Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Silverpeas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's * FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the text describing * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here: * "" * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.stratelia.silverpeas.silverstatistics.control; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.Job; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.JobExecutionContext; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.Scheduler; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.SchedulerEvent; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.SchedulerEventListener; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.SchedulerException; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.SchedulerFactory; import com.silverpeas.scheduler.trigger.JobTrigger; import com.silverpeas.util.FileUtil; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silverstatistics.model.SilverStatisticsConfigException; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silverstatistics.model.StatisticsConfig; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silverstatistics.util.StatType; import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace; import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.DateUtil; import; import org.silverpeas.silverstatistics.volume.DirectoryVolumeService; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import static com.stratelia.silverpeas.silverstatistics.control.SilverStatisticsConstants.SEPARATOR; import static com.stratelia.silverpeas.silverstatistics.util.StatType.*; /** * SilverStatisticsManager is the tool used in silverpeas to compute statistics for connexions, * files size and components access. This is a singleton class. * yet, the single instance is managed by the IoC container that will invoke the * <code>initSilverStatisticsManager()</code> method for initializing it. * @author Marc Guillemin */ public class SilverStatisticsManager implements SchedulerEventListener { private static final String STAT_SIZE_JOB_NAME = "SilverStatisticsSize"; private static final String STAT_CUMUL_JOB_NAME = "SilverStatisticsCumul"; private static final String STAT_VOLUME_JOB_NAME = "SilverStatisticsVolume"; // Class variables // Singleton implementation private static SilverStatisticsManager myInstance = null; // Object variables // List of directory to compute size private List<String> directoryToScan = null; private StatisticsConfig statsConfig = null; /** * Prevent the class from being instantiate (private) */ private SilverStatisticsManager() { } /** * Init attributes. * This method is invoked by the IoC container. Don't invoke it! */ public void initSilverStatisticsManager() { directoryToScan = new ArrayList<String>(); try { statsConfig = new StatisticsConfig(); try { statsConfig.init(); if (!statsConfig.isValidConfigFile()) { SilverTrace.error("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.initSilverStatistics", "silverstatistics.MSG_CONFIG_FILE"); } } catch (SilverStatisticsConfigException e) { SilverTrace.error("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.initSilverStatistics", "silverstatistics.MSG_CONFIG_FILE", e); } ResourceBundle resources = FileUtil .loadBundle("com.stratelia.silverpeas.silverstatistics.SilverStatistics", Locale.getDefault()); initSchedulerStatistics(resources.getString("scheduledGetStatVolumeTimeStamp"), STAT_VOLUME_JOB_NAME, "doGetStatVolume"); initSchedulerStatistics(resources.getString("scheduledGetStatSizeTimeStamp"), STAT_SIZE_JOB_NAME, "doGetStatSize"); initSchedulerStatistics(resources.getString("scheduledCumulStatTimeStamp"), STAT_CUMUL_JOB_NAME, "doCumulStat"); initDirectoryToScan(resources); } catch (Exception ex) { SilverTrace.error("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.initSilverStatistics", "root.EX_CLASS_NOT_INITIALIZED", ex); } } /** * SilverStatisticsManager is a singleton * @return */ public static synchronized SilverStatisticsManager getInstance() { if (myInstance == null) { myInstance = new SilverStatisticsManager(); } return myInstance; } /** * This method must be used only by unit tests. */ public static void setInstanceForTest(SilverStatisticsManager instanceForTest) { myInstance = instanceForTest; } /** * Sets up the scheduling of the specified statistics computation at given moments in time as * specified by the Unix-like cron expression. * @param aCronString the cron expression. * @param jobName the name of the computation to schedule. * @param methodeName the name of the method that performs the computation. * @throws SchedulerException if the computation scheduling failed. * @throws ParseException if the cron expression is malformed. */ public void initSchedulerStatistics(String aCronString, String jobName, String methodeName) throws SchedulerException, ParseException { SchedulerFactory schedulerFactory = SchedulerFactory.getFactory(); Scheduler scheduler = schedulerFactory.getScheduler(); scheduler.unscheduleJob(jobName);"silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.initSchedulerStatistics", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "jobName=" + jobName + ", aCronString=" + aCronString); JobTrigger trigger = JobTrigger.triggerAt(aCronString); Job job = createJobWith(jobName, methodeName); scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger, this); } /** * Method declaration * @param currentDate * @see */ public void doGetStatVolume(Date currentDate) { SilverTrace.debug("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.doGetStatVolume", "currentDate=" + currentDate); try { getSilverStatistics().makeVolumeAlimentationForAllComponents(); } catch (Exception ex) { SilverTrace.error("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.doGetStatVolume", "root.EX_NO_MESSAGE", ex); } } /** * For each directory compute the size of all its files and the size of all its subdirectories * recursively. * @param currentDate * @see */ public void doGetStatSize(Date currentDate) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { for (String aDirectoryToScan : directoryToScan) { DirectoryVolumeService service = new DirectoryVolumeService(new File(aDirectoryToScan)); addStatSize(currentDate, aDirectoryToScan, service.getTotalSize(null)); } } /** * Method declaration * @param currentDate * @see */ public void doCumulStat(Date currentDate) { SilverTrace.debug("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.doCumulStat", "currentDate=" + currentDate); try { getSilverStatistics().makeStatAllCumul(); } catch (Exception ex) { SilverTrace.error("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.doCumulStat", "root.EX_NO_MESSAGE", ex); } } /** * Method declaration * @param resource * @see */ private void initDirectoryToScan(java.util.ResourceBundle resource) { try { // read the directories // -------------------------- int i = 0; String directoryPath = resource.getString("SilverPeasDataPath" + Integer.toString(i)); // for each directory while (directoryPath != null) { // Test existence File dir = new File(directoryPath); if (!dir.isDirectory()) { throw new Exception("silverstatistics initDirectoryToScan" + directoryPath); } directoryToScan.add(directoryPath); i++; try { directoryPath = resource.getString("SilverPeasDataPath" + Integer.toString(i)); } catch (MissingResourceException ex) { directoryPath = null; } } } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.initDirectoryToScan()", "silvertrace.ERR_INIT_APPENDER_FROM_PROP", e); } } /** * Method declaration * @param userId * @param volume * @param dateAccess * @param peasType * @param spaceId * @param componentId * @see */ public void addStatVolume(String userId, long volume, Date dateAccess, String peasType, String spaceId, String componentId) { if (statsConfig.isRun(Volume)) { SilverTrace.debug("silverstatistics", "SilverStatistics.addStatVolume", " peasType=" + peasType + " spaceId=" + spaceId + " componentId=" + componentId); StringBuilder stat = new StringBuilder(); stat.append(DateUtil.formatAsISO8601Day(dateAccess)); stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(userId); // userId stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(peasType); stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(spaceId); stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(componentId); stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append((String.valueOf(volume))); sendStatistic(Volume, stat); } } private void sendStatistic(StatType type, CharSequence stat) { if (isAsynchronStats(type)) { SilverStatisticsSender mySilverStatisticsSender = new SilverStatisticsSender(); try {"silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.sendStatistic", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "stat=" + type + ' ' + stat.toString()); mySilverStatisticsSender.send(type, stat.toString()); SilverTrace.debug("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.sendStatistic", "after send"); } catch (Exception e) { SilverTrace.error("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.sendStatistic", "SilverStatisticsSender ", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(mySilverStatisticsSender); } } // synchrone else {"silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.sendStatistic", "root.MSG_GEN_PARAM_VALUE", "stat=" + type + ' ' + stat.toString()); getSilverStatistics().putStats(type, stat.toString()); SilverTrace.debug("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.sendStatistic", "after putStats"); } } /** * Method declaration * @param userId * @param dateAccess * @param peasType * @param spaceId * @param componentId * @see */ public void addStatAccess(String userId, Date dateAccess, String peasType, String spaceId, String componentId) { // should feed Access (see if (statsConfig.isRun(Access)) { SilverTrace.debug("silverstatistics", "SilverStatistics.addStatAccess", " peasType=" + peasType + " spaceId=" + spaceId + " componentId=" + componentId); // creation du stringbuffer