Java tutorial
/* * This file is a part of Square, Customer Relationship Management Software for insurance's companies * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 SCUB <> - Mutuelle SMATIS FRANCE < > * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package com.square.document.core.service.implementations; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.square.document.core.dao.interfaces.DocumentDao; import com.square.document.core.dao.interfaces.TagDao; import com.square.document.core.dto.CodeLibelleDto; import com.square.document.core.dto.CriteresRechercheDocumentDto; import com.square.document.core.dto.DocumentDto; import com.square.document.core.dto.RetourAjoutDocumentDto; import com.square.document.core.model.Document; import com.square.document.core.model.Tag; import com.square.document.core.service.interfaces.GedMappingService; import com.square.document.core.service.interfaces.GedService; import com.square.document.core.util.GedKeyUtil; /** * . * @author Juanito Goncalves ( */ @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED) public class GedServiceImpl implements GedService { /** Mapper Dozer. */ private MapperDozerBean mapperDozerBean; /** Dao pour les documents. */ private DocumentDao documentDao; /** Dao pour les Tags. */ private TagDao tagDao; /** Service de rcupration de constantes. */ private GedMappingService gedMappingService; /** Classe utilitaire pour accder aux messages. */ private MessageSourceUtil messageSourceUtil; private String backSlash = "/"; /** * Edition de gedMappingService. * @param gedMappingService gedMappingService */ public void setGedMappingService(GedMappingService gedMappingService) { this.gedMappingService = gedMappingService; } /** * Set the value of documentDao. * @param documentDao the documentDao to set */ public void setDocumentDao(DocumentDao documentDao) { this.documentDao = documentDao; } /** * Set the value of tagDao. * @param tagDao the tagDao to set */ public void setTagDao(TagDao tagDao) { this.tagDao = tagDao; } /** * Set the value of mapperDozerBean. * @param mapperDozerBean the mapperDozerBean to set */ public void setMapperDozerBean(MapperDozerBean mapperDozerBean) { this.mapperDozerBean = mapperDozerBean; } /** * Mutateur message. * @param messageSourceUtil the messageSourceUtil to set */ public void setMessageSourceUtil(MessageSourceUtil messageSourceUtil) { this.messageSourceUtil = messageSourceUtil; } /** Existance d'un dossier. */ private Boolean dossierExiste(String directoryPath) { final File directory = new File(directoryPath); return directory.exists(); } /** Cration d'un dossier. */ private File creerDossier(String directoryPath) { if (!dossierExiste(directoryPath)) { new File(directoryPath).mkdir(); } return new File(directoryPath); } @Override public RetourAjoutDocumentDto ajouterDocument(DocumentDto document, String utilisateur) { if (document.getNumeroClient() == null || document.getNumeroClient().trim().isEmpty()) { throw new BusinessException(messageSourceUtil.get(GedKeyUtil.MESSAGE_ERROR_FILE_NUMBER_USER_REQUIRED)); } final String cheminDossierClient = gedMappingService.getCheminRepertoire() + "/" + document.getNumeroClient(); creerDossier(cheminDossierClient); if (document.getNom() == null) { throw new BusinessException(messageSourceUtil.get(GedKeyUtil.MESSAGE_ERROR_FILE_NAME_REQUIRED)); } final String name = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + "-" + document.getNom(); final File file = new File(cheminDossierClient + "/" + name); try { file.createNewFile(); final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); IOUtils.write(document.getContenu(), fileOutputStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileOutputStream); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BusinessException(messageSourceUtil.get(GedKeyUtil.MESSAGE_ERROR_FILE_CONTENU)); } final Set<Tag> listeTypes = new HashSet<Tag>(); // TODO : A reprendre for (CodeLibelleDto typeDocument : document.getTypes()) { final Tag tag = tagDao.getTagByCriteria(typeDocument.getCode()); if (tag == null) { throw new BusinessException("tag null"); } listeTypes.add(tag); } final Document docToSave =, Document.class); docToSave.setNom(name); docToSave.setTags(listeTypes); documentDao.ajoutDocument(docToSave); final RetourAjoutDocumentDto createdUpdatedFile = new RetourAjoutDocumentDto(); createdUpdatedFile.setIdentifiantDocument(String.valueOf(docToSave.getId())); return createdUpdatedFile; } @Override public