Java tutorial
/** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.ssamples.hbase.stochasticbalancer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterMetrics; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseIOException; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HDFSBlocksDistribution; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerMetrics; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ServerName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionReplicaUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.LoadBalancer; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.MasterServices; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RackManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.RegionPlan; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.assignment.AssignmentManager; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.assignment.RegionStates; import com.ssamples.hbase.stochasticbalancer.ClusterLoadState; import com.ssamples.hbase.stochasticbalancer.BaseLoadBalancer.Cluster.Action.Type; import com.ssamples.hbase.stochasticbalancer.MetricsBalancer; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The base class for load balancers. It provides the the functions used to by * {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.assignment.AssignmentManager} to assign regions * in the edge cases. It doesn't provide an implementation of the * actual balancing algorithm. * */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public abstract class BaseLoadBalancer implements LoadBalancer { protected static final int MIN_SERVER_BALANCE = 2; private volatile boolean stopped = false; private static final List<RegionInfo> EMPTY_REGION_LIST = Collections.emptyList(); static final Predicate<ServerMetrics> IDLE_SERVER_PREDICATOR = load -> load.getRegionMetrics().isEmpty(); protected RegionLocationFinder regionFinder; protected boolean useRegionFinder; private static class DefaultRackManager extends RackManager { @Override public String getRack(ServerName server) { return UNKNOWN_RACK; } } /** * The constructor that uses the basic MetricsBalancer */ protected BaseLoadBalancer() { metricsBalancer = new MetricsBalancer(); createRegionFinder(); } /** * This Constructor accepts an instance of MetricsBalancer, * which will be used instead of creating a new one */ protected BaseLoadBalancer(MetricsBalancer metricsBalancer) { this.metricsBalancer = (metricsBalancer != null) ? metricsBalancer : new MetricsBalancer(); createRegionFinder(); } private void createRegionFinder() { useRegionFinder = config.getBoolean("hbase.master.balancer.uselocality", true); if (useRegionFinder) { regionFinder = new RegionLocationFinder(); } } /** * An efficient array based implementation similar to ClusterState for keeping * the status of the cluster in terms of region assignment and distribution. * LoadBalancers, such as StochasticLoadBalancer uses this Cluster object because of * hundreds of thousands of hashmap manipulations are very costly, which is why this * class uses mostly indexes and arrays. * * Cluster tracks a list of unassigned regions, region assignments, and the server * topology in terms of server names, hostnames and racks. */ protected static class Cluster { ServerName[] servers; String[] hosts; // ServerName uniquely identifies a region server. multiple RS can run on the same host String[] racks; boolean multiServersPerHost = false; // whether or not any host has more than one server ArrayList<String> tables; RegionInfo[] regions; Deque<BalancerRegionLoad>[] regionLoads; private RegionLocationFinder regionFinder; int[][] regionLocations; //regionIndex -> list of serverIndex sorted by locality int[] serverIndexToHostIndex; //serverIndex -> host index int[] serverIndexToRackIndex; //serverIndex -> rack index int[][] regionsPerServer; //serverIndex -> region list int[][] regionsPerHost; //hostIndex -> list of regions int[][] regionsPerRack; //rackIndex -> region list int[][] primariesOfRegionsPerServer; //serverIndex -> sorted list of regions by primary region index int[][] primariesOfRegionsPerHost; //hostIndex -> sorted list of regions by primary region index int[][] primariesOfRegionsPerRack; //rackIndex -> sorted list of regions by primary region index int[][] serversPerHost; //hostIndex -> list of server indexes int[][] serversPerRack; //rackIndex -> list of server indexes int[] regionIndexToServerIndex; //regionIndex -> serverIndex int[] initialRegionIndexToServerIndex; //regionIndex -> serverIndex (initial cluster state) int[] regionIndexToTableIndex; //regionIndex -> tableIndex int[][] numRegionsPerServerPerTable; //serverIndex -> tableIndex -> # regions int[] numMaxRegionsPerTable; //tableIndex -> max number of regions in a single RS int[] regionIndexToPrimaryIndex; //regionIndex -> regionIndex of the primary boolean hasRegionReplicas = false; //whether there is regions with replicas Integer[] serverIndicesSortedByRegionCount; Integer[] serverIndicesSortedByLocality; Integer[] serverToWeight; Map<String, Integer> serversToIndex; Map<String, Integer> hostsToIndex; Map<String, Integer> racksToIndex; Map<String, Integer> tablesToIndex; Map<RegionInfo, Integer> regionsToIndex; float[] localityPerServer; int numServers; int numHosts; int numRacks; int numTables; int numRegions; int numMovedRegions = 0; //num moved regions from the initial configuration Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> clusterState; protected final RackManager rackManager; // Maps region -> rackIndex -> locality of region on rack private float[][] rackLocalities; // Maps localityType -> region -> [server|rack]Index with highest locality private int[][] regionsToMostLocalEntities; protected Cluster(Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> clusterState, Map<String, Deque<BalancerRegionLoad>> loads, RegionLocationFinder regionFinder, RackManager rackManager) { this(null, clusterState, loads, regionFinder, rackManager, null); } protected Cluster(Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> clusterState, Map<String, Deque<BalancerRegionLoad>> loads, RegionLocationFinder regionFinder, RackManager rackManager, Map<ServerName, Integer> serversWeights) { this(null, clusterState, loads, regionFinder, rackManager, serversWeights); } protected Cluster(Collection<RegionInfo> unassignedRegions, Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> clusterState, Map<String, Deque<BalancerRegionLoad>> loads, RegionLocationFinder regionFinder, RackManager rackManager) { this(unassignedRegions, clusterState, loads, regionFinder, rackManager, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Cluster(Collection<RegionInfo> unassignedRegions, Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> clusterState, Map<String, Deque<BalancerRegionLoad>> loads, RegionLocationFinder regionFinder, RackManager rackManager, Map<ServerName, Integer> serversWeights) { if (unassignedRegions == null) { unassignedRegions = EMPTY_REGION_LIST; } serversToIndex = new HashMap<>(); hostsToIndex = new HashMap<>(); racksToIndex = new HashMap<>(); tablesToIndex = new HashMap<>(); //TODO: We should get the list of tables from master tables = new ArrayList<>(); this.rackManager = rackManager != null ? rackManager : new DefaultRackManager(); numRegions = 