Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2014, SRI International * All rights reserved. * Licensed under the The BSD 3-Clause License; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the aic-praise nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringJoiner; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Utility class for converting a parsed Church Program to a HOGMs model. * * @author oreilly * */ @Beta public class ChurchToModelVisitor extends ChurchBaseVisitor<Expression> { // private static final String FLIP_ID_PREFIX = "flip"; private static final String CHURCH_VALUES_SORT = "Values"; private static final Map<Expression, Expression> operatorMap ="eq?"), Expressions.makeSymbol("="), Expressions.makeSymbol("eqv?"), Expressions.makeSymbol("="), Expressions.makeSymbol("equal?"), Expressions.makeSymbol("=")); // private String churchProgramName = null; private String churchProgram = null; private List<String> randoms = new ArrayList<>(); private Set<Expression> knownConstants = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private Set<Expression> knownRandomVariableNames = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private List<String> rules = new ArrayList<>(); private List<Expression> queries = new ArrayList<>(); private Map<Integer, Rational> flipIdToValue = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private List<Expression> lambdaParams = new ArrayList<>(); private Rewriter rNormalize = LBPFactory.newNormalize(); public void setChurchProgramInformation(String name, String program) { churchProgramName = name; churchProgram = program; } @Override public synchronized Expression visitParse(@NotNull ChurchParser.ParseContext ctx) { Expression result = null; // Clear down the working variables randoms.clear(); knownConstants.clear(); knownRandomVariableNames.clear(); rules.clear(); queries.clear(); flipIdToValue.clear(); visitChildren(ctx); // Construct the HOGM StringBuilder hogm = new StringBuilder(); hogm.append("\n"); if (knownConstants.size() > 0) { StringJoiner knownConstantsCommaSeparatedList = new StringJoiner(", ", ", ", ""); knownConstants.forEach(constant -> knownConstantsCommaSeparatedList.add(constant.toString())); hogm.append("sort " + CHURCH_VALUES_SORT + " : " + SortDeclaration.UNKNOWN_SIZE + knownConstantsCommaSeparatedList + ";\n\n"); } else { boolean randomsReferToValuesSort = false; for (String randomDeclaration : randoms) { if (randomDeclaration.contains(CHURCH_VALUES_SORT)) { randomsReferToValuesSort = true; break; } } if (randomsReferToValuesSort) { hogm.append("sort " + CHURCH_VALUES_SORT + ";\n\n"); } } for (String rv : randoms) { hogm.append(rv + ";\n"); } hogm.append("\n"); for (String r : rules) { if (Expressions.ZERO_POINT_FIVE.equals(r)) { continue; // simplified to know nothing about the random variable so skip it } hogm.append(r + ";\n"); } Model m = RuleConverter.makeModel(churchProgramName, "\n" + churchProgram + "\n--->\n" + hogm.toString(), hogm.toString()); result = Tuple.make(newSymbol(hogm.toString()), m.getModelDefinition(), ExtensionalSet.makeUniSet(queries)); return result; } @Override public Expression visitChurchQuery(@NotNull ChurchParser.ChurchQueryContext ctx) { visit(ctx.model); queries.add(visit(ctx.query)); if (ctx.condition != null) { visit(ctx.condition); } return null; // Required information is gathered into relevant attributes and not passed back through API } @Override public Expression visitChurchQueryCondition(@NotNull ChurchParser.ChurchQueryConditionContext ctx) { Expression condition = visit(ctx.churchEvidenceCommand()); rules.add(condition.toString()); return null; // Required information is gathered into relevant attributes and not passed back through API } @Override public Expression visitSpecialUniversallyQuantifiedCommand( @NotNull ChurchParser.SpecialUniversallyQuantifiedCommandContext ctx) { final Map<Expression, Expression> variableIdentifierToLogicalName = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (ctx.universals != null && ctx.universals.variable() != null && ctx.universals.variable().size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ctx.universals.variable().size(); i++) { Expression variable = visit(ctx.universals.variable(i)); variableIdentifierToLogicalName.put(variable, this.newLogicalVariable(variable.toString())); } } Expression body = visit(ctx.bodyLogic); Expression result = body; if (variableIdentifierToLogicalName.size() > 0) { result = body.replaceAllOccurrences(new AbstractReplacementFunctionWithContextuallyUpdatedProcess() { @Override public Expression apply(Expression expression, RewritingProcess process) { Expression result = expression; if (Expressions.isSymbol(expression)) { Expression varName = variableIdentifierToLogicalName.get(expression); if (varName != null) { result = varName; } } return result; } }, LBPFactory.newLBPProcess()); } return result; } @Override public Expression visitDefinition(@NotNull ChurchParser.DefinitionContext ctx) { Expression result = visitChildren(ctx); return result; } @Override public Expression visitCommand(@NotNull ChurchParser.CommandContext ctx) { Expression result = visitChildren(ctx); return result; } @Override public Expression visitDefineChurchMemoization(@NotNull ChurchParser.DefineChurchMemoizationContext ctx) { Expression name = visit(; Expression body = visit(ctx.procedure); Expression result = defineInHOGM(name, lambdaParams, body); return result; } @Override public Expression visitDefineBinding(@NotNull ChurchParser.DefineBindingContext ctx) { Expression name = visit(; Expression body = visit(ctx.binding); Expression result = defineInHOGM(name, Collections.<Expression>emptyList(), body); return result; } @Override public Expression visitDefineProcedure(@NotNull ChurchParser.DefineProcedureContext ctx) { Expression name = visit(; Expression body = visit(ctx.bodyLogic); List<Expression> params = new ArrayList<>(); if (ctx.arguments != null && ctx.arguments.variable() != null && ctx.arguments.variable().size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ctx.arguments.variable().size(); i++) { params.add(visit(ctx.arguments.variable(i))); } } Expression result = defineInHOGM(name, params, body); return result; } @Override public Expression visitLambdaExpression(@NotNull ChurchParser.LambdaExpressionContext ctx) { if (ctx.formals() != null) { visit(ctx.formals()); } Expression result = visit(ctx.body()); return result; } @Override public Expression visitConditional(@NotNull ChurchParser.ConditionalContext ctx) { Expression test = visit(ctx.test()); Expression consequent = visit(ctx.consequent()); Expression alternate = null; if (ctx.alternate() != null) { alternate = visit(ctx.alternate()); } Expression result; if (alternate == null) { // TODO - correct way to handle no alternate? result = IfThenElse.make(test, consequent, Expressions.FALSE); } else { result = IfThenElse.make(test, consequent, alternate); } return result; } @Override public Expression visitFormals(@NotNull ChurchParser.FormalsContext ctx) { // TODO - add a stack mechanism, as this won't support nested lambda expressions. // Though, how should we handle lamba's outside of a (mem ...) - i.e. what // would we name it? Likely need to create an anonymous/unique random variable? lambdaParams.clear(); if (ctx.variable() != null && ctx.variable().size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ctx.variable().size(); i++) { lambdaParams.add(visit(ctx.variable(i))); } } return Expressions.TRUE; } @Override public Expression visitFlip(@NotNull ChurchParser.FlipContext ctx) { Expression value = Expressions.ZERO_POINT_FIVE; if (ctx.value != null) { value = visit(ctx.value); } // Must be a number and in the interval [0, 1] boolean badNumber = false; if (Expressions.isNumber(value)) { if (value.rationalValue().compareTo(Rational.ZERO) < 0 || value.rationalValue().compareTo(Rational.ONE) > 0) { badNumber = true; } } else { badNumber = true; } if (badNumber) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("flip value must be in interval [0, 1]: " + value); } Integer flipId = this.flipIdToValue.size(); flipIdToValue.put(flipId, value.rationalValue()); Expression result = newSymbol(FLIP_ID_PREFIX + flipId); return result; } @Override public Expression visitLogicalOperatorExpression(@NotNull ChurchParser.LogicalOperatorExpressionContext ctx) { List<Expression> arguments = new ArrayList<Expression>(); if (ctx.test() != null && ctx.test().size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ctx.test().size(); i++) { arguments.add(visit(ctx.test(i))); } } Expression result = null; if (ctx.AND() != null) { result = And.make(arguments); } else if (ctx.OR() != null) { result = Or.make(arguments); } else if (ctx.NOT() != null) { result = Not.make(arguments.get(0)); } return result; } @Override public Expression visitProcedureCall(@NotNull ChurchParser.ProcedureCallContext ctx) { Expression operator = visit(ctx.operator()); List<Expression> operands = new ArrayList<Expression>(); if (ctx.operand() != null && ctx.operand().size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ctx.operand().size(); i++) { operands.add(visit(ctx.operand(i))); } } if (operatorMap.containsKey(operator)) { operator = operatorMap.get(operator); } Expression result = Expressions.apply(operator, operands); return result; } @Override public Expression visitBody(@NotNull ChurchParser.BodyContext ctx) { // TODO - body is defined as: // body: (definition)* sequence; // we need a way to handle the optional definitions and more