Java tutorial
package com.strategicgains.docussandra.controller; /* * Copyright 2015 udeyoje. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured; import static com.jayway.restassured.RestAssured.given; import com.jayway.restassured.response.Response; import com.strategicgains.docussandra.domain.Database; import com.strategicgains.docussandra.domain.Document; import com.strategicgains.docussandra.domain.Query; import com.strategicgains.docussandra.domain.Table; import com.strategicgains.docussandra.persistence.impl.DocumentRepositoryImpl; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.strategicgains.docussandra.testhelper.Fixtures; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import testhelper.RestExpressManager; /** * * @author udeyoje */ public class QueryControllerTest { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryControllerTest.class); private static final String BASE_URI = "http://localhost"; private static final int PORT = 19080; private static Fixtures f; private JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); public QueryControllerTest() throws Exception { } /** * Initialization that is performed once before any of the tests in this * class are executed. * * @throws Exception */ @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { RestAssured.baseURI = BASE_URI; RestAssured.port = PORT; f = Fixtures.getInstance(); RestExpressManager.getManager().ensureRestExpressRunning(); } @Before public void beforeTest() throws Exception { f.clearTestTables(); Database testDb = Fixtures.createTestDatabase(); f.insertDatabase(testDb); Table testTable = Fixtures.createTestTable(); f.insertTable(testTable); f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestIndexOneField()); f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestIndexTwoField()); f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestIndexWithBulkDataHit()); f.insertDocument(Fixtures.createTestDocument()); Document onePrime = Fixtures.createTestDocument(); onePrime.setUuid(new UUID(onePrime.getUuid().getMostSignificantBits() + 2, 1L)); f.insertDocument(onePrime); f.insertDocument(Fixtures.createTestDocument2()); Document twoPrime = Fixtures.createTestDocument2(); twoPrime.setUuid(new UUID(twoPrime.getUuid().getMostSignificantBits() + 3, 2L)); f.insertDocument(twoPrime); f.insertDocuments(Fixtures.getBulkDocuments()); RestAssured.basePath = "/" + + "/" + + "/queries"; } /** * Cleanup that is performed once after all of the tests in this class are * executed. */ @AfterClass public static void afterClass() { f.clearTestTables(); } /** * Cleanup that is performed after each test is executed. */ @After public void afterTest() { } /** * Tests that the POST /{databases}/{table}/query endpoint properly runs a * query. */ @Test public void postQueryTest() { Query q = Fixtures.createTestQuery(); //act given().body("{\"where\":\"" + q.getWhere() + "\"}").expect().statusCode(200) //.header("Location", startsWith(RestAssured.basePath + "/")) .body("", notNullValue()).body("id", notNullValue()) .body("id[0]", equalTo("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001")).body("object[0]", notNullValue()) .body("object[0]", containsString("hello")).when().post(""); } /** * Tests that the POST /{databases}/{table}/query endpoint properly runs a * query with limits. */ @Test public void postQueryTestOnNonIndexedField() { Query q = new Query(); q.setWhere("field9999 = 'this is my data'"); q.setTable("mytable"); //act given().body("{\"where\":\"" + q.getWhere() + "\"}").expect().statusCode(206).expect().statusCode(400) .body("", notNullValue()).body("error", containsString("field9999")).when().post(""); } /** * Tests that the POST /{databases}/{table}/query endpoint properly runs a * query with limits. */ @Test public void postQueryTestWithLimit() { Query q = new Query(); q.setWhere("field1 = 'this is my data'"); q.setTable("mytable"); //act given().header("limit", "1").header("offset", "0").body("{\"where\":\"" + q.getWhere() + "\"}").expect() .statusCode(206) //.header("Location", startsWith(RestAssured.basePath + "/")) .body("", notNullValue()).body("id", notNullValue()) .body("id[0]", equalTo(new UUID(Long.MAX_VALUE - 33, 1l).toString())) .body("object[0]", notNullValue()) .body("object[0]", containsString("this is some more random data32")).when().post(""); } /** * Tests that the POST /{databases}/{table}/query