0; List<List<Integer>> serversPerHostList = new ArrayList<>(); List<List<Integer>> serversPerRackList = new ArrayList<>(); this.clusterState = clusterState; this.regionFinder = regionFinder; // Use servername and port as there can be dead servers in this list. We want everything with // a matching hostname and port to have the same index. for (ServerName sn : clusterState.keySet()) { if (sn == null) { LOG.warn("TODO: Enable TRACE on BaseLoadBalancer. Empty servername); " + "skipping; unassigned regions?"); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("EMPTY SERVERNAME " + clusterState.toString()); } continue; } if (serversToIndex.get(sn.getAddress().toString()) == null) { serversToIndex.put(sn.getHostAndPort(), numServers++); } if (!hostsToIndex.containsKey(sn.getHostname())) { hostsToIndex.put(sn.getHostname(), numHosts++); serversPerHostList.add(new ArrayList<>(1)); } int serverIndex = serversToIndex.get(sn.getHostAndPort()); int hostIndex = hostsToIndex.get(sn.getHostname()); serversPerHostList.get(hostIndex).add(serverIndex); String rack = this.rackManager.getRack(sn); if (!racksToIndex.containsKey(rack)) { racksToIndex.put(rack, numRacks++); serversPerRackList.add(new ArrayList<>()); } int rackIndex = racksToIndex.get(rack); serversPerRackList.get(rackIndex).add(serverIndex); } // Count how many regions there are. for (Entry<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> entry : clusterState.entrySet()) { numRegions += entry.getValue().size(); } numRegions += unassignedRegions.size(); regionsToIndex = new HashMap<>(numRegions); servers = new ServerName[numServers]; serversPerHost = new int[numHosts][]; serversPerRack = new int[numRacks][]; regions = new RegionInfo[numRegions]; regionIndexToServerIndex = new int[numRegions]; initialRegionIndexToServerIndex = new int[numRegions]; regionIndexToTableIndex = new int[numRegions]; regionIndexToPrimaryIndex = new int[numRegions]; regionLoads = new Deque[numRegions]; regionLocations = new int[numRegions][]; serverIndicesSortedByRegionCount = new Integer[numServers]; serverToWeight = new Integer[numServers]; serverIndicesSortedByLocality = new Integer[numServers]; localityPerServer = new float[numServers]; serverIndexToHostIndex = new int[numServers]; serverIndexToRackIndex = new int[numServers]; regionsPerServer = new int[numServers][]; regionsPerHost = new int[numHosts][]; regionsPerRack = new int[numRacks][]; primariesOfRegionsPerServer = new int[numServers][]; primariesOfRegionsPerHost = new int[numHosts][]; primariesOfRegionsPerRack = new int[numRacks][]; int tableIndex = 0, regionIndex = 0, regionPerServerIndex = 0; for (Entry<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> entry : clusterState.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() == null) { LOG.warn("SERVERNAME IS NULL, skipping " + entry.getValue()); continue; } int serverIndex = serversToIndex.get(entry.getKey().getHostAndPort()); serverToWeight[serverIndex] = serversWeights.get(entry.getKey()); // keep the servername if this is the first server name for this hostname // or this servername has the newest startcode. if (servers[serverIndex] == null || servers[serverIndex].getStartcode() < entry.getKey().getStartcode()) { servers[serverIndex] = entry.getKey(); } if (regionsPerServer[serverIndex] != null) { // there is another server with the same hostAndPort in ClusterState. // allocate the array for the total size regionsPerServer[serverIndex] = new int[entry.getValue().size() + regionsPerServer[serverIndex].length]; } else { regionsPerServer[serverIndex] = new int[entry.getValue().size()]; } primariesOfRegionsPerServer[serverIndex] = new int[regionsPerServer[serverIndex].length]; serverIndicesSortedByRegionCount[serverIndex] = serverIndex; serverIndicesSortedByLocality[serverIndex] = serverIndex; } hosts = new String[numHosts]; for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : hostsToIndex.entrySet()) { hosts[entry.getValue()] = entry.getKey(); } racks = new String[numRacks]; for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : racksToIndex.entrySet()) { racks[entry.getValue()] = entry.getKey(); } for (Entry<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> entry : clusterState.entrySet()) { int serverIndex = serversToIndex.get(entry.getKey().getHostAndPort()); regionPerServerIndex = 0; int hostIndex = hostsToIndex.get(entry.getKey().getHostname()); serverIndexToHostIndex[serverIndex] = hostIndex; int rackIndex = racksToIndex.get(this.rackManager.getRack(entry.getKey())); serverIndexToRackIndex[serverIndex] = rackIndex; for (RegionInfo region : entry.getValue()) { registerRegion(region, regionIndex, serverIndex, loads, regionFinder); regionsPerServer[serverIndex][regionPerServerIndex++] = regionIndex; regionIndex++; } } for (RegionInfo region : unassignedRegions) { registerRegion(region, regionIndex, -1, loads, regionFinder); regionIndex++; } for (int i = 0; i < serversPerHostList.size(); i++) { serversPerHost[i] = new int[serversPerHostList.get(i).size()]; for (int j = 0; j < serversPerHost[i].length; j++) { serversPerHost[i][j] = serversPerHostList.get(i).get(j); } if (serversPerHost[i].length > 1) { multiServersPerHost = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < serversPerRackList.size(); i++) { serversPerRack[i] = new int[serversPerRackList.get(i).size()]; for (int j = 0; j < serversPerRack[i].length; j++) { serversPerRack[i][j] = serversPerRackList.get(i).get(j); } } numTables = tables.size(); numRegionsPerServerPerTable = new int[numServers][numTables]; for (int i = 0; i < numServers; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numTables; j++) { numRegionsPerServerPerTable[i][j] = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < regionIndexToServerIndex.length; i++) { if (regionIndexToServerIndex[i] >= 0) { numRegionsPerServerPerTable[regionIndexToServerIndex[i]][regionIndexToTableIndex[i]]++; } } numMaxRegionsPerTable = new int[numTables]; for (int[] aNumRegionsPerServerPerTable : numRegionsPerServerPerTable) { for (tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < aNumRegionsPerServerPerTable.length; tableIndex++) { if (aNumRegionsPerServerPerTable[tableIndex] > numMaxRegionsPerTable[tableIndex]) { numMaxRegionsPerTable[tableIndex] = aNumRegionsPerServerPerTable[tableIndex]; } } } for (int i = 0; i < regions.length; i++) { RegionInfo info = regions[i]; if (RegionReplicaUtil.isDefaultReplica(info)) { regionIndexToPrimaryIndex[i] = i; } else { hasRegionReplicas = true; RegionInfo primaryInfo = RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForDefaultReplica(info); regionIndexToPrimaryIndex[i] = regionsToIndex.getOrDefault(primaryInfo, -1); } } for (int i = 0; i < regionsPerServer.length; i++) { primariesOfRegionsPerServer[i] = new int[regionsPerServer[i].length]; for (int j = 0; j < regionsPerServer[i].length; j++) { int primaryIndex = regionIndexToPrimaryIndex[regionsPerServer[i][j]]; primariesOfRegionsPerServer[i][j] = primaryIndex; } // sort the regions by primaries. Arrays.sort(primariesOfRegionsPerServer[i]); } // compute regionsPerHost if (multiServersPerHost) { for (int i = 0; i < serversPerHost.length; i++) { int numRegionsPerHost = 0; for (int j = 0; j < serversPerHost[i].length; j++) { numRegionsPerHost += regionsPerServer[serversPerHost[i][j]].length; } regionsPerHost[i] = new