Java tutorial
/* * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright 2014-2017 Spectra Logic Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. * This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * *************************************************************************** */ package com.spectralogic.ds3cli.command; import; import; import; import*; import com.spectralogic.ds3cli.Arguments; import com.spectralogic.ds3cli.exceptions.BadArgumentException; import com.spectralogic.ds3cli.exceptions.CommandException; import com.spectralogic.ds3cli.models.BulkJobType; import com.spectralogic.ds3cli.models.DefaultResult; import com.spectralogic.ds3cli.models.RecoveryJob; import com.spectralogic.ds3cli.util.*; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.Ds3ClientHelpers; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.FileObjectGetter; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.FolderNameFilter; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.MetadataReceivedListener; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.options.ReadJobOptions; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.helpers.pagination.GetBucketLoaderFactory; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.models.BulkObject; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.models.Contents; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.models.Pool; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.models.Priority; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.models.bulk.Ds3Object; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.networking.Metadata; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.serializer.XmlProcessingException; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.utils.Guard; import com.spectralogic.ds3client.utils.collections.LazyIterable; import org.apache.commons.cli.MissingOptionException; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel; import java.nio.file.*; import java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttribute; import java.util.*; import static com.spectralogic.ds3cli.ArgumentFactory.*; public class GetBulk extends CliCommand<DefaultResult> { private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GetBulk.class); private String bucketName; private String directory; private Path outputPath; private ImmutableList<String> prefixes; private Priority priority; private boolean sync; private boolean discard; private int numberOfThreads; private boolean pipe; private ImmutableList<String> pipedFileNames; private static final Option PREFIXES = Option.builder("p").hasArgs().argName("prefixes") .desc("get only objects whose names start with prefix " + "separate multiple prefixes with spaces") .build(); private final static ImmutableList<Option> requiredArgs = ImmutableList.of(BUCKET); private final static ImmutableList<Option> optionalArgs = ImmutableList.of(DIRECTORY, PREFIXES, NUMBER_OF_THREADS, DISCARD, PRIORITY, SYNC, FORCE); public GetBulk() { } @Override public CliCommand init(final Arguments args) throws Exception { processCommandOptions(requiredArgs, optionalArgs, args); this.bucketName = args.getBucket(); this.priority = args.getPriority(); this.numberOfThreads = args.getNumberOfThreads(); = args.getDirectory(); if (Guard.isStringNullOrEmpty( || directory.equals(".")) { this.outputPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("."); } else { final Path dirPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(directory); this.outputPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(".").resolve(dirPath); }"Output Path = {}", this.outputPath); this.discard = args.isDiscard(); if (this.discard && !Guard.isStringNullOrEmpty(directory)) { throw new CommandException("Cannot set both directory and --discard"); } if (this.discard) { LOG.warn("Using /dev/null getter -- all incoming data will be discarded"); } this.pipe = CliUtils.isPipe(); if (this.pipe) { if (this.isOtherArgs(args)) { throw new BadArgumentException( "--discard, -o and -p arguments are not supported when using piped input"); } this.pipedFileNames = FileUtils.getPipedListFromStdin(getFileSystemProvider()); if (Guard.isNullOrEmpty(this.pipedFileNames)) { throw new MissingOptionException("Stdin is empty"); //We should never see that since we checked isPipe } } else { final String[] prefix = args.getOptionValues(PREFIXES.getOpt()); if (prefix != null && prefix.length > 0) { this.prefixes = ImmutableList.copyOf(prefix); } } if (args.isSync()) {"Using sync command"); this.sync = true; } return this; } @Override public DefaultResult call() throws Exception { final Ds3ClientHelpers.ObjectChannelBuilder getter; if (this.pipe) { getter = new PipedFileObjectGetter(this.outputPath, FileUtils.normalizedObjectNames(this.pipedFileNames)); } else if (this.discard) { getter = new MemoryObjectChannelBuilder(); } else { getter = new FileObjectGetter(this.outputPath); }; return new DefaultResult(this.restore(getter)); } private String restore(final Ds3ClientHelpers.ObjectChannelBuilder getter) throws CommandException, IOException, XmlProcessingException { final Ds3ClientHelpers helper = getClientHelpers(); final LoggingFileObjectGetter loggingFileObjectGetter = new LoggingFileObjectGetter(getter, this.outputPath); final Ds3ClientHelpers.Job job = buildRestoreJob(helper); job.withMaxParallelRequests(this.numberOfThreads); job.attachMetadataReceivedListener(loggingFileObjectGetter); // write parameters to file to enable recovery createRecoveryCommand(job.getJobId()); // do the restore job.transfer(loggingFileObjectGetter); // clean up recovery file on success of job.transfer() RecoveryFileManager.deleteRecoveryCommand(job.getJobId()); // return success message describing what was done return buildResponse(); } private Ds3ClientHelpers.Job buildRestoreJob(final Ds3ClientHelpers helper) throws IOException, CommandException { // restore all if (!this.pipe && !this.sync && Guard.isNullOrEmpty(this.prefixes)) { return helper.startReadAllJob(this.bucketName, ReadJobOptions.create().withPriority(this.priority)); } // restore some final Iterable<Ds3Object> objects = helper.toDs3Iterable(getObjects(helper), FolderNameFilter.filter()); return helper.startReadJob(this.bucketName, objects, ReadJobOptions.create().withPriority(this.priority)); } private Iterable<Contents> getObjects(final Ds3ClientHelpers helper) throws IOException, CommandException { final Iterable<Contents> contentMatches = getContentMatches(); if (Iterables.isEmpty(contentMatches)) { throw new CommandException("No matching objects in bucket " + this.bucketName); } if (this.sync) { final Iterable<Contents> filteredContents = this.filterContents(contentMatches, this.outputPath); if (Iterables.isEmpty(filteredContents)) { throw new CommandException("Nothing to do; all files are up to date"); } return filteredContents; } return contentMatches; } private Iterable<Contents> getContentMatches() throws IOException, CommandException { if (this.pipe) { return getObjectsByPipe(); } if (Guard.isNullOrEmpty(prefixes)) { return getAllObjectsInBucket(); } return getObjectsByPrefix(); } private String buildResponse() { final StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder("SUCCESS: "); response.append(this.sync ? "Synced" : this.discard ? "Retrieved and discarded" : "Wrote"); response.append((!this.pipe && !this.sync && Guard.isNullOrEmpty(this.prefixes)) ? " all objects" : this.pipe ? " object names listed in stdin" : Guard.isNullOrEmpty(this.prefixes) ? " all the objects" : " all the objects that start with '" + Joiner.on(" ").join(this.prefixes) + "'"); response.append(" from "); response.append(this.bucketName); response.append(this.discard ? "" : " to " + this.outputPath.toString()); return response.toString(); } // preserve legacy descriptions from different code paths private String buildLogDescription() { if (this.pipe) { return "Getting piped objects from " + this.bucketName; } if (this.sync) { if (Guard.isNullOrEmpty(this.prefixes)) { return "Syncing all objects from " + this.bucketName; } else { return "Syncing only those objects that start with " + Joiner.on(" ").join(this.prefixes); } } if (Guard.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(prefixes)) { return "Getting only those objects that start with " + Joiner.on(" ").join(this.prefixes); } return "Getting all objects from " + this.bucketName; } private Iterable<Contents> filterContents(final Iterable<Contents> contents, final Path outputPath) throws IOException { final Iterable<Path> localFiles = FileUtils.listObjectsForDirectory(outputPath); final Map<String, Path> mapLocalFiles = new HashMap<>(); for (final Path localFile : localFiles) { mapLocalFiles.put(FileUtils.getFileName(outputPath, localFile), localFile); } final List<Contents> filteredContents = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Contents content : contents) { final Path filePath = mapLocalFiles.get(content.getKey()); if (filePath == null) { filteredContents.add(content); } else if (SyncUtils.isNewFile(filePath, content, false)) {"Syncing new version of {}", filePath.toString()); filteredContents.add(content); } else {"No need to sync {}", filePath.toString()); } } return filteredContents; } private Iterable<Contents> getAllObjectsInBucket() { return new LazyIterable<>(new GetBucketLoaderFactory(getClient(), this.bucketName, null, null, 100, 5)); } private Iterable<Contents> getObjectsByPrefix() { Iterable<Contents> allPrefixMatches = Collections.emptyList(); for (final String prefix : prefixes) { final Iterable<Contents> prefixMatch = new LazyIterable<>( new GetBucketLoaderFactory(getClient(), this.bucketName, prefix, null, 100, 5)); allPrefixMatches = Iterables.concat(allPrefixMatches, prefixMatch); } return allPrefixMatches; } private Iterable<Contents> getObjectsByPipe() throws CommandException { final ImmutableMap<String, String> pipedObjectMap = FileUtils.normalizedObjectNames(this.pipedFileNames); final FluentIterable<Contents> objectList = FluentIterable .from(new LazyIterable<>( new GetBucketLoaderFactory(getClient(), this.bucketName, null, null, 100, 5))) .filter(new Predicate<Contents>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable final Contents bulkObject) { return pipedObjectMap.containsKey(bulkObject.getKey()); } }); // look for objects in the piped list not in bucket final FluentIterable<String> objectNameList = FluentIterable.from(objectList) .transform(new Function<Contents, String>() { @Override public String apply(@Nullable final Contents bulkObject) { return bulkObject.getKey(); } }); for (final String object : pipedObjectMap.keySet()) { if (objectNameList.contains(object)) {"Restore: {}", object); } else { throw new CommandException("Object: " + object + " not found in bucket"); } } return objectList; } private void createRecoveryCommand(final UUID jobId) { RecoveryJob recoveryJob = new RecoveryJob(BulkJobType.GET_BULK); recoveryJob.setBucketName(bucketName); recoveryJob.setId(jobId); recoveryJob.setNumberOfThreads(numberOfThreads); recoveryJob.setDirectory(directory); recoveryJob.setPrefix(prefixes); if (!RecoveryFileManager.writeRecoveryJob(recoveryJob)) {"Could not create recovery file in temporary space."); } } public boolean isOtherArgs(final Arguments args) { return args.isDiscard() || // --discard !Guard.isStringNullOrEmpty(args.getObjectName()) || //-o (args.getOptionValues(PREFIXES.getOpt()) != null && args.getOptionValues(PREFIXES.getOpt()).length > 0); // --prefixes } private class PipedFileObjectGetter implements Ds3ClientHelpers.ObjectChannelBuilder { private final ImmutableMap<String, String> mapNormalizedObjectNameToObjectName; private final Path root; private final FileObjectGetter fileObjectGetter; public PipedFileObjectGetter(final Path rootPath, final ImmutableMap<String, String> normalizedObjectNames) { this.mapNormalizedObjectNameToObjectName = normalizedObjectNames; this.root = rootPath; this.fileObjectGetter = new FileObjectGetter(rootPath); } public SeekableByteChannel buildChannel(String key) throws IOException {"Piped name: {}", key); final String normalizedName = this.mapNormalizedObjectNameToObjectName.get(key); if (normalizedName == null) { throw new IOException("No match for piped name " + key); } return fileObjectGetter.buildChannel(normalizedName); } } }