Java tutorial
/* * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2014-2017 Spectra Logic Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. * This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * **************************************************************************** */ package com.spectralogic.ds3cli.helpers; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.Ds3Client; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.commands.spectrads3.*; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.models.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.UUID; import static org.apache.http.util.TextUtils.isEmpty; import static; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.nullValue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static; /** * This class provides utilities for ABM commands */ public final class ABMTestHelper { final private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ABMTestHelper.class); /** * Creates a data policy with the specified name and options if a * policy with the same name does not currently exist. If a policy already * exists with the specified name, an error is thrown. */ public static PutDataPolicySpectraS3Response createDataPolicy(final String dataPolicyName, final VersioningLevel versioningLevel, final ChecksumType.Type checksumType, final boolean endToEndCrcRequired, final boolean alwaysForceJobCreation, final Ds3Client client) throws IOException { //Check if data policy already exists try { client.getDataPolicySpectraS3(new GetDataPolicySpectraS3Request(dataPolicyName)); fail("Data policy already exists, terminating to prevent conflict: " + dataPolicyName); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected data policy to not exist } final PutDataPolicySpectraS3Request request = new PutDataPolicySpectraS3Request(dataPolicyName) .withEndToEndCrcRequired(endToEndCrcRequired).withAlwaysForcePutJobCreation(alwaysForceJobCreation); if (checksumType != null) { request.withChecksumType(checksumType); } if (versioningLevel != null) { request.withVersioning(versioningLevel); } return client.putDataPolicySpectraS3(request); } /** * Deletes a data policy with the specified name, and verifies that said policy * was deleted. If the policy was not properly deleted, then an error is logged. */ public static void deleteDataPolicy(final String dataPolicyName, final Ds3Client client) { if (isEmpty(dataPolicyName)) { //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code LOG.debug("Data policy name is null or empty"); return; } //Delete the data policy try { final DeleteDataPolicySpectraS3Response deleteDataPolicy = client .deleteDataPolicySpectraS3(new DeleteDataPolicySpectraS3Request(dataPolicyName)); } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) { LOG.error("Data policy was not deleted as expected: {}", dataPolicyName); } //Verify that the data policy was deleted try { client.getDataPolicySpectraS3(new GetDataPolicySpectraS3Request(dataPolicyName)); LOG.error("Data policy still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", dataPolicyName); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected data policy to not exist } } /** * Creates a pool partition with the specified name and pool type, if a * partition with the same name does not currently exist. If a partition * already exists with the specified name, an error is thrown. */ public static PutPoolPartitionSpectraS3Response createPoolPartition(final String poolPartitionName, final PoolType poolType, final Ds3Client client) throws IOException { //Check if pool partition already exists try { client.getPoolPartitionSpectraS3(new GetPoolPartitionSpectraS3Request(poolPartitionName)); fail("Pool partition already exists, terminating to prevent conflict: " + poolPartitionName); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected pool partition to not exist } //Create the pool partition return client.putPoolPartitionSpectraS3(new PutPoolPartitionSpectraS3Request(poolPartitionName, poolType)); } /** * Deletes a data policy with the specified name, and verifies that said policy * was deleted. If the policy was not properly deleted, then an error is logged. */ public static void deletePoolPartition(final String poolPartitionName, final Ds3Client client) { if (isEmpty(poolPartitionName)) { //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code LOG.debug("Pool partition name is null or empty"); return; } //Delete the pool partition try { final DeletePoolPartitionSpectraS3Response deletePoolPartition = client .deletePoolPartitionSpectraS3(new DeletePoolPartitionSpectraS3Request(poolPartitionName)); } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) { LOG.error("Pool partition was not deleted as expected: {}", poolPartitionName); } //Verify that the pool partition was deleted try { client.getPoolPartitionSpectraS3(new GetPoolPartitionSpectraS3Request(poolPartitionName)); LOG.error("Pool partition still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", poolPartitionName); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected pool partition to not exist } } /** * Creates a storage domain if one does not already exist with the specified name. If a * storage domain already exists with the specified name, an error is thrown. */ public static PutStorageDomainSpectraS3Response