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 * ******************************************************************************
 *   Copyright 2014-2017 Spectra Logic Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
 *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use
 *   this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at
 *   or in the "license" file accompanying this file.
 *   This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 *   CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 *   specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * ****************************************************************************

package com.spectralogic.ds3cli.helpers;

import com.spectralogic.ds3client.Ds3Client;
import com.spectralogic.ds3client.commands.spectrads3.*;
import com.spectralogic.ds3client.models.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.UUID;

import static org.apache.http.util.TextUtils.isEmpty;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.nullValue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static;

 * This class provides utilities for ABM commands
public final class ABMTestHelper {

    final private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ABMTestHelper.class);

     * Creates a data policy with the specified name and options if a
     * policy with the same name does not currently exist. If a policy already
     * exists with the specified name, an error is thrown.
    public static PutDataPolicySpectraS3Response createDataPolicy(final String dataPolicyName,
            final VersioningLevel versioningLevel, final ChecksumType.Type checksumType,
            final boolean endToEndCrcRequired, final boolean alwaysForceJobCreation, final Ds3Client client)
            throws IOException {
        //Check if data policy already exists
        try {
            client.getDataPolicySpectraS3(new GetDataPolicySpectraS3Request(dataPolicyName));
            fail("Data policy already exists, terminating to prevent conflict: " + dataPolicyName);
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected data policy to not exist

        final PutDataPolicySpectraS3Request request = new PutDataPolicySpectraS3Request(dataPolicyName)

        if (checksumType != null) {
        if (versioningLevel != null) {

        return client.putDataPolicySpectraS3(request);

     * Deletes a data policy with the specified name, and verifies that said policy
     * was deleted. If the policy was not properly deleted, then an error is logged.
    public static void deleteDataPolicy(final String dataPolicyName, final Ds3Client client) {
        if (isEmpty(dataPolicyName)) {
            //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code
            LOG.debug("Data policy name is null or empty");
        //Delete the data policy
        try {
            final DeleteDataPolicySpectraS3Response deleteDataPolicy = client
                    .deleteDataPolicySpectraS3(new DeleteDataPolicySpectraS3Request(dataPolicyName));
        } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) {
            LOG.error("Data policy was not deleted as expected: {}", dataPolicyName);

        //Verify that the data policy was deleted
        try {
            client.getDataPolicySpectraS3(new GetDataPolicySpectraS3Request(dataPolicyName));
            LOG.error("Data policy still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", dataPolicyName);
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected data policy to not exist

     * Creates a pool partition with the specified name and pool type, if a
     * partition with the same name does not currently exist. If a partition
     * already exists with the specified name, an error is thrown.
    public static PutPoolPartitionSpectraS3Response createPoolPartition(final String poolPartitionName,
            final PoolType poolType, final Ds3Client client) throws IOException {
        //Check if pool partition already exists
        try {
            client.getPoolPartitionSpectraS3(new GetPoolPartitionSpectraS3Request(poolPartitionName));
            fail("Pool partition already exists, terminating to prevent conflict: " + poolPartitionName);
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected pool partition to not exist

        //Create the pool partition
        return client.putPoolPartitionSpectraS3(new PutPoolPartitionSpectraS3Request(poolPartitionName, poolType));

     * Deletes a data policy with the specified name, and verifies that said policy
     * was deleted. If the policy was not properly deleted, then an error is logged.
    public static void deletePoolPartition(final String poolPartitionName, final Ds3Client client) {
        if (isEmpty(poolPartitionName)) {
            //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code
            LOG.debug("Pool partition name is null or empty");
        //Delete the pool partition
        try {
            final DeletePoolPartitionSpectraS3Response deletePoolPartition = client
                    .deletePoolPartitionSpectraS3(new DeletePoolPartitionSpectraS3Request(poolPartitionName));
        } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) {
            LOG.error("Pool partition was not deleted as expected: {}", poolPartitionName);

        //Verify that the pool partition was deleted
        try {
            client.getPoolPartitionSpectraS3(new GetPoolPartitionSpectraS3Request(poolPartitionName));
            LOG.error("Pool partition still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", poolPartitionName);
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected pool partition to not exist