int[numRegionsPerHost]; primariesOfRegionsPerHost[i] = new int[numRegionsPerHost]; } for (int i = 0; i < serversPerHost.length; i++) { int numRegionPerHostIndex = 0; for (int j = 0; j < serversPerHost[i].length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < regionsPerServer[serversPerHost[i][j]].length; k++) { int region = regionsPerServer[serversPerHost[i][j]][k]; regionsPerHost[i][numRegionPerHostIndex] = region; int primaryIndex = regionIndexToPrimaryIndex[region]; primariesOfRegionsPerHost[i][numRegionPerHostIndex] = primaryIndex; numRegionPerHostIndex++; } } // sort the regions by primaries. Arrays.sort(primariesOfRegionsPerHost[i]); } } // compute regionsPerRack if (numRacks > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < serversPerRack.length; i++) { int numRegionsPerRack = 0; for (int j = 0; j < serversPerRack[i].length; j++) { numRegionsPerRack += regionsPerServer[serversPerRack[i][j]].length; } regionsPerRack[i] = new int[numRegionsPerRack]; primariesOfRegionsPerRack[i] = new int[numRegionsPerRack]; } for (int i = 0; i < serversPerRack.length; i++) { int numRegionPerRackIndex = 0; for (int j = 0; j < serversPerRack[i].length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < regionsPerServer[serversPerRack[i][j]].length; k++) { int region = regionsPerServer[serversPerRack[i][j]][k]; regionsPerRack[i][numRegionPerRackIndex] = region; int primaryIndex = regionIndexToPrimaryIndex[region]; primariesOfRegionsPerRack[i][numRegionPerRackIndex] = primaryIndex; numRegionPerRackIndex++; } } // sort the regions by primaries. Arrays.sort(primariesOfRegionsPerRack[i]); } } } /** Helper for Cluster constructor to handle a region */ private void registerRegion(RegionInfo region, int regionIndex, int serverIndex, Map<String, Deque<BalancerRegionLoad>> loads, RegionLocationFinder regionFinder) { String tableName = region.getTable().getNameAsString(); if (!tablesToIndex.containsKey(tableName)) { tables.add(tableName); tablesToIndex.put(tableName, tablesToIndex.size()); } int tableIndex = tablesToIndex.get(tableName); regionsToIndex.put(region, regionIndex); regions[regionIndex] = region; regionIndexToServerIndex[regionIndex] = serverIndex; initialRegionIndexToServerIndex[regionIndex] = serverIndex; regionIndexToTableIndex[regionIndex] = tableIndex; // region load if (loads != null) { Deque<BalancerRegionLoad> rl = loads.get(region.getRegionNameAsString()); // That could have failed if the RegionLoad is using the other regionName if (rl == null) { // Try getting the region load using encoded name. rl = loads.get(region.getEncodedName()); } regionLoads[regionIndex] = rl; } if (regionFinder != null) { // region location List<ServerName> loc = regionFinder.getTopBlockLocations(region); regionLocations[regionIndex] = new int[loc.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < loc.size(); i++) { regionLocations[regionIndex][i] = loc.get(i) == null ? -1 : (serversToIndex.get(loc.get(i).getHostAndPort()) == null ? -1 : serversToIndex.get(loc.get(i).getHostAndPort())); } } } /** * Returns true iff a given server has less regions than the balanced amount */ public boolean serverHasTooFewRegions(int server) { int minLoad = this.numRegions / numServers; int numRegions = getNumRegions(server); return numRegions < minLoad; } /** * Retrieves and lazily initializes a field storing the locality of * every region/server combination */ public float[][] getOrComputeRackLocalities() { if (rackLocalities == null || regionsToMostLocalEntities == null) { computeCachedLocalities(); } return rackLocalities; } /** * Lazily initializes and retrieves a mapping of region -> server for which region has * the highest the locality */ public int[] getOrComputeRegionsToMostLocalEntities(LocalityType type) { if (rackLocalities == null || regionsToMostLocalEntities == null) { computeCachedLocalities(); } return regionsToMostLocalEntities[type.ordinal()]; } /** * Looks up locality from cache of localities. Will create cache if it does * not already exist. */ public float getOrComputeLocality(int region, int entity, LocalityType type) { switch (type) { case SERVER: return getLocalityOfRegion(region, entity); case RACK: return getOrComputeRackLocalities()[region][entity]; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported LocalityType: " + type); } } /** * Returns locality weighted by region size in MB. Will create locality cache * if it does not already exist. */ public double getOrComputeWeightedLocality(int region, int server, LocalityType type) { return getRegionSizeMB(region) * getOrComputeLocality(region, server, type); } /** * Returns the size in MB from the most recent RegionLoad for region */ public int getRegionSizeMB(int region) { Deque<BalancerRegionLoad> load = regionLoads[region]; // This means regions have no actual data on disk if (load == null) { return 0; } return regionLoads[region].getLast().getStorefileSizeMB(); } /** * Computes and caches the locality for each region/rack combinations, * as well as storing a mapping of region -> server and region -> rack such that server * and rack have the highest locality for region */ private void computeCachedLocalities() { rackLocalities = new float[numRegions][numRacks]; regionsToMostLocalEntities = new int[LocalityType.values().length][numRegions]; // Compute localities and find most local server per region for (int region = 0; region < numRegions; region++) { int serverWithBestLocality = 0; float bestLocalityForRegion = 0; for (int server = 0; server < numServers; server++) { // Aggregate per-rack locality float locality = getLocalityOfRegion(region, server); int rack = serverIndexToRackIndex[server]; int numServersInRack = serversPerRack[rack].length; rackLocalities[region][rack] += locality / numServersInRack; if (locality > bestLocalityForRegion) { serverWithBestLocality = server; bestLocalityForRegion = locality; } } regionsToMostLocalEntities[LocalityType.SERVER.ordinal()][region] = serverWithBestLocality; // Find most local rack per region int rackWithBestLocality = 0; float bestRackLocalityForRegion = 0.0f; for (int rack = 0; rack < numRacks; rack++) { float rackLocality = rackLocalities[region][rack]; if (rackLocality > bestRackLocalityForRegion) { bestRackLocalityForRegion = rackLocality; rackWithBestLocality = rack; } } regionsToMostLocalEntities[LocalityType.RACK.ordinal()][region] = rackWithBestLocality; } } /** * Maps region index to rack index */ public int getRackForRegion(int region) { return serverIndexToRackIndex[regionIndexToServerIndex[region]]; } enum LocalityType { SERVER, RACK } /** An action to move or swap a region */ public static class Action { public enum Type { ASSIGN_REGION, MOVE_REGION, SWAP_REGIONS, NULL, } public Type type; public Action(Type type) { this.type = type; } /** Returns an Action which would undo this action */ public Action undoAction() { return this; } @Override public String toString() { return type + ":"; } } public static class AssignRegionAction extends Action { public int region; public int server; public AssignRegionAction(int region, int server) { super(Type.ASSIGN_REGION); this.region = region; this.server = server; } @Override public Action undoAction() { // TODO implement this. This action is not being used by the StochasticLB for now // in case it