Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 - 2016 Splice Machine, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.splicemachine.derby.impl.load; import static com.splicemachine.homeless.TestUtils.o; import static com.splicemachine.test_tools.Rows.row; import static com.splicemachine.test_tools.Rows.rows; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.ClassRule; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.RuleChain; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.spark_project.guava.collect.Lists; import org.spark_project.guava.collect.Maps; import com.splicemachine.derby.test.framework.SpliceSchemaWatcher; import com.splicemachine.derby.test.framework.SpliceTableWatcher; import com.splicemachine.derby.test.framework.SpliceUnitTest; import com.splicemachine.derby.test.framework.SpliceWatcher; import com.splicemachine.homeless.TestUtils; import com.splicemachine.test_dao.TableDAO; import com.splicemachine.test_tools.TableCreator; public class HdfsImportIT extends SpliceUnitTest { protected static SpliceWatcher spliceClassWatcher = new SpliceWatcher(); public static final String CLASS_NAME = HdfsImportIT.class.getSimpleName().toUpperCase(); protected static String TABLE_1 = "A"; protected static String TABLE_2 = "B"; protected static String TABLE_3 = "C"; protected static String TABLE_4 = "D"; protected static String TABLE_5 = "E"; protected static String TABLE_6 = "F"; protected static String TABLE_7 = "G"; protected static String TABLE_8 = "H"; protected static String TABLE_9 = "I"; protected static String TABLE_10 = "J"; protected static String TABLE_11 = "K"; protected static String TABLE_12 = "L"; protected static String TABLE_13 = "M"; protected static String TABLE_14 = "N"; protected static String TABLE_15 = "O"; protected static String TABLE_16 = "P"; protected static String TABLE_17 = "Q"; protected static String TABLE_18 = "R"; protected static String TABLE_19 = "S"; protected static String TABLE_20 = "T"; private static final String AUTO_INCREMENT_TABLE = "INCREMENT"; protected static SpliceSchemaWatcher spliceSchemaWatcher = new SpliceSchemaWatcher(CLASS_NAME); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher1 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_1, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(name varchar(40), title varchar(40), age int)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher2 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_2, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(name varchar(40), title varchar(40), age int,PRIMARY KEY(name))"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher3 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_3, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(order_id VARCHAR(50), item_id INT, order_amt INT,order_date TIMESTAMP, emp_id INT, " + "promotion_id INT, qty_sold " + "INT, unit_price FLOAT, unit_cost FLOAT, discount FLOAT, customer_id INT)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher4 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_4, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(cust_city_id int, cust_city_name varchar(64), cust_state_id int)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher5 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_5, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(i int, j varchar(20))"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher20 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_20, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(i int, j int check (j<15))"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher6 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_6, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(name varchar(40), title varchar(40), age int)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher7 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_7, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(name varchar(40), title varchar(40), age int)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher8 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_8, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(cust_city_id int, cust_city_name varchar(64), cust_state_id int)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher9 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_9, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(order_date TIMESTAMP)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher10 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_10, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(i int, j float, k varchar(20), l TIMESTAMP)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher11 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_11, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(i int default 10, j int)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher12 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_12, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(d date, t time)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher13 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_13, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "( CUSTOMER_PRODUCT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " + "SHIPPED_DATE TIMESTAMP WITH DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, " + "SOURCE_SYS_CREATE_DTS TIMESTAMP WITH DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, " + "SOURCE_SYS_UPDATE_DTS TIMESTAMP WITH DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL," + "SDR_CREATE_DATE TIMESTAMP WITH DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, " + "SDR_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP WITH DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP," + "DW_SRC_EXTRC_DTTM TIMESTAMP WITH DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher14 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_14, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "( C_CUSTKEY INTEGER NOT NULL " + "PRIMARY KEY, C_NAME " + "VARCHAR(25), C_ADDRESS " + "VARCHAR(40), C_NATIONKEY " + "INTEGER NOT NULL," + "C_PHONE CHAR(15), " + "C_ACCTBAL DECIMAL(15,2), " + "C_MKTSEGMENT CHAR(10), " + "C_COMMENT VARCHAR(117))"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher15 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_15, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "( cUsToMeR_pRoDuCt_Id