createStorageDomain(final String storageDomainName, final Ds3Client client) throws IOException { //Check if storage domain already exists try { client.getStorageDomainSpectraS3(new GetStorageDomainSpectraS3Request(storageDomainName)); fail("Storage domain already exists, terminating to prevent conflict: " + storageDomainName); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected storage domain to not exist } //Create the storage domain return client.putStorageDomainSpectraS3(new PutStorageDomainSpectraS3Request(storageDomainName)); } /** * Deletes a storage domain with the specified name, and verifies that said storage * domain was deleted. If the domain was not properly deleted, then an error is logged. */ public static void deleteStorageDomain(final String storageDomainName, final Ds3Client client) { if (isEmpty(storageDomainName)) { //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code LOG.debug("Storage domain name is null or empty"); return; } try { //Delete the storage domain final DeleteStorageDomainSpectraS3Response deleteStorageDomain = client .deleteStorageDomainSpectraS3(new DeleteStorageDomainSpectraS3Request(storageDomainName)); } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) { LOG.error("Storage domain was not deleted as expected: {}", storageDomainName); } //Verify that the storage domain was deleted try { client.getStorageDomainSpectraS3(new GetStorageDomainSpectraS3Request(storageDomainName)); LOG.error("Storage domain still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", storageDomainName); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected storage domain to not exist } } /** * Creates a storage domain member if one does not already exist between the specified * storage domain and pool partition. If a storage domain member already exists,an * error is thrown. */ public static PutPoolStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3Response createPoolStorageDomainMember( final UUID storageDomainId, final UUID poolPartitionId, final Ds3Client client) throws IOException { //Check if storage domain member already exists between specified storage domain and pool partition try { final GetStorageDomainMembersSpectraS3Response getMembers = client.getStorageDomainMembersSpectraS3( new GetStorageDomainMembersSpectraS3Request().withPoolPartitionId(poolPartitionId.toString()) .withStorageDomainId(storageDomainId.toString())); assertThat(getMembers.getStorageDomainMemberListResult().getStorageDomainMembers().size(), is(0)); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected storage domain member to not exist } //Create the storage domain return client.putPoolStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3(new PutPoolStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3Request( poolPartitionId.toString(), storageDomainId.toString())); } /** * Deletes a storage domain member with the specified ID, and verifies that said storage * domain member was deleted. If the member was not properly deleted, then an error is logged. */ public static void deleteStorageDomainMember(final UUID memberId, final Ds3Client client) { if (memberId == null) { //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code LOG.debug("Member Id was null"); return; } //Delete the storage domain member try { final DeleteStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3Response deleteMember = client .deleteStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3( new DeleteStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3Request(memberId.toString())); } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) { LOG.error("Storage domain member was not deleted as expected: {}", memberId.toString()); } //Verify that the storage domain member was deleted try { client.getStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3(new GetStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3Request(memberId.toString())); LOG.error("Storage domain member still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", memberId.toString()); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected storage domain member to not exist } } /** * Creates a data persistence rule to link the specified data policy and storage domain, * if said rule does not already exist. */ public static PutDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3Response createDataPersistenceRule(final UUID dataPolicyId, final UUID storageDomainId, final Ds3Client client) throws IOException { //Check if data persistence rule already exists final GetDataPersistenceRulesSpectraS3Response response = client .getDataPersistenceRulesSpectraS3(new GetDataPersistenceRulesSpectraS3Request() .withDataPolicyId(dataPolicyId.toString()).withStorageDomainId(storageDomainId.toString())); assertThat(response.getDataPersistenceRuleListResult().getDataPersistenceRules().size(), is(0)); //Create the data persistence rule return client.putDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3( new PutDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3Request(dataPolicyId.toString(), DataIsolationLevel.STANDARD, storageDomainId.toString(), DataPersistenceRuleType.PERMANENT)); } /** * Deletes a data persistence rule with the specified ID, and verifies that said data * persistence rule was deleted. If the rule was not properly deleted, then an error is