uses it, we should implement this function. throw new NotImplementedException(HConstants.NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } @Override public String toString() { return type + ": " + region + ":" + server; } } public static class MoveRegionAction extends Action { public int region; public int fromServer; public int toServer; public MoveRegionAction(int region, int fromServer, int toServer) { super(Type.MOVE_REGION); this.fromServer = fromServer; this.region = region; this.toServer = toServer; } @Override public Action undoAction() { return new MoveRegionAction(region, toServer, fromServer); } @Override public String toString() { return type + ": " + region + ":" + fromServer + " -> " + toServer; } } public static class SwapRegionsAction extends Action { public int fromServer; public int fromRegion; public int toServer; public int toRegion; public SwapRegionsAction(int fromServer, int fromRegion, int toServer, int toRegion) { super(Type.SWAP_REGIONS); this.fromServer = fromServer; this.fromRegion = fromRegion; this.toServer = toServer; this.toRegion = toRegion; } @Override public Action undoAction() { return new SwapRegionsAction(fromServer, toRegion, toServer, fromRegion); } @Override public String toString() { return type + ": " + fromRegion + ":" + fromServer + " <-> " + toRegion + ":" + toServer; } } @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "NM_FIELD_NAMING_CONVENTION", justification = "Mistake. Too disruptive to change now") public static final Action NullAction = new Action(Type.NULL); public void doAction(Action action) { switch (action.type) { case NULL: break; case ASSIGN_REGION: // FindBugs: Having the assert quietens FB BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST warnings assert action instanceof AssignRegionAction : action.getClass(); AssignRegionAction ar = (AssignRegionAction) action; regionsPerServer[ar.server] = addRegion(regionsPerServer[ar.server], ar.region); regionMoved(ar.region, -1, ar.server); break; case MOVE_REGION: assert action instanceof MoveRegionAction : action.getClass(); MoveRegionAction mra = (MoveRegionAction) action; regionsPerServer[mra.fromServer] = removeRegion(regionsPerServer[mra.fromServer], mra.region); regionsPerServer[mra.toServer] = addRegion(regionsPerServer[mra.toServer], mra.region); regionMoved(mra.region, mra.fromServer, mra.toServer); break; case SWAP_REGIONS: assert action instanceof SwapRegionsAction : action.getClass(); SwapRegionsAction a = (SwapRegionsAction) action; regionsPerServer[a.fromServer] = replaceRegion(regionsPerServer[a.fromServer], a.fromRegion, a.toRegion); regionsPerServer[a.toServer] = replaceRegion(regionsPerServer[a.toServer], a.toRegion, a.fromRegion); regionMoved(a.fromRegion, a.fromServer, a.toServer); regionMoved(a.toRegion, a.toServer, a.fromServer); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Uknown action:" + action.type); } } /** * Return true if the placement of region on server would lower the availability * of the region in question * @return true or false */ boolean wouldLowerAvailability(RegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName serverName) { if (!serversToIndex.containsKey(serverName.getHostAndPort())) { return false; // safeguard against race between cluster.servers and servers from LB method args } int server = serversToIndex.get(serverName.getHostAndPort()); int region = regionsToIndex.get(regionInfo); int primary = regionIndexToPrimaryIndex[region]; // there is a subset relation for server < host < rack // check server first if (contains(primariesOfRegionsPerServer[server], primary)) { // check for whether there are other servers that we can place this region for (int i = 0; i < primariesOfRegionsPerServer.length; i++) { if (i != server && !contains(primariesOfRegionsPerServer[i], primary)) { return true; // meaning there is a better server } } return false; // there is not a better server to place this } // check host if (multiServersPerHost) { // these arrays would only be allocated if we have more than one server per host int host = serverIndexToHostIndex[server]; if (contains(primariesOfRegionsPerHost[host], primary)) { // check for whether there are other hosts that we can place this region for (int i = 0; i < primariesOfRegionsPerHost.length; i++) { if (i != host && !contains(primariesOfRegionsPerHost[i], primary)) { return true; // meaning there is a better host } } return false; // there is not a better host to place this } } // check rack if (numRacks > 1) { int rack = serverIndexToRackIndex[server]; if (contains(primariesOfRegionsPerRack[rack], primary)) { // check for whether there are other racks that we can place this region for (int i = 0; i < primariesOfRegionsPerRack.length; i++) { if (i != rack && !contains(primariesOfRegionsPerRack[i], primary)) { return true; // meaning there is a better rack } } return false; // there is not a better rack to place this } } return false; } void doAssignRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName serverName) { if (!serversToIndex.containsKey(serverName.getHostAndPort())) { return; } int server = serversToIndex.get(serverName.getHostAndPort()); int region = regionsToIndex.get(regionInfo); doAction(new AssignRegionAction(region, server)); } void regionMoved(int region, int oldServer, int newServer) { regionIndexToServerIndex[region] = newServer; if (initialRegionIndexToServerIndex[region] == newServer) { numMovedRegions--; //region moved back to original location } else if (oldServer >= 0 && initialRegionIndexToServerIndex[region] == oldServer) { numMovedRegions++; //region moved from original location } int tableIndex = regionIndexToTableIndex[region]; if (oldServer >= 0) { numRegionsPerServerPerTable[oldServer][tableIndex]--; } numRegionsPerServerPerTable[newServer][tableIndex]++; //check whether this caused maxRegionsPerTable in the new Server to be updated if (numRegionsPerServerPerTable[newServer][tableIndex] > numMaxRegionsPerTable[tableIndex]) { numMaxRegionsPerTable[tableIndex] = numRegionsPerServerPerTable[newServer][tableIndex]; } else if (oldServer >= 0 && (numRegionsPerServerPerTable[oldServer][tableIndex] + 1) == numMaxRegionsPerTable[tableIndex]) { //recompute maxRegionsPerTable since the previous value was coming from the old server numMaxRegionsPerTable[tableIndex] = 0; for (int[] aNumRegionsPerServerPerTable : numRegionsPerServerPerTable) { if (aNumRegionsPerServerPerTable[tableIndex] > numMaxRegionsPerTable[tableIndex]) { numMaxRegionsPerTable[tableIndex] = aNumRegionsPerServerPerTable[tableIndex]; } } } // update for servers int primary = regionIndexToPrimaryIndex[region]; if (oldServer >= 0) { primariesOfRegionsPerServer[oldServer] = removeRegion(primariesOfRegionsPerServer[oldServer], primary); } primariesOfRegionsPerServer[newServer] = addRegionSorted(primariesOfRegionsPerServer[newServer], primary); // update for hosts if (multiServersPerHost) { int oldHost = oldServer >= 0 ? serverIndexToHostIndex[oldServer] : -1; int newHost = serverIndexToHostIndex[newServer]; if (newHost != oldHost) { regionsPerHost[newHost] = addRegion(regionsPerHost[newHost], region); primariesOfRegionsPerHost[newHost] = addRegionSorted(primariesOfRegionsPerHost[newHost], primary); if (oldHost >= 