Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017 Splice Machine, Inc. * * This file is part of Splice Machine. * Splice Machine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3, or (at your option) any later version. * Splice Machine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Splice Machine. * If not, see <>. */ package com.splicemachine.orc; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; /** * * */ public class OrcConf { public OrcConf() { } public static int getIntVar(Configuration conf, OrcConf.ConfVars var) { return conf.getInt(var.varname, var.defaultIntVal); } public static void setIntVar(Configuration conf, OrcConf.ConfVars var, int val) { conf.setInt(var.varname, val); } public static long getLongVar(Configuration conf, OrcConf.ConfVars var) { return conf.getLong(var.varname, var.defaultLongVal); } public static void setLongVar(Configuration conf, OrcConf.ConfVars var, long val) { conf.setLong(var.varname, val); } public static float getFloatVar(Configuration conf, OrcConf.ConfVars var) { return conf.getFloat(var.varname, var.defaultFloatVal); } public static void setFloatVar(Configuration conf, OrcConf.ConfVars var, float val) { conf.setFloat(var.varname, val); } public static boolean getBoolVar(Configuration conf, OrcConf.ConfVars var) { return conf.getBoolean(var.varname, var.defaultBoolVal); } public static void setBoolVar(Configuration conf, OrcConf.ConfVars var, boolean val) { conf.setBoolean(var.varname, val); } public static String getVar(Configuration conf, OrcConf.ConfVars var) { return conf.get(var.varname, var.defaultVal); } public static void setVar(Configuration conf, OrcConf.ConfVars var, String val) { conf.set(var.varname, val); } public static enum ConfVars { HIVE_ORC_COMPRESSION("hive.exec.orc.compress", "ZLIB"), HIVE_ORC_ZLIB_COMPRESSION_LEVEL( "hive.exec.orc.compress.zlib.level", 4), HIVE_ORC_COMPRESSION_BLOCK_SIZE("hive.exec.orc.compress.size", 262144), HIVE_ORC_STRIPE_SIZE( "hive.exec.orc.stripe.size", 268435456L), HIVE_ORC_ROW_INDEX_STRIDE("hive.exec.orc.row.index.stride", 10000), HIVE_ORC_CREATE_INDEX("hive.exec.orc.create.index", true), HIVE_ORC_DICTIONARY_NUMERIC_KEY_SIZE_THRESHOLD( "hive.exec.orc.dictionary.key.numeric.size.threshold", 0.7F), HIVE_ORC_DICTIONARY_STRING_KEY_SIZE_THRESHOLD( "hive.exec.orc.dictionary.key.string.size.threshold", 0.8F), HIVE_ORC_DICTIONARY_SORT_KEYS( "hive.exec.orc.dictionary.key.sorted", true), HIVE_ORC_BUILD_STRIDE_DICTIONARY( "", true), HIVE_ORC_MAX_DICTIONARY_SIZE( "hive.exec.orc.max.dictionary.size", 104857600), HIVE_ORC_ENTROPY_KEY_STRING_SIZE_THRESHOLD( "hive.exec.orc.entropy.key.string.size.threshold", 0.9F), HIVE_ORC_ENTROPY_STRING_MIN_SAMPLES( "hive.exec.orc.entropy.string.min.samples", 100), HIVE_ORC_ENTROPY_STRING_DICT_SAMPLE_FRACTION( "hive.exec.orc.entropy.string.dict.sample.fraction", 0.001F), HIVE_ORC_ENTROPY_STRING_THRESHOLD( "hive.exec.orc.entropy.string.threshold", 20), HIVE_ORC_DICTIONARY_ENCODING_INTERVAL( "hive.exec.orc.encoding.interval", 30), HIVE_ORC_USE_VINTS( "hive.exec.orc.use.vints", true), HIVE_ORC_READ_COMPRESSION_STRIDES( "", 5), HIVE_ORC_FILE_MEMORY_POOL( "hive.exec.orc.memory.pool", 0.5F), HIVE_ORC_FILE_MIN_MEMORY_ALLOCATION( "hive.exec.orc.min.mem.allocation", 4194304L), HIVE_ORC_FILE_ENABLE_LOW_MEMORY_MODE( "hive.exec.orc.low.memory", false), HIVE_ORC_ROW_BUFFER_SIZE( "hive.exec.orc.row.buffer.size", 100), HIVE_ORC_EAGER_HDFS_READ( "", true), HIVE_ORC_EAGER_HDFS_READ_BYTES( "", 193986560); public final String varname; public final String defaultVal; public final int defaultIntVal; public final long defaultLongVal; public final float defaultFloatVal; public final boolean defaultBoolVal; private ConfVars(String varname, String defaultVal) { this.varname = varname; this.defaultVal = defaultVal; this.defaultIntVal = -1; this.defaultLongVal = -1L; this.defaultFloatVal = -1.0F; this.defaultBoolVal = false; } private ConfVars(String varname, int defaultIntVal) { this.varname = varname; this.defaultVal = Integer.toString(defaultIntVal); this.defaultIntVal = defaultIntVal; this.defaultLongVal = -1L; this.defaultFloatVal = -1.0F; this.defaultBoolVal = false; } private ConfVars(String varname, long defaultLongVal) { this.varname = varname; this.defaultVal = Long.toString(defaultLongVal); this.defaultIntVal = -1; this.defaultLongVal = defaultLongVal; this.defaultFloatVal = -1.0F; this.defaultBoolVal = false; } private ConfVars(String varname, float defaultFloatVal) { this.varname = varname; this.defaultVal = Float.toString(defaultFloatVal); this.defaultIntVal = -1; this.defaultLongVal = -1L; this.defaultFloatVal = defaultFloatVal; this.defaultBoolVal = false; } private ConfVars(String varname, boolean defaultBoolVal) { this.varname = varname; this.defaultVal = Boolean.toString(defaultBoolVal); this.defaultIntVal = -1; this.defaultLongVal = -1L; this.defaultFloatVal = -1.0F; this.defaultBoolVal = defaultBoolVal; } } }