InTeGeR " + "NoT NuLl PrImArY KeY, " + "ShIpPeD_DaTe TiMeStAmP " + "WiTh DeFaUlT " + "CuRrEnT_tImEsTaMp, " + "SoUrCe_SyS_CrEaTe_DtS " + "TiMeStAmP WiTh DeFaUlT " + "cUrReNt_TiMeStAmP NoT " + "NuLl,sOuRcE_SyS_UpDaTe_DtS" + " TiMeStAmP WiTh DeFaUlT " + "cUrReNt_TiMeStAmP NoT " + "NuLl," + "SdR_cReAtE_dAtE tImEsTaMp " + "wItH DeFaUlT " + "CuRrEnT_tImEsTaMp, " + "SdR_uPdAtE_dAtE TimEstAmp " + "With deFauLT " + "cuRRent_tiMesTamP," + "Dw_srcC_ExtrC_DttM " + "TimEStamP WitH DefAulT " + "CurrEnt_TimesTamp)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher16 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_16, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(id int, description varchar(1000), name varchar(10))"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher17 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_17, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(name varchar(40), title varchar(40), age int,PRIMARY KEY(name))"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher18 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_18, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(name varchar(40), title varchar(40), age int)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher spliceTableWatcher19 = new SpliceTableWatcher(TABLE_19, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(order_date TIMESTAMP)"); private static SpliceTableWatcher multiLine = new SpliceTableWatcher("mytable", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(a int, b char(10),c timestamp, d varchar(100),e bigint)"); private static SpliceTableWatcher multiPK = new SpliceTableWatcher("withpk", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(a int primary key)"); protected static SpliceTableWatcher autoIncTableWatcher = new SpliceTableWatcher(AUTO_INCREMENT_TABLE, spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, "(i int generated always as " + "identity, j int)"); @ClassRule public static TestRule chain = RuleChain.outerRule(spliceClassWatcher).around(spliceSchemaWatcher) .around(spliceTableWatcher1).around(spliceTableWatcher2).around(spliceTableWatcher3) .around(spliceTableWatcher4).around(spliceTableWatcher5).around(spliceTableWatcher6) .around(spliceTableWatcher7).around(spliceTableWatcher8).around(spliceTableWatcher9) .around(spliceTableWatcher10).around(spliceTableWatcher11).around(spliceTableWatcher12) .around(spliceTableWatcher13).around(spliceTableWatcher14).around(spliceTableWatcher15) .around(spliceTableWatcher16).around(spliceTableWatcher17).around(spliceTableWatcher18) .around(spliceTableWatcher19).around(spliceTableWatcher20).around(multiLine).around(multiPK) .around(autoIncTableWatcher); @Rule public SpliceWatcher methodWatcher = new SpliceWatcher(); @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { createDataSet(); BADDIR = SpliceUnitTest.createBadLogDirectory(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName); assertNotNull(BADDIR); } private static void createDataSet() throws Exception { Connection conn = spliceClassWatcher.getOrCreateConnection(); //noinspection unchecked new TableCreator(conn) .withCreate(format("create table %s.num_dt1 (i smallint, j int, k bigint, primary key(j))", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName)) .withInsert(format("insert into %s.num_dt1 values(?,?,?)", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName)) .withRows(rows(row(4256, 42031, 87049), row(1140, 30751, 791), row(25, 81278, 975), row(-54, 62648, 3115), row(57, 21099, 1081), row(1430, 68915, null), row(49, 19765, null), row(-31, 10610, null), row(-47, 34483, 40801), row(7694, 20015, 52662), row(35, 14202, 80476), row(9393, 61174, 68211), row(7058, 75830, null), row(302, 5770, 53257), row(3567, 15812, null), row(-71, 92497, 85), row(6229, 65149, 1583), row(-36, 53846, 9128), row(57, 95839, null), row(3832, 90042, 433), row(4818, 1483, 71600), row(4493, 31875, 75291), row(58, 85771, 3383), row(9477, 77588, null), row(6150, 88770, null), row(8755, 44597, null), row(68, 51844, 29940), row(5926, 74926, 90887), row(6017, 45829, 146), row(8053, 45192, null))) .withIndex(format("create index idx1 on %s.num_dt1(k)", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName)).create(); } private static File BADDIR; @Test public void testHdfsImport() throws Exception { testImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_1, getResourceDirectory() + "", "NAME,TITLE," + "AGE", 0); } @Test public void testImportWithPrimaryKeys() throws Exception { testImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_2, getResourceDirectory() + "", "NAME,TITLE," + "AGE", 0); } @Test public void testNewImportDirectory() throws Exception { // importdir has a subdirectory as well with files in it // WE DO NOT SUPPORT IMPORTING SUBDIRECTORIES - it may have worked before but doesn't now and it's not in the // docs testNewImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_2, getResourceDirectory() + "importdir/importsubdir", "NAME,TITLE," + "AGE", BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(), 0, 5); } @Test public void testImportMultiLineFilesInDirectory() throws Exception { try (PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "0," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "'false'," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, multiLine.tableName, getResourceDirectory() + "/multiLineDirectory", BADDIR.getCanonicalPath()))) { ps.execute(); } try (ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery("select count(*) from " + multiLine)) { Assert.assertTrue("Did not return a row!",; long c = rs.getLong(1); Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect row count!", 16, c); Assert.assertFalse("Returned too many rows!",; } } @Test public void testImportMultiFilesPKViolations() throws Exception { try (PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "-1," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "'true'," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, multiPK.tableName, getResourceDirectory() + "/multiFilePKViolation", BADDIR.getCanonicalPath()))) { try (ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { assertTrue(; // TODO SPLICE-1177 check for exact number of failed rows // int failed = rs.getInt(2); // assertEquals("Failed rows don't match", 4, failed); boolean exists = existsBadFile(BADDIR, "multiFilePKViolation.bad"); List<String> badFiles = getAllBadFiles(BADDIR, "multiFilePKViolation.bad"); assertTrue("Bad file " + badFiles + " does not exist.", exists); List<String> badLines = new ArrayList<>(); for (String badFile : badFiles) { badLines.addAll( Files.readAllLines((new File(BADDIR, badFile)).toPath(), Charset.defaultCharset())); } // TODO SPLICE-1177 expect exactly 4 lines assertTrue("Expected some lines in bad files " + badFiles, badLines.size() > 0); } } try (ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery("select count(*) from " + multiPK)) { Assert.assertTrue("Did not return a row!",; long c = rs.getLong(1); Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect row count!", 9, c); Assert.assertFalse("Returned too many rows!",; } } // more tests to write: // test bad records at threshold and beyond threshold private void testImport(String schemaName, String tableName, String location, String colList, long badRecordsAllowed) throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "'%s'," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set schemaName, tableName, colList, location, badRecordsAllowed, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", schemaName, tableName)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { String name = rs.getString(1); String title = rs.getString(2); int age = rs.getInt(3); Assert.assertTrue("age was null!", !rs.wasNull()); assertNotNull("Name is null!", name); assertNotNull("Title is null!", title); assertNotNull("Age is null!", age); results.add(String.format("name:%s,title:%s,age:%d", name, title, age)); } Assert.assertTrue("no rows imported!", results.size() > 0); } // uses new syntax // removes rows from table before insertion // checks count at the end private void testNewImport(String schemaName, String tableName, String location, String colList, String badDir, int failErrorCount, int importCount) throws Exception { testNewImport(schemaName, tableName, location, colList, badDir, "null", failErrorCount, importCount); } private void testNewImport(String schemaName, String tableName, String location, String colList, String badDir, String multiLineRecords, int failErrorCount, int importCount) throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate("delete from " + schemaName + "." + tableName); String sqlFormat = "call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA('%s','%s',%s,'%s',',',null,null,null,null,%d,'%s','%s',null)"; String sql; if (colList != null) { sql = String.format(sqlFormat, schemaName, tableName, "'" + colList + "'", location, failErrorCount, badDir, multiLineRecords); } else { sql = String.format(sqlFormat, schemaName, tableName, "null", location, failErrorCount, badDir, multiLineRecords); } PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(sql); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", schemaName, tableName)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { String name = rs.getString(1); String title = rs.getString(2); int age = rs.getInt(3); Assert.assertTrue("age was null!", !rs.wasNull()); assertNotNull("Name is null!", name); assertNotNull("Title is null!", title); assertNotNull("Age is null!", age); results.add(String.format("name:%s,title:%s,age:%d", name, title, age)); } Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect number of rows imported", importCount, results.size()); } @Test public void testAlternateDateAndTimeImport() throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate("delete from " + spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName + "." + TABLE_12); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "'MM/dd/yyyy'," + // date format "''," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_12, getResourceDirectory() + "", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_12)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { Date d = rs.getDate(1); Time t = rs.getTime(2); assertNotNull("Date is null!", d); assertNotNull("Time is null!", t); results.add(String.format("Date:%s,Time:%s", d, t)); } Assert.assertTrue("Incorrect number of rows imported", results.size() == 2); } @Test public void testImportHelloThere() throws Exception { String csvLocation = getResourceDirectory() + "hello_there.csv"; PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_5, csvLocation, 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select i, j from %s.%s order by i", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_5)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { Integer i = rs.getInt(1); String j = rs.getString(2); assertNotNull("i is null!", i); assertNotNull("j is null!", j); results.add(String.format("i:%d,j:%s", i, j)); } Assert.assertEquals("wrong row count imported!", 2, results.size()); Assert.assertEquals("first row wrong", "i:1,j:Hello", results.get(0)); Assert.assertEquals("second row wrong", "i:2,j:There", results.get(1)); } @Test public void testImportPipeSeparatedFile() throws Exception { // DB-4904: Graceful message instead of connection termination needed in case if quoteChar and // delimiterChar is the same char String tableName = "PIPE_SEPARATED"; TableDAO td = new TableDAO(methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection()); td.drop(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, tableName); Connection conn = methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection(); conn.createStatement() .executeUpdate(format("create table %s ", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName + "." + tableName) + "(firstc int primary key, secondc char(30), thirdc int, fourthc double)"); String csvLocation = getResourceDirectory() + "pipeSeparator.csv"; PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "'|'," + // column delimiter "'|'," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "false," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, tableName, csvLocation, 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); try { ps.execute(); fail("Expected exception, column and char delims are same."); } catch (SQLException e) { assertEquals("Expected different SQLState for column delim matching char delim", "XIE0F", e.getSQLState()); } // assert we can still use connection // if we can query w/o exception, we're good conn.createStatement() .executeQuery(String.format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, tableName)); } @ClassRule public