0) { regionsPerHost[oldHost] = removeRegion(regionsPerHost[oldHost], region); primariesOfRegionsPerHost[oldHost] = removeRegion(primariesOfRegionsPerHost[oldHost], primary); // will still be sorted } } } // update for racks if (numRacks > 1) { int oldRack = oldServer >= 0 ? serverIndexToRackIndex[oldServer] : -1; int newRack = serverIndexToRackIndex[newServer]; if (newRack != oldRack) { regionsPerRack[newRack] = addRegion(regionsPerRack[newRack], region); primariesOfRegionsPerRack[newRack] = addRegionSorted(primariesOfRegionsPerRack[newRack], primary); if (oldRack >= 0) { regionsPerRack[oldRack] = removeRegion(regionsPerRack[oldRack], region); primariesOfRegionsPerRack[oldRack] = removeRegion(primariesOfRegionsPerRack[oldRack], primary); // will still be sorted } } } } int[] removeRegion(int[] regions, int regionIndex) { //TODO: this maybe costly. Consider using linked lists int[] newRegions = new int[regions.length - 1]; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < regions.length; i++) { if (regions[i] == regionIndex) { break; } newRegions[i] = regions[i]; } System.arraycopy(regions, i + 1, newRegions, i, newRegions.length - i); return newRegions; } int[] addRegion(int[] regions, int regionIndex) { int[] newRegions = new int[regions.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(regions, 0, newRegions, 0, regions.length); newRegions[newRegions.length - 1] = regionIndex; return newRegions; } int[] addRegionSorted(int[] regions, int regionIndex) { int[] newRegions = new int[regions.length + 1]; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < regions.length; i++) { // find the index to insert if (regions[i] > regionIndex) { break; } } System.arraycopy(regions, 0, newRegions, 0, i); // copy first half System.arraycopy(regions, i, newRegions, i + 1, regions.length - i); // copy second half newRegions[i] = regionIndex; return newRegions; } int[] replaceRegion(int[] regions, int regionIndex, int newRegionIndex) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < regions.length; i++) { if (regions[i] == regionIndex) { regions[i] = newRegionIndex; break; } } return regions; } void sortServersByRegionCount() { Arrays.sort(serverIndicesSortedByRegionCount, numRegionsComparator); } int getNumRegions(int server) { return regionsPerServer[server].length; } boolean contains(int[] arr, int val) { return Arrays.binarySearch(arr, val) >= 0; } private Comparator<Integer> numRegionsComparator = Comparator.comparingInt(this::getNumRegions); int getLowestLocalityRegionOnServer(int serverIndex) { if (regionFinder != null) { float lowestLocality = 1.0f; int lowestLocalityRegionIndex = -1; if (regionsPerServer[serverIndex].length == 0) { // No regions on that region server return -1; } for (int j = 0; j < regionsPerServer[serverIndex].length; j++) { int regionIndex = regionsPerServer[serverIndex][j]; HDFSBlocksDistribution distribution = regionFinder.getBlockDistribution(regions[regionIndex]); float locality = distribution.getBlockLocalityIndex(servers[serverIndex].getHostname()); // skip empty region if (distribution.getUniqueBlocksTotalWeight() == 0) { continue; } if (locality < lowestLocality) { lowestLocality = locality; lowestLocalityRegionIndex = j; } } if (lowestLocalityRegionIndex == -1) { return -1; } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Lowest locality region is " + regions[regionsPerServer[serverIndex][lowestLocalityRegionIndex]] .getRegionNameAsString() + " with locality " + lowestLocality + " and its region server contains " + regionsPerServer[serverIndex].length + " regions"); } return regionsPerServer[serverIndex][lowestLocalityRegionIndex]; } else { return -1; } } float getLocalityOfRegion(int region, int server) { if (regionFinder != null) { HDFSBlocksDistribution distribution = regionFinder.getBlockDistribution(regions[region]); return distribution.getBlockLocalityIndex(servers[server].getHostname()); } else { return 0f; } } /* * Calculate the skew in region allocation to region servers taking into account their "capacity" */ double getRegionAllocationSkew() { int totalRegions = numRegions; float[] serverNodePercentage = new float[numServers]; float totalWeightedNodes = 0; int maxWeight = 0; double skew = 0; /* * Find the max resource from all the servers */ for (int i = 0; i < numServers; i++) { if (serverToWeight[i] > maxWeight) maxWeight = serverToWeight[i]; } /* * Calculate the proportion of resource in each cluster compared to max */ for (int i = 0; i < numServers; i++) { totalWeightedNodes += (float) serverToWeight[i] / maxWeight; serverNodePercentage[i] = (float) serverToWeight[i] / maxWeight; } /* * Calculate the max number of regions in a server with max resource */ float maxRegions = totalRegions / totalWeightedNodes; //float[] idealRegions = new float[serverToWeight.length]; /* * Calculate the ideal number of regions in a server given the max * number of regions that can be on node with the largest resource. * If a server hosts more than the ideal region count, then the diff * is considered as skew which is used to increase the cost. */ for (int i = 0; i < regionsPerServer.length; i++) { float idealRegionAllocation = serverNodePercentage[i] * maxRegions; //idealRegions[i] = idealRegionAllocation; if (idealRegionAllocation < regionsPerServer[i].length) skew += (regionsPerServer[i].length - idealRegionAllocation) / idealRegionAllocation; } return skew; } /* * Calculate the skew in allocation of table regions across nodes in a cluster */ int getTableRegionAllocationSkew() { int[] tableRegions = new int[numServers]; int tableRegionSum = 0; int skew = 0; /* * Calculate the ideal number of regions per table each server should serve * If a server has more than the ideal number of regions the diff is considered * as a skew */ for (int i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numServers; j++) { tableRegions[j] = numRegionsPerServerPerTable[j][i]; tableRegionSum += tableRegions[j]; } int idealRegionPerServer = tableRegionSum / numServers; if (idealRegionPerServer > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < numServers; j++) { if (tableRegions[j] > idealRegionPerServer) skew += (tableRegions[j] - idealRegionPerServer); } } tableRegionSum = 0; } return skew; } double[][] getTableServerRegionCount() { double[][] tableServerRegionCount = new double[numTables][numServers]; for (int i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numServers; j++) { tableServerRegionCount[i][j] = (double) numRegionsPerServerPerTable[j][i]; } } return tableServerRegionCount; } void printTableRegions() { for (int i = 0; i < numTables; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numServers; j++) {"Table {} server {} regions {}", i, j, numRegionsPerServerPerTable[j][i]); } } } @VisibleForTesting protected void setNumRegions(int numRegions) { this.numRegions = numRegions; } @VisibleForTesting protected void setNumMovedRegions(int numMovedRegions) { this.numMovedRegions = numMovedRegions; } @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "SBSC_USE_STRINGBUFFER_CONCATENATION", justification = "Not important but should be fixed") @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder desc = new StringBuilder("Cluster={servers=["); for (ServerName sn : servers) { desc.append(sn.getHostAndPort()).append(", "); } desc.append("], serverIndicesSortedByRegionCount=") .append(Arrays.toString(serverIndicesSortedByRegionCount)).append(", regionsPerServer=") .append(Arrays.deepToString(regionsPerServer)); desc.append(", numMaxRegionsPerTable=").append(Arrays.toString(numMaxRegionsPerTable)) .append(", numRegions=").append(numRegions).append(", numServers=").append(numServers) .append(", numTables=").append(numTables).append(", numMovedRegions=").append(numMovedRegions) .append('}'); return desc.toString(); } } // slop for regions protected float slop; // overallSlop to control simpleLoadBalancer's cluster level threshold protected float overallSlop; protected Configuration config = HBaseConfiguration.create(); protected RackManager rackManager; private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseLoadBalancer.class); protected MetricsBalancer metricsBalancer = null; protected ClusterMetrics clusterStatus = null; protected ServerName masterServerName; protected MasterServices services; protected boolean onlySystemTablesOnMaster; protected boolean maintenanceMode; @Override public void setConf(Configuration conf) { this.config = conf; setSlop(conf); if (slop < 0) slop = 0; else if (slop > 1) slop = 1; if (overallSlop < 0) overallSlop = 0; else if (overallSlop > 1) overallSlop = 1; this.onlySystemTablesOnMaster = LoadBalancer.isSystemTablesOnlyOnMaster(this.config); this.rackManager = new RackManager(getConf()); if (useRegionFinder) { regionFinder.setConf(conf); } // Print out base configs. Don't print overallSlop since it for simple balancer exclusively."slop={}, systemTablesOnMaster={}", this.slop, this.onlySystemTablesOnMaster); } protected void setSlop(Configuration conf) { this.slop = conf.getFloat("hbase.regions.slop", (float) 0.2); this.overallSlop = conf.getFloat("hbase.regions.overallSlop", slop); } /** * Check if a region belongs to some system table. * If so, the primary replica may be expected to be put on the master regionserver. */ public boolean shouldBeOnMaster(RegionInfo region) { return (this.maintenanceMode || this.onlySystemTablesOnMaster) && region.getTable().isSystemTable(); } /** * Balance the regions that should be on master regionserver. */ protected List<RegionPlan> balanceMasterRegions(Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> clusterMap) { if (masterServerName == null || clusterMap == null || clusterMap.size() <= 1) return null; List<RegionPlan> plans = null; List<RegionInfo> regions = clusterMap.get(masterServerName); if (regions != null) { Iterator<ServerName> keyIt = null; for (RegionInfo region : regions) { if (shouldBeOnMaster(region)) continue; // Find a non-master regionserver to host the region if (keyIt == null || !keyIt.hasNext()) { keyIt = clusterMap.keySet().iterator(); } ServerName dest =; if (masterServerName.equals(dest)) { if (!keyIt.hasNext()) { keyIt = clusterMap.keySet().iterator(); } dest =; } // Move this region away from the master regionserver RegionPlan plan = new RegionPlan(region, masterServerName, dest); if (plans == null) { plans = new ArrayList<>(); } plans.add(plan); } } for (Map.Entry<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> server : clusterMap.entrySet()) { if (masterServerName.equals(server.getKey())) continue; for (RegionInfo region : server.getValue()) { if (!shouldBeOnMaster(region)) continue; // Move this region to the master regionserver RegionPlan plan = new RegionPlan(region, server.getKey(), masterServerName); if (plans == null) { plans = new ArrayList<>(); } plans.add(plan); } } return plans; } /** * If master is configured to carry system tables only, in here is * where we figure what to assign it. */ protected Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> assignMasterSystemRegions(Collection<RegionInfo> regions, List<ServerName> servers) { if (servers == null || regions == null || regions.isEmpty()) { return null; } Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> assignments = new TreeMap<>(); if (this.maintenanceMode || this.onlySystemTablesOnMaster) { if (masterServerName != null && servers.contains(masterServerName)) { assignments.put(masterServerName, new ArrayList<>()); for (RegionInfo region : regions) { if (shouldBeOnMaster(region)) { assignments.get(masterServerName).add(region); } } } } return assignments; } @Override public Configuration getConf() { return this.config; } @Override public synchronized void setClusterMetrics(ClusterMetrics st) { this.clusterStatus = st; if (useRegionFinder) { regionFinder.setClusterMetrics(st); } } @Override public void setClusterLoad(Map<TableName, Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>>> clusterLoad) { } @Override public void setMasterServices(MasterServices masterServices) { masterServerName = masterServices.getServerName(); = masterServices; if (useRegionFinder) { this.regionFinder.setServices(masterServices); } if ( { this.maintenanceMode = true; } } @Override public void postMasterStartupInitialize() { if (services != null && regionFinder != null) { try { Set<RegionInfo> regions = services.getAssignmentManager().getRegionStates().getRegionAssignments() .keySet(); regionFinder.refreshAndWait(regions); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Refreshing region HDFS Block dist failed with exception, ignoring", e); } } } public void setRackManager(RackManager rackManager) { this.rackManager = rackManager; } protected boolean needsBalance(Cluster c) { ClusterLoadState cs = new ClusterLoadState(c.clusterState); if (cs.getNumServers() < MIN_SERVER_BALANCE) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Not running balancer because only " + cs.getNumServers() + " active regionserver(s)"); } return false; } if (areSomeRegionReplicasColocated(c)) return true; // Check if we even need to do any load balancing // HBASE-3681 check sloppiness first float average = cs.getLoadAverage(); // for logging int floor = (int) Math.floor(average * (1 - slop)); int ceiling = (int) Math.ceil(average * (1 + slop)); if (!(cs.getMaxLoad() > ceiling || cs.getMinLoad() < floor)) { NavigableMap<ServerAndLoad, List<RegionInfo>> serversByLoad = cs.getServersByLoad(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { // If nothing to balance, then don't say anything unless trace-level logging. LOG.trace("Skipping load balancing because balanced cluster; " + "servers=" + cs.getNumServers() + " regions=" + cs.getNumRegions() + " average=" + average + " mostloaded=" + serversByLoad.lastKey().getLoad() + " leastloaded=" + serversByLoad.firstKey().getLoad()); } return false; } return true; } /** * Subclasses should implement this to return true if the cluster has nodes that hosts * multiple replicas for the same region, or, if there are multiple racks and the same * rack hosts replicas of the same region * @param c Cluster information * @return whether region replicas are currently co-located */ protected boolean areSomeRegionReplicasColocated(Cluster c) { return false; } /** * Generates a bulk assignment plan to be used on cluster startup using a * simple round-robin assignment. * <p> * Takes a list of all the regions and all the servers in the cluster and * returns a map of each server to the regions that it should be assigned. * <p> * Currently implemented as a round-robin assignment. Same invariant as load * balancing, all servers holding floor(avg) or ceiling(avg). * * TODO: Use block locations from HDFS to place regions with their blocks * * @param regions all regions * @param servers all servers * @return map of server to the regions it should take, or null if no * assignment is possible (ie. no regions or no servers) */ @Override public Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> roundRobinAssignment(List<RegionInfo> regions, List<ServerName> servers) throws HBaseIOException { metricsBalancer.incrMiscInvocations(); Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> assignments = assignMasterSystemRegions(regions, servers); if (assignments != null && !assignments.isEmpty()) { servers = new ArrayList<>(servers); // Guarantee not to put other regions on master servers.remove(masterServerName); List<RegionInfo> masterRegions = assignments.get(masterServerName); if (!masterRegions.isEmpty()) { regions = new ArrayList<>(regions); regions.removeAll(masterRegions); } } if (this.maintenanceMode || regions == null || regions.isEmpty()) { return assignments; } int numServers = servers == null ? 