Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2011 StackMob * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.stackmob.sdk.api; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.stackmob.sdk.api.StackMob.OAuthVersion; import com.stackmob.sdk.util.StackMobCookieManager; import com.stackmob.sdk.util.StackMobLogger; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import javax.crypto.Mac; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; /** * Represent information about a users's login with StackMob. This class is only meant to be used within the SDK */ public class StackMobSession { private static String SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM = "HmacSHA1"; private String key; private String secret; private String userObjectName; private String userIdName; private int apiVersionNumber; private String lastUserLoginName; private long serverTimeDiff = 0; private OAuthVersion oauthVersion; private String oauth2Token; private String oauth2MacKey; private String oauth2RefreshToken; private Date oauth2TokenExpiration; private Boolean httpsOverride = null; private StackMobCookieManager cookieManager = new StackMobCookieManager(); private StackMobLogger logger = new StackMobLogger(); protected String userAgentName = "Java Client"; protected Map<String, String> cachedRedirects = new HashMap<String, String>(); public StackMobSession(OAuthVersion oauthVersion, int apiVersionNumber, String key, String secret, String userObjectName, String userIdName) { this.oauthVersion = oauthVersion; this.key = key; this.secret = secret; this.userObjectName = userObjectName; this.userIdName = userIdName; this.apiVersionNumber = apiVersionNumber; } public StackMobSession(StackMobSession that) { this.oauthVersion = that.oauthVersion; this.key = that.key; this.secret = that.secret; this.userObjectName = that.userObjectName; this.userIdName = that.userIdName; this.apiVersionNumber = that.apiVersionNumber; this.serverTimeDiff = that.serverTimeDiff; this.oauth2Token = that.oauth2Token; this.oauth2MacKey = that.oauth2MacKey; this.oauth2TokenExpiration = that.oauth2TokenExpiration; this.cookieManager = that.cookieManager; this.logger = that.logger; this.userAgentName = that.userAgentName; } public String getKey() { return key; } public String getSecret() { return secret; } public String getUserObjectName() { return userObjectName; } public String getUserIdName() { return userIdName; } public int getApiVersionNumber() { return apiVersionNumber; } protected long getLocalTime() { return new Date().getTime() / 1000; } public long getServerTime() { if (getServerTimeDiff() != 0) { logger.logDebug("Adjusting time for server by %d seconds", getServerTimeDiff()); } return getServerTimeDiff() + getLocalTime(); } public void recordServerTimeDiff(String timeHeader) { logger.logDebug("Got a time header of: %s", timeHeader); try { long serverTime = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz").parse(timeHeader).getTime() / 1000; logger.logDebug("Got a server time of %d versus local time %d", serverTime, getLocalTime()); saveServerTimeDiff(serverTime - getLocalTime()); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } protected void saveServerTimeDiff(long serverTimeDiff) { this.serverTimeDiff = serverTimeDiff; } protected long getServerTimeDiff() { return serverTimeDiff; } public void setLastUserLoginName(String username) { lastUserLoginName = username; } public String getLastUserLoginName() { return lastUserLoginName; } public void setEnableHTTPS(boolean enableHTTPS) { this.httpsOverride = enableHTTPS; } public void setHTTPSOverride(Boolean enableHTTPS) { this.httpsOverride = enableHTTPS; } public Boolean getHTTPSOverride() { return httpsOverride; } public OAuthVersion getOAuthVersion() { return oauthVersion; } public void setOAuthVersion(OAuthVersion oauthVersion) { this.oauthVersion = oauthVersion; } public boolean isOAuth2() { return oauthVersion == StackMob.OAuthVersion.Two; } public void setOAuth2TokensAndExpiration(String accessToken, String macKey, String refreshToken, int seconds) { setOAuth2TokensAndExpiration(accessToken, macKey, refreshToken, new Date(new Date().getTime() + seconds * 1000)); } protected void setOAuth2TokensAndExpiration(String accessToken, String macKey, String refreshToken, Date expiration) { oauth2Token = accessToken; oauth2MacKey = macKey; oauth2RefreshToken = refreshToken; oauth2TokenExpiration = expiration; } public Date getOAuth2TokenExpiration() { return oauth2TokenExpiration; } public boolean oauth2TokenValid() { return oauth2TokenExpiration != null && oauth2TokenExpiration.after(new Date()); } public boolean oauth2RefreshTokenValid() { return oauth2RefreshToken != null; } public String getOAuth2RefreshToken() { return oauth2RefreshToken; } public void setRedirect(String oldHost, String newHost, boolean persist) { cachedRedirects.put(oldHost, newHost); } public String getRedirect(String host) { if (cachedRedirects.containsKey(host)) { return cachedRedirects.get(host); } else { return host; } } public void setCookieManager(StackMobCookieManager store) { cookieManager = store; } public StackMobCookieManager getCookieManager() { return cookieManager; } /** * Set a custom logger to log events. The defaults are System.out in the java sdk and logcat on Android * @param logger the logger to use */ public void setLogger(StackMobLogger logger) { this.logger = logger; } /** * Access the current logger * @return the logger being used to receive events */ public StackMobLogger getLogger() { return logger; } public String getUserAgent() { return String.format("StackMob (%s; %s)", userAgentName, StackMob.getVersion()); } public String generateMacToken(String method, String uri, String host, String port) { String ts = String.valueOf(new Date().getTime() / 1000); String nonce = String.format("n%d", Math.round(Math.random() * 10000)); try { String baseString = getNormalizedRequestString(ts, nonce, method, uri, host, port); Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM); SecretKeySpec spec = new SecretKeySpec(oauth2MacKey.getBytes(), SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM); try { mac.init(spec); } catch (InvalidKeyException ike) { throw new IllegalStateException(ike); } byte[] rawMacBytes = mac.doFinal(baseString.getBytes()); byte[] b64Bytes = Base64.encodeBase64(rawMacBytes); String calculatedMac = new String(b64Bytes); return String.format("MAC id=\"%s\",ts=\"%s\",nonce=\"%s\",mac=\"%s\"", oauth2Token, ts, nonce, calculatedMac); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("This device doesn't have SHA1"); } } private String getNormalizedRequestString(String timestamp, String nonce, String method, String uri, String host, String port) { return new StringBuilder(timestamp).append("\n").append(nonce).append("\n").append(method).append("\n") .append(uri).append("\n").append(host).append("\n").append(port).append("\n\n").toString(); } }