGroups", "maj groupe " + testedGroup.getName() + " (id:" + silverpeasId + ") OK", null); } else// le name groupe non renseign {"admin", "admin.checkOutGroups", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>PB Updating Group ! " + specificId); report += "problem updating group id : " + specificId + "\n"; } } catch (AdminException aeMaj) {"admin", "admin.checkOutGroups", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>PB Updating Group ! " + specificId, aeMaj); report += "problem updating group " + testedGroup.getName() + " (id:" + specificId + ") " + aeMaj.getMessage() + "\n"; report += "group has not been updated\n"; } } else { // AJOUT try { silverpeasId = groupManager.addGroup(domainDriverManager, testedGroup, true); if (StringUtil.isDefined(silverpeasId)) { iNbGroupsAdded++;"admin", "admin.checkOutGroups", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>Add group : " + silverpeasId); report += "adding group " + testedGroup.getName() + "(id:" + specificId + ")\n"; SynchroReport.warn("admin.checkOutGroups", "ajout groupe " + testedGroup.getName() + " (id:" + silverpeasId + ") OK", null); } else { // le name groupe non renseign"admin", "admin.checkOutGroups", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>PB Adding Group ! " + specificId); report += "problem adding group id : " + specificId + "\n"; } } catch (AdminException aeAdd) {"admin", "admin.checkOutGroups", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "%%%%FULLSYNCHRO%%%%>PB Adding Group ! " + specificId, aeAdd); report += "problem adding group " + testedGroup.getName() + " (id:" + specificId + ") " + aeAdd.getMessage() + "\n"; report += "group has not been added\n"; } } // Recurse with subgroups if (silverpeasId != null && silverpeasId.length() > 0) { Group[] subGroups = domainDriverManager.getGroups(silverpeasId); if (subGroups != null && subGroups.length > 0) { Group[] cleanSubGroups = removeCrossReferences(subGroups, allIncluededGroups, specificId); if (cleanSubGroups != null && cleanSubGroups.length > 0) {"admin.checkOutGroups", "Ajout ou mise jour de " + cleanSubGroups.length + " groupes fils du groupe " + specificId + "...", null); report += checkOutGroups(domainId, existingGroups, cleanSubGroups, allIncluededGroups, userIds, silverpeasId, iNbGroupsAdded, iNbGroupsMaj, iNbGroupsDeleted); } } } } return report; } /** * Remove cross reference risk between groups */ private Group[] removeCrossReferences(Group[] subGroups, Map<String, Group> allIncluededGroups, String fatherId) throws Exception { ArrayList<Group> cleanSubGroups = new ArrayList<Group>(); //noinspection UnusedAssignment,UnusedAssignment,UnusedAssignment for (Group subGroup : subGroups) { if (allIncluededGroups.get(subGroup.getSpecificId()) == null) { cleanSubGroups.add(subGroup); } else { SilverTrace.warn("admin", "Admin.removeCrossReferences", PARAM_MSG_KEY, "Cross removed for child : " + subGroup.getSpecificId() + " of father : " + fatherId); } } return cleanSubGroups.toArray(new Group[cleanSubGroups.size()]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For SelectionPeas // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- public String[] searchUsersIds(String sGroupId, String componentId, String[] profileIds, UserDetail modelUser) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { List<String> userIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (StringUtil.isDefined(sGroupId)) { // search users in group and subgroups UserDetail[] users = getAllUsersOfGroup(sGroupId); for (UserDetail user : users) { userIds.add(user.getId()); } if (userIds.isEmpty()) { userIds = null; } } else if (profileIds != null && profileIds.length > 0) { // search users in profiles for (String profileId : profileIds) { ProfileInst profile = profileManager.getProfileInst(domainDriverManager, profileId, null); // add users directly attach to profile userIds.addAll(profile.getAllUsers()); // add users indirectly attach to profile (groups attached to profile) List<String> groupIds = profile.getAllGroups(); List<String> allGroupIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String groupId : groupIds) { allGroupIds.add(groupId); allGroupIds.addAll(groupManager.getAllSubGroupIdsRecursively(groupId)); } userIds.addAll(userManager.getAllUserIdsOfGroups(allGroupIds)); } if (userIds.isEmpty()) { userIds = null; } } else if (StringUtil.isDefined(componentId)) { // search users in component userIds.addAll(getUserIdsForComponent(componentId)); if (userIds.isEmpty()) { userIds = null; } } else { // get all users userIds = new ArrayList<String>(); } if (userIds == null) { return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY; } return userManager.searchUsersIds(domainDriverManager, userIds, modelUser); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.searchUsersIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_USER_NOT_FOUND", e); } } private List<String> getUserIdsForComponent(String componentId) throws AdminException { List<String> userIds = new ArrayList<String>(); ComponentInst component = getComponentInst(componentId); if (component != null) { if (component.isPublic()) { // component is public, all users are allowed to access it return Arrays.asList(getAllUsersIds()); } else { List<ProfileInst> profiles = component.getAllProfilesInst(); for (ProfileInst profile : profiles) { userIds.addAll(getUserIdsForComponentProfile(profile)); } } } return userIds; } private List<String> getUserIdsForComponentProfile(ProfileInst profile) throws AdminException { List<String> userIds = new ArrayList<String>(); // add users directly attach to profile userIds.addAll(profile.getAllUsers()); // add users indirectly attach to profile (groups attached to profile) List<String> groupIds = profile.getAllGroups(); List<String> allGroupIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String groupId : groupIds) { allGroupIds.add(groupId); allGroupIds.addAll(groupManager.getAllSubGroupIdsRecursively(groupId)); } userIds.addAll(userManager.getAllUserIdsOfGroups(allGroupIds)); return userIds; } public ListSlice<UserDetail> searchUsers(final UserDetailsSearchCriteria searchCriteria) throws AdminException { List<String> userIds = null; if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnComponentInstanceIdSet()) { List<String> listOfRoleNames = null; if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnRoleNamesSet()) { listOfRoleNames = Arrays.asList(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnRoleNames()); } ComponentInst instance = getComponentInst(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnComponentInstanceId()); if (((listOfRoleNames != null && !listOfRoleNames.isEmpty())) || !instance.isPublic()) { List<ProfileInst> profiles; if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnResourceIdSet()) { profiles = getProfileInstsFor(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnResourceId(), instance.getId()); } else { profiles = instance.getAllProfilesInst(); } userIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ProfileInst aProfile : profiles) { if (listOfRoleNames == null || listOfRoleNames.isEmpty() || listOfRoleNames.contains(aProfile.getName())) { userIds.addAll(aProfile.getAllUsers()); // users of the groups (and recursively of their subgroups) playing the role List<String> groupIds = aProfile.getAllGroups(); List<String> allGroupIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String aGroupId : groupIds) { allGroupIds.add(aGroupId); allGroupIds.addAll(groupManager.getAllSubGroupIdsRecursively(aGroupId)); } userIds.addAll(userManager.getAllUserIdsOfGroups(allGroupIds)); } } if (userIds.isEmpty()) { userIds = null; } } } if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnUserIdsSet()) { if (userIds == null) { userIds = Arrays.asList(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnUserIds()); } else { List<String> userIdsInCriterion = Arrays.asList(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnUserIds()); List<String> userIdsToTake = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String userId : userIds) { if (userIdsInCriterion.contains(userId)) { userIdsToTake.add(userId); } } userIds = userIdsToTake; } } SearchCriteriaDAOFactory factory = SearchCriteriaDAOFactory.getFactory(); UserSearchCriteriaForDAO criteria = factory.getUserSearchCriteriaDAO(); if (userIds != null) { criteria.onUserIds(userIds.toArray(new String[userIds.size()])); } if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnGroupIdsSet()) { String[] theGroupIds = searchCriteria.getCriterionOnGroupIds(); if (theGroupIds == UserDetailsSearchCriteria.ANY_GROUPS) { criteria.and().onGroupIds(SearchCriteria.ANY); } else { Set<String> groupIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (String aGroupId : theGroupIds) { groupIds.addAll(groupManager.getAllSubGroupIdsRecursively(aGroupId)); groupIds.add(aGroupId); } criteria.and().onGroupIds(groupIds.toArray(new