0 : servers.size(); if (numServers == 0) { LOG.warn("Wanted to do round robin assignment but no servers to assign to"); return null; } // TODO: instead of retainAssignment() and roundRobinAssignment(), we should just run the // normal LB.balancerCluster() with unassignedRegions. We only need to have a candidate // generator for AssignRegionAction. The LB will ensure the regions are mostly local // and balanced. This should also run fast with fewer number of iterations. if (numServers == 1) { // Only one server, nothing fancy we can do here ServerName server = servers.get(0); assignments.put(server, new ArrayList<>(regions)); return assignments; } Cluster cluster = createCluster(servers, regions, false); List<RegionInfo> unassignedRegions = new ArrayList<>(); roundRobinAssignment(cluster, regions, unassignedRegions, servers, assignments); List<RegionInfo> lastFewRegions = new ArrayList<>(); // assign the remaining by going through the list and try to assign to servers one-by-one int serverIdx = RANDOM.nextInt(numServers); OUTER: for (RegionInfo region : unassignedRegions) { boolean assigned = false; INNER: for (int j = 0; j < numServers; j++) { // try all servers one by one ServerName serverName = servers.get((j + serverIdx) % numServers); if (!cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(region, serverName)) { List<RegionInfo> serverRegions = assignments.computeIfAbsent(serverName, k -> new ArrayList<>()); if (!RegionReplicaUtil.isDefaultReplica(region.getReplicaId())) { // if the region is not a default replica // check if the assignments map has the other replica region on this server for (RegionInfo hri : serverRegions) { if (RegionReplicaUtil.isReplicasForSameRegion(region, hri)) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Skipping the server, " + serverName + " , got the same server for the region " + region); } // do not allow this case. The unassignedRegions we got because the // replica region in this list was not assigned because of lower availablity issue. // So when we assign here we should ensure that as far as possible the server being // selected does not have the server where the replica region was not assigned. continue INNER; // continue the inner loop, ie go to the next server } } } serverRegions.add(region); cluster.doAssignRegion(region, serverName); serverIdx = (j + serverIdx + 1) % numServers; //remain from next server assigned = true; break; } } if (!assigned) { lastFewRegions.add(region); } } // just sprinkle the rest of the regions on random regionservers. The balanceCluster will // make it optimal later. we can end up with this if numReplicas > numServers. for (RegionInfo region : lastFewRegions) { int i = RANDOM.nextInt(numServers); ServerName server = servers.get(i); List<RegionInfo> serverRegions = assignments.computeIfAbsent(server, k -> new ArrayList<>()); serverRegions.add(region); cluster.doAssignRegion(region, server); } return assignments; } protected Cluster createCluster(List<ServerName> servers, Collection<RegionInfo> regions, boolean hasRegionReplica) { // Get the snapshot of the current assignments for the regions in question, and then create // a cluster out of it. Note that we might have replicas already assigned to some servers // earlier. So we want to get the snapshot to see those assignments, but this will only contain // replicas of the regions that are passed (for performance). Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> clusterState = null; if (!hasRegionReplica) { clusterState = getRegionAssignmentsByServer(regions); } else { // for the case where we have region replica it is better we get the entire cluster's snapshot clusterState = getRegionAssignmentsByServer(null); } for (ServerName server : servers) { if (!clusterState.containsKey(server)) { clusterState.put(server, EMPTY_REGION_LIST); } } return new Cluster(regions, clusterState, null, this.regionFinder, rackManager); } private List<ServerName> findIdleServers(List<ServerName> servers) { return, IDLE_SERVER_PREDICATOR); } /** * Used to assign a single region to a random server. */ @Override public ServerName randomAssignment(RegionInfo regionInfo, List<ServerName> servers) throws HBaseIOException { metricsBalancer.incrMiscInvocations(); if (servers != null && servers.contains(masterServerName)) { if (shouldBeOnMaster(regionInfo)) { return masterServerName; } if (!LoadBalancer.isTablesOnMaster(getConf())) { // Guarantee we do not put any regions on master servers = new ArrayList<>(servers); servers.remove(masterServerName); } } int numServers = servers == null ? 0 : servers.size(); if (numServers == 0) { LOG.warn("Wanted to retain assignment but no servers to assign to"); return null; } if (numServers == 1) { // Only one server, nothing fancy we can do here return servers.get(0); } List<ServerName> idleServers = findIdleServers(servers); if (idleServers.size() == 1) { return idleServers.get(0); } final List<ServerName> finalServers = idleServers.isEmpty() ? servers : idleServers; List<RegionInfo> regions = Lists.newArrayList(regionInfo); Cluster cluster = createCluster(finalServers, regions, false); return randomAssignment(cluster, regionInfo, finalServers); } /** * Generates a bulk assignment startup plan, attempting to reuse the existing * assignment information from META, but adjusting for the specified list of * available/online servers available for assignment. * <p> * Takes a map of all regions to their existing assignment from META. Also * takes a list of online servers for regions to be assigned to. Attempts to * retain all assignment, so in some instances initial assignment will not be * completely balanced. * <p> * Any leftover regions without an existing server to be assigned to will be * assigned randomly to available servers. * * @param regions regions and existing assignment from meta * @param servers available servers * @return map of servers and regions to be assigned to them */ @Override public Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> retainAssignment(Map<RegionInfo, ServerName> regions, List<ServerName> servers) throws HBaseIOException { // Update metrics metricsBalancer.incrMiscInvocations(); Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> assignments = assignMasterSystemRegions(regions.keySet(), servers); if (assignments != null && !assignments.isEmpty()) { servers = new ArrayList<>(servers); // Guarantee not to put other regions on master servers.remove(masterServerName); List<RegionInfo> masterRegions = assignments.get(masterServerName); regions = regions.