Java tutorial
package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.*; import com.reports.service.Report; import com.reports.service.ReportList; import com.reports.service.ReportService; import com.reports.service.webi.ReportUtils; import com.sterlingcommerce.baseutil.SCXmlUtil; import com.sterlingcommerce.webchannel.core.WCMashupAction; import com.sterlingcommerce.webchannel.utilities.WCMashupHelper; import com.sterlingcommerce.xpedx.webchannel.utilities.XPEDXWCUtils; import com.yantra.yfs.core.YFSSystem; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class XPEDXGetAllReportsAction extends WCMashupAction { List<Report> customReportList; List<Report> standardReportList; List<Report> validCustomReportList; List<Report> dataExchangeReportList; Map<String, List<Report>> mapOfReports; public String getCustomerNo(String customerID) { String[] custDetails = customerID.split("-"); String suffix = custDetails[1]; return suffix; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.sterlingcommerce.webchannel.core.WCMashupAction#execute() * This action class logs onto BI and retrieves a list of all the standard, then custom reports. * It adds the standard reports to the standardReportList * public variable to use on the JSP. Then compares the the user's entitled custom * reports to the list retrieved from BI. If any match, they are added to the ValidCustomReportList public variable to display to the user. */ public String execute() { String username; String password; String authentication; String CMS; String standard_folder_id = ""; String custom_folder_id = ""; HttpHost _target = null; String wcPropertiesFile = ""; XPEDXWCUtils.loadXPEDXSpecficPropertiesIntoYFS(wcPropertiesFile); ReportUtils ru = new ReportUtils(); ArrayList<String> logonTokens = null; try { //ML - changed logic to read CMS Info from property file only once. Map<String, String> CMSLogonDetails = ReportUtils.getCMSLogonDetails(); username = CMSLogonDetails.get("username").toString(); password = CMSLogonDetails.get("password").toString(); authentication = CMSLogonDetails.get("authentication").toString(); standard_folder_id = CMSLogonDetails.get("standard_folder_id").toString(); custom_folder_id = CMSLogonDetails.get("custom_folder_id").toString(); CMS = CMSLogonDetails.get("CMS").toString(); _target = ru.getHttpHost(CMS); //ML:Find out if logonTokens is in session. If not, then go get a new one and store it in the session. //this logic should be reused across this "Report List" page, the "Report Details" page, and the ReportDisplay page to avoid //creating too many sessions and violate the SAP license agreement. logonTokens = (ArrayList) request.getSession().getAttribute("logonTokens"); if ((logonTokens == null) || (logonTokens.size() != 2)) { logonTokens = ru.logonCMS(username, password, authentication, _target); //store the logonTokens in session for future use request.getSession().setAttribute("logonTokens", logonTokens); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Could not logon to BI/CMS using the supplied credentials."); e.printStackTrace(); } Boolean isOK = true; if (logonTokens.size() < 2) { System.out.println("No Tokens Found"); isOK = false; } if (isOK) { try { standardReportList = ru.getAllDocuments(_target, logonTokens.get(0), standard_folder_id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { customReportList = ru.getAllDocuments(_target, logonTokens.get(0), custom_folder_id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } try { getConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } compareRpt(); return SUCCESS; } //Connection To DW Oracle Server public void getConnection() throws SQLException { String XCOM_MST_CUST = getCustomerNo(getWCContext().getBuyerOrgCode()); String DBUrl = YFSSystem.getProperty("datasource_url"); String DBName = YFSSystem.getProperty("datasource_name"); //String DBUrl= "t3://localhost:7002"; //String DBName= "SeptJNDI"; Connection connection = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; XPEDXReportBean rpBean = null; try { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory"); ht.put("java.naming.provider.url", DBUrl); Context env = new