static TemporaryFolder tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder(); @Test public void testFailedImportNullBadDir() throws Exception { // DB-5017: When bad record dir is null or empty, the input file dir becomes the bad record dir String inputFileName = "constraintViolation.csv"; String inputFileOrigin = getResourceDirectory() + inputFileName; // copy the given input file under a temp folder so that it will get cleaned up // this used to go under the "target/test-classes" folder but doesn't work when we execute test from // a different location. File newImportFile = tempFolder.newFile(inputFileName); FileUtils.copyFile(new File(inputFileOrigin), newImportFile); assertTrue("Import file copy failed: " + newImportFile.getCanonicalPath(), newImportFile.exists()); String badFileName = newImportFile.getParent() + "/" + inputFileName + ".bad"; PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "null," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_20, newImportFile.getCanonicalPath(), 0)); try { ps.execute(); fail("Too many bad records."); } catch (SQLException e) { assertEquals("Expected too many bad records, but got: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), "SE009", e.getSQLState()); } boolean exists = existsBadFile(new File(newImportFile.getParent()), inputFileName + ".bad"); assertTrue("Bad file " + badFileName + " does not exist.", exists); } @Test public void testHdfsImportGzipFile() throws Exception { testImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_6, getResourceDirectory() + "", "NAME,TITLE," + "AGE", 0); } @Test public void testImportFromSQL() throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "'MM/dd/yyyy'," + // date format "''," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_3, getResourceDirectory() + "order_detail_small.csv", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_3)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { String orderId = rs.getString(1); int item_id = rs.getInt(2); int order_amt = rs.getInt(3); Timestamp order_date = rs.getTimestamp(4); int emp_id = rs.getInt(5); int prom_id = rs.getInt(6); int qty_sold = rs.getInt(7); float unit_price = rs.getInt(8); float unit_cost = rs.getFloat(9); float discount = rs.getFloat(10); int cust_id = rs.getInt(11); assertNotNull("No Order Id returned!", orderId); Assert.assertTrue("ItemId incorrect!", item_id > 0); Assert.assertTrue("Order amt incorrect!", order_amt > 0); assertNotNull("order_date incorrect", order_date); Assert.assertTrue("EmpId incorrect", emp_id > 0); Assert.assertEquals("prom_id incorrect", 0, prom_id); Assert.assertTrue("qty_sold incorrect", qty_sold > 0); Assert.assertTrue("unit price incorrect!", unit_price > 0); Assert.assertTrue("unit cost incorrect", unit_cost > 0); Assert.assertEquals("discount incorrect", 0.0f, discount, 1 / 100f); Assert.assertTrue("cust_id incorrect", cust_id != 0); results.add(String.format( "orderId:%s,item_id:%d,order_amt:%d,order_date:%s,emp_id:%d,prom_id:%d," + "qty_sold:%d," + "unit_price:%f,unit_cost:%f,discount:%f,cust_id:%d", orderId, item_id, order_amt, order_date, emp_id, prom_id, qty_sold, unit_price, unit_cost, discount, cust_id)); } Assert.assertTrue("import failed!", results.size() > 0); } @Test public void testImportISODateFormat() throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "'%s'," + // character delimiter "'yyyy-MM-dd''T''HH:mm:ss.SSS''Z'''," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_9, getResourceDirectory() + "iso_order_date.csv", "\"", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_9)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { Timestamp order_date = rs.getTimestamp(1); assertNotNull("order_date incorrect", order_date); Assert.assertEquals(order_date.toString(), "2013-06-06 15:02:48.0"); results.add(String.format("order_date:%s", order_date)); } Assert.assertTrue("import failed!", results.size() == 1); } @Test public void testImportCustomTimeFormatMillisWithTz() throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate("delete from " + spliceTableWatcher9); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "null," + // column delimiter "'%s'," + // character delimiter "'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSSZ'," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_9, getResourceDirectory() + "tz_ms_order_date.csv", "\"", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_9)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { Timestamp order_date = rs.getTimestamp(1); assertNotNull("order_date incorrect", order_date); //have to deal with differing time zones here SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"); sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Chicago")); String textualFormat = sdf.format(order_date); Assert.assertEquals("2013-04-21 09:21:24.980", textualFormat); results.add(String.format("order_date:%s", order_date)); } Assert.assertTrue("import failed!", results.size() == 1); } @Test public void testImportCustomTimeFormatMicro() throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate("delete from " + spliceTableWatcher9); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "null," + // column delimiter "'%s'," + // character delimiter "'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS'," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_19, getResourceDirectory() + "tz_micro_order_date.csv", "\"", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_19)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { Timestamp order_date = rs.getTimestamp(1); assertNotNull("order_date incorrect", order_date); //have to deal with differing time zones here Assert.assertEquals("2013-04-21 09:21:24.980034", order_date.toString()); results.add(String.format("order_date:%s", order_date)); } Assert.assertTrue("import failed!", results.size() == 1); } @Test public void testImportCustomTimeFormat() throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate("delete from " + spliceTableWatcher9); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "null," + // column delimiter "'%s'," + // character delimiter "'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ'," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_9, getResourceDirectory() + "tz_order_date.cs", "\"", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_9)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { Timestamp order_date = rs.getTimestamp(1); assertNotNull("order_date incorrect", order_date); //have to deal with differing time zones here SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S"); sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Chicago")); String textualFormat = sdf.format(order_date); Assert.assertEquals("2013-06-06 15:02:48.0", textualFormat); results.add(String.format("order_date:%s", order_date)); } Assert.assertTrue("import failed!", results.size() == 1); } @Test public void testImportNullFields() throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "'%s'," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_10, getResourceDirectory() + "null_field.csv", "\"", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_10)); int count = 0; while ( { Integer i = rs.getInt(1); Float j = rs.getFloat(2); String k = rs.getString(3); Timestamp l = rs.getTimestamp(4); Assert.assertEquals(i.byteValue(), 0); Assert.assertEquals(j.byteValue(), 0); Assert.assertNull("String failure " + k, k); Assert.assertNull("Timestamp failure " + l, l); count++; } Assert.assertTrue("import failed!" + count, count == 1); } @Test public void testHdfsImportNullColList() throws Exception { testImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_7, getResourceDirectory() + "", null, 0); } @Test public void testImportWithExtraTabDelimited() throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_4, getResourceDirectory() + "lu_cust_city.txt", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery(format("select * from %s", this.getTableReference(TABLE_4))); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { int id = rs.getInt(1); String name = rs.getString(2); int stateId = rs.getInt(3); results.add(String.format("%d\t%s\t%d", id, name, stateId)); } assertEquals("Wrong row count. Actual: " + results, 3, results.size()); } @Test public void testImportTabDelimited() throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate(format("delete from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8)); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "'%s'," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8, getResourceDirectory() + "lu_cust_city_tab.txt", "\t", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { int id = rs.getInt(1); String name = rs.getString(2); int stateId = rs.getInt(3); results.add(String.format("%d\t%s\t%d", id, name, stateId)); } assertEquals("Wrong row count. Actual: " + results, 3, results.size()); } @Test public void testImportCtrlADelimited() throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate(format("delete from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8)); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "'%s'," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8, getResourceDirectory() + "lu_cust_city_ctrl_A.txt", "^A", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { int id = rs.getInt(1); String name = rs.getString(2); int stateId = rs.getInt(3); results.add(String.format("%d\t%s\t%d", id, name, stateId)); } assertEquals("Wrong row count. Actual: " + results, 3, results.size()); } @Test public void testImportBackspaceDelimited() throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate(format("delete from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8)); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "'%s'," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "false," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8, getResourceDirectory() + "lu_cust_city_backspace.txt", "\b", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { int id = rs.getInt(1); String name = rs.getString(2); int stateId = rs.getInt(3); results.add(String.format("%d\t%s\t%d", id, name, stateId)); } assertEquals("Wrong row count. Actual: " + results, 3, results.size()); } @Test public void testImportFormFeedDelimited() throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate(format("delete from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8)); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "'%s'," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8, getResourceDirectory() + "lu_cust_city_form_feed.txt", "\f", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { int id = rs.getInt(1); String name = rs.getString(2); int stateId = rs.getInt(3); results.add(String.format("%d\t%s\t%d", id, name, stateId)); } assertEquals("Wrong row count. Actual: " + results, 3, results.size()); } @Test public void testImportTabDelimitedNullSeparator() throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate(format("delete from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8)); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "'%s'," + // column delimiter "'%s'," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8, getResourceDirectory() + "lu_cust_city_tab.txt", "\t", "\0", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_8)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { int id = rs.getInt(1); String name = rs.getString(2); int stateId = rs.getInt(3); results.add(String.format("%d\t%s\t%d", id, name, stateId)); } assertEquals("Wrong row count. Actual: " + results, 3, results.size()); } @Test public void testCallScript() throws Exception { ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection().getMetaData().getColumns(null, "SYS", "SYSSCHEMAS", null); Map<String, Integer> colNameToTypeMap = Maps.newHashMap(); colNameToTypeMap.put("SCHEMAID", Types.CHAR); colNameToTypeMap.put("SCHEMANAME", Types.VARCHAR); colNameToTypeMap.put("AUTHORIZATIONID", Types.VARCHAR); int count = 0; while ( { String colName = rs.getString(4); int colType = rs.getInt(5); Assert.assertTrue("ColName not contained in map: " + colName, colNameToTypeMap.containsKey(colName)); Assert.assertEquals("colType incorrect!", colNameToTypeMap.get(colName).intValue(), colType); count++; } Assert.assertEquals("incorrect count returned!", colNameToTypeMap.size(), count); } @Test public void testCallWithRestrictions() throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher .prepareStatement("select schemaname,schemaid from sys.sysschemas where " + "schemaname like ?"); ps.setString(1, "SYS"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); int count = 0; while ( { count++; } Assert.assertTrue("At least one row returned", count > 0); } @Test public void testDataIsAvailable() throws Exception { long conglomId = 352; // TODO What is the test? ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery("select * from sys.sysconglomerates"); while ( { String tableId = rs.getString(2); long tconglomId = rs.getLong(3); if (tconglomId == conglomId) { rs.close(); rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery("select tablename,tableid from sys.systables"); while ( { if (tableId.equals(rs.getString(2))) { break; } } break; } } } @Test public void testImportTabWithDefaultColumnValue() throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "'J'," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "null," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_11, getResourceDirectory() + "default_column.txt", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_11)); while ( { Assert.assertEquals(10, rs.getInt(1)); Assert.assertEquals(1, rs.getInt(2)); } } @Test public void testImportTableWithAutoIncrementColumn() throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "'J'," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "null," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, AUTO_INCREMENT_TABLE, getResourceDirectory() + "default_column.txt", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, AUTO_INCREMENT_TABLE)); while ( { Assert.assertEquals(1, rs.getInt(1)); Assert.assertEquals(1, rs.getInt(2)); } } @Test public void testTimestampsWithMillisecondAccuracy() throws Exception { PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "null," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS'," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_13, getResourceDirectory() + "datebug.tbl", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery( format("select DW_SRC_EXTRC_DTTM from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_13)); int i = 0; while ( { i++; Assert.assertNotNull("Timestamp is null", rs.getTimestamp(1)); String ts = rs.getTimestamp(1).toString(); Assert.assertEquals("Microsecond error.", "287469", ts.substring(ts.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)); } Assert.assertEquals("10 Records not imported", 10, i); } @Test public void testNullDatesWithMixedCaseAccuracy() throws Exception { // TODO: JC - was expecting CSV empty column default to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (old empty column import behavior). Not sure how useful this test is anymore. PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "null," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS'," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_15, getResourceDirectory() + "datebug.tbl", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery( format("select DW_SRCC_EXTRC_DTTM from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_15)); int i = 0; while ( { i++; Assert.assertTrue("Date is still null", rs.getDate(1) != null); } Assert.assertEquals("10 Records not imported", 10, i); } /** * Import the data with Unix newlines (LF) terminating the records and without embedded newlines in the fields. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testImportWithUnixNewlines() throws Exception { testNewlineImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_16, getResourceDirectory() + "embedded-newlines/unix/newlines-absent.tsv", null, 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(), "true", 3); } /** * Import the data with embedded Unix newlines (LF) surrounded by double quotes. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testImportWithEmbeddedUnixNewlinesInsideDoubleQuotes() throws Exception { testNewlineImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_16, getResourceDirectory() + "embedded-newlines/unix/newlines-with-double-quotes.tsv", null, 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(), "false", 3); } /** * Import the data with embedded Unix newlines (LF) surrounded by single quotes. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testImportWithEmbeddedUnixNewlinesInsideSingleQuotes() throws Exception { testNewlineImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_16, getResourceDirectory() + "embedded-newlines/unix/newlines-with-single-quotes.tsv", "''", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(), "false", 3); } /** * Import the data with Windows newlines (CR+LF) terminating the records and without embedded newlines in the * fields. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testImportWithWindowsNewlines() throws Exception { testNewlineImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_16, getResourceDirectory() + "embedded-newlines/windows/newlines-absent.tsv", null, 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(), "true", 3); } /** * Import the data with embedded Windows newlines (CR+LF) surrounded by double quotes. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testImportWithEmbeddedWindowsNewlinesInsideDoubleQuotes() throws Exception { testNewlineImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_16, getResourceDirectory() + "embedded-newlines/windows/newlines-with-double-quotes.tsv", null, 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(), "false", 3); } /** * Import the data with embedded Windows newlines (CR+LF) surrounded by single quotes. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testImportWithEmbeddedWindowsNewlinesInsideSingleQuotes() throws Exception { testNewlineImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_16, getResourceDirectory() + "embedded-newlines/windows/newlines-with-single-quotes.tsv", "''", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(), "false", 3); } /** * Import the data with Classic Mac newlines (CR) terminating the records and without embedded newlines in the * fields. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testImportWithClassicMacNewlines() throws Exception { testNewlineImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_16, getResourceDirectory() + "embedded-newlines/classic-mac/newlines-absent.tsv", null, 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(), "true", 3); } /** * Import the data with embedded Classic Mac newlines (CR) surrounded by double quotes. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testImportWithEmbeddedClassicMacNewlinesInsideDoubleQuotes() throws Exception { testNewlineImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_16, getResourceDirectory() + "embedded-newlines/classic-mac/newlines-with-double-quotes.tsv", null, 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(), "false", 3); } /** * Import the data with embedded Classic Mac newlines (CR) surrounded by single quotes. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testImportWithEmbeddedClassicMacNewlinesInsideSingleQuotes() throws Exception { testNewlineImport(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_16, getResourceDirectory() + "embedded-newlines/classic-mac/newlines-with-single-quotes.tsv", "''", 0, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(), "false", 3); } /** * Tests import with different types of newlines (Unix, Windows, and Classic Mac) and * with newlines embedded inside of values (strings) that are being imported. * * @param schemaName table schema * @param tableName table name * @param filePath the path to the data file * @param charDelimiter character delimiter * @param failErrorCount how many errors to allow before failing whole import * @param badDir where to place the errors file * @param oneLineRecords whether the import file has one record per line or records span lines * @param importCount verification of number of rows imported * @throws Exception */ private void testNewlineImport(String schemaName, String tableName, String filePath, String charDelimiter, int failErrorCount, String badDir, String oneLineRecords, int importCount) throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate("delete from " + schemaName + "." + tableName); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format( "call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA('%s', '%s', null, " + "'%s', '\t', %s, null, null, null, %d, '%s'," + "%s,null)", schemaName, tableName, filePath, (charDelimiter == null ? "null" : String.format("'%s'", charDelimiter)), failErrorCount, badDir, oneLineRecords)); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", schemaName, tableName)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { int id = rs.getInt(1); Assert.assertTrue("ID was null!", !rs.wasNull()); String description = rs.getString(2); String name = rs.getString(3); assertNotNull("ID is null!", id); assertNotNull("DESCRIPTION is null!", description); assertNotNull("NAME is null!", name); results.add(String.format("id:%d,description:%s,name:%s", id, description, name)); } Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect number of rows imported", importCount, results.size()); } /** * Tests an import scenario where a quoted column is missing the end quote and the EOF is * reached before the maximum number of lines in a quoted column is exceeded. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testMissingEndQuoteForQuotedColumnEOF() throws Exception { String badDirPath = BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(); String csvPath = getResourceDirectory() + "import/missing-end-quote/employees.csv"; try { testMissingEndQuoteForQuotedColumn(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_18, csvPath, "NAME,TITLE,AGE", badDirPath, 0, 1, "false"); fail("Expected to many bad records."); } catch (SQLException e) { assertEquals("Expected too many bad records but got: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), "SE009", e.getSQLState()); SpliceUnitTest.assertBadFileContainsError(new File(badDirPath), "employees.csv", null, "unexpected end of file while reading quoted column beginning on line 2 and ending on line 6"); } } /** * Tests an import scenario where a quoted column is missing the end quote and the * maximum number of lines in a quoted column is exceeded. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testMissingEndQuoteForQuotedColumnMax() throws Exception { String badDirPath = BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(); String csvPath = getResourceDirectory() + "import/missing-end-quote/employeesMaxQuotedColumnLines.csv"; try { testMissingEndQuoteForQuotedColumn(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_18, csvPath, "NAME,TITLE,AGE", badDirPath, 0, 199999, "false"); fail("Expected to many bad records."); } catch (SQLException e) { assertEquals("Expected too many bad records but got: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), "SE009", e.getSQLState()); SpliceUnitTest.assertBadFileContainsError(new File(badDirPath), "employeesMaxQuotedColumnLines.csv", null, "Quoted column beginning on line 3 has exceed the maximum allowed lines"); } } //DB-3685 @Test @Ignore("Getting a PK violation on 2nd import. Also, no status log file: DB-3957") public void testImportTableWithPKAndIndex() throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate(format("delete from %s.num_dt1", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName)); methodWatcher.execute(format( "call syscs_util.import_data('%s', 'num_dt1', null, '%s', ',', null, " + "null,null,null,1000,'%s',null,null)", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, getResourceDirectory() + "numdt1.2.gz", BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); methodWatcher.execute(format( "call syscs_util.import_data('%s', 'num_dt1', null, '%s', ',', null, " + "null,null,null,0,'%s',null,null)", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, getResourceDirectory() + "numdt1_12", BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select count(*) from %s.num_dt1 --SPLICE-PROPERTIES " + "index=null", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName)); assertTrue(; int c1 = rs.getInt(1); rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery(format("select count(*) from %s.num_dt1 --SPLICE-PROPERTIES index=idx1", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName)); assertTrue(; int c2 = rs.getInt(1); assertTrue(c1 == c2); } // Regression test for DB-1686 @Test public void testImportPaddedStringPKColumn() throws Exception { String csvFile = getResourceDirectory() + "padded_string_pk.csv"; String badDirPath = BADDIR.getCanonicalPath(); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format( "call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA('%s','%s',null,'%s',',',null,null,null,null,1,'%s','true',null)", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_17, csvFile, badDirPath)); ps.execute(); List<Object[]> expected = Arrays.asList(o("fred", 100), o(" fred", 101), o("fred ", 102)); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery( format("select name, age from %s.