endpoint properly runs a * query with limits. */ @Test public void postQueryTestWithLimitSameAsResponse() { Query q = new Query(); q.setWhere("field1 = 'this is my data'"); q.setTable("mytable"); //act given().header("limit", "34").header("offset", "0").body("{\"where\":\"" + q.getWhere() + "\"}").expect() .statusCode(200) //.header("Location", startsWith(RestAssured.basePath + "/")) .body("", notNullValue()).body("id", notNullValue()) .body("id[0]", equalTo(new UUID(Long.MAX_VALUE - 33, 1l).toString())) .body("object[0]", notNullValue()) .body("object[0]", containsString("this is some more random data32")).when().post(""); } /** * Tests that the POST /{databases}/{table}/query endpoint properly runs a * query with limits. */ @Test public void postQueryTestWithLimitMoreThanResponse() { Query q = new Query(); q.setWhere("field1 = 'this is my data'"); q.setTable("mytable"); //act given().header("limit", "10000").header("offset", "0").body("{\"where\":\"" + q.getWhere() + "\"}").expect() .statusCode(200) //.header("Location", startsWith(RestAssured.basePath + "/")) .body("", notNullValue()).body("id", notNullValue()) .body("id[0]", equalTo(new UUID(Long.MAX_VALUE - 33, 1l).toString())) .body("object[0]", notNullValue()) .body("object[0]", containsString("this is some more random data32")).when().post(""); } /** * Tests that the POST /{databases}/{table}/query endpoint properly runs a * query with limits. */ @Test public void postQueryTestWithLimitAndOffset() { Query q = new Query(); q.setWhere("field1 = 'this is my data'"); q.setTable("mytable"); //act given().header("limit", "1").header("offset", "1").body("{\"where\":\"" + q.getWhere() + "\"}").expect() .statusCode(206) //.header("Location", startsWith(RestAssured.basePath + "/")) .body("", notNullValue()).body("id", notNullValue()) .body("id[0]", equalTo(new UUID(Long.MAX_VALUE - 32, 1l).toString())) .body("object[0]", notNullValue()) .body("object[0]", containsString("this is some more random data31")).when().post(""); } /** * Tests that the POST /{databases}/{table}/query endpoint properly runs a * query with limits. */ @Test public void postQueryTestWithLimitAndOffset2() { Query q = new Query(); q.setWhere("field1 = 'this is my data'"); q.setTable("mytable"); //act given().header("limit", "2").header("offset", "2").body("{\"where\":\"" + q.getWhere() + "\"}").expect() .statusCode(206) //.header("Location", startsWith(RestAssured.basePath + "/")) .body("", notNullValue()).body("id", notNullValue()) .body("id[0]", equalTo(new UUID(Long.MAX_VALUE - 31, 1l).toString())) .body("object[0]", notNullValue()) .body("object[0]", containsString("this is some more random data30")) .body("id[1]", equalTo(new UUID(Long.MAX_VALUE - 30, 1l).toString())) .body("object[1]", notNullValue()) .body("object[1]", containsString("this is some more random data29")).when().post(""); } /** * Tests querying on integer types. * * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ @Test public void testQueryOnIntegerType() throws IOException, ParseException { String restAssuredBasePath = RestAssured.basePath; Database testDb = Fixtures.createTestPlayersDatabase(); Table testTable = Fixtures.createTestPlayersTable(); List<Document> docs = Fixtures.getBulkDocuments("./src/test/resources/players-short.json", testTable); try { //data setup RestAssured.basePath = "/" + testTable.databaseName() + "/" + + "/queries"; f.insertDatabase(testDb); f.insertTable(testTable); //throw a few indexes in (including the one we are testing) f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestPlayersIndexRookieYear()); f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestPlayersIndexCreatedOn()); f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestPlayersIndexLastName()); f.insertDocuments(docs);//put in a ton of data directly into the db //end setup //act Response response = given().body("{\"where\":\"ROOKIEYEAR = '2001'\"}").header("limit", "2000").expect() .statusCode(200) //.header("Location", startsWith(RestAssured.basePath + "/")) .body("", notNullValue()).body("id", notNullValue()).body("id[0]", notNullValue()) .body("object[0]", notNullValue()).body("object[0]", containsString("2001")).when().post("") .andReturn(); String body = response.getBody().prettyPrint(); LOGGER.debug("Status Response: " + body); JSONArray bodyArray = (JSONArray) parser.parse(body); for (Object responseElement : bodyArray) { JSONObject responseElementJson = (JSONObject) responseElement; assertNotNull(responseElementJson); assertNotNull(responseElementJson.get("id")); String object = (String) responseElementJson.get("object"); assertNotNull(object); assertTrue(object.contains("2001")); } } finally { //clean up RestAssured.basePath = restAssuredBasePath; DocumentRepositoryImpl docrepo = new DocumentRepositoryImpl(f.getSession()); for (Document d : docs) { try { docrepo.delete(d); } catch (Exception e) { ;//eh -- the doc probably never got created } } } } /** * Tests querying on integer types, with a query that doesn't contain an * integer. * * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ @Test public void testQueryOnIntegerTypeBadFormat() throws IOException, ParseException { String restAssuredBasePath = RestAssured.basePath; Database testDb = Fixtures.createTestPlayersDatabase(); Table testTable = Fixtures.createTestPlayersTable(); List<Document> docs = Fixtures.getBulkDocuments("./src/test/resources/players-short.json", testTable); try { //data setup RestAssured.basePath = "/" + testTable.databaseName() + "/" + + "/queries"; f.insertDatabase(testDb); f.insertTable(testTable); //throw a few indexes in (including the one we are testing) f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestPlayersIndexRookieYear()); f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestPlayersIndexCreatedOn()); f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestPlayersIndexLastName()); f.insertDocuments(docs);//put in a ton of data directly into the db //end setup //act Response response = given().body("{\"where\":\"ROOKIEYEAR = 'Two Thousand and One'\"}") .header("limit", "2000").expect().statusCode(400).body("", notNullValue()) .body("error", containsString("Two Thousand and One")) .body("error", containsString("ROOKIEYEAR")).when().post("").andReturn(); String body = response.getBody().prettyPrint(); LOGGER.debug("Status Response: " + body); } finally { //clean up RestAssured.basePath = restAssuredBasePath; DocumentRepositoryImpl docrepo = new DocumentRepositoryImpl(f.getSession()); for (Document d : docs) { try { docrepo.delete(d); } catch (Exception e) { ;//eh -- the doc probably never got created } } } } /** * Tests querying on date types. * * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException */ @Test public void testQueryOnDateType() throws IOException, ParseException { String restAssuredBasePath = RestAssured.basePath; Database testDb = Fixtures.createTestPlayersDatabase(); Table testTable = Fixtures.createTestPlayersTable(); List<Document> docs = Fixtures.getBulkDocuments("./src/test/resources/players-short.json", testTable); try { //data setup RestAssured.basePath = "/" + testTable.databaseName() + "/" + + "/queries"; f.insertDatabase(testDb); f.insertTable(testTable); //throw a few indexes in (including the one we are testing) f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestPlayersIndexRookieYear()); f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestPlayersIndexCreatedOn()); f.insertIndex(Fixtures.createTestPlayersIndexLastName()); f.insertDocuments(docs);//put in a ton of data directly into the db //end setup //act Response response = given().body("{\"where\":\"CREATEDON = 'July, 07 2012 00:00:00'\"}") .header("limit", "2000").expect().statusCode(200) //.header("Location", startsWith(RestAssured.basePath + "/")) .body("", notNullValue()).body("id", notNullValue()).body("id[0]", notNullValue()) .body("object[0]", notNullValue()).body("object[0]", containsString("July, 07 2012 00:00:00")) .when().post("").andReturn(); String body = response.getBody().prettyPrint(); LOGGER.debug("Status Response: " + body); JSONArray bodyArray = (JSONArray) parser.parse(body); for (Object responseElement : bodyArray) { JSONObject responseElementJson = (JSONObject) responseElement; assertNotNull(responseElementJson); assertNotNull(responseElementJson.get("id")); String object = (String) responseElementJson.get("object"); assertNotNull(object); assertTrue(object.contains("July, 07 2012 00:00:00")); } } finally { //clean up RestAssured.basePath = restAssuredBasePath; DocumentRepositoryImpl docrepo = new DocumentRepositoryImpl(f.getSession()); for (Document d : docs) { try { docrepo.delete(d); } catch (Exception e) { ;//eh -- the doc probably never got created } } } } }