Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Jamie Angus Band * MailArchiva Open Source Edition Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Jamie Angus Band * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; * if not, see or write to the Free Software Foundation,Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package com.stimulus.archiva.domain; import*; import org.apache.commons.logging.*; import java.util.*; import com.stimulus.archiva.log.*; import com.stimulus.archiva.exception.*; import com.stimulus.archiva.authentication.*; import com.stimulus.util.*; import*; import*; import com.stimulus.archiva.index.*; import com.stimulus.archiva.incoming.*; import com.stimulus.archiva.monitor.*; import com.stimulus.archiva.domain.fields.*; import com.stimulus.archiva.service.*; public class Config implements Serializable, Cloneable { static final long serialVersionUID = 4243937061206625954L; protected static final boolean THROW_ON_LOAD_FAILURE = true; protected static final boolean LOAD_AS_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = false; protected static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(Config.class); protected static final Log audit = LogFactory.getLog("com.stimulus.archiva.audit"); protected static WeakHashMap<UpdateObserver, UpdateObserver> updateObservers; // misc configuration options protected static final String applicationVersionKey = "application.version"; protected static final String exportMaxMessagesKey = "export.max.messages"; protected static final String viewMaxMessagesKey = "view.max.messages"; protected static final String deleteMaxMessagesKey = "delete.max.messages"; protected static final String sendMaxMessagesKey = "send.max.messages"; protected static final String saltKey = "security.salt"; protected static final String tempDirKey = "temp.dir"; protected static final String pbeAlgorithmKey = "security.pbealgorithm"; protected static final String exportCharsetKey = "export.charset"; protected static final String defaultExportMaxMessages = "1000"; protected static final String defaultViewMaxMessages = "1000"; protected static final String defaultDeleteMaxMessages = "1000"; protected static final String defaultSendMaxMessages = "1000"; protected static final String defaultApplicationVersion = "1.9.13"; protected static final String defaultPBEAlgorithm = "PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES"; protected static Config config = null; protected static boolean shutdown = false; protected static final Object readWriteLock = new Object(); protected static FileSystem filesystem; protected static StopBlockFactory stopBlockFactory; protected ArchiveFilter archiveFilter; protected Authentication authentication; protected Domains domains; protected String applicationVersion = defaultApplicationVersion; protected ADIdentity adIdentity; protected BasicIdentity basicIdentity; protected MailboxConnections mailboxConnections; protected Archiver archiver; protected Indexer indexer; protected Volumes volumes; protected Search search; protected Services services; protected ArrayList<Props> props = new ArrayList<Props>(); protected MilterServerService milterService; protected SMTPServerService smtpService; protected IAPService iapService; protected VolumeInfoService volumeInfoService; protected Agent agent; protected Roles roles; protected EmailFields emailFields; protected LogFiles logFiles; protected VolumeIRService volumeIRService; protected CPUThrottleService throttleService; protected byte[] salt; protected String pbeAlgorithm; protected static ConfigAutoLoadService configAutoLoad = new ConfigAutoLoadService(); protected int exportMaxMessages = 1000; protected int viewMaxMessages = 1000; protected int deleteMaxMessages = 1000; protected int sendMaxMessages = 1000; protected String tempDir; protected FetchMessageCallback callback; static { startup(); System.setProperty("mail.mime.base64.ignoreerrors", "true"); System.setProperty("mail.mime.applefilenames", "true"); } public Config() { } public void init(FetchMessageCallback callback) { if (callback == null) { logger.debug("call back is null."); callback = MessageService.getFetchMessageCallback(); } this.callback = callback; domains = new Domains(); roles = new Roles(); agent = new Agent(); archiveFilter = new ArchiveFilter(); authentication = new Authentication(); adIdentity = new ADIdentity(); basicIdentity = new BasicIdentity(); mailboxConnections = new MailboxConnections(); archiver = new MessageStore(); volumes = new Volumes(); search = new StandardSearch(); services = new Services(); indexer = new MessageIndex(); props = new ArrayList<Props>(); milterService = new MilterServerService(); smtpService = new SMTPServerService(); iapService = new IAPService(); //autoUpdateService = new AutoUpdateService(); emailFields = new EmailFields(); volumeInfoService = new VolumeInfoService(); logFiles = new LogFiles(); volumeIRService = new VolumeIRService(); throttleService = new CPUThrottleService(); registerProps(); } public