Java tutorial
/* * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright 2014-2016 Spectra Logic Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. * This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * *************************************************************************** */ package com.spectralogic.ds3cli.util; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import; import; import; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.models.bulk.Ds3Object; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.utils.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.*; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.List; import static com.spectralogic.ds3client.utils.Guard.isStringNullOrEmpty; public final class FileUtils { private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileUtils.class); public final static boolean IS_WINDOWS = System.getProperty("").contains("Windows"); public static ImmutableList<Path> listObjectsForDirectory(final Path directory) throws IOException { final ImmutableList.Builder<Path> objectsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); Files.walkFileTree(directory, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(final Path file, final BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { objectsBuilder.add(file); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); return; } public static String getFileName(final Path rootDir, final Path filePath) { if (rootDir == null) { return normalizeObjectName(filePath.toString()); } return rootDir.relativize(filePath).toString().replace("\\", "/"); } public static long getFileSize(final Path path) throws IOException { return Files.size(path); } public static boolean fileExists(final Path filePath) { return Files.exists(filePath); } public static FileUtils.ObjectsToPut getObjectsToPut(final Iterable<Path> filteredObjects, final Path inputDirectory, final String prefix, final boolean ignoreErrors) throws IOException { final ImmutableList.Builder<Ds3Object> objectsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); final ImmutableList.Builder<FileUtils.IgnoreFile> ignoredBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (final Path path : filteredObjects) { try { objectsBuilder.add(new Ds3Object(getFileName(inputDirectory, path), getFileSize(path))); } catch (final IOException ex) { if (!ignoreErrors) { throw ex; } LOG.warn(String.format("WARN: file '%s' has an error and will be ignored", path.getFileName())); ignoredBuilder.add(new FileUtils.IgnoreFile(path, ex.toString())); } } return new FileUtils.ObjectsToPut(,, prefix); } /** * Perform platform-specific normalization of path names on a list of Paths * used by bulk get * @param pipedFiles * @return normalized pathname mapped to filename */ public static ImmutableMap<String, String> getNormalizedObjectNames(final ImmutableList<Path> pipedFiles) { final ImmutableList.Builder<String> fileNames = ImmutableList.builder(); for (final Path file : pipedFiles) { fileNames.add(file.toString()); } return normalizedObjectNames(; } /** * Perform platform-specific normalization of path names as strings * use by bulk put * @param pipedFiles * @return normalized pathname mapped to path */ public static ImmutableMap<String, String> normalizedObjectNames(final ImmutableList<String> pipedFiles) { final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> map = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final String fileName : pipedFiles) { map.put(normalizeObjectName(fileName), fileName); } return; } public static String normalizeObjectName(final String objectName) { if (IS_WINDOWS) { return windowsNormalizeObjectName(objectName); } return unixNormalizeObjectName(objectName); } /** * Normalizes the object name to remove windows path from beginning * of object name */ protected static String windowsNormalizeObjectName(final String objectName) { final String path; final int colonIndex = objectName.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex != -1) { path = objectName.substring(colonIndex + 2); } else if (objectName.startsWith("\\")) { path = objectName.substring(1); } else if (objectName.startsWith(".\\")) { path = objectName.substring(2); } else if (objectName.startsWith("..\\")) { path = removePrefixRecursively(objectName, "..\\"); } else { path = objectName; } return path.replace("\\", "/"); } /** * Recursively removes the specified prefix from the beginning of the * object name */ protected static String removePrefixRecursively(final String objectName, final String prefix) { if (isStringNullOrEmpty(objectName)) { return ""; } if (isStringNullOrEmpty(prefix) || !objectName.startsWith(prefix)) { return objectName; } return removePrefixRecursively(objectName.substring(prefix.length()), prefix); } /** * Normalizes the object name to remove linux path from beginning * of object name */ protected static String unixNormalizeObjectName(final String objectName) { final String path; if (objectName.startsWith("/")) { path = objectName.substring(1); } else if (objectName.startsWith("./")) { path = objectName.substring(2); } else if (objectName.startsWith("../")) { path = removePrefixRecursively(objectName, "../"); } else { path = objectName; } return path; } public static ImmutableList<String> getPipedListFromStdin(final FileSystemProvider fileSystemProvider) throws IOException { final ImmutableList.Builder<String> pipedNames = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(); final InputStream inputStream =; final int availableBytes = inputStream.available(); if (availableBytes > 0) { // Wrap the inside BufferedReader // But do not close it in a finally block, as we // did not open; enforcing the rule that // he who opens it, closes it; leave the closing to the OS. final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));"Piped list is:"); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {"Name \"{}\" from stdin", line); pipedNames.add(line); } } return; } public static ImmutableList<Path> getPipedFilesFromStdin(final FileSystemProvider fileSystemProvider) throws IOException { final ImmutableList<String> pipedNames = getPipedListFromStdin(fileSystemProvider); final ImmutableList.Builder<Path> pipedFiles = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(); for (final String name : pipedNames) { final Path file = Paths.get(name); if (!fileSystemProvider.isRegularFile(file) && !Files.isSymbolicLink(file)) { LOG.warn(String.format( "WARN: piped data must be a regular/symbolic link file and not a directory ==> %s will be skipped", file)); continue; }"File \"{}\" from stdin", file.toString()); pipedFiles.add(file); } return; } public static class ObjectsToPut { private final ImmutableList<Ds3Object> ds3Objects; private final ImmutableList<FileUtils.IgnoreFile> ds3IgnoredObjects; private final String prefix; public ObjectsToPut(final ImmutableList<Ds3Object> ds3Objects, final ImmutableList<FileUtils.IgnoreFile> ds3IgnoredObjects, final String prefix) { this.ds3Objects = ds3Objects; this.ds3IgnoredObjects = ds3IgnoredObjects; this.prefix = prefix; } private List<Ds3Object> appendPrefixToObjectList(final ImmutableList<Ds3Object> ds3Objects, final String prefix) { FluentIterable<Ds3Object> appendedObjects = FluentIterable.from(ds3Objects) .transform(new Function<Ds3Object, Ds3Object>() { @Nullable @Override public Ds3Object apply(@Nullable Ds3Object input) { return new Ds3Object(prefix + input.getName(), input.getSize()); } }); return appendedObjects.toList(); } public ImmutableList<Ds3Object> getDs3Objects() { return (isStringNullOrEmpty(this.prefix)) ? this.ds3Objects : ImmutableList.copyOf(appendPrefixToObjectList(ds3Objects, prefix)); } public ImmutableList<FileUtils.IgnoreFile> getDs3IgnoredObjects() { return this.ds3IgnoredObjects; } } public static class IgnoreFile { @JsonProperty("path") private final String path; @JsonProperty("error_message") private final String errorMessage; public IgnoreFile(final Path path, final String errorMessage) { this.path = path.toString(); this.errorMessage = errorMessage; } public String getPath() { return this.path; } public String getErrorMessage() { return this.errorMessage; } } }