     * Creates a storage domain if one does not already exist with the specified name. If a
     * storage domain already exists with the specified name, an error is thrown.
    public static PutStorageDomainSpectraS3Response createStorageDomain(final String storageDomainName,
            final Ds3Client client) throws IOException {
        //Check if storage domain already exists
        try {
            client.getStorageDomainSpectraS3(new GetStorageDomainSpectraS3Request(storageDomainName));
            fail("Storage domain already exists, terminating to prevent conflict: " + storageDomainName);
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected storage domain to not exist

        //Create the storage domain
        return client.putStorageDomainSpectraS3(new PutStorageDomainSpectraS3Request(storageDomainName));

     * Deletes a storage domain with the specified name, and verifies that said storage
     * domain was deleted. If the domain was not properly deleted, then an error is logged.
    public static void deleteStorageDomain(final String storageDomainName, final Ds3Client client) {
        if (isEmpty(storageDomainName)) {
            //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code
            LOG.debug("Storage domain name is null or empty");
        try {
            //Delete the storage domain
            final DeleteStorageDomainSpectraS3Response deleteStorageDomain = client
                    .deleteStorageDomainSpectraS3(new DeleteStorageDomainSpectraS3Request(storageDomainName));
        } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) {
            LOG.error("Storage domain was not deleted as expected: {}", storageDomainName);

        //Verify that the storage domain was deleted
        try {
            client.getStorageDomainSpectraS3(new GetStorageDomainSpectraS3Request(storageDomainName));
            LOG.error("Storage domain still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", storageDomainName);
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected storage domain to not exist

     * Creates a storage domain member if one does not already exist between the specified
     * storage domain and pool partition. If a storage domain member already exists,an
     * error is thrown.
    public static PutPoolStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3Response createPoolStorageDomainMember(
            final UUID storageDomainId, final UUID poolPartitionId, final Ds3Client client) throws IOException {
        //Check if storage domain member already exists between specified storage domain and pool partition
        try {
            final GetStorageDomainMembersSpectraS3Response getMembers = client.getStorageDomainMembersSpectraS3(
                    new GetStorageDomainMembersSpectraS3Request().withPoolPartitionId(poolPartitionId.toString())
            assertThat(getMembers.getStorageDomainMemberListResult().getStorageDomainMembers().size(), is(0));
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected storage domain member to not exist

        //Create the storage domain
        return client.putPoolStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3(new PutPoolStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3Request(
                poolPartitionId.toString(), storageDomainId.toString()));

     * Deletes a storage domain member with the specified ID, and verifies that said storage
     * domain member was deleted. If the member was not properly deleted, then an error is logged.
    public static void deleteStorageDomainMember(final UUID memberId, final Ds3Client client) {
        if (memberId == null) {
            //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code
            LOG.debug("Member Id was null");
        //Delete the storage domain member
        try {
            final DeleteStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3Response deleteMember = client
                            new DeleteStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3Request(memberId.toString()));
        } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) {
            LOG.error("Storage domain member was not deleted as expected: {}", memberId.toString());

        //Verify that the storage domain member was deleted
        try {
            client.getStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3(new GetStorageDomainMemberSpectraS3Request(memberId.toString()));
            LOG.error("Storage domain member still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", memberId.toString());
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected storage domain member to not exist

     * Creates a data persistence rule to link the specified data policy and storage domain,
     * if said rule does not already exist.
    public static PutDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3Response createDataPersistenceRule(final UUID dataPolicyId,
            final UUID storageDomainId, final Ds3Client client) throws IOException {
        //Check if data persistence rule already exists
        final GetDataPersistenceRulesSpectraS3Response response = client
                .getDataPersistenceRulesSpectraS3(new GetDataPersistenceRulesSpectraS3Request()
        assertThat(response.getDataPersistenceRuleListResult().getDataPersistenceRules().size(), is(0));

        //Create the data persistence rule
        return client.putDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3(
                new PutDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3Request(dataPolicyId.toString(), DataIsolationLevel.STANDARD,
                        storageDomainId.toString(), DataPersistenceRuleType.PERMANENT));

     * Deletes a data persistence rule with the specified ID, and verifies that said data
     * persistence rule was deleted. If the rule was not properly deleted, then an error is logged.
    public static void deleteDataPersistenceRule(final UUID dataPersistenceRuleId, final Ds3Client client) {
        if (dataPersistenceRuleId == null) {
            //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code
            LOG.debug("Data persistence rule Id was null");