String getApplicationVersion() { return applicationVersion; } public String getProductName() { return FileSystem.getProductName(); } public FetchMessageCallback getFetchMessageCallback() { if (callback == null) { logger.debug("call back is null."); callback = MessageService.getFetchMessageCallback(); } return callback; } protected void registerProps() { props = new ArrayList<Props>(); props.add(agent); props.add(milterService); props.add(smtpService); props.add(archiveFilter); props.add(authentication); props.add(domains); props.add(adIdentity); props.add(basicIdentity); props.add(mailboxConnections); props.add(archiver); props.add(volumes); props.add(search); props.add(indexer); props.add(roles); props.add(throttleService); } public void registerServices() { services.registerService(smtpService); services.registerService(milterService); services.registerService(iapService); services.registerService(indexer); services.registerService(volumeIRService); services.registerService(configAutoLoad); services.registerService(volumeInfoService); services.registerService(new ReArchiveService()); //services.registerService(throttleService); } public void save(String prefix, Settings prop, String suffix) { } public String getServerConfFile() { return filesystem.getConfigurationPath() + File.separatorChar + "server.conf"; } public Settings loadConfigurationFile(MailArchivaPrincipal principal) throws ConfigurationException { String fileName = getServerConfFile(); logger.debug("loading server settings {location='" + fileName + "'}"); Settings prop = Settings.loadProperties(fileName, "UTF-8"); // record this event Settings debugoutput = (Settings) prop.clone(); debugoutput.setProperty("security.passhrase", "<hidden>");"load config " + debugoutput.toString() + ", " + principal + "}"); logger.debug(debugoutput.toString()); return prop; } public void saveConfigurationFile(MailArchivaPrincipal principal, Settings settings) throws ConfigurationException { synchronized (readWriteLock) { String fileName = getServerConfFile(); logger.debug("saving Settings {location='" + fileName + "'}"); logger.debug(settings.toString());"update config " + settings.toString() + ", " + principal + "}"); String intro = "# " + Config.getConfig().getProductName().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + " Settings File" + System.getProperty("line.separator") + "# Copyright Jamie Band 2008" + System.getProperty("line.separator") + "version = " + getApplicationVersion() + System.getProperty("line.separator"); Settings.saveProperties(fileName, intro, settings, "UTF-8"); } } private String newTempDir() { String tmpDir = System.getProperty(""); if (tmpDir.charAt(tmpDir.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar) tmpDir = tmpDir.substring(0, tmpDir.length() - 1); if (tmpDir == null || tmpDir.length() < 2) { tmpDir = File.separatorChar + "tmp" + File.separatorChar + FileSystem.getProductName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } else { if (!tmpDir.contains(FileSystem.getProductName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) { tmpDir = tmpDir + File.separatorChar + FileSystem.getProductName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } } return tmpDir; } public synchronized Settings loadConfiguration(MailArchivaPrincipal principal) throws ConfigurationException { Settings prop = loadConfigurationFile(principal); setSalt(prop.getProperty(saltKey)); setPBEAlgorithm(ConfigUtil.getString(prop.getProperty(pbeAlgorithmKey), defaultPBEAlgorithm)); //applicationVersion = ConfigUtil.getString(settings.getProperty(applicationVersionKey),defaultApplicationVersion); String tmpDir = prop.getProperty(tempDirKey); if (tmpDir == null) { tempDir = newTempDir(); } else { tempDir = tmpDir; } File tempDirFile = new File(tempDir); if (!tempDirFile.exists()) tempDirFile.mkdirs(); System.setProperty("", tempDir); logger.debug("initializing temp directory"); for (Props setting : props) { setting.loadSettings(null, prop, null); } return prop; } public synchronized Settings saveConfiguration(MailArchivaPrincipal principal) throws ConfigurationException { Settings settings = getSettings(); saveConfigurationFile(principal, settings); return settings; } public Settings getSettings() { Settings currentConfiguration = new Settings(); currentConfiguration.setProperty(pbeAlgorithmKey, getPBEAlgorithm()); if (salt != null) currentConfiguration.setProperty(saltKey, ConfigUtil.toHex(getSalt())); currentConfiguration.setProperty(tempDirKey, tempDir); for (Props settings : props) { settings.saveSettings(null, currentConfiguration, null); } return currentConfiguration; } // legacy public void load(MailArchivaPrincipal principal) throws ConfigurationException { loadSettings(principal); } // legacy public void save(MailArchivaPrincipal principal) throws ConfigurationException { saveSettings(principal, true); } public synchronized void loadSettings(MailArchivaPrincipal principal) throws ConfigurationException { try { configAutoLoad.block(); volumeIRService.block(); loadConfiguration(principal); try { archiver.init(); } catch (MessageStoreException mse) { throw new ConfigurationException("failed to initialize message store.", mse, logger); } adIdentity.loadHostsFileEntry(); basicIdentity.loadXMLFile(); emailFields.loadXMLFile(); try { volumes.loadAllVolumeInfo(); } catch (Exception e) { } notifyUpdateObservers(); } finally { configAutoLoad.unblock(); volumeIRService.unblock(); } } public synchronized void saveSettings(MailArchivaPrincipal principal, boolean updateRemoteServers) throws ConfigurationException { // we dont want changes to trigger configautoload service try { configAutoLoad.block(); volumeIRService.block(); volumes.saveAllVolumeInfo(true); saveConfiguration(principal); basicIdentity.saveXMLFile(); adIdentity.saveHostsFileEntry(); } finally { configAutoLoad.unblock(); volumeIRService.unblock(); } } public ArchiveFilter getArchiveFilter() { return archiveFilter; } public Volumes getVolumes() { return volumes; } public VolumeIRService getVolumeIRService() { return volumeIRService; } public Domains getDomains() { return domains; } public Authentication getAuthentication() { return authentication; } public ADIdentity getADIdentity() { return adIdentity; } public BasicIdentity getBasicIdentity() { return basicIdentity; } public static FileSystem getFileSystem() { return filesystem; } public Indexer getIndex() { return indexer; } public Archiver getArchiver() { return archiver; } public Search getSearch() { return search; } public Services getServices() { return services; } public SMTPServerService getSMTPServerService() { return smtpService; } public MilterServerService getMilterServerService() { return milterService; } public Agent getAgent() { return agent; } public Roles getRoles() { return roles; } public ConfigAutoLoadService getConfigAutoLoadService() { return configAutoLoad; } public EmailFields getEmailFields() { return emailFields; } public LogFiles getLogFiles() { return logFiles; } public String getTempDir() { return tempDir; } public void setTempDir(String tempDir) { this.tempDir = tempDir; } public int getExportMaxMessages() { return exportMaxMessages; } public int getViewMaxMessages() { return viewMaxMessages; } public int getSendMaxMessages() { return sendMaxMessages; } public int getDeleteMaxMessages() { return deleteMaxMessages; } public MailboxConnections getMailboxConnections() { return mailboxConnections; } // static methods public static synchronized Config getConfig() { if (Config.config == null) { Config.config = new Config(); } return Config.config; } public void registerUpdateObserver(UpdateObserver observer) { updateObservers.put(observer, observer); } public void unregisterUpdateObserver(UpdateObserver observer) { updateObservers.remove(observer); } public void notifyUpdateObservers() { for (UpdateObserver observer : updateObservers.values()) { observer.updateConfig(); } } public interface UpdateObserver { public void updateConfig(); } public static void shutdown() { if (Config.config != null) { Config.config.getServices().stopAll(); } shutdown = true; Config.config = null; Config.filesystem.shutdown(); Config.filesystem = null; Config.updateObservers = null; Config.stopBlockFactory.shutdown(); Config.stopBlockFactory = null; } public static void startup() { filesystem = new FileSystem(); stopBlockFactory = new StopBlockFactory(); updateObservers = new WeakHashMap<UpdateObserver, UpdateObserver>(); } public static boolean getShutdown() { return shutdown; } public static StopBlockFactory getStopBlockFactory() { return stopBlockFactory; } public static String getEncKey() { return "tQwe4rZdfjerosd23912As23z"; } public void setPBEAlgorithm(String pbeAlgorithm) { this.pbeAlgorithm = pbeAlgorithm; } public byte[] getSalt() { return salt; } public String getPBEAlgorithm() { return pbeAlgorithm; } private void setSalt(String saltStr) { if (saltStr == null) { // we fake the salt for the moment, as there is too much of a risk that // the admin will lose their entire store because they forgot to // copy the server.conf file (which contains their salt value) //salt = new byte[8]; //new Random().nextBytes(salt); salt = ConfigUtil.fromHex("feadf944dd4d62a5"); } else { salt = ConfigUtil.fromHex(saltStr); } } public VolumeInfoService getVolumeInfoService() { return volumeInfoService; } public Config clone(MailArchivaPrincipal principal) throws ConfigurationException { Config newConfig = new Config(); // for most part we can use properties to clone objects newConfig.init(callback); newConfig.loadConfiguration(principal); // there are a few exceptional cases, where an outside config file is maintained newConfig.volumes = volumes.clone(); // volumeinfo file newConfig.emailFields = emailFields.clone(); // email fields newConfig.basicIdentity = basicIdentity.clone(); // basic identity; newConfig.adIdentity.loadHostsFileEntry(); newConfig.registerProps(); // re-register properties as we cloned them since config was initialized return newConfig; } }