String[groupIds.size()])); } } if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnDomainIdSet()) { criteria.and().onDomainId(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnDomainId()); } if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnAccessLevelsSet()) { criteria.and().onAccessLevels(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnAccessLevels()); } if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnNameSet()) { criteria.and().onName(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnName()); } if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnPaginationSet()) { criteria.onPagination(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnPagination()); } return userManager.getUsersMatchingCriteria(criteria); } public ListSlice<Group> searchGroups(final GroupsSearchCriteria searchCriteria) throws AdminException { SearchCriteriaDAOFactory factory = SearchCriteriaDAOFactory.getFactory(); GroupSearchCriteriaForDAO criteria = factory.getGroupSearchCriteriaDAO(); if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnComponentInstanceIdSet()) { List<String> listOfRoleNames = new ArrayList<String>(); if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnRoleNamesSet()) { listOfRoleNames = Arrays.asList(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnRoleNames()); } ComponentInst instance = getComponentInst(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnComponentInstanceId()); if (!listOfRoleNames.isEmpty() || !instance.isPublic()) { List<ProfileInst> profiles; if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnResourceIdSet()) { profiles = getProfileInstsFor(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnResourceId(), instance.getId()); } else { profiles = instance.getAllProfilesInst(); } List<String> roleIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ProfileInst aProfile : profiles) { if (listOfRoleNames.isEmpty() || listOfRoleNames.contains(aProfile.getName())) { roleIds.add(aProfile.getId()); } } criteria.onRoleNames(roleIds.toArray(new String[roleIds.size()])); } } if (searchCriteria.mustBeRoot()) { criteria.onAsRootGroup(); } if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnDomainIdSet()) { String domainId = searchCriteria.getCriterionOnDomainId(); if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnMixedDomainIdSet()) { criteria.onMixedDomainOronDomainId(domainId); } else { criteria.onDomainId(domainId); } } if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnGroupIdsSet()) { criteria.and().onGroupIds(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnGroupIds()); } if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnNameSet()) { criteria.and().onName(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnName()); } if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnSuperGroupIdSet()) { criteria.and().onSuperGroupId(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnSuperGroupId()); } if (searchCriteria.isCriterionOnPaginationSet()) { criteria.onPagination(searchCriteria.getCriterionOnPagination()); } return groupManager.getGroupsMatchingCriteria(criteria); } public String[] searchGroupsIds(boolean isRootGroup, String componentId, String[] profileId, Group modelGroup) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { ComponentInst component = getComponentInst(componentId); if (component != null) { if (component.isPublic()) { // component is public, all groups are allowed to access it componentId = null; } } return groupManager.searchGroupsIds(domainDriverManager, isRootGroup, getDriverComponentId(componentId), profileId, modelGroup); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.searchGroupsIds", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.EX_ERR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND", e); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For DB connection reset // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void resetAllDBConnections(boolean isScheduled) throws AdminException { try {"admin", "Admin.resetAllDBConnections", "root.MSG_GEN_ENTER_METHOD", "RESET ALL DB CONNECTIONS ! (Scheduled : " + isScheduled + ")"); OrganizationSchemaPool.releaseConnections(); ConnectionPool.releaseConnections(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.resetAllDBConnections", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "root.EX_CONNECTION_CLOSE_FAILED", e); } } private void rollback() { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { // Roll back the transactions domainDriverManager.