InitialContext(ht); //InitialContext context = new InitialContext(ht); DataSource dataSource = (DataSource) env.lookup(DBName); connection = dataSource.getConnection(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Connection successful.."); } //String schemaName=YFSSystem.getProperty("schemaname"); //String Query="select distinct RPT_CUID, RPT_NAME,RPT_ID,RPT_KIND, RPT_DESC from " + schemaName + ".xpedx_custom_rpt_dtl where XCOM_MST_CUST=" + "'"+ XCOM_MST_CUST +"'"+"AND CUST_ROLE in ("; String Query = "select distinct RPT_CUID, RPT_NAME,RPT_ID,RPT_KIND, RPT_DESC from DH.xpedx_custom_rpt_dtl where XCOM_MST_CUST=" + "'" + XCOM_MST_CUST + "'" + "AND CUST_ROLE in ("; Query = getUserRole(Query); stmt = connection.createStatement(); boolean test = stmt.execute(Query); dataExchangeReportList = new ArrayList<Report>(); if (test == true) { rs = stmt.getResultSet(); while ( { Report report = new Report(); report.setCuid(rs.getString("RPT_CUID")); report.setName(rs.getString("RPT_NAME")); report.setKind(rs.getString("RPT_KIND")); report.setId(rs.getInt("RPT_ID")); report.setDescription(rs.getString("RPT_DESC")); dataExchangeReportList.add(report); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("Not able to connect to DEV Datasource:->" + e.getMessage()); } finally { stmt.close(); connection.close(); } } //Mashup Start public String getUserRole(String Query) throws Exception { String loginId = wcContext.getLoggedInUserId(); Document outputDoc = null; String query = Query; Map<String, String> valueMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); valueMap.put("/User/@Loginid", loginId); Element input = WCMashupHelper.getMashupInput("XPEDXGetUserRole", valueMap, wcContext.getSCUIContext()); String inputXml = SCXmlUtil.getString(input); log.debug("Input XML For Getting User Role : " + inputXml); Object obj = WCMashupHelper.invokeMashup("XPEDXGetUserRole", input, wcContext.getSCUIContext()); outputDoc = ((Element) obj).getOwnerDocument(); if (null != outputDoc) { log.debug("Output XML For Getting User Role : " + SCXmlUtil.getString((Element) obj)); NodeList list = SCXmlUtil.getXpathNodes(outputDoc.getDocumentElement(), "/UserList/User/UserGroupLists/UserGroupList"); Element reqNode; for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { reqNode = (Element) list.item(i); String UOM = reqNode.getAttribute("UsergroupKey"); log.debug("Roles:++++" + UOM); if (i == (list.getLength() - 1)) { query = query + "'" + UOM + "'"; } else { query = query + "'" + UOM + "',"; } } query = query + ")"; } return query; } //Mashup End public void compareRpt() { validCustomReportList = new ArrayList<Report>(); if (customReportList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < customReportList.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dataExchangeReportList.size(); j++) { if (customReportList.get(i).getCuid().equals(dataExchangeReportList.get(j).getCuid())) { Report valReport = new Report(); valReport.setCuid(customReportList.get(i).getCuid()); valReport.setDescription(customReportList.get(i).getDescription()); valReport.setId(customReportList.get(i).getId()); valReport.setKind(customReportList.get(i).getKind()); valReport.setName(customReportList.get(i).getName()); validCustomReportList.add(valReport); } } } } } public List<Report> getCustomReportList() { return customReportList; } public void setCustomReportList(List<Report> customReportList) { this.customReportList = customReportList; } public List<Report> getStandardReportList() { return standardReportList; } public void setStandardReportList(List<Report> standardReportList) { this.standardReportList = standardReportList; } public List<Report> getValidCustomReportList() { return validCustomReportList; } public void setValidCustomReportList(List<Report> validCustomReportList) { this.validCustomReportList = validCustomReportList; } public List<Report> getDataExchangeReportList() { return dataExchangeReportList; } public void setDataExchangeReportList(List<Report> dataExchangeReportList) { this.dataExchangeReportList = dataExchangeReportList; } private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(XPEDXGetAllReportsAction.class); }