        //Delete the data persistence rule
        try {
            final DeleteDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3Response deleteResponse = client
                            new DeleteDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3Request(dataPersistenceRuleId.toString()));
        } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) {
            LOG.error("Data persistence rule was not deleted as expected: {}", dataPersistenceRuleId.toString());

        //Verify that the data persistence rule was deleted
        try {
                    new GetDataPersistenceRuleSpectraS3Request(dataPersistenceRuleId.toString()));
            LOG.error("Data persistence rule still exists despite deletion attempt: {}",
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected data persistence rule to not exist

     * Creates a group with the specified name and, if a group with the same
     * name does not currently exist. If a group exists with the specified
     * name, an error is thrown.
    public static PutGroupSpectraS3Response createGroup(final String groupName, final Ds3Client client)
            throws IOException {
        //Check if group already exists
        try {
            final GetGroupSpectraS3Response response = client
                    .getGroupSpectraS3(new GetGroupSpectraS3Request(groupName));
            assertThat(response.getGroupResult(), is(nullValue()));
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected group to not exist

        //Create the group
        return client.putGroupSpectraS3(new PutGroupSpectraS3Request(groupName));

     * Deletes a group with the specified name, and verifies that said
     * group was deleted. If the group was not properly deleted, then
     * an error is logged.
    public static void deleteGroup(final String groupName, final Ds3Client client) {
        if (isEmpty(groupName)) {
            //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code
            LOG.debug("Group name was null or empty");
        //Delete the group
        try {
            final DeleteGroupSpectraS3Response deleteResponse = client
                    .deleteGroupSpectraS3(new DeleteGroupSpectraS3Request(groupName));
        } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) {
            LOG.error("Group was not deleted as expected: {}", groupName);

        //Verify that the group was deleted
        try {
            client.getGroupSpectraS3(new GetGroupSpectraS3Request(groupName));
            LOG.error("Group still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", groupName);
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected group to not exist

     * Creates a data policy acl for group to link the specified data policy and group,
     * if said rule does not already exist.
    public static PutDataPolicyAclForGroupSpectraS3Response createDataPolicyAclForGroup(final UUID dataPolicyId,
            final UUID groupId, final Ds3Client client) throws IOException {
        //Check if data policy Acl for group already exists
        final GetDataPolicyAclsSpectraS3Response response = client
                .getDataPolicyAclsSpectraS3(new GetDataPolicyAclsSpectraS3Request()
        assertThat(response.getDataPolicyAclListResult().getDataPolicyAcls().size(), is(0));

        //Create the data policy Acl
        return client.putDataPolicyAclForGroupSpectraS3(
                new PutDataPolicyAclForGroupSpectraS3Request(dataPolicyId.toString(), groupId.toString()));

     * Deletes a data policy Acl for group with the specified ID, and verifies that said
     * acl was deleted. If the acl was not properly deleted, then an error is logged.
    public static void deleteDataPolicyAclForGroup(final UUID aclId, final Ds3Client client) {
        if (aclId == null) {
            //This might not be an error if this function is called as part of cleanup code
            LOG.debug("Data policy Acl was null");
        //Delete the acl
        try {
            final DeleteDataPolicyAclSpectraS3Response deleteAcl = client
                    .deleteDataPolicyAclSpectraS3(new DeleteDataPolicyAclSpectraS3Request(aclId.toString()));
        } catch (final IOException | AssertionError e) {
            LOG.error("Data policy Acl was not deleted as expected: {}", aclId.toString());

        //Verify that the Acl was deleted
        try {
            client.getDataPolicyAclSpectraS3(new GetDataPolicyAclSpectraS3Request(aclId.toString()));
            LOG.error("Data policy Acl still exists despite deletion attempt: {}", aclId.toString());
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            //Pass: expected data policy acl to not exist

     * Gets the cached size in bytes for the job UUID provided every 500 milliseconds
     * and returns when greater than zero, or fails after timeoutSeconds.
    public static void waitForJobCachedSizeToBeMoreThanZero(final UUID jobId, final Ds3Client client,
            final int timeoutSeconds) throws Exception {

        long cachedSize = 0;
        int cycles = 0;
        while (cachedSize == 0) {
            final MasterObjectList mol = client.getJobSpectraS3(new GetJobSpectraS3Request(jobId))
            cachedSize = mol.getCachedSizeInBytes();
            if (cycles > timeoutSeconds * 2) {
                throw new Exception("Failed to put data in cache after " + timeoutSeconds + " seconds");