Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of EntityEdit. * * EntityEdit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * EntityEdit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with EntityEdit. If not, see <>. */ package com.stefensharkey.entityedit.command; import com.stefensharkey.entityedit.util.Utils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.TabExecutor; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class CommandEnchant implements TabExecutor { @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) { Player player = (Player) sender; LivingEntity entity = Utils.getEntityInCrosshairs(player); ArrayList<String> argsList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String arg : args) { argsList.add(arg.toUpperCase()); } if (entity != null) { if (args.length < 3) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "At least one enchantment is required."); return false; } else { if (argsList.contains("-h") || argsList.contains("-c") || argsList.contains("-l") || argsList.contains("-b")) { if (argsList.contains("-h")) { ArrayList<String> helmEnchants; String helmArgs = StringUtils.join(argsList, " "); helmEnchants = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(helmArgs .substring(helmArgs.indexOf("-h", helmArgs.indexOf("-", helmArgs.indexOf("-h")))) .split(" "))); if (argsList.size() > argsList.indexOf("-h") + 1) { Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchantMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String enchant : helmEnchants) { enchantMap.put(Enchantment.getByName(enchant), 1); } entity.getEquipment().getHelmet().addEnchantments(enchantMap); } else { if (entity.getEquipment().getHelmet().hasItemMeta()) { entity.getEquipment().getHelmet().getEnchantments().clear(); } } } if (argsList.contains("-c")) { ArrayList<String> chestplateEnchantments; String chestplateArgs = StringUtils.join(argsList, " "); chestplateEnchantments = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList(chestplateArgs .substring(chestplateArgs.indexOf("-c", chestplateArgs.indexOf("-", chestplateArgs.indexOf("-c")))) .split(" "))); if (argsList.size() > argsList.indexOf("-c") + 1) { Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchantMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String enchant : chestplateEnchantments) { enchantMap.put(Enchantment.getByName(enchant), 1); } entity.getEquipment().getChestplate().addEnchantments(enchantMap); } else { if (entity.getEquipment().getChestplate().hasItemMeta()) { entity.getEquipment().getChestplate().getEnchantments().clear(); } } } if (argsList.contains("-l")) { ArrayList<String> leggingEnchantments; String leggingArgs = StringUtils.join(argsList, " "); leggingEnchantments = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList( leggingArgs .substring(leggingArgs.indexOf("-l", leggingArgs.indexOf("-", leggingArgs.indexOf("-l")))) .split(" "))); if (argsList.size() > argsList.indexOf("-l") + 1) { Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchantMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String enchant : leggingEnchantments) { enchantMap.put(Enchantment.getByName(enchant), 1); } entity.getEquipment().getLeggings().addEnchantments(enchantMap); } else { if (entity.getEquipment().getLeggings().hasItemMeta()) { entity.getEquipment().getLeggings().getEnchantments().clear(); } } } if (argsList.contains("-b")) { ArrayList<String> bootEnchantments; String bootArgs = StringUtils.join(argsList, " "); bootEnchantments = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(bootArgs .substring(bootArgs.indexOf("-b", bootArgs.indexOf("-", bootArgs.indexOf("-b")))) .split(" "))); if (argsList.size() > argsList.indexOf("-b") + 1) { Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchantMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String enchant : bootEnchantments) { enchantMap.put(Enchantment.getByName(enchant), 1); } entity.getEquipment().getBoots().addEnchantments(enchantMap); } else { if (entity.getEquipment().getBoots().hasItemMeta()) { entity.getEquipment().getBoots().getEnchantments().clear(); } } } return true; } sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Syntax error."); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "/entityedit enchant <[-clear] [-h [enchantments]] [-c [enchantments]] [-l [enchantments]] [-b [enchantments]]>"); return false; } } sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "No entities found."); return true; } @Override public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) { ArrayList<String> enchantments = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> argsList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(args)); if (argsList.contains("-h") || argsList.contains("-c") || argsList.contains("-l") || argsList.contains("-b")) { for (Enchantment enchantment : Enchantment.values()) { enchantments.add(enchantment.toString()); } Collections.sort(enchantments); return enchantments; } return null; } }