logged. */ public static void deleteDataPersistenceRule(final UUID dataPersistenceRuleId, final Ds3Client client) { if (dataPersistenceRuleId == null) { //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code LOG.debug("Data persistence rule Id was null"); return; } //Delete the data persistence rule try { final DeleteDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3Response deleteResponse = client .deleteDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3( new DeleteDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3Request(dataPersistenceRuleId.toString())); } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) { LOG.error("Data persistence rule was not deleted as expected: {}", dataPersistenceRuleId.toString()); } //Verify that the data persistence rule was deleted try { client.getDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3( new GetDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3Request(dataPersistenceRuleId.toString())); LOG.error("Data persistence rule still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", dataPersistenceRuleId.toString()); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected data persistence rule to not exist } } /** * Creates a group with the specified name and, if a group with the same * name does not currently exist. If a group exists with the specified * name, an error is thrown. */ public static PutGroupSpectraS3Response createGroup(final String groupName, final Ds3Client client) throws IOException { //Check if group already exists try { final GetGroupSpectraS3Response response = client .getGroupSpectraS3(new GetGroupSpectraS3Request(groupName)); assertThat(response.getGroupResult(), is(nullValue())); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected group to not exist } //Create the group return client.putGroupSpectraS3(new PutGroupSpectraS3Request(groupName)); } /** * Deletes a group with the specified name, and verifies that said * group was deleted. If the group was not properly deleted, then * an error is logged. */ public static void deleteGroup(final String groupName, final Ds3Client client) { if (isEmpty(groupName)) { //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code LOG.debug("Group name was null or empty"); return; } //Delete the group try { final DeleteGroupSpectraS3Response deleteResponse = client .deleteGroupSpectraS3(new DeleteGroupSpectraS3Request(groupName)); } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) { LOG.error("Group was not deleted as expected: {}", groupName); } //Verify that the group was deleted try { client.getGroupSpectraS3(new GetGroupSpectraS3Request(groupName)); LOG.error("Group still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", groupName); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected group to not exist } } /** * Creates a data policy acl for group to link the specified data policy and group, * if said rule does not already exist. */ public static PutDataPolicyAclForGroupSpectraS3Response createDataPolicyAclForGroup(final UUID dataPolicyId, final UUID groupId, final Ds3Client client) throws IOException { //Check if data policy Acl for group already exists final GetDataPolicyAclsSpectraS3Response response = client .getDataPolicyAclsSpectraS3(new GetDataPolicyAclsSpectraS3Request() .withDataPolicyId(dataPolicyId.toString()).withGroupId(groupId.toString())); assertThat(response.getDataPolicyAclListResult().getDataPolicyAcls().size(), is(0)); //Create the data policy Acl return client.putDataPolicyAclForGroupSpectraS3( new PutDataPolicyAclForGroupSpectraS3Request(dataPolicyId.toString(), groupId.toString())); } /** * Deletes a data policy Acl for group with the specified ID, and verifies that said * acl was deleted. If the acl was not properly deleted, then an error is logged. */ public static void deleteDataPolicyAclForGroup(final UUID aclId, final Ds3Client client) { if (aclId == null) { //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code LOG.debug("Data policy Acl was null"); return; } //Delete the acl try { final DeleteDataPolicyAclSpectraS3Response deleteAcl = client .deleteDataPolicyAclSpectraS3(new DeleteDataPolicyAclSpectraS3Request(aclId.toString())); } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) { LOG.error("Data policy Acl was not deleted as expected: {}", aclId.toString()); } //Verify that the Acl was deleted try { client.getDataPolicyAclSpectraS3(new GetDataPolicyAclSpectraS3Request(aclId.toString())); LOG.error("Data policy Acl still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", aclId.toString()); } catch (final IOException e) { //Pass: expected data policy acl to not exist } } /** * Gets the cached size in bytes for the job UUID provided every 500 milliseconds * and returns when greater than zero, or fails after timeoutSeconds. */ public static void waitForJobCachedSizeToBeMoreThanZero(final UUID jobId, final Ds3Client client, final int timeoutSeconds) throws Exception { long cachedSize = 0; int cycles = 0; while (cachedSize == 0) { Thread.sleep(500); final MasterObjectList mol = client.getJobSpectraS3(new GetJobSpectraS3Request(jobId)) .getMasterObjectListResult(); cachedSize = mol.getCachedSizeInBytes(); cycles++; if (cycles > timeoutSeconds * 2) { throw new Exception("Failed to put data in cache after " + timeoutSeconds + " seconds"); } } } }