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.rollback", "root.EX_ERR_ROLLBACK", e1); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Node profile management // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- private String getSpaceId(SpaceInst spaceInst) { if (spaceInst.getId().startsWith(SPACE_KEY_PREFIX)) { return spaceInst.getId(); } return SPACE_KEY_PREFIX + spaceInst.getId(); } public void indexAllUsers() throws AdminException { Domain[] domains = getAllDomains(); for (Domain domain : domains) { try { indexUsers(domain.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("admin", "Admin.indexAllUsers", "admin.CANT_INDEX_USERS", "domainId = " + domain.getId(), e); } } } public void indexUsers(String domainId) throws AdminException { DomainDriverManager domainDriverManager = DomainDriverManagerFactory.getCurrentDomainDriverManager(); try { domainDriverManager.indexAllUsers(domainId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AdminException("Admin.indexUsers", SilverpeasException.ERROR, "admin.CANT_INDEX_USERS", "domainId = " + domainId, e); } } public String copyAndPasteComponent(PasteDetail pasteDetail) throws AdminException, QuotaException { if (!StringUtil.isDefined(pasteDetail.getToSpaceId())) { // cannot paste component on root return null; } ComponentInst newCompo = (ComponentInst) getComponentInst(pasteDetail.getFromComponentId()).clone(); SpaceInst destinationSpace = getSpaceInstById(pasteDetail.getToSpaceId()); String lang = I18NHelper.defaultLanguage; // Creation newCompo.setId("-1"); newCompo.setDomainFatherId(destinationSpace.getId()); newCompo.setOrderNum(destinationSpace.getNumComponentInst()); newCompo.setCreateDate(new Date()); newCompo.setCreatorUserId(pasteDetail.getUserId()); newCompo.setLanguage(lang); // Rename if componentName already exists in the destination space String label = renameComponentName(newCompo.getLabel(lang), destinationSpace.getAllComponentsInst()); newCompo.setLabel(label); ComponentI18N translation = (ComponentI18N) newCompo.getTranslation(lang); if (translation != null) { translation.setName(label); } // Delete inherited profiles only // It will be processed by admin newCompo.removeInheritedProfiles(); // Add the component String sComponentId = addComponentInst(pasteDetail.getUserId(), newCompo); // Execute specific paste by the component try { pasteDetail.setToComponentId(sComponentId); String componentRootName = URLManager.getComponentNameFromComponentId(pasteDetail.getFromComponentId()); String className = "com.silverpeas.component." + componentRootName + "." + componentRootName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + componentRootName.substring(1) + "Paste"; if (Class.forName(className).getClass() != null) { ComponentPasteInterface componentPaste = (ComponentPasteInterface) Class.forName(className) .newInstance(); componentPaste.paste(pasteDetail); } } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.warn("admin", "Admin.copyAndPasteComponent()", "root.GEN_EXIT_METHOD", e); } return sComponentId; } /** * Rename component Label if necessary * * @param label * @param listComponents * @return */ private String renameComponentName(String label, ArrayList<ComponentInst> listComponents) { String newComponentLabel = label; for (ComponentInst componentInst : listComponents) { if (componentInst.getLabel().equals(newComponentLabel)) { newComponentLabel = "Copie de " + label; return renameComponentName(newComponentLabel, listComponents); } } return newComponentLabel; } //check if spaceId is not parent of anotherSpace private boolean isParent(String spaceId, String anotherSpaceId) throws AdminException { if (anotherSpaceId == null) { return false; } List<SpaceInstLight> path = TreeCache.getSpacePath(anotherSpaceId); if (path.isEmpty()) { path = getPathToSpace(anotherSpaceId, true); } for (SpaceInstLight space : path) { if (spaceId.equalsIgnoreCase(space.getFullId())) { return true; } } return false; } public String copyAndPasteSpace(PasteDetail pasteDetail) throws AdminException, QuotaException { String newSpaceId = null; String spaceId = pasteDetail.getFromSpaceId(); String toSpaceId = pasteDetail.getToSpaceId(); boolean pasteAllowed = !isParent(spaceId, toSpaceId); if (pasteAllowed) { // paste space itself SpaceInst oldSpace = getSpaceInstById(spaceId); SpaceInst newSpace = oldSpace.clone(); newSpace.setId("-1"); List<String> newBrotherIds; if (StringUtil.isDefined(toSpaceId)) { SpaceInst destinationSpace = getSpaceInstById(toSpaceId); newSpace.setDomainFatherId(destinationSpace.getId()); newBrotherIds = Arrays.asList(destinationSpace.getSubSpaceIds()); } else { newSpace.setDomainFatherId("-1"); newBrotherIds = Arrays.asList(getAllRootSpaceIds()); } newSpace.setOrderNum(newBrotherIds.size()); newSpace.setCreateDate(new Date()); newSpace.setCreatorUserId(pasteDetail.getUserId()); newSpace.setLanguage(I18NHelper.defaultLanguage); // Rename if spaceName already used in the destination space List<SpaceInstLight> subSpaces = new ArrayList<SpaceInstLight>(); for (String subSpaceId : newBrotherIds) { subSpaces.add(getSpaceInstLight(getDriverSpaceId(subSpaceId))); } String name = renameSpace(newSpace.getName(I18NHelper.defaultLanguage), subSpaces); newSpace.setName(name); // Remove inherited profiles from cloned space newSpace.removeInheritedProfiles(); // Remove components from cloned space List<ComponentInst> components = newSpace.getAllComponentsInst(); newSpace.removeAllComponentsInst(); // Add space newSpaceId = addSpaceInst(pasteDetail.getUserId(), newSpace); // Copy space quota Quota dataStorageQuota = SpaceServiceFactory.getDataStorageSpaceQuotaService() .get(DataStorageSpaceQuotaKey.from(oldSpace)); if (dataStorageQuota.exists()) { SpaceServiceFactory.getDataStorageSpaceQuotaService() .initialize(DataStorageSpaceQuotaKey.from(newSpace), dataStorageQuota); } Quota componentQuota = SpaceServiceFactory.getComponentSpaceQuotaService() .get(ComponentSpaceQuotaKey.from(oldSpace)); if (componentQuota.exists()) { SpaceServiceFactory.getComponentSpaceQuotaService() .initialize(ComponentSpaceQuotaKey.from(newSpace), componentQuota); } // verify space homepage String componentIdAsHomePage = null; if (newSpace.getFirstPageType() == SpaceInst.FP_TYPE_COMPONENT_INST) { componentIdAsHomePage = newSpace.getFirstPageExtraParam(); } // paste components of space PasteDetail componentPasteDetail = new PasteDetail(pasteDetail.getUserId()); componentPasteDetail.setOptions(pasteDetail.getOptions()); componentPasteDetail.setToSpaceId(newSpaceId); for (ComponentInst component : components) { componentPasteDetail.setFromComponentId(component.getId()); String componentId = copyAndPasteComponent(componentPasteDetail); // check if new component must be used as home page of new space if (componentIdAsHomePage != null && componentIdAsHomePage.equals(component.getId())) { componentIdAsHomePage = componentId; } } // paste subspaces PasteDetail subSpacePasteDetail = new PasteDetail(pasteDetail.getUserId()); subSpacePasteDetail.setOptions(pasteDetail.getOptions()); subSpacePasteDetail.setToSpaceId(newSpaceId); String[] subSpaceIds = newSpace.getSubSpaceIds(); for (String subSpaceId : subSpaceIds) { subSpacePasteDetail.setFromSpaceId(subSpaceId); copyAndPasteSpace(subSpacePasteDetail); } // update parameter of space home page if needed String newFirstPageExtraParam = null; if (StringUtil.isDefined(componentIdAsHomePage)) { newFirstPageExtraParam = componentIdAsHomePage; } else if (newSpace.getFirstPageType() == SpaceInst.FP_TYPE_HTML_PAGE) { String oldURL = newSpace.getFirstPageExtraParam(); newFirstPageExtraParam = oldURL.replaceAll(spaceId, newSpaceId); } if (StringUtil.isDefined(newFirstPageExtraParam)) { SpaceInst space = getSpaceInstById(newSpaceId); space.setFirstPageExtraParam(newFirstPageExtraParam); updateSpaceInst(space); } } return newSpaceId; } private String renameSpace(String label, List<SpaceInstLight> listSpaces) { String newSpaceLabel = label; for (SpaceInstLight space : listSpaces) { if (space.getName().equals(newSpaceLabel)) { newSpaceLabel = "Copie de " + label; return renameSpace(newSpaceLabel, listSpaces); } } return newSpaceLabel; } /** * Gets all the profile instances defined for the specified resource in the specified component * instance. * * @param resourceId the unique idenifier of a resource managed in a component instance. * @param instanceId the unique identifier of the component instance. * @return a list of profile instances. */ private List<ProfileInst> getProfileInstsFor(String resourceId, String instanceId) throws AdminException { Pattern objectIdPattern = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z]+)(\\d+)"); Matcher matcher = objectIdPattern.matcher(resourceId); if (matcher.matches() && matcher.groupCount() == 2) { String type =; String id =; return getProfilesByObject(id, type, instanceId); } throw new AdminPersistenceException("Admin.getProfileInstFor", SilverTrace.TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, "Bad resource identifier: " + resourceId); } }