%s order by age", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, TABLE_17)); List results = TestUtils.resultSetToArrays(rs); Assert.assertArrayEquals(expected.toArray(), results.toArray()); } /** * Worker method for import tests related to CSV files that are missing the end quote for a quoted column. * * @param schemaName table schema * @param tableName table name * @param importFilePath full path to the import file * @param colList list of columns and their order * @param badDir where to place the error file * @param failErrorCount how many errors do we allow before failing the whole import * @param importCount verification of number of rows imported * @param oneLineRecords whether the import file has one record per line or records span lines * @throws Exception */ private void testMissingEndQuoteForQuotedColumn(String schemaName, String tableName, String importFilePath, String colList, String badDir, int failErrorCount, int importCount, String oneLineRecords) throws Exception { methodWatcher.executeUpdate("delete from " + schemaName + "." + tableName); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement( format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA('%s','%s','%s','%s',',',null,null,null,null,%d,'%s','%s',null)", schemaName, tableName, colList, importFilePath, failErrorCount, badDir, oneLineRecords)); ps.execute(); ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", schemaName, tableName)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { String name = rs.getString(1); String title = rs.getString(2); int age = rs.getInt(3); Assert.assertTrue("age was null!", !rs.wasNull()); assertNotNull("name is null!", name); assertNotNull("title is null!", title); results.add(String.format("name:%s,title:%s,age:%d", name, title, age)); } Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect number of rows imported", importCount, results.size()); } @Test public void testCheckConstraintLoad() throws Exception { // File has 3 lines 2 fo which are constraint violations. There should be 2 lines in error file // No error -- tolerating 2 errors so 1 row should be inserted helpTestConstraints(2, 1, false); } @Test public void testCheckConstraintLoad2() throws Exception { // File has 3 lines 2 fo which are constraint violations. There should be 2 lines in error file // No error -- tolerating 3 errors so 1 row should be inserted helpTestConstraints(3, 1, false); } @Test public void testCheckConstraintLoadError() throws Exception { // File has 3 lines 2 fo which are constraint violations. There should be 2 lines in error file // Expecting error -- we tolerated only one error so nothing should be inserted helpTestConstraints(1, 0, true); } @Test public void testCheckConstraintLoadPermissive() throws Exception { // File has 3 lines 2 fo which are constraint violations. There should be 2 lines in error file // No error -- we are tolerating ALL errors so 1 row should be inserted helpTestConstraints(-1, 1, false); } @Test public void testCheckConstraintLoadPermissive2() throws Exception { // File has 3 lines 2 fo which are constraint violations. There should be 2 lines in error file // No error -- we are tolerating ALL errors so 1 row should be inserted // Notice ANYTHING < 0 is considered -1 (permissive) helpTestConstraints(-20, 1, false); } public void helpTestConstraints(long maxBadRecords, int insertRowsExpected, boolean expectException) throws Exception { String tableName = "CONSTRAINED_TABLE"; TableDAO td = new TableDAO(methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection()); td.drop(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, tableName); methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection().createStatement() .executeUpdate(format("create table %s ", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName + "." + tableName) + "(EMPNO CHAR(6) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT EMP_PK PRIMARY KEY, " + "SALARY DECIMAL(9,2) CONSTRAINT SAL_CK CHECK (SALARY >= 10000), " + "BONUS DECIMAL(9,2),TAX DECIMAL(9,2),CONSTRAINT BONUS_CK CHECK (BONUS > TAX))"); PreparedStatement ps = methodWatcher.prepareStatement(format("call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA(" + "'%s'," + // schema name "'%s'," + // table name "'%s'," + // insert column list "'%s'," + // file path "','," + // column delimiter "null," + // character delimiter "null," + // timestamp format "null," + // date format "null," + // time format "%d," + // max bad records "'%s'," + // bad record dir "null," + // has one line records "null)", // char set spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, tableName, "EMPNO,SALARY,BONUS,TAX", getResourceDirectory() + "test_data/salary_check_constraint.csv", maxBadRecords, BADDIR.getCanonicalPath())); try { ps.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (!expectException) { throw e; } } ResultSet rs = methodWatcher .executeQuery(format("select * from %s.%s", spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, tableName)); List<String> results = Lists.newArrayList(); while ( { String name = rs.getString(1); String title = rs.getString(2); int age = rs.getInt(3); Assert.assertTrue("age was null!", !rs.wasNull()); assertNotNull("Name is null!", name); assertNotNull("Title is null!", title); assertNotNull("Age is null!", age); results.add(String.format("name:%s,title:%s,age:%d", name, title, age)); } Assert.assertEquals(format("Expected %s row1 imported", insertRowsExpected), insertRowsExpected, results.size()); boolean exists = existsBadFile(BADDIR, "salary_check_constraint.csv.bad"); String badFile = getBadFile(BADDIR, "salary_check_constraint.csv.bad"); assertTrue("Bad file " + badFile + " does not exist.", exists); List<String> badLines = Files.readAllLines((new File(BADDIR, badFile)).toPath(), Charset.defaultCharset()); assertEquals("Expected 2 lines in bad file " + badFile, 2, badLines.size()); assertContains(badLines, containsString("BONUS_CK")); assertContains(badLines, containsString(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName + "." + tableName)); assertContains(badLines, containsString("SAL_CK")); } private static void assertContains(List<String> collection, Matcher<String> target) { for (String source : collection) { if (target.matches(source)) { return; } } fail("Expected to contain " + target.toString() + " in: " + collection); } }