Java tutorial
/* * This file is a part of Square, Customer Relationship Management Software for insurance's companies * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 SCUB <> - Mutuelle SMATIS FRANCE < > * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package com.square.adherent.noyau.dao.implementations.personne; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Query; import; import com.square.adherent.noyau.dao.interfaces.personne.PersonneDao; import com.square.adherent.noyau.dto.prestation.CriteresPersonnesNotificationSmsDto; import com.square.adherent.noyau.service.interfaces.AdherentMappingService; /** * Implmentation de PersonneDao. * @author Nicolas PELTIER ( - SCUB */ public class PersonneDaoImpl extends HibernateDaoBaseImplementation implements PersonneDao { /** Service de mapping. */ private AdherentMappingService adherentMappingService; @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Long> getListeBeneficiairesPersonne(Long idPersonne) { final StringBuffer requete = new StringBuffer(); requete.append("SELECT distinct garantie.uidBeneficiaire FROM Garantie garantie "); requete.append("WHERE garantie.uidAssure = :idPersonne "); requete.append( "AND = :idStatutGarantieEnCours and <> :idRoleGarantieAssure "); final Query query = createQuery(requete.toString()); query.setLong("idPersonne", idPersonne); query.setLong("idStatutGarantieEnCours", adherentMappingService.getIdStatutGarantieEnCours()); query.setLong("idRoleGarantieAssure", adherentMappingService.getIdRoleGarantieAssure()); return (ArrayList<Long>) query.list(); } @Override public Long getAdherentPrincipalPersonne(Long idPersonne) { final StringBuffer requete = new StringBuffer(); requete.append("SELECT distinct garantie.uidAssure FROM Garantie garantie "); requete.append("WHERE garantie.uidBeneficiaire = :idPersonne "); requete.append( "AND = :idStatutGarantieEnCours and <> :idRoleGarantieAssure "); final Query query = createQuery(requete.toString()); query.setLong("idPersonne", idPersonne); query.setLong("idStatutGarantieEnCours", adherentMappingService.getIdStatutGarantieEnCours()); query.setLong("idRoleGarantieAssure", adherentMappingService.getIdRoleGarantieAssure()); return (Long) query.uniqueResult(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<Long> getListePersonnesNotificationSmsByCriteres(CriteresPersonnesNotificationSmsDto criteres) { // Construction de la requte final StringBuffer requete = new StringBuffer("SELECT distinct l.decompte_assure_uid ") .append("FROM data_decompte l ") .append("INNER JOIN data_option o ON (l.decompte_assure_uid = o.option_personne_uid and o.option_type_uid = :idTypeOptionSms" + " and o.option_top_actif = true) ") .append("WHERE ( ") .append("SELECT sum(l2.decompte_lig_remb_compl) as montant_total FROM data_decompte l2 ") .append("WHERE l2.decompte_origine_uid not in (:listeOriginesDesactivees) ") .append("AND l2.decompte_date_reglement = :datePaiement ") .append("AND l2.decompte_assure_uid = l.decompte_assure_uid ").append(") >= :montantMinimal ") .append("AND decompte_origine_uid not in (:listeOriginesDesactivees) "); final Query query = createSqlQuery(requete.toString()); query.setCalendar("datePaiement", criteres.getDateReglement()); query.setFloat("montantMinimal", criteres.getMontantMinimal()); query.setLong("idTypeOptionSms", adherentMappingService.getIdTypeOptionEnvoiSms()); query.setParameterList("listeOriginesDesactivees", adherentMappingService.getListeOriginesDecomptesExcluesEnvoiSms()); // on mappe les resultats dans des dtos final List<Long> liste = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Object item : query.list()) { if (item instanceof Long) { liste.add((Long) item); } else if (item instanceof BigInteger) { liste.add(((BigInteger) item).longValue()); } } return liste; } /** * Dfinit la valeur de adherentMappingService. * @param adherentMappingService la nouvelle valeur de adherentMappingService */ public void setAdherentMappingService(AdherentMappingService adherentMappingService) { this.adherentMappingService = adherentMappingService; } }