that 1 expression in the sequence. Expression result = visitChildren(ctx); return result; } @Override public Expression visitSelfEvaluating(@NotNull ChurchParser.SelfEvaluatingContext ctx) { Expression result = null; if (ctx.CHARACTER() != null || ctx.STRING() != null) { result = newSymbol(ctx.getText()); } else { result = visitChildren(ctx); } return result; } @Override public Expression visitSimpleDatum(@NotNull ChurchParser.SimpleDatumContext ctx) { Expression result = null; if (ctx.CHARACTER() != null || ctx.STRING() != null) { result = newSymbol(ctx.getText()); } else { result = visitChildren(ctx); } return result; } @Override public Expression visitIdentifier(@NotNull ChurchParser.IdentifierContext ctx) { Expression result = newSymbol(ctx.getText()); return result; } @Override public Expression visitVariable(@NotNull ChurchParser.VariableContext ctx) { Expression result = null; if (ctx.VARIABLE() != null) { result = newSymbol(ctx.VARIABLE().getText()); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Church Variable Ellipsis not supported"); } return result; } @Override public Expression visitList(@NotNull ChurchParser.ListContext ctx) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Church List to HOGM currently not supported"); } @Override public Expression visitVector(@NotNull ChurchParser.VectorContext ctx) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Church Vector to HOGM currently not supported"); } @Override public Expression visitNumber(@NotNull ChurchParser.NumberContext ctx) { Expression result = null; if (ctx.NUM_10() != null) { result = newSymbol(ctx.getText()); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Currently do not support numbers like: " + ctx.getText()); } return result; } @Override public Expression visitBool(@NotNull ChurchParser.BoolContext ctx) { Expression result = ctx.TRUE() != null ? Expressions.TRUE : Expressions.FALSE; return result; } // // PROTECTED // protected Expression defineInHOGM(Expression name, List<Expression> params, Expression body) { Expression result = null; // Track the known random variable names knownRandomVariableNames.add(name); // Determine the correct argument names for any of the StringBuilder rArgs = new StringBuilder(); final Map<Expression, Expression> paramVarNames = new HashMap<Expression, Expression>(); boolean firstArg = true; int cnt = 0; Expression randomVariable = name; List<Expression> rvArgs = new ArrayList<Expression>(); for (Expression arg : params) { if (firstArg) { firstArg = false; rArgs.append(" "); } else { rArgs.append(" x "); } // Ensure name is upper cased Expression logicalVariableArg = newLogicalVariable(arg.toString()); rvArgs.add(logicalVariableArg); params.set(cnt, logicalVariableArg); paramVarNames.put(arg, params.get(cnt)); // TODO - anything better? rArgs.append(CHURCH_VALUES_SORT); cnt++; } randoms.add("random " + name + ":" + rArgs + (rArgs.length() > 0 ? " -> " : " ") + "Boolean"); StringJoiner knownRandomVariablesHLM = new StringJoiner(";\n", "", ";"); randoms.forEach(r -> knownRandomVariablesHLM.add(r)); RewritingProcess processForRV = LBPFactory.newLBPProcessWithHighLevelModel( "sort " + CHURCH_VALUES_SORT + ";\n\n" + knownRandomVariablesHLM.toString()); if (rvArgs.size() > 0) { randomVariable = Expressions.apply(randomVariable, rvArgs); processForRV = LPIUtil .extendContextualSymbolsWithFreeVariablesInferringDomainsFromUsageInRandomVariables( randomVariable, processForRV); } final List<List<Boolean>> flipValues = new ArrayList<List<Boolean>>(); final List<Boolean> trueFalseValues = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); final Map<Expression, Integer> flipMarkerToId = new LinkedHashMap<Expression, Integer>(); final Map<Expression, Integer> flipMarkerToFlipValuesIdx = new LinkedHashMap<Expression, Integer>(); // Flips <- array of flip applications in body trueFalseValues.add(Boolean.FALSE); trueFalseValues.add(Boolean.TRUE); for (Integer flipId : flipIdToValue.keySet()) { Expression flipMarker = newSymbol(FLIP_ID_PREFIX + flipId); if (!flipMarkerToId.containsKey(flipMarker) && Expressions.isSubExpressionOf(flipMarker, body)) { flipMarkerToId.put(flipMarker, flipId); flipMarkerToFlipValuesIdx.put(flipMarker, flipMarkerToFlipValuesIdx.size()); flipValues.add(trueFalseValues); } } if (flipValues.size() == 0) { Expression potentialRule = createPotentialRule(randomVariable, deterministicChurch2HOGM(body, paramVarNames, processForRV), Expressions.ONE, Expressions.ZERO); result = rNormalize.rewrite(potentialRule, processForRV); } else { // H <- empty list List<Expression> h = new ArrayList<Expression>(); // for all assignments of FlipsValues to Flips do CartesianProductEnumeration<Boolean> cpe = new CartesianProductEnumeration<Boolean>(flipValues); while (cpe.hasMoreElements()) { final List<Boolean> values = cpe.nextElement(); // caseC <- subsitute FlipsValues for Flips in body Expression caseC = body .replaceAllOccurrences(new AbstractReplacementFunctionWithContextuallyUpdatedProcess() { @Override public Expression apply(Expression expression, RewritingProcess process) { Expression result = expression; if (Expressions.isSymbol(expression)) { Integer idx = flipMarkerToFlipValuesIdx.get(expression); if (idx != null) { result = values.get(idx) ? Expressions.TRUE : Expressions.FALSE; } } return result; } }, LBPFactory.newLBPProcess()); // caseH <- deterministicChurch2HOGM(caseC) Expression caseH = deterministicChurch2HOGM(caseC, paramVarNames, processForRV); // Calculate q Rational q = Rational.ONE; for (Map.Entry<Expression, Integer> flipMarkerToIdEntry : flipMarkerToId.entrySet()) { Rational pi = flipIdToValue.get(flipMarkerToIdEntry.getValue()); if (!values.get(flipMarkerToFlipValuesIdx.get(flipMarkerToIdEntry.getKey()))) { pi = Rational.ONE.subtract(pi); } q = q.multiply(pi); } h.add(createPotentialRule(randomVariable, caseH, Expressions.makeSymbol(q), Expressions.ZERO)); } Expression plusH = Plus.make(h); List<Expression> constants = new ArrayList<>(FormulaUtil.getConstants(plusH, processForRV)); // Ensure we exclude known random variable names constants.removeAll(knownRandomVariableNames); // And also ensure we remove these known constants as well. constants.remove(Expressions.TRUE); constants.remove(Expressions.FALSE); if (constants.size() > 0) { knownConstants.addAll(constants); Model model = Model.getRewritingProcessesModel(processForRV); Set<Expression> sortDeclarationExpressions = new LinkedHashSet<>(); sortDeclarationExpressions.add(new SortDeclaration(Expressions.makeSymbol(CHURCH_VALUES_SORT), SortDeclaration.UNKNOWN_SIZE, ExtensionalSet.makeUniSet(constants)).getSortDeclaration()); Set<Expression> randomVariableDeclarationExpressions = new LinkedHashSet<>(); model.getRandomVariableDeclarations() .forEach(randomVariableDeclaration -> randomVariableDeclarationExpressions .add(randomVariableDeclaration.getRandomVariableDeclaration())); processForRV = Model.setKnownSortsAndRandomVariables(sortDeclarationExpressions, randomVariableDeclarationExpressions, processForRV); } result = SimplifyWithRelationsAtBottom.simplify(plusH, name, processForRV); } rules.add(result.toString()); return result; } protected Expression deterministicChurch2HOGM(Expression expr, final Map<Expression, Expression> paramVarNames, RewritingProcess processForRV) { expr = expr.replaceAllOccurrences(new AbstractReplacementFunctionWithContextuallyUpdatedProcess() { @Override public Expression apply(Expression expression, RewritingProcess process) { Expression result = expression; if (Expressions.isSymbol(expression)) { Expression varName = paramVarNames.get(expression); if (varName != null) { result = varName; } } return result; } }, LBPFactory.newLBPProcess()); Expression result = rNormalize.rewrite(expr, processForRV); return result; } protected Expression createPotentialRule(Expression randomVariable, Expression caseH, Expression alpha, Expression beta) { Expression condition = null; if (Expressions.TRUE.equals(caseH)) { condition = randomVariable; } else if (Expressions.FALSE.equals(caseH)) { condition = Not.make(randomVariable); } else { condition = Equality.make(randomVariable, caseH); } Expression result = IfThenElse.make(condition, alpha, beta); return result; } protected Expression newSymbol(String text) { // Remove quotes from around quoted strings if ((text.startsWith("'") && text.endsWith("'")) || (text.startsWith("\"") && text.endsWith("\""))) { text = text.substring(1, text.length() - 1); } // Ensure escapes are applied. text = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(text); if (!text.contains(" ")) { text = text.replaceAll("-", "_"); text = ensureLegalRandomVariableName(new String(text)); } Expression result = Expressions.makeSymbol(text); return result; } protected Expression newLogicalVariable(String logicalVariableName) { if (!logicalVariableName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase().equals(logicalVariableName.substring(0, 1))) { logicalVariableName = logicalVariableName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + (logicalVariableName.length() > 1 ? logicalVariableName.substring(1) : ""); } Expression result = Expressions.makeSymbol(logicalVariableName); return result; } protected String ensureLegalRandomVariableName(String name) { String result = name.replaceAll("-", "_"); if (name.length() > 0 && name.toUpperCase().substring(0, 1).equals(name.substring(0, 1))) { result = name.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + (name.length() > 1 ? name.substring(1) : ""); } return result; } }