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> !masterRegions.contains(e.getKey())) .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)); } if (this.maintenanceMode || regions.isEmpty()) { return assignments; } int numServers = servers == null ? 0 : servers.size(); if (numServers == 0) { LOG.warn("Wanted to do retain assignment but no servers to assign to"); return null; } if (numServers == 1) { // Only one server, nothing fancy we can do here ServerName server = servers.get(0); assignments.put(server, new ArrayList<>(regions.keySet())); return assignments; } // Group all of the old assignments by their hostname. // We can't group directly by ServerName since the servers all have // new start-codes. // Group the servers by their hostname. It's possible we have multiple // servers on the same host on different ports. ArrayListMultimap<String, ServerName> serversByHostname = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (ServerName server : servers) { assignments.put(server, new ArrayList<>()); serversByHostname.put(server.getHostnameLowerCase(), server); } // Collection of the hostnames that used to have regions // assigned, but for which we no longer have any RS running // after the cluster restart. Set<String> oldHostsNoLongerPresent = Sets.newTreeSet(); // If the old servers aren't present, lets assign those regions later. List<RegionInfo> randomAssignRegions = Lists.newArrayList(); int numRandomAssignments = 0; int numRetainedAssigments = 0; boolean hasRegionReplica = false; for (Map.Entry<RegionInfo, ServerName> entry : regions.entrySet()) { RegionInfo region = entry.getKey(); ServerName oldServerName = entry.getValue(); // In the current set of regions even if one has region replica let us go with // getting the entire snapshot if ( != null) { // for tests AssignmentManager am =; if (am != null) { RegionStates states = am.getRegionStates(); if (!hasRegionReplica && states != null && states.isReplicaAvailableForRegion(region)) { hasRegionReplica = true; } } } List<ServerName> localServers = new ArrayList<>(); if (oldServerName != null) { localServers = serversByHostname.get(oldServerName.getHostnameLowerCase()); } if (localServers.isEmpty()) { // No servers on the new cluster match up with this hostname, assign randomly, later. randomAssignRegions.add(region); if (oldServerName != null) { oldHostsNoLongerPresent.add(oldServerName.getHostnameLowerCase()); } } else if (localServers.size() == 1) { // the usual case - one new server on same host ServerName target = localServers.get(0); assignments.get(target).add(region); numRetainedAssigments++; } else { // multiple new servers in the cluster on this same host if (localServers.contains(oldServerName)) { assignments.get(oldServerName).add(region); numRetainedAssigments++; } else { ServerName target = null; for (ServerName tmp : localServers) { if (tmp.getPort() == oldServerName.getPort()) { target = tmp; assignments.get(tmp).add(region); numRetainedAssigments++; break; } } if (target == null) { randomAssignRegions.add(region); } } } } // If servers from prior assignment aren't present, then lets do randomAssignment on regions. if (randomAssignRegions.size() > 0) { Cluster cluster = createCluster(servers, regions.keySet(), hasRegionReplica); for (Map.Entry<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> entry : assignments.entrySet()) { ServerName sn = entry.getKey(); for (RegionInfo region : entry.getValue()) { cluster.doAssignRegion(region, sn); } } for (RegionInfo region : randomAssignRegions) { ServerName target = randomAssignment(cluster, region, servers); assignments.get(target).add(region); numRandomAssignments++; } } String randomAssignMsg = ""; if (numRandomAssignments > 0) { randomAssignMsg = numRandomAssignments + " regions were assigned " + "to random hosts, since the old hosts for these regions are no " + "longer present in the cluster. These hosts were:\n " + Joiner.on("\n ").join(oldHostsNoLongerPresent); }"Reassigned " + regions.size() + " regions. " + numRetainedAssigments + " retained the pre-restart assignment. " + randomAssignMsg); return assignments; } @Override public void initialize() throws HBaseIOException { } @Override public void regionOnline(RegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName sn) { } @Override public void regionOffline(RegionInfo regionInfo) { } @Override public boolean isStopped() { return stopped; } @Override public void stop(String why) {"Load Balancer stop requested: " + why); stopped = true; } /** * Updates the balancer status tag reported to JMX */ public void updateBalancerStatus(boolean status) { metricsBalancer.balancerStatus(status); } /** * Used to assign a single region to a random server. */ private ServerName randomAssignment(Cluster cluster, RegionInfo regionInfo, List<ServerName> servers) { int numServers = servers.size(); // servers is not null, numServers > 1 ServerName sn = null; final int maxIterations = numServers * 4; int iterations = 0; List<ServerName> usedSNs = new ArrayList<>(servers.size()); do { int i = RANDOM.nextInt(numServers); sn = servers.get(i); if (!usedSNs.contains(sn)) { usedSNs.add(sn); } } while (cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(regionInfo, sn) && iterations++ < maxIterations); if (iterations >= maxIterations) { // We have reached the max. Means the servers that we collected is still lowering the // availability for (ServerName unusedServer : servers) { if (!usedSNs.contains(unusedServer)) { // check if any other unused server is there for us to use. // If so use it. Else we have not other go but to go with one of them if (!cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(regionInfo, unusedServer)) { sn = unusedServer; break; } } } } cluster.doAssignRegion(regionInfo, sn); return sn; } /** * Round robin a list of regions to a list of servers */ private void roundRobinAssignment(Cluster cluster, List<RegionInfo> regions, List<RegionInfo> unassignedRegions, List<ServerName> servers, Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> assignments) { int numServers = servers.size(); int numRegions = regions.size(); int max = (int) Math.ceil((float) numRegions / numServers); int serverIdx = 0; if (numServers > 1) { serverIdx = RANDOM.nextInt(numServers); } int regionIdx = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numServers; j++) { ServerName server = servers.get((j + serverIdx) % numServers); List<RegionInfo> serverRegions = new ArrayList<>(max); for (int i = regionIdx; i < numRegions; i += numServers) { RegionInfo region = regions.get(i % numRegions); if (cluster.wouldLowerAvailability(region, server)) { unassignedRegions.add(region); } else { serverRegions.add(region); cluster.doAssignRegion(region, server); } } assignments.put(server, serverRegions); regionIdx++; } } protected Map<ServerName, List<RegionInfo>> getRegionAssignmentsByServer(Collection<RegionInfo> regions) { if ( != null && != null) { return; } else { return new HashMap<>(); } } @Override public void onConfigurationChange(Configuration conf) { } }