List<DocumentDto> getListeDocumentsByCriteres(CriteresRechercheDocumentDto criteres, String utilisateur) { final List<Document> documents = documentDao.rechercherDocumentParCritere(criteres); final List<DocumentDto> listDocumentDtos = new ArrayList<DocumentDto>(); List<String> nomTags = null; DocumentDto documentDto = null; for (Document document : documents) { nomTags = new ArrayList<String>(); documentDto = new DocumentDto();, documentDto); if (document.getTags() != null) { for (Tag tag : document.getTags()) { nomTags.add(tag.getNom()); } } documentDto.setTags(nomTags); listDocumentDtos.add(documentDto); } return listDocumentDtos; } @Override public DocumentDto getDocumentByCriteres(CriteresRechercheDocumentDto criteres, String utilisateur) { if (criteres.getNumeroClient() == null || criteres.getNumeroClient().trim().isEmpty()) { throw new BusinessException(messageSourceUtil.get(GedKeyUtil.MESSAGE_ERROR_FILE_NUMBER_USER_REQUIRED)); } if (criteres.getIds() == null) { throw new BusinessException(messageSourceUtil.get(GedKeyUtil.MESSAGE_ERROR_FILE_NUMBER_USER_REQUIRED)); } else { if (criteres.getIds().get(0) == null) { throw new BusinessException( messageSourceUtil.get(GedKeyUtil.MESSAGE_ERROR_FILE_NUMBER_USER_REQUIRED)); } } final Document document = documentDao.rechercherDocumentUniqueParCritere(criteres); final DocumentDto documentDto =, DocumentDto.class); final MimetypesFileTypeMap mimeTypesMap = new MimetypesFileTypeMap(); documentDto.setTypeMime(mimeTypesMap.getContentType(documentDto.getNom())); final String cheminFichier = gedMappingService.getCheminRepertoire() + "/" + document.getNumClient() + "/" + document.getNom(); try { final byte[] contenuPieceJointe = IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(cheminFichier)); documentDto.setContenu(contenuPieceJointe); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } return documentDto; } /** Enregistre un fichier dans un dossier. **/ private void enregistrerFichier(File leFichier, String leRepertoire) { byte[] data = null; try { final File file = new File(leRepertoire + backSlash + leFichier.getName()); final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); data = IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(leFichier)); file.createNewFile(); IOUtils.write(data, fileOutputStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileOutputStream); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BusinessException(messageSourceUtil.get(GedKeyUtil.ERROR_SAVE_FILE)); } } /** Test l'existence d'un dossier adherent. */ private Boolean dossierAdherentExiste(String numero) { return dossierExiste(gedMappingService.getCheminRepertoire() + backSlash + numero); } /** Suppression d'un dossier adherent. */ private Boolean supprimerDossierAdherent(String numero) { return new File(gedMappingService.getCheminRepertoire() + backSlash + numero).delete(); } /** Creation ou suppression d'un dossier adherent. **/ private File creerDossierAdherent(String numero) { return creerDossier(gedMappingService.getCheminRepertoire() + backSlash + numero); } @Override public void transfererDocumentPersonne(String numAdherentSource, String numAdherentDestination, String utilisateur) { if (!dossierAdherentExiste(numAdherentSource)) { return; } // le dossier source est rcupr final File dossierSource = creerDossierAdherent(numAdherentSource); // recupre la liste des fichiers de l'adhrent source final CriteresRechercheDocumentDto criteresRechercheDocumentDto = new CriteresRechercheDocumentDto(); criteresRechercheDocumentDto.setNumeroClient(numAdherentSource); final List<DocumentDto> listeDoc = getListeDocumentsByCriteres(criteresRechercheDocumentDto, utilisateur); // change le numero d'adhrent des documents source en l'hadrent de destination for (DocumentDto documentDto : listeDoc) { final Document document = documentDao .rechercherDocumentlParId(Long.parseLong(documentDto.getIdentifiant())); document.setNumClient(numAdherentDestination); } // cration du dossier de destination final File dossierDestination = creerDossierAdherent(numAdherentDestination); if (!dossierAdherentExiste(numAdherentDestination)) { // si le dossier de destination n'existe pas le dossier source est renomm en ce dossier dossierSource.renameTo(dossierDestination); } else { // sinon les fichiers sont copis puis supprims for (File fichierSource : dossierSource.listFiles()) { enregistrerFichier(fichierSource, dossierDestination.getPath()); fichierSource.delete(); } } supprimerDossierAdherent(numAdherentSource); } }