correspondant au type Acces du // StringBuilder stat = new StringBuilder(); stat.append(DateUtil.formatAsISO8601Day(dateAccess)); stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(userId); // userId stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(peasType); stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(spaceId); stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(componentId); stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append("1"); // countAccess sendStatistic(Access, stat); } } /** * Method declaration * @param userId * @param dateConnection * @param count * @param duration * @see */ public void addStatConnection(String userId, Date dateConnection, int count, long duration) { // should feed connexion (see if (statsConfig.isRun(Connexion)) { SilverTrace.debug("silverstatistics", "SilverStatistics.addStatConnection", " userId=" + userId + " count=" + count); // creation du stringbuffer correspondant au type Acces du // StringBuilder stat = new StringBuilder(); stat.append(DateUtil.formatAsISO8601Day(dateConnection)); // date // connexion stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(userId); // userId stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(Long.toString(count)); // countConnection stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(Long.toString(duration)); // duration sendStatistic(Connexion, stat); } } /** * Method declaration * @param date * @param dirName * @param dirSize * @see */ public void addStatSize(Date date, String dirName, long dirSize) { if (statsConfig.isRun(Size)) { SilverTrace.debug("silverstatistics", "SilverStatistics.addStatSize", "dirName=" + dirName + " dirSize=" + dirSize); StringBuilder stat = new StringBuilder(); stat.append(DateUtil.formatAsISO8601Day(date)); stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(dirName); // directoryName stat.append(SEPARATOR); stat.append(Long.toString(dirSize)); // directorySize sendStatistic(Size, stat); } } private boolean isAsynchronStats(StatType typeStats) { try { if (statsConfig == null) { statsConfig = new StatisticsConfig(); statsConfig.init(); } if (statsConfig.isValidConfigFile()) { return statsConfig.isAsynchron(typeStats); } } catch (SilverStatisticsConfigException e) { SilverTrace.error("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.isRun", "silverstatistics.MSG_CONFIG_FILE", e); } return false; } private SilverStatistics getSilverStatistics() { return SilverStatisticsFactory.getFactory().getSilverStatistics(); } /** * Method declaration * @param directoryName * @return * @see */ private long directorySize(String directoryName) { SilverTrace.debug("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.directorySize", "directoryName=" + directoryName); File file = new File(directoryName); if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) { return returnSize(file); } return -1; } private long returnSize(File file) { if (file.isFile()) { return file.length(); } File fDirContent[] = file.listFiles(); long fileslength = 0L; if (fDirContent != null) { for (File aFDirContent : fDirContent) { if (aFDirContent != null) { if (aFDirContent.isFile()) { fileslength = fileslength + aFDirContent.length(); } else { fileslength = fileslength + returnSize(aFDirContent); } } } } return fileslength; } /** * Creates a job with the specified name and with the specified operation to execute. * @param jobName the job name. * @param jobOperation the job operation. * @return a job wrapping the operation to schedule at given moments in time. * @throws SchedulerException if an error occurs while creating the job to schedule (for example, * the operation doesn't exist). */ private Job createJobWith(final String jobName, final String jobOperation) throws SchedulerException { try { final Method operation = myInstance.getClass().getMethod(jobOperation, Date.class); return new Job(jobName) { @Override public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws Exception { Date date = context.getFireTime(); operation.invoke(myInstance, date); } }; } catch (Exception ex) { SilverTrace.error("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.createJobWith", ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new SchedulerException(ex.getMessage()); } } @Override public void triggerFired(SchedulerEvent anEvent) throws Exception { SilverTrace.debug("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.handleSchedulerEvent", "The job '" + anEvent.getJobExecutionContext().getJobName() + "' is starting"); } @Override public void jobSucceeded(SchedulerEvent anEvent) { SilverTrace.debug("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.handleSchedulerEvent", "The job '" + anEvent.getJobExecutionContext().getJobName() + "' was successfull"); } @Override public void jobFailed(SchedulerEvent anEvent) { SilverTrace.error("silverstatistics", "SilverStatisticsManager.handleSchedulerEvent", "The job '" + anEvent.getJobExecutionContext().getJobName() + "' was not successfull", anEvent.getJobThrowable()); } }